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tv   earthrise Winds Of Change  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm AST

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american economic wash, what would you say about the watches like target, either, but it's only going to be nice targeting bone are those gonna swollen? it's important to have this conversation. we need to talk about and not about narrative. the street on algae 0 the and carrie jones to meet the tech stories on now is, is there a funeral is being held in front of the teenager, killed by police officer during a traffic stop on tuesday. meeting was reported in several french cities during the 4th consecutive nights abroad, i think in protest of the death of now. and they have been more than 1300. the rest is across from the french national football team has issued a statement. quoting for com and the page long let's have posted on the twitter
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page of captain that couldn't been by the players said they understood the rage. people felt for the death of now and. but i did that the balance must stop contained, the truck has crash. that's a busy intersection west and 10, you kidding? at least 51 people. it happened in on the on a town in that could reach had county. dozens was seriously injured. does the vehicle filed into cars, trapping? passengers in the wreckage. police are investigating how the driver lost control and bid off the road. but the guy, so it's speeding on coming trailer. i swear to just came teaching him head on. he overtook me and i just, when he was hit, the trailer went off the road in his other vehicles in china and expanded the account to espionage know goes into effect on saturday. critics say a broad and definition of espionage will raise concerns of increase scrutiny, model for and businesses, academics, agendas,
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as the leader of hong kong has warns against what he calls destructive forces, engaging and soft resistance to lucky, you know, city it's on the spec. on the $26.00 on the 1st 2 of the hendo brought the former, which is called in the to china, leaders in beijing or a cheese of renee getting on the one country to systems agreement, the guaranteed freedoms in the territory for 50 years. brazil's former president says he will appeal against a court ruling a boss him from running for office until 2030 extra for the judges found him guilty of, of using his power during his failed re election bed. last year. australia has become the 1st country to allow mental health patients to be treated with extracts from so called magic mushrooms and m dna bachelor and ecstasy authorized the cartridge. so now able to prescribe to drugs to tackle depression and other conditions. well, there's all the headlines and these continues here and i'll just say are that's off to the thrice or
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the since the industrial revolution. human sources of polluting gases happening, growing cause machines, food production, construction these and more, all contribute to the high concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, including comp and other greenhouse gases, which is the biggest drive is that climate change. the all choices people can make to help drive admissions down. i'm not to read and denmark, me or community investing in their own green society. and i'm go constructor within
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india. last new method of to mention is helping him to tradition become more environmentally friendly. the, the green energy is totaled as the future if we want to stop global warming, but pledging a commitment to renewable energy is one thing doing. it's another just over there on the horizon itself. so i like that. they are officially 100 percent renewable. that means they get all of their energy for renewable sources. so we're going to go over there and meet the community. find that i've heard that the system, the island is set to be so efficient that it produces more power than they need. not only does this enable them to be carbon negative, also to make a profit by selling energy to the danish mainland meeting. so and herman cindy who heads up some suit energy and environmental organization. so and finally i
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hired the russell. yeah. so it was nice today, beautiful it it electric car accident. these taken me in a private to the island. so when they say it's a 100 percent renewable, i mean, is that true? like 100 percent? i mean, we still have some fossil fuel consumption to, tractors are driving, we have combustion engine. cars also still, but we export about $80000.00 megabyte house every year. wow. that's incredible. and there are 4000 people on the island. and over the past 20 years, they moved from a reliance on fossil fuels to wind, solar and biomass technologies. from wind alone, they produce enough energy for themselves and the usage of 20000 other homes the so why,
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why was it set up? and why here on some, so actually the beginning of it was very interesting because it was a top our own decision. we had a very ambitious minister of the environment and he announced that then mike would cut down 21 percent of the of the present c o 2 emission. which was really interesting because i was the 1st person that was hired to do this project. and i remember the feeling that i was sitting down and having the office and i plugged into the telephone and as a customer now, however, we could stick with because the community here had come a long way, no boost. the carbon footprint is negative 12 tons per person per year. the getting to the stage was an easy people were concerned about the impact of the all these vacancies installations on this little island. and to convince people that this was good. we started thinking about using the old corporate of ownership
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model where people kind of buying they buy us. yeah. a small share, a lot of biggest. yeah. depending on how much money they have and they're buy, invite them to participate in the ownership. so do you feel that i'm, i'm, i'm the proud owner of the winter months. so therefore it's, it's, it's because of me, it's the a small if you get so close to these things, people here quite imposing. i was it know, spinning all of this one. is this the service on it? can we go off and yeah, you can really, you want to go at yes. of course. right. the for the both of us. and well, they don't tell you when you're in the grand,
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this actually stories a little bit too, which is a little bit and you know, your 1st thing is how are you good mastery. okay. those days. okay. mm wow. oh my gosh. there susan ways or word or i mean look the team are about to check the generally to the look the wind speed. okay. like interest. okay. oh my goodness. give that. so this is it. best be energy, right?
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is it so you can see the 0 here i'm climbing is getting faster and faster. the wind power is particularly productive on some suited because of its location in the cap to get streets. they are living turbines, on land, and more on sea producing only islands. electricity needs when the project started in 1997 turbines cost more than $1000000.00 each. so $400.00 low close go together, most buying 5 shares costing about $2000.00 so
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it's taking me to meet some of the invest in the nice me, i'm russell. i'm sorry. so a nice meeting to, sorry. can you give us a sense of what's going on here? take turn them and tell them this is a, you know how this season sounds as along the okay. so let me read well, it's a page to try and get as close to it as possible. come on, the go on, that is the number i'm russell. can you give us a sense of how the community and when they have responded to this shift to 100 percent renewable. but really it took me was the fact that people who didn't really
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speak to each other before i got together and, and says talk to each other and have it, you know, haven't calling to go to. 2 what brought you to the island? did it have something to do with the total kind of a 100 percent renewables? is that something you're proud of? definitely the products. that's great. is it? yeah, and yes. hi, i'm russel. and so how do you fit in with this kind of energy landscape that we've been learning, but i haven't been way too much involved. and i have spent a lot of money also the 1st that was the wind turbine on more time. and everybody could see that, but it's a good business. so hosting's progress. and so 3 years later i buy a half when to revise and to see. so you don't have to save the world. this is a, is this present? so yeah, of course it is not me frustrates me is that everyone here has their
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own reasons for buying into the project. and ultimately do investment is good for the planet as it is for their wallets. what is their willingness to collaborate on? a common goal is led to some ingenious solutions come to the local biomass heating, trying to find out more. the system was selected at, at o. this is the few this plan is one of the 3 on the island. all the scro here is produced locally and fuels the heating system that allows locals to spend 40 percent less on their bills than they used to. autumn is loaded on a frame rails of hey, each one is about just less than a ton. so they're going on switching variable and then they're getting dragged in, and in here they gain, shred it up, and then fed into a blast furnace. so can you tell us,
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is it efficient? so ahead of q, how does the in the the order really mean 10 grease artifacts? chevy paying for so i'm sure you hear me. no more good. i stand with him 0 or the side of the blue. see what they show us on the higher even q to make. why not? it's 40 is here. where is it? yeah. florida, it's around the world to heat. it here circulates via a network of underground pipes, connecting to radiators and individual homes in the surrounding area. office to this is a by product is free for a sense it's really easy to as far as us set a chat as well. so the mike who needs fit into the plans to meet this device,
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maybe it's really a much more efficient system and is practically called a new to as well because the machines that are created fun burning about the same as the emission. it says the carbon is sucked out the items we have when it grows in the 1st place. so it's a pretty neat consistency. ready ready ready ready samsung island success of creating the only a green society, a green economy has to be lost on the rest of the world. and these days they receive $5000.00 energy to is per year. ready so many that the set up energy academy as well as the big idea that draws people from all over the world. yeah. i think everybody has some kind of intuition that this is the way to go. this is where we want to be at, in the future, but a lot of places they don't know how to handle this. how do we do that? how do we, how do we get started? and the meeting here is kind of confirming that this is possible. we can do this
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since the project started soren and his colleagues have advised 29 countries. alexis, the project manager, has invited me to sit in on a call to a community organizer in hawaii. no. can i ask, what's the, the most important thing that you get at of communicating with the residents here on some? so i think the most important thing we get is inspiration supports and the hope for something better for the future. he said, you're saying, yeah, that's what we're doing. yeah. so that's the idea to help communities realize their potential and their options and a life. i mean, it's really quite simple when you think about it, you know,
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these guys don't have access to something that the rest of us doing is just the fact that they managed to get everybody together. sit down in a circle, listen to each other, just make it happen the around the world to the read by 2 regions like oceans, intense forests, whether or not to leave, so and stores comp and which many of these are under threats drastically reducing the amount of c o 2, they can sequester forests, for example, of being loss due to looking land clearances and pollution. an area around half the size of england furnishes each year in southern quebec or such as the monitoring the woodlands to learn how far as destruction is impacting comp and storage. so trees through photo synthesis. take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn
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them into bio mass. so into wood where they're stored as carbon, the more carbon that we have stored in bio mass in the for us. the less carbon dioxide we have in the atmosphere contributing to this or such can help guide local conservation strategies and influence town planning to mitigate impact on vital areas. the thousands of us hindus have been performing the last 200 right according to specific religious guidelines. including learning the day to mation is the traditional method of disposing of the dcs. liquid $8500000.00 hindus bang each year. funeral pyres exact, a huge environmental. the feeling of
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a 50000000 trees emanating 8000000 tons of carbon dioxide into the air and adding to india as already critical air pollution problems. the but yet in delhi, a team of environmental countries, engineers has adapted this age or tradition of cremation to today's needs. to protect the environment, the new can boot crematorium is the oldest and most sacred of the least 375 open air cremation sites or got. it's also the busiest to meeting about 70 bodies. it's sinking in now looking at all these binding bodies and immediately reminded of my own grandmother's passing last year brings up a lot of really emotions that go with the busing for love. that is a difficult time. some families, not particularly a moment in the environment as
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a primary concern, but an organization called amongst the is trying to change on that. you must be unsure. yeah, i, i go cuz bunches. guy is an executive officer at the n g o. one for my son is about to start. they have just then and was having the initial uh, lading above the fire. and how long does it keep? uh it takes about uh, minimum 5 to 6 hours, 5 to 6 hours. i can see your eyes are watching. yeah. because of the, the pollution. and you can see it started the dogs smoke. yeah, it really ducks. so this is the extra involved and i see that is a little bit more activity now. see now uh the chief load met on the son. he will do the most important part of the commission process. he will take this bamboo and he will hit the head of the dead person there. to squares the bottle clear to give
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subdivision for the deceased person. everything is part of this time on no tradition. the gods cindy opened. there. the mourners gathered around the body. even the use of wood is significant, but it's also a major contributor to the environmental problem. all of this is the word that they've gathered here, which hits chopped up into smaller pieces as the day goes on and as they get orders and as bodies start coming in, um they have this massive warehouse here which is full of weight is coverage. yeah . the charges okay, do you have a family just added with the deceased and i'm told that they purchased a car load for a fluid which was full 100 kids. the full 100 is here,
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and then this is the change for then make it sound like these are thing offers. who do i put it in moody. around 200 printers, which is 20000 kilo's. a fluid goes through this area. i just cannot begin to imagine the magnitude of the problem facing us in the next step relate this to the rest of india is no wonder for us to disappear as early as the 19 sixty's, the indian government recognized the environmental impact of cremation. and they tried to address the problem by introducing an alternative method. so this is less than 0 gas vegas to minnesota and gas, vist inventory in the fall leads to port authority and say this type of information only cost $10.00, which is less than half the cost of a traditional one evens to get a few, take the main problem is the people you cannot perform the tools. there is no
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use of board and was the bar, do you send insight? you can't do anything. you just have to say like this enough, that was the 3 of us. you've been a b. s is and then you can go back. i mean i have to say this place looks really grim an industrial and there's nothing absolutely nothing traditional about this. even with the best government, subsidized intentions, gas and other forms of more environmentally friendly methods of cremation. haven't caught on doctors, are these things associated with just a funeral? either choose, has some thoughts on the something that's going to be, why is cremation such an important element in hindu tradition? it comes from the scriptures, uh, one of the most important and sensual reese, to sort of think of cremation, is to begin to think about the dead person him says,
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or are, says, participating individual, as our sacrifice we've seen, wouldn't been used in the commission of this site is that an important them integral part of commission as well? yes. up so would join the vicki is very significant. the buyer is an s headache that is seen with a certain degree of grace. so that would explain the reluctance that hindus exhibit in trying and adopting alternative ways of actually maybe i would think that it is part of a certain kind of artifact. see that you, you doing what you have been doing? and this is very difficult to said. in case of that search was university indians might be of assistance to change when it comes to saying good bye to loved ones. but the environmental impact of 3 mation can no longer be
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ignored. as india, as population approaches a staggering 1300000000, more dates and more cremation, only spelled further in mind mental problems for the living. the . this is why most of and shows organization has come up with a movie can logically friendly system which balances the environment with tradition . so uh what's going on here by f. 150 to 200 videos for one day. instead of $100.00 gauge using using less would also means the system cost less than a traditional cremation. this method allow for the traditional ritual is to be performed the same way as
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a convention of 5 might to just been this system. we are using one of the boards and whatever things people generally use in the system only. so there is no dev you send in the, the, to us, which we follow. now that the bodies in there and they have no, but yeah, it's work on the basic principles of find the increase become percent efficiency by providing. but i'll put in that is through the, to me and the whole vin model design is coming in the combustion efficiency increases. burden please go to heat energy in this prospect. so over than 2 of us, most of the system has been around for 15 years. a tiny amount of time when it comes to taking on a centuries old tradition with one is a now beginning to consider serious a mode as discriminated as father you do. you have to have no more in the country
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if a thing a year from a bad yankee off, and this is on fitting the highest buddy they sent me a chance to to, to the end of color. that key is a fuel in q. i said that i can last is that the best that applies the additional federal state equal commission pies currently host up to 70 nations. at the, at this site it's still much less than the traditional one function plans to open 60 more sites in 10 in the, in the it's really brought it home to me. the balance between sensitivity to death, loss and tradition. and the immediacy for the need to protect the environment. is it other than a good one? as someone who cares about the environment deeply myself,
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i know we have a long way to go. however, it also happens me to find groups such as motion. well, finding alternatives that are starting to have it in the back the the, that's a choices hold the team to reducing clark permissions and spain as a company. how can the own as a cause bosses and laureen to cancel out their emissions by growing god and on the top of the vehicle. at the northern holland, a pilot project $1017.00 meet has a fight con, into solar roads, is creating enough electricity to power 3 households for one year. purchase like the is offered different options so that individuals and communities can reduce the
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impact of human activity on the a. hey, great to see you. so mexico is dealing with its 1st hurricane of this season. it is grazing. how lisco state looking to dump about a 100 millimeters of rain in places like man is a neal. that's likely good enough for flooding and much side. so we'll keep tabs on that for the southern us. there's some storms rumbling around here that will reduce that heat just a bit. take a look at st. louis,
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missouri going from 35 down to 30 degrees on sunday. a few days ago was about 40. and these have been some favorite storms through the us, mid west, and some spots producing wind gusts of a 160 kilometers per hour. now through the great lakes the northeast, this will help freshen up the air. here of course they've been dealing with wildfire, smoke from canada was found, we go, it's focus on canada, alberta profits, it's capital, edmonton has turned cool again and some rounds of rain here, but we're temperatures are heating up things or heating up central california, the san joaquin valley southern nevada, western arizona biggest is in that heat alert at 42 degrees, top end of south america right now, some pretty heavy rounds of rain for the pacific coast of columbia. we'll keep tabs on that. there could be flooding and there could be some more flooding with for southern chile as the storm system on winds over the course of the weekend. that's it. see soon, the
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challenges here with the of the one terry johnson. this is an ease uh license coming up as the next 6 digits. fronts on the edge of the 4 nights surprise. the funeral for the teenager killed by police officers being held in the most. a truck crashes into cause on suggestions in tenure. at least 50 people are killed.


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