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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 13, 2023 7:00am-7:30am AST

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you know, sometimes for young wisdom, especially conventional teaching is not an option. so some are turning for head that day to got one of my friends put me on it. and within 2 weeks i found somebody and i was done. there's still resistance in some communities. and it might not work for everyone. i haven't done without, but if i made someone online and that is how it's managed to be swipe price for marriage. oh no to 0. in february 2023. a $149.00 carriage freight train travel through these palestinians, ohio search 8, cause the rate of 11 we're carrying hazardous materials. one of them is the most toxic chemical ever test in the united states. it was terrified, blanketing our communities, photons, investigate safety practices within the americas railroad industry. time is money. money is everything. the room on the jersey to the
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heavy fighting on several fronts. and ukraine is keith claims games and is counter offensive. we report from the front lines, training military, tell us that it was russian full, seized the blue this bridge jump out of the bridge as a means of trying to prevent the crane and it involves the kind of them or kyle, this is sarah night from the also coming up, african leaders meet to seek an end to the conflict and su, donna's fighting intensifies across the country. i'm barnaby low and the progress of foot by in the philippines. for meal and volcano has visited viewing lava. and the un chief box, same idea of creating a global watchdog for all sufficient intelligence.
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we begin in ukraine where the minute tree says it's trips. have we gained control of 7 villages? 2 days off to present, the automated landscape confirmed a counter offensive against russia had begun. slicing is centered around the russian controlled city of blackwood, and for the south. moscow has no official the at noise, any ukrainian advances. the laser sweep village is ukraine says, as we captured, are in the south eastern parade to reach and at follows. keeps claims that a cluster of settlements will be taken along the front lines and the don't net squeegee. russian forces have been entrenched for months on monday ukrainian troops that they liberate to the village of storage, java from russian occupation. the recapture of 3 of the small sacraments nearby was announced on sunday mazda his defense ministry says, as forces have repels ukrainian attacks. so stratford is just north of those
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villages, the valley kind of us ok with more operations that the town lies in ruins. sounds of buffalo, it go down, these deserted streets. ukrainian army pushed down. so if the leak and the silica in recent days, it says it's we capture the number of settlements from russian forces nearby to the south. there's been a lot of heavy fighting in this town in recent days. the ukrainian military tell us that it was russian forces, the blue this bridge up at another bridge as a means of trying to prevent ukrainian involves we know now that that has filed ukrainian policies. we understand all moving south around the 2 kilometers from here. this ukraine, you know me videos which obviously are called independently verify, reportedly shows ukrainian soldiers in the village of steroids of if there are band
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and russian vehicles and bodies on the streets office. the chuckle world at 1st the enemy resistance tried to repel our attack with artillery. we managed to take initiative into our hands and slowly house by house. we started to recap to the village. approximately. we killed 10 enemy soldiers and took full prisoners. i thought the ukrainian full of si se bo populations continue and they facing barrels use of rock. it's another 2 to re 5. they try to evolves better because it's just going to use varying the proration is, are ongoing in this area. they left many surprises. many booby traps. everything is mind. pauline is shot. little scarlet house is still standing. she's the only civilian we find in political noble silica. she stayed here throughout the fighting. the watching, listening to her town, been destroyed. and does nothing last, but everything has to be rebuilt from scratch. we came to live for over
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a year ago just as the will started. it's impossible to describe. everyone has had something destroyed. bustamoni ukraine, spite to re take control of its territory is just beginning. small initial gains may be. but maam, sabbaticals are expected for long russian defensive lines that all will prepaid dog in child stuff without a 0 really cannot assume ukraine or jealousy any i. so i provided that brings us more now on what russia is saying about the crating and offensive. according to the russian side, the counter offensive, the ukrainian counter offensive has been going on for a week. and so far, the ukrainian troops have faced lots of difficulties. we've sent for the direct ukrainian tongue, send ahmed vehicles this time around the ukranian counter of funds. it was on everyone's lips for several months. and it was long anticipations that for
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a while the ukraine was preparing is a fence. the russian army was preparing for defense and they were digging trenches erecting the falsifications as 2 holes. and they were equipping also hillary positions and mine fields to be crated something which is called a lead defense. so it's going to be very hard for ukraine to break all the lines of defense now, particularly when they do not have proper eva ation. what russia has intensified is ation. i sold a plus, analysts say that russia has managed to accumulate some additional human reserves. the russian side continues speaking about the so called the ukranian perspectives. at the moment. let's bring you some of the news though, and explosions have rock specific needs city of on demand. the cartoon fighting is intensifying between the army and the power military rapids support forces. at least 18 people have been killed since
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a 24 hours these far ended early on sunday. were over the shot in the law, the leaves honest highlands, almost 2 months now and the humanitarian situation is very difficult. lack of food supplies, medicine even for the wounded and injured there's no possibility of helping we on to the island on the sea and using boats to reach on to month of bar e. and how did the wrong thing? yeah, i mean, how can people live in a city that is boomed and beaten and has snipers in the streets for them? there are no shops, no surfaces, no mountains, and have a morgan has more from on demand. a monday started with heavy explosions and arts and every fire in the city of on demand. they will also direct confrontations between the rapids support forces. and this is denise army around the afternoon local time here in the city. now they are 2 strategic locations controlled by this within these army, and which the power, military rapids support forces have been trying to gain control of since the thoughts of the fighting in mid april. there's the engineer score in the southern
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part of the mind city. then there is why they say you're not in the northern parts of the mine city, which is where they split and his army spicy jets have been taking off from. and what's the artist that has been trying to gain control of since the thoughts of the fighting in mid april, they will also explosions and heavy artillery fire reports in the southern parts of the capital. once again, residents were advised to stay indoors, but they said that that is not safe. because on sunday, at least 18 civilians were killed when selling fell in their homes as fighting continued between the rapids support forces. and this is denise army. people who we speak to say that they try to make their way out of the capital, but because of the costs of transportation fees, many remain traps here in the capital part to them with no access to humanitarian aid and no access to shops for them to be able to buy their basic commodities. people say that they're worried that they would either die of hunger as a result of little 8 coming in or being caught in the crossfire between the rapids support forces and the so denise army,
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keep them oregon all to 0 on through mine. while the slicing is exacerbated long running tensions in the full with l. jeanina in west awful thing, some west violence many fling into neighboring child have arrives the with injuries sustained from be things same to solve. it has moved from outright on the chat to dawn. buddha, i don't want him to. some of us may find the following images disturbing. not all of all norse family made it out. he weeks for a cousin and a nephew of burger below. both killed in l janina and he worries for those that he left behind members of the ethnic african muscle, each community he says they had to lie about who they are to avoid execution at the hands of the general we who arriving refugees in a group say are seemingly trying to cleanse the capital of suitors. west are full region of arrival tribes. i was like,
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how does the model for the fight and l jeanine is about finishing of the muscle. they've tried. they destroyed all our neighborhoods, their data stored, it, replace their muscle, these are staying now. the situation is horrible. every morning you wake up, you hear about someone having being killed or that he bears the marks of beatings. he endured at a check point, as his children were forced to watch even his pregnant wife do any day now, was not spared, beatings was more than paper. and instead of the muslim, a lot of people from our family have died. we don't know who is left because there's no network we can speak to each other. l janina is beginning to slowly empty out, slowly trickle out into odds, right? there are about 2 or 3 of these kinds of impromptu makes shift camps around the town. and those lucky enough to make it out of the besieged capital of west are for
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our coming to places like this. they are setting up tents with plastic tarps, with bits of cloth, with 3 branches and twigs. and they are here exposed to the elements waiting for any kind of help to arrive. even in these conditions, precious moments of levity offer a peek into the resilience of people forced to endure with some are beginning to describe as yet another genocide and are full. but reality snaps back quickly. children the most vulnerable are suffering most fucking most as her son was perfectly healthy, 5 months ago. now, clearly in need of serious medical attention, he could not get in elgin enough, that he will not get in a refugee camp. so they must wait and hope they say, for the world to wake up to a war within a week zane bus ralphie o g, a 0,
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audrey eastern chad as well. african leaders of originals summit and jump to see have given themselves 10 days to stop the conflict into don. i'm at phase, it could be stabilize. the whole region. delegates from ethiopia, south to john somalia, and kenya have been tasked with meeting the to boring policies. from diversity bonus beth reports. these leaders represent 300000000 people on the horn of africa . they believe they have the necessary leverage to stop for fighting and sue down, the malik i got is 2 times representative hip. he's the deputy chairman about countries transitional sovereignty counseling. this is that even an organization and most of them on the never so, so then that directly points in that directly affected by the war and the nose, the, the, the 2 fighting forces. and so they have relations with all these, healy one or one of the 2 forces. so that's the liberty they have.
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war between suit, amazon and the power military rapids support forces they are assess, broke out in april of attentions linked to a plan for transition to civilian rule. i got was a veteran politician and the fine to leading the sit down people's liberation movement like the dozens of other groups and so down the s p a land has remain neutral in this bottle is why so to ski and when he was thought of the water i can be seen, so that'll cause that to so many clearing and stick one lessons this with then. then you will have other i'm also checking on the bottom of this fighting the 2nd consciously, due to the fighting. and then it will cause the external elements. so we don't know how this extended extended elements are waiting to play out. and this was on the other countries here, a worry, the conflict could spread people who leave the country going all around the neighbor country. they may be outside the country and that's what's what i'm wondering. so that's how because i mean these easiest insecurity in the southern
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region. so i got the inter governmental authority and development says in 10 days that delegates would have met both sides in sit down with a goal of bringing hostilities to an end. i got his also giving itself 2 weeks to persuade both sides into down to allow humanitarian car door to be setup. and there are also plans to organize a national dialogue for the people of pseudo. but these are on vicious aims, given the enormous challenges to being even getting both parties to agree to the shortest ceasefire. smith alger 02 booty in the mind. volcano and central philippines has begun spewing lava. well far, caesar preparing to move another 25000 people in case we'll kind of activity escalates. finally, low reports from the province of al. bye. it is a sight to behold. we owned volcano as central philippines is known to have a near perfect cone. owing to its frequent directions, its summit has been blowing since last week,
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and its been attracting tourists. but for people who live around one of the philippines most active volcanoes, it's bad news. on monday, scientists and local officials confirmed la vice, now slowing down the volcano smooths an escalation, but not enough to raise the alert level yet. okay, since we're at level 3, so web apartment, they did the back later, those to the bank within the 6 kilometer danger zone. if and when other levels the becomes the level of poor, where my data to about the week, those living within the 70 kilometer danger zone. more than 13000 people have already fled their homes. but wasn't used to my own rumblings. they said they're not taking any risks the getting at, but it's better to be on the safe side so we can be sure will survive, including our children and our livestock. oh, it looks like my younger brother,
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robert, the great, the adults assigning government officials aren't taking any chances either. they're already preparing to move more people. during the last erupt, sion in 2018. pre emptive evacuations prevented any loss of life a team. the cows behind me and the grayish smoke like material that's at the top of the volcano, it appears to be gas coming out of the volcano, which signals of course, that there is continuing. volcanic activity. lava has continued to flow down the slope of, of a young volcano from 500 meters downslope the other night. well, staple chronologist have recorded uh 800 meters to about the kilometer of lava flow . the total distance or the total length of we own volcano slope is about 4 kilometers. so they're saying that the volcano has to be spewing lava at
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a rather gradual pace. before these are preparing for the possibility of the alert level being race to alert level 4, which means that there is an imminent hazardous erupt, said they say that if this happens, they are, they will have to evacuate around 25000 people living in the extended danger zone 7 kilometer radius around the volcano, 25000 more people, but they say that they could do this. they can evacuate these 25000 people. within the period of 48 hours weren't below 0. they got to be city the philippines that i had here on out to xerox, germany host and they towed biggest exercise over europe. and we look at how farm is in syria dealing with lots of damage caused by february's escalate. the
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the, the right being sees for the clouds in fact, a revolving storm, but we're still at least stop in talk here in the eastern part of metro and the, the event because this line and right here, it could be significant as it runs just into gaza. and to the size, maybe even those in egypt. but once again, it's to kill covered in daily showers or funds domes which extend down towards cyprus. and you still have that noisily breeze in his time, but it seems to be a never ending where the content. so things are a bit more exaggerated to the south was that there was this spinning storm, deeper joy on his way towards the cost of goods or that the wind induced by probably it's going to strength and then it's a halt winning. so once again, coming out to be a rock down to the gulf states, it will pick up the dust, even the sand that could be sandstone, particularly, i think in jordan, no northern saturday. but the temperature $46.00 in doha also record, but much higher than it should be, even for june. and next tauriel africa,
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the raw shells around like victoria, they bloom every day. but the coast of kenya in somali, which should be receiving, right, this time of year from the monsoon wind just isn't there, it's too dry. and although we have got some rather western windy weather in the fall, science of south africa is driving most with a heat wave running from i can go to design the join the label conversation to just say good. the people industry to be continued is say, this is a dialogue, we don't always talk to people that have different opinions every to everyone has to police. must have it here. is that society doesn't do enough to recognize and celebrate women. it was, it was fun to have an american occupation of the meetings to country. the street on algae 0
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the the very beginning of what you're going to 0. and the reminder of our top story is this . our ukraine says that schools, as of we gain control of 7 villages from russian troops fighting is centered around the eastern city of blackwood and further south. moscow has not to acknowledge any ukrainian advances. explosions have brought the seed in the city of on demand, a slicing intensifies between the army and time, or forces. these 18 people have been killed since sunday and the mile and will pay note in central philippines has become stealing lava. authorities of having to move an additional $25000.00 people safety in case the volcanic activity escalate.
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the leaders of iran and venezuela say they want to increase bilateral trade from $3000000000.00 to $20000000000.00. and it made that statement at a meeting in caracas. the 1st stop on present, abraham raises trip to south unless in america, ron and venezuela have reaffirmed a 20 a cooperation plan agreed into around last year. i see is also due to meet the latest of cuba and the curriculum. most of him, over to the level of economic cooperation was at a level of 600000000 dollars 2 years ago. but today this is increased that trade and economic cooperation to more than $3000000000.00. and for the goal that we have for you cannot make and trade cooperation. the 1st step is to bring that level of cooperation to $10000000000.00. and the next step is to bring it to $20000000000.00 more a month for you to model, bring the scene for quite of those. and it's probably we have signed $25.00 for
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agreements during this historic visit of prison recei. uh, and we're seeing the go shooting new agreements. funny investment. we have to make the most out of these hours to complete negotiations for new projects, new agreement with new investments in all areas of oil, petrochemical, refining gas mining, called iron and oxide. we're signing an agreement to establish a joint shipping company around venezuela that allows us to raise and operate levels. the white house has weighed in on israel's plans to build thousands more houses for staff as me occupied westbank. national security council spokesman john cubbies as the move could increase tensions between israelis and palestinians. can you really i can't speak to that. i don't. we certainly wouldn't be in
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a position to confirm reports of that nature, except to say, we have long made clear our concerns about additional settlements in the, in the west bank. and that we don't want to see actions taken that are going to make a 2 state solution that much more difficult to achieve. we don't want to see steps taking that only increase the tensions. and we've been very clear about that. nothing's changed about our policy. only us present donald trump is in florida ahead of his course of parents later on choose day. trump has been indicted on 37 charges in connection with the alleged mishandling of classified documents. the 1st 4 were present in us history to face federal criminal charges. nato is big on a major fulls exercise in germany and both hundreds of across from 25, nato and partner countries. so fast them has moved from from stove in germany. the sky above you are looking like 2 more so aircraft from 25 nato countries are
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playing out how to react when attacks from the east military officials denied the trails are aimed at sending a message to russia these agreeable. if this exercise is not the signal directed to any one, it's a signal to ourselves may to itself because it's missing native nations participating under generally come onto a signal that we can defend this country. and it's a line august in to the exercise has been planned since 2018 of the russia annex crimea. but officials say the invasion of ukraine has made it even more urgent since the creation of nato, after world war 2, no exercise has seen so many phone planes and personnel deployed in germany. that is a big challenge. all the nation is coming to germany. as for example, united states as country which is felt the way i had a lot of challenges to bring all the act up, all the materials over the atlantic ocean, as well as the other nations close by. so the deployment is yeah, in the beginning x as i else exercise the most important part of both june to 10
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day drill fleet, busy commercial flights on to close for several hours every day. most likely, causing your traffic disruption and delays for passengers. nasal countries are taken to the sky to select their muscles at a time when the war and ukraine seems to escalate. the file. officials have stress that the hypothetical enemy in this exercise is not the rock shop. these maneuvers above germany and further through the east will send the message to moscow soon dodge f sixteens. participating in the drills could be sent to the was own, and ukraine. in the next few weeks, ukrainian pilots will be trained to fly. the american mate fighter jets, air force personnel participating in the drill, say they are and faced by the reality of the war and ukraine. for me, i believe that is a great opportunity for unity. um, even though we understand there are a lot happening within the european theaters, the air defender exercise has nothing to do with what is happening in the ukraine.
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currently, we're focused on just strengthening our partnerships as well as being good allies at the end of the drills, nato countries hope to know that in the case of an attack on one of the members that can count on enough support from the authors steadfast and l g 01 stop germany . it's actually general has one but artificial intelligence has been used as for this information and hate. i'm trying to guitar, i said waltz. technological advancement has been good for has been use for good. the risks posed by a i, it's residence, democracy, and human rights on let's get the teams based reports from new york. the secretary general was speaking at the launch of a new you and policy on this information. now a i as part of that things like the face manipulated video and images and does he spoke to reporters. he gave has done this morning yet about the challenges facing the world. as a result of artificial intelligence,
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the scientists and experts have called on the world, wicked, declaring a i and eggs is central set to humanity. on the bod with the risk of look, your was. the 2nd is general also announced disease urgently constant. you to some typical advisory board to look at the problems of a guy. and he'll announce the names of that board with experts from across the u. n . in the coming days, the supportive of recent announcements made by the british governments that they should be a global summit held by the u. k. later this year to discuss the issue of a i and he also support supply. and again, from the british prime minister richie soon act that they should be a u. n. a agency perhaps like v. i a a that deals with the topic energy, specifically to deal with artificial intelligence. james pays out his era. the united nations robot spyro is a professor at more last university and it's published extensively on the ethics of onto official intelligence. he says, for me,
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they think international regulation for a i will become easier in the future. i always relies heavily on standards and intellectual property. you could pull the plug in a lot of this industry by insisting that you couldn't whole titled some trade secrets in as it relies very much on standard. so regulation mike's technology possible and suddenly offers also an opportunity to control technology. and this is going to be a global issue. and so that does tried some difficulties. i bought, i don't think that we should give up just because it requires a certain amount of expertise to understand how the technology works. at some level, we all have choices in this matter. you can find people with page days for me, how much i can stand for saying there is an x, a central risk from iowa. and you can find people who say make way. well, qualified of saying there isn't the case. the regulation here doesn't rest
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only all idea that it's an existential upfront. if this really is a well shaping technology, as people often advertise the debate, then everyone in the world has the right to have a sign about it. i don't why has tremendous capacity to spew out misinformation and this information pilot to individual uses in why is that kind of a problem governments. psych elections. it has military applications that weren't any as well. the culture is the main source of income for many people in the opposition controlled northwest of syria. but many farmers whose land is around the orleans has with a struggling because of the damage caused by february's us quakes. then the hotel reports, it's a lifeline. now damaged the around to this river has long provided walter to syria's north western plains. but since the devastating earthquakes that hid
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southern turkey and northern syria in february, the regions geography has changed. a 56 kilometers stretch that runs through areas controlled by the opposition has been effected. rising water levels and cracks and fishers in the ground have damaged farmland. and i hope a lot of, uh, we haven't heard lot of losses. we lost a lot of our trucks. we couldn't look after them because we couldn't reach them. large corrects means we can't use haven't machinery and any repairs cost too much and we can't afford it. but most of the people here have suffered through 12 years of war and most depend on the land to survive. crops along the banks of the river were submerged after the quakes and deep craters. some of them 6 meters wide affected their roots. oh, i don't suppose that how we can work on our land any longer and this is our livelihood. but we used to grow old kind.


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