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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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to discover the world of difference determination. i'm somebody who don't really need to we, i'm listening to freedom shot. so this is 16 people, corruption, compassion outages. 0 was a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. at least 6 palestinians have been killed and dozens injured and israel's hours long attack on the janine refugee camp on monday. this follows near daily, raised by his rarely forces across the occupied west bank. so what's behind this rise environments? this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm sure there's been an escalation by the israeli army in the occupied westbank, which had not been seen in decades. israel's far right government has increased its rage against palestinians launching military operations that often result in depth and injuries. on monday, the air was filled with the sounds of wearing blades from combat helicopters, live ammunition, and stun grenades. israeli forces had launched an attack against the janine refugee camp that would last for hours. the city of janine has become symbolic of the palestinian resistance and in recent years several on groups have emerged. israel says it's going after these groups that pose a threat to its security. but palestinians say they're the ones paying a high price. we'll get to our guess in a moment. the 1st this report from the brain. there's a sense of pride amongst palestinians. they say the fact that fights are, is in, did you need refugee camp who have limited weapons limits of training?
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if i mean, manage to incur damages to these really forces injure is really soldiers. boston is here. say that there. this illusion by the international community, and by the possibility of having a peaceful resolution to their case. we've been speaking to fighters in the janine refugee camp over the past year or so. and they were telling us that they don't believe that the palestinian authority is doing anything to protect them. and they say the real violence that's happening in the occupied last thing is that kids, as long as really ministry occupation, it's manifested in so many different things in the ongoing killings, the almost unlikely and daily waves, but also in the league. it is really sacraments that are expanding and expanding the oil indian under international law. we have united nations security council resolutions condemning those set to them and saying that they need to be dismantled . but still they're still expanding,
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taking up plans. and that's the only thought the resources of palestinians, they have their own infrastructures. so for palestinians, they say they have to fight the ongoing is really occupation. now when it comes to how this year is looking, we're talking about $134.00 palestinians who it goes by is really forces this year alone in the occupied west bank. and we're still in june 2022 was considered the deadliest a year in the occupied. the us bank with 170 it palestinians kilobytes really forces. so that could give you an idea. we're still in june and who knows how the year might end for inside story need that, but he just need let's take a look at some of the palestinian armed groups operating in the occupied westbank during monday's assault and janine fighters from the islamic jihad faction and for the setup summer dates brought back. the factions had been operating under an umbrella group called the jeanine brigades, which emerged in 2021 in the old city of nablus. the lions den group has been
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involved in arm confrontations with israeli forces since august 2022. and now there are many more resistance groups including total cutting brigades and acrobat jevar and jericho. all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guess in tel aviv. you'll see bailey, a former is really minister of justice and deputy minister of foreign affairs. yes, he was, the former is really negotiator during the 1993 as low peace accords in the note all day. she's a political analyst and call them this. what is the former spokesperson for the palestinian authority and in london we have belong, editor of arab digests and a former bbc golf in middle east journalist. one. welcome to you on thanks so much for joining us today on inside story, nor let me start with you today. uh, what happened on monday in jeanine, this mark the sharp escalation in fighting. what's behind this rise and violets? well i think what's behind it is the overall concept. you have a right wing government and his real that is intent on
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a stealing as much posted in land as possible. that's the government program. it's not a secret. it has employed all tools of oppression and violence against the palestinians . and as your reporter on the ground, they've got pointed out the number of palestinians killed this year so far. uh, you know, looks very grand and if you compare it to last year, it does look like this year is going to be even dudley or so. all of those things combine the measures that these rarely government as they can to expedite colonial expansion to united palestinians more and more riots and the fog. but that was the news. don't see anything moving if you will, on the road to their freedom, makes a for a very fertile ground for opposition and resistance, and increased resistance to the occupation. you'll see these were the fiercest classes in years. the fact that this fight lasted 10 hours and that these really
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army faced such a tough resistance from palestinian fighters. what does that signify to you? a nothing is new with a head this a these conversations for use and use? i think that the work is not to bill for us is not interested any more. we know a little conflict in the config seemed to load and, and may be damn, no important. and if we, those a long us, the on both sides will be leaving peace and do believe that this is a delicious of your totally your just young people that and one good full what. what uh, what is that the target we have to see together, at least that they, they informally, if the government bill today is right and he's not interested in peace. i think that's what, what we have to do does have been leaving peace on both sides. is to see,
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to get done to, to think about ideas and to go to the word and say, hey both inc, implementing them in, in putting them on the agenda. don't forget us. we think the price bill is really for us is they've been reading, janine and novelist for more than a year. now. why are there so many raids happening by the israeli army into the occupied west bank at this particular time? well, i think that the violence is escalating to an extremely dangerous level. i think the reasons are quite clear. uh for the escalation, particularly since the competing together the most extreme government in his early history that brought in people who well the, let's just not do intensive. scribe yourself is that faster than the home phone? it might have been here a man who clearly hates palestinians. these people have an agenda which is based on the violent removal of the policy and people end mister netanyahu in accepting them
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into his college and it has accepted that agenda. and i think this is why we're seeing this severe escalation and some extraordinarily, i think dangerous developments about on this as yesterday and says, the world asks people to think again, then we are really moving into some very, very serious and frightening territory, nor the fact that these raids keep happening regularly, engineering and, and novel is how, how damaging is that to the palestinian authority? how much does that impact their credibility amongst the palestinians? well, i'm not sure how much credibility to see a has left of despair and to be honest with you, this is a very weak and a political system weakened by division. we come to by lack of accountability by
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a one man rule by refusing to go to elections and refusing to work on ending the internal division. it is broke, it cannot pay it's civil servants that hasn't been able to do so for about 2 years now. of the civil service received a maximum, 80 percent of their salary every month, and they live to miles. so, you know, more rates, more statements of, of, of the total is really control and a total disregard to the shambles. that is the, the, that are the, a cords that were assigned once upon a lifetime between israelis and palestinians. you know, it goes without saying, i think the palestinians see what is happening, understand that the p a is unable to protect them and help them and are further frustrated by the fact that the p a is appeasing at regional and international
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pressure to engage in silly a meaningless talks like those that happened in, in october and then in a shared machine to talk about, well, you know, pretty much nothing to receive empty promises that are not, is respected by as result. and to again have an international community that is old but dormant when it comes to palestine that does not want to a not only engage, it doesn't want to even tell israel what it needs to hear, which is that it is acting like a very, a state a new ending this conflict, a new or just to follow up with you on, on another train of thought. the fact that these armed groups exist, how much is that? a response to a leadership vacuum at the national level? to tell us the names have been resisting for decades. this is not something that
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results from a lack of anything. the fact that the, the political system and the political factions overall are failing, their people only increases the need. the popular need to feel that there was something at somebody out there, a group of young men that can at the very least do their best to protect their neighborhoods and towns. and we know that the balance of power is completely screwed towards the israel. everybody understands the act even engineering and that this but it is um, you know, the journey of the people who have been oppressed and occupied by foreign power for 75 years. they want to break free of that bond. whether the political factions want it or can deliver it or not. so they, that resistance, if you will continue with or without the political factions having a political horizon, having movement by way of, you know,
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stopping the supplements retreating from those supplements and being the pariah status of, of, of, of, of israel. anything it's impunity and it status above the law would give people a solemn oh, but in the absence of that, and in the presence of double talk from the international community who are going beyond every measure and means to protect the key ukrainian people. right. to defend themselves against occupation, then to resist the occupation with the old military means available. it's very difficult to convince palestinians that taking up arms or, or arising in protest or even civil disobedience is something that they shouldn't be engaging in. you'll see what we've heard thus far from the panel in the conversation is that the situation is dire as dangerous. seems to be growing worse and you were hurt,
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nor there are talking about the fact there doesn't seem to be much willpower, but if any will power on the part of the international community to try to make things better. i want to ask you from your vantage point, are there concrete steps that could actually be taken by any international actors at this point to de escalate the situation? yeah, i'm sure that the steps like this. and a lot of the main points is that the word should come to us should visit us on the high level meet with the 1st thing you need to should meet with these very leadership actually tell them what is expected from them from the point of view of the well, if there is something like that in the past, the to happen any be because things like the madrid conference and, and, and the other developments which will probably be in the, a well destroyed by it's 3 minutes or more or on both sides. you'll have on that,
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but it's being inside the weekly though, she a list by a person who is hoping, leasing base, but fall from being able to implement, implement something like, did you ever disagree between come us and fund which makes it more difficult to get stool political, you a decisions, and we spoke about these, well, i mean, we have the most right, is government ever a, on our side is the word isn't all to do, especially united states, but also europe in the arrow board. then it would, i, i cannot see how can we move unless really and maybe it is imaginary, a, a b space lab, hers on both sides, meet and talk informally and suggest ideas like we did in the past. we did geneva and yet, and lately with the idea of the configuration between the 2 to the independent
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states, a bunch of stine and, and is right, but they do smoke enough. well, we need some books of both. we need the booking of the was and the word is not, is not there, including regretfully, also the arrow. but you'll see, let me also ask you from the perspective of the israeli government right now, how much of a security threat does the is really government. consider this new generation of arm groups to be this is not a strategic sway. it is about the color. so it's really big, is it, is it knowing that this is a problem? i think it'd be pulled out community, but it is not as the big gets read on a, on easy way a and, and that is, that is why i believe that a, those who are now in poly info in our side and some of them are really masonic that they leave it, that the doing things because god is behind them. i don't believe that they for
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them. the question is, is they in a way that link is a smaller thread the only bigger thread they, they believe that they'll doing the right thing going to be the last that they probably monday could a resolution almost 4000 in 500 a housing units. they believe that they'll solving the problem that they believe that they'll bring will they show the do. and it is very difficult to go to the veins them. not only that, it is a gauge, the technician out, a low, which is the case a, but also it is a condo for boom, around to use. what do you think? if you don't want to live in a solution, what do you want to have eventually, in the would be no bold up between us and our neighbors and an easy way. we'd be a joy estate with the joyce minority dominating a. but his being in majority, this is you'll, you'll, green. this is what you want, what? this is a disaster for us. bill. you heard your see there,
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talk about the united states, talk about era countries, talking about other players within the international community who perhaps could be doing more to play a role in trying to de escalate the situation. what do you think is there a political will power right now for more members of the international community to step in and really try and look at all of this on the granular level and come up with some kind of a political solution? yeah, well that's interesting mama, jr, you mentioned a number of countries and one country did not mention was the united kingdom, which i think has a signally important role in, in the whole conflict. and how it has devolved brick and basically walked away from palestine. a band and it's, it's, it's position stated position. the balfour declaration was supposed to be
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a declaration that would ensure the rights of both jews and arabs to print and walked away. not britain today could have been doing more sure to be doing more. of course, it should, as i showed other countries as europe, i think that we often expect too much of the united states. we know the united states influence is waning diplomatically in the middle east. we know that error bleeders regard, mr. bite and as a week president, there are opportunities here. i think for europe and united king the step up, will they do it? i fear the answer has to be again and sadly. no. and what that does is it empowers this extreme list of mine, or do you guys is really taking control of the it's really government. it empowers them because our silence are hesitancy. are regretful. now such is of concern,
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do nothing but encourage these people who have no intention of trying to work towards a peaceful solution. when you look at people like smoke trades or bend where they want violence, they want escalation, they want the justification to carrier. what they see is there perhaps right just duty, their religious obligation, whatever their messianic impulses we buy or a silent, empower that bill. let me also ask you about the, the you ins role and all of this because we've heard from you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, he's urging these really government to stop its decision to speed up the construction of a legal settlements in the occupied westbank. but do those words carry any actual weight right now? um, i mean, are they falling on deaf ears essential as well? i think the, i think good is around for, for again, for decades as deeply suspicious of united nation in most cases. i think completely, wrongly perhaps in some cases we have some degree of of publicity.
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yes. a it is falling on deaf ears and i, i do think that, you know, israel is running out of, of solutions that you will, it's only solution seems to be violence, violence the gets violence. this is a pass, a dead end path in the end because the power steering is will stay, they will fight. they are enormously gray, just ended and, and, and their young man will fight. we are seeing that now we will continue to see that unless and until there is an acceptance that the road israel is now on the wrong road. and it is really the west to make that decision to get off that road. nor let me ask you about these words. we heard from mr. gutierrez, the secretary general said that the israel's decision to speed up the construction of the legal settlements is a flagrant violation of international law. what are we going to see? any action taken on the ground? is there any hope that this rhetoric will be backed up by actual concrete actions
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going forward? on this, mr. gutierrez has a chance to actually gain some credibility here and give the you and some credibility, or the notion of a backbone. by adding israel to the left list of for lift x, a violators of childrens re writes an armed conflict. he has been asked to do that, not just by the post and inside, but also by human rights organizations. and he has consistently failed to do so. uh for political reasons. but i think, you know, not to sound, you know, because we're all talking about how things are just not working. and let me give our viewers a little bit of a spark of hope, if you will. there are changing dynamics in the region in the world, in inter arab relations and an era e ronnie relations. and that is
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a very positive develop because that the, the window for exploitation of tensions between here on the air of world, particularly the gulf allowed israel to, to manipulate the situation to pretend that the priority for countries in the gulf was to confront iran and to forget about the palestinians into further, you know, in trench that sense of isolation among palestinians. things are moving in a, in a far more positive direction or at this point. and i think that is an unfortunate to the palestinians must seize them through that they must work with willing partners in the international community to make israel understand that there is a price for its course of conduct the ending of this situation, which is a big spring of violating a people's right to exercise their free will and to be free in their own
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independent country is extreme. even if no blog is said, it is an other ation. it's something that no people would accept not working with the world to just implement their own legislation about these kinds of violations about rob rated war crimes that he's realized. committed over the years would mean that his will understand that it will pay an economic and political price for that . but, and that requires a lot of nudging from sierra players, especially to europe, which has really, um, you know, it's not, it's, it's the responsibility and escaped any notion of real engagement. that is in line with its profess position. it seems that it has not an aspect that says except for palestine when it comes, its positions on international law and that can change. but it requires a lot of work on the part of the arab countries and tell us the bill we are
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starting to run out of time. but i saw you nodding along to some of what knew where it was saying there. and it looked like you wanted to jump in, so i'm gonna give you the opportunity. well, i just wanted to just say that you're is quite correct. that is a, a shift and it does create a potential opportunities. and it should, any time any opportunities arise to do, to move things forward, then yes, we're, you must look at them. and, and i think this really is, must look at this too. and is really, is, must be looking for a new ways forward. and there is still with, in this situation, how for a solution, i put in much of that in mind a belief in the strength of the palestinian people who are being pushed in violence only because it is the only option left to them. and if there is another option presented, then the violence will receive the is released need to step back an
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enormously kind of bombs. there usually can the rhetoric, the violence of the rhetoric and some of these extremist, these fascist ministers. it needs to be rained in this really is losing on global well front. in the, in the court of public opinion. we see the videos. we saw the young child 2 years old, strongly that we see the daily aggressions of the idea. so israel needs to take this on board, it's, it is the damage on the world court and maybe there is opportunity there as well. you'll see, is there anything that you could see right now a change in policy, a shift in any kind of policy that would give you any hope about the direction that these really government was taking you. and are there any influential figures right now within the government who are able to try to get some momentum going for a different kind of approach? i'm not sure about the, the, the, your 2nd
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a question. i don't see that because really a very right is the government, but i remember the right the government set contract is government a which it was the in, in 1991 leg devalued. talk show me at least you'll remember. and this government eventually went to the madrid conference which will begin at a very, very important browse a space between us and jo. then they also a agreement and, and this so on. so i believe that the, the just comes to from we've out it, we not come from. we've seen the government did say, i believe that when you speak about the u. n. and what it can do because retail then what we would like to see the but nevertheless he has the power to put issues on the agenda. and when he says that such an important issue is of the agenda, the role of the you and i talked about the,
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the last week or week the secretary general. good here is that the role is to just put people on the agenda. we're not, we don't expect that you'll in to be, it's too much involved in to, to change the will be to have been difficult for focus organization. it gives me a really good news. and we really like the deep exist that or, but don't put things on the agenda to put it on the talking points of building new sheets. when people gone through is when, when people go to the thing is side to me, raises the issues and to suggest ideas. and you know, this conflict is not a uni let to i go for it. if you ever, the police being inside, which is about home being is safe. if you'll, if you wish you can at the stand the, the, what ever been more commodities blinking guys that is not very simple. and it is also a big challenge for the web. and the world is, what do we not interesting for the word? and that is why if no one doesn't come to us,
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we should feed together informally and work together as we did in the bus, you know, the to say. but i will say it's in a southeast way. all right, we have run out of time, so we're gonna have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all of i guess you'll see by lean your audit and bill and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website boundaries or dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page, and that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. you can also during the conversation on twitter handle is at a j inside story. for me, i'm how much i'm german, the whole team here, by for an or the when the news breaks behind me, what do you see is the side of the massive box. then we so involving 3 trains. when people need to be hurt and the story needs to be told, there was no purpose soccer pitch here. so i training the street with exclusive
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interviews and in depth reports christopher columbus wrote about it. in 1492 algebra has teens on the ground. this is where a pilot gets the way to bring you more award winning document trees and light news . the another dumb person to person on you always don't even know. i just stopped counting spirals into addiction office morning and the post age gives me to the parties and that's how it got started. soon she was going to publish and casinos to play pokies every day. sometimes playing 15 i was trying to a well that seemed both exciting work. the grandmother of the 6 had access to company funds. she began transferring money in to help us kind of account starting with small amounts every week. if i didn't steal, i couldn't fly surely stopped when she was caught. by that time sheet stone and
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more than $260000.00. and i went to prison is just crazy. and i spent 19 months away from my family in prison investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the i'm serial then. yeah, into how with the headlines on elza 0 is really settlers have attacked another palestinian village in the occupied westbank. they set fire to homes, cars and other promises is until messiah. that's a northern ramallah. there are reports of injuries. this is the latest round of violence after the killing of 4 is really is on tuesday near and illegal settlement . how we faucet is live in ramallah in the occupied west bank with the latest on this. how are you? what can you tell us?
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well according to more than one local person in terms of size that we've been speaking to over the last hour. so they was saying that some 200 set.


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