tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 19, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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saves money home. i just feel like i'm stressing myself. quickness transactions going out to sierra, unprompted and uninterrupted discussions. from a london broadcast center. on out june 0, the the hello, i'm serial then. yeah, it's great to have you with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the show today. a massive gun battle in jeanine, at least for palestinians are killed after a raid by is really forces a sound in steady relationship. china as president choosing thing says he hopes to
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visit by the us secretary of state will help stabilize relations on trial. once more russian opposition leader alex ain. of all the faces several new charges that could keep him in prison for more than 30 years on bonus. smith, injured booth, chief following the increasing number of migrants trying to cross the red sea, looking for a better life on the arabian peninsula. that is full with american golf owing them, clark has won the 1st major championship of his career. 29 year old. how the some of the games and the biggest same set to came victory at the us. so the, we begin this news, our with breaking news from the occupied westbank. a gun battle is ongoing in the area of jeanine. his really forces have killed, at least for palestinians during a raid there of the $45.00 others were injured.
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4 of them critically, engine in refugee camp and is really helicopter targeted. the camp in the 1st air strikes there for nearly 20 years is really media says 7 injured soldiers were evacuated by helicopter. to palestinians have been detained. the palestinian health industry says a 15 year old boy is among those dead. he was decent, polite, and very respectful. he had an issue whenever he saw his lady soldiers, he started chasing them. he wanted to follow the footsteps of his best friend, omar. he too, was killed recently. okay, let's bring in him ron khan, who joins us now live from west jerusalem on this. and we're on one of your sources saying about what happened this morning as well. these ready on the advice, the publicly confirmed what happened. they say the rates of place in the early hours of monday morning, almost immediately as the soldiers entered the camp. and on the vehicles. uh,
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there was a massive exchange of gunfire about the woods. and then all you do is improvise explosive devices. what actually used again is really military vehicles. one of those ministry vehicles was damaged. we're hearing the at least one is right, the soldier was injured in that attack. it's at that point that helicopter gunship will actually use a fight into jeanine and refugee camp. we haven't seen guns has been use in that mine and maybe 20 years since of the 2nd intifada in the occupied westbank, that's a serious escalation. as particularly for the palestinians as well. babies, right? the army say that they wanted to use those gun ships to try to extract the soldiers from the area. and then another 5 fight began as they tried to withdrawal. also a hospital came under attack, given the c no hospital came under attack, the palestinians say that their ambulances were allowed to actually enter janine to try and pick up many people. some of them were actually critically wounded in those
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attacks. also we've heard from bet for those small tried to is the finance minister, diesel for a minister in the defense ministry. he says it's now time for a large scale operation across the occupied westbank. and he's going to is a convenient, a security cabinet meetings trying to push for that, whether he has the political supposed to be able to do that. we don't know, but certainly that's something that he wants to do this. is this ongoing, or is this over now? this military operation and the gun fight was the latest that you've heard we're hearing that is ongoing happens notes as fast as it was in the early hours of the morning. but we're also hearing from the palestinians as well. the palestine liberation organization. a secretary general has said on switzer, this is a face, an open rule that is being waged against the palestinian people politically security and economically. but the occupation forces were in the midst of
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a comprehensive battle on all fronts that requires the unity of peoples in the face of this aggression. now he also says that they will be a maintained being convened by all the various different political factions and the palestinian president to try and see what reaction might come from this. but we've also heard from her mass as well. i'm asked, is that a, that's the palestinian fighters engineering refugee camp a mold and capable of defending themselves against these men nightly rates that have killed nearly a 166 palestinians so far the ship emerald calling reporting from western ridgeland . thank you very much. janine has been at the heart of palestinian resistance against israel's illegal occupation after the 1967 war, the city and the northern west bank came under israel's control an estimate of 12000 palestinians live in jeanine refugee camp. and during the 2nd intifada, israel wage depend a military campaign by aaron land to crush a palestinian uprising in this camp. nearly 60 palestinians at the time were killed
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. the camp now has one of the highest rates of unemployment and poverty in the occupied west bank. due to israel's separation wall, it's restrictions on movements in denial of permits that listing an armed resistance there has increased following israel's rated deluxe and mosque and the war on gaza. that's bringing the stuff on board with you to discuss with the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. you joins us now from ramallah. mr. bar. good. see this is a significant escalation. we wanted your reaction today. exactly. but the, it's not that gotten the fight between 2 sides. is it because i will, i could have been a lot of that. those that are really, very well equipped army is conducting against palestinian civilians. in janine, you are talking about anatomy that is using the apache helicopters, if 60 and jet fighters, automotive vehicles, unlimited amounts of done by one against civilian population,
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basically in an engineering camp and engineer and city itself. as so far as you have mentioned, the 4 people would come, including the 15 year old child, as well as the $45.00 people who are injured. 10 of them could die because they have very serious injuries. and i, the 1st thing is out of simply trying to defend themselves. the defense themselves, themselves with the dock sometimes the sometimes with the guns. but in reality, this is an unprecedented level of an attack of i was conducted on people who i don't q by only fascists. do that. only a fascist conducted award on hope you buy people before, but that's not surprising. he had a sense of what the terms of the finance minister visitor and quotes himself a homophobic home of a fascist tumor fault. and that's the kind of government we are dealing here with. and the, this at that going to need comes exactly after that. is there any government declination of an expansion of supplements of unprecedented living?
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allow me cuz i sent a lot of smoke damage to 2 license as many as i plugged supplements as you want. but i, particularly this wasn't announcements of an extension of the west bank, and i thought that the illumination of the whole idea of those that solution. mr. burger king, why does this seems to be getting worse? i mean the level and the pace of the violence because the violence has been in the raids have been happening almost every day for the last year or so is what when you say violence it's, it does not give that item protection about what's really happened. and this is not the fight between each 2 equal sides. this is a struggle of palestinians wide open applied to i don't price since and 1948 who have been displaced. i'm putting a subject to ethnic cleansing cancelled on, on the desktop. you, patient in modern history and our system will pop up tied. they are trying to
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extract them for the nation for the freedom. on the other hand, you'll have an aggressive, is there any autonomy, highly equipped, well trained on back think out on the civilian people that, that different and see it is that the people come up police anymore. this injustice, the palestinians cannot take any more this oppression. and that's why this act, what is this that and every possible way. and the is the only thing that because of the, the extreme difference in the balance of power because of the silence of the international community. because of the standards of the international community when you compare their positions and you, what grain with what's happening here in palestine, that is what i always think they can now finish the fight by dismissing palestinians by conduct, think of nicknames and get game by unexplained lewisburg bias but i think supplements as most of the said, every way of smart, that is the finance minister is that i is now assigned as practically the military governor of the, of the west bank. and he said,
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he said very clearly and these are his words. we went from the west bank would set gloves on several months. so that kind of thing is would lose any hope of i staples that on. and then they would have one of 3 options. either to immigrate or to accept a life of subjugation to is there any road or die these are smart that are towards a mr. barger to stay with us for a moment. please stand by. i want to get the very latest. i'm our correspondent. she's in the occupied westbank need to abraham for us middle. what's the latest that you can tell us? and where are you? we are in janine right now, and i'm going to ask the camera man to pass on to the janine refugee camp. as you can see, there's smoke and there's been almost an ongoing exchange of fire. we've heard explosive devices being bogged. it's been like that for the past
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several minutes. non stop. now according to the past and in house ministry, they say that the for palestinians would have killed in the raid that started around 5 am in the morning. one of those who would have killed is a minor and it was all jeanine has been used to something of that c arms confrontations between these really forces and palestinian fighters. today, it was different. the fact that more than one armored vehicles by these really forces were talking about 5, at least with this, donated with explosive bomb have none the situation to words. an escalation. we've been talking to journalists who were saying that vision being surrounded alongside paramedics, that they're not able to leave locations. we have one journal. ringback who was injured in his side, his it's situation that was between ranges between medium and a about
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a 10 situation where policy is feel that they're not safe. we've heard the palestinian health ministry call upon people to go and do needs blood. we're talking about more than 45 injuries that have been sent to the past to me and hospitals. and as you can see, this has been more than an 8 hour rate and it's still ongoing. if you can hear that . absolutely. we can hear that near to your connections, a little unstable for the minutes and for the moment we'll continue to work through it. uh, bring us some context on jeanine, please. and we gave some wider context of, of, uh where janine stands in this conflict. but this near daily violence and the is really rates on the west bank and retaliations from palestinians that we've been seeing rising over the last few years. it is, i beg your pardon over the last year, it tends to happen either in the list or in jeanine. why janine?
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why janine? because jeanine nobliss has been known over the past a month. so of for having palestinians fighters working side by side together here in the janine area. and specifically in do you need refugee top fighters telling you that it doesn't matter who is party they are with politically, but they are joining forces together fighting these radio occupation. we've seen them at a why, why shoot at is really targets including at operations and attacks inside israel itself. they were saying that you know what, we've been under occupation for decades and decades. there's no sign of israel withdrawing or ending his occupation. on the contrary, we're seeing the occupation manifest itself in more violence against palestinians
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in increasing supplements that are being built in the occupied westbank and expanding. so for them they were saying, you know what is real only understands the language a force. so we're going to keep on fighting. so this is the situation in the janine refugee camps. it's interesting is that the fire, the bombs that we've seen today from the military choppers, these really ministry choppers is the 1st time we hear them in, in see that in 20 years. but also look, do you need bottles or as processing is your call is, did you need massacre to raise the totes and each the refugee companies you can see here now and see if there's still a tense situation? no, absolutely. and we just for those gunshots again. so for viewers, we're just joining us. it's 15 minutes past gmc and you're looking at life pictures
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of jeanine, where a serious gun baffled erupted earlier today. and our correspondent new to abraham was just explaining to us that it is still going on. so of course we'll bring you continued coverage of that on alpha 0. i want to go back now to our guest of the stuff that will guarantee who's been standing by. thank you for your patience. where's the palestinian leadership in all of this or it looks like the palestinian leadership is so it might be generalized. i mean the official leadership because it has failed the, in my opinion, and to, to understand that the items have changed. that also i agreement is that that is what i allows blocked on negotiation since 2014. and that that means that there is man do what do you now is to unite to buy the students and they are
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failing to do what i'm doing so. so in my opinion, the only way out of this situation is for the palestinian know officially the ship to understand 2 things. first of all, we are and as it states us will start going for our rights. and the hopes for today uh, a negotiations will not be for the fence because those that are on the side does not want to negotiate. they want only to antics on the occupied territories. and 2nd, they should move very quickly in the direction of uniting of having to identify ballasting and leadership. this is what that, what people needs, we should say as the world with our unified leadership. that tends to oil different clearly and exactly what we want. we want to and not only are you familiar with that he is a new patient, but also we want the end and end of the system. is that a new position on the opposite side that is actually used against what ballasting is, whether they live in the queue by 3rd entities or the 1948 areas or against very fuji's lot but event. and so i'm going back home to where they were born and we have the
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time is left. and let me, let me clarify one more point about the coverage. and you mean you asked you to correspond to advise you mean i want to mention here to them. janine is supposed to be at a, on the palestinian authority. but those are those not the respect, those go agreement. they invade every city in area and engineering. there is an alias anymore for supplements before, and now they are bidding them back. so practically, it's visit a renewal of this attack on this area and the city that is leading to this situation where the most dangerous thing that is happening today is that our team's wasn't meant it contains all of that is could have some and, but this didn't mean to cut a new society, otto and prevent it from reaching to the edge of the people that i'm providing comes get to the injured people. and some of them are even affected by the data. so just this is unacceptable. by on sentence, mr. hubbard routine. we appreciate you joining us on the program today from
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ramallah. thank you. thank you us. and we're just going to take you live to be in the occupied westbank and beg your pardon when we showed you those live pictures from the janine area where that gun fights is ongoing. we'll continue to bring you coverage of that. as we get more details, there's still plenty more coming up on this gives our, including this. the north korea's ruling party makes a rear self criticism after the failure of a military satellite launch. a desperation grows on chad's border with sedan, has thousands of more refugees from west or for struggle to cope and support the cuban boxes fighting to make their olympic dreams come true. that story and much more coming up. the
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china, as president says he hopes the visit of america's top diplomat to badging will help stabilize relations changing thing, told anthony, blinking during a meeting and badging that the world needs a stable relationship between us and china. we can also held talks with china senior diplomat one year on the 2nd and final day of his visit. one you said bay james relations with washington are the low points and said that the us have to choose between cooperation or conflict. katrina, u as in badging. what do you know, katrina about this meeting? what was said during the meeting and what do you infer from the fact that it even took place? the fact that she didn't match with anthony blinking is a very strong signal. it shows a good faith and that this visit overall has gone relatively well, and it also demonstrates that present season thing is interested in leasing us. president joe biden down the track. now you've just got more information about what
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was specifically said between the 2. during that meeting, she isn't being told blinking, that he believes that the 2 countries kind or become the difficulties and find the right way to get along. also that it is the responsibility of both sides into their own people and for the world that these 2 superpowers do so and at night decide to try to shape the other by its own will. and he hopes to see sound and steady us china relationship going forward and aging has no interest in displacing the us in its role. so fairly positive comments that now we also know that the lincoln early a met with top diplomats here in the aging as one e and on sunday for a minute, searching guns of both. what unequivocal about the importance of the try. one issue of the issue for trying a red line issue chain guns was very candid and saying this issue is one that is presenting the most prominent risk to the relationship between washington and aging, going forward. so, no doubt,
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despite these good warm feelings that we all feelings from huge opinion that com and the the comments that he didn't make going forward. this is truly going to be a condition for any future meeting between job. i didn't. and so you do think he's going to need insurance, is that what you do is willing to respect chinese planes, taiwan. so what's the status on all those really hard questions you mentioned tie one of this human rights. there's trade disputes, all those things that are really at the heart of the us, china rivalry. it seems like they kind of put those to the side and said, we'll deal with those later. of the. that's right. so like you said, very important dimension, that is not just tie one that the o as in china is a real. there's a very long list. it's tie one, it's ukraine's human rights abuses. it's a stance on russia. and also the other problem defends no and stemming those chemicals associations with that that drugs. so very big issues. and it was not
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mentioned uh by the chinese side. but we know from the us state department that this was on anthony lincoln's agenda to at least bring up these issues nor a major breakthrough on any of these unfortunately. and that's not really a surprise. i think these issues take more than one visit to really move the dial in either direction. we had instead of that. so mine to wins with both sides of green to make things easier in terms of trouble between the 2 sides and planning for more meetings between high ranking officials going forward. but that doesn't mean to say that this whole thing was unsuccessful. i'm a sub i've spoken to have said that it's an achievement in itself, but i think it has managed to have this visit and meet with such high ranking officials here in china. and it shows that there was a potential at least for the relationship to improve but for you and for as such, high level visit by us a secretary of state and 5 years. so that's that's something katrina you thank you very much. katrina reporting there from the aging. now north korea's ruling workers
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party says it's 1st military satellite launch was the greatest failure. the rocket carrying the satellite plunged into the sea because of a technical problem last month. victoria, getting the reports know 3 is liza king jones and received a typically it's susie stick. welcome from party members in pyongyang. but the overall mood at the meeting was still on. the north korea's failed attempt to launch its 1st by satellite into space. last month was described as the greatest failure. officials in charge of the mission will criticized and do to prepare for another launch as quickly as possible. so far as show critics of its own failure is a clear reflection of anxiety and concern. insight the ruling party and the republic because of north grant needs to continuously develop the mat reference of message struction in order to prepare for the event. if eventual negotiations with
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washington in south korea detected. last month's launch from north korea's main space center, the us says that involve ballistic missile technology, which goes against un resolutions. the real quick question to the see shortly after takeoff in south korea's military salvage some of the projectile. and the say this is what it's most worrying north korea davis like so dave, close to the south korea, united states, japan learning the unit and out of the north we as icbm technology. so if these 3 countries, we'll have a clear understanding of where north korea's icbm kate capability is this, then it will greatly undermines the bargaining lab result north korea. i also wanted to, well give you a policy meeting such as this and normally annual events. this is the, the, this year, members with hope, young young plans to strengthen relationships with countries opposing us strategies including china and is determined to continue developing nuclear weapons. victoria
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gay to b, l g 0. the court in russia has begun to hearing a new criminal case against jail kremlin critic. i'll explain the volley. he's facing several new charges including creation of an extremist organization, and rehabilitating novices of only says he could face up to 30 years in prison under the new charges. i'll explain of all these a well known kremlin critic and former moscow may or candidates became popular in russia as the founder of the antique corruption foundation and g o. investigating the private wealth of russia's elite and 2020 who was poisoned with the nerve agent . no big shock. he was in a coma for 3 weeks and was taken to germany for 5 months of treatment. when devonie returned to moscow, he was arrested for embezzlement and later, fraud charges has been in prison. now for more than 2 years, moscow designated his n g o, an extremist organization, back in 2021. well moscow base journalist julia shop of oliver joins us now from
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moscow. you, what is the volley accused of precisely, and what's happening in court today? yeah, the hearing has already started and as expect says at the 1st hearing of that kind, the prosecute is about to announce the indictments also that the defendant will have the opportunity to express his attitude to the charges. lord full says, step top security measures near the facility will be trying to listen to when a fire is such that the judge and the cases and trace the war of his well known. a for harsh sentences in espionage cases, and today in quotes in the volume these defense demanded the removal of the judge. the demand or support of vondik say himself, but it seems like it will not be satisfied. pneumonia is now facing extremism charges. the hearing is not taking place in moscow, but in the penal colony. number 6, and the demon region,
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some 3 hours drive for most carried to the east. that's the place. one of the only is subbing is 9, yet prison sentence fulfilled and a disrespect to cold driving this, we are not allowed inside the courtroom and his parents. we don't allow that either . they watch the broke cost of the hearing from different treatments of the colony and we know that about force and media representatives were allowed into the call. we need to follow the process, but at the moment, well, so he has some voice, is a probably in the future the case will be, will be held behind closed doors and up send to us. so we just have to wait and see, hold on you here, do you expect the volume, the who is the most prominent? come then critic at the moment to ever get out of jail a while it's so interesting, but let's say that no doubt he will stay in prison as long as the current political system. it says it's a complicated case. of course, many consider it's
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a political case, as well as a look sane of only is considered a political prison over his onto corruption activities. on his very alden's criticism of the crumbling deal for, as his son was arrested upon his return to russia from germany, where he had been undergoing rehabilitation of to poisoning and of only blaine's rush of all. his poisoning what russian denies any wrong doing. he has been in prison since february 2021 ends. initially. he was accused of food and was supposed to be released in some of these. yeah. but in june 2022 another so cold, large scale full verdicts came into full sending the wrong. he received 9 years in prison. now he's facing charges for crazy and losing an extreme is community you for his goals. for riley's class, there was another criminal case against him on coast terrorism and the rehabilitation of not says so the new charges can keep him in jail for up to 30 years. you'll hear something of oliver from moscow. thank you very much. they are
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reporting still ahead announces 0 bereaved parents very their children in western uganda. after fridays attack on the school left 42 people, mostly students dead. and in sports, the formula one driver who has full level with a motor racing legend, son of how much will be here with that. so the highlight, we got some good old fashion. some a storm was rumbling away across the west and your lot. so crowd all the way from spite of ports go 3 fronts, easing across germany, right up across the bridge. it shows a lot of wet weather over the next couple days. we have seen some flooding recently at the place of like moving well, saw some flooding central air as on the other hand laws he, dr. fine, i'm settled here. area of high pressure, but it's that area of light pressure, right? which was the west has been warbling away here, throwing the sundry down,
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pulls across those west and pots. if you, it'll be the tide of scotland to say, some heavy right. as we go through the remainder of monday, few showers to have to move them out and, and also going to the republic of odd in west where the she can say in place across the know the span of portugal. central air is a front seems to break down, pull still with a line of showers out the scatter. navia from the balkans. so the baltic states all the way down to the black sea. try to push a little further. the race was to care. we'll see some wet weather, central and eastern pots as we go one into tuesday. if i choose tie that wet weather rod across much of a western europe, low country sing some heavy rain at that stage as well as a method saves the fine weather. the settled weather and the lovely sunshine which stretches across the northern parts of africa, live to showers around the gulf of guinea, all the way to light be area. the facing liliana, teens. does the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites just pump solution
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doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is poured into it . hard hitting into b. c. think about to the minus on washing it's enough for money to go on. its own and to build its on thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taking care of our so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to how does era when the news breaks behind me, what do you see is a side of the maps of accident. we so involving 3 trains. when people need to be hurt and the story needs to be told, there was no purpose soccer pitch here. so i training the street with exclusive interviews and in depth reports. christopher columbus wrote about $8.14 al jazeera has teams on the ground. this is where a pilot gets a way to bring you more award winning documentary and light news the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching else, a 0 reminder about the top stories. this, our, a gun battle is ongoing in the area of jeanine and the occupied westbank is really forces have killed, at least for palestinians during a raid there is really helicopter targeted the camping the 1st year striking there for nearly 20 years. sign is president choosing thing has met us secretary of state anthony blinking in the chinese capital. lincoln is the 1st us secretary of state to go to badging and 5 years. he said he hopes the visit will help stabilize relation. of course in russia has begun to hearing and you've criminal case against j. busy kremlin critic, i'll explain the volume and the spacing several new charges,
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including creation of an extremist organization and rehabilitating novices. on childs eastern border with sedan, things are getting worse with thousands of refugees who have escaped fighting in west or for agencies say that medical facilities in the border town of andre are overwhelmed. as they struggled to cope with hundreds of injured civilians. seemed to surround the reports from the chat sedan border. i had an old school outside our dre. the chad in government is housing, thousands of refugees who crossed from see don in just the last few days. no matter where you go. the sound of children crying follows it is crowded, there is no hygiene. people are desperate, squabbling for food, water, even the smallest patch of shade. but that is good, and not watkins. my son was shocked to him. we left him behind 3 of my children,
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came the others, didn't make it the part we loved janina, we thought she, she's a close. we bought food. we haven't eaten anything. my father was killed. they chased us, m b s. a lot of the children we left behind still haven't arrived. we couldn't bury the dead. we just had to leave them behind. forced from their homes, walking for days, robbed of possessions and be some of the gang cooking leaves to survive. they say they need help. now, every other person you speak to seems to be a witness to a murder. they've seen terrible things, experienced unimaginable hardships to come this far. and now the question is, how to get them help? where do they go next? what happens now? a visit by chad in president. mohammed's rece debbie, it's now brings with it a bounty of at least one meal a day for most. here it is there 1st in days we asked an army officer if it would continue after the president left. his answer you telling me there are no long term
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solutions right now. only temporary remedies. 8 organizations admit they are under funded and playing catch up. because international donors are ignoring the crisis, as the number of refugees continues to grow. during a meeting with a groups, the president warned. the war next door will not be over any time soon. the number of refugees, he said, could hit 1000000. the same bus route of the old is 0, audrey eastern. chad. the number of migrants dying on journeys in the middle east and north africa. is it a 5 year high? the us international organization for migration says nearly $6900.00 people died on their journeys world wide. many of them in the middle east, north africa region, the migrant route from the heart of africa through yemen is one of the busiest and most dangerous migrants passed through northern did you boost seats across the red sea waters into southern yemen in order to reach the arabian peninsula,
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burnet smith has more from jupiter. there's not much shouts from the relentless sea tinge a booties does it. these men and boys as young as 11, have been tracking for a week from ethiopia. dr. use of mussa is out looking for migrants every day. and knows where to find them. as they get closer to the red sea turtle phone are they pulled off so we cannot arrive too late and find bodies of the c o. sometimes people in agony of the hydrated bulk was day that are around 40. but you could find a group of 300 migrants, women, goods, babies, the eligibility, in april, almost 27000 migrants came through due booty. according to the latest un figures. since january, the number has increased by 56 percent compared to last year. now somebody the more, yeah, much of the world is focused on you trained so rather than supporting the you and system that helps the rest of the world. ok. so i think we wish they would be a focus on our region and particularly my country and that because even though
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everyone think submitted to writing is the flagship root of global migration, there are many more crossing the red sea almost all the migraines. i reached the opium. i the heading to yemen and saudi arabia were coming back. at this center in northern to booty, they'll get the only meal i love hops a days. many of them are going to make it this fall. don't even realize they have to cross the sea, the red sea to get severe re being put into a night to unbox, others pay smugglers and it's a never ending and increasing float caused by droughts and complex. some em says he's left his wife and 2 children behind hoping he can find work and saudi arabia, dr. yusef says, often migrants refused to go to hospital because they don't want to leave the friends indicative to that. he says he's been coughing for 3 weeks and he seems congested. so that suggest pneumonia and then another call to help comes in
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and talk to use of heads further into the desert. these men and boys heading towards the most dangerous migrant route to the mall according to the un. last year, 795, mostly ethiopians were killed between the m and, and saudi arabia with violence against migrants as intensified bonus. smith, i'm just the era of bulk booty, a national day of mourning is being held in pakistan and after the sinking of a migrant, both of greece last week, the u. n says up to 750 people could have been on board 78th, or confirmed at a 104 were rescued. the search continues for the bodies of many others. most were from egypt, syria and pakistan. forgot to tell you if he is alive, we off the government and bring him back. and if he did bring back the body. this is all but the when the better him. yeah. he's my the citizen. others can go to his grave and can also pray is we have patients for media, but of july ventured
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a not found to die. you can understand what appeared in goes through. what is happening to us was we have no information whether they're alive or dead. repeat to a law, let us see the guitar in the united arab emirates, or restoring diplomatic representation. their respective embassies are resuming work for the 1st time since 2017. the announcement came more than 2 years after a blockade imposed by 4 hour countries on guitar. was lifted funerals of being held for some of the 41 victims of friday's school attack in uganda, most where students were shot hacked to death or burned beyond recognition near the border with the democratic republic of congo. the, again, an army is searching for 6 others, abducted by suspected rebels from the allied democratic forces. catherine slay reports. relatives of students who are killed in luby rehab. secondary school are in morning. come to look for the children at the mall calls while hacked to
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death because my shift is the boys were burned alive when 5 to is from the on my democratic forces to petro, gone into that dormitory. some students are missing. we just had it in the morning is the day that the school is about on the subsidies have been thinking so. oh as well. no deity. i didn't find where i used the money the those ones who way i took it. oh is. oh is a month the way a bunch. so we have still waiting for his adults. most family members have identified the students. his family is taking the body of the dose, a home. everyone here is in shock. back of the school. this is what remains of the boys dormitory witness. they say the students who top up re fight and refuse to open the door in the midst of gunfire. samuel brandon said,
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this is an embarrassing security lopsided military, which is supposed to protect such board as very many on, on such questions that they need government to answer. today. we have thousands of you'd be the 4 fi size. if i'm d r a sequel, even them of securing uganda security falls, he's had increased their presence in the town on the east pursuing the tacos, who are said to have fled into the room, a national park in neighboring democratic republic of congo. the allied democratic forces on the group is based in eastern d r. c. please do not panic or children safe and they will remain safe there. you will people and they are trying to help our children but they were not to manage. right now this morning is
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a still trying to process what happened and why casting sewing all the 09? it's 2 years since the tri becca festival in new york drop the word film from its name. now podcasts, virtual reality. even video games are premier there. christine salumi has more, it's between the star studded movie premieres and panel discussions that the tribeca festival is known for. game developers are also being recognized for their storytelling. night scape is one of 7 video games on display set in a part of the world rarely represented by this medium is absolutely amazing to be at try back and to be invited here because we, we think that there aren't too many video games built in the middle east, and we want to change that representation out our world with stars, the games centers around layla,
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an astronomer whose task is to find out why stars are falling from the sky and put them back to help you put them back in the sky. developed by nissan studios and cuts are the team consulted with a cultural astronomer and took the field trips to study the landscape and designing the game. it's not just does it. there's lots of different trees, different kind of coastlines. there's a lot of locations which are very interesting to look at, and that's always right for video games, whether it's video games or films, the try back a festival is all about featuring works that are politically culturally and socially relevant. but unlike the films which are ready for distribution, all the games on display are in early stages of development. try back as casey ball tests and her team chose the final is from hundreds of submissions. we're looking for the potential of artistic excellence and storytelling. we believe at our becca,
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that video games are an incredible medium for our story. of the games and selections, and actually across the festivals are from mirrors. people that turn back are playing them for the sometimes for the 1st time ever. the all before they launch a welcome. pre launch boost for game developers like me is on. now believe the sky is the limit. christian salumi. i'll just be here on new york. the times all your sports news now is sort of homeless. who is doing this on said son, thank you very much for the american golf. a windham cock has won the 1st major championship of his career. the 29 year old held off some of the games biggest names to came victory at the us open ended. richardson reports a moment. no one at the los angeles country club. once it's a miss as to full days of competition and want to figure out how much does the focus of this attention a year ago when do clock was rent
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$293.00 in the world is now the us. so i think champion it's now my 2nd when i'm pga tour in the 1st one was the real and this one is the real so um, you know, it hasn't quite hit me yet. walking up a teen was pretty emotional and then finishing um but yeah it's, uh, it's been a whirlwind of the last 56 weeks. it's been just so blast and home with a beer a level paul round a 7 c was enough to keep clock ahead of some of the goals. biggest names. when the 29 year old american did hit trouble, he was able to recover and maintain his push towards the 1st major championship the long time lead. ricky fowler was unable to keep pace. final round of 75 saw him slide out of
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contention. the 34 year olds, the suits of a 1st major continues, very below average, and i didn't make anything. so that's, that's a big thing in major is especially on a sunday making pots and then kind of keeping it fairly, stress free. but it was, it was kind of the opposite. i was kinda fighting through it all day to re mcroy decade long waits up to his full mind. you titles goes on the nose. and irishman, cannot this tournaments to a growing list of near misses. he finished in 2nd or 9 and the pol when i do finally, when this next major, it's going to be really, really sweet. so um you know, i would go through a 100 sundays like this to get my hands on another manager jump in just for now though it's cool. he's in possession of one of the goals,
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most famous trophies and the richardson which is here. he says, as this test between england, australia is entering the decisive phase australia captain pat times that says the 1st wickets of the day for all the pope bows out for 14 in glendale aiming says the competitive victory targets in the 2nd endings to full time ago. in birmingham, england has reached mine 2 full 3 as the leader of 97. want to apply as here. spain be closer to in europe's nations leak final off to a goal, a stroll in the netherlands. the match was decided in a policy shootout, explains 1st international trophy since the victory at the o. c, and 10 percent in 2012. i'll do it, have maintained that perfect reco, then ask a couple of nations qualifying, having already called 5 a beat uganda to one way. how many? i mean i'm more of a score the both goals. it was a damaging result. so you kind of when it would have put them in level implants
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with 2nd place, something in a group, f e couple of patients is being hosted by ivory coast at the start of next year. a can. it's a natural, a school then into a time when so nigeria, as a be this early on a 32 way to resolve this feels that nigeria is qualification for the final. molly gave me the sol and k for the also qualified on sunday. stephen boxes have long dominated that the i'm a to a level, but until recently women were banned from the rink. since the rules were changed in december, up and coming few mailboxes, have their sites set on the olympics at ghosts and went to meet some of them and have on a moving food stealing picked gold. metals cubic terminates as a book thing like no other country at the tokyo lympics the on the nation took. i'm full of the 8 golds on. and until recently,
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the glory was just the man that changed in december when the boxing federation listed a decades old bond and slick to the national women's to me being the best women book says to have one of the competition is wonderful. it's a dream country. we, we may have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. these ones argue that cuban women meant to show the beautiful faces, not take punches. in more recent years, the justification shifted safety concerns in no social normal help. well, we didn't rush the decision to approve e mail boxing because we want to protect women. there were worries about whether boxing could damage women's bodies, especially when they're pregnant with so many see the long delay as rooted most in science and country. okay. and on the own, but this was seen as a sport for men, while women were supposed to be at home. they didn't want us to box the simple form
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. i thought it was on just and it made me feel uncomfortable. one of my schools, i had the same lights as many, many of them of that it took a while, i think taking the 1st step and made it into the ring. these up and coming books is excited. now that finally books and competitively menu on the same field that already living for them, each on in spots approaching qualification for the 2020 for power some of our young in but who left the national taekwondo team to books a few months ago. and she's got what it takes me. so i know one more of the others i, laura lake, all off leads of my dream is to win and olympic medal. this is a concept 1st i need to qualify, but that will be hard. but i think i can do it. federal google boy. yeah. as a teammate, cuttin come to you. even though she's going to be booking for a short time. hey, i'm to woman somebody a so i knew it on before my dream was for women's book seem to be a priest. now my dream has changed. i want to be a champion. we metals and make history. within
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a minute. these women onto the punching the way to the world's most prestigious sports competition. there also sheltering glossing at augusta in algebra. hold on next step and has drawn level with formula. one legend are concerned on the old time list of growing pre wins or south ends victory in canada was the 40. first of his career, only full drivers are still ahead of the 25 year old. so on that windows chart, one of those is louis hamilton. we'll finish the morial wall for stop and have the $69.00 point deed at the top of the wall. tie full standing on both sides, both on. we'll have more for you later on, but for now it's really all right. some of the more is there with all your sports news on a thank you so much for more of your world news now. activists in brazil, or protesting against a proposed law that could effect hundreds of land claims by indigenous people. the senate is discussing several bills that critics say would damage the environment.
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one law would limit the recognition of ancestral lands. it also strips indigenous ministers powers to oversee environmental protections. ride police are fired tear gas. an indigenous protest is blocking roads in northern argentina. constitutional changes in jujuy province infuriated demonstrators. indigenous communities say the amendments will make it easier for lithium mine operators on their land. the senators in australia have passed landmark legislation, which pays the way to recognize indigenous people in the constitutional a prime minister at anthony alban easy will now have to set a referendum date in the next 6 months on altering the constitution to include issues affecting aboriginal people. the importance of being able to go to referendum and say yes for a country. yes. for a better future. yes. profess notions people to be able to make decisions in terms
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of advising department and the executives as to decisions made about them. so dice and having put in into this, it is a very simple request president to be recognized in these try and constitution to doctors a warning of increasingly unhealthy conditions for refugees stranded on the border between sedan and egypt. the lack of proper medical treatment is being blamed for the death of at least 35 people of thought here. a marty reports from the border city of what he help my son, who already struggles with the chronic disease is suffering from pneumonia. she managed to obtain an entry visa from egypt, which was late to revoked bytes consuming. after a long and difficult journey to get 2 sedans boated with egypt, she found a soul stranded now admitted to a hospital in the boldest city of what the helpful. yeah, and a lot of them in a lot of the recent decision was made in cairo that also disease must enter under
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a visa. the crossing has been closed since friday would be helpful. hospital which has limited capacity, is receiving more than a 100 patients every day. mostly from the stranded on the border as a result of the boeing sudan, which has led to a shortage of medicines and other basic medical supplies. many of the patients were examined, but cannot get their hands on the prescribed medicines. their health is deteriorating, many of them who have escaped the will on now on the verge of death. and we'll say i will not be way. well, what have them give you an idea and what will happen to my children, which will become of my sick husband. i came to the hospital to get him to diabetes bills, but they're out of stock. what should i do leaving him to die? what will become of his especially now we don't have passports after our home was destroyed and i need a solution to what could meet patients who need regular dialysis or at greater risk
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. and then i thought i'd be no dialysis for the past 4 years. if i or any other patient missed the session, will pay a heavy price of the head. by next tuesday, we will have neutrons have another session and will be left to the most of god in the refugee camps. the situation is even wise. people are facing many diseases, especially young children and the elderly are in no better shape by the with the absence of health can the late entry into egypt when they have a better chance of getting medical treatment. and what are the most me to what the hold on chronic disease, deteriorating health conditions, and the shortage of medical supplies are adding to the many other factors. we're sending the sufferings of the refugees stranded on the sudan, egypt boat. and their situation is not getting any better up. i had automotive, the dizzy and i meant where they had 5. iraq's government has carried out its 3rd rescue mission to sedan. a 165 people
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caught up in sliding. there were flown to baghdad, nearly 600 cities are rocky and syria. nationals have been lifted to the rocky capital in the past 2 months. evacuated say that food is in short, supply and sedan and describe health care as catastrophic. so what we, why should we thought, maybe the situation would be resolved, we why should one month to month, but the situation got worse. there was no improvement at all. and therefore i knew that i have children with me and the road was exhausting. 73 hours to get from the capital to port food on some cartoon to the airport. a heat wave has killed nearly a 100 people in india is true, most populous states over the past few days. health officials say most of the dead were aged over 60 people in which our production, b, r, are being ordered to stay indoors. the highest temperature was reported in the city
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of past night where the mercury hit 44.7 degrees on saturday. are right in it just before we hand it back to rob madison, who's going to be picking up our coverage of world news at the top of the hour? i want to leave you with these pictures, something we're keeping a very close watch on a we expect to be seeing the us secretary of state anthony blinking show up in a matter of moments at the badging american center. this of course, would be capping office to day visit, envisioning where he has so far met the foreign minister. he has met the top chinese diplomats and most recently he met with the chinese president choosing, paying for something that we've been keeping a close watch on. because us china relations have been increasingly strained over recent years. question going into this meeting was whether the frictions in this relationship would be ease by this trip. now there's a lot in these talks that we never end up knowing. however, we do know that we've heard some more positive things coming out of aging,
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coming out also of the us to departments. after these 48 hours, we will be very interested in what anthony blinking has to say, and we will bring you that live. when it happens. it will be rough, mathus and fixing up our coverage in a matter of focus to stay without the . the 2nd episode of the series excludes the rise of the major drug cartels, the reign of terror. mexican government told the traffickers we have to produce the buying is
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a new america's public enemy. number one is drug abuse and the load ship, the international drug trafficking, politics impala, a truck loads and outages era. a ask like a narrative from african perspective to base on from us to short documentary spine african filmmakers. and that's going to be the pressure for, for the taste of the sun from madagascar. and foot phone from a new series of african direct on i'll just showing you here is coming over our heads from russian positions and new cranium positions have been pending about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. we seen some of the residents come out of the building with that
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possessions in suitcases by substantial safe. and what happens on that day is a war crime shows how many regions cross the lines. and though i want to begin by expressing my gratitude, you're watching, i'll just say that we're bringing your live coverage all your conference as being a lead by the secretary of state who is making some statements following his meeting with chinese prizes and the changing things. just a few moments ago, that's listening at a critical moment. and i could not be proud of how they represent our country. over the past 2 and a half years, united states has taken a series of purposeful strategic steps, both at home and abroad, to strengthen our country and are standing around the world. we've made historic investments in our infrastructure, technology, industrial capacity, competitiveness. we've deepened our engagement and alignment with allies and partners around the world in ways that would have been unimaginable
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