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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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that are attracted to those particles and clean around the that makes new heavy a drove it's heavy enough to who's writing these rise of was the livable to into mexico city. and the hope is that by cloud seating, the water flow into the capitals would increase. the cloud, seating alone is not a silver bullet. so let's coast cities, we want to show the, [000:00:00;00] the low on money inside. this is a news line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. nato latest begin, a may just summits in vilnius, ukrainian. president, belgium is it, as he says, it seems that if no time table is given for ukraine's nature bids. now that
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sweetens bits of joy nato is cleared, we assess what tech a could gain from the deal. you and human rights council discusses religious tolerance in the wake of a cron bedding incident in sweden and harrowing stories. hundreds of black african migrate in space and also some details to being moved from a long libyan tendencies folder. part test is arrested in, as well as the connect it gives initial approval to controversial traditional over the hello welcome. we begin in lithuania and the nato summit. shaping the future of the mid 3 alliance, ukraine's president has course, decides what he says is assess and see over the bid to join nato, so that he says it would further encourage russia to terrorize his country. meanwhile,
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nature chief in stilton burke has announced that take he has agreed to box sweden's bed to join off the stalling the application for a year. what would sweden as a member of the military alliance can further bolster its forces in the baltic sea, as well as close to clement and doesn't like that prospect rush? just as nature expansion on his board is, is a mistake. i'm not ukraine is being manipulated by the lines to advance its own agenda against most go. what's not shooting here. i see with regards to russia, they have launched a hybrid for at muse manager, confrontation, sanctions, and political pressure against russia. nature is involved in military action against russia, as where you crane. there is no conflict between us because your crane has been used by nature and 1st and foremost by the us and great britain as an instrument to influence russia. and not that we speak to diplomatic editor james base, his lie for us in a villainous james nature members have a very different difficult diplomatic type rogue to will that may that'll be
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a well if you cranes frustrations a yes, i will. i mean it's, it's been a nato summit with very many last minute negotiations, and i think that happy right now with where they are on sweden and the negotiations with to kia. i'll go over this final, but part of that, which is problem entry, ratification by the to efficient hon gary and columns of but on the other issue, which has been the divisive one of this summit. exactly what to say to you, cried what to say about ukraine's aspirations to join nato. when president lensky is playing hardball, well, that's real division around the nighttime table around those 31 allies have been sitting for a couple of hours now behind closed doors, away from the cameras. actually debating this, cuz this is a matter that was discussed by ambassadors for days. they didn't reach any resolution. so now it's gone to the latest present. lensky was now in the last
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a little while arrived here in vilnius. not clear if he's coming to the convention center, we do know he will be having to note with leaders tonight. will they wait to finalize that wording on what they're going to say about your training. so he's that to present his case in person. that's not clear right now, but certainly it's been a day of quite difficult diplomacy. and i discussed alyssa the wrong with the jump in for a minute. it took a long time than we expected, but finally we are there and it's very good. that is so important. summit stocks was this good news that us we will be a member of nato until he will be a member of the you because of the last minute. that's what president road one link to this. yeah, but obviously these are 2 different institutions. however, also the european, the council edit sloss meetings from heads of states also said that the high representative of the u. joseph burrell. it should do and report on the relations between e, you and to also turkey. so it's a different track,
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but we also working on the track with regard to the relations you entered. now you've got all the negotiations have been going on. literally round the clock for days now, and that's on what to do about ukraine presidency. lensky knows he's going to become a member of nato at the summit, but he wants a clip off to membership. have you now sorted out the wording of what you're going to say to that? to me? it's obviously in the hands of the head of states. so i won't take anything uh, as this it hasn't been published, but i'm also very positive on that one. and we had the foreign ministers meeting the alternator in also, just a couple of weeks ago where we had to clear understanding that obviously in 2008, there was a wedding where everybody said in the end, this meant this, or this meant that. so now it's very important that it's clear that everybody understands the right thing. and obviously, nato has an open door policy, obviously, through the russian was offered ration at russia has brought you frame closer to
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nato also with regard to send that's was finding and this will be all reflected in this comment and come to stay on the web ukrainians invite or invitation or invitees. will that be in it? i know, you know, they won't say, do you know the answer to that question? yes, but it will be published by our hips, heads of states. okay. on cluster munitions. the u. s. is providing them to ukraine . you had, i think, a pretty clear narrative for the public over the, of, of, of the 15 months of the school. and that's, that's, russian is the one the commission will crimes brushes the one that's the address. so it doesn't, this monday, that doesn't make it much more complicated to sell things to the public and nato countries. while it was progression is the most complicated and most horrible thing you can imagine, especially as we have to lift a piece for so long on the european continent. and we never thought that the war progression would come back to you. and therefore, they are many hard decisions which have to be taken in the past. but we took this
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decisions because we made clear that if you have for the side in a situation between and a dresser and a victim neutrality is 1st of all, not an option. and that we spend by 100 percent on the side of ukraine in the right of self defense. we are defending here, not only ukraine, the peace and liberty of the citizens of ukraine, but also the european piece order and discharge of the united nations. and therefore, for me, oh, it's a tricky situation. it's not always important to really have to clear ahead, even though your heart is bleeding. and this is why my country, which should have joined the also convention on class the munition in 2010 which spend us from producing but also exporting cluster munitions that for us as the signature state, this is not an option. so the discussion is between ukraine and the u. s. and we all know that us, uh, it was not easy for them, but it's so in their hands. and it's a discussion between ukraine and the us,
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which is so tricky because russia has mind it territory sized off. you train in the size of western germany. this is so incredible. and i've been to places where there was even mines in kids. uh, it's n y, i'm sorry, sorry, the playground. yes. so, and so you can see that this. so what is being let spike in human structures and in human ad choose and this is why it's so important that we take these hop transitions which ought to be taken. i know the bat bulk the foreign minister of jeremy, germany speaking to me up a full present savanski arrived. ready in vilnius, and actually he, on the way here was tweeting from the plane saying that ukraine, dumont deserves respect, saying it was on president to them. but absurd when the timeframe no,
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the invitation is being set up for ukraine for its membership or the invitation. so i think he is playing hot tough bull hubble here as the lead lead us meet behind closed doors. what are they going to do? what are they going to say? well, we'll get a little window into that. so i think in a bout hoffen as time maybe a little bit less because the major sector general again, stilton buck has been in that close meeting. you'll be getting a news conference which you'll see a little later on. thank you for that. oh, diplomatic editor james base speaking to us, but in vilnius and of course we will be taking that press statement live. well, as we mentioned techie, a has demanded concessions to back sweden's membership. the take us government one still came to crack down on groups of considered as national security threats, including the p k, k and the y p g. encore also demands the expedition suspects that it cools terrace within. sweden has now lifted an alms and ball grow. it imposed on tech a to gain on credit approval. the tech has government also sort concessions from
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the us at once. washington to supplied with 40 new f. 16 fine to jets. was all set. it has more on this from a stumble. the thirty's approval or ad one decided to get him to give the green light to see those accessions and make it was a major back break to a for many tricks. also, it was a surprise. however, the people that have pulled that some now for me, if the people that are familiar with these, you have some of the officials, 9 color are saying that you return turkey has a so he got some concessions. but these are not the binding promises. as of now, it's a framework, it's a kind of cooperation and a good we'll as well. so one of them is the, i'm with them zation of f. 16 fighter gets that tricky. a has been demanding from the us. i see so long time ago and still waiting the approval from the us congress . and the 2nd issue is there believe or the report in the customer unions.
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agreements with the european union took this is that this is on the benefit team. one side was tricky supplement form, that's what it's once before and some of the other associates a 3 the benefits as well. so another issue is the vision of the p a n y p g. the recent on the movements in your opinion, and particularly in as in 3 of them. and the other issue is to guarantee the visa, visa, free travel for purchase. it is as to the shank m theory. so these are the things that tricky has demanded. and the officials are seeing that you'd have been union, the major members of nato that have agreed to work on a frame where cover, whether it's going to complete the results or not. really, to wait and see. almost positive talks on the sidelines of the nato summit suite and committed to supporting take. it has been to revive the process of music, moving closer to the european union as go to domina kane, who is in belin for us. how is the prospect of a techie
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e u membership bid being back on the cards going down where you are? that's the thing to remember when considering the relationship between ankara and brussels between anchor and the european union. on a wise a level is that the idea of accession has been around for decades and it hasn't never really come to fruition. and so was the new dyers, all european has the government and heads of states who are breezing and metaphorical sigh of relief. that sweden, that the issue with sweden succeeding tonight. so now no longer hasn't took his block on it as it was this thoughts of a, an accelerated process visa vx session for anchor into the you. well, there are certainly some leaders who aren't particularly sign gwinnett viruses, but one who has been referring to the situation with the turkish government,
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with the governments of president russia. primarily one is the german shots. so the order of shots, and this is what you have to say. yeah. and that's all piercing the hops at the last european council, we decided how we want to further develop the relationship between turkey under european union. and we also asked the european commission to submit proposals and reports so that we can do so. i will also talk to present or do on here that the ticket is an important partner for us, and this will be expressed in the future relations. so once this there is no question that the relationship between the you and so he is very important. people will be aware of the fact that the deal exists. these are the migrants and refugees who come to turkey. certainly the european union doesn't want to see that prejudiced, but does the european union want to see to keep it coming? a fully fledged member of the european union and inside the shang and so, and that's a totally different series of questions. one e, you had of government stuff yet, but to from luck some back inside the,
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in the past that have been problems with the, to the case government and the relationship has not been easy but that they want to try and make it more consent to more and more in, in a sense, according with each other, more progressive, more cooperative. but that does not mean that they want to see. so the coming into the you any time soon? okay, thank you for that. don't that came that for us invalid. well, techie is relationship with russia is now in the spotlight following these developments up. and they told me saying yes in october for me, the former deputy chapman of the policy form adviser to president ed one. he says, he doesn't believe that the deal will affect the ticket is relations with russia. so let's see the rest of these, this course is something that's well known that there's not a night of course, it is ship. it specialize in a line which is a sort of
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a communication. so to, for relation people for the relation explanation, which is not a lot and in some is previous or you solve of course pages or something, something soft twice. you can see very high agreement or high communication is not the oldest agreements restaurant any in old is booked as well. the issues the that's a very, very apparent and very us disagreeing kentucky. i wish i did. yeah. and like in the even, you know, as a big chunk. busy that sort of disagree. what at the end of the day is that there is a so to find some issues, so to mutual understanding each other but is not to the, to the level of making for example, of crisis. but people ahead on the new style, including a missing is on the way at the un human rights council at the beginning of a cron in sweden, about a month ago. remembering scrubbing needs to thousands molding evictions of the 1995
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genocide as tensions invoicing the amount. the hundreds of african migrants stranded on the border with libya reported to been put on buses. 5 minutes, 3, i'm transported to locations within 10 is the 700 people would move to the border last week, off to being detained by security forces. not followed protests against the presence in the city of sparks. so this is the president case. site has rejected criticism that his government is mistreating african languages and refugees see, you know, some nations human rights council is holding an edge and missing on the banning of a ground. and sweden last month meeting was requested by pockets done one of several countries with protest as have demanded an international response to kid. why that having it. and that's going to be at the time you freedom of expression is
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an ethical value that should spread peaceful coexistence that rather than causing a clash of civilizations, where you should spread the value of taller and old and put an end to all practices of hatred. and discrimination on the universal culture of peace and tolerance can only be built through concerted international efforts to have it for free speech is as indispensable as hate speech should be in defensible. i'll be there to protect free speech must not lose sight of the imperative to reject hate speech. there is not a single list name country on the planet that allows for the drastic desecration. the pony tax of other religions as guides, hoary talons, has been following the story for us in london. rory, give us a little bit of background to why this meeting was cold as well. the target for this has be met. event that's a vice and sweden, a few weeks ago when a and a wrong key kristian immigrants but
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a copy of the koran outside of mosque in the swedish capital stone, cold itself. a whole raft of condemnation from islamic countries around the world and protests, and many of those countries to the swedish embassy in baghdad, in a rock with storms briefly by a protest is support. is it that she cover it much sought outside of the coals from some countries that sweeten shades, enact binds on the burning of the curl, unpack of stone was one of those countries pack of stone will say the country that the cold, this urgent to pace and in the un human rights council, the swedish government is always to be aware of the massive sensitivities here and say that it strongly rejects the, as i'm a 5, the guys committed by individuals and sweden. adding that this in no way reflects the opinions or the swedish governments. indeed,
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the swedish police have tried to stop a book, but it needs koran burnings the box. the, the issue is in sweden the that, that yeah, this is a protected essentially on the swedish laws ceramic, freedom of speech started the court, stepped to it and said no, the police couldn't stop these but bindings. they're happy now they're applications for mold bindings. crohn's torres bibles as well. you know, essentially what it boils down to here is one of these into your intentions that exist between liberal countries, predominantly in the west that say that freedom of speech a sec assigned even when it might offend the sensibilities of religious groups. within those countries, i'm islamic countries often wilkinson a safe way to say that there are some things which absolutely cross the line and the items like the koran or hardly any desecration of all of them is,
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is blasphemous. there are people within suite these we say that the beginning of the ron is not protected by freedom of speech because it crosses the line into hate speech which is illegal, but at the moments the sweetest cause on supporting that particular interpretation . it's interesting, isn't it, because the repercussions a lot bigger than just tensions in the country. i mean, for example, morocco went so far as to recall its invest the to sweeten. mm. yeah, i mean, this has obviously even run vacations in many aspects of, of international relations. and we have seen that play out a little bit in this dispute because negotiation perhaps is a better way to describe it. um, so we don't get, you know, the, we've had lots of apps and all programs like fall between to kids and uh, the european union between secure and the west,
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about sweden's accessions of nature. now to care with saying that one of the reasons why he didn't think that sweden should join nights. so a was because of as it put these anti islamic protests that have taken place in sweden. now, it is interesting that talk here has now said that sweden can join nato bots, the objections of the button and give crohn's etc continue. so there are of many ways in which to your politics comes into this issue. many ways in which domestic politics come into the, to this issue as well. i know i suspects that it's going to carry on with no particular resolution. okay, thank you for that boring challenge that for us in london, the police in israel have arrested 66, the protest. those who been marching against the government plan judicial changes demonstrates, has blocked highways, leading to west jerusalem, haifa and tennessee. on monday, israel's parliament approved a bill for
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a judicial eva who is fast reading or just to say the new will limit the supreme court. i have assigned powers in wrong con has the latest from tennessee the way
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the is there any forces have arrested 9 palestinians during raids in the occupied. westbank is ready on the storm. the ass called refugee camp a novelist on monday night and villages in jeanine. and 2 korean still remains of size. the victims of these terminates the genocide had been buried on the 28th anniversary of the atrocity. thousands in bozeman and hudson cuz he now paying tribute to the dead old of a $1300.00, mainly mostly men and boys will to 5 balls and in sub forces during the bulk as
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will remains of many victims relate to found in mass graves which were hidden to try and cover up the wall. crime. ida, how does the music has more from 70 to more than 6700 victims have been buried in this cemetery where i'm standing by this much, much more than just numbers because all these people where son's father brothers, someone's family members and 1000 is still missing a 1300 people were killed in 7 and this the genocide in july 1995. and he has the majority of them where men and boys, couple of 100 of miners were among the victims. however, they were also thousands of women who were killed. let me just say one example, the oldest and the youngest victim of 7 and such on the sides were women. the
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oldest one was the lady who was 94 when she was killed. and the youngest victim of sabotage on the side was a baby girl for team. a weeds buried here and who lived only for a couple of hours in the process of such an edit verification is very long and very complex. part of the reason is the fact that we still do not know where all the mass graves are, where the perpetrators hit the remains of these victims and the perpetrators remain silent. they do not once reveal the true to the families. starlight is probably ministers, announced his retirement from politics per use turn, which has rolled for 9 years. he took pile and a crew when he was head of the army, his party lost a recent election, but a new government has yet to be formed. he said to remain as can take a prime minister until that happens to time palms you she rock is the executive director of the institute of security and international studies to the long calling university. it says the prime minister announcement is long overdue. this man,
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the general, but you would see seeds, power biometric, cool. in 2014, he proceeded to lead the movie government for 5 years, and then another 4 years up, a realtor drafting constitution along the way, 9 years of a lot of damaged with finance, finance, international spending, etc. all time low meaning us in all the time it would be most, you know, but someone equals us the 2nd to none, along with your needs over time, there's no way to be seen. so an economy? no, no good prospects. they had a political conflict still. so it's overdue. i think it is that many times, but we have to say this is that the timing is a little bit curious because this is a tricky week for time that, you know, we've had any elections in, in may in this week a thursday, the book that appointment has been part of it is going to take place, so i don't know why it's general, but you did decide to and make is announced. and now they also other issues about this accountability for the wrong doings or any post mismanagement of the economy.
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and other allegations that we would like to see pursued. so he has, i think he knows what he's doing. there's a lot more to it than this. the timing is suspect, and we'll see how the book goes to the prime minister. this does that in this context, a slow head on out. is there a heavy range like a slash slugs in the northeast and you know what to say is causing widespread damage? the frank assessments $3000000000.00? is it going to be enough to get focused on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that journey? is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out. but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the day. sidelines questions really who controls that goes on an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big, private corporations,
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and individual super wealthy building. there's inside story on al jazeera to dreaming of somebody more amazing this summer. how about some disney magic ones? you can go to the big one, single one to you will find x. incredible phase. then you can just take these 3 using this summer feed more into talk more visits, couple of dot com the the, the watching out is there in mind. the thoughts on the story is to sell it as the
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nato summit takes off and the list of waiting and capital ukraine's president has criticize what he says is on search and see over his bid to join the ministry alliance. meanwhile, nato chief young stilton book has announced that turkey a has agreed to box weight and spit to join us storing the application for yes, the texas government has demanded concessions to back that membership. the ministry lines will further bolster its presence in the bowl. take off to sweden's a session for rece reports on the island of got lend on this gun, the navy of nations year long membership that the swedish flag is floating on the rolls of this be for centuries symbol of a once war like nation that has remain neutral for the past 200 years, that neutrality is now effectively over of the tech kit gave the green light to nighttime membership. as politicians and diplomats arrived in the somebody will city on the island a couple of this month, probably on the agenda. that was what sweden could bring to the table as
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a member of the military alliance. so what's the now start to see actually is the come towards of a new security architecture and your suite in this part of the security architecture. i'm the, i would argue that in the crack in this system, which is now slowly being formed. it's dangerous. i mean, i'm typing this killer course is this cracked with that correct sealed, nato now has a way to dominate the northern seas. with this swedish territory position between scandinavia, the baltic states, mainland europe, and the russian exclaimed, of cleaning grad. got along as a t military asset sunday type in the baltic. but the swedes found many obstacles blocking the path since i applied to joining the alliance more than a year ago. sweden's hopes of joining alongside finland with task when the fins became members 3 months ago. took it repeatedly said it could not allow the swedes in tonight. i well protest linked to the p k. k held installed kind of all sweet
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and strict freedom of expression is allowed demonstrate just upon the ground. so we


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