tv Counting the Cost Al Jazeera June 24, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm AST
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tie, western ministry machine was directed against russia, and according to him, old london is fine. he says, who participated in the special ration ukraine. heroes are not, they should know drawing the ministry. rebellion uh, also some telecom channels associated with the blog and a group, a claim that they will actually clashes with the ministry of defense in the bar owners region, but the ministry. so i'm going to shoot correspondence right about the work of aviation and long beach and full highway, but we can't verify those reports. uh well, uh, the investigative can be say, it has launched a criminal case against the beginning progression and the f as be appealed to the fights as of the log and the group, and urge them to detain progression and the room. they had evolved that quote on his support as to join the ranks of his ministry, a company, and so attach the tales that he quoted k os in the country saying that it was not a military crew, but that was much of justice. okay, you're there. so i thought of
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a lot for most go to the thank you. well, the southern, the city of ross, telephone dawn is about 1100 kilometers away from most good. the governor of the pets region in central russia said the russian ministry convoy who was on the m 4 highway connecting must go to southern regions including roast of and on and bar. and that's the know to weight is now apparently closed. i have a failed and how is defense? and the military analyst, he says russia will struggle to defend itself. it's of all the group takes over the strategic city, all the rest of all of this big take over rust off. that's will be a very serious problem. because for us stuff is the nurse center of the russian operation in ukraine. that's where the main staff is that that's the city where the
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staff of the south milwaukee district though is, is. but also there that in and bunker is the main command staff of the entire operation. and the, the sales forces, the guy dressed off. they don't think there are match for the rock never veterans. these are prior military depot. maybe some across tripped. there no match. so stopping them, you bear with me to bring in the track troops somewhere from the front. that's also logistically, not that easy. but any of my colleagues, the hail rama and the spoke to roger and then on. he's a direct threat defense parts. he's at washington dc. based i think tank explains why precaution is making a move against the minutes reestablishment. ready or that mr. put in expected to be 4 or while accounts is turned into a protracted war. and now it is brought political to our model,
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the home front study. ready we want to avoid what we know of course. ready is that the login group has marched on parts of southern russia to senior general's generals leaking in general, letting me elect, save, have appealed to business owners to put down their arms. there are security personnel in moscow who have been told to stand by post office taking special. ready measures so this is an unfolding crisis and i don't think you've seen the end of it. the interesting question is whether the ocean is acting as a loan rules which would be so. ready seidel rational, he hasn't shown any signs of that yet. whether he's backed by other forces, we don't know, i don't know, but it's something to a watch for. okay, so in your analysis and what you've been sort of research and looking at these past few months while the conflict has been ongoing, is there any basis or any facts to the accusations broken is saying that most ago is kelly engel turned against his wagner forces we only have to go into. ready for
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it, but this began with because it accusing the military withholding supplies, then accusing the defense ministry on the chair of general stuff. general garage involving open competence then comes. ready latest accusation, but we also had a statement from google ocean that said the war was unnecessary. the russian people have been misled and before that, he won, the war could turn into a revolution. so he's been up and the how do you know if you decide to take on directions state and by the near point in personal approach, can it possibly can ruffle or lots of feathers by what he's saying and what's going on right now. but there is actions mean there is the worry for most go that this could start the domino type of the fact that they may be of a disgruntled military officials in other parts of the country that agree with what product actually has to say. and may be thinking about joining him, perhaps this much is absolutely clear. it is certainly across the minds of the
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senior russian leadership, including the superintendent that could happen, hence the appeal back to very senior general's speaking to the wagner go. addressing them almost his comrades and telling them we do not want to push the concrete into a civil. ready war, the enemy is waiting for that to happen. please go back to your station as your barracks and will be the elected leaders of the country. so i think they are indeed very worried that they're facing a situation that is kind of in the direction that they don't know, and they're not taking any chances the but. so recap some fast moving developments from russia. russia's precedent setting that boots in has addressed the nation off the wagner most grateful as his claims control of ministry sites and gust of on done. he described the move as treason and said, decisive action will be taken the way of losing his mood. smith,
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in any internal turmoil, is immortal threat to our state hood to us as a nation. this is a blow to russia to our people. the actions we will take to protect our homeland from such a threat will be harsh. and those who consciously chose the path to be trailed, who prepared in arms of mutiny, who chose the path of blackmail and terrorism, will suffer. an editable punishment will answer both before the law and our people . the armed forces and other government agencies have received the necessary orders an additional anti terrace measures are now being introduced in moscow. the moscow region and the number of other regions, decisive action will also be taken to stabilize the situation in roast of ongoing. it remains difficult, the work of the civilian and military administration bodies is effectively blocked as the president of russia and commander in chief and a citizen of russia. i will do everything to defend the country, to protect the constitutional order,
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the lives of security and freedom of its citizens. those who organized and prepared the military uprising, who took up arms against their comrades in arms betrayed russia. they will answer for it. so we see, i call on those who are being dragged into this crime not to make the fatal and tragic mistake to make the only right choice to stop participating in criminal actions. i believe that we will save and defend what is dear and sacred to us, and together with our motherland, we will overcome any other trials and will become even stronger as well. you have got any precautions. fights is crossed into southern russia from the front lines in ukraine. the accused russ's defense ministry of ordering as strikes against his troops, killing thousands. precaution is demanding an urgent meeting with rushes, military leadership. the fs be at security service has ordered his arrest on charges of inciting a rebellion,
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enough for them to subscribe it. we are in the headquarters miniature objects, including the air filter and rust, though, are under our control, the aircraft go on schedule. there are no problems. we took control to prevent the air force strikes against us, and instead focus on the attacks on queen units. we just headquarter works. as usual. there are no problems, no officer has been released. so when you're going to hear stories that the wagner interrupted were, and therefore something went wrong on the front line, things didn't go wrong on the front line because of this across to don't yet. so now where are they have some is the for a study. we've heard what precaution to say that as, but what's actually happening in the last step on done as far as we can tell as well, gary, since this morning the wagner of troops went into russ. so they took control of the central ministry calanda that's responsible for the what the russian school,
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the special sedation in ukraine. and there are no reports of confrontations or any kind of military engagements, at least in real stalls. however, the decision to go to restore was that yesterday by uh, your guinea pig ocean. when he said that the defense administered the russian defense minister suggest you go to the decision to head his forces from reserve and that he is going the full revenge. now rode stewart's ro stove and from the stoves, uh uh, the store, bought a block attach what's doing. he asked what's uh, uh, the all the cities around the area that however, for now, there are no a clear implications for what this decision would have on the situation and on the front except for what the defense minister said yesterday on the ukrainian script. that in for accounts are offensive in buff moved, this could mean
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a different situation that it could mean changing this stuff to school on the frontlines also. yeah. in doing yet squared we are. we've been hearing of on boardman around the town for the past few hours. however, nothing is inside the city or close to where we are right now. the president of the south, the name a set of i know the, the don't you ask republic. and then it said push it. and it spoke to the president, president putin, and stated that he's standing by the govern by the president. also, we just read a statement by the president of chechnya aroma von cut the roof was forces are also fighting alongside the russian army and he rode the light just through the press, the dense president booting so a lot of a lot of statements, lots of positions coming from here on that, but it's clear that the situation is very complicated. it's complicated. the new
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way that the russian a establishment is now in front of 2 big questions. 2 big decisions either to engage directly with wagner. and this could really, what was the threat to say that all the disk was, could cause the civil war or accept whatever is happening. and then this is going to undermine the minutes re establishment and yvette. it'd be great at the time of specialization. i think that by the russians, that's enough, and in a way or another, that big war for now with that's up to it. thank you. meanwhile, there's been no pause in russia's offensive in ukraine, but that's a crossover too. so in the hall, in t u, for us and firstly, how is this phone and development being viewed by the authorities? that of the, it goes without saying pretty much doesn't it, that they will be absolutely fixed on every moment unfolding here the government in
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the form of presidents that lensky, of course, is not at this moment, commenting publicly. we've heard comments from a senior adviser to president, so landscape me kind of put it back. who says this obviously points to splits in the russian elite. and what is happening in russia is just the beginning. so they will be watching those events evolve very closely. indeed, but of course i will the ministry leadership in this country to try and determine what impact all of this might have on the why the war in ukraine rust of on dollars we've heard from highly and others is the nib center of the war. it use the headquarters of rushes, southern ministry combined disease with the senior decision makers, ministry decision makers are based and if you have any pre goshen is as he claims, in fact, in controllable ministry structures in gross of and don't if even half of that is true well then they will be watching closely to see how that is impacting on
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decision making. whether that he's disrupting combined and control structures. why doesn't that looking at routes of re supply and reinforcements to and from that garrison town. and then they'll be looking more widely than not at the battle field itself, as ukraine's weeks long counter offensive continues. and they'll be looking specifically, i think, to see on the one hand, the extent to which wagner forces in the 10s of thousands, perhaps 25000, deployed the extent to which they may be re deployed away from the front line here to real simple and on places besides that on the route to moscow, leaving behind them perhaps opportunities for the ukrainians to explore around cities like back moved in the east that they fought so hard. wagner, to win control all of a month or says go. and they will also, of course, be looking at russian forces and whether it russia feels the need at any point in the very long front line to disrupt its front line,
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to move and read it for its own forces to confront. wagner forces on russian territory. and china, we can see a lot of the rubble behind you there. so this spiteful of this overnight strikes have continued. well it quite uh is, if any, any uh, a reminder was required away from the front lines that the war is very much still on overnight miss all strikes. he's a number or at least for him to the number of cities across the ukraine. here in chief, the capital, the knight, this month of may solve barrage michelle barrage targeting these capital. all of them is south 20 cruise missiles will say, were told by the city administration, where shut down, as is often the case, it's become pretty impregnable cave. but of course, that creates debris in the air and that degree has to full somewhere and it is done . so here with devastating effect. i'm in the rubble and debris street in cobb park
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of a high rise apartment building cause damage, lots and lots of masonry. and debris that is full and from the $1617.00 to 19th flows with a piece of a me file struck no doubt with some sort of unexplained, unexpected payload attached it's 5. it's a gaping hole. 33 sides of this building. 3 people are known to have died rescue but because they're still inside that building, they believe more may be trapped in the rubble. okay. well move on from that top dates into even bring in sonya yeah. good. who's in london for us now? so sonya, what's the reaction being from the british capital as well, that has already been a regular intelligence update from the british ministry of defense, where they said in that statement that developed a group forces have crossed into russia and at least 2 locations. and almost certainly occupied
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t a security sites and roast of on don't also that they say in the statements that the balcony units according to their intelligence. so moving, know through the initial blast and almost certainly aiming to get to moscow. again, that's according to british intelligence updates on this. the british, the foreign ministry has also been saying, advise, and, and updates travelers to not go to russia and, and that there are points of military tensions in those very regions where the, the involvement group have been reporting going into as well. but it's also interesting to note that there was no more reaction coming from other european countries as well. the presidents of poland. andre, do that has been also saying how they are in the course of events beyond the eastern border is being monitored on an ongoing basis via tally and prime minister georgia. maloney is also been saying how they are monitoring closely the events in
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russia, which shows, according to the statement here that it's a salt on ukraine, is causing insta benefee within russia. that's according to the statement for the tell him prime minister, georgia maloney and also from the the presidential office has also said that there has come out to with a bit more of a firm a statement saying that they stay focused on the support to ukraine as well, and taking that point is when it's interesting to note that with regards to the vault group, they have had in fact quite a bit of tension with in the front stage itself, especially in terms of, of how it is managed to scoop up the defense. so set in african states have turned to the voc new group and leaving aside a traditional ties with the frenchman, a tree as well. if this does start to affect a visa,
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the some $33000.00 troops that are, are in africa, which are aligned to the mass and re groups, is going to be an opportunity for, for us to go back to the states which is done to stop and said look, you cannot rely on this group. we are the only long term reliable partners that you can trust. so no, it's really quite an interesting and set and you realize that going to be very much focused on how this is going to be on folding with the, with the different european countries looking very closely, very carefully at what the full outs of this may be. logged in for us. 20. okay, good. thank you. let's go back to must go to speak without us. there is usually a shop of oliver and i knew the russian present in the puts in a dress the nation where he said, quote, we will defend our country. we will defend on nation. we will defend us citizens on quite a tough what's being made of this yeah,
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absolutely. just a while ago we had old dots and he said also that russia was fighting for its future and for its identity. and he cold or his going on now in the country trees and, and it's quite interesting because you've got a pretty, pretty goes and actually reacts it to patients. what about the trees and and he said that the president was deeply wrong because he considered himself and his voc, the fine says patriots. and he refused to surrender, saying that they would continue fighting, continue financing a bureaucracy and corruption in the country. and they will continue fighting full this country actually. so what we see in russia? well, a lot of us, since that's how and that's how we should tell you some admitted trip personnel carriers can be seen in the streets of most co right now. but generally, basically the comp, so looks precinct. com at the moment. but security measures,
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of course, have been tightened here in moscow and well, the most important facilities have been taken under protection. the rules to report was that all the public activities have been cancelled. and the phones of schools and other than use had been postponed for a week. so basically what we see on here, um at the moment, well basically indicates that the situation is hating out, but the moment we have some things we understand that's on see, tara meshes has been put in place in most good to yes. in days what actually you can see quite heavy police presence in and around moscow. so the police, they, they continued tracking cars and well as some, well there are reports that some errors have even been caught and don't. but generally once again, the situation is quite calm. and it's, it's quite funny because, well, previously on friday evening,
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some streets were cold and dark while other streets, with bars and restaurants continued to work. and there were many people enjoying the friday nights. uh, uh, pricing lights out o should say. so basically most carries, you know, is very diverse and a, and it's huge of coal. so no matter what people continue to live on and continue to, to enjoy the live that's most of us. i thought of a thank you while the developments with the vault and a group could affect the battlefield, progress has been slow in the early stages of keys counts for offensive ukraine that says it's, we tap should at least 8 villages as it seeks to exploit the weaknesses and russian defense lines. charles struck for these in the front lines, an inch of storage shipping. where are you currently in forces or fighting for full control of the area? russian forces, if withdrawn from what remains of this part, the village is people fled or destroyed ukrainian military vehicles is
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towed from the battlefield. did russian soldiers in the gross a ukrainian minutes? the last week announced it had complete the re taking the village of stores of it. but that's not quite true. the pricing you can see here is as a result of the russian. it strikes yesterday you courtney military. it telling us that's life please. so they say the majority of this village, there is still ongoing fighting on the outskirts and they say they are facing fish resistance, promotion policies. ukraine's counter offensive was expected for months that gave russian forces time to prepare it to go out. they have a strong app on the lots of infantry supported by heavy onto the way that moving slowly towards us, but with killing them. but we're conducting small defensive operations on the outskirts of the village along the forest line. but there were many mines worked
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around 200 kilometers. no. the russian occupied town camina barrels off the barrel eligibility to refine. it goes through the forest ukrainian soldiers here on the this russian positions or a few 100 meters away. ukrainian forces. we took this area joint account or offensive last summer. nita side is made major bones for months. but as you create an army began to prove a weakness in russian defences to the south. things here began to change is just who it is on the street. there is nothing good here. dissertation is very tense of to the new list by itself, the end of the trench come on to tells us to take your trouble because the russian helicopter gunship, like in the area,
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was you. there is constant 5 for more to is tillery helicopters, as strikes and small arms, their sole top position in small groups. they're trying to break through to capture an important supply route hauled go often early days, says ukraine, and it's and they towed back as if they ever is a decisive breakthrough. it could take months, ciello stuff without a 0, eastern new grain. or sam green is a professor of russian politics on direct to the democratic resilience program of the center for european policy analysis. he says, it's difficult to predict how the disputes will develop a breathing point. the extraordinary precaution has been critical of the way in which the ministry of defense and the official was military in prosecuting his or from really, from the very beginning. calling him unprofessional choosing the love of leaving this on this very desk. so all over from soldiers. but you certainly taken that uh
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quite a few steps further. it's very difficult for me to understand the calculation of that regarding this making here. um, this does not seem to me like a bargaining opportunity or an attempt to simply, you know, alter the terms of trade with the minister of defense or with the problem. and more broadly, this really is, it is such a significant challenge that he either has to win it outright or it's hard to see how he's going to survive in this system. or in fact, to survive at home. i p d f as be the security service as wants to case against him for a mutiny, unarmed instruction. that's quite a heavy charge. um there are reports of, of, of power village areas around his headquarters in st. petersburg. i don't know where he is himself personally at the, at the moment, but he clearly is facing some thread. you know, the reality is this is a very opaque system, right. me as an analyst, are you a journalist? we don't really have the opportunity to call up people who are well connected
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within the russian security state and to find out what's going on and we don't have sources or we're going to tell us those things with any, any kind of reliability. and so i think we need to be very circumspect about our ability to, to really understand and predict what's going to happen next as well that such as to recap now some fast moving developments. we're going to see a live pictures now for most good security is being stepped up, rushes, preston's flooding that boots in, hasn't dressed the nation off to evolve. now, most of the forces claims control of military sites in the southern states you rest of on don't describe the move as treason and start decisive action will be taken because he does have questions to we will defend our country. we will defend our nation. we will defend our citizens against the threats we face today. some people are trying to use their interest against our country. we need to make sure that we
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are fighting in ukraine for the sake of our country, and to be sure the traders must not be there. a lot of people have sacrificed their lives for russia and those that are trying to so rebellion and create chaos, and it will fail ultimately. pretty good enough for them to subscribe. yeah, we're in the headquarters ministry objects, including the air filter and russell are under our control, the aircraft go on schedule. there are no problems. we took control to prevent the air force strikes against us. and instead, focus on the attacks on the green, and probably the headquarters looks as usual. there are no problems, no officer has been released. so when you're going to hear stories that the wagner interrupted were, and therefore something went wrong on the front line, things didn't go wrong on the front line because of this. so that's it for me. so now that we'll have more on this in a few moments, the situation in the southern russian city of rust of on don't have any
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progressions fights is crossed into southern russia from the front lines in ukraine, cheese rushes, defense ministry of ordering as strikes against districts do you stay with us here? one of the where is the western agenda heading? that's the g 7. really even matter anymore. who's more electable? joe biden, or donald trump or jeremy was in the media undermining our society. can americans cross their supreme court is not corrupt. the quizzical look us pull it to the bottom line the
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against a lot of these products to new children track across the findings to get to school . the school was demolished on sunday when it's ready for, for school days, that in the early hours of the morning, they left nothing behind. i heard the sound of the 9th of my mom. what is happening? she said, my school has been demolished in the past as well as accused. it's just not having a building permits on my soul kind of thing and time it requests in this area are rejected. very cared about the students. so why they didn't give us admission to say not only has their education been disrupted, and then also been massively effective, psychologically showing here is coming over our heads from russian positions and new cranium. positions have been standing about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. we've seen some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in the suitcases by
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substantial safe anymore. what happens on that day is a war crime shows how many regions across the lines and know that the level of destruction here, food just how fits the fighting has been in recent weeks. this russian or altamont street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries of the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about to send in business. the news are live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes, using the in russia wagner by somebody to say they've taken control of military installations in the southern city overall cellphone dawn. we will defend the
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