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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2023 7:30am-8:01am AST

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it's called a purplish pink, for it striking colour discovered in both swan and by de beers company. the diamond underwent a 6 month process of being fashioned into a cushion cut to show off. it's a rare colour found only in 3 percent of the world's diamonds. a giant size gym and a super rare diamond boat. now up for sale to anybody with a lot of money to buy them. gabriel was on to, i'll just eat at new york, the business out 0 and these are the top stories. ukraine's president is calling on international aid organizations to help and rescue efforts following an attack on a damn in the firestone region. thousands of people have been evacuated after the breach on nova kafka dam caused widespread flooding. russia and ukraine,
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blame each other of attacking the dance. troll stratford is impersonal. this is a residential area of head of song, as you can see completely inundated with voltaggio socrates a saying that in his deepest pulse, it's around for me to stay there on shore. as to whether that was the is receiving it or not. but these are people's homes. thousands of people that lived in this area of the city. their big concerns. why they also are, it is about minds being dislodged by the flood water. a fire has broken out at a fuel depot in the suit and these capital near a weapons factory. the battle between the army and the power military rapids support forces has intensified in southern federal and the rest of says they're inside the weapons factory. but the army denies that it is rarely forces of carried out a rare rate into mullah and the occupied westbank. they shot at a group of journalists who were covering the demolition of
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a house. a reporter and several palestinians were injured in the violence. tens of millions of people in canada and the northeastern united states are being told to stay indoors because of smoke from wildfires. more than 400 are now burning and canada and they've caused air quality alerts across several provinces and states. us secretary of state anthony, blinking is on day 2 of a 3 day visit. the saudi arabia. he met crowned prince and i haven't been said mine in the gulf cooperation council for an ministers relations between washington and the all the have been strained for years. federal prosecutors in the united states have notified former president donald trump. he's the target of an investigation. u . s. media is reporting that the special counsel investigation is about the handling of classified documents last year. roughly 13000 documents receives from trumps florida. home. those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera after the stream. bye for now. the latest news
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as it breaks, while some of forward sees, are looking into declaring last generation of criminal organization. they are receiving some support from society, with detailed coverage. these read the ministry has, should demolition orders for the home, some of which are funded by the european union from around the world. it's a realty here. it has to be in my in the tyra as people tried to find still way out or the welcome to the stream. i'm heidi joe castro. it has been more than 4 years since wiki leaks co founder julian massage was forcibly removed from the ecuadorian embassy in london and placed in a high security prison in the u. k. he is now fighting possible extradition to the united states. today we look at what's at stake, it's
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a song has convicted and the international movement to free him. the 1st, let's listen to a message that his wife stella shared with the stream. if join is extradited to the united states, he faces an effective death sentence. he faces a 175 years. he has been put on trial under the espionage act. but for doing journalism at the most important journalism, there could possibly be exposing the truth about practices of torture or crime. civilian killings, assassinations, squads in rock and afghanistan. the united states has also been illegally spying on his legal meetings with his lawyers and even closet to assassinate to him. so obviously, julian will never face a fair trial in the united states, and he should never be sent to the country that taught it to kill him. joining us from melbourne, australia as john shift and julia sanchez's father who is leading a campaign to free his son from new jersey. we have pulitzer prize winning
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journalist chris hedges. and here in washington dc, we have kathleen mcclellan, deputy director of the whistleblower and source protection program at expose facts . and of course you can also be a part of this conversation. please share your thoughts or questions on our live youtube chat. and i wanted to think our 3 guests for joining us for this very important conversation today. john, to start with you and your son. how is julian doing right now to the best of its getting on out into the 15th year of uh, task the rational situation year of uh uh, incarceration don't last maximum security prison. so as you can imagine, no, that's all good. shy in fact, is there any news on his health bill? you know, we keep that private, this is his health, isn't it? good. i know i just have to paint over and over again in
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2019 the rest of the united nations rapids are georgia professionals, meals have produced a report. after examining julian in jail, with 2 specialists, doctors that have been the victim of psychological torture of periods of 7 and a half years that tortured the ceaseless, interminable court case as simply not stop. it continues to this day. in fact, last week, the f. b, i a on the road to a novelist hagan who had written a book about julia and seemingly reopen a case of the the rock. right. i can't use if i use that expression or at least the f b, i is thinking new evidence. it appears chris,
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i know you are very up to date on the latest in this investigation. what is the f b i doing? what is the current status of this investigation? as well as the epi, i, in the us government as a fundamental problem. and that is the julian has never committed a crime. uh, i mean, certainly, i think he's not committed the crimes that they have charged him with. and so as someone was follow this case from the beginning, we've seen what can only be described as a traditional lynching. and i have sat in the court room in london and then during covert and followed it on line. the fact, for instance, that the c i a through u. c. global, the spanish security firm in the ecuador and embassy was filming not just fill me in, but even capturing all of his digital correspondence between him and his attorneys, eviscerated attorney client privilege means on that charge. a lot of that fact
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alone that the, the, the case should be thrown out. and that is always been the fundamental problem. so we've, we've seen coercing about this icelandic to figure uh to lie and then he admitted, i mean it's just, it's a kind of glass uh, and it really stems from that foundational point that, uh, and remember on like daniel ellsberg. uh julian assange did not uh, take the documents so you they were provided as familiar racket words to him by chelsea manny and i work for 15 years for the new york times. the part of that time is investigative journalist. i obtained classified information and published it just like julia and there's 00 difference. but of course the and data is driven by the volume of material and most important journalistic act of our generation. and that, especially by the vendetta that is, be pushed by the c,
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i over the so called volt 7 leaks. but yeah, i think the reason they're, they're sleeping around and continuing is because they don't really have a case at. meanwhile, julian is perpetually still behind bars in the u. k. kathleen, what happens to him? do you predict if he is extradited to the united states as well, i think still is absolutely right. he would not be able to get a fair trial here. the espionage act is an arcane constitutionally questionable law intended to go after spies and it's been normalized as a way to prosecute people who disclose information to the public. and we've represented several people who've been prosecuted under the espionage act, including durham whistleblower daniel hale who's currently imprisoned in a communications management unit which restricts almost all of his contact with the outside world. and he was tried in the same district that julie to sondra. we tried
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it, and the espionage act prosecutions are played with secrecy. and most importantly, there's no public interest defense. so none of our clients nor assange would be able to claim that he was acting that they were acting in the public's interest when in fact all of them were. and there has been a very public campaign by us officials kathleen, to try to discredit julia massage from the beginning. some of that we heard from chris and john, even reports of a c i a effort or discussions at least to potentially kidnap and assassinate. aside from the ecuadorian embassy, how does that make it more difficult for him to receive a fair trial? i mean, it certainly makes it more difficult. the government in these cases has always put out a scathing indictment and called the person a traitor endangered troops on the field. chelsea manning was charged with eating the enemy, the most serious charges possible,
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are levied against defendants in order to make it difficult for them. certainly, but i think what makes it more difficult is the fact that the information, the evidence is kept secret. the trials are placed with secrecy. daniel hills case was they would shut down the court room and even excluding, you know, his attorney from the public trial at times. and it, in none of these cases doesn't really matter why someone disclose the information. so that is a extremely problematic when you're talking about criminalizing journalistic activity. and by normalizing the prosecution of sources, a now going after assigned for publishing. the next step is going after anybody, because there's simply no limit un, under the law as to who could be prosecuted. in fact, mr. hatches could be prosecuted for her for have disclosed information just as easily and under the law. and it's simply the government's distaste for looking like they are hurting the free press and not just based as waiting. we're seeing
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and we certainly will talk about it. i just want to throw in there very important distinction. because until julian was charged under the trumpet ministration, those who were charged were whistleblower. people like daniel hale who i've actually gone up and visited who uh, who released the drone papers droned documents by terry aka and others. but this was now a whole new level by going after julian, they are targeting journalist rather than whistleblower. so it's for those of us who are journalists, i is scheme is a very, very ominous step, a dangerous precedent at least risky and earlier. agnes calla mart, the secretary general of amnesty international told us that it is a u. k. government's obligation to release assange. a doing? yeah, son is facing child is still doing what you'll need to do all the time. publishing materials provided by a source material or switch of power from the state who would like to keep secret.
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those charges against him in the united states is possible next tradition. and these probable treatment in the us constitute on about human rights violations and mission upside to price freedom. and there's also the question of whether the us even has jurisdiction to prosecute a journalist who is a for national and operating in a foreign country. kathleen, i wonder, would this also set a dangerous president in sending the message that the u. s. department of justice can go after any foreign journalists based anywhere as long as their story is seen as a threat to national security? sure, i mean, i think it certainly set that precedent, but i think even even more importantly, it undermines the credibility of any nation who's trying or especially the united states, but it undermines the free press globally because it takes away the united states.
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is there anybody else as ability to say, look, a, my country's a secrets are important? and so no matter where you're reporting and no matter how corrupt the government you're reporting on. if this prosecution is allowed to go forward, you will be at risk because it's going to in bold in every government to take their secrets and take the information they want kept secret, and prosecute journalists who try to publish it. and most of the revelations that the public needs to know about, especially the area of national security, are revelations that the government wants kept secret because they are about government misconduct. and that's what julian assigned board with the journal worked with the mainstream media to publish. he did journalism and so there's no distinction and there's no distinction between him and american reporters working overseas, reporting on other regimes there. well, let's look at one example of what sancha did publish earlier this year, which is 0 fault line spoke to the brother of in the near nor l d. a 22 year old
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iraq, you photo journalist who was killed by american soldiers and a 2007 helicopter attack. the video of that attack was released by wiki leaks, and it debunked the pentagons initial claims that the civilians had been caught in cross fire. this is what is what his brother said. it was the much sure i had a bunch of died out of the me a kind of to let them know what will be the kind of cut my outside. that means it's not going to be in
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small. if he does need me to the, to the mean, been in john that video that your son shared with the world is so difficult to watch this massacre unfold. but why did he believe it was so important for people to watch it anyway? i can't speak for julian in that no way i can answer your questions because that's important because it records to war cry. so one the which you didn't show is the good samaritans going driving their children to school and the wounded soldiers crawling along the gossip though. sorry, a wounded person that made is currently along the gaza and they load him into the car to take him to hospital them as
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a consequence. they're all murdered by the pilot and i have no guns, nothing. i have just children in the car. children. when did, and it's only as to all of us that the attitude, the soldiers to the ordinary iraqi people is running murderous contempt. and so we all people have in the hot, so you know, for justice and the consequent service that we see for those people who commit these crimes, these war crimes one after the other to the other to be a range and face justice. yeah. and we saw in that example from fault lines. how meaningful it was for me or his brother to be able to see the
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truth about his brother's murder. does that make you proud of your son that julian made that possible? oh yes, a co sign. i'm proud to join the most particularly. um i heard everybody has all of this strength to insure the continuity for crimes stops which domain and i like to brown university release to report 4600000 bid to inc. twenties in the middle east, up to date brown university, so also released its report, its investigation. 38000000 refugees. what is the refugees? the person is community has been smashed. no recognition, and destroyed the towns of destroy the loss on edge. so they've become
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a refugee and seek. yeah, so cool. yeah, anywhere. currently working capital i want to measure. all right, and i wanted to ask you a because of these are try atrocities. and kathleen, has anyone actually been held accountable for these videos and other information that was publicized by wiki weeks? not, not to my knowledge, you know, the people that have been held most accountable for all of these war crimes which the government classifies. the government classifies. it's more crimes, and so the only way to find out about them is from journalists and their sources. and most of the people that are been held accountable, the only person to go to prison related to the c i is now defunct, the torture program is john kerry, onto a client of ours who blew the whistle on it. daniel hale is in prison for a blowing the whistle on the drone program and none of the individual. busy is who
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perpetrated the drug program has been held accountable to my knowledge. many have been promoted within the national security intelligence community. but that's all the more reason why this prosecution is so dangerous because we so desperately need journalism in this area we, we need this truth because it wouldn't have come out without the work of julian assigned. and without the work of the free press or the sources who are providing the information, all of that is necessary to have a healthy democracy. and you know, that's the argument of a growing number of world leaders who are calling for a sondors freedom. they include the australian prime minister, $48.00 members of esther early as parliament, the german parliament, the president of argentine a, the president of mexico and the president of brazil. let's take a listen to let the silva of brazil and what is what you can use, the least you didn't feel a focus to us. then we started to point to. so what was your sense of what it is
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that is going to allow that more than that got there? yeah, yeah. shifting a fuzzy mad up on the best time. eh, next, eh, what's my pleasure to keep you finding the bed that the display of some duty degree that the authors will get up the book and the fuel phone company with to and chris, we've heard from the silva, but perhaps even more notable is that a u. s. ally, australia, it's prime minister and now a bi partisan group of parliament numbers 0 asking for the u. k to, to release assange. do you think that this pressure coming from world leaders is moving the needle at all? you know, i think that this is a mysterious campaign, a vengeance led by the c. i a it, which is a state within that state like the us military industrial complex. i just want to
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say is somebody who spent 20 years overseas 7 of them in the middle east, i was in release bureau chief, lending our times, the julian did what i define the most important role journal has to be and that is to give a voice to people who, without us would not have a voice. that's what i try to do in gaza and iraq and everywhere else. and of course, by exposing the war crimes and preemptive war, the very invasion of iraq was a work crime. is it by exposing the reality? remember that the clara murder video was just one example of what happened almost daily in the streets of baghdad. and i speak of somebody who cover these conflicts. uh so it was a tiny glimpse of the daily weekly, monthly yearly reality for people throughout the middle east. uh and,
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and none of it, you know, if you, if you follow the court case, it's completely apparent that, uh, not only is there no legitimate legal case against julian, but they are twisting warping and ignoring basic legal precedent in order to get them. so i, we've got a fight this, but not just because of julian who i have met a know in the embassy and admire up on a personal level. but because of the consequences of this, it will absolutely shut down any ability to shine a light into the inner workings of power. and that is, it's intense. and you know, the pressure from the public is building as well and support of frame julian assange, including in our youtube chat, we have many p fall posting free assange release him now. so john black in ronnie hoff choice says we need more people like julian, the find the courage to fight all types of secrecy around the globe by shining
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light on it all. just do the right thing and set him free. john, what is it life for you to hear people not only from world leaders, but also just average citizens from around the world coming together to support your son? uh well, in a pretty good, i'm, in my country is trying to the entire political class. so the position prime interest of them, but statements strongly supporting the release of doing a search by the i percent of the store and population in the us. oh uh, demand julian been sent home to his family. so he brought it across the, i mean it was the 1st person to understand that this was a global concern. whereas the,
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the attorney. so i'm in new york times back in the pentagon papers day. and 4 years ago he said that this match up is a global concern, and it's pre proof. and so with the support. yeah, the president prime interest is the only people who are holding out so to speak to the department of justice. they're sort of becoming more in scandal. well, usually mention john people that conte adjudicate justice anyway. meanwhile, john, you mention you are all as julian, a sondors family waiting for him to return home. and of course, his wife stella and their 2 sons are waiting for his return as well. here's one more segment from fault lines to in and i have 2 children. gabriel, who's 5 and a half, and max who's going to be for in a few weeks time. so max was
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a few weeks old when truman was arrested the answer i gave him my children's about why their father is in prison. is he under some very powerful people who put him in prison join is in prison because he did something right. not because he did anything wrong. kathleen, you represent clients like julian sonjee. do you think he has any chance, realistically, of soon seeing freedom? and i think that we've seen in the past year, momentum building in a way that we have not seen in the past, you know, for, for nearly a decade. and just so great, i co work with them myself has been saying that this war on whistleblowers and sources is a better way in journalism, in that this is the way it was going to go. and just in november, the 5 outlets that published the revelations with, with assigned, with wiki leaks, came out calling for his release. we just had 7 members of congress write
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a letter calling for his release. and 7 isn't all, but it is more than there's been before. and so, you know, defending, defending us on his journalism and calling for his release is becoming more mainstream. i don't know what that means, but i think that, you know, we are seeing momentum in that direction in a way that i have, we have not seen in the past decade. and that's why we are keeping this discussion alive as well. john, in the brief last 30 seconds of our show, please tell me how, how much you want to see your son again in person, out of prison. oh, well you know, it's a of that sort of hybridity really take to examine under the circumstances of the my daughter simmering is about 7. now whenever i go overseas, it's just as well, why don't you just get in a text and go to the guy on the shoulder involved? if it were only that equal to that guy very much, john. many are looking forward to that day. thank you so much and i apologize we
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have to and our conversation for now because that is all the time we have for today . but thank you so much to our guests for joining us for this discussion. and you can always find us online at stream dot l to 0 dot com. thank you for watching the
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things i pushing the one to blow by the perspectives. how do states control information? how does the narrative inform public opinion? how is this as intended? this and we framing the story? the listening post. i 2nd the media, we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is cut off. the law will, along with, with neither side, willing to negotiate because the ukraine war becoming a forever war is america's global leadership,
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increasingly fragile. what will us politics look like? as we had to the presidential election of 2024, quizzical look, us politics developed in line a diverse range of stories from across the globe. from the perspective of networks, journalist own outages, era, the towns and villages in ukraine's care southern region are flooded. after an attack on a dam, thousands are forced to leave their homes, the hello, i'm how much room this is out 0 life and also coming up, fire breaks out of the fuel depot incidents. capital has the army and paramilitary forces fight for control of.


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