tv Inside Story Al Jazeera June 20, 2023 3:30am-4:01am AST
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the ideals, the french republic because of the claim. but just what is more than friends in a full pot series, the big picture takes an in depth no. from the same size. episode to an allergy, sierra. n. d, as leader has suggested a full g 20 membership for the african union. surrender, emoji argues africa. sure to have a bigger voice on the world stage. so what's behind this? and what will the potential g 20 membership mean for the content? this is inside source, the
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hello, and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoying some of the world's most pressing issues are often decided by the leaders of a few wealthy nations. for far too long input from africa and other places in the global south have been limited or even disregarded. but there's now a push for that to change specifically within the g 20 block. as india prepares to host the summit this year, a prime minister and a remedy is calling for the african union to be given full and permanent membership . but why now, what political and economic interests are at stake. we'll explore these issues with, i guess in a moment, but 1st this report from katia lopez or the young cindy is leader is set to host his 1st g 20 meeting on home soil and now prime minister and around are moody is also pushing for another 1st he's calling for the african union and all his 55 member states to join the g 20. the proposal. it isn't new for the scanning
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traction. i'm on some government's presidential fight and openly supported the move during last year's the us african liter summit in washington. africa belongs to the table in every room in every room where global challenges are being discussed. i'm also calling for the african. you joined the g 20 as a permanent member that each one on many fronts, some analysts say a you membership is long overdue. many of the issues discussed by d. 20 leaders, including food security, climate change, and trade directly affect african nations. yet south africa is the only member from the continent. africa's role on the international stages also growing. most recently, southern african nations letter to legation to keep in moscow to mediate a peace deal in that conflict. and we do believe that as this
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is the time for both parties to negotiate, to negotiate an end to this war. the course, this war is costing a great deal of instability and hom, to various countries around the world. and we, as african countries are feeling the impact of this will for years now, china and russia have focused heavily on africa. some analysts believe other nations are just now recognizing the strategic and economic value of the region. but there's still a long road ahead before the african, the union gets full membership. there's discussions and requirements that must be met, but finding agreement and concessions among such a huge and diverse blog. may pose a challenge, katia a little bit so the again, for insights, story the. all right,
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let's go ahead and bring in our guests in london on your coffee, one book co executive director of the african foundation for development in chapel hill, north carolina. i know should chary professor of economics and finance at the university of north carolina at chapel hill and in saint gala on switzerland, guido called see professor of macro economics at the university of south carolina. a warm welcome to you all. and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story . i know. sure. let me start with you today. what are indian prime minister in around remote these motivations for calling for the a you to be given membership to the g 20 n y? now it's ben snow, so this is an incredibly crucial juncture in terms of engagement with africa. and i, you know, india has just as young the presidency of the g 20 g. given that africa is going to have the largest population by 2050. and as the largest democracy in the world and
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the fastest growing economy in years g, 20 presidency will play a crucial role in building a strong, sustainable relationship with africa. so this, in my, you is a critical juncture in building this relationship with india as the head of the g 20 and with the us as well as erupt in union in partnership with building their building. better for ask for don on your talk to you, what would this potential membership of the african union in the g 20 mean for the african consummate the to the star and the faster we didn't get approved for the national the agenda for engineer. as always, i mean, every country is a cell survey to serve next step to look at alternatives,
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interest cert was the degree of self interest investor. india has also been absolutely committed to the impression applicant, extra screen rebecca. busy busy store support, i guess the part in south africa so i knew was been a good friend of the continent. what does this mean for. busy i think with the use of, i think, well we're pushing towards the more africa has been cooling. busy in a number of these global institutions, expressive levels of governance, a better. busy representation, so this will be a step in that direction, as has been mentioned that because you know the 23rd the will be probably the most popular. so, continental, not in the world, and by the end for century, you know, for teachers, or if i have to start to the nation,
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will be africa. africans. or if you're going to be solving global problems, which is what these forms are trying to do, right? you're not including the last time how long will be friendship needs or $2.00 to $4.00 but the same but. busy every century or. busy national. ringback then i, i'm not quite sure what comes in, you know, so they go see on the representation over for when virginia 20 meters of african perspectives a new share. i saw you reacting quite a lot to what on your tachi was sitting there and it looked like you wanted to jump in. so go ahead. yes, sure, absolutely. i just want to echo everything that has been re meant in everything that has just been set. and i have for long how this believes that in order to implement reforms in order to promote growth and development, investment and trade, it's important to have the voices of the countries that are impacted by these
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policies, the given a seat of the table. so let me know historically a lot of these policies bought need in washington with the international institutions, friends with africa, particular not having a voice and a seat at the table. and i think that in the spirit of, you know, democrat ties seeing the reform process as well as in the spirit shipping community . and i think it's incredibly important to bring the a you on board with the g 20 a guido. i also saw your reacting just now, so i'll let you jump in, but i also want to ask you, um, what are the economic and political interest at stake and all of this, it was a comic into say is about the future. because the opposite guy at the moment that he actually got share judy b is not the high. however, that it's important to to 3 mind that i like because you're all far life china, likely united states. and also like in the child,
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offered us population is very young. uh 50 percent of its population is below the age of 19. so the median age is 19 india, which is pretty young guys. it would be $29.00 china, $3990.00 your but we are, oh uh about about to 40. so the future is there gonna be consequences of this younger population? a with a young guy. uh for the insurance and the printers. uh and, and labor force. i already mens had jump. what is the goal is super important to it's close to europe is in the center. the total population is comparable to that of china and the bought it with grow as was mentioned. uh so uh it would be a man. so now it says that the g kelly, that, uh, you know, this is at the moment, these were, uh, the, the, the contest between the, you, china and the, and the usa. uh, you know, it is economically uh,
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very up to glue to let me also ask you, um if the g 20 doesn't have adequate representation from africa going forward? how much does it impact the twenty's credibility? and yeah, if it doesn't to, i mean at the moment it has so soft rica. however, this doesn't represent the whole continental south. it is important to, to have a more unified view there. otherwise, it wouldn't be the view by the view of one account today. so this would be very important to, for example, for the relationships with the europe, which is, you know, our trusted method to rainy. and there are lots of political issues and migration issues to be solved. the, you know, a to, to develop and from europe has started related to much and it's time also for europe to wake up into do notice that there is out, we get there, that there are problems that this young population must be helped to, to, to grow and blossom in a positive the way you'd rather than just abandon to, you know, china versus the united states and company, except, you know,
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absolutely and security and so on. on your kaci, you heard guido there, it talked about the fact that south africa is currently the only member from the continent of g 20. why is that the case? the frontier rows of the and the you know, during the financial crisis or in 2000 and age and age, it was clear about that. you said that there's not on the autographs to do with those tribal issues. you know, it needed level response and i think there was an attempts to bring in all the players. i mean, there was a debt collector. so you know, china reached a best stage of the 2nd largest economy result in the g 7 search. it was clear that you know, the old forums that had been addressed as a last 4 to hear. so you're gonna, you're sure there was
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a chance to broach. i'm bringing it over cheapest to believe they know. busy africa and you know, for a lot of reasons setup in your research and not so i think is not in the top 20 economies or the, in the well, even in africa or my journey economies big. i'm still out for too long. so for the time, for lots of complicated reasons for africa. busy you know, was found to be the best represent strip of the continent. and as i've agreed to research and it has sometimes found the challenges or the push its own insurance, and then pass on behalf of the whole confidence, which is what it took on the neighbors dash energy to do sir, how are you that. busy you know, there is a collective agenda around the african visions around this picture is 2063 and gen
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barely interested in several by everybody off the continent. there is no very different version of the free trade area. lots of other things. they, you know, responsibility attributes for nothing different. it was so it's not just trying to do it by actual chanc give you the other side to then act on behalf of how confident it's really important to be. you know this big for a on your or your gotcha. i'm sorry, i'm sorry to interrupt you but, but, but i just want to, i want to go, i want to go to a new should because because i'll let you, i'll let you finish up on a 2nd. but i understood, i saw you nodding along to a lot of what the on your katya was saying there. and i wanted to give you a chance to jump in as well. sure. i think i, i, i think that we have to think about this demographic dividend aspect. there's going to, as a continent as also source of moving suppliers,
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neighbor. so to deliver growth in africa, what we're going to need is some serious investment in infrastructure such as electricity, bridge, road, sports, railways, etc, as well as implementing appropriate governance structures to use that infrastructure efficiently. and this is going to be incredibly important to have a you be a part of the g 20 so that they can be part of the conversation that could potentially drive this very high f. and i'll make growth in africa. and as, as you all know, this is the most reliable way to reduce debt burdens and increase the energy security in africa. so once again, i think it's really important that you have a student at the table or guido, or how much will the african unions inclusion potentially in the g 20 boost the g twenty's global coverage a while it treated of course, you know,
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for geographic reasons for a demographic reasons and for the problem he saw a future goes at the same time by the union. and of course the, you know, it's already, it's already in the car. has the viewer expressed as a view of the content about that a set of categories there with different objectives? i and now so bad trying to reach consensus in my, in my, in a such a large a set of companies may, may be difficult to saw. you know, way it will and presumably be able to convey the minimum common denominator of the african continent. but still it gives, it gives a, um g 20 a more of a t r a d, a, you know, more represent that even is. so it, with the moderate, probably approach about still extremely useful. it also useful for africa in the
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union to try to better compromise different these sensors and reach common objectives internationally for a, you know, the international trade, for example, acquired your body to explore sanction cents on a, on your catchy, of certainly this idea of potentially having the a you join the g 20 is not new in the run up to the g. 20 summit in bali last year . you had indonesia publicly calling for representation by the you. during that summit, you also had french president manuel my crohn as saying the parents supported the integration of the a you into the g 20 and trying to repeatedly over the past year has said that they support this idea. but the bali declaration of the end of the last time it didn't mention that proposal. why is that? well, i'm not sure i'm ready to resist. so that says brand, there's been lots are hold the bridge. there's been much more related
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mentors about to black. the printer is the center of alter. busy insurance from different uh, from the global centers and i wanted advocate and support. so you know, what we see is a sure verbally, in terms of, you know, applica becoming all the need for african sort of supports becoming much more important. so i think this has moved right to the agenda as far as that's concerned, but the point that was going to make it or the wrong just very quickly was so, you know, you know, the international for, you know, they either norwegian or european printers in the west uh, dominate them but as individual countries for me to use 0 is also represented this far away, the g 7, the g 20 insurance or the pilot. busy so labor cases that largest they offer can
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or union but other regional bodies also be given you know, next year on those. ringback nation america will be all set the budget to have that kind of of the table if we're genuinely interested installing these level problems a new show at the end of last year. you also had the us present and joe biden, calling for the a you to become a permanent member of the g 20. i'm, when it comes to all this was that one of the big breakthroughs when it comes to pushing the idea farther. absolutely, and i think that this commitment that i'm, you thought you was talking about this colors and across the us, european union countries like india, et cetera. sort of recognizing the importance of pushing, putting their weight, we find out that and seeing the opportunity and the market is right for
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creating shared across parity. so and the g 20 is really a natural form to discuss these issues and how various countries other than china bridge has been practicing creditor lending in africa and tests or practice this debt try diplomacy. i think there's an opportunity for his other country virginia, 24 to partner with africa to deliver high return client friendly prosperity. the projects that are also a high priority for the african union in addition to social structure as social sector investments such asking education help. guido, what has to happen for this to become a reality for the african union to become a permanent member of the g. 20. how complicated is this process? well, this part of this could be, it could be seen today that by, by the police,
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because we let me know what monitors use the policy go to where you. and of course the united states has in favor. uh, india is in favor. china is in favor then, you know, i, i would say i would not do either on the technical problems or bureaucratic or it was because it could be political will, is there that it wouldn't happen? um, you know, so i see may be a problem with the not the african union because as was originally said that the european union is there. but also france that you tell me the, you know, the outcome 3 says. and so i, it would be nature or at some point that big companies like united ged or for example, and by age, if there are others, i get the increasingly involved in the future. so at the moment i would see no major problem. it's uh, it's a process of extending the representation of offer the game digit warranty, which is absolutely a long overdue on the other side. also, it is
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a way to get out. we got more whereas the so more friendly with the united states. uh and the west because the 220 of the moment the majority is bro. uh, united states of course that is also a restaurant. china, uh dish. but so yeah, if, if there is a will induced direction, i think uh, it may not be too difficult on your country. uh you heard the greater they're talking about um, from his point of view that there has to be a political will for, for this to happen from your vantage point. is there a political will right now and also from your vantage point? how long do you think this this might take? because it does look like they're still could be a quite a long road ahead before they ask and union could get full membership, right? the multiple listing was purely for reasons that are given before. there is a great deal of global competition. my company cash or you know,
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reference therapy around china or hazards ideas about partnership with the continent. rush are increasing. be over here for her to go level in year ago, underneath the rest of america and you're sure was trying to get some is the agent being called to agent, so not sure, you know, complicated and complex reasons. resale affairs, as you're saying that the graphics in terms of the population and those are, you know, just the increasing voltage and products of course, and banking in fact, that expensive offensive. and so, so i, i suspect you will have to watch real quickly. i'm the other reason the feasible vision is that now so many out of 4 that are coming on board. there's now the brakes task, which is also making, you know, reaching out to include all african countries. and so i think the g 7, well,
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if it doesn't want to miss the insurance, will probably more quickly and usually look to me like you were agreeing with. what on the katya was saying, i do. you also think that it might not take as long as some people fear that it will. yes, because the symbiotic relationship between africa and the rest of the world is become so apparent in terms of on, you know, just going back to the population. issues in the world is not being able to partner with africa and deliver roles in africa. what we're going to see is increasing the higher levels of employment amongst this youth. and that's going to have a direct bearing onto countries in europe and perhaps the united states in terms of population migration and accidents out of africa. so, you know,
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there's also in the interest of the us and you're just how develop africa and the sustainable climate friendly ways such that these huge when they come into the labor worst good employment opportunities and you know, so interest was mentioned before. and i do think that in terms of providing capital, this is a great opportunity for private and public capital from the west to invest in africa to do it rather share prosperity. guido, from your vantage point, how challenging might it be to find agreement and concessions among such a, such a huge and diverse blog going forward? it is charlene jane gray. these also challenging. got so each agreement that within the i figured out in the unit itself. and harvard, this process, this type of them, of the process saves the new, the new uh, new feature all good position. now, because good position from an economic point of view as low down what it does
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become clear that they were, you know, the issues the solve a 3 is complex and jump on at the expense. ok. so now the new, the new phase of globalization has to come through these exercises all day long. i see, and i agreements uh, put in the political will to do that. so, um, yeah, it is, it is a totally premises that are also for the security features involved the word and you recurring sanctions and so on with the reasons as expressed is you know, this is the way to go on your kaci. we only have a couple of minutes left. i see you want to jump in, but i also want to ask you one final question. how much would this amplify advocates voice on the international stage where it to become a reality? i think that your presence is the last of the person in this way wish it to the surface restaurants are very nice. are sort of. ringback problems and explain that, and also, you know,
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since the last 2 years since about time is when it didn't have vaccines and was last monster himself, he knows the house is over. sometimes out, sir, there's much more discussing talking about how to do that now with a big price is it, does he have to so that i'm the thing to do? so? yeah, we're, you know, lease on it. so after china. busy you j, i forgot us and you know, 52 presidents go to black start digital office of breast and still on a plane. i'm going to to meet china and you know, the us and this year the know somebody off, it's in union, there's no longer necessary for us to have a place to go to the region wherever we is. you know, we have an african union, we laptop, cheese, strategic issues, you know, 26 and 3 times when we're working towards that kind of thing. but the system. now i'm the one that, you know, we have the continental free trade that we're doing. so i'm this idea of a,
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so there's not able to build consensus, i think is the house for you. we move beyond the, the confidence or so. no. so the trust direction of, you know, the bathroom, you know, to explain something, you know what to do. magic has to find the services. all right, well, we have run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all our guest on your katya. wonderful. i know shari and guido khaki and thank you to for watching and you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, algebra. com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter handle is add a j inside story. for me from a gentleman, a whole team here. bye for now. the
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