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tv   Generation Change Greece  Al Jazeera  July 12, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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catherine, sorry, i'll just narrow, narrow the. now southern europe is facing reco, breaking temperatures as a heat wave hits the constant. it's being called the severest heat wave named after the 3 headed monster from dante is in founder. some parts of spain registering temperatures of $45.00 degrees celsius. while it is full cost, a cool there over the weekend, it's expected to get even often if lee ends in greece, the again, this is al jazeera and these are the headlines, as well as military says, it stopped in the attempt to damage the northern vote. defense for 11 on the judges . news agency is reporting that several members of the hezbollah armed group were wounded. these really army says, normally full force was used to keep them at bay us presidents or violent has called a press conference that the nation has some lessons if you and yeah, that's the us we'll keep backing ukraine for as long as it takes biden was speaking,
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to the media with all the g 70 it is as they announced, security patches and support for you. we're going to help ukraine build a strong capable defense across land air and sea. and from which will force the it'd be a force of stability in the region and deter, against any and all threats. i think it's a powerful statement. a powerful statement of our commitment of ukraine has a defense of freedom today. and as a rebuild is a future for and as we're going to be there, as long as that takes all new kinds president for the me is landscape, sense nature, anita is and said that his country is bringing home a significant victory. david ross, security, and guarantees for ukraine on the weight, nato, and important package of security guarantees. to date, we are go to meeting with a g 7 congress. the framework for security guarantee of that shall be in folder
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extended through that are on demands with our key part in this last row and multilateral agreements and ukrainian delegation is bringing home significant security victory for the grain for our country. where all our people tell us than in presidents. what of us has visited janine for the 1st time enrolled in 10 years . his visit comes day is often naija is rarely assault on the city's refuge account in the occupied west by present abraham, right. you see has just arrived in uganda on the 1st such visit, find a reigning leader to africa and move in a decade. pricing began his trip in kenya with he and president william root have discussed trade and by that for relations. well, there's the headline, stay tuned. generation change is next. where is the western agenda heading? that's the g 7. really even matter anymore. who's more electable, joe biden, or donald trump,
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or jeremy was in the media undermining our society. can americans trust that their supreme court is not corrupt? the quizzical look us pull it to the bottom line, the grease, the black face of democracy, european philosophy, and deal. it became more recently a country associated with a frequenting debt crisis to view of 13 moses and it could not make collapse in 2015 brief holes. they found itself on the front lines and the refugee crisis. my name is emma, and i'm ronnie and i come here to act in to meet 2 young activists. he wants to bring about radical change addressing issues from education and then a quantity to racism, a micro right welcome to generation change
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a global series attempts to understand and challenge the ideas of mobilizing youth around the world. or so we currently invade on us, which is where you grew up, right. was there anything about coming up here that particularly motivated you to go into activism, to participate in senior governments in 5th grade, actually representing the students and many important issues as raising money for pay people from lower economic backgrounds from students to participate in a school to the all helping people, some of the families in mind to not be left behind. and your parents with a politically active. yeah, both my parents are a trade unionist,
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but from my early ages i remember my part installed the selling the of the house, respect every, every person, no matter their, their background, their, their status to the interest you're a co founder, a youth organization includes really uh near on, could you tell me with a name comes from and what your main objective thoughts. mm hm. so actually for the mean seduce and they say they are william and initiative. and man means here we focus on organizing people and issues as, as the eligibility rights women's rights, human rights in general, but also the, the educational crisis in their climate crisis as well. we organize people on
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the street level with demonstrations and sikes, but also organize a lot of open dialogue with the, our members and, and young people in general to talk about the important stuff that i was in the nation's basis. and we are now starting to do some loving work, actually pressing quotations to implement agendas that work for, for young people as well. or hello, thalia may on isn't a line. so a political policy, how would you describe the values of it for somebody that's in a different country? i think that will mean the progressive left. we have some specific cases that are not like negotiable for us, but we try to to keep the dialogue open. and actually we negotiate with people on
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our ideals. also, we need to show people that you have to pressure those institutions. and the people who called offers to actually work for you and for your interest. the rosa you were born and raised in greece, but your parents originally come from albania. what's that been like a while in greece? just talk about you are born in the country or that true immigration in any age doesn't automatically make you a greek citizen. so although i was born in greece, i was considered an old baby and citizen until 2017, which meant that i had 0 civic right. but no, absolutely no, probably couldn't fully declare presentation and how albanians to see if they're in greece sort of balance my grades into 92. so i started this illusion of the hybrid communist space. we are currently the biggest, my great 3 minority we have been traditionally targeted by the media. we have
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been perceived as the dangerous as the criminal, as the somebody to watch out for. and so yeah, in, in a way it hasn't made it easier. so for us, the senior agent, the great society you've been involved in and see 1st if movements and i wanted to know what it was about your life experiences that kind of shape to a journey into activism. the moment is that as being actively involved with the movement was when i was 13 years old. that's quite a side of the between the beginning of the financial crisis in greece. you spoke with being point to a certain moment in time that really sparkled back to get to claim it would be when the police killed the 15 year old boy. his name was alexis. we heard all, bruce, the nonsense, and that the sparkle, the big movement of demonstration that moved from um, from austin and sped all over greece. and
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spoke about their struggles. but also represented many different topics that we were fighting for from police brutality through a presentation to essentially a better life for so we know one of his background, i'd like to know that about the work that you do with my friends particularly. yeah, so we're along across the association, we are collecting the, before we're doing an option where it says illustrating call ideas and a phone racism and all sorts of fun, social and like discrimination. and we lack representation of people like us in classics and government and higher, let's say like the aspects of society. so we're really keen on promoting that to
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the elements of petra and rosa being here today. both of you have grown up during the time and numerous social and economic i'll people in greece. where is that, how do you think that this is defined things to your generation? well, i think when somebody's faced with those verse that they've is most probably to with you can go about one of them just so you know, put your head down and let it destroy you. and the other one is to push against it . then somehow elective define you positively, i think cuz i come from the generation that was facing the financial crisis and then was capable with what they call the refugee crisis. i think um we were confronted with a lot of different of age and structures and phenomena, but most of us, these come through more resilient then again,
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i got on meet the truth, which is that a lot of us faced with this of diversity we, we had to fly, like i have to say that a lot of my peers, my classmates, do one of my generation dates. we need greece. i think the we came stronger after listening to this crisis that we face as dinner a since. something that have to do out is the last of space in the democratic institutions that our generation is facing. and that is something really difficult for, for people to understand them. this democratic institution is going to work for you . and something that we need is stronger representation of people of all race environment and then any uh, local or national or original plays. the decisions are being made is interesting that you say that young people don't have trust in democratic institutions because the last government actually load the vice and age to 17 on i wanted to know what do you think that means that young people have more of an
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active voice in politics in greece. i think that it gave us a sense of responsibility because it was the 1st time that we got to vote. but the problem is that the, the h to get elected is still the same. it's 25 years old. so that doesn't change anything when it comes to my presentation. and because i wanted to ask you, your experience has been different. so could you explain a bit about what you will civic rights have been like in greece? yeah. is there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and how the feeling for it's hard then actually being represented in the system. going from what they call as a 2nd generation migrant in greece. which basically means that you are either born from my grand parents increase, or you migrate the energy age. and i believe most of your life in greece. so you have all of the medications as a pro for greek citizen, no taxpayer, but none of the civic rights. and i think one of the most important things that we need to understand is that you cannot vote. i think i come from one generation because 0 is being in the greek society,
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and that is exactly what we're trying to change with horizons to put greeks like me, the center of this probably completing its color. and when you talk about no feeling visible, do you mean specifically coming from a migrant community or not having great nationality in the 1st place? or do you mean generally for the generation? i think it's, it's, it's represents the generation of people that have my grades are heritage and 3, a visibility envisioned be that i liked the play was terms also comes from the front of the 2 are very visited for certain terms. and that is when people call you the grant and the cream, you know, and foreigner, but then you're visible when it comes to anybody. take anything to accomplish your think there were lots of specific things that happen in greece. say we quote them crises, but also the label comes in it and i wanted to know how well these things that affected the education system and experiences students i so as well uh we, we have uh no basic um,
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stuff that we need no basic infrastructure that we need in our schools and in our universities. and the problem is that the current government is, is actually trying to, to turn into the discussing and into a certain different direction because they focus on security and the police on campus one. at the same moment. we don't have some basic stuff, but it's getting versus all around us and all around the world has. it was specifically the lowering of us, of budget during the crisis. and especially the, the get that a wide in between not lowering and upper classes when it comes to private spending . as a ways i need to have to get some private tutoring to get into university. and so it becomes very disproportionate for people of, for working class people to, to be able to help their kids to prepare their, their, their,
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to into get into university. interesting is a way of me, conservative call, harmon said to privatize everything. we've seen that happen with health care and now i think it's a very direct approach towards education. i think you might agree with me. we are very proud to have a public education system english for us. it's important to keep it public and the conservative government is trying to do it exactly opposite. we were just talking about student politics and i think around the world, she didn't pull its excuse to the left. but more generally in greece, the far right had gained popularity. nice, nice to believe with a near, not secret the golden doing. why do you think that's been the case? said when you have a diversion crisis, and you have a space. i concrete, say, greece, that is a talk by many phones they. it's also i'm a grounds that creates different passivity. it is, one of them is for folks who is narratives, for example, phobic narratives for um, it creates an opportunity for extreme ideas to come forth because people are struggling, right. and on top of the financial crisis, starting 1008 in 2015,
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you had what they call the refugee crisis. so i think the system it says dave space, so golden don't exist because in that way they won't take the mainstream, extreme ideas that we actually see today in the conservative government. we cannot fly. there are specific people in the structures of the car and government that are also in the right side of the spectrum. right. so yeah, i think it's been for pretty large because if you needed to express the stronger in october of 2020 the going to it was finally criminalized. and some of the leaders was sent to prison. is that the end of the story when it comes to the going on in the near not see aspects of the far right increase. we do not have them in the parliament. they are not in the strong public position that they, where they're not moving drug costs in half of our days in our mainstream media. but in reality, they still exist. not all of them were jake,
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and not all of their ideas and narratives are buried somewhere beneath. right. and you still have their support is around. i was talking with some people of this think all their own communicate. they're not. people are not ashamed to say that they support the goals and on and maybe when they be calm, then we can talk about it ending. but it's definitely not the case right now. do you agree with that? is that people aren't really ashamed to be associated with the golden don't me? i think the public out for the introducing decision. 92020. i understand how dangerous calling on was, especially after the beginning of, of the popular spaces of families in green communities. and the thing was gonna come up or and if people understand that it wasn't just a right wing party who was in the united st cleaning or pump that was doing some criminal and terrorist activities. but the audio lindsey's is still there and we have one of their members waiting party increase in time existing of a 1000000 refugees of migrants landed on the shores of greece and rosa you went to
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work on the line and of some of what did the experience show you. yeah, i mean that was definitely on defining experience. i think um it is still hard for me to express what i went through. but for sure it's thoughts for me in main understand that is as, as a mcgraw, i had a really tough slice and the struggle most people are having a dog booth and worst. and that comes from the fact of what they go. so when they are in the, comes back in the day, the comp was open to day, they are closed security facilities and international engineers like oaks time and amnesty international have the keys degree government of illegal pushed back some refugees across the border. and prison like refugee senses, i wanted to know if you think that's a great public support these measures. i don't think typically public support this measures, but i think that there's a lack of information when it comes to the whole referencing issue increase. because the media is now covering other other issues as, as
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a gas prices or the electricity prices of the war and ukraine. so i think that especially in the mainstream media has been trying to, you know, and james and dialogue and take it as of as far away as, as a kind of from and why is that? because the government had turned comes from the space that you could walk into to prison conditions. so there is, i think for me it's a targeted approach to give out as the information as possible. and actually when there is information authentic media, it's being blocked. and those journeys are being even stopped and followed by the government. and i wanted circle back to one key point and the media in the recent international press freedom index to publish 5 and 4 inches without borders. greece came last of all your opinion in countries behind bulk area and hungary. were you surprised about that? frankly speaking not, but the context only if we see greece and the media landscape seems to financial
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crisis. what you observe is others being really strong. the funding of the, of the, the media services. so what me did does now is that they rely on public funding. what happens there is that the public funding goes to the hands of the media that are supporting the conservative government. so you have a system that is not fair. you have a system that is not a safe. yeah, the journalist, but i know 1st of the investigative journalists being stopped by the government. so i think it's a, it's a matter of understanding that the ownership and the safety are really, really going down here. and i think it's, it's important to note that the government has refused to work for which is without food is fine things. and they said that the majority of newspapers in greece exercise phase criticism against the government. pinterest, what do you think about that response from the government? it has nothing to do with them. the reality we are facing in greece because the press and the media here are operating by the one percent of the country. i may say,
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well, the big dies with um, the oil business in the shipping industry. so for me is personally when it comes to to my claimant. octave is it was really difficult going to do immediately and talking about climate change and talking about how these sleeping companies are in destroying local communities. they wouldn't report it because they are owned by the people who are creating the problems. and of course, the well young people that's adding to social media instead. for me. the, well, let's take you live now to the left. you, when you in capital, where us president joe biden is about to give a speech a public address at building yes. university following meetings with his fellow niece. her lead is let's was no seats. oh we macro. it's good to be back in. don't. is the nation at origin, the knows better than anyone. the transformational power of freedom, you know,
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to show the world is truth to people, you know, can not be denied. and together with your brothers and sisters and estonia and last year, you helped and the air of division for the power of connection, a baltic way, not the berlin wall became the symbol for your future. later with the silvery tide, so once more to divide your independence, the people are building. i said no, no, no, no. and in january of 1991, tens of thousands of citizens are not nearly came for their own of their own accord scan. it is one to protect the tv tower, to shield or supreme council defend freedom. a florentine heroes, tragically lost their lives. hundreds were wounded, but the whole world saw that decades of oppression had done nothing to them. the flame of liberty in this country. i mean
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it's kinda like the way the cupboard, strong cupboard. right. and you kept the light. chun, herringbone is and a washington dc where the yellow, green, or red of your fly flew every day. this past year, there's celebrated a 100 years of on the broken diplomatic relationship between united states and the baltic states. america, america never recognized the soviet occupation, the balding never, never, never. c seen the utility, the book between the american people have never faltered just just 7 months after
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the bloody january crack down the 1st floor and vividness or 1st foreign visitor to have their passport. stature left to right here with visas of this. so there's no reward state or a plane load of lithuanian americans from chicago, illinois and their families are still proud of that was that is came after that a lot came after work as many a board that plan and so i looked away during the early years of somebody, oppression and marble, marvel that to return to this independent state. one of them told reporters, quote, this day is like a resurrection for us. this day father is like a resurrection, right? that's what the quote was for real. that's the feeling. and it was a resurrection that quickly became a revelation and a nation which stands a day as
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a stronghold of liberty and opportunity. a pro. * leverage to european union and nato, the big champion of the way, the another ball these days to join data in 2004 was an i brilliant doing that. um . oh goodness, i think about what is, how has changed things. think about what's happened. now over the last few days. press united states are the on or participate in the storage nato summit, hosted by lithuania, where we welcome nato's newest allied finland and reached agreement to bring sweden under the lions as soon as possible, one kept his word. we witnessed the historic journey and i'm proud to call us the radio
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friend, partner and our on our, our to be 32nd freestanding hatch free, 30 free, $32.00 for each dandy members standing together to defend our people in our territory beyond. * beyond all the rest bound by democratic values to make a strong and by our sacred oath as an attack against it is a sacred of attack against one is attacked against all. because each member of nato knows that the strengths of our people and the power regularly can not be denied. my sound, the music is because i am to their lines remains a bore global security stability, as has been for more than 7 decades. no stronger,
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more energized than yes, more united they've ever and it's history. indeed more vital to our shared future didn't happen by accident. it wasn't that level when i was craven less for land and . 7 our own list is little more on ukraine. he was very nato with reg apart. he was betty nature would break. the thought our unity would shatter. at the 1st test, he thought democratic leaders would be wait. but he thought wrong. trace of the threat, the space with through the pieces, the believe the world democratic values. we hold there to freedom itself. we did what we always do. the united states stepped up, data stepped up our partners in europe in the airports, and then the end up with civic step down all across the world. they stepped up. as
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we're ready, we were ready because we stood together in the months leading up to the war as putting a match as far as to that you create a border laid the groundwork for his brutal invasion. while i was in constant contact with my fellow leaders of the g 7 of european union and they don't cost them, we were in the world. what put was planning. even somebody trained didn't believe we was what we had. our intelligence community found. we made sure that it was prepared to deter, added a direction against a members day, as you pursued in tech support was russian. so, you know, virt disturbing war rush of bombs began to fall. we did not hesitate, jack, we rallied the world to support the re typically crank as they defend their liberty and their sovereignty with incredible dignity. i mean not from the bottom of my heart and think about it. think about what they're
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doing. after nearly a year and a half rushed as far as the committee, terrible atrocities, including crimes against humanity, the people of ukraine remain on broken on broken framing remains. united states, as the total is more than 50 nations to make sure ukraine defends itself both now and is able to do it in the future as well. such as war began. i still have the presence the landscape. i just spend about an hour for their washington key and in hiroshima and our goal is to declare to the world what i say again. we will not waiver we where i mean in our community, not we will stay for liberty and freedom today tomorrow and for as long as it takes
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the morning, not just turn, turn beautiful. the basic principles, the united nations charter, that we all signed up to sovereignty territorial integrity. these are 2 pillars of peaceful relations among nations. one country cannot be allowed to seize his neighbors territory by force, russia, gravitas, for tomorrow, but were drawn as far as the crate. so, recognize international borders and cc there's a tax on is then you made a tax on russian. i'm just by russia on ukraine. guess as children women and children is military or unfortunately.


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