tv News Al Jazeera July 3, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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nation with teachers and scientists, and tiny salaries, the imagined private sector is already attracting highly qualified work is away from state jobs. the communist party of cuba is finally moving towards a mixed economy. a growing private sector will likely increase production could of road social cohesion and what is still one of the most equal countries in the americas both and now the state remains the dominant economic force. fundamental shift is on the way the is body forces can at least age, palestinians and jeanine palestinian natives described the rates as a new will crime against defenceless people. the kind of woman is withdrawn him and this is elders even live from joe hall. and so coming up demonstrations the stage across from central position to the volunteer unrest marked by the police shooting of
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a 17 year old walk in the most. and the group says that stopped recruiting fighters in russia for at least a month. and folks rushing in the windy city after a rainy stone chicago to post a mass cost streets race for the 1st time the . we begin with breaking news from the occupied west banquet as body forces conducting a major military offensive. at least 9 palestinians have been killed and 50 injured and the operation at least 15 as strikes targeting janine operations also on the way in ramallah palestinian leaders are describing the raids as a new will crime against the defense. this people is ready. um, it says it's targeting what it quotes terrorist elements in the area. a major focus of the rate is the janine refugee camp. it's home to more than 20000 palestinian
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refugees. is where the forces carried out some major offensive. they just 2 weeks ago that code 7 people and wounded more than a 100 in a moment will speak to amman, con, who's standing by for us in west jerusalem. but 1st, let's get an update from alan fish a. he's live for us in janine. so what are you seeing and hearing from where you are, alan? well, you've been with us over the last couple of hours. i pointed a few times just to the road behind me. i'm gonna see the number of there's really military vehicles. they have moved in, in numbers, away from that area, but i wouldn't for one minute begin to think that this operation is over the years really is weren't here in jeanine last month. they counted under no protection that lasted around 10 hours. this is already way beyond that, and there's no sign that this operation is beginning to end. no, we're told that it one of the most, it's in the area. that's where there's a lot of concentrated fighting according to these relays that are 10 militants who hold up there who are refusing to give up. i may have been warned,
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we are told that if they don't surrender to these really forces, then these really forces will take the risk of the most don't on their heads. we're also told that there's been intense fighting towards the center halls that you need refugee camp. that is where on fighters at google, so use in put improvised explosive devices to repel these relays. have really put up quite a stand against this assault. and you can hear some of the explosions in the background just as we speak. so there's no sign that this is going to end. in fact, these really subsets, this operation will last as long as it takes. and of course, as you've been hearing, we have confirmed the people who've been killed in to need many more have been badly injured. 10 of the was a critically ill. and the difficulty is to get the ambulances in to help those who have been wounded. and how the people field allen about the lack of action
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international otherwise, just to stop these kinds of operations that i didn't quite hear is the question, but i can tell you that it jeanine is normally a very busy place. the streets are empty because of what is happening not far from where we're standing is you can hear the gun fired behind me. i could also tell you that the people that were hearing on radio, the people who we've spoken to here are very angry that the international community, excuse me, is not making more of a noise about what is happening here. this is the 2nd time and just a few weeks that these really army have gone into the know the reason they're targeting the basement. but that was a big explosion. the reason that they're targeting here is that a number of the militant groups that are in geneva, potentially set aside their differences and are working under one umbrella. now these are, these were always happy when there were several groups who were not happy, but to do that they was easier to deal with when the way 70 groups didn't come
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together and unite. now, they're all working under the same on bella. that makes it a much more complicated security issue for these relays that spin, perhaps the most significant explosion we've had in the last half hour or so. so we're seeing those vehicles have moved away from there. and we've seen bill due is there's a lot more vehicles moving towards the area but, but there is no side. so this is an operation that is even beginning to come to the end. alan, thank you very much for that. that is, alan official bringing us the latest from jeanine as we hear the sounds of fighting behind him. let's bring and of course one of them on con. now he's joining his line from west jerusalem. and is there any government in ron? it's insisting that this operation isn't against palestinian people,
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but this is at the same time that they attack areas which we know densely populated with civilians as well. that's absolutely right. and that's something the is rarely say constantly that they say isn't against the palestinian people. however, the pos, the new for us here already courting this a crime. and now the operation was so big of it. earlier in the day, these riley miller trees sent out a statement. and it said that this was an operation to occupied. janine which goes to show you the amount of forces involved. also they said that this was not an operation against the palestinian authority, but when people are stacked upon each other like that, like engineering refugee camp, it's inevitable. the will be a civilians quote in the middle. now we've seen this in gauze many times that now the reason i bringing garza is because the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that this is a limited operation. akin to those ones in gauze. the target is not much ahead or
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am us, for example, and this is against the fighters with engineering both i've been speaking to a very senior government source who's told us that the operation isn't going to be days. let me that perhaps will be a much show to operational, although you did it by called like i'm fish of the talking about the intense fighting. it doesn't look like bill pricing is going to be over anytime soon. but right now, a lot of people all worried about escalations when is loan, who is the you in special representative to, to israel. he's actually been teaching. he said that he's in touch with base these really and the palestinian leadership to try and bring this to a whole, the american se. then monitoring the situation carefully as well. but that has been no really strong international reaction cooling for this operation to be over. and that's concerning to the palestinians, or i should run. thank you very much for that. that is, and ron kon, joining us live from west jerusalem. let's bring in model on the shadow. now he is
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eligible for a senior political analyst and he's joining us by skype from paris. my mom, very good to have you with as a mom was mentioning how the paper that you us government to saying that they are watching the situation very closely. i want to know what you think about that. what is watching the situation very closely mean and also how much do you think that this is, randy government has been in bold and to do whatever it's doing because of the lack of will the sort of breakdown and communication that we're seeing between as well. and as ally, the us that you'd be inviting about this. yes, the administration has in many ways been uh, sort of softer towards the palestinians. but its been much worse in terms of its peace meant of is right. even worse than the trough administration in some ways because as a binding while he tried to reverse much of what the president trump did. in fact,
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he continues to and you know, uh, sort of uh on the line. a lot of the legal steps taken by president trump uh on the question would be the next ation of the east jerusalem and the next section of the goal on the horizon and so on, so forth. present by then as also as i spoke to earlier, signed them on the understanding that last year when he was in jerusalem. and the more understanding basically gives the you're not the big gibson is read at the car, but a green light to do basically what it, what it wants of what it deems. no good for the security as it were. and is, is you're basically has since then been framing every step along the way in terms of the assaults in the occupied territories as uh, you know, production of good security. and it's been framing it as much as you would like to hear it as a proxy against the why. why would that be the refugee camp that's been incarcerated
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the lucky, the sanction occupied for the past 50 years have anything to do with the one you know, god knows. right. and there are few factors that according to the new york times. right? that's quite friendly to watch is right. the dish wipers are totally fine. they're just young because he has to. yeah. and you know, young men who are trying to protect the community and young israel talks about joint operation in jeanine and the need to destroy the federal infrastructure. that sounds good in washington right to. but in fact, i just told an interview by the mayor of janine saying that it's not the head or instruct structure. so tell her infrastructure that's being destroyed exclusively and yeah, for the structure as being just for janine water, electricity, sewerage, so, and so forth. yeah, i mean we, we haven't heard from the palestinian and by present today saying that they always
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have trouble accessing people who are injured because of the damage to civilian infrastructure that takes place during things wave but also been hearing from as well today. and they're talking about how they're prepared for reaction from the occupied territories to what's happening in janine, just how dangerous a situation would you say we're in terms of a wider escalation here? i think it's quite dangerous. i think it's been going on for a while. just look at the last several weeks. uh yeah, it is about once is the finishing bombing the heck out of the got us to and what do you think as a start to remind or what have you is that on the road? it's basically a, c, g kept a positive direction, got some 2000000 people over 2000000 people within the most populated strip of learning. all right, so it has been down to several weeks ago last month. sure enough, it isn't, you know, watch them make the heck out of that place and it's should fit again,
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press structure. the, the, the defense, minnesota defense minister of exec, started circling to live. and on back to the stone age and his commander, the northern commander was to what you're going to bump. this is lillian infrastructure of the live in the east villages in the shop. soon after that, which means just few days, we're having the beginning of the bombing of janine again, right? a just like a just you just like they did use before the just like they were doing because 2002 just i couldn't be doing over the past 50 years. so the ideal punitive measures, i guess the other thing is in the formal bombings and invasions in the family incursions in assessing nations. also for imagine what that does to the children of judy, to the children in the mother to the children over to g. count that never saw
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a good day in the lives, and that just continues on and on under the pretext of is right protecting its national interest and is, are getting a green line from the united states. since its getting that green line from the green light from the united states and since day and is basically site is in the west and basically the buy number of countries and basically empty words and condemnation from other product. but most of the countries, what we see is, is red basically continuing to do more of the same. and we do more of a same because we have this phonetic, neo fascist right. drink is where the government that is bent, bent on genocide, the house just door step out of state incarcerated. think the other thing is expanding the nickel. jury supplements show much show that the palestinians would end up being at the margin at the best of a passport and is ready society that is not right. that does not go down the street
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. desist and you have today is the a get to uprising engineering. and i think that would continue. what is the continues with the questions, dependents daniel, will continue with is resistance. what i think is right is going to turn or, or otherwise the kind of thing is going to have to defend their families model. and thank you very much for that. that is my one shot, a senior political analyst. thank you. to losing on to other news now and demonstrations of being staged outside the town holes across phones in opposition to the volume and congress sponsored by the police shooting of a 17 year old fuel people were arrested on sunday night them during the previous 5 nights of unrest in french settings. coals have been made for the riots to end, including from the family of nile who was shot dead by a police officer last week. that's bringing our correspondent ben smith. he's joining us live from paris and the other person who was in the call with 9 when he
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was killed on his giving his testimony given testimony today, rather than where we at, with the police investigation into the shooting. the person who was in the call with now when he was shot police officer spoke this morning to investigate, is appointed by the front crazy. the police that investigate the police. remember the police officer who shot now is essentially he's been charged mode on his remains in custody testimony. all thought of a minor was in the call with now it's crucial. he's previously told of the french media that he saw now being pistol website with the pulse of the pistol 3 times by this police officer made in days they lost his footing and hit the pedal. the com moved forward and then he was shot. this is what the investigators will be asking him about, like i'm president my call and then i have very busy, politically, as the kenning is highlighted once again. frances,
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deep political divisions. yes, the manual mike was macro on is supposed to be in germany on the state visit the on to comes the lot to try and deal with this crisis at home. he will be meeting mass from across friends. on tuesday, you'll be meeting political leaders today, and he's got an enormous task ahead. and the task is to try and get to a stop if you know how to tackle a root cause of one, not with shots in the 1st place on the violence. the follow there is a long standing complains in friends from people who live in these lower income. so the surround french states is that they are subject to what they call systematic racism and violence on the french police allegations the police. the denials of the union admits that has been a breakdown and the way the police in these communities interact, but an indication of the divisions that have been opened in front of society, you can say by on online fundraising accounts,
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the principal has been setup for the family of a police officer who's in custody bought set up by a fall right media commentary to raise more than a $1000000.00. collections made for the family of niles. the relatives of the board shut off by the police officer of race so far a little less than not. 200000 your own. the rights and friends is using what's happened last week as a way to say that the police have justified in our actions by to maintain or no to the last say that what happened last week. as a consequence of the sort of systematic really, racism may say exist in the french police establish, let's benefit to you very much for that. that has been a mess. i live in paris, still a head on algebra. it's back to school. the teenage mothers and gama, as the government gets top marks for return to education program, the,
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the hello, the rain clouds, a gathering across northern parts of china. but i suspect the heat will remain in place a lot of cloud to showing up into eastern parts. this is the of the menu front. of course that will backlit swipe of the north was rolled across the yellow sea. 32 celsius, the full bathing crowd on the right. oh say making his way across the korean peninsula. so goes some stuff to united celsius the height of a right in the right sweeps, 3. when he dance around 29 degrees can be hot and humid and some of the live you why the pushing for if we could measure as well could cause some flash flooding, but at least it does move through quickly. hey, be sure i was still affecting southern parts of japan for the fact 2 pots of southern to kind of coast ground is saturated. so that could cause some further problems. but ahead of that hot and dry, pretty much sums it up. so i'm showing the showers meanwhile, as usual across much of south east asia. i'm or live you down pool is coming from.
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it's a central southern part. so if the filipinos scattering the shells 3, malaysia, indonesia, which is the weather around indo china, the monsoon range that caused making good progress across the good parts of india. now some really heavy down pulls right up into the north northern pond, so focused on as well, but the which is why the right for the next few days could cause flooding. rod across the best thing gets the dreaming of some of the more amazing system. how about some disney magic ones? you can go to the big one single one to you will find x. incredible phase. then you can just take these 3 using this summer feed more into talk more visits. couple of dotcom
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the, the you're watching onto the i would need is a metronome until high reminder of on top stories. the cell a palestinian need is a describing. the nation is ready rates and the occupied westbank is a new, full crime against defenseless people is rarely forces have killed 9 palestinians and injured 50. at least 15 as strikes targeted janine and operations and so on. the waiting for mama palestinians were arrested off dra convoys on the vehicles rate. it's janine refugee camp is randy. um it says its targeting what it calls terrorist elements and the area on demonstrations being staged outside the town.
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what's across phones in opposition to the volume and sponsored by the police shooting of a 17 year old fuel people were arrested on sunday night. then during the previous 5 nights of on the walk, the group says it's stopped recruiting lesson raise and russia for at least a month. the crime that says that won't affect operations and ukraine, and the recruitment of new sol just won't be needed. logged in the day. of getting to goals and agree to move to better foods, often launching a briefly, usually against russia's military leaders last month. usually a shop of oliver has more on the future. if a walk now say announcements that wagner suspends the recruitment of the masters, 4 months originally appeared in the company's telegram channel and the job advertisement section. in particular, according to the announcements, the reason to stop recruiting was dates of documents, temporary known participation in this special me to show peroration ukraine as they
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put it on this car and transferred to the republic of bella. ruth, that for they wrote that they were temporarily suspending the work of regional recruitment incentives for a period of one months. but of course we'll have to wait and see how it's going to play out and at present developers. lucas shun confirmed the, the wagner group would no longer be based and russia, in some russian say things post as west coast of joint development group were replaced with other posters, with an invitation to sign, a contract and sub and the regular russian army, uh, by the way the rates are reposed, that's free. goshen is another mass of asset hayes media and pot is coming to an end to free. going was building it for at least 10 years, but now it's website subbing. blog sentence offices of being such, there are many report was that employees of those media sources are being funded. now that's the slide ever pulls up. probably all those people who remain in depositions and the news office would be transferred to another. ok. so one of the future holes will pre goshen. he's wagner group and he's need you and pa,
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including the troll factory. we're waiting for updates on so those questions a new investigation unit has being set up to hold russians. accountable. suspected will crimes and ukraine is based in the hague, in the netherlands and employees, prosecutors from the international criminal court, as well as colleagues from the european union. the united states and ukraine suspected russian war crimes include the massacre of civilians in the city of boucher and attacks on ukraine's infrastructure police in hong kong. the offering a reward of more than a $100000.00 for information leading to the arrest of 8 political at to visits. living abroad. the full politicians, lawyers and commentators are accused of serious national security offences. police say 260 people have been arrested under a national security. no one closed in the territory by badging since it came into effect. in 2020, it was introduced officer, a series of protests against china in 2019 a lima unit that could be
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a high call finds all whole firstly, they committed serious crimes that in danger, national security. secondly, they advocated for sanctions and sought to disrupt hong kong and intimidate our officials, among other things. some of them specifically targeted judges and prosecutors for sanctions aiming to undermine our effective judicial system or judges can exercise their judicial powers without interference eating things. lastly, we have also discovered that some individuals had been providing for an entities with strategies on how to undermine our entire financial system and even the status of hong kong as a financial center the world. so it probably was warning that fighting in democratic republic of congo is causing more people to go hungry. but un agency says that $25000000.00 companies will face food shortages, the caea, that's the highest in any country world wide. around a 120 on the groups of fighting patel tree and control of minimal riches in the
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east, in the office from developmental northwest. not as we, as a government have a strategy for the humanitarian response that is clearly insufficient in relation to the gravity of the situation. that is why maintaining good relations with our international pockets is always a good thing. the main thing, however, as the return of peace, our president is doing everything in his power to ensure that peace is restored. now teenage pregnancy is a major issue worldwide, including in gonna more than a $100000.00 girls federal out of school every year to have a baby boss and government program to encourage pregnant girls and young mothers to continue the education is showing results from the miller has more 17 year old a says trying to balance a sick and you have a high school in my pussy in northern corner, just being a new mother. while wanting to see pregnant goals don't return to school.
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as this is, she's determined to complete the education. it has as well as to get some help from my mother. a government programs also supporting a return to floss. garner is one of the to 8 african countries working to educate pregnant goals or mothers about the benefits. since the program is implemented 5 years ago, more than 10000 girls have gone back to school. many take their babies to those is that it was not by me. single, always the allow for them to come by for the pregnancy, wendy pregnant and we need their life to take them to the same class
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and the name, the what a 22 frequencies in this municipality alone during the last academic year. many here are poor, which often contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates. you have 2 or 4 people might add to a 55 to then repeating the same. some of them do the same. yeah, i've gotten to this day, but i did have some of these telling me just coming up so far the i caught it in the use now for school. i was left with the police and we've been gone. has government says more than half a 1000000 teenagers became pregnant between 201620. 20. some just 10 years old. well, free education and gone a means 9 out of 10 children. i enrolled in primary schools. most of the drop out due to pregnancy. the government hopes, awareness campaigns with encourage more young women, such as is for to stay in school despite the challenges of being
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a new mother. she's also planning to complete the education to meet a miller. ultra 0 especially in china, has been engulfed by a sandstone. so large that it's blocked down to some people. in homie city going out their phones to video of what was coming that way. the sky to dock is the cloud to send the full visibility improved as the goal of sun continue to crush. and john, we go to the most region or a fine me this bulletin. what, whether it has an dance and the 1st mass cost $3.00 trays to be held in chicago. john hendern is in the windy city to follow the race. nascar is 1st ever chicago street race began with excited anticipation and living, the dream of american hero. give no better place, no better, no better day, no better city. this is a 50000 fans came from california to new york and every state in between. so i'm, i'm all the way around, highlighted by the drivers,
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traverse to condos, downtown streets transformed into a race course with 12 turns aided image sharp, 90 degree angles, definitely treacherous on, you know, one mistake and you will have too much and you're going to be in defense engines boomed and race fans swooned by this is my 1st day of correct. then the 1st of 2 race is a 175 kilometers circuit on saturday was stopped in progress doodle. lightning. sunday began with what the national weather service called life threatening flash flood conditions. unfortunately, the super rainy and foggy, but i think we're in a way that they did wait for hours on sunday. nascar called the unfair saturday race for k custer who was in the lead when it was stopped to concerts were cancelled for rain. but as i say, the show must go on and it did go nav star fan to given up,
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rushed back to grant park to watch the on again off again, race university and everything else that they have is the smartest thing i've ever done as far as i'm concerned because you have people that didn't even know about sports and now they do industry and you're excited about the absolute despite the delays and event cancellation, city leaders, hope the biggest winner of the weekend is chicago, with an estimated economic impact of a $113000000.00. is it just you newly paved streets? john henry l g 0, chicago, the hello again, i'm elizabeth cronum and dar how with the top stories on al jazeera, published and indeed is describing the nations does raise the rates of the occupied westbank. as a new rule, crime against defenceless people is very forces killed 9 palestinians and injured 50. at least 15 s strikes targeted janine and operations also on the.
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