tv News Al Jazeera June 22, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST
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sides and the capital just minutes off for a 3 day humanitarian ceasefire expires. the rescue mission for the missing titanic some muscle widens as mystery dining sounds. i reported for 2nd summer leaf of thousands of syrian refugees given him accompanied jordan, who the receiving aid optimal the we begin with the escalating violence spreading across the occupied westbank. whereas ready forces have killed 3 people in the air strike against the palestinian group. the red drum and strike, here's a vehicle near jeanine and follow the day of a tax buys ready settlers on palestinian homes and cods. i'll just say it was, have a full set reports on the day's events. and the village of time of science. a just off the days of accelerating violence, a new sign of escalation. israel said it used a drone, distracted car carrying palestinian fighters near the city of janine the result of
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a drawing. we were to add an intelligence operation. it set the mandatory shouts at a check point and were responsible for other recent attacks is the 1st acknowledged targeted assassination bias railing the occupied westbank in nearly 20 years. it had already been another by the de palestinians, living in the village of to messiah described several groups of onset list. each group doesn't strong. launching a coordinated attack deep into the heart of the community just before 1 o'clock in the afternoon. like this in the mama and chalabi says 20 to 30 settlers attacked his house, was 13 members of his family. mine have them children sheltered in the back room, tennessee. all defend caught outside the gate and then the 2 costs here. then they threw stones and shot live on munition, towards the veranda and the windows. we have bullets inside the house. the village is just below the legal is very supplemental sheila, when minutes before the attack, hundreds of motors had gathered for the funeral of
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a 17 year old. one of 4 people shot dead in a palace, send you an attack on a petrol station on tuesday. it was on this road in towards the village from the settlement above. the little of the violets took place 1st as really just tried to repel the settlers who were attacking the homes. and then the confrontations between his very forces and the villages as well. deeply live here over the years have had to grow used to repeated set through a tax, but they say they've never before seen anything quite on this scale. this was the living room be down hundreds, his family home is on the road. one of the 1st the attack is reached, his mother, an 8 year old son with inside the law, was on the other side. as a group of settlers, i could say over 200 to the street right here. you know, you can look at it when i 1st walked, you know, with my car, i got real close to it. to them start throwing stones. they even shut off. i had to back up. i did not think about anything else, but my mom, my, my little boy, they managed to shelter in
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a still room below was terrified of finding the bodies in the main house after they heard, you know, it was not them. and they came out. well, i mean one day when i saw them, i just fell on the floor and the violence possessed it into the night. this was reef home to the 2. pablo standing attack is behind tuesdays, petrol, station shooting villages. the said they were attacked by more than a 100 settlers. are you close it out to 0 to messiah any occupied west bank? following tuesdays attack and eli, israel's foreign government is ramping up construction in the same legal settlement proving plans to build a 1000 new units. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has also com and says is, res must respect the membership. i am so full amount to move on me and there are days when you have to say the obvious. the state of israel is a state of law, the citizens of bees, ro, obligated to respect the law. we will not accept riots. i fully back the ease rel police and security forces in their activity to maintain level and what uh,
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we will not accept any calls against the police. and the security forces that we are a country of a little before and thousands of his rightly ministry vehicles of storm numberless in the northern part of the occupied westbank. the confine codes, bulldozers, and trucks. it's part of an operation to demolish the home of the palestinian prisoners accused of an attack that killed in his way. the soldier in october witnessed a sage ready snipers have been deployed to roof tops and flashes broke out when young palestinians tried to confront the convoy its 11 fountain confrontations between his ready forces. i'm protested from the druids community in the occupied golan heights. several people injured off this ready forces $510.00 gas, and you'd water cannon. hundreds of drew's residents say that farm lands will be affected by plans to build massive wind turbines. israel captured the golan heights from syria and the 1967 for a late to amex that the
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honey fighting was zoomed in. the sydney is capital cost to men surrounding areas on wednesday, within minutes of the end of a $3.00 day truce. the army says it made some gains and i'm doing money against department of treat rapid support forces. meanwhile, the warning sides have repeatedly been holding towards and saudi arabia to agree on the newest 5 for the holiday later this month. even move in and i'm doing my new the capital culture within the 1st few minutes of the expiry of the 72 hours ceasefire between the 2, denise army and the power and military rapids support forces. we were able to hear heavy artillery being fired here in the city of on demand. we were also able to see plumes of smoke rising from various parts of the capital costume residents in the eastern part support the s drive launched by this to the news army against positions of the parent, military rapids support forces and in the southern parts of the capital, there's been slicing between the central reserve police militarized unit of the
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police and the permanent through rapid support forces. now there's also been attacked by the rest. a on the engine, you score a military base belonging to disabilities, army and which is the power military rapids support forces has been trying to gain control of 4 weeks now. and that's here in the city of on demand. but people say that they were expecting the intense lighting between the 2 sides. they say that they know that the fighting between the 2 sides is most intense right before as the flyer is due to coming to effect and right after it expires. and they say that the, they were expecting this and now they're being tools to stay indoors. but some of those who were supposed to say that they did not benefit from the cease fire. that last night for 3 days, they said that they've noticed an increase in the number of civilians being pushed out of their homes by the current military rapids support forces to civilians were killed in the northern parts of the capital. during the period of the seas far as our supplies broke into their homes. as for witnesses who spoke to all just 0. and
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this also an uptick and an increase in the number of sexual violence against women reported to rights groups. here in sedan doctors who were supposed to say that most of the rates reports that are being committed by slices of the parent military rapids support forces. but they say that the number of cases reported does not reflect the real number, and that the actual victims of sexual abuse are likely to be much higher. but due to the stigma, it's being reported less. people say that they do want to cease fire, they want to see humans here in a and, but they've seen how it's been playing out here in big capital for so many other parts of sudan. and they knew that a cease fire was on the ground. it means no direct slicing between this with the needs army and the parent military, rapid support forces and no sounds of heavy artillery and fight suggest. they say that for them civilians, the battle continues and they continue to suffer atrocities. keep them oregon onto 0. i'm the man. meanwhile, the united nations says it's been able to deliver 15 tons of humanitarian aid to sit down and over the last month,
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including 50 truckloads within the 1st 2 days of the last ceasefire. a spokesman says they'll continue that rapids, but the fighting must stop caution while barbara has moved from port to them. but people are trying to escape the fighting. it's been a tough journey for these people. they spend days on the road braving but it to check points, find these and on the list is the find the lead made it to both. so then for a final trip to re unite with their loved ones income and as well. so that, that is a resident who were stranded in sedan. she and her 4 children among a group of people evacuated by a top and mean the then kind of the road trip was difficult. we traveled through areas affected by heavy readings and floods. once we arrived here, we got stuck for 23 days before being allowed to do. this is the 11th humanitarian flight by cutoff, which has established an average to deliver its tensile supplies,
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and the back to 8 people stranded in the will ravaged country. there's no indication sedans, warning signs are willing to, as well as long as we make it even more difficult for those winds escape apply to a growing number of so that is across the game today between countries, while millions will remain trumped. that's how they have nowhere else to go. desperate and in need of humanitarian, how they fit the was maybe to come have big launches broke out between why but factions after 3 days these by expired, the army and the part of minutes we wrap it. support forces have been battling each other for more than 2 months. the conflict has shunted lives destroyed, areas shut down schools. manasseh came all the way from both. go to 5 hopes to live in turkey. and study that i'm going to eat about saddam,
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the future is uncertain. we have no idea what would happen next. for now, the evacuated we'd have to cope with a new life fall from the country. and hope one day fighting incident comes to an end. bases were stored and people are able to go back to the homes, asked about the 04 to the u. s. coast guard is insisting the search for ice of mass but lost in the north atlantic with 5 people on board is still a rescue mission. it went missing on sunday, while taking tour was down to see the rest of the titanic. because god says noises have been heard in the search area for a 2nd straight day, but have not been able to locate the source. government is under reports from boston. this is the latest best. so being deployed in the search for the titan submersible lost in the atlantic ocean since sunday, the french made victor is a remotely operated vehicle or r o v. that can reach depths of up to 6000 meters. it's hoped the victor can
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finally provide a breakthrough in a search that has so far produced no concrete results that the us coast guard would be leading and a search and rescue is stepping up its efforts. we currently have 5 service assets searching for the tie and we expect 10 total service assets to search in the next 24 to 48 hours. there are 2 are of these actively searching and several more are en route. we'll arrive by tomorrow morning. the coast guard confirming that a canadian airplane heard banging noises from the ocean boat tuesday night. and wednesday morning noises that could be distressed signals coming from the missing submersible. but when the coast guards send ships to the area, they found nothing less. and you, i think you need to be careful. um we really, we need to have hope, right. but, but i don't, i can't tell you what the noises are. but what i can tell you is,
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i think this is the most important point. we're searching where the noise is are, and that's all we can do at this point. however, even if they find the tighten, it would only be the start of any potential rescue. well, on the depths of 4000 meters, every thing is very difficult. even the risk you, you don't have any stand a procedures, you know, at this steps because it's a very unusual situation. the coast guard estimates the reserve reasonable oxygen on the tighten will run out by sometime thursday morning, local time. even so if the 5 passengers aboard are still alive, their chances of successful rescue are diminishing by the hour. gabriel is on though i would just eat a boston for us. i am a naturalist of leaching top secret pentagon documents on line. i speeded not guilty in a court in massachusetts 21 year old jack to share his job with 6 counts of will
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for attention and transmission of classified information. each judge cause a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. to share it was arrested in april, is no, you're asked of, he'd be released funding his trial, but the judge denied and request a surgeon i my goodness, i fear that dr. dingy headed for spain's canary on him. sunk on wednesday to organization. say that thing he was originally caring, 59 people american, i'll forward you said the risk of 241, a spanish helicopter recovered one of 2 bodies. it'd been location, police and packaged on to the rest of 7 and people that used of involvement. and last week's both sinking off the coast of greece that described as key figures and of people smuggling rings. 30 others have been detained. hundreds of people drowned last week, many of them from pakistan. $8000.00 internally displaced syrians living near the jordanian border have received much needed humanitarian supplies as the 1st of the reign more than a year the syrian government and the russian forces. i'm surrounded,
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become since 2019, and she was against the residents of supporting anti government scientists and preventing you an aid from getting through the ship and was organized by the us military. and the us based assuming emergency task force, what laws must offers the executive director of that group piece as the deliveries include seeds, the labor residents to sustain themselves. the united states has always been calling for cross line and cross border aid into the band camp and it on the other internally displaced persons camp. but as we all know, russia said regina iran have all prevented both cross line and cross border aid when they can. and the problem is, the process that they noted states the rest of the international community has been relying on is the you and you know, the, you and process to bring a to discount. but this you and process based in damascus avenue and damascus offices under essentially control of the asset regime. and so relying on a process to break and sees that has the veto power of the people that are
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implementing this is like russia in iran, has been a issue for so many years. and what happened about really, you know, a couple of years ago was we identified a way that an n z o and that the american people and whoever donates a to, to this non profit american organization, found a legal way to be able to utilize something called the dent in program which allows us to use based on available space for ongoing operations, u. s. military transport. and we have how we, you know, can't thinking of, uh, you know, the, the department of defense through, oh, i are for supporting this process. and again, it's something that at the end of the day is i'm grateful personally for the american people, those that have donated to us. if you have to be able to do this for a short break here. and i'll just say about when we come back as candidates as involve ways of presidency registered to run in august and selection. we report from her already with it's just one major issue incentive mind the economy,
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the japanese west. let me just move to senegal. wrestling is a national school the, the frank assessments, quite frankly. elizabeth dressed the elephant in the room. the reason of the south koreans want their own nuclear to terraces because they don't trust the us informed opinions. finding his basically lock this thing up so far that it is impossible virtually for somebody else, 7 to the race at this point in depth analysis of the days headlines. so then, by the end of this faith that there is no strong government to control and which means that this might affect other countries. inside story on al jazeera, ask like a narrative from african perspective side based on from us to short documentary spine for teen film makers. and that's going to be the
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pressure for, for the taste of the sun from madagascar and football from new series of africa direct on our i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is a political em. how, here's the conflict. are we telling a good story? we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's absolutely feel as if you were there the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. i took them out of the top stories here. this allies ready forces of
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killed 3 people in an ass track against the palestinian group and the off by the west. but the rand drones try kids of the committee janine and follow the day of attack spies, waste hapless on palestinian homes and heavy fighting resumed incident on wednesday in minutes of the end of a 3 day truce. the science of report that they've been holding towards and savvy radio to agree on the new seats last for the holiday nature of this month. and the u. s. coast guard is continuing its search price of most of the last in the north atlantic, with 5 people on board. went missing on sunday. watch. i can taurus down to see the rest of the time. ukraine's allies applied to several $1000000000.00 and non military aid to rebuild the country. often more than a year of war at a recovery conference in london, politicians and diplomats as the private sector to dig deep and invest in the country that involved the results. 2 days that could change the future of ukraine, not with weapons,
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but with investments and died and emphasizing v urgency. the ukranian president joined delegates in london via video lic. nice home is in a wall where there is a need to try and do as many as you pray, everything you can do overestimated wretched brains. you. oh, it's so fast. thousands of dollars and destroyed calls me see anderson's us taking off the 2 day conference standing next to the partition. craig in foreign ministers, which you see not to stress. the importance of private 10, surprise investing ukraine defense. and that's why we're launching the ukraine business. combat for the private sector to pledge best support. so ukraine's recovery and reconstruction. and i am delighted to announce today that over $400.00 businesses from $38.00 countries with a combined market cap,
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a full point $9000000.00 have now signed. tell us use the event to announce more than a 1000000000 extra dollars of direct take to your correct focused on energy and infrastructure in the world bank estimate to the recovery effort could cost around 411 $1000000000.00. the one did that talking about a marshall plan for ukraine, making comparisons with your it's reconstruction off the world war 2 with a key difference. the conflict and ukraine is spa from over. another idea being explored is how to use frozen russian assets to help you create and rebuild. even as we come together here in london, committed to supporting your brains build up. russia continues to try to burn it down. so, let's be clear. russia is causing your brains, destruction and russia will eventually bear the cost of you frames reconstruction, the think as being discussed,
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to remit. and then meant to guarantee ukraine's prosperity over decades. but they could rise even higher depending on how long the conflict continues. and that's something that nobody can confidently predict the day involved, which is 0 london, as i suspect, a gas explosion in paris, a set several buildings on fire and injured at least $37.00 people. last close the front of one multi story building to possibly collab. emergency crews are searching for 2 people that may still be trumped inside the hospitals and northern india are struggling to cope with a search of patients. suffering is out of an extreme heat wave. any 200 people have died so far as the temperature sold into the mid 40 degrees celsius this week. out of cops, i'm making the situation worse, particularly the hospitals. medical stuff have a force of working non stop. most of the desk they've been in the states, the front desk and they have some sports names now and the n b a draft is coming up on thursday. a 19 year old victim wimp,
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on yamma is the one everyone's talking about. the frenchman is projected to be the number one pick for the san antonio spurs. the average of a 20 points and 10 rebounds again for his french team, and he's regarded as the best prospect since lebron james is referred to him as a unit. cool. ever since i knew about the draft exactly how it worked. i want it to be 1st and um yeah, i think i start to realize i could be a professional basketball player at the age of probably 12 and um, yeah is just is just tomorrow something is gonna happen that a, something that i've been thinking for for years and years, so it's, it's, i can't really describe how fair right now, but i just know i'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight for sure. and uh, yeah, just to just be really, really lucky, you know, to, to be able to just to live this life. now to the story of a japanese wrestler who's moved to center,
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go to mazda version of the sport is also set up an academy to help young says learn and as well, david starts reports, it's getting framed to the ground is not everyone's idea. refund show who assuming loves it. the japanese wrestler left tokyo last year to base himself and chess, the 3rd largest city and set a go where a version of wrestling called love is the national sports. lending physical come back with a capacity victory as month by the opponents back hitting the flow. pretty much every time i practice, i feel myself getting stronger bit by bit so i feel a lot of joy and growth. i'm reflecting on my weak points and training hard every day to improve my skills so that i can win the fight. or chicago is a student of senegalese wrestling. he's also a teacher at the olympic style, greco roman skills. he's more familiar with having completed as a national level in japan. he's opened an academy preparing 3 dozen athletes for the some impacts which sent
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a goal will host in 2026. that new he came in integrated easily. sometimes it feels like we've known him for many years. he's positive us. some of them are with positive him. shy guy 1st visited set a guide in 2017 during a trip which appends agency and was struck by how much it reminded him of how the you know you are in senegal. as in japan, we have a culture of hospitality which in japan is called oma to now she but incentive goals. it's called around the senegalese people live together with their families and they all support each other and, and that's my kind of culture. it hung up to 29 year old sugar doesn't own a lot of money, but he lives in a community of restless. he's supposed his work or include these close friend check by the end who we met on his previous trip to the country and they have a 100 of them. i told him that i would help him, which if it costs a little bit because he came to my country to develop the support for our national summit without being paid for whatever he wants to do,
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okay. must accompany him of what and it may not be lucrative, but that hard work is getting results. it's a national competition last month in front of hundreds of people. one of the students when a silver metal encouraging stallings with the youth and then picks just 3 years away. david stokes no just there were no candidates running present bob ways. general election have filed up papers in court including the president, emerson and douglas. the vote will be held in august 23rd election date was cool late though it made concern by the opposition that candidates would not be allowed to freely run. a summer task. the reports in the capital r r a. the economy is a major concern. so many voters candidates vying for positions in the august polls have filed a papers in court including the incumbent president. i'm assuming that god, what firms and bobby's governing was on the potty. his party has been in pol for 43 years, and denies allegations made by the opposition of systematically targeting voice is
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up to sent. this process is so this is what we want to continue are now joining the buses will continue to be elections plus the election. this is the piece. what is it mature to most when that god was made? opponent is opposition. need a nelson tyneesa. he used to lead the movement for democratic change party until the court ruling in 2020 strip to him of the leadership. last year he formed the citizens coalition for change party, and he's popular in cities the next headquarters and so forth us for. and the issue of making sure that all of those who registered in participating in 22 or posts 2018 is that what does the names have to be reflected? the information we have so far is that most of the names are missing. i need one to understand why this is, bobby, it's a heating to the polls, frustrated about the economy and high unemployment. the cost of living crisis is a big issue. the election, this country has won the highest inflation rates in the world. businesses are
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struggling to cope with putting power outages and then unstable level. this will be the 2nd time and then douglas and send me so i faced each other. both means they, if they, when they will quickly turn around the economy, promises and bobby, and say the here every time there's any election. hardaman tasa out is there. how about a found we'll explore the promises made by, as in bob ways to main candidates and detailing in insight story that's coming up next before that it's the weather. well, that's it for me down in georgia state. you. i think so much of the hi again. good to see you. here's your weather updated in a minute. 15 beginning in asia. i gotta tell you the air quality has taken a new stipend, both karachi and before i think we can expect much of the same on thursday. so
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let's move on to india right now. remnants leftovers of what was tropical cycling, but power joyce finally start to peter out. but it's the east of the country where we are getting pelted with rain. so sick and be har. what's been gall now? pushing into on trip or dash anywhere in the zone. we could see some flooding, also the risk of seeing some flooding in the southern philippines, the brown mid now island, the western side of the island. anyway, severe flooded advisory is in place here. and doubts with rain is our plum rains wobble between the gang seeing the pearl river valley. pretty good helping of rain for junction and whalen on thursday. the plum rains have also been impacting kyushu inch cocoa in japan. now the main island of hunt you in the line of fire. so what day in tokyo. meantime, it's all about the heat in northern china, beijing, $41.00 degrees. if you get there, this is going to be good enough for a new record for the month of june len. this fight to report in southeast asia. also poor air quality, not only in jakarta,
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but also colon poor. you'll max out at 34 degrees on thursday bye for now. the effort to make telling youth basketball team confront it to lease out dates as low, which exclude them from competitive support with the full budget to compete because we are foreigners, we are not foreigners. we all vote and if you took out, is there a world follow sense and the inspirational coach say font, the more just to compete smoke out there at all to deny these young boys to ride. sometimes i'll skip hold on al jazeera and bob williams will have this in the general election in august. the economy is in bad shape, millions struggling to survive. so what are the promises being made by the 2 main candidates and will they deliver? this is inside story,
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