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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2023 10:30am-11:01am AST

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the social media feels demand for a curve, you're figure a controversial surgery to help people achieve as on the rise, we've missed looking a certain way before we have kids with devastating consequences. they definitely don't care about their client issue is all about the money full lines travelers to miami, to investigate the rise and injuries and deaths related to brazilian fucking if those doctors are this the price for function on a jersey to was found lice. now for joe bomb is a visit to find the united states to help diplomats, the saudi arabia is a little more challenging than in the past. so was putting strains on american influence in the middle east, $910.00 on sneak, lincoln, men. it's frightening times. this is insights from the
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hello mortgage program on the wrong call. a top level of diplomacy often involves tricky foot look, but it rarely comes much trickier than during and to the blinking visit to saudi arabia. and the few months since his loss was into the region, the g. a political landscape has dramatically altered studies. restoration of ties with iran, broken by china, took washington by surprise. re, i'd has ignored us request a boost will production, and that would help keep prices low and us, but it is happy off to the rise is caused by the war and ukraine. lincoln will meet ministers from other gulf states to that's, that's a time of intensified aggression against the palestinians under the new far right government. and as well that he hopes to bring closer to saudi arabia. we'll be discussing a blinking strip on what it hopes to achieve shortly with all i guess. but 1st, this report from sort of higher is amazing and real and seemingly based on shed commitments and common interest spots. the reality is relations,
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it's with us inside the rape out all strains. the 1st meeting and he lost it an hour and 40 minutes. even though us secretary of state on to me blinking had a lot of ground to cover with the saudi crown. prince serrano has reopened its embassy and re out 7 years off through it was closed. the restoration of saudi relations with iran was broke. good by china. a deal highlights in china is growing and fluids in the middle east side. you write b is muhammad been. so mine is making moves and then notes in the united states favor lincoln 3 day trip to the gulf kingdom aims to count to beijing, influence in the region. and that's of most go us present. joe biden has vowed to not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by china, russia. iran, us hopes of a global boost, an oil supply have been sunk by saudi cots announced this week. washington is
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desperate for the fuel. prices have risen during the war in ukraine and are a big issue with us. so to thank you so much for blinking heights to get to this house, to establish diplomatic relations with this ro, despite its fall right government intensifying violence against palestinians and running around from the program of illegal settlement expansion in the occupied west spines. the united states has a real national security interest in promoting normalization between is real and saudi arabia. we believe that we can and indeed we must play an integral role in advancing it, no illusions, but this can be done quickly or easily. but we remain committed to working towards that outcome sound to us relations have been hit by the king dean's role in the em and rule and the torture and murder of john is jamal for so g to saturate your
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forty's a head with new alliances and moved away from non traditional strategic partners can the us hold on to the power and influence it had traditionally yielded in the middle east side of height of algebra inside story. the some on this on join to by august say that they are, these are the disease allows him, sorry it says analyst and fellow as the secretary and isn't proxies. and the secretary doesn't project to lancaster university in washington, dc is as a reminder, leverettes the strategy of political risk consulting from he's also a former white house national security official, informing us diplomats, i didn't tie wrong. is filed is audi, head on the american studies, a department at the faculty of world studies at the university of terror on i will welcome to you. oh, i'd like to begin in washington dc with the hillary man levers. now suppose that to
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be, believe that robot f kennedy is a potential for us and to jo biden's presidential run again. he tweeted around the time of the saudi, around deal that china has now replaced the u. s. over the past decade, america has bombed and china has built. hillary, do you think that china is a threats to us diplomatic supremacy? certainly, it's rep to us dominance in the region. that's been clear now for many, many years. and certainly has accelerated under a divided administration, and the administration is concerned about that. they're acting on that. remember they came into office as president binding himself declaring that he was going to treat saudi arabia as the cry of that they are. he was going to refuse to do with prompt ribs mahogany, been some odd and only dane himself to deal with saudi arabia's king. it has been a frankly humiliating reversal and u. s. policy. really recognizing that they need the saudis not necessarily only to
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achieve goals, but to prevent the saudis from undermining the body ministrations for a policy agenda as well as its domestic politics going into the 2024 election here . abilities. oh gosh and, and the, the, there is still a relationship between the us inside the rape. it has been full and a part completely yet. but it is very, very intense. perhaps more tens, but it's been pro. yeah, well firstly, a good day to you to your viewers until alder guess. so i agree. there's a lot of tension there still needs to be a lot of water under the bridge, but i think we need to conceptualize this tension. firstly i, i very much echo what miss had to reset in washington dc. i, i think the, the fiery rhetoric that by didn't himself and divide into ministration at used in their, in their elections, has really amplified these tensions how that there is still
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a strong relationship between the united states and saudi arabia. i think that i think the symbolism has decreased, but i still think the strategy has been there, and i don't see it going anywhere soon. i think in regards to china and this were this, this aspect of, um, you know, is, is it replacing sound or either or i'm sorry, is it replacing the united states? i think for, for the saudi less. the saudi right now is viewing the world in a much more a multi folder fashion. i won't say it's a symmetric multi folder perception. i think it's an a symmetric multi folder perception. i think it's viewing. so would you rate, i'm sorry, it's solved to radius view in the united states, not as and necessity as it used to be before, but i think as a strong desire and a strong preference. so i think this is, this is now this transition of the change within the relationship that is causing inevitable tensions. and just one last point,
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cuz i don't want to take the entire time. but one last point is that a lot of people have come from a fight in exaggerated perhaps the tensions between saudi arabia now was that this has been the highest level of tension since 1973 error was really more. i would disagree with that. i think the tensions are significant, but unfortunately within the united states relationship with surgery and saudis relationship with united states up is imbedded with disagreements and turbulence that has always had disagreements. but somehow there are strategic mechanisms that enabled them to overcome these challenges. followed is already in there right now. yeah. one thing may i just point out one thing, i'm sorry, i don't want to take the time for my colleague in, in the wrong. but just in terms of the state of us already relations and where they were, i really need to point out. i worked at the white house, i was on the national security council in the bush administration after 911. and us
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started relations after $911.00. we're not as bad as they are today. i work then with president bush to organize a trip by then saudi king to president bush, his ranch in crawford, texas. their relations were not nearly as bad on a personal level and a country to country level. we are in a very serious state today, even compared to the prior time of a series prizes and us saudi relations after 911. well, let me bring in to her on a and so these are the, i mean, found the v from chair on seems to be the us is simply a non trustworthy partner. that perhaps china is much more simpler to deal with. this is that code and that they the breaking of the jcp away, which actually uh, the run usually you deal with around actually stuck to the guns with and did everything they needed to do. so this comes as no surprise to tyrone children. you know, it doesn't, so i think everybody in these on val. com, the normalization of relations between the, the inside of the review. i think the se,
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realize that fighting get on is not good for the country. what the united states wants from south database to demonize the land, to confronted on to this been the pits with all those against it on that's. that's good for savvy to be the one to the one to solve this, to normalize relations with, to is right. which is not good for the saudis and data will the most them will they want to this, how this to reduce the price of oil and why should you do that? that's, that's a reasonable or that's, you know, any sense or that's a higher price. you, you get the, which isn't going to be too, you need to look at the market and not the demands from some politician in washington that's running for the presidency or whatever. and the they want to make sure that the size of these are confronting china and russia, and that is also, and that's with, with so this is so when you looked at the demands that must have been in, can, has the fun side. did you realize that the,
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the patients inside the database running out and it's good $49.00, and it's good for that each abilities of the auction. i want to bring you in here. it's always been said that this was a china broke a deal between saudi arabia and iran. but kennedy, that's not quite the truth. i mean, both sides had something to gain from this. what does saudi arabia gain from normalizing relations with iran? what was the driving force that? well firstly, i think i just like what my colleague and the around said, i think both surgery and your round realize that confrontation has not been fruitful. and there was just no clear in game to this confrontation and this relationship of antagonism. and i think they needed to move forward and turn to lee . i think they made this uh there was enough will to overcome these challenges, but still they need to, they need to iron out some of the, the tricky issues that they have. but i think what's driving started to read the
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mostly and read it was driving surgery for foreign policy in general is the fact that aside, uribe a has enormous and very lofty economic projects that it wants to achieve. and i think it understands very well that it cannot achieve the economic goals as vision 2030, as we always hear about without a stable region. so i think what is taking place and what's worth knowing is that there's a, an aspect of regionalization that has been taking place. there's a, there's a regional agency that has taken place that this is what the saudi arabian normalization has illustrated. is that, that this is a region now that's attempting to take responsibility for solving its own issues. now we won't be easy, but at least they're going to discuss their problems and their cooperation with, within a framework of dialogue. and more importantly, i think, what's going to make this referee between different than the other rough rough
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approach minutes is the economic factor due to this economic reading all the regionalization. so that's a core bedrock, a foundation or a pillar, occurred $74.00 and policy. now both regional and international hulu. man leverage is actually some more extraordinary the you have the top diploma of the us coming to saudi arabia almost on the back foot. he is coming to try and make relations. now. busy don't get any worse, not just trying improvement, but to not make them get any worse. but there is some history to this. i mean, the saudis have often had a better relationship with the republicans. then they have with the democrats. does that play into this? i think it does 1st, i want to echo my, my colleagues comments and started randy, i completely agree in terms of what the saudis are looking for in terms of stability in the region and how important that is to their economic future. and unfortunately, how, how much that collides with, with how american administrations perceive their role in the middle east and what
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they want from the middle east. and here the difference between republicans and democrats is very important. historically, the saudi royal family has had an excellent relations with the republican party. i worked in the 1st bush, 541 white house back in 19901991. and the saudi ambassador was in the oval office every single day. that relationship was incredibly close. and again, even after $911.00, the relationship between the saudi royal family and the bush administration. this is the 2nd bush administration, was also very close. fast forward to just a couple of years ago decided relationship with the trump administration was also very close. notwithstanding the fact that president trump refused to come to saudi radius defense when they're, when they're, while facilities were attacked by in 20 and 2019. so the relationship there is, is very close and we see the savvy involvement in the us gall sport just this week,
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dramatically increasing its role that also has ties to the republican party in the united states. and that is what i would think, i think is the driving force for separate change. the lincoln coming decided rate. ready is to try to get the saudis to do no harm to the bottom, industries, foreign policy agenda, but much more importantly to try to get them to not be as uh, as involved in us politics. because the body administration is concerned that particularly in swing states like florida saudi money, saudi involvement could actually push things not tremendously, but just enough to give either candidate trunk or candidate. the santas, the florida governor an edge in the 2024 election. a flood, is there an opportunity for us to around here? there is a, you know, like hillary said, no abilities that you know, there is
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a re tooling awareness of now the relationship between the saudi arabia and the, the us is active tyrone an opportunity that perhaps try and get back to the jcp away. the run yuki deal or any other way for a deal between iran and the us. or you know, even that has been trying to have the united states come back, you don't never left the agreement to that isn't the agreement. it's the us that needs to come back to the agreement to buy the solution. could you tend to the agreement on the 1st day of the buy them presidency? you know, trump left the agreement to issuing an executive all of this. and the next president in the american system can notify the famous presidents, the executive orders. and the biden did that when it came to the tightest crime at that cords and other agreements, that's the top left. but the,
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by the administration decided not to do the same for the new for that agreement. they could just split 10 to the agreement and give it on 2 or 3 months to come back to the full compliance that you're on was engaging in before time class. and they decided not to do that. it's been more than 2 years since the, the, the, the bite and administration came into office and they come up with a different, excuse us, every day. you know, they built the last thing they're saying is that because of the demonstrations they need on day, they don't want to go back to the agreements. they say it's not on the agenda. this is what john categories, the spokesman at the national security council said last week, but it's been more than 6 months since we haven't had any demonstrations the so that with the bank to have the agreement or not, it's the decision that needs to be made in washington, i think the recei administration takes on has been trying to the re 10. make sure
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that the, the facilities and the conditions are right for the us. 3010. it's a decision that they have to make. hillary was this a strategic one? the only be off of the, by the administration, that it didn't go back to the jcp away. the opportunity was right, that it could have been a very simple decision. they didn't do it. and that's something that now perhaps the, our will does look to have the gulf states and particularly, looks have been going to maybe america isn't as powerful as we thought it was. maybe we do need other allies. was this a strategic bundle? absolutely. i think it was the most important strategic vendor that the by the administration has committed and it's on their foreign policy agenda from the beginning. because not enough, not only is united states now looked at in the region as not, not willing to militarily come to defend any of our allies, but we can't even keep an agreement and agreement that was working. that wasn't
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everybody's interests. it wasn't a very serious blow up for the by the ministration, not to return. like they did to the parents, to the parents. environmental, of course, to, to, to that degree meant very much a strategic lender and i don't think they can. uh, i'm not sure they can recover and i think the saudis are betting on that the, it will take everything, there's a bite of ministration has to restore credibility in the middle east while fighting with russia over ukraine while fighting with china over time on. it's just not something this administrator you can do as it sends into the presidential campaign with republicans here putting all of that, putting themselves into the race for president. it's just too much for this administration. and i think the saudis of correctly assessed that disease, do you think it was a strategic blunder? i'm not going to go into american politics here. i'm going to stick to my re on politics it with, with, with the,
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with the theme of meddling and etc. so i'm not going to meddle with my mike mike, uranium colleagues and an american colleagues to range. but what i would say is that i think the, when it comes to this out of the perception of the g, c, p, u, a, there was a lot of things that they had issues with. and i think with the some of the, with the him started with the jcp way. it was mostly viewed as an obama legacy was a fact of trying to write pro g around with something that i think came at the cost of the relations with americans. main partners inside of your regular and others. but i think it's precisely this issue of going back into the j. c. p a leaving the jcp way is precisely the reason. one of the core reasons why there was a saudi arabian reproach meant, and there was a preference to have the umbrella of china because i think the region has had enough of waiting. what's going to happen. and being susceptible to the politics
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and in other western capitals. so i think this is the reason why this is why there was a regional agency, the fact that listen, we're not gonna allow ourselves to be a platform or an experiment for others. and to express their own or project their own politics upon us. this is a theme that was very much agreed upon and entirely or unanimously in the last error summit in, in, in saudi arabia. they all agreed upon that they are not going to be a region where they were other super powers can compete. they have their own agency and their own will. now i think with, when it comes to, um, you know, other issues of dealing with this, i can, you know, i'm sorry with, with the, with the reluctant c a and the aspect of credibility as my colleague in, in, in the united states set. i don't think it just, it began with the, the trump administration, or the biden administration. i think the aspect of american credibility,
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unfortunately, has been in the meeting for a few decades now. and i think the war in iraq really didn't help in 2003. the other aspects that have led to miss the perceptions. now i think one of the reasons why there is a constant mist perception or a constant of disappointment and expectations is because the language that we use is very much misleading. one of the aspect, one of the terms that we use is, is alliances. no, saudi arabia, in the us are not military allies, but there are partners, israel in the united states or not military allies. and therefore, this notion of alliances is being taken back and forth and used to likely, in my opinion. and i think that's one of the reasons why there's a lot of mis expectations. it's an interesting point you make about as well because $3500000000.00 in military aid,
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learn from the us to suggest that they owe much more than just uh, partners. as you say, there isn't a lot. there is no lions, but every man i actually want to ask you about is ro. um we have america legal terms. i'll give you the of the. okay, there you go. that'll give you the legal terms. henry, i, what else you, when it comes to is, well, the americans have bitten off a lot more than they can shoot the abraham the codes where, which is ro sees as one of its biggest successes. they haven't managed to get saudi arabia. saudi arabia is being pressured by the americans to join those, the quotes they simply know, doing it when it comes to syria, the americans have problems when it comes to the region, the americans and simply to involve in so many different things. but it wasn't a clear strategy that hasn't helped us of what happened. but i think the role of israel is very, very important. you have not only a saudi, the saudi government that's closer historically. and i think to today with the
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republicans. but you also have in israel with prime minister netanyahu hughes incredibly close with the republicans, his chief adviser under him, or was and was a registered republican activist party activists here in the united states before he moved to israel, the nation. yahoo government and principal haven't been somebody have deep ties personally to, to active candidates in the us campaign. the present, the idea that the saudis are going to make peace with israel under the bite and administration is, i think, is almost farcical. and i think the bottom ministration sees again, not that they're going to get this amazing victory with the saudis to make peace with israel. but they're trying to prevent the saudis from working with israel to undermine divided administration. in particular, not even the united states, but divide and administration. i think at this point for the white house here,
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it's really all about politics and personal politics for president biden. for the is already do you think that the american simply have a scale going to approach when it comes to the middle east deployment site. and this is now coming back to told them that there was simply too many competing agendas. a mess of the states as a country and decline. and the fact that the size of these i need on the ends of signing agreements in beijing is a sign of that is an indication for that. and this decline will continue. i think what the united states doing good to go to russia is going to head the us in the long run. i think the confrontation of this, the china is going to have sent me the long run. the, i think the united states used to be a sofa power. they need to understand how can the engage and soft landing to becoming more normal country. and unfortunately, this is not what the scene washington,
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what you see in washington is the consortium the see the i am may follow it, i'm gonna have to stop you that you've made a very interesting point. i've got about minutes as he left on the show and i want to put that point to other guess just very quickly in read abdul aziz very quickly is the us us and decline i think it's perceived as so. i mean, i, i don't think the us is perceived to be in decline. i think there are just other options, and i think that's what saudi arabia is viewing the world has in my opinion. so the radio views the world and in a symmetric multiple world, in other words, that the united states is still the phrase, i did say quickly, and i do when it comes that henry, my liver is why we all are running out of time. i do apologize, i do apologize. henry, us in decline. i think without a doubt and like my colleagues said in saudi arabia, it's been decades in the making the rock more was the big, the big push for the united states,
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off the question in the middle east. and we are seeing unfortunately, the ramifications of that to this day. i want to tackle august i bill as these. oh gosh. and i want to thank hillary man leveretts and i want to thing filed is audi as well. and i want to thank you to for change. you can see the program again, any time by visiting our website out, is there a dot com and for further discussion, go to a facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash sa, inside story. and you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is asia insightsquared for me in wrong count. and the whole team has bye for now the the
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is humbling and frightening, which is the ever changing moods of mother nature. it was like having a river here. the current was so strong to risk us because of rachel, is the worst flooding scene here in about this picture. thousands of acres of vineyards, fruit grows in festival farms. house of lyrics, the damage likely to effect next year's harvest as well. 6 months of to range of rain fell in a span of 36 hours before that. the concern here was drought and the soil was so dry that went back to rancho down for came it couldn't absorbing, finding a life partner can sometimes be just for young clifton, especially a conventional dating is not an option. so some are turning for and then they take out one of my friends, put me on it, and within 2 weeks i found somebody and i was done there still resistance in some
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communities and it's might not work for everyone i'm done with up. but if i made someone online and that is how it's meant to be swipe price for marriage. oh no, just 0. how do status control and information controlling the narrative? dominating the media? how does the narrative improve public opinion and norma? spite? it might not be the most important story about china of today, but that's what the public attention to how is citizenship? listen, we played in the story. the listening post, i fixed the media. we don't cover the news because of the way the news is covered. when the news breaks, devices like these, as you can imagine being used in the way across the front line when people need to be heard. and the story needs to be told, pete was always very hard for me to find a job because they come from a very poor neighborhood with exclusive interviews and in depth report. we're back
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from the heart. and this is our found era has teams on the ground like to bring you more award winning document trees and life news. the so don's rival sized bottles for controlling the large weapons factory causing a major fire as a fuel different the color, their own spells, the payments of balance is 0 life and also coming the palestinians and john list injured. and it is raining raid and demolition a man southern ukraine says 3 people that have died and floods caused by these hats
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and the damage.


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