tv News Al Jazeera July 27, 2023 1:00am-1:31am AST
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is coming over our heads from russian positions as a new cranium, positions civilians have been sending about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. we seen some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in suitcases by substantial safe anymore. what happens on that day is a will cause region across the lines and know that the level of destruction here proof just how fast the fighting has been. in recent weeks, this russian or altamont street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. the crew at times continues in this. yeah, the president has been detained and there's policy by his own gods. the
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bulk of this is all just a license. so what's have coming up for choosing kenya, for those killed in anti government, protests opposition does accused police of protects you and condemnation of violence against holy books will help them to come to a representative of morocco, which draft resolution on the us federal reserve raises interest rates to the highest level in 22, the book into the program warning shots have been finding new jazz capital is crowds gather to resist a qu, attempts that supports as the president mohammed buzzing turned out. so after the merge that he had been detained by his own presidential guards, the president's officials say the mutiny has failed to gain the support of the army . or what the president of the need is heading over to these. yeah,
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to try resolve the crisis. because the, the book, you know, who's your fucker, the situation is where a, some enough that i go less than president. do you know both the president of nigeria, a neighbor of the chair and been in also a neighbor of new cher. take it seriously and want to act quickly. i believe all means will be use. so the cost of traditional laws reestablished in new share. but the idea would be for everything to happen in peace and harmony, is our 1st option. and we think it will be successful that i pay that will have an interest in the following developments for us from neighboring dungee area. when you see the cause that happened in africa from mali to guinea and book in a paso, the presidents of those countries i held hostage by the mutineers or the critical flotas as negotiate by getting chips. eventually, when they were given those dimensions, they had said the president is free, but however, image and the case of me is that what we're hearing at the moment is that the
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cooper just don't have, don't enjoying toward the support of the military. so basically what we think may be happening at the moment, which we look to off was probably to find something done before the coupon to speak . we don't know how far that has gone, and we're not sure whether that is part of the negotiations. but again, we also heard early on before news of negotiations going on between them. the cool cool waters and or far it is. we also heard that they want to present in my mood uh, buzzing mohammed design and undertaking that he's relinquishing power. and the bill will be some form of a transition government in the country for probably 20 to 26 months before they handle what to send you an administration that too is not confirmed. but what we know right now is that the gross issues have been going on since morning and morning go say she is out on the way. and this shows probably, that may be the regional groping headquarters on a properly tried to negotiate to bring the standard to an end. because i would
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mention the west africa seen a series of electric takeovers and attempt to cruise in recent years. in august 2020, the molly and me else who president abraham bu baka case, up after a wave of antique government protests. 3 years later, the ministry is still in power. in september 2021 soldiers and neighboring guinea, over 3 present offer condo full at a disputed election in which she had been buying for a controversial 3rd time. and in between a 5. so 2 crews took place and a matter of months i was back in 2022 on the captain, abram trouble. we're a is currently in control the last year and getting be so 11 people were killed in a failed to. in february, child stratford has more from call and set a goal. the comments h as in the analysts will tell you multiple reasons as to why this is happening. some of them along the established in victory reason is looking at notions of poverty. looking at them all, and so to be made by separate just groups,
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some of them along ethnic lines demanding more. what's funny in this region to mullens that have been ignored so many is by governments across the west africa, they will start looking at notions of corruption and the mission management. but of course, there is the other major reason of the failure of multiple initiatives in the pulse cheaper, which one could argue was the un peacekeeping mission. 15000 un troops now being withdrawn from molly following to mullins by molly submitted trico into and that was green. light, you'd have to you in security council. the process is going to take around 6 months . there's also the end of operation bar con, a french lead operation coming out of china with french troops in looking, especially molly those troops. i've also been withdrawn in the last 12 months or side or so what is the plan? well, there is an initiative being put forward according to the chief of echo echo us ministry cheeks across the region have been gathering. they're looking at
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potentially using up to $5000.00 troops. so we need to be based in the region or to be sent on to moans to countries suffering these kind of problems. but there's the wilkinson. and the growing concern of certainly amongst the international community western countries in particular about russians influence in this region, the growing influence of that russian most and regroup involved. and that, that we know our operating inside of molly. we know all what it is not being confirmed, but there are room is operating inside the keen of fi, so as well that are basically taking the place of that un fools many in the international community, many governments around the world are saying that this is only increasing the potential for more tara more terror attacks being committed in these countries. and the idea of the nationalist will say, is russia trying to reassert itself in this vacuum? as, of course, the influence of, of the french,
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the main colonial full of colonial powers. in west africa received so yeah, some very wiring of the terrifying statistics being put out for millions of people across this region and potentially for the governments, the support the countries here. charles, drop it down to 0. the call was charles assignment. i don't a lot of in special attention around the attempts and coo and duck out of the united nations, e u and united states who denounced the attempt to seize power. i'm going out for my kind of in washington dc and they're all in an estimated 800 us troops in nature . many of them helping to train the nature of forces that also to us strong bases in nature. but the to come to the militant activity in that and the why the area. now another point of concern for us obviously is the knowledge that in both neighboring molly and booking a fast. so the military takeovers there recently and what happened it was,
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the result is that they expelled the french forces that had been in place and called in russian backed forces for protection. so there's a lot going on in that particular region. nature can be described as the sold standing ally of the united states in that particular area. so the state department has condemned the crew attempt as has the national security advisor in the white house, jake sullivan, who describes these you as a critical partner of the united states. and often use vigils help being held in kenya for people killed during protests against the high cost of living opposition, lead and violent didn't go, says he's filing charges with the international criminal court for police brutality . catherine story reports from west the west and city of consuming canyons at this hospital in costume county light candles. to remember those who died during antique government protests recently. the say police, a top participant,
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most rating against the high cost of leading and the in position of new taxes. some of the enjoy the remaining hospital, many have gunshot wounds. we came to see so that the 10 that is the deputy for yeah, that was $10000.00. i was told by the police, people who are here say this is a day of remembrance that wants to remember those who died and those who are still in the hospital. they also say they don't trust upon this. they say the one just on our own is at these home state path to buy a relative. george of gamble was shot in one of the most violent confrontation between security forces and protest. as soon as skilled tomb side, i feel so much pain. his death was so unexpected. i had my son on thursday morning and then he was gone. i'm still in shock. i'll never see him again. opposition
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date is in the capital and i wrote the also have details. they accuse the government of asked nick profile an ordering parties to use excessive force on protest as the interior ministry, a q, some politicians of inciting riots in what the government called economic sabotage . president william root will say, he's ready to meet with opposition either, right? i would think a, let's see me like whole has fields before. i don't believe the result is a city is a tone. this is doug was big. one side is it serves him. he talks really nice. this is oh, i'm ready for adults and a time. and then the time is people are saying that only so think of this group, we just want to have a 100 so that they can be able to share the kick back. in the
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smoothness, say we just want on says coffee. so you all to 0 to some western can you well cancer specialist and took a have resumes treating patients some serious tequila as a last resort. for many patients hit by the civil war across the board of rebel controlled northwest. sylvia doesn't have enough adults as old medicine to help them to accomplish reports from the bob l. how of crossing that's between syria and took a cancer patients here. and those with syria were already struggling to get treatment following 12 years of civil war. then the massive of quick in february, then there's many hospitals making their suffering even worse. 5 months on turkey, it has reopened. it's doors for hundreds of syrian cancer patients to get to proper treatment. the wait for treatment has been agonizing. i can barely find the words to express how difficult it is being both physically and emotionally. we
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longed for this chance to get the proper treatment. i wanted my wife to be with me in these whole times, but it is still not allowed to have an escort for us. around 600 cancer patients were unable to receive treatment. following the us quick for some loss of their lives while waiting. nice to own 5, i mean, even though it's hard for patients to enter without an escort, as we are not allowed to be with them in the turkish hospitals, this decision has a significant impact on these patients. the pain, the endure every day is unbearable and they have been struggling to survive for over 5 months. we still can't be with their patients, relatives, and we hope other steps will be taken in their favor. around 65 percent of their patients traveling to turkey are women and children. the majority of them internally displaced by the civil war. the kind of mile part of throughout coordination of these patients sent it to the patients being divided into groups as
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them today. 45 patients events with the tech as government has been receiving patients for over 12 years. however, we still have for long term solution that would allow these patients to get treatment inside syria in the absence of the solution means people's suffering will continue to grow. this part of the content of a top chip here and here said there was accept any proposed solution that would make their life easier. but they also fear that their resilience might end while they wait for that to happen. no cause such as you are all live north and syria. hundreds of attended the funeral of a 23 year old palace thing in mind, killed on tuesday during and astray the rate on the how i in refugee camp in nablus unoccupied westbank israeli soldiers also shots an injured 2 of the other thing is the army says it arrested $37.00 palestinians during raids in nablus. best we have on hebron east. really ministry has been kind of gotten the nightly rates in the west. bo,
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this is clearing the area of armed groups. this is earl supreme court says it will hear petitions against the new judicial reform bill passed by parliaments in september. the little pushed forward by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as of right wing coalition, will take away the high quotes, right to veto political decisions. views as unreasonable as the against the public interest mass protests pro council after the divisive rights and connected with the opposition, looking at u. s. federal reserve has raised interest rates by 25 basis points to between 5 and a quarter and 5 and a half percent is the highest level in more than 20 is high digit. castro has more from the us capital of the one quarter percent rate. high was widely expected as the federal bank continues its efforts. and now now just the u. s. economy back to a cooler level. and there is some indication that the strategy is working. the latest inflation numbers are coming in at 3 percent, which is
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a dramatic improvement. over the 40 year high that we saw about a year ago in the united states of 9 percent inflation. however, drone powell, the chair of the federal reserve, said that one positive inflation report along with not enough to have this effort be a success. and so he has cautioned that there may still yet be further rate hikes to come between now and the september meeting. we got 2 more job reports, 2 more cpi reports. i think we have an easy i report coming later this week, which is employment compensation index. and lots of data on economic activity. all of that information is going to inform our decision. as we go into that meeting, i would say it is certainly possible that we would raise funds again at the september meeting if the data warranted. and i would also say it's possible that we would choose to hold study at that meeting. we're going to be making careful assessments. as i said, meeting my meeting, the us central bank says a 2 percent inflation rate is the ideal for the u. s. economy. and the 3 percent
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where we're currently at seems close jerome, how did caution that there still may be a long road ahead. meanwhile, the united states labor market remain strong and the consumer confidence index is at the highest into here, heidi, to castro out to 0. washington. so head allowances are at the truth is out that the us congress is startling revelations about an identified flight the the hello the weather is lossy set 5 across smart people straight. yeah. lots of pleasant winter sunshine road. i suspect type of the next couple of days, high pressure in charge down towards the southeastern corner, the crowd a ray will make its way across the museum and then i how i would just couple,
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a little further east would just be go through the next couple of days like wednesday into that southeastern corner. but we have got some sherry ranges, clipping the fossil spinning outs of southern pots of w way rolling across the south australia pushing towards adelaide and eventually easing across pull fairies. and of course not to victoria melvin. seeing some heavy rain for a time as a blustery showers to will say running the way across set has made the pushing to what was the zealand. what's the weather coming in, jamaica way through the weekend, but essentially fine and try for a good possible australasia over the coming days. try to request a coupon of japan over the coming days. halt, sunshine as well. he wife condition conditions would remain in place here. sorry. 6 celsius, the entire get less pushed by the south and through the southeast of china. this is where we have tie food, duck, sorry, making it's way was for g, i'm probably is making a land full on friday, weakening as it does so in terms of the winds. but the rise of really ramping up with the likelihood of flooding
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the to the journey of almost 10 years in which to shake, hama, to ward for translation and international understanding has become the most important translation award from to the arabic language in the world. the award announces that the nomination periods, the 2023 starts from the 1st of march to the 31st of july. applications are accepted through the awards official website at w w, w dot h t, a dot q a. in the the
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book back here watching it, which is area is a reminder of our top stores this hour and attempt to seize power is on the way in egypt. presidential governance have been holding present mohammed positive inside his palace since wednesday morning. negotiations of a poor simply underway between positives come from the leaders of the presidential gun. visuals have been held to on a canyon scaled announcing government process of position to be the right thing to accuse the government of ordering police to use excessive force, doing demonstrations against the cost of living. after a brief pause last month, the u. s. federal reserve has raised interest rates to 5.5 percent. the course of percent rise makes the benchmark rates its highest level since 2001 the ship carrying $3000.00 causes, quote, far in the north sea. at least one crew member has been killed. and several others badly wounded. some were forced to jump overboard of the north coast of the
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netherlands. the dutch coast guard is coordinating the firefighting operation on the free mental highway, which was heading to egypt from germany. the worst goes on by so the to the united nation says, welcome to the policy of a resolution condemning violence against holy books, united nations general assembly voted on choose day of the banning of the crown in sweden and denmark triggered widespread process. the resolution drafted by morocco denounced a tax based on religion against peoples scripture and symbols, neural cuz i'm boss of the to the u. n. o. my latte has been speaking to, i'll just say, well, he says, remaining silent, could encourage more extreme behavior. smoke affected the necessary, if not the imperative to do something. because what's happening this last weeks? that people hall? some persons are burning the decor on and the name
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or the books just to i don't know what they are or they want to express. for us, it was very important that we have reaction by the united nations. we agreed that the many countries had condemned, that there was also reaction by the and most of them works. but it was not enough to stop this kind of the formation of a religion of 2000000000 people around the world. of course, during the discussions, there was a lot of arguments that have been presented notes on the foster con, done the, this x box that it comes through to them national goals and we say to our auto pay and colleagues that it's high time that the, you and come down such like that we would prevents the
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hate speech we would prevent or so a kind of because this is heads up. you said none of that is for booking this and that, that is just given cuz we're fortunate to, to extra them is from both sides to, to, to be more up to that, to get somewhere around the world to have gathered in barbados to discuss reparations for the trans atlantic slave trade, the name of the summit is to recognize the continued impact of centuries of slavery and the beginning, repairing some of the damage. and the rep hollow has moved from bridge down in barbados, were on the campus of the university of the west indies and bridge town. barbados for what has turned out to be a historic and unprecedented summit. that's brought together representatives from the african union representatives from the caribbean, nations or care comp, souls of individuals from civil society organizations from the americas, from the united states in europe to discuss the topic of reparations for the
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descendants of enslaved people who were victims of the transatlantic slave trade taken listen preparatory, justice or reparation is. yeah. also about the monetary aspect. it's about economic empowerment. it's about equal educational opportunities. it's about tackling racism in the health care sector. it's tackling health issues that we have because of slavery. it has so many facets good, and how long do we need to wait reparations? i mean, making goods to how that was cost, and that how may be physical. that's how may relate to dispositional property. and that a home may be psychological, but making good in several ways in some ways set and cost context as compensation because you can show causality and the actual home in the context of satisfaction. or memorialize ation all returning the defects,
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assets that were taken the as we have seen. so it's a broad range of meanings about how to put in a place of degree t and the quality of this record. what's gonna happen is that we're going to have to come out of this meeting with a shared understanding of where and how to go from here in the collaborative way. rather than in addition, jane to in front of my not as it has been before that these with the african union and working together with kind of it's clear that when it comes to reparations, there is no one size fits all solution for making things right there. isn't even a single definition for the term, reparations. but one thing that we are hearing overwhelmingly from human rights advocates, is that the time is ripe for turning this topic into a global conversation. let's say it's a north korea now because of russia's defense minister was visiting the country to mount the 70th anniversary of the korean war. almost as it's like i sort of showing,
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gu is pos of international delegations and beyond gang for the commemoration chinese communist party officials, also attending fighting with south korea stump 70 years ago with the signing of analysis. millions were killed in a 3 year conflict with china by north korea and us. so just for the long side, south koreans, reports of florence lou, we met war veterans in the south korean city of boost, as they would cool their experiences as lee, how young was a 17 year old student when war broke out on the korean peninsula in june 1950 p enlisted and was sent to fight off to only a week of it to trade out or tunes when it fits. then the day i was deployed to the front line. i was up on a hill. the sold you are right next to me was killed by a gun fired from the north korean people's army. i was terrified. career had been divided after the 2nd world war in 1945. but the invasion by north korea 5 years
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later still came as a shock, the us which backed south korea aust, the un security council for minute to support. it would become the un 1st active involvement in a conflict with 22 countries contributing soldiers or medical units. international forces were also involved in evacuating un personnel and civilians from north korea . among those who fled was kim chung, so he late and listed with the south korean army. it is difficult or that i went to the peer to board the military vessel. there was so many refugees, it was impossible to move my parents and others were left behind. all my 10 siblings, only 3 of us managed to escape. like many other refugees from the north, they arrived in blue sun. today south korea's 2nd largest city. but in the 1950s, pusan wasn't equipped to deal with the influx of people. many of the new arrivals ended up building homes and the only space available that
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a cemetery tombstones were ripped out and used as building materials. houses were constructed on top of grades, as you can see here, a greystone was used as part of the foundation for a wall all around the city, reminders of its war time passed. this was the official home and office of the president. pusan became the provisional capital when so was occupied, the fighting ended in 1953. but what they negotiated was a ceasefire. the 2 careers still technically a tool separated by a heavy 45 border to the city. yes, i have somebody in the north, but i don't know if they're alive as the as poss, few of veterans remain. and despite the was joe political legacy is become a distant memory for many south koreans, florence louis out to 0, bruce on south korea. or you will check for your state entity blinking has arrived in new zealand. he received a conditional, murray,
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welcome after his flight from tongue. washington is trying to increase his influence in the pacific given china is outreach to small nations in the region. but it's not just politics. lincoln would also make time to watch the women's football world cup match between the us and the netherlands. lightroom 50. now for the military. pilots and, and intelligence officer have given testament east to the us congress about on the end to find flying objects and included an explosive obligation that the government is in possession of alien craft which have crushed over several years. popsicle hang. ringback from washington dc, is this video captured from the us fighter jet crew that aliens exist? the pentagon says no, but these 4 military men until the congressional committee. they believe it is proof. one for our pilots says he's seen it for himself all 4 of us because we are not facing us. so we had pilots and wisdom in the backseat. looked down a small saw white tic tac object with a longitudinal axes pointing north south and moving very abruptly over the water
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like a ping pong ball. there were no rotors, no rotor wash for any sign of visible control surfaces like wings. he says no military has the technology to fly like that. but david gross, a whistle blower, and former intelligence officer, took it even further, saying he was told that for decades the us government was recovering, crashed, alien spacecraft to try and re engineer the technology. if you believe we have crashed craft, uh stated earlier, do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft? as i've stated publicly already, my news nation of you a biologics came with some of these recoveries. yeah. where they, i guess, human or non human biologics, non human. and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program i talked to that are currently still on the program. the pentagon flatly denies this allegation, but cover says it wants answers. and this considering the bill that would force
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divide and ministration to make public every thing it knows what it calls you, a piece of identified aerial phenomena. another witnesses that happens, you know, look out for talk of a flying black cube, 10 miles off the coast of virginia beach to f. 18 super foreigners were split by you. i p. the object described as a dark gray, or black cube inside of a clear spear, came within 50 feet of lead aircraft and was estimated to be 5 to 15 feet in diameter. the mission commander terminated the flight immediately and returned base . our squadron submitted a safety port, but there was no official acknowledgement of the incident and no further mechanism to report the sightings congress wants to change that in hopes of answering the age old question. are we really alone? medically, l 0, washington. irish musicians shanita content has died age to 56 the.
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