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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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money that is put into a hard hitting interviews, do you think lot to their lives on washing? it's enough for money to go on its own and built it's on thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well. you the story on told to how does era the these riley army launches and major air and ground defensive on jeanine in the occupied west bank. at least 6 palestinians have been killed. the hello, i'm emily, angling this is l g 0 line from dough ha. also coming up. unrest begins to ease in france up to 6 straight nights, a rising in response to the fighting police. judging of a teenager,
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us police appeal for the public's help to track down the suspects responsible for sundays and mass shooting in baltimore. that left the street people dates. and in fact, a school for teenage mothers in gonna, as the government gets top box 1st, or turn to education for grant the welcome to the program, we begin with breaking news from the occupied westbank, where a major is riley military offensive is underway. things live pictures from jeanine way is riley forces, have killed at least 5 palestinians, an injured move in searching during their operation. these riley army has struck jeanine with at least 15 as strikes. and now the palestinian has been killed in ramallah. the refugee camp engineering is being targeted. it's home to more than $20000.00 palestinians and came under attack. and a major is riley,
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right. only 2 weeks ago, 7 people were killed, ben and move and 100 injured in that operation to the palace. daniels already called the latest operation, a new rule crime against defense as people island fisher reports from janine and the occupied westbank. it began in the early hours of the morning the biggest assault in the janine refugee camp since the 2nd intifada, or uprising back in 2002 it strikes into the heart of a heavily populated area in jeanine. smoke could be seen rising from residential blocks . these really ami claims it's involved in an operation against what it describes as the type of boost elements in the area. the power has to be in presidency, says the sold is a new war against the power steering and people really and consequently is attack biased rarely as low as war plans and drones of messiahs. and they've used almost
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every arsenal, every weapon in their arsenal. and the resistance simply keeps extending columns of is really military vehicles. could be seen pushing into the janine camp, flipping up roads leaving chaos. and there we drones forces in the you. so coming just hours after the end of the muslim eat holiday brought protest onto the street just last month and there's really attack can be see media killed 6 people and lead to days of on race. these really military says it's strengthening operations across the he occupied westbank and just preparing for possible missile strikes from inside garza and living in more than 100 palestinians have been killed in janine since the beginning of 2022. these really media describe the area as a wasp next, because militant groups have started working together, setting aside the differences,
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coming under one umbrella attack helicopters have been used in the most recent attacks. and janine the 1st time they'd be seen in the west bank in years, i was so sure i'll just see the in the occupied westbank. i mean runtime joins us live from west jerusalem. now in run, it's certainly a dynamic situation engineering. what more we learned about these licensed rights as well. these really all me have issued a statement. it's as much as you'd expect them to say, but it does go on to say something very interesting. towards the end, it was from these ready only to spikes. when done, you little guy. he says, we did not come to occupied the refugee camp. this is not an operation against the palestinian authority. begins tara groups, his words in jeanine. how godfrey branded the operations, a brigade level, right. but didn't give, it's a name that normally an operation of this size gets its name. but this just goes to show you that this is a far larger than we've ever seen in recent years before against the janine refugee
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camp. also taking place in ramallah as well. now it's likely that this is a response to the far right coalition members, people like that physical smoke treyjen. if the model, the bank of a, the national security minister will cooling for i massive operation across the west bank. it's likely that this operation, the size of this operation is to try and appease those hard right. members of the coalition is worth mentioning at this point. the b is really only the generals, have counseled against that kind of operation. but clearly they all happy to do something of this nature and it is taking place by land and by as use of helicopter drones, sorry, drones and helicopter gunship, 17 helicopter gunship is being used in the occupied west bank sense. the 2nd intifada. so is a very large operation. now the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is also convened a security consultation meeting that takes weighs at $1045.00 in
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a few hours time. it's likely that at that place, that at that point, they'll try and discuss what happens next. but is now on reaction, particularly from the goal is to strip these riley's assess of a rocket defense system on the board is with the goal is a strict just in case there is any reaction from that. but we've been speaking to people within the goals are straight from mass that actually said that the jeanine dement the fights is the i'm more than capable of defending themselves so well, this operation is going on right now. what happens next? what happens in the next 1224 hours is going to be crucial. give us a sense of what slid up to this point in run these attacks of common need escalating violence in the west bank. well these raids on jeanine take place on an o is night basis. uh they have been taking place over the last year, but this is much more of an escalation than we've seen before. what normally happens is by me is really,
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i mean we go into jeanine refugee camp. they try and arrest people, they try and take that take part in what they call targeted killings on occasion. perhaps not in this case, but this is a bunch of big escalation. and the reason for that is because the fight is within the janine refugee camp. have all now come together. and this poses a problem for the is right. easy is ready. say this is my so security for however, there are dissenting voices within israel who say that this just leads to the escalation that becomes tit for tat. unless there's a negotiated agreement with the palestinian authority that the palestinian authority come to an agreement with the government. then this escalation will continue, and that's really what we're saying right now. but those dissenting voices of few and far between my oldest overwhelming majority, is a desire to try and take out the flight is within jeanine refugee camp. and this is the kind of operation that we perhaps are going to see much more of. all right,
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thanks so much for bringing this up to speed will come back to you throughout the day and run con in west jerusalem. and julia i spoke with, i'm added to bessie, who is an artistic director at the freedom it states that engineering. he lives in the refugee camp there and told us the current is riley operation, feels different than previous rides this year. before one o auto and auto house is a big song that big bones down. it's like i live, it's something to get done. but the problem, the, my body is all around the, to the people get the a, the, to the city. a probably get stuff, you know, it's a little of the dam is getting jammed and that's will pick it up because you've been a big one doing for sure what's going on inside or outside the box out of been destroying a dispute in order to teach with the lawyer next,
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that some jobs and then finally some jobs tripping every year. that's like a good work everyone. money and going to be going to be the and i mean, i'm for sure the from last night. i'm to now we didn't know that i'm about of not thought of the weekend. it did this time a, the way it is or any on the inside of the account today. it really brought us back 20 years. a for the 20 to 2000 invasion. the way it is all a now a asking, i'm doing the unique i'm. it's very clear to them up coming to be, i mean, security, but asian. they come in because the come, they come into can, they're coming to this choice. they're coming to a head off and head up to the head of the live, the problem as yada inside the house is, you know, what is going going outside. you cannot do anything a what the by the got a kid bill that it could be everything to be got. so it's more of that,
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but i'm in virginia. it's a unique and it's bringing with staff and the group say, who is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and he joins us from ramallah. thanks so much for being on the program at most stuff or 1st of all, what's your reaction to the events of the past 11 or 12 allots? so what, what do we see is i know that at the, for the could i, in from the side, those lives that are in and it's the military army. and let me remind you that the jeanine just as you come, because a highly densely populated area of facilities were displaced by israel and 1948. and one of the stacks of ethnic cleansing, these people also out on that is that i do your patients since 56 years and like the rest of those, the back and the now the, is it a me is that is using its own military, obviously not including the f, 16 jeep type,
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that is apache hook up to does the fluid. okay. and the cam and tanks, the drones emitted inside i'm of the whole army is attacking civilian population in one of the most densely populated areas with refugees flip displaced by this same army is an are in the army. i think what we see here, this idea of the work crimes x would not be allowed. and it is conducted with the location of administer doesn't. is it and who call themselves freshest? like smoke that actual caught himself afresh just a moment for and being viewed who have been quoted in court. why is that a military operation on palestinians? because there is no justification for what's happening and no justification for the fact that is an end is to think people interesting to them given to them. then preventing me that kind of personal and i'm good on, says that i'm reaching the edge of the people. this is, i'm a sucker and the evidence i mention. and it is happening mainly because i would say
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because of the silence of the international community that has allowed israel to conduct ethnic cleansing against palestinians, the longest occupation in modern history, a system of apartheid. and now actual scanning since the beginning of this, you know, that's done. 190 palestinians have been cut by the is today the army including 25 children in including chapters one to 2 and a half years old. this is a war on palestinian civilian populations and when is it a and it says it is defending itself. this is really a joke. uh, the, the lot of just the military army in the region claims that it has to defend itself from civilian population who are under that. okay. patient, yes, i want to pick up on a few things that you've mentioned. that 1st thing was stuff that we're talking about the found right is riley government, a peaceful resolution given the makeup of the current is rarely government is unlikely, isn't it? absolutely. i mean, not only this, is it a government?
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honestly speaking, is there a has loved, i mean disability for negotiating since not finding out who came to bought in 1996 . let's remember that these 3 missed out of the ones who killed and such an 8th of this. how could i have been the one who concluded those no agreement with palestinians? nothing you know has been on our track, but i took a new potential possibility for these. and since 2014, they would not even meet with palestinian sites. and is it a and is that i and to consolidate a system up on the upside down to patient about a gradual ethnic cleansing? and did you meet the vetted clearly declared of the going by this government is the antics lowest back next. it's completely nothing the hours so there's only a few days ago. he said he will not one of the big events of the stablish, mental sort of thing and state. but he wants to extract from people's minds the
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whole idea of the ability to those that solution. so palestinians are facing here. i want to see it is of a sort of safety is from the is early sites and we have nothing to do but to defense. i would, so for every possible, every bus of that affordable for existence, as you mentioned, this has been going on for decades now. and there's a new generation growing up under this occupation. how does that impact the conflict in the nation have lost hope and the police didn't do the ship, have lost hope and defeat the so called peace process, because they've seen nothing about the expansion of such a months and nothing about that tax on them. on the time it is and the that's why the younger generation of, of course, is very angry. this young gods united him now believes that isabelle understands all need that language of course. and that if we don't, that is this, we cannot even defend our lives. we cannot defend our children. a lot of do cannot defend our time is. but let's put things in perspective. what do we have talking to
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you about the fuse more number of young people who are trying to use very primitive . i'm sometimes at the end reality. what do we see here in the civilian population of palestinian slot and that is really at that constantly facing the largest army under agent. i'm facing the fascist the government on the fascists. in previous history would conduct our award on civilian population who are on the patient. i really laughed when i had and what is there any spoke span cents? when he said that the i'm not intending to keep by his union, but the out. ok bi engineer in order to do since 1967. so they're out of time to mislead the world with a ton of the background that he at least to hear is that we are facing. cuz it was kind of, i thought i said to you the worst kind of woke you, patients and tools and you would cry. and that is that i included people. it's happened in 2002. when is it i invented do name and they did the whole of that with
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the bank and i um, what is the deal with the repeat the same crime, also, annapolis? i'm to know that show and, and the stuff. i just want to ask you one brief question before we let you go. so the reason i'm rest has prompted global concern. we know that united nations human rights chief condemning israel, seniors of heavy weaponry, as he mentioned. but it seems to have made very little difference. what do you want from the international community? i will, i will start it. so what i'm what uh, what i want to the amount of governance. i want the governments immediately because this is an anti fascist the government. i know that the wards of condemnation and statements will not affect nathaniel who doesn't care about all of that. what do you want? both of them. the international community is really to start work. i think this the government, the special government that isn't imposing sanctions, but what does,
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using the government standards know kind of do green. they used 11000 punitive ex sanctions on russia and 2 months he and we are on the commission for 56 years. we are on the we, we've, we've, we've been subject to, it's nick lindsey, except for 75 years left as soon good sanction was used against visiting time has come to impose sanctions on, is it a like the system of apartheid was 3 to didn't stop after that got one point to start without boy divestment and sanction is it and will not listen to reason and they would continue with these crimes. typically it each a very dangerous point of explosion. really appreciate your thoughts on this matter . thank you so much for your time. will stuff with the guarantee a the secretary general or the palestinian national initiative. thank you. i. a still head on al jazeera will have all the rest of the day's news, including a full throttle in the windy city. after a rainy stone,
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chicago hoss and as co street race to the 1st time, the hello well many parts of europe, sandy, northern, and central areas of say that will be stewed on record. we are now into a spell of rubber cool. where it's at times when the weather pushing in you can see lots of high spots, lots of line showing up on the chart here. and that in the case that is brisk, wins rolling across orleans really, u. k, pushing across scandinavia, right. the way across into the politics day. so i told her that it should be for the time if you attempt to sit around the 21 celsius, just a try for the stop of when we're done at least 3, monday, tuesday, a different story. we'll see some showers gathering. you can see the showers a little further north, some west to whether the coming into no way quite
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a corporate shelves, little further south as well into west switzerland, northern areas. obviously, you might even catch a shadow to into northern areas of spain for a time. is that what the weather, making his way down to was london for cheese? david las teresa was coming for 9020 celsius. good 2 or 3 degrees cooler than it should be. so let's be showers of tools, east and policy. if you have a customer, though, not bats, a warm sun shine athens getting up to 33 degrees celsius. well, me for all sunshine, across northern parts of africa, car at 41 celsius lobby shells, continuing through the gulf with any right away it does he have any i the wherever there are people. there are stories, stories that must be shared. it's my biggest responsibility to speaks to my people coming from a place where i believe they have more to learn and they can do better that need to be part of this change award winning filmmakers from around the world,
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presenting tales of a true life. the witness on jersey. the the hello are you watching on his era? he's a reminder of our top story is this our is really forces have killed at least 6 palestinians, and angels moving 20 on the is in a major operation in the under kind westbank, at least 15 and strikes if targeted to name operations are also underway in vermont law, the palestinian authority described it as a new will crime against the defense of people. is riley military has also been
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attacking on the ground a convoy of i'm and vehicles and did you names west virginia can move in a dozen palestinians have been arrested to other world news now. and fewer arrests have been made in a 69 to have protests in france. more than 45000 police were deployed. rising across france 1st erupt in following the shooting of a 17 year old boy by a police officer in no town on tuesday. joining us live from paris is invented smith. hello, they've been in it. you've been covering these rights now for several days. what's your sense of whether or not that intensity is decreasing now? of the, i'm a much quiet denied joe, not just to empower us, but another major french cities in leon. and in mos say, i think help perhaps by the presence again, the redeployment again, of some 45000 police officers jump, 7000 in powers. i think the intensity and the,
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the level of protest is coming down and the political focus for the government now for the presidency manual. my chrome is trying to examine and address the root cause is not just of what led to the police of that shooting nile. but also what led to those violent protest afterwards because i have been long standing complains of systematic racism and police violence in frances low income suburbs. and the government is trying and needs to address that. i'm going to come on. his brother was shot dead by the police in 2018 discharge. a football tournament has been held in gay, come on was on in the us since 8 police bullets hit gaze call. when he was caught up in a sting operation, targeting a stolen context of his in the northern parts of a no police officer was ever charged in connection with his dad. logistical guy,
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of course a lot. we've always get just disaggregated funds. we've exhausted all the appeals and they refused everything. they refused to share the surveillance voltage. refusing to cooperate can lead to death to the police will never be contaminated because the holy young man had come from a sort of low income towns in the suburbs. why they say police and community relations seem to be driven more by confrontation and co operation of progress before the french police aren't behaving properly. they must treat the youth, especially these from the suburbs they make blunders. always check the same people's id and speak badly to them. they insulted me once they told me to talk well, shut up and soon as i was on the bus is all the deal with. no, i didn't expect this. it started with the tragic death of a kid and turned into looting and shrubberies. they hurting themselves, they're heading that population who is innocent. there are other ways to get your voice heard. nama do understands the frustrations of people angry at the shooting of dial in non tap. these videos show these are not lenses,
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these at executions. my brother gays that shocked all the local residents. they wanted revolution, but i told them i called push people to break the law. if you want to find the case that's the, let's organize ourselves. i find solutions for all, you know, whoever revolutions understandable. we've been asking for police accountability for 40 years from says police union has admitted a breakdown of trust, a spokesman blaming government policies, focusing on intervention and repression. rob of the neighborhood police. now the highest police chief says, despite the loss of less violence over not, no one is yet claiming victory. president manuel macro and he's supposed to started a state visit to jem, and he's had to postpone that instead. he's staying on. hey, impact is he's going to meet the members of both the chambers of francis parliament later today. and the zip code for people together outside town holes across the country is a sort of a show of solid solidarity against the vine and faces. because the ho, with a mass of one town was rammed by somebody and i would call round overnights and his
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wife broke her leg in the children. and just as a cold for people to stand against violence. and there's also no time really to try and repair frontier international reputation which has taken and then no mistake the tool to funds has just started. there's been concerns. uh some countries have been advising citizens, be extra cautious in friends, the rugby will copies holidays being held here in lights are on the shit. and the lympics just over a year away, friends wants to and he's trying to repairs into national reputation after the violence of the last me, thanks so much for bringing us up to speed then in space live for us in parents. thank us. anything on now and us police are appealing for help following the mass, shooting at a straight policy in baltimore. a police man out began after an attack on sunday, killed sick people and injured at 28 others. the cities mess as the shooting emphasizes the needs to crack down on illegal guns. a teenage pregnancy is
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a major issue worldwide, including in gonna more than $100000.00 girls a drop out of school every year to have a baby by the government program to encourage pregnant girls and young mothers to continue. the education is showing promising results, estimated mila. before 17 year old, a says trying to balance a sick, and you have a high school in my pussy in northern corner, just being a new mother. while wanting to see pregnant goals don't return to school. as this is, she's determined to complete the education it has to, as well as to get some help from a mother. a government programs also supporting a return to floss. garner is one of the to 8 african countries
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working to educate pregnant goals or mothers about the benefits since the program is implemented 5 years ago, more than 10000 goals have gone back to school. many take their babies to those days that it goes off every single i always what i love for them to come up with the pregnancy, wendy pregnant feminist life, to take them to the same class and the name the what a 22 frequencies in this municipality alone during the last academic year, many here are poor, which often contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates. you have 3 or 4 people, my dad to a 55 to then leave anything to see him. some of them do the same. yeah, i've gotten to this day, but i do have some of these tell him just coming up so far. if you have called at
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now for 4 hours, the level of the police and the poor dentist gone, his government says more than half a 1000000 teenagers became pregnant. between 20162020 some just 10 years old. well, free education and gone a means 9 out of 10 children are enrolled in primary schools, most of the dropout due to pregnancy. the government hopes, awareness campaigns with encourage low young women, such as is for to stay in school. despite the challenges of being a new mother, she's also planning to complete the education to somebody to mila ultra 0, or whether it hasn't managed to damp. and if there's mass ca, straight raise to be held in chicago, or john hendern was in the windy city to follow the rice nascar as 1st ever chicago street race began with excited anticipation and living,
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the dream of american hero. give no better place no better. no better day, no better city, is it? 50000 fans came from california to new york and every state in between. so i'm, i'm all the way up down highlighted by the drivers, traverse to condos, downtown streets transformed into a race course with 12 turns aided image sharp, 90 degree angles. definitely treacherous on, you know, one mistaken you will have too much and you're going to be in defense engines boomed and race fans swooned by this is my 1st day of hurry. been the 1st of 2 races, a 175 kilometers circuit on saturday, which stopped in progress doodle. lightning. sunday began with what the national weather service called life threatening flash flood conditions. unfortunately it's, it's super rainy and call you, but i think we're in a way of the house and they did wait for hours on sunday. nascar called the
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unfinished saturday race for queen custer who was in the lead when it was stopped to concerts were cancelled for rain. but as they say, the show must go on and it did go next. star fan to given up, rushed back to grant park to watch the on again off again raise the adversity and everything else that they have is the smartest thing i've ever done as far as i'm concerned, because you have people that didn't even know about the sport and now they do industry and you're excited about absolute despite the delays and event cancellation, city leaders, hope the biggest winner of the weekend is chicago, with an estimated economic impact of a $113000000.00. and if you newly paved streets john henry and l g 0, chicago, the .


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