tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 4, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm AST
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cause that's of the mind for music to tv, the poetry of protest and revolution make for making the 60s in the arab culture. oh no jews here the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm associated in this is the news i live from our headquarters here. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there any forces continue that raise on palestinian homes during this biggest assault on the janine refugee camps in 20 years. the palestinian president has cooled us a. we'll see a lot of these 8 people are injured in a call running and stabbing,
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attacked until the vs, baffled in and around. so don's capital as the army tries to stop the advance of its arrival power, military crews, and china restrict 6 votes of war materials that are critical in the manufacture of mike, which right, demanding trader wages made the simmering hist for wimbledon cents a quote. as a special guest for the day to the grand slam tournaments. so i'm going to roger federer, keeping a close eye on the action is when he's changing lena mccain. it begins to cycle. this is the fully begin this new solid engine in a palestinian refugee count on the assault by israeli forces. now for nearly 2 days,
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let's take you to live pictures from the camp where we can see is really with vehicles this on the streets is really forces have been conducting rates in people's homes, along with strikes on the account. first responders are also saying that being presented some beach and critically injured to israel, has destroyed roads in the camp, making it difficult tooth ambulances to even get in. at least 11 palestinians have now been killed, engineering around 4000 refugees had been forced to flee their homes and journalists covering the assaults on jeanine. and i've also been deliberately targeted by is really forces unofficial reports. now, on the days events from jenny, they left when they could taking what they could holding hinds keeps them together and provides a sense of security to the children. more than $3000.00, to have less the janine refugee camp since the is really a. so the gun and towns and villages need a by providing shelter together food. what a clue is for those displeased little is
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a lot when you have nothing in this hotel. and janine, they opened up the doors to 20 families, need a bed for the night, some food in the morning. they have no idea how long it will be before they can go home. but the new home is not somewhere they will recognize when they do well. imagine the issue with all the selling in the area. i didn't bring anything out. i hardly broke my to a disabled sisters. it was very difficult. there was no water, no electricity, just chilling. and one woman who didn't want to appear on camera says she is only one can say, and all i want is my children to be safe overnight. there was no lit up in the fighting inside. the refugee camp is really army, his cottage, at least 20 strikes since the operation began. explosions punctuate the re a silence. they say these really army was the destruction of what it claimed was a terrorist operation for him. but these really army also target to the hospital in
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jeanine with a bully of tear gas canisters, making a difficult job of treating the wounded, even harder the israel's prime minister says they had no choice but to go the commercial payments. i'm assuming at this moment we are completing the mission and i can see that our extensive activity in jeanine is not a one time operation. we will continue to approve terrorism. we will not allow jeanine to return to be a safe haven for terrorism virginia. these release have made more than $120.00 arrest recovered weapons and destroyed explosives. they say there isn't any of the camp, but they haven't been able to access. and they still have 10 targets there. but it could be well hidden and well protected. these really is that to carry out a top level of security assessment of the operation so far in the coming out. but there's no one here believes that that means. and then to, to this operation is insight island fisher. i'll just need
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a janine in the occupied westbank while that's show you what's happening engineering right now. as you can see that there are plenty of his rating vehicles on the streets. there's been a large amount of movement just in the last few minutes. and we are hearing that that has been intense exchanges of gunfire from a number of different places around the city. well, let's now speak to nita abraham and she is a cost as for us from ramallah need. obviously huge amounts of speculation that it withdrawal from jeanine is immune and we have seen some very intense fighting now in the last few hours. yes indeed. and we've seen from previous incidents when as radians re palestinian cities that's before they withdrew. intense fighting takes place, kind of to prepare covered for these ready soldiers before they leave. but let's not get ahead of ourselves because this could be just the continuation of the operation. we don't know when it's going to end, although we've heard signs from these really forces saying that it's not going to
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be taking long. we've seen the prime minister benjamin netanyahu visiting the outskirts there with her the policy, you know, thought to even call this a political campaign rather than just a military operation because nothing. yeah. who visiting and trying to make some sort of a political score off of that visit. so it's hard to really tell. but even if the 5 things we're talking about 2 days of intensive fighting, 2 days of aerial strikes, hitting the hospitals, shooting against people civilians leaving their homes. let's not underestimate the effects that this is going to have on the refugee camp that already has been going on through intense rates for more than a year. now we're talking about an infrastructure that has been damaged water, electricity roads. and in addition to that, the anger frustration, the fact that the refugees who have been displaced already from the house use your
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houses, years and years that you go to create the state of israel, their children and grandchildren now are living the same exact experience of being forced to flee their homes need as you say, there's been a lot of anger reflected really in what we've been hearing from various palestinian factions to can you give us a sense of the mood now? hello, simians are angry and have been angry. they say that the palestinian authority of their leaders are not doing enough to help them and they feel that they've been left alone fighting and military occupation that has been spanning on the allowance for decades. so as you can imagine, there's a lot of frustration now. students feel that the world even has left them, did they don't even issue the same kinds of nations and we've been hearing words from are the us the you okay. talking about as rules, right? to self defense, why tell us it is on the other hand,
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said that they that they themselves also because often you're talking about people who are not minutes arise. yes, we are talking about the refugee camp that has a arms groups. but how we're talking about 14000 people there. and how many of those fighters are we talking about in the hundreds? so you can imagine that you're talking about heavy di, me, the to rise people who have been under as really occupation. and not only have been these seeing the violence of these really forces, but also these really suckers that have been expanding their presence here in the occupies westbank in leaking and attacking palestinians on a daily basis. so that's why fighters and jeanine were telling us that they have been taking up arms and fighting against is really targets saying this is really only understands this language. and that they've tried the political solutions through the fall of savannah for the but that's only that the to failure need to
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even him the with the latest for us from a lot of. thank you, nita. well, that's bringing adam blue cost. he's the direct to view an agency that supports palestinian refugees in the west bank. he joins us now live from occupied east jerusalem. out of you're the director of on right and westbank annual heavily involved in supporting the community. the engineer. will you given any warning of tools this was going to happen a good evening. so we were and we have fairly loose, not ideal communication lines with you as early as already they have what they call district liaison officers who communicate with us to some degree on our military operations. in this case, we were warned that there was going to be an incursion. we had no idea of the magnitude, it is absolutely colossally destructive. but we were able to, in our case and in one row and keep our staff at home, keep our schools closed. health center is closed. so we were at least minimizing
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the exposure to the, to the staff, and to our assets. i saw adam, i wonder, here can describe the count for us. we're talking about really high population density. and despite the fact that these really is the saying that they're really targeting surgical strikes, essentially how civilians experiencing these res yeah, i'm not sure how surgical strikes of work and this kind of environment the janine refugee camp is one of the most densely populated camps we have 19 camp, so running in the west bank, there's some $23000.00 refugees registered in geneva and an area that's about half of the square kilometers. so very densely populated old structures that were that are not properly billed. there's no real for been planning urban design to this, the camp which is meant to be temporary, but a set therefore for many decades. of course, it's very poor electricity and the infrastructure is already quite bad and now has been decimated by the by the recent events. adam, you run the health center and the counts. and i know you say it's been closed
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during these last 2 days. we've been hearing reports that is rarely troops have been restricting medical accessing, creating 2 ambulances. has that been your experience in dealing with other agencies that you were speaking to? yeah, well we have one health center. uh, engineer. we also have 4 schools. we have other other facilities and janine camp. we don't run or manage the caps and on or a but we provide services references that reside in the camps. this health center has continued to be hit. i've been to janine several times in the last months and it always seems that the health center is the, is the target both of these different military incursions because it kind of finds itself in network in the wrong place. it's right on the kind of the main drag where there's a lot of activity so that the building has continued to be destroyed and rebuilt and fixed over the last 6 to 68 months now on the access to a to ambulances. when we're done and running ambulances, but i do have reports of ambulances that have been kind of restricted in their
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movement. the other thing is that the, the camp itself, the roadside been dug up in an effort by the israelis to find the buried explosive devices. and so many of the roads, as we see now, seem to be impassable, which will make our, our humanitarian efforts so much more challenging. adam, back in 2002, when these really minute talk, you're probably the cat's been, they've been heavy fighting. i understand that displaced more than a quarter of the counts of population, then i know it's hard to know the extent of the destruction now is the operation is ongoing, but can you give us a sense of your assessments at the stage to yeah, the numbers are very hard to assess because we're not able to actually get into the account. it's just simply too too violent to follow a tile. but we do know that some 3000 press, 4000 people have have a slip to camp. they're being accommodated very graciously by the, by the janine community, that is the janine city community put up in hotels and put up in and private homes
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. the community feels that it has that is the, janine community has the assets to support them in terms of food and water and things like that, at least in the, in the intro. but the, it's very hard to know who is remaining in the, in the camp. people are hunkering down there. they're being very cautious, obviously, because of the heavy fire this thing staying at home. so we don't really know, we don't know which parts of the camp have been, have been most damaged and we're struggling now to gain access to the camp. so we could make informed decisions on the on board or he monitor and response would look like. i understand that there has been already huge infrastructure destruction. we've been hearing that from the math on right. your agency is already facing huge funding problems, which i understand what effectual operations and gaza to so will the money come from to rebuild janine? well, it's going to have to come from the international community, right? this is a, this is a crisis that nobody anticipated, not in this magnitude we,
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we have emergency appeals as we call them in our detection system. so there will certainly be a call for additional resources the infrastructure repairs will be, will be significant. as i said, it's already a poorly designed, a densely populated mini city. so, so there be quite a lot of work that needs to come with the owner is, is always facing a financial crisis. it has been for many years, many years of austerity measures. a part of that i think is from, from the, the, as was discussed earlier in the session. the, the, the fact that this, this political conflict is political situation has not been resolved under its coming up on 75 years of anniversary next year. and it's not a time to celebrate, it's a time to recognize an international failure. him and solving this of this concept . adam political sad, the director of and rather you an agency that supports palestinian refugees in the west bank speaking to us from occupied history. some thank you so much for your time out of any wish. you all the best with your want to. thank you very good
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evening. within hours of israel is assault on janine, a palestinian suspects lost a car running and stabbing attack and television. at least 8 people were injured. the suspects was killed by an armed, pacifying, and run carnival. it's now from west or were some in a bustling afternoon in central tel aviv was brought into chaos as a call rammed into a bus stop. then the suspect got out and began to stab. but those who weren't injured go, how many shots you shot a possible that showed him did is ready. police identified him as saying layla from salute ne hebron in the west bank on the scene and medical look as gave a statement. the one condition interest for his reaction and
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the far right national security minister also arrived on the scene and spoke of the need for his relatives to on themselves this citizen saved lives. this is our policy at the ministry of national security to give people weapons to defend themselves. we can't put policeman on every street, but we can give civilians weapons to defend themselves. i call on is really citizens carry guns. our ministry's policy is to make it easier as possible to get gun licenses, weapons save lives, and this the wage runs goes that quickly reacted praising the attack, but not claiming direct responsibility. they said that the who wrote operation in tel aviv is the initial response to the occupations, crimes against people in virginia, income of all the how must it and take any responsibility for this attack. it likely wouldn't be lost. and as i'm saying, and post incidents defending is ratings from an individual attacks like this is next to impossible,
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emerald cause out of their wester's than the ensued on, they have been fierce, baffles in and around the capital call to the army and the power military rapids the vote forces of fighting pul, controlled on on the line of correspondent, hello, morgan has more from the ground that we spoke to residents in the city of the mind . and they say, that's the power i'm going through. rapid support forces attacked the militarized units of the boat police a base they have here belonging to the militarized units of the police, known as the central with their police. and that the army responded. and that's how the pricing escalated. we were able to hear heavy arts and are being fired by both sides. we witnessed several s 5 to being launched by the for denise army against the permanent, through rapid support forces here in the city of the mind. but this is not the only place in be capital to more that was fighting in the northern parts of the capital
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. they were fighting and battles between the 25 as well. and the rapids support forces said that it's shut down, a fi suggested belonging to the food in these army. now, many civilians have been caught up in the crossfire as the 2 sides by to each other in various parts of the capital. here people say that they have sustained injuries, that they are people in need of medical assistance, but because of the ongoing military operations and the fighting between the recess . and this is denise army here in the city of on demand and in the northern parts of the capital. they can't access the hospital for medical assistance, keep them oregon onto 0. undermine. well that's, you know, from the vall he's in ports to dawn with many people who fled the fighting in call to have arrived between 204-0000 people have slid the fighting according to reports and arrived yet in the city or forth through them. some of them have already left several weeks of evacuation from the airport add
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port of the city, but some are still here including many syrians. so auto stock, the government, these 5 to help these people add 3000 tons of you want to 10 and 8. have arrived from different countries including cutoff. and so the idea, some of that has been shipped to a 2 regents, including melanie and the outskirts of cartoon. well, most of the victims are located or displaced, but some of the site is being distributed here. and these people are benefiting from it. how much fun? i'm just gonna talk to them more than a 100000 and suited me is mandy from west off for has also fled across the border to chad. i'm gonna address reports on the price of those refugees from the child, sued on board a. despite the law in fighting for a few days in any janina refugees continued to scream across the border into eastern charge. these group of refugees arrived overnight despite the fact that in
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the evening truck loads of refugees have been taken from this must have points to the tone of address itself. why that is an official account, and this is the most a point by the way. and when they get back here, trucks will come on, you've got to wait families and take them over. there is one of the tribes ready to leave this board to point into the town of drake. why they are going to be tens of thousands of other pages waiting to be registered by the united nations high commissioner for refugees. and this is why they come to make sure come on the age of the town of i great. i bought a town between sedan and child in the eastern part of charge this cam. how is this more than 50000 suit and use refugees? most of them have not even been recognized by international bodies like the united nations high commissioner for refugees because they are not registered yet. and conditions can be in this camp in particular, really,
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really desperate. it just leave it preached. i'm the plastics that they make shelter with. this is why the, how is the young, the old and the sick conditions and become desperate and they're bound to get worse as, as we continue on my degrees, august 8, i have a great reading on on. china is restricting exports rule materials, widely used in semi conductors and electric vehicles, as well as some of the cubs by the united states and the netherlands on technology, which may have an impact on beijing fi technicians. china says and you controls on needed for national security reasons as katrina you that most people may not be familiar with gallium, owed to mania, but these muscles are crucial for the development of products such as semi conduct as solar panels, electric vehicles, and smartphones. china is the world's biggest supply of these room materials, and the export will soon be controlled from the beginning of august. so items will
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need to apply for permits and supply information about their intended use to gain access. bathing says, the new restriction will protect china is national security to go here, don't clearly you with china has always been committed to maintaining the security stability of the global production of supply chain. it's a common international practice for the chinese government to post export controls on relevant items in accordance with the low without targeting any specific country . the move is expected to disrupt global supply chains and is being seen as a response to a wide range of high tech export controls and paused on chinese technology funds by the united states. it also comes days after the dutch government imposed similar restrictions on the sale of crucial ship making equipment. the us ad benevolence are among media importance of chinese, gallium and germanium. i think the 1st audience of course, uh those who are making these kinds of decisions that you to say,
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look at it. everybody holds cards and we can all apply these guide. the cost of these rule materials has searched the south korea and taiwan have down played the impact of the regulation of the assets. some arrows speed. this move will provoke further similar measures between the aging and washington. during his visit today didn't last month yet. he was secretary of state at any blink and defended us controls as security related and denied washington was trying to contain trying to do it has accused the us of been, circumvent and suppression us treasury secretary, janet gaylor is expected to be doing this week for a trip ange, it's the stabilizing deteriorating ties, trade and economic cooperation on the agenda. and it's likely that you will use the control gallium and germanium as a bargaining chip, image negotiation, katrina, you're out 0 aging. i spoke to young one. he is a senior unless the counter point research and the next best on the global tech
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industry explains the impacts of trends decision here. the germanium guy, the chart, the metals, the you, the of interest here. then not really you in china reserves off fairly evenly spread around. ready the restrictions could lead to a rising prices in the short term, but on the other hand, it could also increase the incentive for other countries to build their own production capacity. so china really has a relative cost advantage of what the processing has. we're finding of these materials, but not the absolute advantage in terms of the results. so it will really need to be very careful with how to implement these restrictions. and on the got it set its own industry back home in terms of the supply chain. it would definitely be a not though well floss, unwelcome uncertainty and the tech sector because what the initial term of companies will be looking at how they saw skin materials that would be looking at
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the cost basis. potentially that business plans for the, for the near to medium term will need to be re adjusted in the short term. i think countries like japan, south korea will be, came to find out more about the file china. and we'll implement these. ready fictions if there could be compound, so exceptions for certain check sectors of the companies, which could well be the case for some of these countries. but we think that in the phone some if it's so that's really deep and the fracturing of the global tech supply chain with countries focusing on puting capacity at home in the name of resilience. and ultimately, eventually, this can only drive costs higher for businesses and consumers like ourselves. so do i need to watch dog has approved? it depends plan to discharge treated radioactive water from the food cosima nuclear power plant into the sea. and says the release of 1300000 tons of water of the next
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few decades is safe. but china and south korea have opposed to move power for 6 reports. in the 12 years since the focus shame it is off to the devastated nuclear power plant has transformed into something that more resembles a water storage site. 1.3000000 tons of radioactive water that had been used to cool the melted reactor cools, or rate in ground water that had flowed into the buildings is being accumulating and move in a 1000 containers. trans government says that written unit capacity after 2 year review, international atomic energy agency is endorsed japan's plan for discharge into the pacific ocean, lasting 30 to 40 years. as a responsible lead up the international community, i have repeatedly stated that i will not allow a discharge that would have a home for impact on human health and the environment to both japan and the world. the water is being treated to remove most but not all of the radioactive contamination. tritium a radioactive isotopes of hydrogen is still present. but in quantities the i,
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a says would be within safe levels. the plan as heat has been proposed and device is in conformity with the agreed international standards. and it's application as 10 piece that goldman decides to proceed with that would have negligible impact on the environment. nonetheless, focus, shame is fishing industry fee. is that a hard one? recovery since the disaster will be lost. consumers in south korea, that'd be buying up sea salt and seaweed before any discharge begins. and china is issued a series of protests, physics, again, routes japan to suspend the plan to release the water into the sea license, carefully negotiate with the international community and jointly explore a scientific, safe, transparent handling method which is agreed by all parties. the i a says china and
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south korea are among other countries that release waste water containing radionuclides into the sea. the environmental campaign group, green piece. so as japan is taking the cheapest of the safest option, it's unami of march 2011 disabled focus team is coming system within minutes, triggering meltdowns in 3 of its reactive so its consequences still fall from result and a set to stretch decades on into the future. all right, suppose it, i'll just 0 french president giovanni, alaska and has met more than 300 megs from across the country. they discussed the unrest that followed the police killing of a teenager a week ago. knock on said violence in the country is subsiding or french football style. canyon and buffet was one of the strongest voices calling for common friends in his hometown of warranty. and the parisian suburbs. young people say that his wife had time to meet treatment with and cut reports 12 year old, yes, seen,
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and his dad on their way to football practice. passing torched caused the result of last week's violence at the mural of french strike, a t. m, about the, the national here learn to play football in this working class neighborhood, just north of paris. most of the it gives them hope to see that someone who grew up here in the same conditions is as successful as they can be. it's a very important message that he had it kind of piece them because for them, he is an example. when riots began a week ago following the death of 17 year old, now, after being shot by police by pays voice managed towards others could not. the french trying to release the statements, as many of us come from working class neighborhoods, he says, we also share these feelings of pain and sadness, but violence as he goes on is self destruction coach rehab sadie
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says by plays, woods rang true and louder than any ministers or may is, this is so so, but there is no that didn't, but they were, it's had been a factor which played an important role to both pay tribute, denial and express. his desire for the situation to go down as prompts begins rebuilding after the estimated $1000000000.00 of damage caused by the riots. fig is like them, but they want people here to be given the chance of a better future. but one with violence as know, the answer. reach him if it didn't go out to 0, and also plenty of sports. his head on al jazeera, england, and australia getting ready to renew hostilities and the ashes. cricket searing on the reigning champion and stones had campaigns to win, and now the window,
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the hello. it's so quiet across the middle east at the moment that pop from some very brisk wanes, you can see very little cloud showing up on the south a lot. pay so what we have, but i south west of the way in the south. what's the monthly driving the showers across the india now? but i don't know if we do have a few showers just towards the fall, north of uh to okay. pushing up towards the black sea, the caspian sea, but otherwise it is hot and dry. shamal wind still blowing that course that is the sort of saudi arabia as we go through wedding to stay 45 celsius here in the wind, these is down. so less than the way of lift the dust and side doesn't go into with this type of a temperature not use 40 seven's celsius was still left key weight at also full baghdad penny of warm sunshine, whole sunshine across northern parts of africa. 41. the full car, right? part of your shows across the central africa now go for gimme saying some live yourself in a foster southern areas of molly. also joining emerson lobby shout was coming for
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you here. and a contingent not a little further north, which as we go into the middle part of the week, we have got to some showers there across the central africa, of course loyalty, troy, to the south that we will see one or 2 showers gathering from those. and big, maybe they all show it to potentially the, the, the, the account zone. how does the gun do you subscribe symbol? you said what the discount. so it's a full, the 50 percent wants to say every day you've already made plans to make an appointment to subscribe. today. he's probably the code summit 2023 african narrative from africans perspective.
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which are the one in terms of what came up performed to show documentary spot african filmmakers have been on the to on for over 20 years or future with fish from the sheriff and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges, sierra news, [000:00:00;00] the from back to watching as a 0 uninstalled you'd pay here and uh huh. let's remind you about top stories. at least 11 palestinians have been killed during israel. some raid engine in thousands
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of people are engine fast, respond to say they were pretty vincent from leaks and critically injured people. at least 8 people, meanwhile, had been injured in a call running and stabbing attack. intel of these medical officials say the suspected assailant has been pounds, is really media. and the royce, as news agency on our reporting that is really trips have started withdrawing from the janine refugee account. let's take a look back at the past 48 hours on sunday nights. israel terry down at strikes on an apartment block in the janine refuge account 5, monday morning, the posting and health ministry. it said that the 8 people had died in is randy raids or the nice that afternoon? city officials said that water and electricity had been cut off, and then as night fell thousands of residence was seen that splitting their homes place, it is ready for us as 5 to guess on
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a public hospital with dozens of families was seeking refuge. my late tuesday, the death toll engineer had risen to 11. well, that speak to our correspondent alam fisher. he's in jeanine island. when we last spoke the fighting was pretty intense. we could see the plan is a smoke here. the gunfire has been a lot of living and since it was still hitting the old explosion and sent me in the air, you can smell to your gas that has been fired. there was a fire on the heel or you can just the weight and the distance that they can the embers of it. but if you look down the main road, which has been our small window to what is happening in jeanine, there is no clear of military vehicles and has been for almost an hour now. and the vehicle is that our military vehicles are non ambulances, have come down that road. in the last 1015 minutes. we seem to suggest that the is really acceptable. but no, that would certainly fit into what we had is really radio. were suggesting that these really is told the united states that the operation in jeanine would last no
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more than 48 hours with no power, $45.00, moving towards other $46.00. and also we sold benjamin netanyahu speak in the last few hours saying that what happened, engineering was just the start of their corporations at the front of the field. and then these really military put out a statement, talking about what 8 say that had recovered from his operations engineering. all of these tend to be pre customers to the end of an operation. and so i think what we're seeing is, although no guarantee that every unit and every soldier has pulled out of jeanine, that operation certainly seems to be under way. and that's something that we've been talking about for a few hours. it was on clear for awhile because everyone drew back and it looked as if it was almost all over and then they move back in again. that is always the possibility. we don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but certainly from what it looks like and from the people who know they see the incredibly well. they seem to suggest that it looks as if that withdrawal has begun,
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may not have finished, but it seems to have certainly begun. hello, sylvia. say that adult canal, but in the morning i expect to get a sense of the scale of the destruction that so i think it'll be towards the morning. i suspect that people will be reluctant to move back into the area simply because one, it's dark and there's no electricity in the comp and to it's getting late. so that is an issue and 3, the, i'm not entirely sure that these really civil going. and so they wouldn't want to put themselves at risk and it could still be snipers around. it could still be the old unit around. no one would want to make that mistake and the dog. and so i suspect that most people to and there's more than $3000.00 people have left the janine refugee camp in the last 48 hours. they will wait until the morning before going to see the damage in the home. because to be honest at this time of night, there's not
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a great deal they can do other than just make sure that their home is there. and i suspect that it will be, come the morning. many people will want to know that yes, these feelings have definitely going on to that. it's safe for them to go back to being through an awful lot in the last 40 hours. the last thing they want to do is to create a fatal mistake in what seems like the last few hours of this assault. speaking of what like ahead, the sirens, the just behind you, we've been speaking about how medical access was restricted to people in the kansas, including those who had sustained some pretty serious injuries. as do we have a sense of, of the casualties. yes, and in terms of what's happened over the last 48 hours, or will that also have to wait for morning? i, i gain that will be an assessment that will be made by the international, red crescent, the local reg, crescent association, and also doctors without borders, groups that have been seeing that they haven't been able to get easy access to the
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account that there may still be people trapped in the center of the account with the worst of the fighting was when they were restricted by these really ami from approaching i, i know it was difficult for people who are injured and wounded to get out. so at the moment we know that there are still 11 people who died. we know that more than a 100 people when did the 20 of them out in critical condition. in fact, there was news just a couple of hours ago that one of those in critical condition had actually died that took the day to here till 11 after he had been shots in the head during the operation. i think of what just is that an update, just give me one second here. we're just getting an update as we're monitoring local media as well. so if you just bear with me a 2nd, it's yeah, it would. so it would just as we were talking about the whole safety issue that we've just received a call from, from locals who india. and they're suggesting that there are still sideboards, they can still hear and see snipers and the com. so that would make it, it,
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people would be very reluctant to head back into the com. i at this stage when it's still dark and be essentially doing what they're walking into. of course, an island we've been seeing some pretty terrifying video of the experiences of some of the, the civilians, the residence, the of jeanine over the course of the last 48 hours. can you talk us through some of the experiences that you've been hearing about? yeah, if you can bear with me just one second, we'll get another update. so this is all pretty fluid. and uh, with this being i would just hearing that there has been a targeted strike, a close to are actually on the cemetery. and that is happened pretty recently. so a while we were aware that there are fewer originally soldiers here, that we can see, you know, a small window and they authoration to a degree is still continuing. so this hasn't been a full and complete withdrawal. so that, that is still ongoing at the moment i'm speaking to people,
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that even is where we're on you here. sorry. i've completely forgotten the question you are. i was asking you about the experiences that people have been living through over the last couple of days. we were talking earlier and then watching some of the really terrifying videos, especially the women and children, the experiences that they've been going through. will you remember that this camp is being established for, for dozens of years, and people have experienced over the years a number of incursions including if you go back to the 10 be a sold on jeanine during the 2nd intifada in 2002 a but the more recent assaults have certainly not be the thing of this lens, the one just last month, less than 10 hours. so this was an extended period and people were scared. they were terrified and we saw that. and we've seen that in pictures. and of course, we now have a bit to insight into these things because of, of use of generated content of people who will post it to social media. and we get
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a much better insight into the difficulties that people have hots during these operations. and obviously as what the is really is telling the americans, but at this operation will be done in 48 hours. the impact, the consequences of what has happened to you over 40 hours will be felt for much longer than that. you're talking not just months, but perhaps even years island, such that i was overlays as for us on the ground engineering. thank you so much. i the hotel walk is in the us as you have los angeles walking off the job to them onto the best of pay on conditions around $15000.00 people are taking cost in the strike which started on sunday. the union members also ones and proved health care benefits. hi pensions, contributions and easy of what? because they say their wages are failing to keep pace with the rising cost of
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living. well, that's close to our rentals. he is in los angeles with some of those people who are out there on the streets. well, what is that the all the hotel work is asking for, is this all just about money was on the wellness such as they are on strike. now $50000.00 hotel workers for higher wages. they want their wages to about $25.00 an hour on average. in other words, we can show you that there are people here are papers
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watchers particularly interested in the mirror that is certainly going to work straight on the big old sale companies were standing in front of the big luxury hotels in this. now people are partners that. 2 that is the high cost of living. that is really rob reynolds. the, with the striking walk is in los angeles. thank you very much. from facebook and instagram is parents, company mehta is launching a new app that could rival twist to the threads. uh for launch on thursday, it will allow instagram uses to write part as well, keeping the or an accounts and they follow as it comes as advertises and use is becoming increasingly critical. if you don't,
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most of the handling of twist on saturday mosque, restricted the number of tweets that uses could see to see it on last responded to the news of the new arrival to his company by tracing. thank goodness there. so saying the run that was him taking a job at method is top executor as a chris cox. last month's called said that uses have been asking for a platform that is quote, same, the run and is reliable. what spring in drew ben v. he is the founder and ceo of bass and whole social media communications agency. he joins us now from london. do i want to start with the timing here just days of to twist of decides to restrict posts that use to see friends is launched. so will mess and now we throw bullets from the annoyance of towards the uses. do you think? yeah, i think so, friends besides the kind of me on i think this is, this is perfect timing. so that's a because other social networks had actually been benefiting from twits this term while in recent days and in recent weeks and months every time this an outage, every time has a policy change. well,
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safety moderates has all that go of twitter. people stop voting with that thing because i'm starting to use other social networks. i mean, like switzer announced, yet that hasn't been a high profile one, which is why meta is want to express now. so and you talk about policy changes. i'm curious, what's been going through last head, what's his strategy? is this just about monetizing the platform, the business side of things that could, that not really destroy what to us. it is for many people. and i think the nice people, yes. and we, you know, we use, we use many social networks and we usually look for a few things. safety, free use in return for some advertising for the advertising to be appropriate. and none of that seems to be happening on twitter of lights below most seems to in the beginning, want to cut costs, need to this by letting stop go. what happened then was the experience degraded, then advertise last. and now most recently, he seems to be trying to make money through selling use of subscriptions, which is twit tablets and the response to, to it's
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a going down over the weekend with the limit. but use of twits, it's a known paying uses step for trying to. i don't know if it's making money more important than the stabilizing the service, but need a seem to be working. so i think the strategy is a bit to conflict. it to be useful. so let's talk about how threats will work that it's linked to instagram, right? but a completely separate app and rather cleverly, you start with all your existing follows. yes, that's right. strides size. according to what we noticed, i fall from the promotional materials that you can stop by following all you'll instagram friends and, and the way it looks, it looks like the, the, the, the, the, the, the writing that you put under an instrument post on the comments on to that, so people feel quite familiar to people who are on instagram, but it's lowering the barrier to entry because many people have actually changed how they use instagram. that hosting less because they might not feel like they're saying interesting enough stuff, every die, sites them go out photo to share. so i think well, match the instagram, what to do here is allow people an easy way to post. and that's why spring looks in
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this way, threats us as an almost a companion up to instagram. really interesting this presumably that it has implications in terms of online safety and data protection to. yeah, absolutely, but this is something that method takes incredibly seriously, and it publishes data on the content that you're doing some full and has to take down in the last 2 years, up until the 1st quarter of 2023. for content. the warranty removal actually declined. a 40 percent of thought is $1600000.00 pieces per hour. i guess you have that right down to just under 1000000. so about about half uh, off of that is due to a eye catching it. but also mets is social networks, a very well stuff with content, and we'll do writes as people who look up the use of safety. something that twitter has actually let go by the wayside. very interesting. so here's a new threat to twist a coming from meta. we've just been speaking to drury ben via the founder and ceo
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of bass and whole social media communications agency. thank you for sharing your thoughts and expertise with esther. thank you. mutual, a just wanting that on on, you know, whether phenomenon is developing in the tropical pacific and could have a fall west effect on the front of this time around the global shift and the weather pass and could lead to more hurricanes and increase rainfall in some areas as well, causing droughts and others coming. baker reports. el nino is a global weather pattern that follows its sister event. lanier on average every 2 to 7 years. it starts when trade winds the blow east to west, just north and south of the equator, change direction, and begin to weaken. the pacific ocean heats up along the equator and blows warm air towards central america that spring, severe weather to the entire world. increased rain fall and floods in some areas, drought in others. or by declaring the start of an el nino year,
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the united nations hope's governments will prepare information we are providing as if you like a global scale perspective. so, damn and traditional, a new roommate to pull into the hands of the medical countries would you need to define besides the information. so we provide into the picture. and as of each of these, as a, as a detect details into dish. and that's where it gets complicated because the local effects can be different and severe. well, droughts strikes, central and southern africa, india, indonesia, australia, and northern brazil. rain pours over the southern us parts of south america, the horn of africa and central asia storms in the atlantic. we can all those in the pacific strength in this weather. fluctuation often leads to a rise in commodity prices on wheat from australia, palm royal coffee, and even nickel from indonesia, copper from peru, and fuel, more in demand. as hydro power dries up,
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analysts say governments will need to come up with a plan to tackle each of these challenges in our research. we do show that the and the effects of and menial work themselves south. we did $4.00 to $6.00 quarters at so the, the economic impacts of and mean you would only last for about a year or a year in the hall in some countries up to 2 years. but a study from dartmouth university in the us showed that after the last 3 l. ninos, the world's economy loss, millions of dollars. the other reason we're getting larger costs that i think than previous estimates is because we are allowing for the possibility that el nino influenced is more than just tropical countries. and when you do that, you actually find that there are really no places in the world that, that actually benefit from el nino dance. and so you just get this much larger fingerprint in terms of global macro economic effects. all of this on a planet that is hotter than ever before. in modern history. calling baker l. g 0,
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changing the color of their costs ahead of the versus from the the, it is time for support and he's on the thank you so much. this tells you a wimbledon since a cold. so is that a special guest for day 2 of the grand slam tournaments a time? roger federer has been keeping a close sewing on choose eyes action is the 1st level then since the announces atomic last time. we 41 year old,
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$120.00 grand slam single sizes during his career. it's a month that's it only for a rough man with ellen of a joke, rich ciocca rich. this she has the chance to equal his wimbledon sancho. for the elements of save a series of that month, tell us how caressed the world. number one, living up to his billing, and his opening matching dropped to 7 games in a straight sense. victory a jeremy, shoddy a friends. this funny does the writing us open champion for did lose out to feel conviction, the semi finals of a friend sharpened across the sea, many unconcerned about playing in the center court roof with heavy rain fully throughout the day in london. a dozen things too much to me. i tried to obviously it was out the room with. uh, i would certainly say it's much better for, for me, i think for whenever the wise, what about the, you know, have to, to be re focus, you know,
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with the rules of or not, you know, you have to, to, so my, my best love of updates on jumping on the mary also through to around 2, he's now he's $36.00. any pizza britain? run penis to me in straight sets very well. thanks face either the front of sits a pass, so dominic t a descending women's champion, a lead river came to have to come from a set down in her opening. we became a has been struggling with. they will not stay in recent weeks. have to pull out midway through her 3rd round, much of the french sharpen shelby roaches to the side of his confess before it became and recovered to secure victory in 3 less choose. bates in the following list was almost reversed. it was another window and she's 90. she lives in the city 6 police championships and she'd be my final total and and say cents to the left standing. but the window that come to us, i can find those in 2020. now england by suggest rates has added more fuel to the far ahead of the 3rd. she's test against australia breed suggesting the
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controversial dismissal of his teammate johnny best though in the 2nd test could damage this australian seems legacy the prime ministers in both countries. i've also waited on the debates in recent days, australia, personally depressed the 5 series to now. so it's us get some the way on thursday and leads as a team. we want to play all crickets that way and want to leave a certain legacy. and clearly it's been very different. how were you going about cricket cricket in the last 18 months on the, in terms of how we play soccer kit and physically, if you like us to think we patrick it inside a different way in that respect as well. but i think it's time for 5 on to, to move on and let's concentrate on the skin to bowls to lodge. i am on some pick ups and upstairs and, and ultimately obviously starting to apply this all this out, this within the laws of the game. so yeah, i'd say to me issues with that to be perfectly honest. see about boys types of
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playing it. this she is 50, i have a little cup of come to an end. they most of scotland by 31 runs and it's quite a foreign bulawayo. scotland will reach the funnels for a full time of the wind over the netherlands on thursday, and they could even qualify with a narrow defeats. now behind me is the current call that f one funds have been watching so far this season. but this week it seems going red sharp. they've been filed a throwback color scheme, which will be used at the home race. the british chrome press so listed on of the scenes, ongoing 60th anniversary celebrations. mclaren was famous for that chromebook between 2006 in 2014 in a row. when louis hamilton won, his 1st will title when he was with a team that was back in 2008. okay. but as i suppose looking financed. thanks sandy . well that's it for me and installs it today for this news that we will continue to follow. developments from jeanine way is really media is reporting that is ready for us as have begun their withdrawal, but we are hearing. they're also smart. there's in the area and the taxes are
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the the, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on how to 0. government shut off access to social media, debating the issues of the day. we've got to stop the intensive farming systems, the climate change protect disruption, otherwise we wouldn't be able to feed ourselves. everyone has a voice. one of up here says pipe top, imagine a and says this is american economic car wash. what would you say that the watching light targeting dependence on economy me is targeting vulnerable, but it's, it's important to have this conversation we need to talk about and not about narrative. the street on algae 0, the 19 sixty's decade of change across the middle east and north africa in the seconds of a 35 series. alger 0, well explores the explosion of oxen, culture,
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intellectually as we're building new dreams. an idea is because the revolutions of the 1964, the political parts of the mind for music to tv, the poetry of protest and revolution, they make the 60s in the arab culture. oh no jews here. the, the it's ready troops start withdrawing from the janine refugee camp up to a 2 day offensive during which they rated homes and 5 guests of people seeking shelter in a hospital kind of posting in rooms a pickup truck into pedestrians and televi spend goes on
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