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tv   News  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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a substantial safe and what happens on that day is a will quite those how many regions across the lines and know, i want to begin by expressing my gratitude. you're watching. i'll just say that we're bringing your live coverage all your conference. there's being a lead by the secretary of state who is making some statements following his meeting with chinese prize and, and changing things just a few moments ago. that's listening at a critical moment. and i could not be prouder of how they represent our country. over the past 2 and a half years, united states has taken a series of purposeful strategic steps, both at home and abroad, to strengthen our country and are standing around the world. we've made historic investments in our infrastructure, technology, industrial capacity, competitiveness. we've decent our engagements and alignment with allies and partners around the world in ways that would have been unimaginable a few years ago. that's the backdrop for the relationship between the united states
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and the people's republic of china. one of the most consequential in the world, both the united states and china have an obligation to manage this relationship responsible. doing so as far as the best interests of the united states of china and the world. we are clear eyed about the challenges posed by the p. r. c. united states will advance a vision for the future that we share with so many others. a free open stable in the process world with countries upholding and updating the rules based order that has for years safeguard in peace and security globally. to shape that future we start with diplomacy, including with china. i came to visioning to strength of high level challenge of communication to make clear our positions and intentions in areas of disagreement.
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and those 4 areas where we might work together, what our interest aligned on shared trans national challenges. and we did all of that here in beijing, i had an important conversation with presidency asian thing. and i had candid, substantive, and constructive discussions with my counterparts. director of wong e state counselor, jenn gone. i appreciate the hospitality extended by our hopes. in every meeting. i stress that direct engagement and sustained communication senior levels is the best way to responsibly match our differences and ensure that competition does not be are in the conflict. and i heard the same from my chinese counterparts. we both agree on the need to stabilize our relationship. during those meetings, we had a robust conversation about regional and global challenges. that includes retros worth regression against ukraine. are we ready that we would welcome to try to play a constructive role along with other nations to work toward a just piece,
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based on the principles of the united nations charter. we also spoke about north korea's increasingly reckless actions and rhetoric. all members of the international community have an interest in encouraging the dpr k to act responsibly, to stop launching missiles, to start engaging honest nuclear program. a china is in a unique position, depressed young young to engage in dialogue and, and it's dangerous behavior. i raised us concerns shared by a growing number of countries about the p r. c's provocative actions in the taiwan strait as well as in the south and he's trying to seize or once i, once i reiterated the longstanding us one china policy, that policy has not changed. it's guided by the taiwan relations act. 3 joint communicate is the 6 assurances. we do not support, so i want independence. we are made opposed to any unilateral changes. besides quote, by either side,
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we continue to expect the peaceful resolution of prostrate differences. we remain committed to meeting our responsibilities under the taiwan relations act, including making sure the taiwan has the ability to defend itself. we also spoke about a range of bilateral issues, including continuing to develop principles to guide our relationship. as discussed by president biden and presidency involving late last year. we changed use on our respective economic policies, including our concerns about china's unfair treatment of u. s. companies. during my meeting today with us business leaders who are operating and china, i heard about the problems that us businesses are facing. including recent punitive actions against american firms. also for the u. s. companies want to continue and indeed grow their businesses here. and so in my meetings, i sought to clarify any misperceptions or misunderstandings about our approach. there is
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a profound difference for the united states and for many other countries between the risking and the couple of our countries traded more over the last years like more than ever over the last year. nearly $700000000.00 healthy and robust, economic engagement benefits, both the united states and china. and as secretary yelling, testified before congress last week. it would be a she put a disastrous for us to the couple and stop all trade and investment with china. we are pretty risky and diversified. that means investing in our own capacities and, and secure resilience supply chains. pushing for level playing field strong workers and our companies defending against harmful trade practices and protecting our critical technologies so that they aren't used against us. i made clear that we'll continue to take targeted actions that are necessary to protect us national security meetings. i also discussed human rights the united states and the
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international community remain deeply concerned about peer. so human rights violations, including and change on to that. and hong kong, i also specifically raised wrongfully detained us citizens and those facing ex, advance. there is no higher priority for me. and the safety and wellbeing of us citizens overseas will continue to work intensively to secure their release and their safe return home. as we work to address our differences, the united states has prepared to cooperate with china in areas where we have mutual interest, including finding macro economic stability, public health, fluid security, counter narcotics, and foot security. we believe trying to complain a key role in alleviating global food insecurity. i underscore the importance of supporting a long term expansion of the black sea green initiative, which is facilitated the export of almost 32000000 tons of grain from ukraine,
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with approximately 18000000 tons. going to developing countries. a long term expansion is critical for avoiding food shortages and some of the forest, most fruit and secure countries in the world, as well as price searches raised as a priority. the issue of synthetic oil, fjords, and fentanyl. a crisis in the united states, fentenol is the number one killer of americans 18 to 49. i made clear that we need much greater cooperation to address this critical issue. we agreed to explore setting up a working group for joint effort so that we can shut off the flow of precursor chemicals, which helped fuel his prices and a growing number of deaths. finally, we discussed the important so strengthening people, the people exchanges between students, scholars, business travelers, that benefits our citizens, our economies, and our relationship. today i had an opportunity to meet with an impressive group
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of alumni from those exchange programs. in my meetings, we discuss and it hasn't educational exchanges, and we committed to work to increase direct flights between our countries to continue dialog on these and other important issues. i would expect additional visits by senior us officials to china over the coming weeks. and we welcome further visits by chinese officials to the united states. to that end, i invited say countless counselor and foreign minister to and gone to visit washington. and he agreed to come at a mutually suitable time a little later this evening. i leave for london to attend the ukraine recovery conference and i'll also have an opportunity there to brief allies and partners on this is it? and to continue to strengthen our alignment. we have no illusions about the challenges of managing this relationship. there are many issues on which we profoundly even vehemently disagree. we will always take the best course of action
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to advance the interest of the american people. but the united states has a long history of successfully managing complicated, consequential relationships through diplomacy. this is the responsibility of both countries to find a path forward. and as in both our interest and the interest of the world that we do. so we'll take a few questions. the 1st question goes to ian marlo with bloomberg. thank you. thank you. secretary at china is accused the us of economic containment over the by and the ministrations efforts to limit aging is access to key technology, including tech savvy conductors, as, as he mentioned. are you worried that the future future us moves in that area? will the rail, the current efforts to stabilize ties of china and might force the chinese to take or tally. a tory measure is perhaps in other areas of the relationship and after your thoughts here in china. secondly,
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what's your impression of the top leadership stance on ukraine? whether they are still likely to provide eventually legal aid to russia or, or are they all interested in using their influence with vladimir putin to bring about a diplomatic solution to the conflict. thank you. find strategy and so on the, the 1st part of the question, um, one of the important things for me to do on this trip was to disabuse our chinese hosts. the notion that we are seeking to economically contain them or not. and as i've said, we're not about the coupling, we're about the risking and diversifying. and here's what i mean by that. first, when it comes to the coupling or economic containment as, um, i think the, the facts simply belie that a proposition, as i mentioned,
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are trade relationship reached the highest number that it's, that it's ever hit last year about $700000000.00 and trade american foreign direct investment in china has reached levels that we haven't seen since 2014 contacted coey. we've got about 300000 chinese students studying in the united states. we have many american companies that i met with, or at least the representative here, including the, the chamber of commerce that continue to be very interested to do business here and is profoundly in our interest. i also noted to our, our host that china is broad economic success is also in our interest. we have done a remarkable job, rebounding from, from corporate and having a, a growing economy, very low unemployment, a tremendous investments in our future. but we also have done, it's
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a tremendously when there is growth in progress in other countries, especially one of the world's largest economies when it comes to china. so it simply would not be in our interest to seek to, to the couple. and as you, as i mentioned, and as you heard the sector yelling, say to congress just a few days ago. in fact, it would be disastrous. however, what is clearly in our interest is making sure that certain specific technologies that china may be using to, for example, advance, it's very opaque to for your weapons program to build hypersonic missiles to use technology that may have repressive purposes. it's not are just to provide that technology to try and i've also made that very clear. so, to the actions that we're taking that we've already taken and as necessary that we'll continue to take our natalie focused,
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carefully tailored to advance and protect our national security. and i think that's a very important distinction. now we're also not the only ones doing that attract the the phrase of the, of the day of the risks. not the couple was actually put forward by the president of the european commission or sort of underlined. and it reflects very well the approach that many countries are taken both because of the importance of sustaining economic relations, trade and investment of china. but also because of concerns about some of the things that china is doing with the technology that that's getting to them. so i spent some time making sure that we were very clear about what we're doing, as well as what we're not doing with regard to legal aid to,
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to russia for using the price. we and other countries have received assurances from china that it is not. and will not provide lisa assistance to russian for use and you frame uh, we appreciate that. and we have not seen any evidence that contradicts that is what we do have ongoing concerns about. so our chinese firms, companies that may be providing technology that russian can use to advance its aggression ukraine. and we have asked the chinese government to be very visual and about that. the next question goes to marcel in the video with a global thank you have a question about the briggs countries versus who russia and the china and south africa. and the less your child has been given the especially important step to the break. and even though the government says it's not the mountie, china on to u. s. block, many people see this way. but the less development give,
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they have some reasons for people to think like that. those claims from the us that the south africa is getting for weapons through russia and china wants to expand the brakes. doors almost spinning countries already lining up to joining the brakes mostly from little south and my president, president little here in china said that i criticize very strongly the dominance of the dollar in the world economy. so my question is, how does the u. s. government sees the brakes, does it, does it see it as a china, let's challenge to the, the, to the west of the united states. think, well 1st is a general proposition. we have long stood for the proposition that a country should be able to freely associate with other countries in any groupings that they want. something that we stand very strongly for and have defended for
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a long, long time. when it comes to the brakes were deeply engaged with its leading members . in fact, this week, prime minister modi, of india will be in washington for a state visit. and of course, we welcome present a little a to washington a several months ago where you, a very productive and constructive meeting was present bite and so were engaged across the board with the numbers of bricks. and we'll continue to do that for the next question. i key chain with points of america. good evening, mister secretary. i hope we make more news fun. these news conference. i'm taiwan. how was taiwan discussed in your 35 minutes meeting with the chinese president to see the machine? you, as the officials have said, i mean to conflict in the time went straight to will be court it global concern. tell them will have a presidential election in 2024. shoot
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a democratic election. be a pre tax to amy me until the escalation, the town straight. how did you, how to you to respond to china's position? that's how one is an internal issue that is not, i'm not an american concern and of which where there is no room for compromise. thank you. so she thank you from the very beginning of our normalization of relations with china going back to the 3 communicate as many years ago. fundamental to us in that is the understanding that any differences regarding taiwan will be resolved peacefully. that is foundational to how we understand of our relationship and for the past almost 5 decades. this is an issue that
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china in the united states has managed responsible we remain committed to our one china policy with the 3 communicators, town relations act of 6 assurances. we oppose, we do not support taiwan independence. we've made clear that we oppose any unilateral changes to the status quotes by either side. we've been very consistent in our policy and it's very important that we preserve the status quo that has helped maintain peace and stability across the street for decades. so i reiterated that to our chinese counterparts. president biden has also made that repeatedly clear in his engagements with, with china. at the same time,
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we and many others have deep concerns about some of the provocative actions that china is taken in recent years, going back to 2016. and the reason that this is a concern for so many countries, not just the united states, is that were there to be a crisis over taiwan. the likelihood is that that would produce an economic crisis that could affect quite literally the entire world. 50 percent of commercial container traffic goes to the taiwan strait every day. 70 percent of 70 conductors are manufactured the taiwan as if, as a result of a crisis that was taken offline, it would have dramatic consequences for virtually every country around the world. which is again, why there's been rising, concerned about some of the preventative actions that china is taken. i also made that very clear and present by and believe strongly that one of the successful
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aspects of our relationship with china going back a 5 decades has been the responsible management of the taiwan question. we continue to believe that that's a central next question. goes to nice house chart when with phoenix, tv. thank you, mr. secretary, i'm from phoenix, tv. we know for some time now the united states had been pushing dialogue with china. by the same time, we saw the united states as included some chinese companies to is entity a list of restricted ships act chips, x force to china, and plan to limit investment and high tech sector. and china believes the united states is both seeking dialogue and the same time containing china. so i want to ask, how will you, us address these concerns and to show sincere to you to communicate. thank you. well, as i know that this was actually an important part of the conversations that we had . and as i suggested to our colleague a few minutes ago,
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it was important to me that we make clear the very clear difference between the allegations that we were that were trying to contain china and the couple economically as opposed to what we're actually doing, which is as i said, the risking and also diversifying when it comes to our supply chains. as i mentioned, the economic relationship with china is vitally important. and also when it's fair and a very positive thing for countries around the world. and at a time when countries are trying to rebound from, from corporate something, the united states has done very successfully. we want to see growth. we want to see success in every part of the world. including of course, in the major economies like china, it's in our interest. but at the same time, as i said, it's not in our interest to provide technology to china that could be used against
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us. and at a time when it's engaged in a build up of its nuclear weapons program in a very opaque way, when it's producing hypersonic missiles, when it's using technology for repressive purposes against its own people. how is it in our interest to provide those specific technologies to china and other countries feel the same way? so what this is about, again, is not trying to cut off, eliminate hender economic relations on the country. we think that they should be strengthened. but in a way that looks out for our workers that looks out for our companies. and i heard many concerns about that today. but at the same time we can, we will and we must take steps necessary to protect our national security. if the
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show are on the other foot, i have no doubt the china would do exactly the same thing. this and the final question goes to kind of a i would with cnn. think secretary lincoln, i just want to follow up on one comment you made earlier. and then i have 2 questions and classic fashion here. and you said that you have received assurances, but you said the united states has received assurances from china that they will not provide legal aid to russia for those assurances specifically made to you today . and do believe that as a final decision on behalf of chinese leadership, given the us has said that they are considering providing legal edge to russia in the past. my 2nd question, did you are chinese counterparts agreed to set up a crisis communications channel or military to military channel communications that both sides could reliably use if they agree to it?
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when will those channels be set up? and then generally, can you say that us china relations are in a better place today than they were before your visit size. so with regard to the assurance is on providing legal assistance to russia for using ukraine. this is not, this is not new today. this is something that china has said in recent weeks and has repeatedly said not only to us, but to many other countries that have raised this concern, that they are not and will not provide legal assistance to russia for use and ukraine. and that's an important commitment, an important policy. and as i said, we've not seen anything right now to contradict that. but what we are concerned about is private companies in china that may be providing um, assistance. in some cases,
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we'll use some face cases clearly directed at enhancing russians military capacity, ukraine. that is a concern. and it's something that i pointed out to our chinese counterparts and urged that they'd be vigilance and policing that with regard to the crisis communications and military and military channels. this is also something that i raised repeatedly during this trip. i think it's absolutely vital that we have these kind of communications, military to military. that imperative, i think, was only underscored by recent incidents that we saw in the air and on the seas. and at this moment the china is not agree to move forward with us. and i think that's an issue that we have to keep working on. it is very important that we restore those channels. if we agree that we have
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a responsibility to manage this relationship as possible, if we agree that it's in our mutual interest to make sure that the competitive aspects of the really shifts don't be on the consulate, then surely we can agree and see the need for making sure that these channels are communications that we both set are necessary to do that include military to military channels. so this is something that we're gonna keep working on. and as i said, there's no immediate progress, but it is a continued priority for us. finally, with regard to the trip itself, looked, it was clear coming in that the relationship was at a, a point of instability and both sides recognize the need to work to stabilize. and specifically, we believe it's important to, as i said,
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establish better lines of communication, open channels of communication, both to address misperceptions, miscalculations, to ensure that that competition doesn't turn to conflict. and we were able not only today and yesterday, to move back to, to those kinds of communications. but also i think we can anticipate in the weeks ahead visits by other senior officials, chinese officials company the united states for that purpose. second, it was important to use this visit for purposes of stabilizing the relationship to be able to directly res, a face to face issues of concern, places where we have profound differences. those disagreements are pretty well known. they're bilateral challenges, their global issues, regional security issues, values, human rights,
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and we did in great detail and assembly raised them, discuss them. and that is also beneficial to make sure that we have clarity between us on these differences. clarity on the 10th. finally, and this was an opportunity to explore areas where we might cooperate in the interest of our own people and the interests of people around the world on climate, on global economic stability and global health on fentanyl, as i mentioned on exchange, is actually between our people so i think on, in terms of those objectives that we set for this, this trip, establishing open communication styles directly raising issues of concern, exploring cooperation in places where it's and our neutral interest to do so. we did all of that on this trip, but progress is hard. it takes time and it's not the product of one visit one trip,
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one conversation. my open expectation is we will have better communications. veteran gauge means going forward. that's certainly not gonna solve every problem between us far from it, but it is critical to doing what we both agree is necessary. and that is responsibly managing the relationship. it's in the interest of the united states do that in the interest of china to do that is in the interest of the world. and i think we took a positive step in that direction over the last 2 days. thank you. thank you. if you're watching out a 0, it is 1129, that gmc was making your live coverage of the us secretary of state compton, a blinking or is being speaking of a press conference the following 2 days in china. where is my present teaching paint and china is 12 diplomatic one, the china is following. the assessing zine is in guy and he's being outlined with some of the subjects that they've covered. and there were quite was quite
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a significant list of them, including on russia and north korea. taiwan, of course, human rights violations are allegations, essentially with regard to china. he also discussed us citizens being housed by china, but also food security. synthetic o, p. o is on fence now. it's a very wide uh the list of thoughts i want to go to katrina. you who's dining by for us and by using the overall sense, katrina, tell me what you think is that this was 2 sides essentially re stating where they stand on on specific issues. nevertheless, attempting to find the some sort of common ground. and one gets a sense, but that is what has actually been achieved from this. what do you think the i think that's right. i mean, lincoln seems to be very clear on each side. and especially in the last part of his press conference saying that progress is hard that things are going to take time, but not.


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