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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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springs like this before global legs, but in discussion, the internet did not need to be the greatest tool of mass surveillance and the history of the world. voices from different programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. not many people have seen this business to best select on now to sierra the the hello, i'm the retainer, this is the i'm just here and use our life from nothing. coming up of israel kills 3 palestinian fighters in a red drive and strike on the occupied westbank. his doctor is ready such as stormed westbank villages settling far to homes and cause while the prime minister approved plans for a 1000 new units in the legal settlements. wherefores ratings were shot dead on
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tuesday. falsifying noises ahead for a 2nd day in the search for missing some muscle which may have specialist, 13 hours of oxygen left. and joe biden, angus china marketing choosing thing to dictate, took a day off to america's top. diplomat wrapped up a visit to beijing. i'm doing a natural sco with the sports as jersey moreno is banned for full year pain, mount chase. that's off to the rome of boston verbally piece, the road, public, final referee, and a call talk following his teams last to severe the beginning with the escalation bond and spreading across the occupied westbank ways . where the forces, if killed 3 people and asked strike against the palestinian group. the ragged right and strong kept a vehicle near janine for the day of attack, spies,
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rarely settlers on palestinian homes and cause. i suppose that reports on the day's events from the village of josiah suggest off the days of accelerating violence, a new sign of escalation as well as that it used a drone, distracted car carrying palestinian fighters near the city of janine. the result of it's showing me the truth and intelligence operation. it set the man at any show that a check point and we're responsible for other reason detox is the 1st acknowledged targeted assassination bias railing the occupied westbank in nearly 20 years. it had already been another by the day palestinians living in the village of 2 messiah described several groups of on settlers. each group, dozens strong, launching a coordinated attack deep into the heart of the community just before 1 o'clock in the afternoon. like this is the mom and shell id says 20 to 30 settlers attacked his house. well, 13 members of his family. mine, of them children sheltered in the back room, tennessee. they've been in the car outside the gates and then the 2 calls here.
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then they threw stones and shot while the munitions about the veranda and the windows. we have bullets inside the house, so the village is just below the legal is really supplemental sheila minutes before the attack. hundreds of motors had gathered for the funeral of a 17 year old. one of 4 people shot dead in a palace, send you an attack on a petrol station on tuesday. it was on this road in towards the village from the settlement above. the little of the violets took place 1st as really just tried to repel the settlers who were attacking the homes. and the confrontations between his ready forces and the villages as well. people who lived here over the years have had to grow used to repeated set through a tax, but they say they've never before seen anything quite on this scale. this was the living room be down, hundreds is finally home is on the road. one of the 1st the attack has reached his mother an 8 year old son with inside. the lout was on the other side of the group of settlers. i could see over 200 in the street right here. you know,
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you can look at it. when i 1st walked, you know, with my car i got real close to it. to them start throwing stones. they even shut off. i had to back up. i did not think about anything else, but my mom and my little boy, they managed to shelter in a still room below was terrified of finding their bodies in the main house after they heard, you know, it was not them the mickey mouse. well, i mean one day when i saw them, i just fell on the floor. and the violence persisted into the nights. this was reef home to the 2 pallets didn't even attack is behind tuesdays patching station shooting villages. the said they were attacked by more than a 100 settlers. are you supposed to? how does 0 to messiah in the occupied westbank? and hurried towards us live now from ramallah. all right, what's the reaction being to the janine asked, right what, what is a major stuff? it's the kind of thing that we have become used to say with some regularity take place in gaza,
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but not really since the 2nd and the part of the beginning of the 2 thousands have we seen this kind of strike targeting what these various turned as to a terrorist cell, and they said that they had been shooting earlier in the evening and they were also responsible for other attacks as well. it's being supported by is where the government figures and by the far right, national security minister, it's him. i've been via, he said that this was a beginning, it's the kind of thing that he had been calling for. there's also being reaction from, from us in gaza. they're saying that the use of across to assassinate people is a dangerous escalation. and they're saying the, what, the assassination that go with the fascination crime and janine, but it will not go unpunished by all people. and by all resistance, as for the scene in the media to optimize is really false, is surrounded the sights of that strike for some time and took the vehicle away.
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they now reported to withdrawn from the area. and terry does as heavily move all as to come to think well, there's certainly no indication of any laptop any time soon. and i already, as i say, the, the national security minister, his comments on, on tuesday with some rubbish off to be attacked by thomaston in suits, is against those is right. he's just outside it and legal supplement, just north of us here in ramallah. he was talking about all sorts of extended measures. he wasn't invited to a security coordination meeting featuring the prime minister. but one of the things that called for was this kind of escalation, in terms of assassinating a supposed targets from the app along with a host of other measures. so it does seem to indicate that there will be some kind of ramping up to these really action. they're also more secular, as we are told by palestinians, and starting to mass again near the same village with that very large attack took
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place earlier on wednesday. and that have been this increasing number of policy, new attacks against israelis in the occupied westbank as well. it's being accelerating over recent days. there is no indication to think it's going to do anything other than continue in the days to come. all right, for sure. thank you very much indeed. start on tuesdays attacking any israel's fall . right? government is ramping up construction in the same and legal settlement approving times to build a 1000 new units, but is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu as also a. com and says is raise must respect the low medium. so by i'm so full amount of to move on very low. there are days when you have to say the obvious. so the state of israel is a state of law, the citizens of these ro, obligated to respect the law. we will not accept riots. i fully back the ease, rel, police, and security forces in their activity to maintain level. and buddha, we will not accept any calls against the police and the security forces. we are
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a country of a little excessive algo, she is essentially general of the past indian national initiative. he draws his life from ramallah by skype. i just wondered what your reaction is to, to the latest in, in the escalation valence in the west bank a festival. let me tell you that nothing you know is nothing but the biggest lawyer in this world. he keeps sliding constantly and what he said was simply lice. what we have today is a very serious escalations from the side to those that are the establishment. and i included in that, not on the guys that are in the government, but also does i understand position which supports the acts of this government? i guess the police didn't and people the out of combining that tax of the army for the slicks army lives f. 16 just fighters with drones, with banks and the with every available instrument in the hands of this army. they
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are attacking of civilian population under occupation on the vehicle to patients and their combining to that to that tax of illegal sept. let us a lot of behavior as dentist mops attacking during the last 2 days. no less than the 50 by this thing in the villages go to rising, rising civilians, the rising men and women, some of the people. i mean that it was the, it's on both sides legs that the, the vote for settlers is right. such as killed on a bite it onto. yeah. but why of these set, let us view such that's our tvs, this to ballast in your land. and they live in the gallery on the 1st thing i left, i left, i left a book and killing anybody. but i'm telling you you're gonna have to compare these set. let us out and do you go by the national little by you i'm is that it was comes and they out of there because the is there. yeah, i'm just supporting them. equipping to them with, with military guns and so on. and now the out at that in the civilian political population, they've been threes, they've been houses, they've been cards,
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they switched to people. there were actual things, people under the civil supervision and protection of the we have been told you, the idea is this. how do you see this cycle being stopped? i mean, what are the options? are there any options, politically, anything, and this will not stop from the sides of the establishment unless the national community stubs to this pro. it's all done with the standard, and i'm less than i could state stops, protecting these criminals. and that means, so the thing is that i have with the sections without sort of getting started is the sanctions. they will not stop the attacks on palestinians, but on the other hand, they would be, they would, they wouldn't deal with the really haven't gotten it losing if they think they can think of the police, the man people, or the beer. cuz i've been a student, how does this done so because simply is simply saying to the listing as realized
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that they have to is this struggle because they need to protect the lice, to protect the lives of their children, to protect the lives of the mothers and fathers, as the people try to do it today and putting the fire on the other places. but the world has not been good to us. this doesn't understand the must stop. and this, the fact that prompted his legs, a united states and many european countries out of 10, and we have the eyes from the crime. so those are the establishment is unacceptable . what's that about? we'll see, thank you very much indeed for joining some furniture. and it'd be involved in confrontations between is ready forces and crews. protest is in the occupied golan heights. is there any forces font to a gas and use water cannon to disperse? protest is several people injured demonstrations oppose the construction of and is really wind farm in the area is real cap to the go down heights from syria in 1967 . cool. and later on, next it's coming up on is he's out from london,
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a fighting interruption, and around cartoon, within minutes of the nature of the spot ending between the 2 dogs, warring generals plus russia will eventually bear the cost of you frames reconstruction, you cranes, otherwise promise to make rush of pay as a pledge, billions of dollars to rebuild the vote on countries the conference in london. and as for the new method, it reaches the for the final is it has to be here for the actual, the east coast on it says the search for a 7 me too long semester, but lost and it down to ocean with 5 people on board is still a rescue mission. it went missing on sunday, taking well say, taurus down to see the rank of the titanic. the coast guard says noises have been heard in the search area for a 2nd straight day,
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but they haven't been able to locate the origin. it's estimated that could be less than 30 now. so oxygen left inside the vessel. if the 5 on board is still alive, time is running short. and the search area is massive. teams of red, he's gotten any 26000 square kilometers of ocean on air and see some vessels in the search and rescue efforts are already on site. others still traveling that the main problem facing the rescue team is the tax. recreational divers usually reach only about 40 meters, a ministry submarine around a 300 meters. at a 1000 meters, some light no longer penetrates the water and all the way down at 94000 meters is the ocean fuel and the rest of the titanic. even if teams are able to reach the semester will bring age off, can prove another difficult task when they just update from the us coast call. and they said it's still not clear within the source of the underwater noises. is a truck through the tyson, or you always have hope that's. that's why we're doing what we do with respect to
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the noises specifically. we don't know what they are. to be frank with you. we. they the p 3 detected noises. that's why they're up there. that's why they're doing what they're doing. that's why they put sooner babies in the water. so the good news is, what i can tell you is we're searching in the area where the noises were detected and will continue to do so. the barriers on those in the city, boston headquarters of the search and rescue operation. give us a religious, what you're hearing on that risk. if it has as time really is critical now, isn't it? it really is critical in the rescue and search operations that are going on have increased their pace and intensity over the last 24 hours the coast guard bringing to bear all the resources it has available to it to try to get as many assets out to the location as possible. there's currently 5 ships out there, etc, about a 1300 kilometers off the coast of boston,
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where i'm at now. coast guard says within the next 244 to 36 hours. they expect to increase that to as many as 10 different search and rescue ships on site, as well as numerous aircraft that are circling around the area, trying to locate anything that might be on the surface. of course time really is of the essence. and this has become a really an international effort with the french canadians now involved as well. but the french research ship carrying a remotely operated deep dive vehicle that will be arriving on seeing the can able, able to get to the depths of where the titanic is more than 2 kilometers below the, the ocean surface. but as of this very hour, they know they are barely up against the clock because the reserve, a breathable oxygen that is believed to be on the tight and is expected to expire
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or run out as early as thursday morning here local time. and just more about those sounds that to the hearing under the water, how significant might they be? yeah, canadian aircraft was able to pick up the sounds a tuesday evening and you've and wednesday morning here. and the sounds were like a tapping sound is what they were described to be. and it ended immediately was picked up via sonar booties that were on the, on the surface. they picked up the sounds, transferred it to this canadian airplane. uh, the coast guard immediately was dispatched to the area to do an immediate search. um, but they found nothing. and the coast guard saying that basically they are still analyzing the audio of these sounds. but saying, cautioning that there is no indication at least yet that this was sounds that were
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coming from the missing submersible. they're saying that the coast guard saying there's lots of sounds that emanate from the ocean floor and they're saying they just simply are still analyzing it. but as of now, based on their search, they have not been able to find any signs of the tight and so far to gabriel is under. thank you very much. indeed. machine funding is the c o. suddenly on energy policy, he went on the talked in some last year and also had 2 of the crew members currently on board. and he joins us now live from london. so it must be quite a difficult time for me because you, you know, these, these people i do, i do. but i also don't have personal data. and i can imagine that if, and hopefully this is what has happened, that they've just a quote on something. and you are on the wreck, and they would immediately set it by considering their off in reserves and making sure they can squeeze as much time as possible. and i mean they, they do have a time, it goes down there. what should they take?
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the problem down side of the do have roads throughout the system that also take to come and ask that as there are no costs. if you control your breathing, you know kind of thing which does any of them will be good in the science. if you have a good chance, you can add some extra time to time to swing by and the best amount to it. so you'll, one of the rep, the rest should be inside this, this thing and, and you went, you had done was clearly it's risky anyway. but what, what, what the things that you were most worried about when you, when you did the trip. but frankly not, i mean, you know, i mean, if it's something like a catastrophic failure and it's rosie, you know, nothing about it anyways, so be faster than a bunch of them. and so, you know, the one thing you might be a little bit concerned about, we didn't think about it too much because there were really isn't enough in, on the record, just lines spewing all around the base that might have kind of, you know, you don't go that close to us and boss, i mean to the, the, the, the motors are just small that the trust is to get to around the ship and get around the bottom of the ocean. and if you will call them something, they will not put you at the not be strong enough. so you would have to basically
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sit there and waste. and i hope that somebody asked them to come down and put use it rice. the stuff is not telling me it does need to have the rice, the surface. and indeed even if you are incapacitated inside for any reason, it automatically says displays the rise. the surface is a very, very simple design waste to come down. let the right so to come back up, it's just that simple, make no motors. so i mean what you interpretation of what the sounds that have been picked up might be i think that's something i, i think base to be a receipt to me. and hopefully that will prove that to be the case that's happening every 30 minutes or so. just to let people know that they're still alive and well there. and they, they know how the international rescue mission is go. and they know that a constance out there every so often with certainty who have pinpoint where they are. i don't know what else to because when we were down there, you know, you don't hear and sounds of the back of any time. now maybe these bullies, cat,
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but i would think there's a strong likelihood there in there, the trapped and the topic. even if they all found though, how difficult would it be to rescue them? do you think? not very if the answer to that level, i mean anything, you know, it is on the surface but to see nothing. so, you know, it's nice to hear sounds to this. you never expect stand in surface. you would have to go down to the wreck. be the, the, the, the, the french, the best of those coming. i think midnight tonight, everybody's at has the capability of doing that to probably get down there within a few hours. and because it's a remote vehicle, it also has a winter on a saturday. it may be a simple just as one to under go up under its own accord and does it matter from the steps naturally and, but obviously you'd like to have it up a little bit faster. there's no pricing necessary, so if they can, all of that. so, well, how did you, i mean, did you practice any contingency pounds before you went down? no, no, no, contingency brands. i mean, you know, yeah. when you see it is that past due, you know, you go down to the bottom,
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you hopefully come back up. and if somebody catastrophic happens, you know, as i said, you know, nothing about it anyway. i know something like this happens at you really didn't expect to they're b, right? so when they come to the dies and stuff, nothing's happened. and you would actually just have to write another rescue if you wouldn't get loose or she needs hunting. thank you very much. indeed, for sharing your thoughts about that story. thank you. no problem. a heavy fighting erupted industry to these capital, how to him and his neighboring cities early on wednesday, within minutes of a 3 day truce, ending the army times to have made some games against the permanent tree. rapid support forces in nearby on them on the worry sides have been holding talks in saudi arabia to discuss a new cease for the holiday nature this month, thousands have been killed and more than 2000000 people have been displaced since fighting began in april. morgan has more from on demand near the capital costume. within the 1st few minutes of the expiry of the 72 hours ceasefire between the
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sudanese army and the power and military rapids support forces, we were able to hear heavy artillery being fired here in the city of on demand. we were also able to see plumes of smoke rising from various parts of the capital costume residents in the eastern part. of course, it's as strikes launched by this to denise army against positions of the parent military rapids support forces in the southern parts of the capital. there's been slicing between the central reserve police and militarized units of the police department at 3 rapids support forces. now there's also been attacked by the rest. a on the engine, you score a military base belonging to disabilities, army and which is the power military rapids support forces has been trying to gain control of 4 weeks now. and that's here in the city of on demand. but people say that they were expecting the intense lighting between the 2 sides. they say that they know that the flights in between the 2 sides is most intense right before as the flyer is due to coming to effect and right after it expired. and they say that the they were expecting this and now they're being tools to stay indoors. but some
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of those who were supposed to say that they did not benefit from the ceasefire. that last night for 3 days, they said that they've noticed an increase in the number of civilians being pushed out of their homes by the current military rapids support forces to civilians were killed in the northern parts of the capital. during the period of the seas far as our suffices broke into their homes. as for witnesses who spoke to all to 0, and this also an uptick, and an increase in the number of sexual violence against women reported to rights groups here in sedan. doctors who were supposed to say that most of the rates reports that are being committed by slices of the parent military rapids support for states. but they say that the number of cases reported does not reflect the real number, and that the actual victims of sexual abuse are likely to be much higher. but due to the stigma, it's being reported less. people say that they do want to cease fire, they want to see him in his hearing aids come and, but they've seen how it's been playing out here in the capital for so many other parts of that. and they knew that a ceasefire was on the ground,
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it means no direct slicing between the so the needs army and the parent military rapids support forces and no sounds of heavy artillery. and so i suggest they say that for them to build in the battle continues and they continue to suffer atrocities people morgan onto 0. i'm the man fighting is you don't, there's no force more than 2 and a half 1000000 people to free that homes. agencies will and that hoss the countries population that needs to monetary and assistance. some of our has more can put you down. it's been a tough journey for these people. they spend days on the road braving but it to check points, find it on the list, is the find the lead made it to board. so then for the final trip to re unite with their loved ones, income and as well. so that's really how much is a resident who were stranded in sedan. she and her 4 children among a group of people evacuated by a top and mean and then kind of the road trip was difficult. we traveled through
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areas affected by heavy readings and floods. once we arrived here, we got stuck for 23 days before being allowed to do. this is the 11th humanitarian flight by cutoff, which has established on a bridge to deliver its tensile supplies and evacuate people stranded in the will ravaged country. so there's no indication sedans, warning signs are waiting to as well along these bias. we make it even more difficult for those winds escape the flight in a growing number of so that is across again today between countries, while millions will remain trumped. that's how they have nowhere else to go. desperate and in need of a humanitarian, how they fit the was maybe to come have big launches broke out between why but factions of 2 or 3 days, these by expired the army. and the problem in which we wrap it, support forces have been battling each other for more than 2 months. the
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conflict has shunted lives destroyed, areas shut down schools. manasseh came all the way from both go to 5 hopes to live in turkey. and studies that i'm read about to don, the future is uncertain. we have no idea what would happen next. for now, the evacuated we have to cope with a new life fall from the country and hope one day fighting in. so then comes to an end basis restored and people are able to go back to the homes, asked about, but i was just the read for to that. that's what's more still to come this all the bloss test through a street and have a story left hand corner of paris rescue is still searching for 2 missing people. that's kind of this was and bob was presidency registered to run in august election . we'll report from harry where there's just one major issue on versus mines the
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economy. and the japanese wrestler who's moved to send and go wherever spring is a national fault. that's coming up with just the the hello. well, italy and parts of the balkans likely to blow past record temperatures for the months of june havior, one of those details right here, right now we painted on the color and start with the read the heart of the temperature. so is that group san diego and realm? if you hit these temperatures on thursday, they will be new records for the month of june. let's talk about precipitation right now. some storms in france and germany. this energy will eventually move east and knock the heat out of italy and the bulk and so that group 28 degrees on saturdays, certainly cooler than where you happen, but still a bit above average to turkey. and we go as weather and assemble stellar stretch
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here over the next few days. more wet weather in the forecasts for the northeast black sea coast. but for the other side of the mediterranean, st. start to dry off most of the storms of lift it further toward the north. so this becomes a story for france, the low countries and germany, and also somewhat weather in scandinavia has driven down the temperature in helsinki biome was 10 degrees high temperatures into this 40 degrees at hot wind for new access. so you're up to $41.00 or so the rain will be 0, the own guinea be so and jerry, and as we hop to the south, a southerly wind means temperature is a bit below average. and my put so is see a few showers as well for the south coast and most in big on thursday. see later the, the south korea police receive up to 200 reports. while it's every day when a, when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0,
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the facing liliana, teens does the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites just obsolete and doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is put into a hard hitting into b, c. think lot to their lives on washington enough for money to go on its own and to build these on thoughts, providing ons, for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to how does era the challenges with the
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the reminder of the top stories here in our 03 members of the armed posting in group, the coach brigade have been killed in a red is really drained, striking the occupied westbank striped targeted vehicle need. you need hundreds if he's ready. settlers of storm the palestinian villages of reef and to messiah. one person was killed in homes and cause have been torched. rescuers have expanded. the search was a mess for witnessing in the depths of the atlantic ocean on sunday. the vessel was on an expedition to see the rank of the titanic. with 5 people on board, a successful could have less than 13 hours voltage in that day during the conferences on the way in london to drum up international funding to rebuild ukraine after the war and the facing
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a monumental task. it's the biggest reconstruction project in europe since the end of world war 2, ukrainian prime minister says you'd expect to almost $7000000000.00 to be packaged by the end of the conference on thursday. so far that you as made it a new page of nearly $55000000.00 that spread between 20242027. the u. k as permits $3000000.00 and the us $1300000000.00 is a stock. but it's just a fraction of the total cost of all the wealth bank u. n. and european commission put the cost of reconstruction and recovery at $411000000000.00. and that's expected to stretch over 10 years. but the retakes and damage from the 1st year of war and the total bill could easily top one trillion dollars. and that's because of the sheer scale of destruction. and the 2000000 homes have been damaged as have one and 5 public health institutions. was called the country's g d p by 29 percent, i think baba has more of the 2 days that could change the future of ukraine.
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not with weapons, but with investments and died and emphasizing the urgency. the ukranian president joined delegates in london via video lic reyes is in a wall where there is a need to try to do as many as you pray everything you can t arise and address brands you hours. so this tells us at all and destroyed calls is the industry us thinking of fixing day conference standing next to the partition pregnant foreign ministers wishes to not stress the importance of private 10 surprised investing ukraine defense. and that's why we're launching the ukraine business combat for the private sector to pledge best support. so ukraine's recovery and reconstruction. and i am delighted to announce today that over $400.00 businesses
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from $38.00 countries with a combined market cap, a full point $9000000.00 have now signed. tell us use the event to announce more than a 1000000000 extra dollars of direct take to your credit focused on energy and infrastructure in the world bank estimate to the recovery effort could cost around 411 $1000000000.00. the ones that talking about the marshall plan for ukraine, making comparisons with your it's reconstruction off the world war 2. but the key difference, the conflict in ukraine is fall from over. another idea being explored is how to use frozen russian assets to help you create and rebuild. even as we come together here in london, committed to supporting your brains build up. russia continues to try to burn it down. so let's be clear in russia is causing your brains, destruction and russia will eventually bear the cost of you frames reconstruction.
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the think as being discussed, to remit. and then meant to guarantee ukraine's prosperity over the decades. but they could rise even higher depending on how long the conflict continues. and that's something that nobody can confidently predict the day involved, which is 0 london in the ukrainian city of hockey's effort. so ready on the way to rebuild several months after the region was retaken by keeps, forces is going to be a slow process for the city. and it's people, as during how reports the current counter offensive is not ukraine's 1st and hopes of pin the success of the last. that took place here in the northeast, wind, russian forces were driven out of the car key region last summer. months later and little has been rebuilt, yet some people are returning. they feel they have no choice to contribute to spell your name. you to some places are being happy and so i'm not the talk. why did we
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have to do this for ourselves? we were the 1st ones to be hit, to erie now is a doctor who once kept a large family close. but now most of displaced by the war. she'll say a one bedroom apartment with one of his sons and 2 grandchildren and no running water in be they dropped a village across the sway the territory, half the size of belgium. people of slightly coming back often within a tillery range of the russian lines. the circuits for the safety is relative you had made the most see the enemy uses weapons that include heavy artillery. every tax morters, the most dangerous thing is that you never know where they will hit next daughter. and the job of the mining making feels safe for agriculture. and the rubble of homes save from unexploded ordnance will likely go on for years. when it's all
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coupons fled. this often age was used by russian soldiers as a command post, remaining largely on damaged. but the war has left its bach determined as oscar box. you know, it's so hard for the kids now. you can see a situation there is still a lot of places mind. so they can't run around free all. go to the park or hang out . the gulls used to play sports, the boys played football and basketball, the, now they concert it, many pots of khaki, even this region. the board is russia just 40 kilometers north of here. life is returning. and sometimes in spite of terrible destruction that they've just on the means yet to begin to rebuild, it's not life as it was far from it. but what they've lost in innocence, they've gained in hope. knowing that here at least the russian army was beaten. joe, the whole elder, 0 hockey a or a yes. and you is the advocacy manager for read them. we stand ukrainian growth
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rates, movement calling for a total embargo on russian fossil fuels has been attending the recovery conference in london to has been out in a studio. thanks so much for coming in. so what, what are you trying to achieve with this conference? what, what are your range? the plan is that if you are shooting launch and just to focus on our, a couple mantles and international partners on the renewable energy translation and rapid, a green energy transition. because we need to make a shift, a shift from the centralized fossil fuel economy to the renewable invest, centralized dest, centralized economy, which is more of the resilience under the a record of tax, which we have now. because today we have about 50 percent of energy system generation of facilities and distribution facilities specially destroyed. and actually that's just a big problem. and the solution of this is to make a shift from the fossil fuel economy to renew both economy. so what, what was,
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i mean, did present, excuse us, i do know that needs to be real projects. now, how relevant kind of talk about it. but how difficult is it to actually stop projects given that they're still fighting doing? of course that is difficult because the investors is and how do i was happy to invest in the country? because what i'm going to bar by the point is that we need to energy. now we need to energy to win the bar, mean an energy for business operating we need energy for increasing the economy and our militaristic subject operating to. and for example, last year we had a lot of blackouts. and that was like a totally normal situation. and the, and we need to make a renewable energy translation just to have energy all the time. because indeed, how was your message receipt because it has to be using fossil fuels from them and toner. yes, of course we're still using fossil fuels, but if we are talking about the rebuilding to brain and may build some kind of report to barbara, call rich. and we need to have different approaches one of those premises because
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any kind of infrastructure project see that there's an, they'll be an issue of legacy mines in all areas that have been put at risk because of the unexpected ordinance. that kind of thing. how difficult is it to, to focus on the infrastructure problem when you go to an initial stumbling blocks, the light clearing lines. of course, um that is difficult, but the point is that we have no other way because a lot of the status of it shows that because of such a total amount's investment into the energy sector that we need to and totally choose an approach back to back to the fossil fuel economy, which is a bunch approach and all of that investments from our international partners become unprofitable in the summary, in the several years or a to invest into the renewable distribution on energy sector, which become a resigned to the like russian effects. the press and now we have a centralized nuclear and coal, a power plant based uh, energy sector,
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which is actually a target for russia because of that as opposed to soviet legacy and kind of at that you know, so when you think you mentioned the issue of of trusts from current investors that they, you know, the kind of, you can actually invest in the country whether was potentially worse looking on. what about the issue of transparency as well? because i'm, it just, it has, as promised and an end to corruption drugs. but just far as international still put ukraine quite solid on the list. is it for? for corruption? yes. thank you. because the problem is that a thing, thanks a lot for those questions and i have like to plans the 1st one is that we have a totally rebuilding, i'm to corruption structures in ukraine right now. and we also have an electronic system to show a system of rebuilding of ukraine, each names like dream and everybody. and in general, can them one a tour of the international a funds a how well they are going a flows. and the 2nd is that actually we have new legacy in a renewable, and they're just because we have the 1st we think ofa dropped law which implements
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into the ukranian legacy. a new terms like the subject of the destructive, the cuts of the origin. also the, if you didn't from you and the contracts and so, and many others. so these have new legacy like upcoming for the renewable energy at a strategic rollout. and i hope that we will like adult this to the end of this year. on a used to you. thank you very much indeed for coming to georgia. thank you. thank you for having me help. thanks. a suspected gas explosion in paris. so set several buildings on fire and injured at least 24 people for in critical condition, the boss and one of the cities, 5th, or a 100 small close the facade of one building to collapse. emergency crews are searching for 2 people who may be trapped inside the area with explosion. 2 paces popular was taurus and known for the student population. push a button that has moved from the french capital as well. there are lots of flight
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flights as a police officers here at the scene that's securing the area as you would imagine, off to this uh, building collapse and those fi as a pro couch in a jason, a palm and blogs. uh, there are a number of people here, many of them a waiting to see if they can try and go home because they live nearby. they don't know what to say to their apartments. is they all worried, we seen some elderly people being accompanied out looking really rather shaken and what we do know those around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, local time with those huge explosion i was actually in this area. i heard that explosion into something like a sort of food. you know what, it was at the time based solely off to the teams of smoke rising into the people to, to bouncing flames, coming out to the other buildings. what we know now is police are saying that it's likely that a gas explosion caused a building to collapse is called the power as american academy. it is a fashion school, but as far as we know, 7 the cost and send it out the time. never the less the wrong number of people who
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were injured in the area, but people in this area in central powers and up scale part of the city extremely shaken because it also happens all the time when a lot of people warehouse in a box in the industry, people coming home from school, children coming home from school, of course parents picking up the little ones from the question. of course people coming home from work as well. it's very popular area to with tory. so most people in this area extremely shaken that this could happen in, in the center repairs. as ash butler, i'll just say about paris. it's a controversial social media influence, a andrew tate says he's optimistic. he'll be found innocent of rape and human trafficking off to appearing in a remaining cold prosecutions accused him of forming a gang to exclude women sexually tight. and his brother, tristan, was also being charged with flank by 6 party guards at the court in bucharest, their under house arrest and have to no idea accusations,
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undertake has more than $6000000.00 towards the photos he was once banned from several platforms, hate speech, and resorted listed comments, vision is responded with outrage off to you as president or body referred to the chinese either shooting pain as a dictator. to abide made the comment to the fundraiser in california or speaking about an alleged spine balloon. the fruit of the united states earlier this year is comments came just a day off to you, a secretary of state and me blinking, wrapped up a visit to beijing, which was aimed at repairing strange ties. attorneys for ministries as the comments by the us president violate the nation's political dignity. due to the relevant remarks from the us side were extremely ridiculous and irresponsible. they have seriously violated basic facts and diplomatic protocol, and china is political dignity. it was an open political provocation. katrina, you has more from vision. this is certainly of the lowest efforts to stabilize the
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us china relationship a relationship the aging has described. be ready record low points of the language paging using responding to this comment was very strong. it's clear they are angry to close eaten seeing a dictator in public and to proceed to make fun of them will be seen as extremely disrespectful here in china. they will say that it's a loss of face even a slap in the face, especially considering the flight ins envoy, us extra estate. anthony lincoln was just in the aging, being hosted by several signs of leaders, including sweden, king himself, and as well. so as mistress from the aging pot, it's a really said in the past that the us has been insincere and much of its language now to an extent staging. and she didn't understand that 0, but it needs to play to the she is constituents. but this was to endanger any possible meeting between job i didn't see didn't thing down the track, possibly even of the high level meetings that are being planned. now i do have to
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say over stages for a ministry's comments was very strong. they were shows are we still have not seen any coverage of this dictated comments in chinese state media. so it may be seen so far, how much they jim wants to escalate. this is katrina you out 0 and published president the main opposition leader and an exiled form. administrative will filed papers to run in the countries presidential election in august. the days of the vote was decided late and the opposition is worried is candidates wouldn't be allowed to run freely. as our inventory reports from her, our economy is a major concern. so many virtues the candidates vying for positions in the august poles had filed the papers in court, including the incumbent president. i'm assuming that god's law firms and bobby's governing was on a p as potty. his party has been in pa for 43 years, and denies allegations made by the opposition of systematically targeting voice is up to sent. this process is so peaceful. this is what we want to do.
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now, joining the process will continue to be let just push the election. this is the piece . what is it mature smokers? when that god was made, opponent is opposition. need a nelson tyneesa. he used to lead the movement for democratic change party until the court ruling in 2020, stripped him of the leadership. last year he formed the citizens coalition for change party, and he's popular in cities. the next headquarters. and the issue of making sure that all of those who registered in participating in 22 posts 2018 is what makes that what does the names have to be reflected? the information we have so far is that most of the names are missing. i need one to understand why is it, bobby, it's a heating to the polls. frustrated about the economy and high unemployment. the cost of living crisis is a big issue. the selection, this country has won the highest inflation rates in the world. businesses are struggling to cope with putting power outages and the non stable local current.
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this will be the 2nd time and then douglas and send me so i faced each other. both means they, if they, when they will quickly turn around, economy promises and bobby, and say the here every time these any election hardaman tasa out of there. how about a the still ahead this is alex in the next big stall shows why he should stick to the basketball court. that's coming up in sport and politics and yoga poses and getting permits. dinner, angelo days in new york, encouraging people threw up dogs and down dogs as it begins, unofficial us state visits the the
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history with the sport thank flooring, chosen very near has been given a full much fun from european football matches of so he verbally abuse the referee following his team 0 plague final defeat, the roman manager confronted english, referee anthony taylor in a stadium call pock of to the last to severe. he's been charged with using insulting or abuse of language by my has also been banned from selling tickets to the travelling funds for one year pen game next season, and find $60000.00 out of funds through objects init, fireworks in the stadium, and also abuse taylor and his family, they were boarding a flight to meet budapest off to the match. west ham funds have also been banned for one year, a pin awake a month to objects to thrown from the stands during the year rocha conference week
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. find a when of of sharon tina. if your intent is kept him christiana, but he was injured as he took a corner west time have been fined $55000.00 for the incident and another $8000.00 for pitch invasion off to the game in prague. the defending women's will come champions, b, u. s. i have picked 2 veterans for the school. so this is tournament in australia and new zealand go us. it is my honor to announce to you. number 13, alex morgan was a 100 post downtown megan b legible. p know, well if you didn't quite catch that, alex morgan and megan repaint, or have been named in the 23 member roster. and what would be the full 12 cup, a star studded cost announced the team including the president and 1st lady. and the thing is taylor swift and megan the style and a total of 9 players who helps us like when the 2019 woke up in front, who, 10 for next months, tournaments to afghanistan is participation. and next year is paris games could be
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in doubt with the in special ed that can was he saying is extremely concerned about access to support for women and goals in the country. so as a telephone to control in 2021 just a week off to the table and picks sports. so women have been heavily restricted. yeah, i see. say they will discuss the issue again and i'll tell you but, but haven't rolled out taking action against that kind of stones olympic body for government interference. if there's no improvement, i want to do more. yeah. i see be continues to be extremely concerned by the restrictions placed on women and young girls to access support enough to understand which have not yet been reversed. despite the repeated calls from the i or c, which one country to the olympic values of non discrimination, inclusion and respect to top saint dental medford of visitors to the quotes, the finals of the hollow opening for such yeah, running the russian had a tough time in the 2nd round against last legit a
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a sub you ultimate for the f one the fuss at 63 jet a hit back to take the 2nd 76, and 4th of decide to well number 3, remained composed and slower through taking the 3rd 63. you will face springs requested patrice to of goods in the courses. roger federer, it was also it highlight, but no, he wasn't playing instead, he was on it on center court on what's known as well. jeff federal day, the 20 time grandson champion won the event in the german city, a records 10 times. 6 elena, to back in is preparations to defend a wimbledon title, have suffered a blue the well no, the 3 was beaten, but done of wreckage. in the german open, 2nd round beckett's taking much, 676-3642 eliminate the 2nd. see the m b a draft is coming up on says a 19 year old victor when button yamma is the one everyone is talking about. the frenchman is predicts, be the number one pick for the son, antonio. suppose they averaged over 20 points. and 10 rebounds again,
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phase french team and these were coded as the best prospect since left the throne. james is referred to him as a unicorn. ever since. uh, i knew about the draft exactly how it works. uh i want it to be 1st and um yeah, i think i start to realize i could be a professional basketball player at the age of probably 12 and um yeah, it's just, it's just tomorrow something is going to happen that a, something that i've been thinking for, for years and years. so this is it's, i can't really describe, i don't feel right now, but i just know i'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight for sure. and uh yeah, just through, i just really, really, really lucky, you know, to be able to just to live this life. and he's lucky, he's looking for career and baseball. when bonnie alma was invited to through his ceremonial fastpitch before the yankees played, the mariners didn't quite go as well as his performance on the quotes.
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now to the story of a japanese wrestler, he's moved to set a goal to most of the version of the sports. he's also set up an academy to help youngsters learn as well. david starks reports a guessing from to the ground is not everyone's idea. refund. show who assuming loves it, japanese wrestler left tokyo last year to base himself in chess, the 3rd largest city and set a go where a version of wrestling called love is the national sports. lending physical combat with macro by 6 victories month by the opponents back, hitting the flow. pretty much every time i practice, i feel myself getting stronger. bit by bit so i feel a lot of joy and growth. i'm reflecting on my weak points and training hard every day to improve my skills so that i can win the fight. for chicago is a student of senegalese wrestling. he's also a teacher at the and then pick style, greco roman skills. he's more familiar with having completed it's a national level in japan. he's opened an academy preparing 3 dozen athletes for
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the some impacts we've sent. a goal will host in 2026. that new he came in integrated easily. sometimes it feels like we might even somebody use these positive us or with positive him shy guy 1st visited said a god in 2017 during a trip which appends agency and was struck by how much it reminded him of how the you know you are in senegal, as in japan, we have a culture of hospitality which in japan is called oma to now she but incentive goals. it's called to around the senegalese people live together with their families and they all support each other and, and that's my kind of culture. it hung up the 29 year old, shy guy doesn't own a lot of money, but he lives in a community of restless. he's supposed his work or include these close friend check by the end. we met on his previous trip to the country and the i told him that i would help him whatever it costs a little bit because he came to my country to develop the support for our national
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summit without being paid for whatever he wants to do. okay, must accompany him of what and it may not be lucrative, but that hardwood is getting results at the national competition last month in front of hundreds of people. one of the students when a silver metal encouraging stallings with the youth and then picks just 3 years away. david stokes, would you say, right, that's your support is back to learn in london. thank you very much. in 5 minutes to an arranger moody has met a celebration of international jo, good day at the north nations in new york. where would you call them people to join hands together to realize the goal of one us one family, one future. it's modi's 5th trip to the us since becoming prime minister, but it's west state visit spike concerns. i've also seen as deterioration, human rights under his hindu nationalist party. he was denied us visa for nearly a decade because of severe violations of religious freedom. thanks to his policies, he said to meet president joe barton at the white house in the next hour. the set
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for meet on monday, the 1st news off. probably back in a moment with more of today's news. thanks for watching. the the . when the news breaks behind me, what do you see is the side of the maps of boxes and 3, so involving 3 trains. when people need to be hurt and the story needs to be told, there is no purpose soccer pitch here. so i training the street with exclusive interviews and in depth reports. christopher columbus wrote about $8.14 algebra has
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teens on the ground. this is where a pilot gets a way to bring you more award winning document trees and light news. how do states control information controlling the narrative dominating the media? how does the narrative improve public opinion and norma? spite, it might not be the most important story about china of today. but that's what the public attention to how is citizenship? listen, we played in the story, the listening post, i fixed the media. we don't cover the news, we cover the way the news is covered by deals the french republic because i'm proclaimed. but just what is more than
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friends in a full pot theory, the big picture takes and in depth, not from the same size. episode 3 analogies here investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the israel kills 3 palestinian sciences in a ragged right and strikes on the occupied westbank itself is ready such as storm the west 9th vintages assessing font to homes and costs the entire visit down to 0. life from london. also coming up buying noises ahead for 2nd day in the search.


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