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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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how. * crazy, this guy is, and i, you know, i cannot believe in the z a, with the cycle because i do not see any profit forces on any p. just, you could just say, okay, i might have this. and once he gets from this, because she has already done so many crazy things here, already declaring actually a cool id by some space during the war, which is very important for alignment to be personally. so i think that she doesn't have a good way out of this. so this is, this is an extraordinary, i cannot even understand what the situation lead us to and what will be the end of this. uh, oh, crazy situation. yeah, it really is that we really appreciate your time and your inside that is a catalina culture cuts a prominent russian george into, unless it's thank you so much. okay, we're going to go to state boston who has reported on beller as extensively. she is
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live in germany's southern big town now. um, before we uh speak to you uh, step we've just got a confirmation that precaution and an audio message has said to avoid blood should we are returning our convoys to vices. he says he gave the order to turn back because of risk of blood to being spilled. i guess how um you are paying late is going to react to this of the well the thing goes in semester, which of course is significant. so because initially, when the news came out said the electronic new contract i had made this deal, of course i would take this with a grain of souls because lucas younger has a sense things in the past has negotiated before he has of course, a very crucial role also here because he's very much depending on the president put in for his survival, basically puts in a back to him off when he was under
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a lot of pressure. when i was covering the uprising invalid rose against his leadership, of course without puts in his position would be very much a weekend as well. so it's obviously has stepped in. he has made these negotiations and it's of course, very much needs to be seen. what exactly has been spoken about and what has been promised by foot and through lucas, frank of sophie goshen. because of course, that's very crucial to know at this stage, but the fact that it goes to now says that he's ordering his mind to return to bass is a very significant break for. it really is. thank you so much for you. i appreciate that. that is to boston for us in germany. we're going to get more on this from public falcon. however, as an independent russian defense analyst joining us from most go now i'm sure you've seen across the developments just in the last 10 or 15 minutes with progression asserting that to avoid blood shifts. wagner forces that go to the twin, the convoys to bases, he gave the order to turn back because of
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a risk of blood being spelled. was that really the only option for him at this point in time? what's really going to happen will have to seek marrow and who actually did a gift which for the session as to who have conditions such as temporary and my 12 work, not everyone's going to say is that they have that. i mean, to show good faith to me. uh uh, and this comfort, that's one thing. but then to say, the other side broke the agreement. that's as it always happens, i mean, cease fires. and the code that zoe did you then so ready was spelled and the f a i those happen for a ceasefire. need the mary's or agreement on
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a given fake. and before you see the small print, your that's not the time to say that that so. so you think that there is still a risk to the wagner forces codes could hit towards moscow. i can easily under run a blow in an hour or 2 or tomorrow without a very specific, you know, i can 7374 when they can, they can send you a organized sheets, 5 after the onto for one authorities and $73.00. it took, you know, so many your shuttle diplomacy and so many papers to sign. i mean the stable c fires require a lot of work and it will have the guarantees and ways of control. and before that happens, if the mother sees fired, it doesn't the whole of more than 5 minutes back right now. and then there was somebody say wires between the 2 signs and there's 2 r. okay,
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what will be the view from the inside the kremlin? at this point in time? i get the bands want where you it was agree. it was agreed that he's on the face of it. as to the garden stage, he is not a traitor, just keeps his private darling tech uh for or that that would be a big crime down for fulton, allow him to just simply walk away. after all the challenges he made against the bulletin. i'm not so sure that those 2 men right now will agree to that. i mean, they may be say that re little they actually uphold section that really or it will just why it was several minutes or several hours. and then go at both sides, blaming each other, right? you'll have to see, you need to go, go from both sides to actually find
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a quick pro cool and lived together happily over a broad we did, we did. the slave person is struggled to hold onto the pallet. oh, well the media thread of moscow forwarding time has been removed, but again, it's even early. just say that the future for us, maybe yours is a secret service of the friends. the 2 women named physically paid gordon or something like that. and regardless of the should basically understand that you're going to be on dorchence or kind of a special list to for women. they should, as i mean, both sides seem to fade each other. their interests are very different, and so any kind of agreement would be most likely to change the way to the russian
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people stand on this so they still is right behind so that it may a person do you think on the scene that they were actively supporting him mostly in the raw stuff. they were amused by the wagner is moving in the occupying the city. there was a lot of bystanders befriending them so promptly and that is not as active. we've talked to her as it seems. i mean, people are trapped in a re key for either, but that doesn't mean that they actually like him. okay, thank you so much as always for your time and your inside. that is pebble, so it can. how independent russia, defense analyst. thank you. i the present patient has also spoken such a key is that later in the past few hours, send him cosigner is live for us in his temple and send them to we have any idea of
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exactly what they spoke about according to the statements by the turkish presidency and by the kremlin is a kremlin inform. for instance, i go on about the situation about the developments and present hours on a firm who supports to president 13 and different uh, compared to other were the other regional leaders who have spoken to crammed in today and presents. our don said that he will do his best to give support or to most schools for a peaceful solution. of course, this was a political sense for instance ad um show that politically, who side thing with a kremlin. he didn't uh, according to the statement that we heard from the prison. see this, this message doesn't include any other messages, like cars, docusign, or is breakfast on saying that this is an internal issue of russia because prisons
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are going on present to have become key allies in many regions including serial lead, be all caught up a and many other places this fall despite the 2 liters and 2 countries do not see many issues i to, i say how cooperative in solutions. that's why, especially for prisons are donna who has been through a very tough election uh for the last one months. it is very important that prison pollutants phase because 2 countries have so many uh, economic cooperation, energy corporation and a feature project. so they are with, along with a they were cooperation in the caucuses and central asia. that's why prisons are dogs message it to kremlin, saying that's true. kia has the full support. is it full of to calls a physician saying that he's signing with a russia and this phone 6. the force after these statements that there is a, the problem has been resolved between
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a walk there and the russian army through mediation efforts of a fellers. we're expecting a turkey shall forties, also give remarks about the situation. okay, thank you so much. that is an impossibility for us in a stand bowl. well, if you adjust joining us there have been some developments just in the last few minutes. the bellows, the president's offices, said that the russian missing related progression is agreed to stop the movement of wagner sizes around russia. and he has agreed to de escalate the situation and didn't pre precautions themselves. and in order your message said to avoid bloodshed, we are returning outcome boys to faces the associates. he gave the order to turn back because of the risk of blood being spills. okay, we're joined now by my one couple on the director of political studies at the error of seem to for research and policy studies. thankfully come back to the studio for us. i guess. first of all, can we just discuss this deal that is supposedly been done that look a shingo has,
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has helped agree to de escalate the situation with a problem. the same thing is uh, supposedly um, you know, moving back to devices is very interesting actually to see. i finally does any. yeah. with the thing between the 2 russian leaders. them. yeah. but that shows also how the close of it you should between the russia and for that it was, have been a bit for the show has, has, has developed of the boston a couple of years since the beginning of the clean, the clean water. and i think a part of this now is more or less having a very highest stick into it. and this into have not conflict inside also because the weakening of the russian position actually will have it. and back somehow. and by that it was because as you know, i mean they have the, comes very close ally. yeah. and the war the, and you get in the west is dealing with russia on and on. but it was as, as one or one country and fun. so i think it's really interesting that the
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president is having this influence into russian and government politics. you know, i'm having these to push on leaders come to tell them and agree on like a truce between them. by so do you think that with nutrition could becoming involved in this that it undermines letting me a person that he, that he couldn't get a deal done himself? absolutely. and then according to that, i believe that if, if, if he accepts to be, does quit on the same footing as, as a good, a good team. that is, in fact, is damaging his image as a strong man of russia. he has been this image for the past 2023 years, actually since he came to board in 2000 and the he was always trying to show himself as the one and dispute, the leader off of russia. if he agrees with this uh, this, uh, after this, uh, i'm in the ocean. uh, that shows actually that he's accepting to be, to be dealt with as someone who's the, was on the same for thing with with it. because you that, that is that,
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that is something that it doesn't look good for his image. no, i guess if, if the wagner trips to move back to the advices, i mean, how soon could they will or would it even be possible to see them back fighting on the front lines with the russian military is extremely difficult really, because now there is a gap of, of this plus between, between the military and back not, i mean the shot that the job after the because the age of to the. so i think a whole woods got on top of that. i mean a week or, or a month from now they within do exactly the same. so i don't think there will be the building, the, or the, or the beginning. distrust would be something is between the 2 sides. yeah. how can person go about, i guess, gaining the hands and this and, and i guess prove that he is the strong man that he has been putting forward over the last we think he wouldn't have, he wouldn't have to find a we actually in order to reassess himself as the new dispute, the leader of,
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of russia. and in the morning when he, when he actually called the movement by, but because you as, as a, as a bit 5 as the threes. and actually, he was actually giving the fedex developed off of debt for the full frequency. and now if he backs of, i mean that shows that he's not as strong as he flies to a b of a. i'm not pulling in front of the russian people. that's up in front of the war. yeah. i guess what's going to be the reaction to different from other countries we have going to place an important pause, you know, many admit leasing and, and african countries. i'll be watching on wondering what is going on, you know, what i mean? what seems to have created this funk sign. yeah. who came at the end of the day against him. so that, and that was established in the fields place to do it, or the did the job for the russian leadership. something that the russian military couldn't do because they don't have the mean liquid consequences for that. so he use them as a media she, as about, i'm going to take a google as, as
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a next step and then on of, of, of the united states in order to protect its interest in different countries in africa, in the, the c a, a, uh, uh, since our last academy public, and molly chad and i'm so done. and i believe that whatever comes of this, of this conflict actually would somehow have a serious consequences. not only for the level, but the standing of russia and done professionally seem because right now if you, if you think of, for example here in the goals, people used to look to put in as a strong leader and to i shall also, as a strong country home, you kind of, you, you kind of rely on yeah. and many actually in the region, they were trying to diversify idea of allowances by disgusting themselves away from the united states and try to establish some sort of strong relationship with the notion of china. that the recent events and that i should actually prove that might
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be a very at least good business. and the site is not as a stephen, as it, it seems to be. seems to be and it's within, it's not as strong as he seemed to be as he's been here as he is made out. we heard from our correspondents and took a and a few minutes ago, talking about the phone call that everyone made with prison earlier today. and what, how would it be stabilized? russia? a fix to key would affect the key and a major, major way of the support. don't forget that the 2 leaders, both the president of the gun and president put in what had been holding a dead country for miles more than 20. as an over the past 20 use, the managed to develop a working relationship. if not to close that relationship in fact or do they have differences in different causes in the, in the region. but they managed actually to, to also find the middle ground between them and the city in india and between armenia. and that'll be john. and i believe that the president today he was for
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sure was offering his support for the national lead. that because this is what, within that in 2016 when, when a guy was under almost the same circumstances that could, that from inside his, on his own military and today, i mean, but it was you and somehow it was more or less acute a thought against against president to so i think they can be kind of stand each other the the feel the causes a very while because they have been gone. he has been in a similar situation a few years ago, and i believe the president of the gun, the weakening of russia would not be saving his interest as he's trying to dislike a balancing balance between russia and his relationship between russia and the united states. and you could, and that's was very clear on one hand, he was supporting ukraine and appeasing and think about these things and was started by was on the other hand here, if you was to, to abide by the sanctions. again, slusher and both by the united states under wisdom paused. so he actually, he's, he's keen on keeping russia as, as strong as, as, as,
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as it should be. because that's when contribute to undermining his strategy. which as i said, for liking about less between the russians and the americans. yeah. around, obviously it is also in a similar situation to, to kia, they want a strong person that they said earlier that they support the role of law and of russia. and i think we're going to back person. um, i mean, how important is it for around to have food and how a powerful person stay in charge of russia over the last 2 years? actually, if the relationship between the restaurant and the on has developed develop and a significant my not. and especially, you know, i mean you're on has become a major supply of arms for us or not over the last few months. and most of the premiums that these are, in fact a bumped by the, by your onion, drones and date on you is also applying the shot with,
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with hundreds of dollars. a monthly and the weakening of prussia in euclidean and on the national stage will not be serving your ons and 1st election and you are on as an auto close allies. you have been close allies for the past few years and they don't use it on like a tours and puts in position being undermined to miller shop because of what's happening over the past few weeks, few hours. okay, thank you. we really do appreciate your time. there's not one come along. thank you for joining the studio again for having me. it's okay if you just joining us. the hit of wagner groups is fine, is a turning back to avoid blanchard. percussion said his fine has had advanced within $200.00 maces towards moscow. the choice was media since by the russian president. let's hit was pre cushion. sit on his telegram channel moments ago. we were usually, we began on march for justice on june 23rd of the last 24 hours. we came to 100
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columbus a show of most go. during this time we did not shed a single drop of off lots and lots of we. we have reached the moment when blood can be spilt. we realizing the full responsibility for the risk that plot could be spilt on either side. so we are turning our colors around and heading back to our field comes most according supply and we of course i was it. okay, let's go to daniel hawkins. we're going to go to daniel hopkins now who is really for us and most go and daniel, what more can you tell us about these remarkable developments just in the last 5 or 10 minutes as well? moscow suddenly, like old ross, is going to weaving a solid old relief fund on the russians who are perhaps um in the forty's older will remember scenes of 1993 and they attempted minutes for 2 weeks to place just behind me around because with the sky prospect and the white house, of course,
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what happened here over the last 24 hours was fall from that. these blogger, the forces, had allegedly, betty reached the most go outskirts. however, what has happened here over the last 24 hours certainly is absolutely unprecedented in modern russian history certainly improved as president sites and whose rule we have not received confirmation from the beginning. provision himself in another order message on his color, brown, china, on your bony you have any precautions press service. he's confirming that having gone to within 200 kilometers of moscow and realize that the risk of bloodshed, all the russian fighting and killing russian is now my to the never. he's taking the decision to turn his troops back in line with the plan. we don't know what that plan is, what he means by that, but a certain level of people will take that to mean these negotiations, these agreements weeks between is going to promotion and presidents of but arose, look, a shame cuz it's worth noticing, of course,
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that we don't know very much about what conditions stand behind these agreements. what so president food and what the troubling have agreed to the president you're going to precaution as far as we know is still charged with all mutiny. very serious charge of the calories. hundreds of 1220 years in russia, but those charges haven't been dropped. certainly public goods far as we know that have been allegedly multiple and across shut down by vulgar, full says there's been fighting has been explosion. so certainly he is lucky to be held accountable in some way for what's happened here over the last 24 hours. so um, but in some ways both sides, he can claim a win if you'd like to beginning precaution uh through his aimless style law fun critique and buffalo with the russian id with a top cross 10 claim that he's made his points very loudly and very clearly and very aggressively,
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he's moved as he's had himself to win striking business of the russian capital. he's moved through these russian defences, these russian soldiers with ease these images, all russian soldiers allegedly surrendering, laying down their arms in front of bog, and one of shots and surprised many russians across the country. the criminal good also claimed they avoided a civil war. that was the highlights of the boat in speech hours ago. he said that russia stands on the brink of another 1917, all the bloody civil war. but this is something that the west and ukraine will gain from. and the problem to can say, look through all negotiations or negotiations with the help of the alexander look a sun co, we've avoided all of that. we've worked out in the state as quote um, so really it's going to depend on what the conditions are, what the agreement solve between the criminal and precaution through like a certain color as to what happens next of both to the volume to pay and say of
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course and who is leave it precaution, it was russia's most popular rubble rouse up until 24 hours ago. and the now is and still remains legally rushes. number 11 to mind. um, so like for more information coming out of cool saw for both the better russian side and precautions press service and indeed the kremlin, which has yet to comment on these developments. as they always go by and day, we will be across the story for sure. that is daniel hopkins for us and most guys, thank you so much. let's take a closer look at the wagner group and the man behind it all his dimitry between car, a real good product. you have any pre ghosts, rose to power in russia from humble beginnings and st. petersburg after being jailed for 9 years for robbery and fraud. he became a hot dog salesman, and then the man known as putin's ships, his catering company hosted events for foreign leaders as well as president vladimir putin, his private birth date parties. and it wasn't until 2022. the precaution admitted
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that he had found at the wagon of private military company 8 years earlier in eastern ukraine. he previously denied all connections to the most scenary group and suit any one linking him to work that most of mary's illegal in russia, but precautions close links to prove to him and rushes. a lead allowed him to bypass legislation and gave plausible deniability of any involvement in operations of a seat, as well as ukraine. the wagner group has been links to military operations in syria since 2015 and aiden governments. combat rebel groups and the central african republic. libya, molly and so don precaution is also linked with existing military and political influence and chad, mozambique and zimbabwe has been so successful as a private military company that has become essentially a franchise. and so you have different, really, very distinct organizations that carry the same brand. it was an important
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force in russia's invasion of ukraine, including the assaults on some of the n commute. a precaution commanded up to 50000 troops in ukraine, mostly recruited from russian prisons in exchange for a pub underlined his most. no, he's victories while playing down the role of the russian army to basically putting has created precaution regardless of a self made man. he spoke most projects to create a sort of a competitive alternative military for assuming usher to boost the effectiveness of the regular russian army or go through this later to and to open criticism with the golden didn't mean says was in attacking defense minister said h, i go and chief of stuff i let it get us involved for under supplying his troops. well, not so you can watch go by pretty positive. we have a 70 percent shortage of admission. shelly, go,
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garage you month to month. yeah. where, where's munition look at the new movie that went back mode was seized in may 2023, often more than 6 months of fighting big ocean and his men took a passive roll and the kremlin began to reign in wide, demanding the group register and report directly to the army, the golden refused, and his confrontation with russia's military leadership reached the pointing point on june 23rd. when he was accused of ahmed, a mutiny commentary sense, reaching that but didn't go out to 0. so, here's a brief recap. the hit of the wagner group says, this font is a turning back from most go to avoid bloodshed precaution said his find his head advanced within 200 kilometers towards the capital. the truce was mediation by the battle russian president. i will be back in just a moments with more of the days news, you know,
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so i find more information on our website. the staples control and information controlling the narrative to dominating the media. how does the narrative improve public opinion and kind of norma spite? it might not be the most important story about china of today. but that's what the big piece attention to. how is citizenship? listen, we placing the story, the listening post, i fixed the media. we don't cover the news, we cover the way the news is covered. an effort to make telling youth basketball team confront it to lease out dates as low, which excludes them from competitive support, with the full, vigilant to compete. because we are foreigners, we are not foreigners. we all vote. and if you took out, is there a world follow them? and the installation. ok, i say, fuck the low,
8:59 pm
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a new app from out to 0 new at you think, is it the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 16 minutes. the wagner group leader says he has ordered his troops to homes that mounts on moscow to avoid shooting russian blogs. fairly at the head of the missing recruiting,


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