tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 1, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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the danish community into it taken sustainability to new heights, just over the rise and the samsung island. they are officially 100 percent renewable energy. right. we change on how to do the the one carry johnston. this isn't the is from, i'll just coming out on the front of a funeral is being held in fraud. so the teenager is kidding by and police officer has triggered the riots across the country. a truck crosses into cause on suggestions. in kenya, at least 50 people are killed and many injured australia and becomes
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a 1st country to equalize uses psychedelic drugs for medical treatment. plus the added score, 6, the tourists on top at los australia aim to setting the date dates. how does it stay for the 2nd doctors testing get on the one the begin in front, swept privates funeral was being held for now. and the 2nd senior rose killed by police officer on tuesday. he's death has led to riots across a number of cities despite government efforts to contain the protests turned violence again on friday nights, spiraling into looting an x of vandalism. around the con, ripple's rice and france. for the 4th night running from
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our se in the south to leon, nope. and the capital cares. public property, cars and businesses looted sports and destroy the nationwide anger on the streets follows the 217 year old. now, during a police traffic stop on to president of francis calling for and says, the situation has been hijacked to spread and just this isn't unacceptable. exploitation of the death of a teenager, which we deplore this time should all be about contemplation and respect. i strongly condemned both so we using the situation to try and create disorder and target our institutions. that sentiment echoed by francis football team, captain kilian and bobby tweeting a statement from the players appealing for com, saying they all understand the anger, but dialogue needs to be the focus not violent. following hundreds of arrests,
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all ready to sweep hundreds more were detained overnight. the, the mayor of mercedes says meeting and violence is unacceptable, and urge the governments in paris to send police reinforcements. private funeral for now is due to be held on saturday. as france remains a nation in turmoil. ronald han, elda 0 latasha. vasa joins us now from non town. natasha what's the mood like in the community with the funeral for 9 in mind as well. if it was quite quiet here, it is still the morning people have been guessing, often taking still cuz of some of the damage that may have happened to that popes that will cause of to be on risk last night. we've also been watching some people voting up that business. is that something we've seen the last day for the last few days because people are concerned about the own getting on rest. and as you say,
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of course the funeral of nile taking place. today's, of course everyone is aware of that here. what we know in terms of that funeral is for a little because the family have all people to stay away. they've also need it to stay away. this is a moment for them to really come together to pay their respects to someone they loved for the mothers nile to say good bye to her son. so very difficult, a indeed, a for the family. well, he knows that around this time uh, niles, coughing will be closed, it will then be brought to the most, which is in notate in this area where he lives, where he grew up, where he comes from. and then a bit later, he will be buried in move i live here, which is an area, a few kilometers away from here. but as i said, people live in austin to stay wait, just to give the family his breathing space to pay their respects because it has been subject to motorist 2 days and a task. so details how to much happened today of of the teenager who was in the car,
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june incidents when i was shot of the yes. new testimony because what happens uh on that tuesday morning was that there were 3 people in the car now. oh, who was driving this mercedes? the ta apparently was led to the teenagers, another passenger who was arrested show the officer. i'm in the 3rd who was in the carpet sledge and as a turned off, as seems he's been talking to french media. he says he wanted to tell his story to tell his version of events of these being very difficult. time for came. he said the when the call was sold by the police for this traffic check on tuesday morning, around 8 o'clock in the morning. no cool time, these are 2 police officers came to the side of the call on the aisle side. i'll put the window down and these police officers pointed the guns. i know one of them holding his gun to the temple denials temples. there is a full have said to this uh, the passenger,
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very frightening. seems indeed another police officer, lang, shooting, shooting. and then i'll also big post in the side and his body with a thoughtful and by a police officer. again, this young passenger, the flight that has now turned up, saying that these were very frightening. seems that police officers were very aggressive. another one, again, repeating shoes and now the car at some point moves forward and that's when the police officer opened fine show nile. the police said denial was, was driving away and that that was a full, the threat that he was going to run for a police officer. and that is why they opened 5. but in fact, his passenger said that wasn't the case. he said the noise foot came off the break because he was being punished by this bottle and that's why the call jolted to forward. but obviously if i finding these, this testimony that again contradicts for the police to try to say that this is all about self defense in terms of that police officers, i, the, we do know that he has issues in apology to the family. and also that he is being
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charged for voluntary on the side of hash a box that with that updates. thank you as well. the french national football team issue the statements, according for com, page loan laptop, post its own captain kid, and then that pays twitter page. the team said they understood the rage. people felt the death of now and, but added that the time for violence must cease to give way to that to morning. dog and reconstruction. show comedy shows of football john that she joins us from paris . welcome to the program. a, let me ask you 1st. why is this statement from the french national football team so significant? do you think it is very significant because the football is a huge sport in france? the one to walk up, you know, 2018 and also a 1998. so people are really, you know, literally involved in this, and they have a big following across the country,
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but also across the world. and as a result, they easily with the, you know, the population and because they come from these neighborhoods, they understand what is going on. so it is very possible. but also just to help people understand that yes, you can protest, but when it comes down to, you know, how doing other people or businesses, it's not a good look. it actually shows that it's losing the context of the protest. for now, i understand you witnessed some of the protests and in most sites tell us what you saw. and so i was walking down the street and we just saw these young people just literally throwing stones at the police. the police was, you know, throwing back to you guys and it was really messy, just seeing the impact that that means not just for the people of my say, but also for the generation of me. my grants that live in my see there's a huge population there of especially north africans algerians,
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but also as tough weekends that have lived there even for generations. not just the current ones because obviously with the history or for us and the african continent . but just being able to see these people band down, exclude does and, and bikes and just get, you know, very messy. it was a little bit really scary. but these come now and you know, people are just trying to protest and show the government that they're not please you how the police are. yeah. you mentioned the government, the, i mean, the french government, my site look, the writing and looting that's been taking place is simply unacceptable with, with innocence a store whole doesn't work as pain the price. yeah, absolutely. people are losing the business is just because, you know, these agree use of throwing stones and it just loses the focus of, you know, what they're trying to do for the help and obviously, you know, with the policeman being, you know, charged for what he did. yes, that's there,
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but yes, the trying to send a strong message also to the french police, but not in the way the looting is not right. and i think that the french national team has made a good decision to come out. and also especially for key and, but he's not the 1st time that he's coming out to speak on issues. we saw that when he defended as indians, he done and eventually it led to the resignation of know in the got the former runs uh for both iteration presidents. so yes, what he says is very important and people are receiving and listen and also tickets in what needs to be done. do you think to repair the bridges that have, can't have been broken between the, the police and certain communities how, how can support help in that? i think the perspective of humanity because yes, you know, you get the feeling that obviously and you know, as the police, they are in charge. sometimes they have to defend themselves because if they come up against violence, but a 17 year old, i think that you know,
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if these french police, my looks back to say that could have been my son in another part of the country. so i think that also sometimes these racial profiling, when it comes to, you know, much as like that. and they have to be careful and to understand that this so many people who are leaving parties, for example, it's a very cosmopolitan city. you have people from different backgrounds. i mean, i've already met, you know, people from asia, from africa, from south america, and they're leaving comfortable here and the identified as friends because to be friends is not just to say that my great grandparents were from this country to be friends. you could have been born here. you could have come here as a migrant worker. and also because, you know, if you look at the french and us, you can see you can see that savvy so many and nationalities or regionally the, they come from different backgrounds. you know, for example, we've seen that we've the relationship that they have the, the, you know, i forget even just as
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a continent to kill him about the himself coming in father and a jew and mother, but born and raised in front, identifies as friends and the so many people i keep if you go to cities like my say that a very you know, cosmopolitan you get that feeling and also is the same in powers. believe it, that's enough football. janice, i should come. okay, sure. thank you very much indeed for joining us here on out is here. thank you. the other news now contain a truck has crashed. that's a busy intersection in weston 10. yeah. shooting at least 51 people. it happened in on the, on the town in the territory county doesn't this was seriously injured. does the vehicle filed into cause tracking passengers, wreckage? police are investigating how the drive, the loss control and the officer event. cuz he's the guy. so it's speeding on coming trailer. i swear of that just came teaching him head on. he over took me and
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that is when he was hit, the trailer went off the road and his other vehicle squared for catherine. so he is following developments from the capital not ready to the driver of the truck that was plus 40 cement has led to the scene. police are looking for him. uh, we also know that the, the cabinet secretaries for transport was there as well. just to see the damage for himself, he says that the rescue operations are still going on. uh put the site investigating what exactly happened. and the cabinet secretary also said that the government is prioritizing as was how to move this home. cuz and trade is normally come to the road to sell though with tamadrius and other people who are passing by. so the government wants to relocate these people to
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another say soft um area. so what happened is that to the, um, incident happened at, uh, you know, on friday evening a, when this the truck uh drive i tried to swap, avoid a bus that had stored and then he wronged onto other vehicles. several people have been killed. the others have been taken to different hospital police, have been accused of corruption and bribery on the highway as well. and other people are saying that some of our rules and can you off are not so well maintained . so the system see and these are things that should be sorted out. catherine saw you all to 0 nairobi, can you find some all to come on and use, including refills for my present tables. senari says 0 appeal against the court
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ruling. a foster funding for public office trust. i'm john henry and in chicago were for the 1st time nascar drivers are driving it high speed through city streets . so neighbors are asking what could possibly go wrong. the new account espionage legislation has been inactive in china. critics fairly expand the definition of espionage rule mean, increased the scrutiny for phone companies, academics and jealous. jessica washington reports from basically, i. susie introducing you national security laws nearly a decade ago. aging has increasingly tightened to control and it screws and these people and activities in china. now changes to count espionage regulations are coming into effect on saturday. expand the number of activities considered aspiring
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to include a ban on the transfer of any information authorities consider relates to national security and expand the definition of espionage to include cyber attacks, against stage organizations and information infrastructure. it follows the general trend in recent years in the development of chinese and all towards more emphasis on national security. more control by the communist party of important areas of the state. the change is suppose to move in a dozen new or amended laws under which people can be banned from leaving china. and i'm a say it's likely to raise concern among foreigners and business people operating in the country of coming under great discussion. exit science has been applied in china for many years and write scripts. no. so you have been increasingly used against both chinese nationals and foreigners under the revised counter espionage
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as long as they can be imposed on any one under investigation. human rights research, a phone to me was prevented from leaving china in 2017. he was detained for 10 days in a hotel room before being allowed to fly out to a strange. yeah. if i go that any time that they will detain me right away. so that's the sky below actually uh i saw a vague so ambiguous that um they can, they can use it to fabricate okays. to put a few add new one for, for political cups. aging says the changes am to protect china language. every country has the right to safeguard its national security to domestic legislation and such. this is the common practice of all countries. the changes. com is china. his board is open for foreign visitors after 3 years of coven 19
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restrictions. but some experts say the broad and vague scope of the revisions may cause some businesses and individuals to question how welcome they really are. jessica washington, which is 0 aging darcia is in the brazil have dashed of soaked apples scenario running again for president, at least for now as one of the not get reports from the edition era. the former president says he's the victim of a political persecution. the decision came is a blow to valuable. so now the former right we president remains a strong political figure among results conservative. but it has been banned from running for public office during the next 8 years, betterment spells and the 3rd month i do today, i was built to stop in the back. i was made, illegible because i was accused of abusing my foul. but the real step in the back was built to brazil's democracy, brazil's top electoral court. will the boston are abused,
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his power as president last july, when he told for an ambassador is the results voting system could be easily wrecked, despite offering no evidence. his unfounded claims were broadcast on state television just 3 months before election day. so. well, so now i was lawyer argued that his client had simply made use of his freedom of speech to voice his doubts and wasn't trying to undermine results. democracy, he's nicholas. we will appeal to the supreme court to settle. but those arguments were rejected by 5 of the 7 judges hearing the case. but the split itself freedom of expression, is not freedom of aggression. it is not the legitimate association of this information. it is nothing to tack on democracy law also not only be unable to run for public office until 2030, but he is not giving up on his political career. he says he will use his popularity to help is the liberal party in next year's municipal elections. and he's already
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traveling across, present, to reach out to voters also now to supporters or painting him as a victim of political persecution. my visit, the unwieldy boy boss scenarios, popularity will grow and he will continue to be the standard bearer of the values of the right. like family tradition. we are counting on him to elect almost a 3rd of brazil's mayers in next year's municipal elections. increasing our presence in the national politics, whether he's still popular for year from now remains to be seen. monica, not just, i'll just sierra, we have diginero. now, straightly, it has become the 1st country to allow mental health patients to be treated with extracts from so called magic mushrooms and m d n a. that's in this ecstasy authorized psychiatrist. so now able to prescribe the drugs to tackle depression, post traumatic stress disorder. and other conditions go straight in governments, we classify drugs following trials and medically controlled environments. a lot,
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chris evaluate is professor and deputy direct. so the new medicines discovery starts at one us university. you joins us from clack to in on see any united kingdom. thanks for joining us. so medically speaking, then how do these substances actually work as far as those who enthusiastic about the benefits of consent? yeah, so if we take the example of m d m a and do a x on the brian, it has a number of effects where but it's 8 reduces fair responses and places patients in a significant state of ease. and by doing so, it enables them to receive token therapy, psychotherapy, that makes a batch therapy and much, much more effective in the treatment of conditions such as the testing they have to be administered within a very expensive therapy session, don't they? i mean, these are things of that to perhaps not enough supervision will be given. yeah. so
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at the moment the, obviously the requirement is that these substances are still used in a very kind of controlled environment. so what happens is that they will, they will be dosed given to a patient by a, for a psychiatrist probably with a psychologist present as well. and that session could last for anything up to 8 hours. so you can imagine this is quite an expensive treatment. and at the moment in australia, in context, we're still working out the economics of how we pay for these things. but at the moment, as of today, i think the patients that will be receiving this is there is a kind of forward to pay for it privately. some medical organizations, us get to come out and a saying the substances can cause uses to experience fear, and even further trauma. what do you make of that? i think okay, we always have to be very cold, listen and about the cold. so low that in the advocacy of new medicines,
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that's that safety. and that's why i think it's very important that they are used in these really well regulated kind of controlled environments where what we call a sense and the setting a critical to ensuring that the patients have the very best chance of getting the very best experience in terms of the treatment, so we can obviously ensure that when we do know how as it what is it actually clear though, whether it's the substances or the therapy that's actually making the difference here. yeah, it's a good point. i think add to expand on the point is i made earlier. i think what we have is a situation where, where is we would require in both the substances. placing the patients in a particular state of consciousness, old for which are ation whereby the therapy is used 1st
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before. ready during and subsequent to additional treatment session becomes much more effective than it would be if it would just deliver to lighter christopher, allowing me to be very much appreciate your insights. thank you. thank you very much. now to south africa and the fight to protect it's wild life, the country has the largest number of rolling noise in the world. but it's also the hardest hit when it comes to poaching. technology is not saying an increasingly large role in supporting conservation efforts. stephanie dec reports from input by province as they are the front line and what is a very real war? living up to 3 weeks in the bush. this is a tough job ranger covenant checks on the cameras placed at a poachers entry hot spot. technology is playing a large role in south africa's antique poaching. fight didn't energy change the way
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north and then making the jump easy as we putting all come with us down to the entry and then with the tech to put just a way back though is just holding in and then it's luke and the gunshot. today's too late, they've already killed it. i know to for mine around 40 kilometers away the field teams check in with base county. this is a private security company operating on a few private reserves in the software. i'm on the web portal. they've got a i that works in and it takes me to fix that, whether it's an movements, if it is, and the movements of the runners of innocence is in line. so with that human movement and is that vehicle the latest technology, not fully operational, yet. this drone, aside from the data collects, we're told it is also a powerful intimidation tool. it is much easier to cover large areas from above
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bush, for as far as the i can see, the sweet spot, a mother and her cough down below. the days he just using of poachers often move at night were told that's the light fades, the patrols go on and the technology changes they use in for red to light up the dark night. even more light is given by the torch, but only the in for read can see this. move back to the naked eye. nothing is there . you see pushing coming towards you in conflict. and has no idea of the south africa has the world's largest number of wild rhino. but it's
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also the hardest hit by poachers. there has been a steady decline over the years. manpower ministry, great equipment, and constantly evolving to knology, still may not be enough to save these incredible animals from disappearing for good stephanie decor, ultra 0, sim popo province, south africa. well, sort of head to here on out. is there a telescope on a mission to shed light on the dock side of the universe make his the bright tell you more about this on usual wedding next. and jen that rounds up the sports, including white body and fight at the code. the, the, it's the weekend, great to have, you're here with us. and 1st off,
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we're going to start with the thunderstorms rolling around the eastern shores of the age, radix. see, got to tell you, this could be particularly bad for the broth, nick in croatia and most are in bosnia and herzegovina. but either way, we're going to power up some severe thunderstorms across the balkans, off to turkey out we go. it is a quiet pitcher head across the country and those temperatures are closing in on 30 degrees over the weekend. meantime, for the other side of the mediterranean, temperatures are coming down with that cooler air now starting to filter in to the northwest, we go and pulses of rain are moving west to east. here it's knocked out the heat through scandinavia, but done little to quell the risk. the high risk of forest fires across the baltic states off to africa. we go and there is the threat for flooding across, sending gold the gambia in guinea be south with east mountains of heavy rain, dark of the blue, and the yellow of the more intense that rain will be folly. now we'll end this weather report in south africa, high pressure in charge here. so that means con conditions right across the country,
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temperatures, and actually pretty well where the, who should be for this some of the year. but it's cape town, and durbin at 17, in cape town, $22.00 in durban, looking good. that's all i got for you. i'll see you soon. take care. i of the time i was placed in solitary. i was 26. i was young, immature, this is extreme. form of my solution. i think it's designed to break. you've been
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if there's of tardies as far as part. it's the adjusting to being alone. there's always a fairly loosing and fold lines examines the total of isolation through one man's experience and a texas presume. the books 27 years in solitary confinement on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the without just a reminder of our top stores besides, a funeral is being held in front of a teenager chose to buy police officer during a traffic stop on tuesday. lieutenant was reported in several french cities during
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a 4th consecutive nights of rotting protest that all contained a truck has crashed at a busy intersection in kenya, killing at least $51.00 people. thousands was seriously injured. truck housing, the cause of tracking passages in the wreckage. new counter espionage legislation has been inactive in china. critics at fairly expand the definition of us removing increased scrutiny for phone companies. academics on june. this us supreme court has rejected signs by present joe biden, to cancel the $430000000000.00 a student loan debt. well, this was a major campaign from this when he ran for president in 2020. the bible has vowed to fight on. she have a time see reports. according to the conservative majority of the us supreme court,
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president biden did not have the legal authority to forgive some $400000000000.00 of student deb, under the heroes act of 2003, which allow student debt payments to be waived in emergencies. like a panoramic proposal effected $40000000.00 borrowers any less than $125000.00. yeah . well they're 90 percent less than $75000.00. if they gave up to $20000.00. repayments have been on hold since 2020. but now borrows will have to resume payments in october and she does milestones such as like buying a car or starting a family or buying a home with cobit, people had the opportunity to try to catch up. but since the repayments are going to be starting again, sue is going to put people back into that hole that they were not being able to start their lives or provide for their family or even provide for themselves quickly as possible. speaking of the white house press the button, so it'd be administration will now start the long legal process again. this time attempting to forgive student debt using the higher education act of 1965, which gives the government a firm
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a legal basis to forgive student desk. in addition to the president of els for those facing difficulty repaying that, that's from october. way to have that credit racing, effective for 12 months with presidents of the republicans opposing pandemic student debt forgiveness were hypocrites. let's be clear. some of the same elected republican members of congress who strongly opposed can released as twos, got hundreds of thousands of dollars and selves and really, members of congress. because of the businesses they were able to keep up with. several members of congress cut over a $1000000.00 vitamin struggling and opposed with younger versions. and so he's failed to give a range of campaign promises from 2020. this is the latest disappointments. i'm some activists of logo and you'll be administration mishandled the issue by not using the higher education act in the 1st place for them. it will not be enough to make this a campaign issue now in 2024. they won't bite intact boldly now through executive
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order to stop the need for repayments and on to based on if he does next. what about support for him in the election? i can't say that, and i'm not sure how young adults will vote, but he can expect that he will hear from advocates, said he not fulfilled. his promise, by the ministration is reported to be hoping that this issue may mobilize disaffected, young verses to oppose and 2020. for him, it is dismal popularity ratings. the arguments the republicans were against all student dep loan forgiveness, at least by the tribes she advert. hence, the elder 0 washington us state department is criticizing both the bite and, and trump administrations the handling of the evacuation operation from afghanistan . 2 years ago. the department review details the white house shortcomings before and off to us versus less common. some of the listing for that in cuz parliament is hopefully a special session to discuss restructuring its debts to domestic lenders. the country is aiming to meet financial target set by the international monetary fund
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by 2032. now fernandez has more now from outside the parliament building. in columbus, the government is presenting to the house, the parliament of the building. you see behind me it's planned as to how it ends to restructure the money it owes locally that is 2 banks to invest the. 5 p like pension funds and things like that. now that has been a lot of concern that this, that the restructuring of domestic, that would look at the banking sector. and there were concerns, in fact, at the moment, reading the middle of an unprecedented 5, the sort of a bank holiday in addition to the weekend and other things because the government was keen on ensuring that there was no. 5 sort of off the shocks if you like, for it's a this restructuring plan. so it will allow for the doctor to step up before uh this um, you know, the stock market, the banks re open for business on tuesday after all of this. so what's being
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presented is how it ends to do that. now that had been concerned about the banking sector and the in fact, but the government says it was not stopped to the banking sector because they are already paying something like 50 percent in taxes. instead of key full cost for the government plan is pension funds or superannuation funds. now basically what they are proposing the pension funds have invested almost 90 percent of that overall are resources in government funds and securities and things like that. and they are the ones who are going to feel the pinch. trade unions have come up very strongly as has the opposition. they say the government can do this differently. buddies instead putting the button, the key part of the button on the working class. people who have new voice media fernandez, audra, 0, colombo to the indonesian island of bali has long been a paradise for tourists. they've been joined to recently by you group of travelers,
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thousands from ukraine and russia speaking century from the world. florence louis has more from body away from home, these ukrainians and valleys celebrate division bound and national holiday designed to uphold the traditions of ukraine's national clothing for them. these events a more than just a social gathering. we show huge war with huge problems, but we still a life we show for the older world that we uh, separates from russian with looks lot like russians. we have separate language and we have national close to mutual who only wants to give his 1st name decided to remain in bali of to russia, invaded ukraine while he was in the holiday. here the 2 countries are all the thousands of the citizens living alongside each other on this intrusion. i max debunking is a russian expatriate has lived in body for 3 years while relations and sometimes
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tens between the russian and ukraine communities here. he says he tries to stay out of politics, is about to say, it's a game between the deadness, but it is not ours. we always live together in harmony. i have brothers on cost and our living in ukraine. it's easy to see why the island is an attractive destination . the weather is warm on the ground and the cost of living relatively inexpensive. nearly 60000 russians arrived in body last year, making them the 2nd largest group of tourists. the number of ukrainians arriving is also increased for the number about a 10th of russian arrivals. the impact of this influx has been most apparent in the property market. in some parts of volley, rental prices have gone up by as much as 80 percent the so i'm going to do the cable. so i know that used to be relatively low on the price queue. but we're seeing a lot of russians coming here. they are willing to pay more,
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so property owners automatically follow the market goes up. even with rising property prices, bodies appeal hasn't did. particularly for those clean volt alena too, we've had a bakery in keys that moved here when things became too dangerous. when they came to body, it's like, as they're like, you know, it's, but of those sometimes i have flashbacks. i never forget about that because i saw a lot horrible things was that i shouldn't do this for now. she says she'll remain here the dreams of the day when boys over and she can return home. phone 3 to 0. bobby you ups, you clear the space telescope is set to be launched into space on saturday. is the 1st to mission dedicated to investigating 2 universes, greatest mysteries, dark energy, and don't matter. euclid's will be launched from cape canaveral in the us on
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a space x rocket. it will be used to chop the, not just a map of universe ever created encompassing up to 2000000000 galaxies, because more of the, of this guy about of the pay cannot have that a is for search fellow in close knology the european space agency. she joins us from the months. gemini, a good to have you with us here on out. just so in terms of what this type of scope can observe, how important could its vision be, as well as what we're aiming to do with euclid is definitely, i'm vicious. i mean, it's a challenge, but we are finally to european space agency is taking them either shape to actually move forward and cosmetology. we are changing the era of for use of separation. think of smaller to with these amazing 3 d. my hope the universe are in terms that everyone can understand. what of this is the matter anyway? well, actually, we know it's all time to think us agents rocks through friday,
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but the name darks come from the impact that we come to see if that something's wrong. with mind, so we kindly take these precedence because it distorts the wrong that are around it, but we cannot see directly. this is one of the things, but we need to investigate with usually because we really studied makes our 25 percent the universe, which is not negligible on desantis have to put their hands up again when it comes to dark energy and say, we don't know what it is exactly yeah, in this case the choice of the lady was like me boring to pass him to the i lost the ninety's. so then a dark calls from the fact that we know nothing about it. we know that our universities expand to anybody in the late nineties. we just go rid of these expansion nissan celebrated. and we need to get these off and arranging these reading by some kind of repulsive energy that we didn't only they can achieve because we don't know what it is. but we really, it's not enough to be the universe at least 70 percent of these energy in order to
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explain the deal survey shows that we have offering devils advocate has some people might look at sciences and say that what's the point of all this anyway? how does this help us everyone us? well i think the 1st or elisa really moved and always to come back to basic science into sounds the answering all these kind of questions, how every the the guy and where are we going to, how is structure for me now? are you yours? are some questions are, are full terms full human kind, but in any case where it is important to know us, well, it's not the old technological them of improvements on the 12 or a technology and software that it has been developed to answer those non trivial questions are going to have some really good side effects in society probably the next decade. so we want to see, i mean packed into society in the forty's, not having it to you or a start to monitor in terms of better understanding the universe of everything that we are building around. it will definitely be useful for society. and on a personal level,
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how excited all you by the possibilities of what this kind of scope might discover . well, i'm, i'm personally really excited. i started working in, usually the already 5 years ago, i need my ph. d on these getting preferred for these moments while i cough, i kind of wanted to finally have a dock at my house dirty. i'm not. i've seen everything that the spacecraft has to offer. how can i go to the pay cannot have that. we appreciate your time. thank you . thank you so much. i the power cuts in the rock on making last, increasingly uncomfortable. a summer temperatures, sol elected infrastructure was west and sanctions. i'm corruption. of course outages for decades. the government leaders now banking on neighboring countries to help keep a lot switched on my foot of the live reports from baghdad. some of the time in a rock and scorching temperatures,
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a couple of the with frequent power cups. the eastern suburbs of above that among the hardest hit the state grid, only supplies electricity for 3 hours out of every 6. 70 of the old academy lives with her family in the small house. most of that household equipment doesn't work anymore. many still in the city, we don't use the fridge anymore because it was ruined by electricity cuts and our food perished. these days we splash water on ourselves with water to alleviate the heat. generators are the only option for some iraqis. well, damage in decades of neglected infrastructure have long cause told to just blackouts have increased because some facilities have been attacked by the groups. so many rock is have both generators to hire them out to neighbors with a fraudulent national grid look of generators, lake. these have become a profitable business venture. you can see the wires dangling and the streets and
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criss crossing alleys over the country, causing a safety threat to residents. iraq relies on gas from the alarm to fuel the power stations which supply the national grid. they normally put, use around $20000.00 megawatts of electricity, but need $24000.00 megawatts during the peak summer months to fill the gap. iraq is getting into connected with other countries that are of applied to move like an out of the nearby my. the grid connection with jordan stats was 150 megawatts and will reach 950 megawatts. this is a double circuit connection to also link a rock with egypt via jordan in the future. it's mean to boost out grid in the western region and lights, and link or rock with grids and the gulf countries and could key. iraq also needs to pay its bills for uranian gas. iraqi power stations need around 35000000 cubic meters of iranian gas every day. what are the 20000000 short to?
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because the radians have suspended deliveries, pending payment, which is the last thing you're working electricity consumers want to hear, as they says in the baking summer heat for alternative energy sources. how would that through? i had a busy at all, but now that the man of a small town in mexico has married an advocate to the council, introduced ceremony, the dates back centuries. the reptile is seen as a dead heat representing most of us and we're tiny white wedding dress. so many is positive, indigenous culture to face and it's on page. it symbolizes the joining of siemens for the divine and the heavy weight lifting operations about the beginning shrunken animal rights activists are risk, getting an elephant to take home to toilet and go for it. has the story. a sack
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serene, almost roger as he was renewed. as one of the 3 elephants brought history, lancaster skipped from thailand's royal family. but the sick elephant is at the centre of a diplomatic rift between the 2 countries. thailand demanded the eloquence return off to animal rights. activists accused have looked at the temple of torturing the animal. we have been quite nice and healthy because his life was in danger. we had no choice to contact the governor a mr. roger was brought to the seat on the outskirts of blankets, to columbia. and the disconnect from
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a non treated injury. that's retiring to fly him back to thailand on sunday for further treatment. at the time of the said i will, his condition was not that good. he was seeing that, you know, maybe coming, he was not to really know, but at present he's send to shouldn't, has to include very much roger spent decades taking lots and religious professions as a temple elephant. but it just reported seeing him ever worked at looking sites and even used in taurus safaris active it's launch the content to rescue him hope to retire in spring. and now they said was to roger this off to decades of service and suffering. barbara and good. how to 0. so my head on out of this era, the n b a is next big star explains why he won't be taking call to the upcoming foster, but well come,
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that's on the way. the way we normally principals, even people far away are so helping with the environment, problems in amazon because their consumers, i teach kids about the best that i oceans are facing today. i've been working and are just trying to find ways to get this language helped kids. what do we do as and what are you going to do? is our language that keeps the red blood very, but they have one, several back over there, 5 point one. if you've got them arrogant, the thing say that texting women remains a challenge and the regions will not stop being pro like i want to sleep. we don't have to me just starting thinks about 2 weeks now. a journey to a show, right?
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someone does choice. our country and someone's needs to rebuild the thoughtful sports needs now. his demons. thank you. carrie. i'm still trying to get over the alex, us all out. get onto the crickets and australia is crickets has the looking to assessing with a sizable target on the day full of the 2nd ashes tested loads. they resumed the morning session with a lead of 221. and it's going well so far as me to watch it. and steve smith, a building on that advantage and finding boundaries, playing time, is extended today to make up to the last to rain on say, 3, a short time ago, australia. it was
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a 166 to and the 2nd limitation believe over $250.00 now. and as the contest gold cup, panama have secured the place in the quarter finals with a great game to spare. they would see one when is even lost sage, in new jersey. jose for holidays had upset them on my way and that was his form. i pulled up my radio some in a 2nd. you're about to see it. here it is. they have a great game between el southboro in costa rica and the goal is switching says, i don't know, we'll finish the group see tables and those are raising spectacles coming to chicago on independence day weekend as it hosts it's 57 mass coal street trace events as such, and to draw a tourist, i'm money into a city that needs face following the public. but some residents, a wondering. is it safe, john? 100. how's the story from chicago? nascar chicago street race is a daredevils labyrinth this weekend and the united states, 3rd largest city for the 1st time,
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anywhere. 80 nascar drivers corinne through downtown skyscrapers. it speeds up to 240 kilometers. and now is a city street where people take every day for their commute to risk um to see the beautiful ballons and the museums stuff at each corner is different man, holes concrete, alcohol. so we gotta tackle all the for 2 days into races. some of the world's best drivers are usually turned left in a loop suite around 12 turns many of them 90 degrees over 3.5 kilometers, with lanes narrowing without warning. so you might go from a 5 or 6 lane road down to one lane road on these tight corners, driver's control, sharp elbows, you don't complete a pass. i guess we'll come down and play a game. a chicken from relates to 2 lanes and see who lives and who doesn't. protecting spectators in chicago landmarks or 2000 concrete barriers each more than
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3 meters long and top by fencing. this isn't just a race. this is a festival with concerts and carnival rides. and exhibition of excess and speed with muscle cars going way over the limit through downtown streets on independence day weekend. and what could be more american than that? some fear the race and the wrong message in a city with an illegal street racing problem that spun out of control under polluted skies were in ghost bicycles. the landscape or cars have killed cyclist. we think that having a street race hosted in chicago at this time since the wrong message, cit, drivers at the time, we really need them to be slowing down for their stock car association. the spectacle of a street race is an opportunity to about going to new markets and introducing our sports to audiences. so while we have this really great fan base, this is a tremendous opportunity to expose
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a whole new audience to nascar. the road to success is long, windy and fee potholes. but with a 3 year contract with a windy city, nascar has 2 more years to get the chicago street raise over the finish line. john henry and l g 0, chicago to the basketball. well, comp stops at the end of next month. fonts white have the end result is prospect. victor won by yamma. it's a court upon the 19 year old who was taught picking this is and be a draft has decided not to take part in the torments which is being co hosted by the philippines, japan and indonesia, one by the on the instead wants to concentrate on preparing for his debut season in the m b a with the san antonio spurs. the says it was a tough decision. i just think that more than that more than 2 years without a risk is, is a, is to be of a risk. you know, there's a really big event coming up like the olympics. that's really the one of this. and
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so to be able to be available for the national team for the next or many years. i feel like i really are really hard. it's uh, it's just for me my, my career is going to be as much with the franchise as with the national north. there's titles, the window both. yeah. be a cash was flashed on the 1st day of the weeks free agency negotiating period with a reported one and a half $1000000000.00 of deals. a great one of the biggest sor fred van vliet funds to the houston rockets. i'm a 3, a $130000000.00 contracts for 2 plants who decided to stay put to kylie oven resigned for the dallas. mavericks express the 3 s and the dream on green will remain with the golden state warriors off to agreeing a 4 year contract with the team while he's one full. and the championship is time athletics got tulsa on 3rd thing. that's the view of kenyan long distance, legendary jeep cherokee, who spoke to out, is there a few,
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one actually to the kingdom in s as fast as we can. so one way is to put an order to surface with the government. i thought tele uh, i did that to, to, to end up in agency and kinda want to at least test and you can see more sketch. i use interview with the catherine, so he will. so i spoke to another olympic champion that faith going on to it. was out 0 at these time. go for that with ricky father and i was writing contention that the p. j tools, licensed event in detroit as it goes and such the 1st time. so in 4 years, no doubts about his biggest found on the course. and he would have loved the same style of d, this ship sitting for a go at the 17 pages one. so hopefully at 12 on the call was a 2nd round. so canadian, a taylor penrose. he shot the 8 on the 6, the full that's one of the told him that the record to move into a share of the late with american taylor more um, how about this?
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from europe's ride. a captain luke donald. he holds his bunker shots at the 12th for a buddy. the englishman is 6 of the price at $7.00, and i definitely know we can win. this is, you know, how i've played is, is you know, some of the best. if not, you know, the best i've felt about my game and on the course really ever. we want a few times and i know we're capable of doing that. so you just can't press on that too much and just continue to execute and play some solid golf at the live golf event in spain, jason car, crack arrive, play soft, his flights were canceled on his golf clubs and he realized on size that evening. but he still managed to open up with a 4 on the round of 67 that put submit a share of the lead with fellow american, dustin johnson, johnson is looking to in a sub and just another quick update from the 2nd anxious test. it loads australia have moved onto a $173.00 for 2. that's the lead of
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a $260.00 full run side of england. i will have another update for you in the 1300 gmc bulletin 10 minutes. thank you very much. indeed, that sits here for this. these are a few moments with more all the days. developments do stay for the a year and there's been heavy artillery from the 1st minute of the expiring of the ceasefire. something has changed at this border crossing whether they are civilians or fighters. none of that seems to matter here . now,
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those forms that allow me to send you and hcr is here and someone told us that they have never seen it this bad. many people say that even when they are about to prophecies neighboring tad, they are being talkative, was an incredibly tragic day seeing refugees streaming in his turn into a violent night. they seemed terrible things, experience, unimaginable hardships to come this far. what happens now? the 19 sixty's was a period of change around the world, including the middle east and north africa. we dream to the fair and democratic society. we dream different revolution. the 1st of a 3 part series out as a well exclusive regional events, people and forces to check the deck in our dreams. when many we started with great dreams attended up with sense the 2nd time, the sixty's in the, our politics, analogies era, the discipline records in poland. the accused
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judges who refused to the states line witness follows through courageous judges, spearheading the stand against reforms. critics, please leave the highest guardians of the constitution, vulnerable to politically motivated sanctions, based on their routing judges, under pressure on that, just either the funeral is being held in friends with a teenager who's kidding by a police officer has triggered riots across the country. the, this is audra 0 live from joe. i'm for the back. people also ahead a truck crashes into cars and pedestrians in kenya at least 50 people are killed in
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