tv News Al Jazeera July 1, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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simon's democratic society between different revolution, the 1st of a 3 part series out as a well exclusive regional events, people and forces to check the deck in our dreams. when many we started with great dreams, o'denza dealt with sab, set the sixty's in the, our politics, analogies era on the front, on the edge off to another 9 to 5 and size of 2. and are a little bit teenager killed by police, takes place in the carriage. so i'll send this out to say we're lost into how so coming out. at least 50 people are dead and many injured as a trucks crashes into cars and pedestrians in kenya. for sales,
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for my present tables and our size, he left you against a quote, routing borrowing came from running for reelection and sign. it expands its definition of spying, raising concerns among the foreign businesses, the . we saw it in front sweat profit funeral for now and is now underway. the local mosque and non, to the teenage. it was shots until july police officer on cheese day. he's dec has walked to from suite why it's taking place in the different cities spiraling into new thing, an ex, a vandalism, for i sent them out on a chrome. this postponing a visit to germany. tasha bucket reports from the powers sub of non 10 for max a in the south to lee on canada and the capital powers. public prophecy calls and businesses youtube watched and destroyed the nationwide on girl on the
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streets follows the telling 17 year old mile during a police traffic stop on to the fridge. present is holdings to calm and face the situation. being hijacked to spread unexcused. yet this is an unacceptable exploitation of the death of a teenager, which we deplore this time should all be about contemplation and respect. i strongly condemned those who are using the situation to try and create disorder and target our institutions. francis football team has also repealed for an end to the rest captain, tv and, and by pay tweeting a statement from the players saying they all understand the anger, the dialogue needs to be the focus north side of the holy hundreds of a rest ready this week. the hundreds more were detained as the noise, the mayor of mass say said,
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loosing and violent is unacceptable. i know to the governments in paris to send police reinforcements. niles funeral has taken place here in north, at the end of a very difficult few days for the family, and particularly for the teenagers mother. she has lost only son, natasha butler, alta sarah, known to a while the types of us joins us, lies now from non natasha. what's the mood like in the community they might meet with the funeral for dial in mind. we know it's a community that on one hand is very aware that the recent a few days of beads type loans are difficult to fast on rest nights, often nights. so you have one on people clearing off the trying to pull down the businesses and the properties cuz they're worried about for the on rest and will, could come in the nights ahead. they also know that this is a day that is
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a particularly some, but i'm particular pointed day. it is niles, a funeral. now what we end assigned is that the family have been at the most say they would pres uh, full nile. we spoke to somebody who attend is that those pres of the most, who said that they were many, many young people who would come to attend people who knew nile the youth assumption, your teenager, people from the suburbs of non type. but also, all the young people had come from other areas of the suburbs because they wanted to be here to pay the respects the now will be buried in move out of town, which scenario just a few kilometers away from here and for the family. of course they really use that moment to come together and remember somebody's a loved because that has been such a turbulent a few days. they've all the people to stay away. they've all the media to stay away . they want this to be a private moments. and natasha difficult to gauge perhaps,
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but what might help to ease the situation now that it is tricky to say look, is interesting. the french authority said last night, so that even though of course the violence and the unrest is being so widespread, and we swore another nights of on rest. that was nice. they said that in some of the previous nice i'm what does that mean? could it mean that is unlawful or could it means that the violence is diminishing. what we do know is that the young people, for example, who or even a base price today, there's been a lot of tool about some people, perhaps coming into a central paris on closing some trouble with that or causing unrest that we don't know exactly what the next few nights will bring, but we do know that the french government certainly wants to try and solve this file. and so we have seen that as being so damaging and destructive bates and saves the property. and also of course, so for the government, because i have repeatedly called for com. but obviously those calls haven't been
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heated, but he's very sort of calls from others the could help me. so can you them by faith of french focus star and the french, a football team saying look simon's system beyond so everyone needs to calm down. and so what about trying to cool and focus on more peaceful solutions that could help and then well, really helps in these situations as well as when community leaders come out. people from places like this from non to and we've spoken to a residence, a who say we, you know, we understand everybody's paying some people knew nile. some people know the family . everybody understands how terrible awful this is, but maybe everybody has spoken to says the unrest finances and the all. and so because in fact they feel like the work suffering from it because that property is damaged because it's the calls that are being birds. and they say that's called be the solution, but you know, at night that's staying in their homes and apartments afraid because of the unrest and the sirens because it has to be a calmer, more peaceful way forward. so once we see a more community voices,
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we certainly saw there were lots of them now. perhaps that could be a way that this situation will change. but for now of course, it is a tense one, but that's up to the types of access. thank you. as well as the test and mentioned that the french national football team has joined the calls for com and and that's posted on the twitter page of captain for the and then by the players said they understood the rage that people felt for the death of now but they added to the time for violence must stop to give way to that the morning donald and reconstruction. mine is all he is a football journalist based in law say, he says, and bach pays close to friendship. president emmanuel mccomb, mediately following by nails desk or killing things. we saw 2 or 3 suites from different players who couldn't do the best. one defender said that this is another case of police brutality. mike menu on the goalkeeper said, you know, it's always the same. people that are killed whenever they do something wrong,
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whatever the transgress the largest, by little bit, look at the and said you can't defend the indefensible. and so i felt like those were more genuine reactions, harder enough, 3 days later. and as these have become, you know, increasingly large and, and violent protests, we now get this statement from to you and them about they, the captain of the french sessional team. vote you have to know is i q in and up is quite close to a manual micro, many of my chrome personally intervene himself, 2 or 3 times to make sure that the player stays in paris and in france to play for price. as right now i, for example, even during the corporate pandemic, he sort of pushed kennedy about me to put a social media posts of himself getting vaccinated and he sent him for that. so it can be seen as perhaps sometimes the public, the p. r. for for, for a manual my chronic football and sport engine. busy could play a role because around a 3rd of the french national team actually come from these neighborhoods. he's working class a suburb, sleep on you as we call them, you know, i sort of them come from prison separate has more than half of the team or 2 thirds
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come from separate around the country. so these players that come from these backgrounds, they know people like not evans yet into now. and so i think they, they have empathy towards a lot of people that live in these social political context. right? perhaps the politicians and the media. these don't. so i think support could perhaps use to, to, to innovate, to propose a new set of solutions. but the divisions are very, very deep and they're going to be, i think, difficult to sort of to contain that's uh cuz crash. that's a busy intersection of less than 10. yeah. kidding. at least 51 people. it happened in the on the towel and then it could be child county. dozens was seriously injured . does the vehicle child into cause? tracking passengers in the wreckage. police are investigating how the driver lost control than the officer. right. that's the guy. so speeding on coming trailer, i swear of that just came teaching him head on, he overtook me and said when he was hit, the trailer went off the road and his other vehicle squared. what katherine saw
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a sputtering developments now from the capital nairobi to the driver of the truck that was plus 40 cements, has led this, the police are looking for him. uh, we also know that the, the cabinet secretaries for transport was there as well. just to see the damage for himself, he says that the rescue operations are still going on. uh, put the site investigating what exactly happened and uh, the, the, the cabinet secretary also says that the government is prioritizing as was how to move this home. cuz and trade is normally come to the road to sell the with tamadrius and other people who are passing by. uh, so the government wants to relocate this people to another say sauce um area. so
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what happened is that to the, um, incident happened at, uh, you know, on friday evening a, when this the truck uh drive i tried to swap, avoid a bus that had stored and then he wronged onto either of vehicles . several people have been killed. um, others have been taken to different hospital police, have been accused of corruption and bribery on the highway as well. and other people are saying that some of our rules and can you off are not so well maintained . so the system see, and these are things that should be sorted out. catherine saw you all to 0. now robi, can you? of you and the secretary general attorney a good time that she has arrived in haiti to assess the da humanitarian situation that you can assess. estimates the tall for the population of around 5000000 people
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are an urgent need of a, with children and the most affected. the car being country has been suffering from gun violence and an economic crisis. and the haitians have been displaced in the last few years that sort of dive now to warranted. somebody editor james bay's at the united nations in new york. james want more kind of tell us about the you and the secretary general's trip as well. he is the highest level visitor to hate to you for some considerable time he arrived in for the princess for about 30 minutes ago. of the trip was not announced by the united nations because of course there's very tight security for this. but what if his arrival had already leaked impulse of prince? he's in haiti to try, i think, to get the message across that night. he hates. he needs help because it has become, i think, according to the u. n. a somewhat forgotten crisis. given everything else that is going on in the world, he will be meeting with senior leaders in,
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in hate. see including the prime minister ariel only remember, it's almost 2 is the day since the previous prime minister was assassinated. and since that point, the violence on the ground has been getting worse and worse, the gains control much of the territory on the ground. there are a vigilante groups that have been set up to counter the games. and so a very big problem, the secretary general make it clear when the site when he arrived. it's really 3 problem is a security problem, a political problem. and the humanitarian crisis is let me tell you about the humanitarian situation of the it started by the u. n's made an appeal for $719000000.00 us dollars so far. they've only got 22 percent of that. so i think he's going to try and push the international community to do more. and all the security situation, what the un secretary general has been proposing for some months now is that they should be a force sent to 18 o d u n force. but of force made up of various different nations that should go,
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that is a policing force to try and stop the game is having control and give control back to the haitian place. the problem with that is there's been a number of nations that have said they will send troops, but no nation that said it will come on the false. the us is certainly said it won't. canada was setting he looked at by the united nations. they, i've been reluctant to do so. the 2nd general will get one from haiti to a meeting of the regional grouping. carrick holmes, which is taking place in trinidad. perhaps he'll get some nations there already. we know that jamaica said it will contribute to a force but is not made it clear. it will be brad. what has the capacity to lead such a force in such a difficult and dangerous place in times given what you say and all those obstacles that you, you mentioned, how difficult would it be for you and to succeed and all of this a very difficult indeed, very very difficult, i think some of this is trying to get the attention of the united states now the us
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because of its history and how you see, i don't think he's going to volunteer to lead such a force. it's had forces in hazy in the past and it hasn't turned out well, but the us is centrally linked to the problem of haiti. you wonder about those gains on the streets in height and where they get their weapons from what they buy them. they buy them in the united states where it's so easy to buy weapons. and of course, it's not just the causes of it the good, but in pop, go to the united states, the consequences come to the united states to the large numbers of haitians. but then try to get into the united states, so the us should do more. i think that's something you want to hear. the 2nd general say, but i think he's trying to raise attention for the whole world. but i think you'd also be looking for more attention from washington things base. thank you very much indeed for that from the you. the, that's a king has apologized for his nation's role in slavery. king the legs on the said he felt personally responsible for what he called
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a crime against humanity. the prime minister wrote to apologized in december. the government is establishing a 217000000 dollar fund to raise awareness is positive commemorations to mock a 150 years since slavery was abolished and dutch calling this, the judges in brazil has a dash, the hopes of tablets in honor of running again for preston's, at least for now, as one of the docket reports from the edition era, the former president says he's the victim of political persecution. the decision came is a blow to j. well, so now the former right we president remains a strong political figure among results conservative. but it has been banned from running for public office during the next 8 years. betterments fails in the 3rd month are due today i was built to stop in the back. i was made in the legibly because i was accused of abusing my power. but the real step in the back was delta,
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brazil's democracy, brazil's top electoral court, will the boston are abused, his power as president last july, when he told for an ambassador is the results voting system could be easily wrecked, despite offering no evidence. his unfounded claims were broadcast on state television just 3 months before election day. so both so now his lawyer argued that his client had simply made use of his freedom of speech to voice his doubts and wasn't trying to undermine results. democracy, he's nicholas. we will appeal to the supreme court to settle, but those arguments were rejected by 5 of the 7 judges hearing the case. but the split itself freedom of expression, is not freedom of aggression. it is not the legitimate association of this information. it is nothing to tack on democracy law also not only be unable to run for public office until 2030, but he is not giving up on his political career. he says he will use his popularity
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to help is the liberal party in next year's municipal elections. and he's already traveling across present, to reach out to voters also now to supporters or painting him as a victim of political persecution. my visit the unwieldy board boss scenarios, popularity will grow and he will continue to be the standard bearer of the values of the right. like family tradition. we are counting on him to elect almost a 3rd of brazil's mayors in next year's municipal elections. increasing our presence in the national politics, whether he's still popular for year from now remains to be seen. monica, not you. i'll just, sarah. we have diginero, a sort of head hair analysis era v castle. when you kissed the bride by this in mexico is celebrating his marriage to an end of gauge the
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to, let's get going with your world's weather update. great to have your log in and update on those monsoon rains. and buckets done so. 100 bad and sin providence ro pending in punjab probably in small town. all of these places have been hard hit by the rain but non flight like one by a muscle roster state. so one week rain fall. this takes us back through june 637 millimeters. you shouldn't even get that for the entire month. but here we go. in july, it's moon buys, whether it's month of the year. and we've got about another $200.00 millimeters of rain to go with the dispatcher of rain in the southern bay of bank. all will keep tabs on where that goes. and as we look to the east of india right now, continue to be problem spots westbank all be har, assigned and sick, and states that will continue over the course of the weekend. the rain is filling in through cambodia, southern and central vietnam. places like coachman city could see about a 100 millimeters of rain over the next little bit. and our seasonal plumb rains
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pretty well where they should be across the yangtze river valley in china. but do give us some pouring rain in japan. there were land side in flood alerts in play, just at the northwest of cag oshima, but most of that energy. now out over the pacific, over the course of the weekend. that's it. see soon, the
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of the welcome back, her mind about the top stories this. the funeral for the french teenager killed by police. he's been held in non 10. thousands had been arrested during 4 nights of rotting presence of the kronos cancel. the states visit to german contained the truck has crash. that's a busy intersection in kenya, shooting at least 50 wrong people. thousands were seriously injured. as a truck and thousands of cars attracting passengers in the wreckage, the former preston to all the presents and both scenarios says he appealed against a band from running for re election to 2030. the actual court found him guilty of
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abusing pallet. judas failed to be election last year, around new concerns for freedom of speech in china, off the government to expand that the definition of espionage, critics say the new anti spines, the list will mean most scrutiny on foreign companies. academics and journalists. jessica washington reports from basing, or since introducing you national security laws nearly a decade ago, aging has increasingly tightened its control and its crews. and these people and activities in china now changes to count espionage regulations are coming into effect on saturday. expand the number of activities considered aspiring to include a ban on the transfer of any information authorities consider relates to national security and expand the definition of espionage to include cyber attacks, against stage organizations and information infrastructure. it follows the general
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trend in recent years in the development of chinese and all towards more emphasis on national security. more control by the communist party of important areas of the state. the change is supposed to move in a dozen new or amended laws under which people can be banned from leaving china. and i'm a say it's likely to raise concern among foreigners and business people operating in the country of coming under great discussion. exit science has been applied in china for many years and write scripts, no saving increasingly use against both chinese nationals and foreigners under the revised count espionage as long as they can be imposed on any one under investigation. human rights research, a film to me was prevented from leaving china in 2017. he was detained for 10 days in a hotel room before being allowed to fly out to
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a strange. yeah. if i go that any time that they will detain me right away. so that's the sky below, actually uh, i saw a vague so ambiguous that they can, they can use it to fabricate a case to prosecute anyone for, for political purpose. aging says the changes am to protect china. every country has the right to safeguard its national security to domestic legislation such, this is the common practice of all countries. the changes. com is china. his board is open for foreign visitors after 3 years of code 19 restrictions. but some experts say the broad and vague scope of the revisions may cause some businesses and individuals to question how welcome they really are jessica washington, which is 0 badging. franco's parliament has voted to approve
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a debt restructuring plan as part of an am a bailout deal. the government defaults don't it's debt last year, heating to months of fuel food and mets shortages of more on this now where it joins via nel fernandez, who's outside the parliament building in columbus. i know now that the votes has happened. how is the government actually proposing to do this? right, so basically that voted with the government one comfortably is looking at the plan that the government has presented basically to parliament. and this looks at a number of mechanisms that they have put forward to domestic creditors who they have borrowed from in ways that the will address that, that, that the whole. now bear in mind the domestic, that accounts for a logic proportion back then what uh,
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sri lanka always extend little bit cuz it's something like $42000000000.00 in excess of that. and this restructuring that the government is hoping to do is actually addressing just about 19000000000 know, sort of that know some of the ways that the government has said it would do that is to look at pension funds or support emulation funds. that's the bulk of what they're targeting in this pro program that had been a lot of concern a few weeks ago that the government would look at the banking sector. obviously, the banking sector economies and all said this was not a very good idea because it would send you kind of shock waves throughout the banking industry, possibly leading to bank crowns on a collapse. but 2 days ago when we heard the information from the central bank governor and other senior financial officials, it was that it would be pension funds that would pay the highest price. so to speak . that looking at things like increasing the majority of investments that looking at reducing interest rates,
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they're looking at giving these invest is the fund that has the pension is a money different kinds of financial incentives. but only know it's not going down to, well, you know, finance as long as the 1st in columbus. thank you. the power cuts in iraq are making life increasingly uncomfortable. the summit temperatures so neglected infrastructure was west and sanctions and corruption, of course outages for decades of government leaders. so now banking on neighboring countries to help keep the lights switched on. the wind reports from back that summer time in a rock and scorching temperatures. a couple of do with frequent power cups. the city, some of the above that among the hardest hit, the state grid, only supplies electricity for 3 hours out of every 670 the old academy lives with her family in the small house. most of that household equipment doesn't to walk
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anymore. administered in the city, we don't use the fridge anymore because it was ruined by electricity cuts and our food perished. these days we splash water on ourselves with water to alleviate the heat. generators are the only option for some iraqis or damage. in the case of neglected infrastructure, have long caused shortages. blackouts have increased because some facilities have been attacked by the groups. so many iraq is have both generators to hire them out to neighbors with a fraudulent national great look of generators, lake. these have become a profitable business venture. you can see the wires dangling, industry eats and criss crossing alleys all over the country, posing a safety threat to residents. iraq relies on gas for milan to fuel the power stations which supply the national grid. they normally put use around $20000.00
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megawatts of electricity. but need $24000.00 megawatts during the peak summer months to fill the gap. iraq is getting into a connected with other countries that are of applied. remember, look at out any of the grid connection with jordans to, that's was 150 megawatts, and we'll reach 950 megawatts. this is a double circuit connection to also link a rock with egypt via jordan. in the future. it's mean to boost our grid and the western region and lights and link or rock with grids and the gulf countries and to a t. iraq also needs to pay its bills for iranian gas. iraqi power stations need around 35000000 cubic meters of erie and gas every day. but the 20000000 shots because the iranians have suspended deliveries, pending payment, which is the last thing you're working electricity. consumers who want to hear, as they says in the baking summer heat for alternative energy sources,
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more the edges either. above that. now the mass of a small town in mexico has married an added gate to the colorful indigenous survey dates back centuries. the rep policy, it is a day to eat, representing mother us and we're a tiny white wedding dress with some of these positive indigenous culture. took place and sunk picture. and even though it symbolizes the joining of humans, the divine the cells, this air. and these are the top stores now the funeral for the french teenage are killed by police officer, is being held in non to thousands of people have been arrested during 4 nights of writing. but since i'm on a macro and has cancelled a states visit to germany, excuse me, helping you people. so pretty she knew was that impunity for this produced man? no, he was on the same day.
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