tv The Stream Al Jazeera July 20, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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or having present biden say something that he never said causing international turmoil a i is changing the face of war. when i talk to the us defense department, for example, and they're quite worried. they're worried about lease a lot of times. weapons also vulnerable to malicious actors using a i critical infrastructure like the electrical grid and intelligent adversary can use these tools to really hone in on a particularly weak link that could then cause a cascade failure or, or what we call a blacks one event. and for some kinds of malicious a i, it may already be too late. the techniques used to generate the fake audio video, etc. they're out there, the cats out of the bag. so we're, the message seems to be getting through experts and government officials here are talking about ways to regulate a i. but meanwhile, the technology is becoming more advanced by the minute. rob reynolds, l. g 0,
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aspen, colorado. the headlines on elsa's era, russia has classified all ships traveling to ukrainian forces, potentially hostile, must go made the announcement after withdrawing from the black sea grain deal, which allowed ukraine to safely export grain from its ports. rushes, president vladimir putin for his part has set out conditions for returning to the agreements. best. who might be the 1st demand for re entry to the greenville is to withdraw the sanctions on supplies of russian green and fertilizers. second, all obstacles for russian banks and financial institutions servicing food and fertilizer supplies must be removed. we are talking about their immediate connection to the swift international banking settlement system. you do not need any promises. they need these conditions to be met so that you will have of hundreds of protesters in the rocky capital, baghdad, his storm to the swedish embassy and set it on fire. the rocky and swedish
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governments have both condemned the attack, which was triggered by last month's crowned burning and sweden. the fif of 2023 women's world cup is underway in oakland. the 2nd host is australia and it is set to be a tournament. the 1st record 32 teams are taking part and fans of already bought more than 1000000 tickets. at least 10 people have been killed in a landslide and the indian state of maharaj truck. rescue workers are searching for survivors near the town of color for monsoon. reins of course, floods and land slides in northern india, killing more than a 100 people asylum seekers stranded on the us. mexico border a sweltering under the heat, temperatures in the border city of nuevo laredo of reached $43.00 degrees celsius. many are being forced to take shelter under make shift tents and camps and nearby parks. an explosion in south africa has injured dozens of people. the blast and johannesburg caused a major damage to streets, overturned cars and created
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a huge hole in the road that were stories do not know what caused the explosion, yet that they say may have been a burst gas pipeline. right, those are headlines up next time else 0. the st. a completed. yeah. is go into the polls as the authorities crack down on the opposition, sort of the incumbents. prime minister is expected to leave the next government. suspending of the main challenger left voters without the menu option is what lies ahead for the country elections on. i'll just 0 the welcome to the stream. i'm not going to have a dean filling in for from you. okay. today examining the origins of the universe with the james web space telescope. it's the largest telescope ever sent into space, and its mission is to observe the birth places of distant stars,
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pine at some galaxies, astronomers say it's a breakthrough for science that may answer humanities. biggest questions, including where do we come from? and are we alone to get our conversation started here as nasa, astrophysicist, amber, strong? for me, the most exciting aspect of this new telescope is really the breath of science will be able to do, will be able to study objects from within our own solar system. all the way out to the most distant galaxies, ever the very 1st galaxies that were born after the big bang and everything in space and time in between. and these 1st images that we've just, or least really just give us a glimpse, just a hit of what's going to be possible with this incredible new telescope. i'm so excited for the year of science that we already have planned. and i have no doubt that this telescope is really going to change the way that we understand the universe and ways that we haven't even dreamed of yet. or joining us to explain the
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significance of the j. w. s t is our panel assign, says it's in california, jesse christianson, a project scientist with the nasa exec planet archive. renee joined a principal investigator for the web telescopes, fine guidance sensor and in for read imager, known as nearest and the nova scotia. let me uh, model uh, an observational astronomer with a dunlap institute for astronomy and astro physics. and of course if you want to ask a question to our panel, jump into our live youtube chat and you can be part of today's conversation. all right, so, so much to discuss, i want to start with, with the basics, kind of the motion of this moment. if you will just say we built this, i say we of course i haven't done anything but we built is incredibly complex. a telescope, i believe it's a 100 times uh, at least more sensitive than its 30 year old predecessor. why is this so exciting to what does it actually enable us to do? well, have always been such an amazing observatory for humanity for decades now. and there
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were some things where hubble has just given us a glimpse. we have a hints we think that there's something there, and we're very excited now with dated with t. we'll finally get to the answers and some of these incredible questions, like, what's inside the atmosphere is that these extra products. but finding how far back can we see towards the end of the universe. so it's a step we've been wanting to take for a really long time. so it's very exciting that we're finally here and the telescope is performing as well as it is. right. and on that note that it's performing as well as it is. i mean, i can imagine many things could have gone wrong, rene and you know that in of itself is a celebration or something worth celebrating. um, you know, with that in mind, we sent this 1.5 kilometers or 1000000 kilometers, if i'm not mistaken. and it's sending back data and not data is digestible to you or in a what is what is the most exciting element here as well every everything, i mean, you've said of them is that this is arguably the most complex machine that humanity is that are built and we sent at 1500000 kilometers away. and the eyes,
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you mentioned, the many things could have gone wrong. the power. so, you know, the sales goes so big. so we have to fold it in a big uh, you know, like a big a. are you gonna be figure in the, in the frame? you're a rock at me and then center $1500000.00. then we have to deploy it. and yeah, yeah, i used to describe just this 2 weeks of diploma and the 7 days of terra. well really it was 7 days of joy because things went so smoothly. and then we had to line these 18 segments, which excludes the courtesy, you know, it's on you can imagine the person you need to wait until line these mirrors with one better. and yet it took several months. we, we did it and it worked so well. and one thing during this time too is that the, this task always, always behind a song, she'll always and in the end a dock it has to be protected from the sun and it's very cold up there. it's minus 22 degrees celsius, whatever in finite,
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this was so cold. so we have to develop new technologies to old pride as an estimate of these temperatures. so it was a lot of challenging to 20 years. and so, um yeah, it's, uh now we're opening and you eyes and this guy and to answer big questions about the original detours. and we alone the for the 1st time we will have a credible machine so, so on, on those big questions just quickly and maybe let me know we can start with new um we have in our youtube chat, solitary kid. convinced that we're not alone saying there is no way we are alone. and i'm wondering beyond that question, that big question. what excites you as someone who's, who's already processing some of the data that's being sent from your vantage point? love you. i as well, we have been very ill for those data for so long and just right next door to me is the entire canadian, an extra galactic team, just sitting there and i'm going through his data and very just all crying out enjoy every time the find this little galaxies, really read galaxies,
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that we think are, you know, might be one of the 1st of the universe, this galaxies that are full of stars, which might very well, like be our own son, and might have a kind of like our arts. so, you know, when you look at something like this, something that is like almost a time catch silver, you're seeing galaxies, a very different distances because of this wonderful property of like me, you know, coming to us at the same speed. you just cannot feel, you know, you cannot feel alone in this. certainly i think i think many of us are excited by that prospect and we'll get to that at the end of this conversation. but before we do, if i may, renee you or forgive me, i'm just so you said something interesting kind of comparing hubble to, to this new telescope that we're celebrating today. and there is this treat by john christensen, not to be confused with someone from your family, i believe, but, but at least uh someone who created this really powerful tool. take
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a look at this. i'm going to just scroll down a bit. this compares essentially, this is the, the new telescope and this is the, or original sort of hubble image, right. and, and this is the southern ring that'd be like, could you just be on sort of the fact that this looks like something that was photo shopped? what, what is it, what is all of this that we see here and tell us that we, we didn't know before. all right, so what we're looking at here is a planetary nebula, which astronomy is really bad at naming things. so i'll stop by saying it doesn't actually have anything to do with planet. it's a planetary nebula, it's what happens when a style like our son gets to the end of its life and stopped puffing off all of its outer layers and they create this gorgeous cloud that you see today. and the star in the middle pushes the cloud away. so what we, the details that we have with database t is going to allow us to defend much more about the physics, the actual physical mechanisms that are pushing the gas away and how the gas is behaving. gives us information about the medium that the gas is going into the,
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into stella medium. what happens between stars? this gives us a glimpse that this and uh, you know, just to hear from someone else if we can kind of echoing some of those key points that you outlined. we have um, christine chand. and the astronomer at the space telescope science as institute, who really highlights for us what she believes. it's so groundbreaking about this moment. take a look. these 1st early release alterations, really give us a glimpse into how to use t will transform our understanding of universe do is to, is designed to q back to the edge of time to see that 1st galaxies for me. and indeed, the mirror for kuma captured bugs 1st deep feel, and just 12 and a half hours revealing a sky tv with distant galaxies. and each galaxy has been imaged in exclusive detail reviewing galaxies with forms bright star clusters and losing shrouded in dust. and our newly formed understanding goes beyond these beautiful images to include
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spectra that reveal precise distances to individual galaxies when used to take whole days. now takes the receipt hours. and as a result, almost every observation will provide eclipse into the disk to universe. so, you know, renee, when we say we are going to be exploring eggs on planet atmosphere as in more depth now as a result of this new telescope. what does, what does that mean? i mean, some of our youtube, uh, commenters ghost in the blower thing. this is unbelievable and exciting, but when will reprove other life besides us exist? that is the big question. we also have someone named osmond say, well the more the discovery is the more the unanswered questions. so do we anticipate that some of the discovery is being made already or that will be made will be surprises. and uh, do you, do you think there's some kind of really for sure and make us know that there's life out there as well? i, we can't know what our web will will detect life, but uh,
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what we can be absolutely sure that will make giant step towards answering that, that question. do you have to understand the, when, when we need to do so we're trying to detect a nasal type atmosphere. we're trying to detect the molecules that's in there. you know, if you're on on are these molecules like oxygen's and those are made by life and but you know, we haven't really done that yet on small time that we have to take that must be as on gas. john plan is like the one we we, we saw the noise instrument take this beautiful spectrum. while you see these bumps in the wiggle, you have to get used to these things. going to see many of these spectra in the coming year. and so that's spectrum prove without any doubt that there's water and that much use and you can also detect methane, c o. and when you combine with other site, the other side sentiment, you get the whole sweet. so it will take to detect molecules. and that's actually key to one day. and so the question is there, you know, bias and nature is no gas that are due to biological activity. you have to understand how those view was. uh,
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in terms of color is what it means like this. you know, how much is what we're looking at now? where is like, you cannot write my, my, my hand right? completely different. and so just like they did the field, we have a couple of the new perspective and with exquisite details, one big limitations about hubble is that it goes around, it's the earth, every 95 minutes and then 90 minutes. so when you try to measure a like truth openings upon it, it's, it's always interrupted in this case with web we, we can continuously observe this objects without any interruptions, and that makes a big, big difference. and then renee, is there a spanking there? i was showing the audience just kind of the comparison of the korean and that'd be like for example, and some of those elements that you were describing. i do want to kind of, um, kind of ask or actually let me let eric baker. he sent us an question, but i'll put to you in a take a listen to what eric had say. given that the james web space telescope only see certain colors that are on the spectrum of light visible humans. how to sciences,
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go about color rising, the images that we could see online and i uh forget me. sorry, jesse, thats sorry for the address. sure. okay. um, so what we have to do is we have to take the wavelength that james webb test space sales rep is looking at which is in the infrared heat. and we have to map those into optical wavelengths that we can see with our eyes. so we, we take that, that section of the wavelength that we can't see and we re map it in something we can see. so these beautiful images are not what you would see with your eye if you were out in space looking at these nebula, you wouldn't see that. but they are giving us this rich amount of detail about the different wavelength that these objects are meeting at an end. so it's not that there was no and for read before it was, it's just that much more advanced, right? if you will, like the hubble, have this capacity to a certain extent. i mean, i, i'm reiterating, maybe i'm wrong. i think i'm wrong stuff. tell me no practice. let me. i just want
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to mention so the previous grade instead of a tree that was an infrared telescope with speak to me, so spits it was an estimation. uh that operated from to 2003 to 2019. and it had in for red capabilities. um, and was able to see glimpses of just again give us hints about what was there and, and, and so many interesting questions. but leave us wanting more and web is giving us more. i mean, you know, obviously we've been celebrating so far. i see that there are 2 other guests are in agreement with you nodding there, but i would be remiss to not ask you about some controversy. of course, there's always controversy. we have, for example, this tweet thing, seeing the images from j w as t comes with the bitter sweet knowledge that the person the observatory is named after would not have wanted me or the dozens of other queer astronomers i know involved in this incredible achievement. it deserves better using that hash tag, they are renamed j w s t. a lot of people might say, well, who cares? why is this controversial, your thoughts on this, jesse? yes, so james webb was a nasa administrator during the apollo is and was very instrumental in having the
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successful, successful, appalling missions prior to his time at nasa. he was in leadership at the state department when the state department was going through this period of purging a. l g b t, people from the state department. this is in the early fifties. mm hm. and it's not clear that james web had any specific role in that, but he was in leadership in the state department at the time. and so then it comes into this, you know, what responsibility does he have to stop it? you know, was he a product of his time? was he following orders? when he, it's very unclear the extent to which he was involved in this. so this just and murkiness and at it's made people, it's always a shattered things a bit. it's made people uncomfortable because you don't want to think that this incredible new instrument that was built for everyone named off to someone who wasn't for everyone, understand that. so that's a great way of putting it. let me you were going to say something. oh i want to add, i mean um, as we will the james web space telescope,
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it's now being launched in error, which is where science is not a lot more open. and now we are, they available accessible people around the world in a way that may be the hubble space telescope, or the previous missions of not have been, be now have the, the data that was released today is actually available for anyone around the world to download and analyze the software, so i'd be, are using, trying to license data is also more accessible. and i think of because of the world of post pandemic has also changed where we are now more able to, you know, connect with each other or conduct meetings and the researches oh for on. but i think we are moving to an era where with the james river that we will see people from all over the world coming in into a and getting, you know, getting to do science with this wonderful telescope in a way that,
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that has not have happened before so i think there's, you know, there's a lot of things to look forward to knowing here most, most certainly in among them. um as much as i wanna look for it and we should and there is so much to look forward to. i want to ask you just for a little bit of context, renee, you know, how about versus web if you will, the last time that's what launched an observatory of such kind of importance and significance. it was really deemed a disaster if i'm not mistaken. in 1990 some, you know astronomers like sandra fabre, others saying it was an absolute kind of catastrophe. why is that? and i don't want to focus too much, but, but how would you compare this moment as well? i hobble the the, what you're referring to is when how old was launched. he had some ice side problem and we had said that was an issue i, i mistake made. which of these things are not easy to do right, of course. but of course we, we, we learned your from, from but, but it was fixed,
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you know, because the hubble was close, is close to the day of the target. so we could send the shuttle and change the incident to correct inside. and then how long came back with his good eyesight then you know, a to a truly, we was live astronomy. now we learn from that and his folder, we were very careful. would you that be a see to not wait, repeat the same mistake and uh, you know, there's no problem with the, with, with the telescope. and as i said, it's a very complex machines, but it's deployment and it's the, and that's uh commissioning when fairly smoothly. mm. hm, and so, you know, we should, we should be about one point i want to mention is that the point is very significant about his project is that this is an international project. mm hm. and we live in, in troubled times with wars, ukraine, and here's where some of the project where you many gets together with common goals about understanding the universe. and that was a good, quite and then in a treatment to, to, to do this. you know, that's a, the, canada and europe altogether to, to make it still so now for the well, no,
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everyone can use the cells go most certainly and i, i appreciate you making that point. i also, you know, this, looking at some of the numbers here. i mean, just to put this into context for us. uh, jesse. uh, i might be wrong, but i think the universe is about 13000000000 years old and we've been around for what about a 1000000 years. um, again, my math is horrible, but the point being with all these trillions of galaxies and just seeing those images, how they compare, what, what can you share with us about how this gives us a new kind of macro sense of, of where we fit into the world and where to invest our resources in the future. a lot of people might say, why spend 10000000000 dollars looking into outer space when we could be spending it here to fix our planet or yeah, these are really big important questions. and it's not a small amount of money, right? it's, it's a reasonable amount of money. so i would say it comes back to the fact that you reference this at the start of the show. these are some of the humanities oldest
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questions like where do we come from? are we alone and where are we going on? and the deeper we can look into the detail of the universe around us. as the closer we get to the answers to those questions. my can, i think a lot about what it would mean if we found lice on another planet. you know, how would that change society? would we all just get up in the morning and read the newspaper and the headlines would change the next day, or would it change something fundamental about how we treat the planet and how we treat each other and how we treat the universe? you know, there's a lot of talk about colonizing mas, for instance. uh and that's it. really interesting and problematic. like, are we allowed to just go and take over space? it just didn't always end well on. so we have to think really carefully about what we're doing and things like digital as t give us the information to make more informed decisions, better decisions about what we're going to do as a cc. me while i was and he's
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a side girl and please, rene. so yeah, i just want to add that, you know, we, we often take for granted all we have around us. right. but we don't appreciate as all the innovations we have i'm it has an origin and in fact the a, when you go in details it goes back to. yeah. and answering basic questions. for example, i'll give you an example. the camera that looks at me is a technology that was the device in the mid seventies. not to do a camera to do tv shows. it was a do a quote, the hubble space telescope due to understanding universe. and so it is a to, you know, and as a fundings to develop technology. and now today is this everywhere. but just the tv, this is a medical imaging. so, you know, you should think astronomer is if we can use our intake itself. we this uh, you know, the, the, we are, i, i curious species and this is the trio, is that the, is the deepest root of innovation. so, fundamental science is fundamental to, to all we have around. uh, yeah,
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i wrote that down. curiosity is the deepest root of innovation. i feel like somebody to put that on a teacher. let me, i know you want to jump and go ahead and just add to that. um the, the budget that's being invested in june. so that's over a period of, you know, 25 years and, but that's only a fraction of the cost that the nation is to have. both builders, toes go spend on military budget every year. i, i've seen a lot of debate about whether we should be spending more money, whether we should be investing this money in education or be, are doing this because we want to learn, right, the right universe. that's all coming back to that and that's, and that's a great point. i actually want to put another question to a lot of people on youtube asking about black holes. and i know there's, there's, you know, always a conversation about that online. we have already been resisting how far back in time can be loved with this telescope. i know, let me have. that's what you focus on. i do want to just pick you back. one more question here that was sent to us from the denice laurence take
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a listen and then we'll come to you, let me hello. i'd like to know if you have the images of black holes. and if you can even see a black hole. so how far back can we look, and are we seeing black holes? well, we are trying to figure out how far can we live? we are trying to find, you know, the galaxies, the structures that have formed in the very 1st few 100000000 years of the universe for the 1st, maybe 400 to be there when years right after the universe. and um, i guess the answer is just wait for to, we'll just have to wait to find out how far. that's a, that's a good look at the good answer. a quick, quick pull across our panel before we go. so the telescope has, as we heard already detected water in the form it's theme you spoke about potentially nothing and other gas as being detected renee,
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will we detect signs of alien life for lack of a better term in the universe within 10 years? that's what some nasa scientists are saying. jesse, your vote yes or no. i don't think so. 10 years is to show it. give me 20 to 30 years and i'll say yes. all right. uh, what about you, renee? i was going for 2 decades. yeah, 1010 years is a bit short is 10 years. is a been story then allow me. yeah, yeah, i would say along the same line. yeah. you know, renee and jesse say as to that we'll go with that. but go ahead, renee, quickly is that you know yet your allies to decades. this is very short. it means that we are generation world, see this groundbreaking discovery, and that's really destroying when thinking about it. so we've humanity as reach the technology to maturity, transfer that question and that, you know, we should appreciate that is really amazing. and you know, i'm not going to say that web is going to do that. and, but as i said, it's going to make design step to understand the habitable dupree's, right?
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i think in 5 you will say, okay, here's a planet we know it as water in it and is i must spears and this other molecules and the looks like this, this maybe habitable. well, that's the place to look at. and this will probably have all the emissions under big pills come on the ground to a look at the system. this is where we'll make a wills and a major uh, discovery. and then just to clarify, uh, you know, we've discovered water and oxygen or am i, am i wrong about that? jesse? on oxygen over to, i'm not sure about molecular o 2. we have seen water. we have seen anything. we have seen carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. all right. we've seen sodium, i don't know about oxygen or the x i. i don't know what the canals with we. okay. we haven't, we have that very. i don't know i'm, i'm pretending i know what concoction of things needs to be found to determine that there is life out there now. i'm joking, but certainly a topic that really opens and expands the mind even if it's hard to wrap your mind
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around this discovery and all the discovery discoveries that lay ahead. thank you so much. jesse renee and i'm yeah, that's all the time we have here at the stream for today. thanks for watching and see you next time the, the the village estates, control information that's controlling the narrative to dominating the media. how
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does the narrative improve public opinion and norma? spite, it might not be the most important story about china of today. but that's what the big piece of attention to. how is citizen jim listened? rephrasing the story. the listening post, i fixed the media. we don't cover the news, we cover the way the news is covered. basically out of teams. does the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites just pump solution doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is poured into its hard hitting interviews . do you think we ought to their lives on washington enough for money to go on its own and build it's on a thought provoking on for centuries, people have been taking care of our so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well. you the story on told to how does era the most endangered marie memo in the world, the by keep the planet smallness,
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pull foyce. there are any between 10 and 13 list. the navy in the seahorse patrol into waters to try and save the money. they had some good news. a survey shows that the keep those numbers that state stable the pools and the buckwheat, this decline is credited mainly to the mexican navy, putting down amazing concrete blocks with hooks to snack any given that the notifications are 10 to 13. but keep this, does it sound like a lot, but most people expected it to be wiped out together. by now, it's a big deal that it's so far escaped extinction. the wheat prices sir james rusher says all ships bound for ukraine through the black sea are no military targets. the.
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