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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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this is in jim. listen, rephrasing the story. the listening post i 6, the media. we don't cover the news. we cover the way the news is covered. african narrative. from african perspective. i'm going to v as the editing, you make sure documentary from an african filmmakers from south africa and gone in the nature of the not important because that's where the future life i live. this place is very important because it's connects us to the past. the last speaker and studio of all kinds africa direct on, i'll just sierra, the scientists, one, the gulf stream system is heading full collapse because of climate change, the
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carrier johnson. this is all just say right when not from time. also it coming up from greece to it's the and i'll jerry are extreme hate spots. wildfires on both sides of the mediterranean, forcing spouses to evacuate, often not being seen in public for months at china's foreign ministers removed from his post. and these rarely army reserve is refused to report for duty dot says go on strike. the full that was followed by governments changes to the judicial system . the scientists are warning that's a crucial taping point could be reached in just 2 years time. that would see the status of a collapse. so the atlantic gulf stream is global emissions on reduced the atlantic radio and out over turning circulation is among drives atlantics, covers by pushing warm water from the gulf of mexico. the northwards towards the
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uptake were crews and sinks when it last collapsed during the previous ice age around 12000 years ago. and could have catastrophic impacts for humanity. sea levels would rise around the east coast of north america and storms with weston in europe. rains in asia, africa and south america would be disrupted, causing issues for food production for billions of people. of my colleague need voc i spoke to a patio, kind of a told a just a piece of the amount of coal. he says, admissions that need to be reduced urgently in the, a mock as it's called the atlantic murdy on all over turning circulation is a vital part of a global climate system. in fact is the single biggest gear of the climate system. the reason why it's so important is that it sets the climate zones around the world . that is, every place where we live, that sense of time in that sense of identity that we have with our land and with
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our resources is set by the fact that the climate is, is, is familiar, is consistent wherever we live. and that's very much dictated by the existence, the stability of this a mock current. the kind of the, the other way to think about this is that a shift in this current or, or a shut down is current, puts all of those expectations into uncertainty. we'll talk about long term changes . see, i mean, according to the university of copenhagen's report, he mentions 2025 as a possible turning point on the finding suggests. we may have a little longer. when is the point of nowhere to a way to think about this is not so much as a point of no return, although that is indeed the focus of this paper. this paper provides a fairly wide window of when that is between 20252095. i think the way for the average person to really think about this is that with in several decades, we are approaching a really transformative change in klein and that,
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and really the entire world is not prepared for. as i've said previously, where this to happen. there's not a single person on earth that wouldn't know it didn't happen. the, the worst responds to this is, is fear and despair. the proper response here is actually empowerment of people empowerment of culture, is empowerment of, of people who want to make a difference. and indeed, we do have time to make a difference. but honestly we're talking about a decade or 2 to reduce carbon emissions drastically. and to find ways to pull carbon dioxide from the spears. the 2 pilots have died in greece off of the plane crashed while it was battling blazes on the, on the edge of the country is experiencing one of its west wild 5 seasons in recent years. so now how report, so thousands of people have been evacuated homes and livelihoods destroyed
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tourist holidays cancelled in almost a week since they began the wild files on the island of rhodes. rage on its estimated the 10 percent of the islands land area has been ravaged with firefighters and aircraft working round the clock for one plane and its crew fighting another fire on the island of everett near athens. tragedy upon tragedy as the pilot loses control lots and stores now. so for weeks now, wild files have devastated large swathes of island and mainland greece prime minister que yeah, coast me to talk is or less no room for doubt about the cause of the financial dep littlefield. let me state the obvious that in the face of what is happening to the entire planet, especially the mediterranean, which is a hot spot for climate change. there is no magic defense. if that was like, obviously we would have implemented it.
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or that is 34 people have died in wiles, finds it a sweeping across the algeria evacuation orders having issues in the mediterranean coastal region as thousands of 5 fonts have been deployed. so let me close to. i'm showing reports of ways to bring nearly a 100 lot of fires under control in know the a g p a with the knows the plain spread through the folders, some agricultural areas in 16 provinces, destroying everything in the tall people watched helplessly as the belongings turn to ash charges with those, it started to going around to pm, just showing them literally school, and i called the fire brigade and i told them that the fight had started nearby in the guard there half an hour later. but in the meantime, the fire had spread and not just the fire started at room on the tablets side,
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spread to benny mother and ended at the bush. some people lost everything. the thousands of 5 fighters have looked through the night. the places being few by strong beans and high temperatures. the defense ministry says soldiers among the dead default of emergency cruise responding to fires in a result area. east of the cap to as you said, the machine. i would like to think all the volunteers, also a number of provinces contribution help manpower and equipment. very grateful for that. until this moment we're trying to control the spread of the fire in the best way. the strong winds made it hard for us to use the shoppers and putting up these fires. the winds have pushed east to woods tanisha, weak 19 plains, and upon forest along the border was as juice and tune as have registered record high temperatures. this week was fuzz upcoming to north africa during the summer
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months this year. the aggravated by blistering c face and the consumption of the. i'll just see the ties to induct. syria's left a trail of destruction across the northern philippines. at least one person, improvements of resolve died as a storm approached. thousands of offers all without electricity, coastal communities or evacuate to the head of the storms, land full. it's not hard to get towards something that tie one, several villages in eastern pockets. donovan caught off by severe flooding at the monsoon range close with us to bus the banks, funding fields and homes and con job providence. people have been trying to save their lives stock, whether officials will not month soon, reins will continue for the next few days. of the us secretary of state antony bank and has opened america's newest embassy in tongue
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of the trip to the pacific. all the nation is seen as washington's latest move to counter chinese influence in the region. they can relate to travel to new zealand and australia. so o'clock has more from president tours, the 1st stop on the secretary of state pacific to its possible why to visit to the region. the next stuff is new zealand and then estrada. it's a secretary state's 3rd visit to the pacific in just 2 months. it's also a sign that the united states is trying to re engage with the pacific to account of china is growing influence the tongue to is an important ally of the united states and a wednesday anthony, blinking, dedicated the embassy in the tongue and capital. it's part of a diplomatic push across the region with the secretary state warning, all the nations of being moved out by china's predatory age. the concerns that we've had really go to a few things that um, i think we've seen across the board in some of the investments
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and the imperative and making sure that they're done transparently according to the rule of law. with regard to the tech to china, we have started to, she has to actually start paying off a day to china we, we don't have any problems or questions with regards to that. the, not the sites also plans to open the embassies and kind of walk through and care of us and in february, restored at the embassy in solomon islands, offers fishing the hi isis. now the united states has been the top military schools in the region since world war 2, but now it's a joke. so for power, as president barton attempts to push back on china's increasing presence, a china is a foreign minister chin. gunn has been removed from his post stuff to any 7 months on the job, either replaced by his previous or set one he jen is not being seen in public for 4 weeks. aging is not provided any reasons for his dismissal. katrina, you reports from patient
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or yes. gunnery attentions,
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his assertive style as foreign ministers. books peasant between 252014 the mystery surrounding kingdoms whereabouts highlights the secrets of nature of the chinese government. it's not uncommon. well known personality, such as business people, all celebrities, to temporarily disappear from the public eye of the following fall of authorities. but it's happened to such a powerful government figure is read indeed. she ends as to as the shortest serving foreign minister in china's history. katrina, you all da, 0 f aging is ready. doctors have started strong tax and the latest protest against the far right government changes to the judicial system. army reservists are also refusing to report for duty demonstrate as confronted police on monday, off the parliament post legislation, which prevents supreme court judges from over routed and government decisions. con reports from west jerusalem.
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the image of the bill is a business to many just want to talk to some medical workers started striking tuesday morning counseling. don't emergency appointments until the labor court ordered them back to walk. i am wearing this lecture today because that's how we feed the feels that the rich and a good email between us profession us and the government was walk in hundreds of thousands of people voice that i'm on the street from them. they say that you just over who is a routine that democracy and could put them on the post to talk to see one policy incandescent member says 1800000 palestinians have long pay slides without those
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equal rights. that kind of them all kind of see that they are trying to protect was not the idea of democracy as long as it's pushed away and a unique that the policy man citizens. the bu is a crushing blow to protest is, but also once expose the risk to this rate is society and the deepening crises on the streets. laura han out to 0, west or east of the so it's a come on al jazeera echo to declare as a state of emergency for one of its prisons. after at least 31 people are killed in the latest space of gang findings. and postal workers in the us cooled off a strike hunter last minute deal.
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now the real searing heat around the training has been in the west. however, the northeast of african eastern, but we seem to have just in the fall, she's quite happily, but they are on that and coming down the wind into strong for roads. this island to you. you'll notice and over we have touching faulty with us in the middle focus anymore. kyra's near record heat, but this hot weather in advance as well, but not near reco values just above where you might normally expect it. but it's always be coming to know now, is it not? i mean by dad's forecasting 50, and we seen 50 for days on end and west and the wrong. we're close to a teen q. a much cooler for the south of the gulf states, a seeing an increase in the breeze off the water, the will most assert more humid button. they'll trans health on the strengthening wind, particularly around a mountain which then leads you to southern pakistan as part of a system. it's felt some devastating for us to afghanistan and pakistan just last couple of days. i don't think it will do the same to amount, but my problem some pretty big channels here and keep them going in southern
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pakistan and that probably around as well. there's an increase temporarily in the ferocity of the shelves are the easiest good. honda and sides sudan are running down towards rewind, but if you a science of late victoria or in the whole of africa, it remains pretty dry. the history is for going. that's all peril to get in spain. states imposed on these young was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 36, you had to take the shape with a group of survivor, it says launched an international law suit, hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist bost. the silence of others witness on al jazeera, the
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watching outset reminder of our main stories, this sciences so awarding, that's a possible tipping point could be reached in 2 years. is global emissions onto reduced? i say they're not. the gulf stream could start to collapse, which will kind of a catastrophic impactful humanity. while files are raging on both sides of the mediterranean sea, algeria and these 34 people have died to 5 fonts has died at the same crashing places and the islands and hundreds of people have been evacuated from the costs of fast moving plays with spanish or the grand canaria china is foreign minister, has been removed off the only 7 months in your job. and it has not been seen in
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public for 4 weeks. the reason has been given for waste dismissal is a place which is why need foreign minister for 10 years fortune. so kind of a gang related vod. and so one of ecuador is most dangerous of prisons has left at least $31.00 people to hit. a 60 day emergency declaration has been announced for all the countries presents more than a 100 guards from 6 different jails have been freed off to being held hostage. soldiers and police are attempting to regain control of cell blocks. the writing has been taking place since saturday and the peak is professor of international relations that i'm has to college. i can investigate that. san francisco, the key to she says, for these funding and these to be more of a priority for the ecuadorian government. it's a very structural crisis that has been unfolding since 2019, but today is another level of violence as we have. we don't know how many people we
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have that we have heads and pieces of buttons being taken out of the jails. we don't know how many people exactly have been killed, but for the 1st time its going beyond the jail and their bosses being set to fire with people coming back from work. at least in 2 provinces, isn't that it doesn't weigh a queue. and it's a crisis that has to do with the drug trafficking taking over the counter and the lack of response from the government. the national council of security has been suspended for years and it's not working. the funding from the government is suspended. there are, there's a mission from the inter american cords that came in 2021 to try to fix the present situation. and the government fails time and again to fund the public policies and the police to be able to address the crisis. huston unit price does not include the best as health talks into to you, the president, which epitaph at $1.00 assume data is discussed economic partnerships and recent is very ministry incursions and occupied westbank that want to emphasize the
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importance of a 2 state solution and says he's willing to facilitate unity talks between different posting infections. a suicide is in on crap with more in the meeting.
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got a good start around the wealth of gas at the end, the ball beta city discussed reparations for the transatlantic slave trade. the aim of the summit's is to recognize the continued impact of centuries of slavery and begin to repair some of the damage done. on a regular reports from which time had to successful. a historic meeting is taking place on the caribbean island of barbados, delegates from the african union, europe. the americas and the caribbean are discussing reparations for the descendants of victims of the transatlantic slave trade. barbados and bassett, or to the caribbean community or cara. com says the summit itself is indicative of the momentum. the international reparations movement has gained in recent years. we see reparations in terms of the rights to the development. we see reparations as a look um, you are p and countries develop themselves at the expense of the systematic
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under development of countries like barbados and, and the caribbean territories on the continent of africa. and reparations is about knowledge in the criminality. the on the lady that i know take in concrete meshes, so help repair some of the damage that was done just a few miles away from where diplomats of human rights advocates are looking to the future. the history and legacy of slavery is more present. this is newton plantation, one of the oldest sugarcane plantations on barbados. it's also the final resting place for hundreds of enslaved persons. all of this would be fine. a sea of greenery. how many, how many in slaves people would have been were about 20200, which is quite a lot one and slip, whereas into a car and a half, all of it enforced by the width bite of it?
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yes. do bit and sometimes the gun historians like trevor marshal c. barbados, like other former slaves. societies never recovered from the centuries of oppression. oh, adding that the road to making things right begins with reparations over the span of hundreds of years. some half a 1000000 people were in slaves in barbados. now, nearly 2 centuries after emancipation, the small caribbean nation has become a leading voice for slavery. reparations. the delegates meeting and barbados this week are expected to devise an international framework for advocacy at an international level building off a 10 point plan for repair tory justice. this includes things like debt cancellation, development projects, and formal apologies from european governments who activists say, continue to read the fruits of slave labor, means nothing to al jazeera bridgetown, barbados. the union,
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representing nearly 340000 possible delivery service employees in the united states, has reached a tentative contract agreement, averting a strike. deal is seen as a major victory for such and nathan movement in the us, christmas leave me reports from new york of the ups drivers were ready to walk off the job, holding practice tickets. as the expiration date of their contract approached, they had an agreement on safety issues like air conditioning and trucks, and no more forced overtime work on schedule days off. here cuz we are in the battery with the drivers represented by the teamsters union, refused to back down on pay increases and got what they wanted. reality justice strikes and leverage. we've got the strongest weapon in our. busy tool case, that's the 340000 racket file numbers. i go to work every single day, regardless of conditions and that makes etc,
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of who are willing to stand up and fight us trucks are a crucial part of the us supply chain. get over half of their drivers are part time . experts estimate a 10 day strike could have cost the economy as much as $7000000000.00. the agreement comes at a crucial time for the american labor movement. there have been more strikes so far this year. then all of last year, nurses and other essential workers whose employers are record profits during the pandemic have led the way. we are at a moment of unusually tight labor market, a very resilient, really tight labor market. and i think that sends a signal to workers that they have an unusual, certainly over the past few decades in those countries and unusual moment of leverage. 4 than 11000 film and television writers had been watching the picket line since early may looking for better pay and protection
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against artificial intelligence. they were joined by 65000 film and television actors in mid july. auto workers could be next september union contracts for $150000.00 of them at general motors in ford are expiring. we as for u. p. s. workers still have to vote to approve the contract negotiated by their union . but union leaders say all of their demands were met in the contract quote. so it's a new standard and the labor movement and raises the bar for all workers. kristen salumi out 0 new york, the washing i'll just here at the headlines now. scientist, a warning, a tipping point could be reached in 2 years. is global emissions on reduced. they say the atlantic gulf stream could start to collapse, which would have.


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