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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to the tie soon, it's working. so i know to the east of the philippines, but it's going to bring enhanced rain friday to saturday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the the retainer. this is down here and use our life from nothing. coming up has this ad corner see grounds flights and millions actually to stay in doors, smoke from forest prize and canada troops, eastern north america rescue operations inside of was an emergency change. what to evacuate for the victims and ukraine's house on regions in front of these 4 children and 2 adults are hospital offering life attacks in playground printing and major migration deals. ministers from across the your opinion,
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trash out of plans over who were signing procedures. and i'm far as small with the sports. there's been a standing upsets at the french open world number 2 arena's out. quite honestly, this is now into for 1st ever the contents want size binding. and canada has caused a hazardous smoke cloud across the launch pots of the eastern united states. as mucus cool as travel delays, and millions of people have been advised to wear a high grade face mollusks outdoors befalls and canada, and scorch 3800000 hectares. and forced 820000 people from the homes. roughly a $155.00 is active in the province of combat cologne. that will say,
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well sized in british columbia, alberta, nova scotia and ontario, many of these fonts have been burning for days if not weeks, but a strong system swelling of atlantic coast as for smoke from these 5 south into the us and then east towards some of the most densely populated areas in the country, the equity that certain pace for much of the east coast, from new england to south carolina. as one of the spots of the midwest, including a higher indiana and michigan. the weather partners expect you to persist for the next several days with hayes, lucky to continue across the region to see advertising drawings as live from washington dc said she, i'm one of the things like where you are it's still very hazy and you can see in the back of your throat, you can see what the call take of the matter and the documents, right? but clearly things of improved a great deal over the last several hours. you can out of these vaguely c capitol hill behind me, the curtains
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h u y and there's an app for that now. so i know the time is which, which must be if i remember production agency issues out is a $183.00. so there's a scale where, how unhealthy begins to run a $151.00. that's a red zone and under you want to 200 and very unhealthy is purple, 201 to 300 and then the hazardous room, 301 upward. so much of the day we were not couples and above $200.00. and in fact, actually just to give you a sense of how bad it has been for some other cities around the country. the philadelphia health commission is that they, they were never in 5 hundreds recently. you know, i think overnight on wednesday and thursday night for scaling, that goes up to 500. there's nobody goes to the house. they just say they didn't even think about maybe extending the scale up until this point. direct wasn't breaking in dc records since the quality indexes were a caps since around 2006 things have been placed in a public event pops playgrounds, the zoo. and when we speak to people around there,
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they can certainly see what you had it last night. you know, i felt a little weird last night. i didn't know if it was attributed to the smoke, but you know, this is weird. yeah. is weird situation. yeah. just visiting from arizona, so uh, in town for a conference wasn't planning on the, on the smoking, the hayes but i live in the pacific northwest for a long time. we kind of deal with it seems like it's getting worse every summer file. we do something about time and i love point, right, but it seems like it's getting worse of every summer is what environmental sciences of avoiding us about. because there's always that complacency because here in washington, we don't that far as far as on a regular basis. we haven't been blanketed by smoke very often now, even though cities a long way away from the far as far as a feeling the effects of the climate change of his praise of the conditions for extensive runaway far as far as i mean. yeah. it's just last week on capitol hill.
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they fall struck jo by getting out of the debt ceiling deal. and the republicans false truck, another gas pipeline in west virginia by d as approve the norm is drilling and be all tech. he's approved oil and gas drilling. but donald trump and as far as to as and also as we get at the white house today or the press covers, especially soon i drove by, he was the one who said all the favorite groups of statements. and this is a reminder of how climate change is affecting us. oh, but i still that's huge gulf between what the politicians say including job i think we're getting into an arch and yeah, this is going to be an issue what they're saying and what they're actually doing. she advertising. thank you very much. indeed. gabriel is undergoing just not enough from new york gave her the terrible conditions that yesterday it was, i mean, much improvement today. there's been a lot of improvement. you can actually see the new york city skyline behind me and you couldn't really see that yesterday. there's a lot of the smoke that we saw in the last 24 to 36 hours has moved out of new york
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and moved south. it's still very hazy in the city, and the governor said it's still considered a public health crisis here because the air quality is still very bad. but if pictures tell a 1000 words these pictures we want to put up on the screen right now will tell the full story. what you're seeing on the left was new york city on wednesday from this very position that i'm at right now. you could tell the hayes, you could barely even see this getting the city skyline or the skyscrapers in the city. and that photo that you see on the right. it's the very same photo that i took right here of new york city. and you can see just a marked difference. it's like night and day. the difference between that there really gives you an idea of how much it has improved in the last 24 to 36 hours or so. nevertheless, here in new york they were passing out about 400095 masts for people that
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needed them. they're also advising people. do not go outside unless you absolutely have to do, particularly for those that have asthma or have a compromised a health conditions or the elderly. they're saying stay inside another day or so don't do any sort of physical activity outside your health is compromised. clearly, at least for now, it appears that the worst is over here in new york, but they are preparing for the future for this summer moving forward because they're expecting that these wild buyers in canada will be very aggressive throughout the summer. so there potentially could be more of this in the coming days or weeks is on there. thank you very much with us and he is a canadian reporter covering the font is incorrect. she spoke to is elia from one to us when it comes to the severity and, and how many fires that we are seeing and come back and in canada. officials say
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that it is unprecedented that they have never seen so many flyers with this severity at this point of the season. it's, it's only june, 8th, after all, and summer hasn't even officially arrived yet. right now, there are about 800 firefighters on the ground, badly, the 130, the 140 fires in, come back, and there is more help on the way. so there is help coming from the west, from spain, from portugal, from mexico. and if you're wondering why health is coming from so far away, it's because the resources in canada, they're basically tapped out because there have been fires. and in british columbia there have been fires in ontario as well as nova scotia, and essentially no one can spare the resources. and so that is why come back is, is getting help them so far away. could you go ahead and use that and creating artificial intelligence, just one of the topics of discussion when we're just your next door enjoy button at
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the white house is full to here is welcome to the nice, just start enjoying the saudi league that's coming up shortly. the training and russia accusing each other of hampering efforts to evacuate people from the funded has own region, shedding and casualties of being with forces on both sides as concerns grow about mines, dis launched by flood waters. joe struck for reports from house on the unable to will can ensure emergency service personal injury, the old, i mean, the ambulances, amphibious vehicles rush, others in need of the flooded street to waiting. medics. i said there are a lot more in there. we have half a 1000 requests at the moment,
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and that's certainly not all the distant gloss deport sounds like the outgoing ukrainian, all tutoring being fired shows gross. and i'm curious now we will call the red cross and they will evacuate to says the ambulance man. we have stationed here as a sourcing point for those who need. so the evacuation, if it's just the right, you can have those thoughts. we understand that that is out going, shelling fine grain installed in full season across the river. the water is still me too deep. people on the roofs tried to sell which what they can from the homes. a face appears in a pump and windows. why don't you leave? did you want to be evacuated? asks the volunteer. because i called walk, says the woman. what if we help you? we put you on a boat and take you to where you need to go. where we like of. where will you take
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me? i need to be with someone. she says that another woman leads out. if we survive the occupation, the shillings and the liberation of the city, she says, we will survive this unbroken, unconquered lot. as the evacuation continued ukraine's president load, amazing lensky came to the city and state volunteers and emergency services for the efforts. rescue operations also continued on the russian occupied side of the river . so we left everything we left open on meetings going away, bad foot now without anything so stupid my daughter cried mamma, let's go with so clueless. here we go top and started to wake up the neighbors and to take them the disabled way. the often it would sound like more to or it's hillary shows slammed into the water and a building close to the ukrainian evacuation points. because on the city,
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sporadic shilling by both sides continues in the area spreading more fit on the week. i'm terrified to a lucky to be alive. it's all stuff that i'll just go to saw. the russian defense minister is released video, which it says shows an attempted advanced by ukraine being repelled and separate. you. russia says the ukranian forces suffered heavy losses in a failed assault on russian lines. because you have read your region is a 2 percent controlled by russian forces, whose interpreters is much today. at 1 30 am in the area adjacent to the preacher, ukraine's 47th mechanize brigades with up to 1500 men and 150 on the vehicle was attempted to break through our defenses of the enemy was detected by recognizance bosses and a preventative strike was delivered by onto the re a vision and, and to take loans. the enemy was stopped and with heavy losses, they withdrew. the enemy, lost 30 tanks, 11 infantry flashing vehicles,
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and up to 350 men. so especially prepared with the forces of the enemy for this break for did not feel that task in their shop of oliver has more for most of the russian appointed authorities, ends up our osha claims. the ukrainian attack it was repelled, the russian troops used on hillary and several and crops in the bustle. there were reports from other regions to inbox moved, for example, the armed forces of ukraine were trying to find some weaknesses in the russian defences. but according to the russian appointed authorities, dad, this as he remains on the rushes control we're raising here in local newspapers, that's the ukrainians seem to have seriously overestimated this franks and the counter offensive is ground. truly turning into the destruction of the month. how and weapons there has been no break. 3 of russia's defense is within 5 days of acts of financing. and then, despite the facts of the forces of ukraine,
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have already introduced up to a set of their reserves. but russia says, ukraine continues, it's offensive no mass hold. that's what we're hearing. hey, in russia, antenna how reports from new ukrainian capital keys, and what we hear on most of what we hear that flashes out this particular, this picture of ukrainian activity comes from the russian side. it comes from the russian government, the russian ministry, and russian blog is essentially these russia at an official level saying the counter offensive has begun and the disease supporting every attempt by you trying to breach its lines and imposing heavy cost on your credit. as it does so, all we have from the ukranian side on this particular latest sequence of relates to tax example easy. a comes from the deputy defense ministry and why the ministry situation will report saying simply the enemy is actively on the defensive. in the all receive area of this operation and that's it, ukraine has made it clear, it will not give
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a running commentary on what he's going on. it clearly doesn't want to give up the element of surprise, another very senior figure, but actually down and off the head of the national security defense council. the very senior adviser to president zalinski said within the last 24 hours, the counter offensive has not become definitively. he said, let's be patient and wait. we both have much time to wait. when it begins, everyone will know about it. so what is, or what may be going on now? well, minutes the analysts have given the view their view these that ukraine is engaged in a series of probing attacks, so called shaping operations ahead of the counter offensive, probing russian weaknesses, looking for vulnerabilities, and at the same time essentially keeping rusher guessing bridge partners originally . so not because met us president joe biden, the white house, the war and ukraine. economic security and artificial intelligence were among the issues discussed by the leaders. it's due next, 1st visit to the white house and is taking office. benita is held go
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a news conference following the talks. a fairly this week, we mark the 79th anniversary of d day and time and reminder of a proud history of our nation share and the values values that we have long stood together. that, that's the unshakable foundation of this special relationship. and it is a special relationship, is no country closer to us and great britain. today as nato allies, partners and innovation is friends in a shared vision of the future. and the 2 nations are 2 nations ready, meet the challenges of our time and meet them together. and i'm calling from united kingdom united states to lead the world toward greater peace, prosperity, and security for all, not for decades. how's the relationship between our 2 nations been so enforcing the values we share all belief in freedom, democracy and the rule of law have never changed. they never will,
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to what has changed all the challenges that we face and standing here together as operate, assessors have done for generations. i feel confident that through the strength of our relationship we can shape the world once again and at the suit of liberty, prosperity and the possibilities of a new age, a button and so next signed off on new economic partnership. what test correspondent, kimberly, how could, has more both liter see that economic security is really essential for a defense and for security in general, national security on both sides. and so this is a message we knew that the u. k. prime minister was really going to try and convey to us presidential by then, and it seems to be one that is an argument that has been well received by the us presidents. what they have as sort of struck in terms of an agreement is one that will put in place
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a plan to create jobs. so that in the future were examples such as we saw on the pad demick, where there was the problem of china. for example, having a foothold on things like 70 conductors and really shutting down the opportunity for the united states, in many cases, to be able to build various social things for everyday life, like cars and washing machines and things that people rely on this, that will no longer be the case and so this is to put in place that footprint in order to make sure that both countries and the nations and are able to protect themselves from those types of calamities in the future. and so this is something to create jobs and to ensure that there are those protections down the road. so this is what this plan is, but it's been announced. it's one that they believe will strength and security us a suspended or food a to if you, if you offer an investigation uncovered. widespread fift,
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united states agency for international development supplies were being diverted and not reaching hungry people. us is the biggest single day that you, if you appear 20000000 people in the country, rely on age because of conflict and drought, a ministers from across the european union. and they've reached a tentative agreement that could see a major shift in the bronx migration policy. they called would change house items because approaches processed at the border. and how that relocation across your company came reports from not some back. a few issues designed to e. you move in migration to top, fly the questions of who should look off to the people who claim asylum in the block and wants to do with those whose claims fail. see, is those countries when most people arrive of coal for help from other member states that many have not wanted to help? and with more than a few 1000 asylum seekers arriving so far this year the prussia has grown. so the
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swedish presidency view emission suggested a to pump which day to help port attention rising number of a sudden rising and ministers might then to move with that permission inside the you. there is also a spirit of cooperation as on a diety between members states. and this is worse so much because that means we show it also when we actually activated a temporary protection directive when we are in the spirit for which trust each other, we are so strong. in effect, the proposal which the member states victor wants to host more regular migrants of a members face to face. it's estimated a 5 fingers, some per migrant has been discussed. even then some eastern european countries have been skeptical, but the risk of not reaching a deal was spelled tired by the german government, which itself loses to mine supports the deal is came to feed us via an open against
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knob. i'm fighting to ensure that we have a year up of up borders. if we fail, that's the wrong signal. this would lead to national i solution. i don't want to do that. i want to keep my borders open on your mind. i would like us to have a common european understanding of human rights standard time putting it all external borders. basically, sophia, so i'm good minds. i'm complement from germany already operates controls on some of its folders to be with austria and with post as here where the older reforms, the natural frontier. some european governments are wary of extending this policy for what's being proposed by the u. cancel will prevent the one that came out you 0 luxembourg to let's take a closer look at the number of people making their way to europe. so far this year . international organization for migration says nearly $55000.00 migrants arrived in europe by the end of last month, nearly 90 percent of them by sea. more than 1200 people died on the journey or
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missing the top 5 nationalities of those making the way to europe. uh, ivory coast near the 5508 over 4000 bucks down syria and egypt. the iowan says for the 1st quarter of this year, more than 33000 people arrived by sea in italy, spain and greece, where the other main seaports for arrivals. more than 4000 people, arrived by land in bulgaria and 3000 in cyprus. my motive sancho is a research for the german council on foreign relations migration program. she joins us 9 from bowie. and thanks very much for being with us. so assuming this is this practice, eventually ratified by the lead, is how it changed. you think the way it's not him see cause or treated in your well, thank you so much for having me. as bitter. there has been no agreement. that is fine. all right, so it's already on you put your punch card agreements at their level of the member section, the console. so we'll still have to see how the deal would be changed when there
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are negotiations with the european parliament. so what you said in, in the introductory statements is correct. um there, this is video shift because we're there. do you have a solution on the 2 big fights? and that has been ongoing since 2016. and one is how to attribute responsibility and watch a sign and procedures should look like. so we are going to see potentially as change in how asylum is going to be managed in europe. we can only speculate, of course, but there are 2 elements that are likely to stay in the final legislation, which is mandatory solidarity with these relocations between the your member states from the board, the board members, dave and the financial compensation that we do have a figure now for the initial conversation, they were start at $20000.00 and to go up from there. i'm right. the 2nd element is
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the mandatory processing of people at the border. so little bit more methics would not having the option. they would have to use this procedures for a number of people, especially if they come from countries that have a lower recognition rate. so i'm supporters of this whole deal say that this will improve clarity on which members that is possible for and every asylum application . it would help accelerate design and procedures and it would also make it easier to return people to their countries of origin and others. see that looking at the current practice, especially in greece, where lots of these elements are already in place, if you will. they were in the 3rd there, you will not necessarily help countries that are overwhelmed because the number of people that would be relocated is rather low in $30000.00 per year. yes, we just don't know how many i mean actually understand was it was an issue kind of happy with with things. how would they persuaded to sign up to this deal because it
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was looking at only a few hours ago. so they might not she be brought on board what what, what was the final thing that made them checks of coming on the side with it? the one i just for sure. the fact that there will be these financial compensation mechanism. and then the 2nd section is, of course, the way this negotiation works is that stores everybody says what their red line is . and then we see who will bowl stripe and basically, um, somebody from the belgian government said to we were open to equally unhappy with this deal. and that's pretty much what happened. so everybody had to make sure to compromise it. but the urgency to have an agreement was so big that 25 out of out of 27 members dates deep food for this deal and to upstage, so nobody voted against it there. so it's really read the urgency to racks, make progress politically on this file. that has driven this for sure. i mean sort . so let's do um, kind of handles how they, they deal with that as long as,
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because once they have a, is there any of them to this that will change that the machine numbers are coming. does in, in, in last you, the, you receive will 962000 just on investigation. so that was 50 percent up understand from the previous year. is there any sense, any of these measures today will, will have a kind of deterrent effect on, on people actually coming over. it all depends on how this is going to be implemented. whether members is actually to implement the system and how they work together on the one hand. and on the other hand, a lot of the reforms that have been into no doctors but agreed on today are not able to deliver at a lower numbers of arrivals. they might contribute to them, but they, they will not be delivering this. and that's because the reason people go to europe is because of the situation in their countries of origin or deteriorate ration of the conditions. and that the countries that they found research in, for instance, after the earthquake and tricky. um and of course then the question is in the
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number of people coming to europe and then the number of people we count sent back . the question is, how will the u member states cooper each with that their neighbors and this isn't much more decisive than the details of the job assign them is station itself. but what is true is that there might be a deterrent effect. if you have this camp situation where people know that they will be held up in them in detention for longer periods of time. and then that didn't do. terrence effect in the past has come from human rights violations and serious issues in terms of human dignity. so if we repeat this, maybe this would have a deterrent effect, but then it would not be in line with international legal commitments. that's both the swedish presidency and the commission have underlined, need to be respect is always enough time to be fair to maria of i'll try and go. thank you very much indeed. thank you. a nice 4 children and 2 adults have been
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injured in a knife attack in france. it happened in a playground in the town of n c. and the french helps. the dean baba has more a helicopter lands by lake, honestly in south east in front of natural beauty. that's now quote, adults for being treated as a crime scene. i wouldn't say set your mind steps several children at the playground to the park here. this video allegedly shows the attack of being approached by adults in the park. he said to be a syrian christine, who received refugee stages in sweden earlier this year, over the victims were taken by helicopter to a nearby hospital. this man, sylvia talked on the folding. all of a sudden, one of the moms says run, there's a guy standing, everybody, all along the lake. he stepped some children. that's a bit surprised, but they keep going and i see the guy coming towards me. so please put the police of about 5 or 10 meters behind him and they kind of catch up with the more the
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attack then reportedly steps 2 adults before police trusted him and the power to he wasn't injured for me sort of did it was sampling for us in the region, it's an enormous trauma. this was a place of peace and this is a kind of violence that's unheard of. and also for it to happen in a children's playground. you tell yourself nowhere safe. the caustic also said to add that to god his email is news of the incident came through politicians, and the national assembly stops to observe a minute's silence. elizabeth baldwin is a french prime minister and her interior administrators, as domino then headed to honestly was on the one of the 3 boxes that were overwhelmed by this hateful and indescribable act. when children are involved. i think it particularly affects the state inside the parents, as in the about kindergarten. say they were horrified. well, most of the me, they've got sold to deal my 2 boys were on a school trip to the cinema. so just based upon, they will look down in another school and later brought back to us. my daughter was
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here in kindergarten, and as soon as i heard what has happened, like well, the other parents i came to fetch as well president my call has denounced what he calls and absolutely cowardly attack. tweeting the nation is in shock. thoughts go out to the victims, they have families and the emergency services. the local prosecutor says there's no indication that terrorism was the attack, his motivation with the involved. but i'll just say we're still ahead on our there . how does to the engine to say they were targeted by is ready soldiers during a raid in ramallah extreme hate to persons, an asian staples, farmers and scientists to working to produce dropped resistance rice. and as for to reco breaking efforts puts the denver nuggets ahead in the n b a finals. the
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have a lot of that now off to spain registers it's hottest and 2nd, why is spring on record? it was a cool and what start to the summer and that trend has continued. we've got storm oscar that continues to bring rain to portion to and spain. so you working its way most of some heavy falls to come on fridays. the southern parts of front will eventually work its way even further north, across southern areas, a person on the island divided. it's going to be pretty hot and humid. this weekend with temperature is certainly picking up for places like london and paris. now up in the north places like scandinavia, we still got that high pressure in charge. the temperature is here, above average, lots of fun and dry, whether to be found with a risk of wild size. unfortunately with that war and the way of west. so whether creeping across into eastern areas of europe as we go into the we can certainly for the balkans cases like a serbia is what is hungry using some very heavy rain over the next few days. it clears up however full grease athens seeing some sunshine to attempt to picking up
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20 degrees on fridays, even woman as we go into such a day. and that's certainly the trend for the north west britain and the island of island. we are going to see some lovely sunshine this weekend, also in paris, but we will see risk of some of the storms through to sunday. the, for the goalkeeper from one is a is a home will come was what dreams were made up. they turned into a nightmare of a resting soul, which you by august team has been junction foot building legend. eric kent introduces cloud, your temporary one of the special fuel split up for that believes whatever that cost for the gold rentals on august the
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the, the but the, [000:00:00;00] the choice with millions of people across north america. i've been advised to wear a high grade face mosques outdoors because of smoke from intense wildfires and
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canada fires of scorch 3800000 hectic enforced 820000 people from that homes that are shining, continuing in the house own region. despite the flooding forest, by the check on a nova cove could crane and russia accusing each other of answering efforts to evacuate people. ambridge from mister wishes to act as much as president joe biden at the white house war and ukraine. economic security and artificial intelligence among the issues discussed by the natives or grease. the supreme court has bought the far right politician from running in the countries general election nation of this month. but any, a scarcity aries, a member of the golden dorm party, as found another way to wield influence johnsborough for us as more from athens. the supreme court decision to ben for rights? politician. yes. because if yeah it is from this month, selection apparently came as no surprise. outside the court,
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his lawyer announced he was directing his supporters to live alone policies. it hasn't entered parliament. the spartans east, valencia. this is in a coma. i don't personally know this of options, but against the custody. he always tells me they've been around since he is a bad thing. please. patriots professionals, members of society including color workers and i think his wife and the parliament should represent waste. i shall cross easy. i think the common nationalist politically, but let's have to consider the reciprocal decision. this is because of yeah, the 2nd political band, the supreme court disqualified him ahead of a general election last month because of a felony conviction. the cd in court jail because he had his and his fellow and piece 3 years ago saying golden don't was a criminal organization responsible for dozens of voters and things of immigrants on the left is they will also self professed national socialist or not since golden . don't enter problem in 2012. when greece was cutting public spending, the economy was in a deep recession,
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and unemployment stood at 25 percent. they lost the seats 4 years ago as greece returned to grove. for many people in this country that suffered from nazi occupation, the very existence of a far right poetry was a source of deep embarrassment and concern. this buttons spokesman says his party has no not see affiliation. you must. we are in no way a vehicle for national socialism. we denouncing vigorously we talk about democracy and grace is it's both place. we are an anti establishment party. i'm going to get a national rate. uh, we want to strengthen. grady hold on for my policy and preserve its identities from the ravages of globalization, fema me, golden, don't to styled itself as an antique systemic policy, coming in to replace an old, self serve and political order of messages. and patrick isn't national identity and honest dealing resonate in europe these days. and polls show because if you have
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these commands 3 percent of the vote enough to make a triumphant return to parliament jumps out hopeless. i'll just say, or athens incidentally on me in the rapid support force is the best thing for control of large weapons factory in southern comp to it's caused a major fire, attended by fuel depot. permanency group says it's inside the facility, but the army claims funding is still ongoing. residents in the area say they had plains bombing and alternatively strikes they worried about a possible explosion because of the proximity of gas and fuel storage facilities. have a moment, has more from undermine the cost to now from how to the slicing has once again resumes between. but so then these army and the power military rapids support forces in the southern parts of the capital cartoon. in the early hours of thursday, we were able to see and to no flames flying from the city of on demand to what the southern parts of the capitol were fighting has been concentrated around to your look weapons manufacturing company. now that's
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a company that manufacturers weapon for the sudanese army and which the rapids support forces on late wednesday said that they are in control of. now we spoke to army sources to ask them what the situation was on the ground and the see that's while the rapid support forces were able to enter the facility, they were not able to gain complete control of the entire facility, which is one of the largest in africa residency that they're quite concerned about the escalation of the fighting between the recess. and this is denise army in the southern parts of the capital system. now the southern part has been relatively comp compared to the rest of the capital people slide from the northern parts of the capital from the city of on demand to what's the southern parts of talk to them when they were not able to make it outside the state for safety, but now residents who we spoke to said that the past 48 hours have been the worst they've lived through since the thoughts of the conflict 8 weeks ago. a fire broke out in a few example less than half a mile away from the weapons manufacturing company and residents who we spoke to say that overnight. they were able to hear
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a loud explosion. and that on thursday morning and into the afternoon, they were able to hear the exchange of gunfire. the heavy artillery and the s. wrecks being launched by this with the new army as they tried to dislodge the rapids support forces. they all concerned that's now the southern part of the capital has become engulfed in this conflict. and we've, it's coming into the conflict citizens say that they're not sure where in the capital is safe for them to go to keep them oregon onto 0 on their mind to palestinian john to say is ready. so i'm just talking to them during a rate and the occupied westbank is where the forces were demolishing the home of a man in ramallah, who's accused of carrying out from attacks. soldiers opened fire people who had gathered to protest against the demolition. now, abraham as well, a cindy is here say is where the forces treat them as collateral damage. dozens of soldiers read to them a lot in the occupied west bank on thursday to demolish a house. several time it is living nearby would order to leave their homes before
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loud explosions would hurt. assessing the damage neighbors say, some of the losses are immeasurable. parents tell us that their children are shaking and have lost any sense of security. get to this issue that the government told me they told us how home wouldn't be effected. so we left, but when we came back to the house, it was badly damaged. we weren't allowed to take out the longings full of us and it shows here the soldiers destroyed the home of productivity and present or slam through and is really quote, charged him with getting to is read these in twin bombings in jerusalem in november to palestinian journalist who was reporting on the demolition would hit by adopted, quoted would it's going to matter be and when he uses his team was more than 100 meters away from the site when he was hit in the abdomen, buyers out there. but i thought that they were evicting families to demolish the house. they didn't want us the media to show that to the world after is really forces killed,
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journalist cheering blacklist. they have been deliberately targeting journalists. they know they're not being held accountable. man, in the old night today to police just a few kilometers away from his offices is really rate than demolitions most to take place in the cities of jeanine, annapolis in the north of the west bank. as many fighters are from there, is that the message to the post sending authority? of course, if there's something that is slightly, is the appeal buying or the amount of speed. but this is something that we wouldn't upset end up for whatsoever. it's, but it's the end or sort of the by this theme, anastasia is go by what sacrifices this family is now homeless in addition to the damage buildings. israel does not allow families to rebuild their homes for separate gears except the one. fortunately, no one can do anything to help us against the occupation. i just pray my son is returned to me
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a lunch all i imagine is already developed. an in house ministry says dozens of people were injured in confrontations with the soldiers. most by like fire is where it has long implemented the policy of demolishing the houses of palestinians. it holds responsible for telling is waves. this is the substance home to be destroyed this year as part of what process to me is called collective. punish. many here see if you have another reminder of the violence inflicted by these really occupation means that but he does the to the okay. if i dress thing, regional security is dominate to the agenda during a visit by the us or to a state antony blinking to saudi arabia and can match his challenge accounts bond funds open for hahn in riyadh. here just western governments to repatriate citizens who joined us so a now misty live in camps a wrong also domination detox united states and saudi arabia, together with the gcc, are also focused on iraq, the stabilizing influence of the region,
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including support for terrorism and violence militia, groups, the seizure of tankers, translating international waters and nuclear escalation. united states continues to believe the diplomacy backed by economic pressure, by the turns and by strong defense cooperation, is the best way to capture these dangerous actions. we support efforts by saudi arabia to de escalate tension and stabilize relations the saudi farm. this also addressed a 2 state solution for israel and palestine. as we believe that the normalization is in the interest of the region that it would bring it significant benefits to all up without finding a pathway to peace for the palestinian people without addressing that challenge. and the normalization at will have limited benefits and therefore, i think we should continue to focus on finding a pathway towards a 2 state solution on finding a pathway at,
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towards giving the palestinians dignity and justice colton focused on has extended a non cons bell on a wide range of criminal charges for employment as it was arrested early in may and held for 3 days. it took, had purchased by his supporters and had been as being in confrontation with the powerful ministry. since he was asked his wife comment in a new confidence spoke last year, i to go to say put francis is in good condition. the following abdominal surgery in room head of roman catholic church is recovering and hospital off to a 3 hour peroration to remove intestinal scout tissue and repair honey in the box again says there were no complications, but the pontiff is expected to remain in hospital for several days, age 6, year old has suffered increasing health issues over the past year. well raton says more from red and the teen sunshine's, and peter's, and the vatican, looking as timeless as ever. there is the one crucial difference at the moment that
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is that the po process isn't here. he's in the hospital a few kilometers away from here recovering from that 3 hour honey operation that he has on wednesday. now the vatican says it went well. there were no complications, they fixed the honey that removed some scar tissue from an older operation. he's being awake, he's been joking with his dumpsters. so they feel that this went, as well as any operation could go on an 86 year old man who holes the spiritual guardianship of 1300000000 catholics around the world. and his hands make pressure . and that's gonna talk to some of them now. and that's why don't we, they will never have coverage for his work. god give him a gift, a really get better without whining about it. so how do you feel about the pipe on the, his operation that he's just kind of like for you and i are afraid for both, for the cold really for because of the pool is the light of the public touch. i
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feel the time of we're doing well, but the i am, i am certain he will be back and he will be be back strong. so what next? well, part runs. this is expected to stay on the 10th floor. paypal suites of the, to many hospital for the next few days, at least recovering. he's had all of his paper audiences until the to the 18th cancelled. but after that, the vatican says he should be well enough to travel and there is travel coming up. he's expected to go to portugal at the beginning of august, and then at the end of august, he's off to long go to the site. the may well be a man. it is mid eighties recovering from a fairly serious operation. but he is the pipe and the pipe pool waste has important things to do or reach out. and how does that run in right? asian countries that have experienced extreme heat in recent weeks of bracing for another challenge. rice, a staples region, could be in short supply as a dry spell looms. scientists of that climate region in varieties,
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but farms say they cost more to produce bonnet below reports where they see her in different opinions. irrigation system. eduardo matthias rice feels rely on reinforce, but the past weeks have been extremely hot. weather experts are predicting try spelt this month due to climate pet are known as in new. the government has provided edward will be dropped, persist in seats, but he says they're still going to need water. really belief of, i mean um we have to buy fuel to be able to pump water. sometimes we have to get a loan from the bank and risk our home getting for closed farmers in the philippines or warnings, not only of higher prices, but a meager harvest or the philippines does produce rise. it relies heavily on imports . last year the government bought a 3700000 tons for supplies low with rice production across the region, suffering from rising temperatures and
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a prolong dropped economy. see that's likely to worse than inflation, especially as rice exporting countries, like india and thailand, could curve shipments. the international rice research institute says, warmer nights have resulted in annual losses of about 2300000 tons of fries across asia. during the last 2 decades, scientists have been working hard on developing rise that can survive higher temperatures, have identified the genetics agents less sponsible fodder improve, you've done done wrong hi night temperature. and using that knowledge, we have now double up saw some light, the soft prices which give optimum unit on the high night temperature compared to other checks. and it's not only the heat that's a challenge. time of change has also triggered record amounts of rainfall. in countries like pockets done were nearly 400000. hector surprised deals for damage but unprecedented floods last year. and i need to,
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i think climate change. she said direct trip to our foot security. there are you with this use as emerging, you past sort of talking the crops and making huge losses. this things are suddenly happening and we are not prepared for it. of this gene back inside the entry national rice research institute should offer help more than 100. 30000 varieties and sub varieties have been kept here. and for decades they've helped the world cope with a change in climate before. and they're aiming to release new heat, told her on fridays by next year. barnaby low, alj, a 0. right. but you see here the philippines, i just did, i had allowed his era in sports. it wasn't the best of days for the number to print job,
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an option is coming up. the top is for not as far. lauren, thank you so much. there's been a big upsets in the semi finals of the french open, so i can see the rena sub blank has been knocked out. the bell russian was eliminated by shirley and a full body whose rank more than 40 places below her. the whole was from the czech republic has looked great at rome. garrison had entered 12 to set in the previous 3 rounds. this much however, was a real battle and included 2 tie breaks, hold on, eventually, winning it and 3 set that will be her 1st grand slam final point. i don't really know what happens. you know, the most fear to people are just pushing me all the matches. it's. it's
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unbelievable. i've just tried to keep fighting and it works tough. i really don't know what happened i'm, i'm so happy to of my to ship with you know, swim, blew bolt in. use and still i had the opportunity to send you didn't use it. and yeah, of course some are disappointed with this. the flaws, but that's okay. know how that will now phase? well, number one, the dish wine tucked in the final, the polish player who was also the defending champion of rolling garr will speak to a beatrice, her dad maya in straight sets. and thursday's 2nd assembly final joins are just seeking a 3rd total in pairs. and 4th grand slam title overall honestly, no, it's just stuff you know to play such a long tournament and i'm pretty happy that i'm able, you know, to play sizes in 3 years um, every year haven't been resolved here. so i'm pretty excited for saturday and we'll see how it's going to go. green ben zima and says he's got plenty of ambition to
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win more titles following his move to the savvy champions. l. it's yet the 35 year old frenchman was presented to the teams, fans or larry earlier around $60000.00 were in attendance and the mobile earned for $4213000000.00 per season out. so it's yet with his deal thing for initial 2 years with an option for 3rd arrives after spending 14 years at round madrid and joins his former rout teammates, chris, john, rinaldo and the savvy top division. just and you see a good, it's true, i want to lots of things in europe, but i find to with big on and vision. and i will share my experience with the hope to win more titles. because i'm hungry to play and show what i can do. i need this club to where they should be. as far as learners, president can resist making a veiled criticism of legal messages, decisions assign for inter miami, rather than rejoining the spanish club. kuala portez said he understood massey's wish to compete in
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a leak with fewer demands. 35 year old massey said birth wellness of financial issues had ended any hope of a return. there are a whole path that has been taken closer. look at the details of mass. he's moved to the united states unless he's got them on a button. how can they afford the welcome way to turn out of the document 2000000000 dollars from saudi club? i'll have i'll, but major lake sucker office in something a little bit different. fill out around $60000000.00 a year, but it's a point if you also get a slice of apple tvs on the left subscription money. another of the lakes sponsors, audi dots with full size share, any extra profit they make from his involvement. and oh yes, he could also become a part of the theme to miami itself. alone for our club president david back and it was a good fit for the messy family who already on top of the ad holiday in miami. i want to place for the my last, the hardest part while sorting things back and joined like galaxy from around was with. i can see 1007 semesters contracted law for youth with with taken sites are
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during the traces for the 6 woke up with us is kind of hosting with mexico and canada certified role listed the product in pop out last year. and he said that would be his last well, comp. for now, his body pounds, you'd have enough english department, lee club. liverpool have completed the major bit of transfer business, the reds of sealed of $40000000.00 deal to sign midfielder. alexis mcallister from brighten the 24 year old was a key player for our gene chino, when they want one roll cap and cuts our last year. i to re record breaking performances, helped put the denver nuggets back and controls the n b a finals. nikolai jo kitchen jamal murray combined to give an i'll get to to one series lead or remind me heat. and the richardson reports calling to get cut off because of your kitchen, jamal murray put on quite to show in miami, becoming the 1st t makes to record the triple bubbles in the n b a finals. 21 for to be part of the
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altered naming. hitting double digits in points. rebounds and the system, the pat, both the t points as part of this joints f. it's always a 1st in any n b i game. it's set up a 109 to 94 when the nuggets now see victories away from claiming that 1st ever championship. i know when he's looking to score, i know when he's the best for on the floor. i know when he's taking a 2nd to get into the game, i think is just a feel and a trust that we're going to figure it out. it's not a necessity to theme. and then like i said before, he went to serious started who dental nuggets needs to be the miami, not me or them i'll be to whoever is another side be as a group need to be done. the hates were playing on that hon quotes and did have that monuments this done from by mad at bio late in the 2nd quote to put his team 2 points clear to your miami. never let in the 2nd health your kitchen, murray, and show the nuggets were always just too far ahead. when the moments could have
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been swing moments, they were coming up with those place. but you have to expect that i'm not losing the balance. you have to expect there to be a lead talent in the, in the final said both those guys are a lead level towns. i feel like we just got to come out with more energy and effort . and that's correctable on this, on us as a, as a group. no x is a nose, can fix that. so, you know, come out with him for getting those balls, get defensive, re balance. and maybe just maybe would have been a different guy miami's reputation to being the come back kings of these playoffs will be tested once again in game for on friday on the richardson l g 0. and that is all you support for now. it's now back to lauren in london as far as thank you very much and that sits, may learn taylor for this news out. i'll be here in a moment with another full run of today's news. thanks very much need for watching bye. for now,
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the projector was prime, ministering why she now opted to students in jail for him. because malaysia's talk to him when one east investigates on how to 0, the, the business tolling for evening service at my to do. it is tish being dealing with the tranquillity,
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monkish for century skills. the and catholics and most names have lived here in harmony, latham but we share most of neighbors, religious festivals, as well as joyce and stories succeed in. loyal fueled unrest in some areas are being rock says the 2000 for us led invasion. the people of mine disc say that a proud of their cool existence. they say that harmony between christians and muslims here has created in breakable social bones. but the middle language and that's where we, she's worried that this might be disrupted by ministry operations nearby as plates . us from the code is and workers quality or p t t patrols the areas that people mangie's hope defeated to an extent as a safe haven. and symbol of peaceful coexistence, the region. a week to look at the world's top business store, thousands of people go on strike, pay the high cost of living, global markets in economies,
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small businesses. so the tech support restrictions really impacted to understand how it affects counseling, the costs. oh no, just the . ready as this add clarity, grounds flights and millions edge to stay in doors, a smoke from forest fires in canada, troops, eastern north america. the are in terms of life and also coming up rescue operations. inside of was an emergency teams was to evacuate front victims in ukraine's has own region. changing a major migration to ministers from across the european union thrash out


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