tv News Al Jazeera June 13, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST
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the low cost saudi arabia, it goes to the low end inputting oil outputs. all this helps these prices such as new finance ministers, signals return to orthodontist economic policies. first clean energy investments a set to out showing oil for the 1st time ever culture. the cost on that i'll just showing you here is coming over our heads from russian positions and a new cranium. positions have been standing about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. we seen some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in the suitcases place. if you don't feel safe anymore, what happens on that day is a war crime shows how many regions across the lines and no, no man's land level of destruction. here, proof of just how fits the fighting has been in recent weeks, this russian or built some on a street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. the
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a heavy sizing on several fronts in ukraine, as keith claims its counts were offensive against russia, is advancing. the reports from the front line of training and military tell us that he was rushing full, seized the blue. this bridge up at another bridge. as a means of trying to prevent the crane in advance, the carry jones took this is out. is there a lot from the also coming from a us president donald trump touches down in florida. head of is quotes of parents charges at this time, the classified documents also, i'm born to be low in the progress report by in the philippines. remedial and volcano has visited viewing lot on the u. n. c. facts, the idea of creating a global watch store, artificial intelligence, if usefully,
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called best and destruction. the will begin in ukraine, whether ministry says its troops have regained control of 7 villages. 2 days off the president, let him as a lensky, confirmed a counter offensive against russia had begun. a fighting is sent to the round, the russian controlled city of buck moved on for the south. moscow hasn't officially knowledge any ukrainian advances where ukraine, this says its latest operation has recaptured villages the south eastern separation region, as well as far as teams. claims as a cluster of settlements were re taken along the front lines and the don't the region where russian forces have been entrenched for months on monday, ukrainian troops said they liberated the village of stores, shipping from russian occupation recapture of 3 other small settlements near by it
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was announced on sunday. russia's defense ministry says its forces have repelled ukrainian attacks. charles stratford reports not from just north of those villages that for the cause of us. ok. the town lies in ruins. sounds of buffalo code down these deserted streets. ukrainian army pushed down so fairly can know the silica in recent days. it says it's, we can't you. the number of settlements from russian full sees nearby to the sales . so there's been a lot of heavy fighting in this town. in recent days, the ukrainian military tell us that it was russian full sees the blue this bridge up. i don't know the bridge of somebody's of trying to prevent ukraine in, involves we know now that that has failed ukrainian policies. we understand all moving south around 2 kilometers from here. this ukranian army videos,
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which all g 0 account independently verify, reported the shows ukrainian soldiers in the village of steroids, if there are band and russian vehicles and bodies on the streets of the cool water. at 1st, the enemy resistance tried to repel our attack without tillery, we managed to take initiative into our hands and slowly house by house. we started to recap to the village. approximately. we killed 10 enemy soldiers and took full prisoners apart the ukrainian full of si se both operations continue and they're facing barrels use of rockets. another 2 to re 5, they try to evolves better because it's just going to use varying abrasions are ongoing in this area. they left many surprises. many booby traps. everything is mind. pauline is shot. little scarlet house is still standing. she's the only civilian we find in value cannot assume. she stayed here throughout
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the fighting the watching, listening to her town being destroyed. and does nothing last, but everything has to be rebuilt from scratch. we came to live where every year ago, just as the will started. it's impossible to describe. everyone has had something destroyed. the system is great in spite to re take control of its territory is just beginning small initial gains may be, but maam, specials are expected for long russian defensive lines that all will prepaid dog game, child stuff without a 0 really cannot assume ukraine, which on this you this off of, out of a has more on what russia is saying about the ukrainian towns were offensive. according to the russian side, the counter offensive, the ukranian counter offensive has been going on for a week. and so far the ukrainian troops have faced lots of difficulties we've sent
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for the direct you korean tongue, send ahmed vehicles this time around the ukrainian country funds. it was on everyone's lips for several months. and it was long anticipations that for a while the ukraine was preparing as a fence. the russian army was preparing for defense and they were digging trenches erecting the falsifications as true holes and they were equipping also, hillary positions and mine fields. the craze is something which is called a lead defense, so it's going to be very hard for ukraine to break all the lines of defense now, particularly when they do not have proper evasion. what russia has intensified is ation of souls. a plus i'm, let's say that russia has managed to accumulate some additional human reserves, and the russian side continues speaking about the so called the ukrainian perspectives. at the moment the explosions have brought to the sudanese city of on
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demand their call to as fighting intensifies between the army and the apartment itching rapids support forces. the day of the ceasefire expired early on sunday, bringing an end to 24 hours, a relative calm in the region. at least 18 people have been killed this since the truth ended. give a morgan has more from on demand. monday's thought said with heavy explosions and arts and every fire in the city of undermine, they will also direct confrontations between the rapids support forces. and this is denise army around the afternoon local time here in the city. now there are 2 strategic locations controlled by this within these army, and which the power, military rapids support forces have been trying to gain control of since the thoughts of the fighting in mid april. there's the engineer score in the southern part of the mind city. then there is why to say you're not in the northern parts of homes of mine city, which is where the split in his army finally jets have been taking off from. and what's the artist that has been trying to gain control of since the thoughts of the
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fighting in mid april, they will also explosions and heavy artillery fire reports that in the southern parts of the capital. once again, residents were advised to stay indoors, but they said that that is not safe because on sunday, at least 18 civilians were killed when selling fell in their homes as fighting continued between the rapids support forces. and this is denise army. people who we speak to say that they try to make their way out of the capital. but because of the cost of transportation fees, many remain trapped here in the capital cost to them with no access to humanitarian aid and no access to shops for them to be able to buy their basic commodities. people say that they're worried that they would either die of hunger as a result of little 8 coming in or being caught in the crossfire between the rapids support forces. and this is denise army. he but morgan ultra 0. i'm through mine. former us president donald trump is due to a paving coating mine a they to on tuesday. the face is $37.00 charges of the alleged mishandling of classified documents, which he kept top of his time ended in 2021. these the 1st form at present in us
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history to face criminal charges, unofficial has more from miami, a in a city which often prepares for coming storms. miami is cranking up security around the federal court house has been increasing throughout the day. all agencies getting ready for the historic 1st quarter payments of a former us president on federal charges. we're taking this uh, this event. extremely serious. we know that there is a potential of things taking a turn for the worst, but that's not the miami way. donald trump landed in florida in the late afternoon met by a small group of supporters and protest. 2 i believe now if he's back to the white house, he's going to be even better press you there. he's seeing it is there. i'll go through sort of 15 minute ride from the court when he will surrender to the authorities on tuesday. once he arrives at the court,
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he will be officially photographed and fingerprinted. it's a federal court. there will be no pictures of him before the judge. you'll then your details of the $77.00 charges. they include violations of the espionage act, obstruction of justice, making false statements. and conspiracy. in a series of social media posts from, again claimed the prosecution was political appointee made it raleigh's, over the weekend. and i never thought such a thing could happen to america. as far as the joke of an indictment is a horrible thing. so horrible thing for this country. i mean, the only good thing about it is driven my phone. number's way up. can you believe miami's republican, me a refuse to get involved in the politics just are doing for testers to be peaceful . i'm not here to talk about politics. i'm here in my role as mayor of the city of miami, projecting confidence to our residents, and to the residents of the country that we're going to be ready for tomorrow. the
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courts in miami is doing for pushing its cases through quickly. a rocket dokey court is what they call it. so well, trump team will argue that the prosecutions are malicious and should be dismissed. there's every possibility. the former president could be on trial here within 6 months. i would say, sure, i'll just see the miami, the am i on the volcano in the central philippines has started spewing all the local authorities and offer pending to move 25000 more people in case volcanic activity escalates on into the reports, not from the province of all by it is a sight to behold. we own volcano is central philippines is known to have a near perfect cone owing to its frequent the russians. it's some, it has been blowing since last week, and it's been attracting tourists. but for people who live around one of the philippines most active volcanoes, it's bad news. on monday, scientists and local officials confirmed law vice,
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now slowing down the volcano smooths an escalation, but not enough to raise the alert level yet. okay, since we're at level 3. so when we're, when they did the back later, those that have been within the 6 kilometers. interesting. if and when other levels of the becomes the next level, the poor girl, my data to about the way those living within the 70 kilometer danger zone. more than 13000 people have already fled their homes, but wasn't used to millions rumblings. they said they're not taking any risks we're looking at, but it's better to be on the safe side so we can be sure will survive, including our children and our livestock. oh, it looks like my you won't be around. the great, the signing of the government officials aren't taking any chances either. they're already preparing to move more people during the last option in 2018. pre emptive
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evacuations prevented any loss of life. stapleton, all the just say my own is already erupting, but it's a quiet time known as a fuse of a rupture. you're hoping it won't progress to a violent disruption, but it's too early to predict how severe it will be. fine to below algae 0. they've got to be city the philippines. well by the name of joins us live now. so a bonded be. what's the very latest on the volcanoes activity the full terry. it's hard to distinguish between the clouds and the smoke like material that's at the top of the volcano right now. but there is some grease smoke at the top of the volcano that appears to be gas coming separately. volcanic activity in the book and all just are describing these activities as a normal but steady lava has been slowly, as mentioned in the piece,
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has been flowing for several days. now. i'm nearing a week now. and on sir nights we could see the lava flowing down from the dome off the volcano. so from the other night, 500 meters, it was flowing down 500 meters down the slope. last night it had already extended the flow down to about the kilometer off the volcano slope. the total length of the slope of the volcano is 4 kilometers state. the doctors are saying that the rate at which the volcano is doing lava has been gradual. and there are have also been fewer ruffled events in the past 24 hours. $221.00 rough falls compared to $260.00 in the previous 24 hour period. also, they have the only recorded one a bull county or quick in the past 24 hours. so they're seeing now that this is trending towards what happened in 2014, when there was
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a wide there option and nothing else followed. but of course, they're not discounting that there could still be a violent eruption there. closely watching this volcano. anything can happen, terry's wedding day, the holiday or thoughts is the preparing for the possibility of a more finding. so that's to carry. so please have set up about 34, what they call 12 points around the 6 kilometer permanent danger zone off the volcano. so this is to prevent people from going back to their homes. thousands of people do live around the volcano around this 6 kilometer radius, and most of them have already evacuated their homes. they're in different temporarily shelters around the province of i by and get before it is want to make sure that they won't go back to their homes, because
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a lot of them would probably want to go back during the day to harvest their crops, for example, or to safeguard their properties and their live stock. but before these do not want to take any chances. they say what we're talking about here, our lives. and as mentioned in the piece, they were able to save all the lives here back in 2018 when there was a major interruption. but, you know, in factories say that life in evacuation centers is not easy. they lack a safe drinking water. they lack food. it's hot and they're sleeping on the ground . so there are a lot of these problems in this crisis who last month. and so there is this question of how the government could sustain this crisis. but authorities assure these evacuees that they're doing all they can to be able to provide them with food and with aid. and they're also going to provide them with tax assistance. now, if the alert level is further raised,
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then authorities will have to evacuate $2025000.00 more people to an extended 7 kilometer readers around the volcano. and they say that they can do this within 48 hours. carry. okay, barnaby. thanks very much indeed. pull that up, dates, or what sort of head on the i'll just say right, it's an ease of form a and the same thing 5 minutes to so the better scone dice. of the age of 86, the as chuckles side clone go show, disappears into the pacific and is no longer followed. it leaves behind seasonal rays. the breaking line should be continuous and ought to be of a china japan little bit further south. so you went maybe maybe in the south,
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west of china, across to hong kong. significant. right? i think the steering wednesday, but where you might want it further. now let's guess it's getting hotter. so the $3.00 to $35.00 in beijing can be $29.00 in total k with a few. charlotte in that admittedly south of that is a dry looking picture. and we've seen a light particularly for borneo and for java, but not our big cheryl. so right. so the ways that use was particularly wet and of course above my head, meaning not catching the edge of the monsoon trough. and the western edge of that is just throwing up this tropical cycling. very severe the moments and it's on his way towards the cost of goods, right, which you probably make landfill on june 1st before it comes in across the winds. it goes, we increase the cheryl bands or down the west inside of india, and i think the rain itself will probably hit the southeast of pakistan, including karachi, northern pakistan has been suffering some, some pretty big chiles recently. and they gotta repeat themselves, the
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finding a life partner can sometimes be just for you on the list and especially a conventional dating is not an option. so some are turning for head that day to get one of my friends put me on it and, and within 2 weeks i found somebody and i was done, there's still resistance in some communities and it's might not work for everyone i'm done with up. but if i made someone online and that is how it's meant to be, swipe price for marriage or know just 0, the
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do without just here, a mind uh about top stores. ukraine says its policies have re gains control of 7 villages. it's baffled against the russian forces. fighting is sent to the wrong the eastern time for the south must go, hasn't the noise, any crane and advances? explosions have locked the sooner the city of on demand as fighting intensifies between the army and the power of miniature rapid support for the day and on the ceasefire expired on sunday. the former us president donald trump has arrived in florida for his quotes. appearance on tuesday, he faces $37.00 charges, so the next mishandling of classified documents. libby is tripoli based. the government is working to improve the country's health cast services. after decades of conflict, left the 2nd to on the verge of collapse. one of its goals is to stop sending patients abroad and to bring in foreign doctors to help fill the gaps on
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a china reports from a medical center and trip to the up. here at the national heart center in libby is capital tripoli, and the how to feed and with what he prepares to before him open heart surgery. he's a pediatric heart surgeon visiting from egypt. in previous years, the government has spent billions of dollars tending libyans abroad for treatment. now it's focusing on bringing in for and doctors at a fraction of the cost. the government estimates it will spend more than $50000000.00 treaty and libyans abroad this year. while foreign teams coming in will cost a fraction of that at around $4000000.00 that i work with here from libya and they do some things. and there are missing bar. i think one of the object. so if our missions like this, decide to do oppressions is to upgrade the lucas team here and, and leave the dozens of families have come seeking treatment for their children at
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this public hospital. can be me a works for a humanitarian organization that has brought in a team of turkish pediatric cardiologist. there are thousands of people on the waiting list. literally thousands on each in each hospital in pleasure and in typically many consent. and we're only dealing with about $5060.00 cases on every mission. this is the most can we can do. how many this is a year and a half. his family came from just uh about 650 kilometers. se of tripoli. a screening confirms he has pulled manic valves to notice a type of heart disease. we heard about the team of doctors, so we came to to police a long jr. run to good police into police has been difficult financially, but thanks to god, the most important thing is my son gets better. most of the patients here can afford treatment abroad for in private clinics. many of them have been waiting for weeks some for months with their procedures. but how many the others says the money
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spent to send one person abroad for treatment? it can cover more than 20 people here in libya. come on because there's no doubt that the number of people benefited from this program is much higher. it's not just the financial benefit training and developing local stuff means libyans can perform these operations in the future. more than 10 years of conflict has had a devastating impact on an already struggling health sector. libya has seen relative calling since a nationwide ceasefire was signed in 2020. that's allowed the government to begin work on improving medical services and give people here hope that things can get better with training, which is 0. triple the leaders of iran in venezuela say they want to increase by the actual trade from $3000000000.00 to $20000000000.00. they made the statement tied to meeting in caracas rainy and that preston day for him that race is 1st stop
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and a tour of south america. iran and venezuela also reaffirmed the 20 yeah. corporation kind of reading tyrone last year. and it states aged partnership, one oil defense and other issues, both around the us sanctions. right? you see, we'll also meet with leaders in cuba and nicaragua, un secretary general has one that's also special intelligence, is being used to spread this information and hate on every terrorist as, while technological advancement has been used for some good, the risks posed by a i threatens democracy and human rights on different medic edits james base reports from new york. the secretary general was speaking the launch of a new un policy on this information. now i as part of that things like the fakes manipulated video and images. and as he spoke to reporters, he gave has done this morning yet about the challenges facing the world. as a result of artificial intelligence,
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the scientists and experts have called on the world, wicked of declaring a and x essential. so that to humanity on the bod with the risk of nokia was the 2nd is general, also announced disease urgently constance, you to assign typical advisory board to look at the problems of a guy. and he'll announce the names of that board with experts from across the u. n . in the coming days, he's supportive of recent announcements made by the british couple months that they should be a global summit held by the u. k. like to this year to discuss the issue of a i and he also support supply and again, from the british prime minister, richie soon act that they should be a un agency perhaps like v. i a a that deals with atomic energy, specifically to deal with artificial intelligence. james pays out his era. the united nations with robert spyro is professor of the last is still yet more i seen the bystanders published extensively on the ethics of
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a i and robots. you joins us now from melvin. welcome to the program. so towards extent, do you think there are real and current dangers posed by a i think there are large changes posed by i as it is now in particular, it's challenge to democratic processes and elections. as we've just mentioned, i has tremendous capacity to spew out misinformation and this information tyler, to individual uses in why is that kind of a public governments psych elections? it has military applications that weren't any as well. is it just fantasy they to imagine that they are even now or in the future can never be regulate to the government by any kind of international agreements. a look, i always relies heavily on standards and intellectual property. you could pull the plug in a lot of this industry by insisting that you couldn't hold tighten some trade
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secrets in as it relies very much on standard. so regulation mike's technology possible and suddenly off is also an opportunity to control technology. this is going to be a global issue, and so that does a tried some difficulties about i don't think that we should give up just because it requires a certain amount of expertise to understand how the technology works. at some level we will have choices in this matter is regulation that actually in full symbol across borders. i don't think any one agency is going to be able to completely control i, i think we are looking for a culture change, particularly in engineering and computer science, but also across government and civil society. and i think it's going to
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be an ongoing um, you know, struggle as well, but i don't think it's something but something we should have a band and we'll hope all of a just because we expect it to be difficult. and what of this i did that a i is going to destroy humanity and the like is that largely hysteria? it is pretty hot. outside is to have an informed opinion on that topic because you can find people with page days for me, how much i can spend folks saying there is an x, a central risk from ion. and you can find people who say make point. well qualified of saying there isn't the case, the regulation here doesn't rest on the idea that it's an existential upfront. if this really is well shaping technology as people often advertise has to be then everyone in the world has a right to have a sign about it. i can't see any of the existing machines waking up. i'm
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taking over a bottle. i can certainly 9 people who think there is that risk from a spar. we very much appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. forensic scientists have begun the explanation of 128 victims of the spanish civil war because that took place from 1936 to 1939 a month, the beginning of the general funk. cuz for decade dictatorship, their bodies ought to be assumed from fund coast format. most of them that madrid. your operation is the 1st involving people whose bodies, when the, from other parts of spain often the will to be buried without the families consent in the monument. it today is former prime minister, so the but us go need will be given a state funeral on wednesday. but a scanning died at the age of 86 office who was hospitalized for an element related to the key man or mona is gathered outside his village as is funny,
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was transferred from hospital the sun point me there was a form of the time, the medium magnet music, at least 5 minutes to full times to see the serial there to school. he was above all a fighter. he was a man who was never afraid to defend his believes. and it was exactly that courage and determination that made him one of the most influential men in the history of italy. it allowed him to make real turning points in the world of politics, communication, and business with him. italy learned that it should never have limits imposed italy learned that it should never give up with him. we have fall one last many battles. and for him we will bring home the goals that we have set ourselves with russian depressed. and so i think that boots and also pay tribute to it, but it's got to be describing him as a valuable ally and we'll bunch, improve them the show. and i don't, he was a great friend develop nation you. he did a lot to build code your business.
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