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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 14, 2023 6:00am-6:30am AST

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it is posted on a road costing out to 0 ingles proud recipient to new york festivals, food costs throughout the year award for the 7th year running. the international criminal court launch is an investigation into election new war crimes in savannah style, full return during the ongoing conflict. the other ones are in jordan. this is obviously a life from dell also coming up. serving us government approves the resumption of aid supplies and to the rebel controlled northwest from keith font with conditions bottom all as electro buddy says next month's presidential. one of we'll go ahead after the suspension of a contest in policy, is that the room? i'm rob reynolds in los angeles square. an actor strikes threatens to have it on
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the entertainment industry will have a full report coming on. the international criminal court has opened on investigation into new alleged war crimes incidents. the full region. prosecutors are looking at reports of atrocities against civilians since fighting broke out between the army and the power military rapids support forces. in april, the i c. c has been investigating crimes in the full says early 2, thousands. when must cummings begun? should have potentially has move on a warning. you may find some of the pictures in his report. distressing. at the end of the actual criminal quotes as the current violence in dell for fools with events existing mandate investigating alleged, or crimes and crimes against humanity in the region. prosecute as a said to be place, sleep tracking reports, if extrajudicial killings, sexual violence,
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the burning of homes and markets looting and the displacement of civilians in west and most of the we have already started investigating. as i said. and mr. president and excellence is i do want to be clear and send a clear message to every belligerent every, come on to every foot sold. you has a gun or believes that they have power to do what they want. the targeting civilians, individuals targeting the homes, targeting that businesses intentionally, particularly the targeting children and women of all crimes prohibited by the room statute combs, specifically mentioned reports from the un human rights office. the rapids support forces under allied militia that killed at least $87.00 ethnic methyl. it was subsequently buried in the mass grave. observe a safe part of a cold lated campaign of ethnic cleansing, their design for evidence of the fighting janina and not being
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a total between the army under additional forces and militias supporting the simple forces. but all the content of ethnic cleansing at the monthly scale with the limits the whole for a forces fighters and militias aligns with them going door to door, asking people about their dismissal, be exhibiting in their families, uh, based on their uh, identification as much as the the, the, the one that uh, deals 5 is that for however, the icpc said that sydney's government was no longer cooperating with its investigation. nor does the license so you have any investigators on the ground and so down. nonetheless, the prosecutor will owns national regional and international act as that there would be no impunity for crimes hardly being committed and del, for if you ever times the out to 0, the united patients will actually have mentioned that among the many incidents the i c. c will investigate is the discovery of
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a mass grave in west off for both east sydney's military. i'm the rapids support forces. i've been accused of war crimes. even morgan ripples about the woodland, enough offices mobile phone be due surface last month on social media. lack of and there's not a dog here. the man says their bodies are now speed bumps for the road. the video was believed to be shocking to ne, now who know where the capital of to dance west are forced state, where violence by malicious hasn't killed thousands of people, mainly from them, a sally to tribe. now, a you in human rights report says some bodies have been buried in a mass grave just outside, you know, you know, the agency says at least 37 bodies were buried on the 20th june, in the approximately one metre, deep mass grave. another 50 bodies were buried at the same side on 21st june. the bodies of 7 women and 7 children were among those buried. the un panel says it has
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credible information. those buried were killed by the parent military rapids support forces and their lights melisha. the violence in west are 4 states already marked by 2 decades of war, was the result of a power vacuum. as 2 dense army and the power military rapids support forces, battles, full power in the capital cartoon, and other states. hundreds of thousands have fled to from to name not to neighboring chad since april, many recounted the horrors they've witness. dolan, i know is that i do. i left my family behind, including my wife and children. i left them in the fighting. there was no force to protect civilians. the rapid simple forces attacked is from every side even in the streets when we tried to flee the they didn't leave people alive, the tech people and the dead were left on the streets. the menu refugee say they had to leave sick and injured family members behind the you and report says some of
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those buried in the grave include those who died from untreated injuries. health facilities have been destroyed in the violence and telecommunications, where it cuts off a thousands across the border every day seeking safety sedans. army says the un report provides a glimpse of the crimes committed by the parent military group. it's fighting and accused the recess of work, crimes and crimes against humanity. the power military has previously blamed what it calls outlaws for the violence and are for the human rights commission. there has urged the recess to stop the violence, which is most of those who were targeted already dead or across the border. and after more than 2 months of fighting, many see the call us coming to late. he bum, oregon ultra 0. the serial government has granted the un conditional permission to continue with delivering aid through a vital voter crossing from tech here to the rebel control. northwest aid is
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currently delivered through 3 crossings. the vast majority goes through bible hardware, just delivered by the un. but earlier this week, the un security council failed to a new authorization for the deliveries through federal highway, which directly impacts 4100000 people. a journalist nor quarter most gave us this update from the also the letter that the device that sent to the u. n. a earlier today saying that they were giving the un permission to use the valve cover to try to deliver a spot. the fact that they have absolutely no control over the border crossing neither the surrounding areas and the last, the areas that the tier and government old, the control of these periods of kilometers away from the board through crossing permanently. and previously for the fall, the years the board to crossing was
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a and b metabolism of the, the, the, the process is being delivered through the board to crossing uh, was coordinated by the, uh, seeing all physician. and we also have a used to low, smoothly through the border crossing and then g o r, a, working in coordination with the c u in the off position here in those buses julia to deliver you n, facilitated a to areas of northwest here in a syria so uh, actually uh, uh, you know, local, active as dance people here in the area. they consider this movement as, you know, the certain government is trying to accomplish some political games. i don't this letter what tamala is electro commission in this next month's presidential run of will go ahead. a level quote had suspended, but not avalo. send me a party of to allegations of fraud,
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but that's now been over ruled arevalo came 2nd to the 1st round, a voting last month. my uncle, rapid at report demonstrations in the guatemalan capital, the protest or against a move to suspend presidential candidate the matter. the idea of the, of the progressive, say media party, a head of a contentious run off elections get drilled for august 20th. according to a prosecutor from guatemala, is attorney general's office. this immediate party is under investigation for alleged corruption. it will cost all the quotes only at the request of the special prosecutor's office. the 7th criminal court ordered the suspension of the legal status of the political party. send me a movement of yeah, because within the countries supreme electoral court stepped in announcing there was no order made to officially suspend it. but instead the electoral court certified the results of the june 25th general election effectively overruling the order from the attorney general. there one of the election will take place on
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sunday, august 20, 2033. with the participation in restaurant or unity. hope we tend to equity. that's what it is because i know vice presidential candidate and roam is start to get a lot of running for vice president as well as this and media movement, which is the most presidential candidate. and cutting that the 2nd later 11 and running for vice president. for his part bidding out of the audio has called the allegations against his party baseless and politically motivated. even though his proven to be a surprisingly popular candidate throughout the campaign, standing on an anti corruption platform, he believes he's being targeted by a corrupt government. desperate to remain in power is the most, we are using all the legal tools of what is left of our democracy. in guatemala, there is a lot at stake on thursday. tensions rose once more after police rated the office, is that the supreme electoral court prompting concerns from international observers . and, and yet another twist send that the presidential candidate from the party announced
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a temporary pause to hurricane paint in solidarity with her opponent. been out of the unable, adding that her campaign did not wish to take advantage of the confusion surrounding the elections as uncertainty looms ahead of the august 20th runoff election. many worry over the threat of a brewing political crisis, which could put into question the future of guatemalan democracy. messed up a little elders here. the tennessee is coast, god says it's recovered. bodies of 13 african language saw that both son, carpets coast did happen to the city of spikes. another 25 people were rescued. authorities say the migraines were trying to reach it's an east coast. the international organizations migration says at least 2500 people have died or missing in the mediterranean. so far this year. right groups are choosing authorities, intimacy of rounding up and explaining hundreds of migraines to a dozen regions near the border with libya. malik train it has this report from
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russ jeff, maybe to an as yet, maybe a boat off. it's a chance echoed across continents with you in the predominately black continent of africa, it takes on more significance. these migrants were rounded up by 2 new june security forces in the city of the box and brought here last week. this is a largely desert area on the live in border with no access to health care or any type of humanitarian support. human rights watch has accused the canadian government of collective expulsion of black migrants. see me come mother has been here for 7 days. she says she's 7 months pregnant. i'm going to go even that night still gonna be charged in between. you know, i'm, i'm seeing that might be a loan vegas because i don't know what is going to maybe not if he's not moving anymore. i'm vegas to go. i need us. they are calling this area point 0
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stranded in this 10 meter buffer zone between 2 museum libya. these migrants including pregnant women and children, say no one has a heard their cries. david says his 2 year old son is still in some box. you know, i never thought, you know, the law is not the logistics. i didn't have a you want name impression. so i don't why? because there's no need for them to bring those. you know, the, do you, what are the restaurants, all that goes back to the countries. there's at least 2 locations that we know we're migrants remain stranded on the technician and live in border. there's this place on the coast with a few kilometers to the south. there's another area in the middle of the desert. they take refuge from the sun under these trees, they say welton, using authorities transferred hundreds of migrants away from the border to the areas of the lien and the name their bus turned around and dumped them here. this
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man faints from the scorching sun as they give him what little water they have. every single drop. they've become a family here all summer and deadly says his brother moves that died 2 days ago. his body remains in the deserts on a few 100 meters away. we are one of the my products. this is why i really feel very if i brought it up as soon as we are back in new people. so bought some of these other players. there are still hundreds of migrants who were expelled from sparks stranded along the canadian and lived in border. their fate is unknown and their condition as desperate as ever. the ones here's a, if nothing is done soon, they'll die here. my latrina oh to 0 on the to easy and live in border. now the world health organization says spots i am one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners in diet sodas could possibly cause concept follow studies by 2 separate
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panels of experts. the double hbo says data is limited but it's safe to consume in moderation. it sets an acceptable intake of around $2800.00 milligrams per day. that translate to about 14 kinds of dont drink a day. the conclusion of this assessment not indicating that consuming products continue or sweeteners automatically leads to a health impact having an acceptable daily intake. it means it is acceptable to consume a certain amount of aspartame without having appreciable have to fix this amount is a pretty large and acceptable dating d called 40 milligrams per kilo for body weight and a frequency there. an average adult of about $670.00 killers, translating to $2800.00 milligrams per day of us per state. for the us food and drug administration,
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many times s bond time is safe. i'll just say what stephanie becca has more on the story. so now we're talking about a spar tate. one of the most commonly used sweeteners found and many top brands of diet, drinks, chewing gum and jelly. now many probably think it's a better and healthier alternative to sugar wealth and you, you and reports as it may come with its own risks to expert panels took a look one the i a r c, which is the world health organizations. cancer research arm not classified to spar tame as possibly carson a genic to humans. now the findings make sure to say this is based on limited evidence for a certain type of liver cancer, so it's certainly not categorical. but under the i a r c classification system, there are various ratings. one is sufficient evidence for cancer and humorous things like smoking. for example. then you have a 2nd level and that's probably causes cancer listing things like consumption of red meat and night shift work. and then it's to be where a spar same falls under and according to them is possibly cancer causing to humans
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. now the 2nd part of the research was done by the j e f. c a that c u n body. that looks up updating the risk assessment in current daily acceptable intake to human. so overall, that committee concluded that there was no convincing evidence from experimental animal or human data. either the spar team has adverse effects after ingestion, but for such a commonly used product that let's face it, we will, ingest questions will be raised and they are being raised to now the world health organization is encouraging more research to take place stuff. i shall break here and i'll just be around when we come back to you as opposed to saying that the control pill without type description for the 1st time, instead of the the color we should think things quite thing down across the midwest over the next day
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. or so you can see this little clot just those are swept for using across illinois, chicago. so i propose that but damaging wins here. and the, or tornadoes sweeping across the midwest, easing the east, was still some storms a little further south as well. and to the south of that, well, the heat remains the story, very high temperatures into the forty's. once again in dallas, the southwest again, high temperatures looking here we go once through the next couple of days and sleep we told is pretty warm to just around the eastern seaboard. there will be a change in play for the sable. pushing up to was they say to was flat, hit parts of new york and some new england, little more rain coming in across a saturated ground here. so that could cause one or 2 problems. nowhere near as heavy as it was, the running the we can do the we can the lobby showers once again just around the, the plains, making the way a little further south where to drive right to where the coming back you'll be hard as you see. i be towards the west coast west composite canada. it's pretty much
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sunshine all the way, the heat continuing, sunshine continuing to cause it good parts of mexico, one or 2 shots, particularly into the south. some heavier rain to the southern air is a central bank of america and a little bit of wet weather, the greater entities. the cost of 4 years of tables was white when presidency results political pendulum. this one back to let the silver socialist government, backed by deep buckington. i agree, business with infections within the ministry and the large event jealous of bass. his opponents have challenged the very integrity of the amount of boxes under obstructing his reforms. people in power hosp can lula were united nation saving results, democracy on a jersey to the
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welcome back to the top stories here. this of the international criminal court has opened an investigation into a new eligible crimes incident in style for region. prosecutors are looking at reports of atrocities against civilians since possible broke out welcome, all those and a total commission and this next month's presidential run of we'll go ahead and have a court of suspended sonata avalo, sidney apache allegations of 4. but that's now been on the world health organization says spot chain, one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners could possibly cause cancer. experts say it's still safe to consume in moderation. now the us secretary of state and rushes foreign minister, both attending a meeting of east asian foreign ministers, anthony bring condenser,
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the elaborate of i'm in the in the nation capital jakarta. for the us, the on summit bozeman have a separate. he met with china's top. if not one you were jessica washington joins us live now from chicago to jessica. so allies on and to me blinking. and so again, not a problem. what's on their agendas then up this summer as well . the meeting has just begun it a few minutes ago. a rather unusual collective, this minister is what you have the us secretary of state actually blinking russians . foreign minister says a lot from china is top foreign policy chief swami and also foreign ministers from other countries, including a stanley india. there's also representation from north korea as well as the north korean ambassador to indonesia was also present at these meetings. and of course, the ozzy on foreign ministers now close allies will be on any interaction between secretary clinton and mr. lab from given this climate of geo political tensions. we do know that secretary blinking intends to raise
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a few issues in these group meetings, including the us commitment to all the on central logy, including of course, the crisis in man ma, the issue which has really dominated this week of diplomacy here in indonesia. also other issues including the south china sea and, and of course the war and ukraine, given the presence of the russian foreign minister in the room. now what we've heard also is that there will be some discussion of north korea's nuclear weapons program. we did hear a short while ago from the aussie on foreign ministers, collectively, who noted that they urge north korea to de escalate the situation and they called the dialogue. what we heard from the innovation, foreign minister, the host of this meeting is that the in the pacific is a stable region and that we intend to keep it that way. but we've heard from the minister and from harassing on counterparts, is that the region cannot become a proxy in any grade pallet bible re. and jessica, what sort of outcomes then, are we expecting from asked the young this year of the
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well, a short while ago, we saw the communicate that has been released by the ozzy on foreign ministers that came out late last night after an unexplained delay. now what i'll do 0, heard from our diplomatic sources, is that the reason for that delay was dispute within the group of a wedding over the crisis india and ma, this has really been the biggest crisis that the group has had to face in years, given the escalating violence, the violence that's started with the 2021 coup. uh so that has been pressure on us again for what many see as a slow response to that crisis. now the statement from all the on said a reiteration of the condemnation of violence in man ma, that the groups don't strongly condense, continued violence, strikes, artillery, shelling and destruction of public facilities, and urged unity in tackling the violence. now it's worth remembering that ginger officials continue to be banned from these high level ozzy on forums. and what
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we've been seeing is that thailand, in particular, appears to be charging its own talk in engaging with me and ma, despite what may have already been agreed upon by the groups in that communicator. we also saw an acknowledgment of thailand separate efforts that had been taking place outside of all the on efforts. and there was a comment there that many of the on the on members appreciate those assets. what that comment means though is that many of them didn't appreciate those efforts. so what we are seeing is discontinued a simmering of disunity, and perhaps that disunity is hampering the potential for real progress on at least coming up with some sort of solution with where they can be dialogue or if the prospect of talking about peace in me and most of the violence continues. all right to jessica washington life as the in jakarta. jessica, thank it's not for me. next year women in the united states will be able to buy an oral contraceptive pill without a doctor's prescription. reproductive health advocates cooling at
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a major breakthrough, the women's health wilson children report from washington d. c. many brands of birth control pills have been sold in the us since 1960, but only by prescription. but now, thanks to a unanimous decision by the food and drug administration, one version called o bill will be available over the counter early next year. i voted yes and i but it, yes, because the evidence demonstrates that the benefits clearly exceed the risks. federal regulators say they hope o pills. availability will prevent some of the nearly 3000000 unintended pregnancies in the us every year. if taken as directed, o pill prevents pregnancy, 93 percent of the time, a much higher rate then condoms. spermicide or other non prescription methods, the only people who shouldn't take a pill are those with a history of breast cancer of the major benefits. a reproductive health advocates
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is greater access to contraception that work the barriers that prevent people from accessing contraception. right now, the barriers that come with the prescription requirements, like having to see a doctor day off time from working on time for school by the child, care, the cost of the visit. all of those things. this access to tell directly over the counter will mean that people can have vastly different access to a highly effective birth control. now that the pills make or hasn't announced o pills price yet and health care worker say that's a concern, especially for low income consumers. we are looking for insurance coverage. our goal is that this is fully covered by insurance. and so there are several next steps around that and do hope policy makers. and we are able to make that
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a reality and i think it's oh, pills approval means the us joins dozens of other countries that so oral contraceptives over the counter giving more people control over when or if they decide to become pregnant. rosalyn jordan l, just sierra washington. hollywood actors are now on strike. they want more royalties from streaming services act, as they're also worried that computer generated faces and voices could put them out of work. they'll join, striking rights has been on the picket line. since may reynolds the votes from los angeles, the movie and tv actors will soon join hollywood writers on the picket lines, bringing all new and ongoing production to a screeching halt. it's the 1st double whammy entertainment strike in 63 years. what was historic about it is that we were it's really
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so marginalized. so just honored and so respect disrespected that it was really gracious and discussed. but here's a glimpse of the brave new world driving moving and see the actors to go on strike the new indiana jones movie with 81 year old actor harrison ford's phase rearranged by artificial intelligence tools to look as if he's in his mid thirties. the actors are concerned that they are images and like this is, will be used without their permission. and most importantly, without them being paid a i along with concerns about wages, residual payments, and other changes in the entertainment industry is seen by actors as an existential threat. union president fran drescher told l g 0. we don't want to be replaced by digital images of ourselves and we don't want big business to think it's ok
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to think that that is a viable consideration. just because you can, doesn't mean you should of the movie and tv producers association says it was disappointed and that they had offered the actors a fair deal. disney c, e o. bob eiger who reportedly makes upward of $45000000.00 a year. the mon, the strikes knock on affects this huge collateral damage in the industry. the people who are, you know, who are support services. i could go on and i as the strike goes into effect productions worldwide, we'll stop abruptly when the actors are on strike, moving, making a team 18 grinds to a halt. so what does this all mean for the audience? the consumers of entertainment, in movie theaters, far fewer knew the after goal releases and on television screens,
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likely more sporting events and on scripted reality series. and of course, plenty more reruns, rob reynolds, l, g 0, los angeles. europe could see its highest temperature ever recorded this week. some parts of southern europe are registering. temperature has an excess of 45 degrees celsius in greece. taurus in particular will have sweltering in the heat as i lined up to see the attractions like the acropolis. the type of quick check of the headlines here. this how the international criminal court has opened an investigation into new alleged war crimes and so downs down full region. prosecutors are looking at reports of atrocities against civilians and fighting br accounts.


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