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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2023 4:00pm-4:53pm AST

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of costa ricans here was big down poles coming in over the next couple of days. lot of the stylists chat was still in place across the fall, south, east of the us, big storms that moving across the legs in the eastern, positive canada, and also facing a good part of new england. the, [000:00:00;00] the other there in this off here today, this is a news our life from our headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes . new jazz top soldiers announced their support for the crew. the else did president obama wazoo. israel security minister leads and, and cousin into the ox and most compounds and occupied easterly slim to monica
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jewish holiday building alliances, russian president, if not, i'm a person who has a sense of african lead is to come see as a compass of food shortages, ballistic missiles, on display in north korea, rushes defense minnesota as welcome to for the 17th anniversary at the end of the korean. in sports, mar, jerry, shock, carter hart, australia, the women as well. comp plus, defending champions. united states come from behind to solve the detroit and a repeat of the 2019 the probably begin in new jersey where the army has became the legions to the lead is of a crew that the army chief of staff says he doesn't want to see conflict within the armed forces present, the bassoon was detained by soldiers of his own presidential guard. on wednesday, some of them appeared on television to blame,
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but soon for the mismanagement of the economy and for failing to drive on groups out of new to the dreams official twitter account posted a message early on thursday morning, stating the hard one achievements will be safe got it all new, gerry and who loved democracy and freedom will see to it. of all there's also been international reaction to this through the us secretary of state. and to me, blinking has cool to be immediate release of president buzzer. while the united nations equity general has said that he condemns any effort to seize power by force in the strongest terms. and the asking union has the armies on condition they return to its barracks. well, that's bringing an address. he's following developments from a bridge and neighboring and nigeria on that as we've been saying this has been a very fluid situation. there been parts of the government saying that hasn't been a crew that presumes still present. what do you now hearing was the same sort of story. why do people,
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loyal to us allow me to consisting that but it's only still the president of the republics, the military, you say otherwise. and now better possible. there is a possibility that these forces make possible supporters will be supposed to make good support. this will be cool uh, process asking supporters to kind of to the public to come to the street and protest and show somebody direct you to the new list. meanwhile, democratic sources, especially those loyal to preston, mohammed parsons, also quoting, this will just come on to the streets to demo street. i'm showing defiance to the new many people this why don't this will happen. people are watching closely to see initially people who are expected to come out on the streets today. but the range dumpling, the spirit, we are watching closely to see in the next few hours whether or not. ringback and that is real reporting aaliyah from his towards the feed we had very defiant words that from the zoom. and as you say, they had been protested in the streets, given that they could be an escalation. what might that mean for any kind of negotiation?
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the complications of so many funds competition to advise them. we still being dictated by the new military rulers, along with members of his family complications to they negotiations, complications to the people on the job himself, and complications within the military establishment itself. because there are 2 divisions within the military that are still within the plant. i'm all the political costs. and also if you look at the interest international interest in new share, the computer is just to that as well. but like you said in the introduction, so many organizations use as an introduction to institutions and countries. i've condemned, according to austin for the reinstatement of my my pleasure. but i'm willing to walk. that's just a key right now from the united states, a full, full hop basis in new jersey. and these are very critical in their fight against i'm. so i'm in sale. well they told the mind when they go with the flow. now that's make me just a new way to look. oh,
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i bet you sit on democracy being restored in that country. what will happen in the next 2 weeks or so? will you tell me what that one of these countries will either go with the flow or assist? i even go the extra mile of intervening to ensure the democracy is restored. when we've seen over the past 2 years, 34 years. the many course in west africa, especially in say you need countries like money working on getting what has been hop. ringback these countries don't, this gets to the international institution for you to use the title force to get them any feedback to the maddox and address that with all the latest for us on that story. what seem developments from the bridge that thank you on it? well, for more on this that's bringing that child struct said he joins a fly from con incentive golf. charles, the regional block echo was and the african union have both condemned to the screw . do you have a sense of how involved they might be in trying to negotiate some kind of settlement? now,
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it is very difficult to tell at this stage, as you say, they've been round condemnations from both a car wash, the regional body in charge of security in west africa. and the a you echo as saying that they would hold to account they would hold anybody responsible for the hollow mean of president obama bar zoom, his family. but yeah, they're all real questions big last i think, looking forward there are questions being honest about how this is happened again, because we are often much say that this is just the latest in a series of codes that this region has been subjected to. in recent years to involve a 2 in burkina faso. it seems that certainly the regional ball days, including the a u. all efforts that they made to try and maintain. what was, why be described as a democratic election eating, they maintain that kind of demographic evolution of progress across this region.
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that failing this process is not working a tool. and there are some really serious implications here. because there's a gate and you heard off manage it, talk about the they're all serious security concerns across the sally and region as governments bottle. and surgeons groups and tara groups including i see. so it was quite a bulk oh, harm. western full seats have been struggling to, to, to, to deal with that problem. and of course, we know that the united nations peacekeepers, for example, in molly, have been moved out as a result of pressure from them all the and government. and then a, you in security council decision to, to pull them out. we know that the french policies in a country like molly will pull it out as well. and we know, as i mentioned, there's a french base in, there's a, there's a us space in media and it's a was seen as being a, arguably the last main bashed in a potentially for fighting these kind of, uh, these type of tire groups that are running right, and
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a causing so much suffering just so many millions of people across the whole region . so yeah, i think the big questions are, is, how is this managed to happen again and what kind of things can be put in place by these regional bodies to stop it happening again? it's being a non adult. right. and finally, a sofa and democracy just interested me just to bring you a statistic. i recently read according to the institution of freedom house, 131 countries in africa. over the last 5 years, i've seen that democratic rating decline. so that's an indication that the kind of switch to democracy not only here in west africa, but across the continent. hotel stripes, the to the following. that for us from the incentive all. thank you, johns moving on and israel's ultra nationalist security minister. it's about the end of a has led an incursion into the fox and most compound and occupied easterly some f
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as they march the jewish holiday of fish about which commemorates the destruction of the 2nd jewish temple. and the 7080. nearly 2000 is rarely ultra nationalist set is entered on the police protection. non muslims are allowed inside the compound but are not permitted to pray under a decades old agreement known as the spacious class. however, since the current far right government to pounds is ready, such as and politicians have been increasingly defined, the ban. jordan took a anti uribe of all condemned to the incursion, calling it provocative almost to day and displays. always to remind us that we are old brothers. right wing left. we are just secular on your one nation, but it clearly looks to us from outside. they will see no differences between us and nothing was separate. this, do, unity of a nation of israel is important than in this place is important for us. and if you have to turn to a improve of sovereignty as well, let's bring it out. cost one in the honda jump jury and he joins us now from west
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to resend knowledge. what's the scene like at ok, so now let's start the visiting hours for the ultra nationalists who have gone into the office. i'm most comfortable to see that behind you there. those have ended. they ended a little over an hour and a half ago. it has been cleared out of the alternation list. the seen, the moment is calm. we're told everything is returned to normal, that the muslim worshippers that had been denied entry to the of, of some of us compound in the last few hours that they have now been allowed entry that they have resumed any prayers this they want to make. and also we have been told that over the course of the day was through have reported from in his really media that there were at least 3 palestinians that were arrested. but there were also several is really the ultra nationalist who were arrested because they had attempted to pray when they were in the office almost compound. and that as you
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mentioned just a moment ago, that is something that is not allowed under the status. quote, queen size, you know how that acts that has been such a flash point and such incidents in the past have offered that to violence. are there any concerns around that this time of the there were concerns earlier today there had been seems of tension. there had been confrontations, and as you mentioned, this is a flash point. this is an area where things can escalate very, very quickly. that did not happen. today, but still there were concerns the fact that the national security minister, it's more been to view or uh, that he let it in persian into the some us compound, noted, use as simple amount. that is something that cause a great deal of concern. you had the statements that you mentioned from the danny and ford ministry as well as the housing authority, saying that that was against the status quo agreement. uh that it was
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a very provocative uh, very provocative action that should be condemned. also, we heard from the us embassy, the us embassy issued a statement in which they said that the us stands firmly for the preservation of the historic status quote, with respect to the holy sites in jerusalem. and that any unilateral lateral action or rhetoric to jeopardize the status quote is unacceptable. that is something obviously that's in response to mr. ben. give years incursion into the locks of mos compound. there's been a lot of condemnation in the past when mr. ben, give you a heads decided to make an appearance. this is the 3rd time that he has gone to the locks, almost comp time since becoming the national security minister in israel earlier this year at something that is seen as a provocative action because it is believed that that will encourage more alter nationalist to try to go into the compound and to try to then pray in that compound . it's a feeling of entitlement amongst them. it's something that is preventative. it's something that causes a lot of anger. and it's something that
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a lot of international players want to see come to an installs, you know, the challenging the across all the nicest for us. thank you. and have as well, is there any soldiers of salt and killed a palestinian teenager during their latest rage and the occupied westbank? witnesses in calculate, you say that the 14 year old boy house rocks, a troops who then responded with gun find these really minute tree has been carrying out me and 90 res. it says to clear the west bank of the groups that he 9 children are among $207.00 palestinians killed by is way the forces in the occupied palestinian territories so far this year on still pending more ahead for you this news out including how the melting of pocket stones, glass is forcing people to pay a high costs for global climate change. specialist teams. i'll send out a file on a does cover a ship for $3000.00 calls on both ends and for it also involves learning and produce and
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h go thread it in los angeles. all the details coming up with the world's finest blazing in a postal region of syria lands me of what 50 have left the key is badly hit. as you can see, the fire threat is so high because of the lack of rain. it's t 12 temperatures in many parts of the mediterranean, helicopters, housing, emergency, cruise, the flight, the flames saw meanwhile, wildfires of also destroyed an ancient church and southern italy. the charge in palermo incessantly dates back to the 13. hundreds of the wall fires on the island . also killed at least 3 elderly people. 2 of them were found and the remains of the advance household and the outskirts planted. and more on the size of broken house on the greek mainland, punting a new wave of evacuations. so full 5 people has been killed. tens of thousands have
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fled to their homes and holiday results. this is grace's west 5 season on record. as a fond, as this doesn't come as a surprise, they say they've been watching the changes happen steadily. stephanie decor reports now from right now it's on us. under the scorching greek son, lazarus shows us the effect it's having on his cross is their name and they are not the same. some small, some big. they should be the same with the need. also, this is burned from the sun. all these are last projects. this is proof that climate change is real wherever doesn't believe it. here it is. let us burn by the sun. we visit on our record breaking weekend temperature as well into the forty's not seen in greece for 50 years. so in any day, 1991 we gradually had an increase and the temperature of 10 degrees during the summer. most of the seasons have changed to him. we used to 4 seasons now we only have to winter and summer, and then with extreme weather phenomena,
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city this has resulted in us having problems in our crop. you know farmers of very much on the front line of climate change changes in temperature and rain full have a direct impact on the soil and how it grows or doesn't grow their crops. now they tell us that they're having to adapt. and that of course comes out of cost. they have to do things differently. now, spring onion seeds used to be so straight into the ground outside. now they 1st pumped a minute greenhouse away from the harsh rays until they are strong enough to be planted outside. just one way they've had to change it costs more and the purchase is less in the late afternoon hate local farmers rest under the shade of a large tree cost is because says he's been farming since he was 7 years. no. 80 years old. thought about the temperatures change very much. oh, tell my grandchildren not to start farming. they won't be able to make a living at once. the temperature goes over 40. everything dies. it's like which
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humans. you do nothing and you still swear i planted tomatoes months ago, and they're all destroyed now. they don't need scientists to tell them the planet is warming. for them. it's a 1st time fact. everything has already changed stephanie decker, which is 0, but us on us in greece. meanwhile, glasses in guild, good volta spun and pakistan's move and mountain region, a melting of unprecedented rates and crude disappeared by the centuries and scientists are wanting that pakistan is in need of health as it's vulnerable to the effects of climate change. while high to reports focused on the northern region as home go over 7000 last year, i did the highest number outside the portland region environment. the legs are now warning that by the end of the century, the glaciers may disappear altogether. this is the 1st to play,
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she on 20 kilometer long and covered an area of a 105 square feet along the good, the melting and now so rapid environment and as opposed to being warning that the country new jazz because of the most, wasn't it but the effects of climate change that's going to affect the way of life or tens of millions of people. it good, good food and security is going to affect what the site goes. and the important thing now is for the work to come together to try to mitigate the effect of climate change last day of focused on sort devastating floods that and then they did one 3rd of the country unprecedented because of the effects of climate change. the warnings that are already in place. what did pleasure, it's gone dead. a large volumes of take ice. i'm not going grommet in rockmart and sun. and once did bush that bang, 8 good lead to a devastating effect on populations living in a spot,
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a garden good. the secretary general of the united nations focused on carbon footprint. it less than one percent. however, it is being heavy rise because of in denies the negligence, when it comes to the effects of global warming and climate change come out of the data. good, but this dawn. so anyway, lots has sounded across ukraine again. overnight. you came in forces, say 36 russian cruise missiles were intercepted across to crane and reading over the major cities of keys khaki and the pro pulled facilities in odessa. also talking to the governor, the says one person was killed and ukraine's major port was damaged. step bass and has worn out from the capital. 49. miss house have been fired according to the authorities here on 37 as strikes. 36 were into subsets, but they were also hypersonic miss how to use apparently on an air base in the west
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of the country. and we haven't heard about any damage or possible casualties here, but dsr to say there is damage that has been slides getting through. and one of those slides getting through us in odessa, where the weather us here also was very bad overnight. there was some the storms and the assault yusef. the governor of odessa says that they have used the russians as used as bath water condition to live very low and hit the 4th once again of a desktop after the radio. a fail unless it pulls out of this the around 10 days ago. this ford has been a target many times because this is with re to was transported from to the black seats on the mac level ons producing companies on displaying the latest products. that's a key is international defense x. the ticket has been hosting not defense that every 2 years since 1993. this is more than a 1000 exhibits,
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has attended russell side of business. and that event for us in this bundle more than 50 companies are showcasing their defense products here. this is the largest, the 1st is repair. india is a region, and one of the top 4 globally. more than 1000 defense products are being executed here. and the companies are hoping to find new markets as the fear brings the global producers and buyers to get many, many visitors from all over the world, whether from africa and middle east, left in america, beautiful and easy also as well. so that's the reason that's why out of here today to show the world what kinds of defense industries that 13 is able to supply is growing because the industry is boosted. it's global revenue from the overseas on the export was by 42 percent 20202021 in 2022 to get
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a record for media bowlers in on sale of bigger that is larger than some companies annual defense budget and the government now says it wants to bring the number to $6000000000.00 in 2023. and these kind of the 1st industry fears, pardon me, corporate trinity for the uh, the defense companies, to promote the products which are not only of a t, t t as well in the international defense. insurmark is also a source of leverage 4 searches for the policy versus other houses 0 this on the it's 105 minutes. then georgia maloney is in washington. so how fast whitehouse visits amazing with president joe biden comes as the 2 countries cool for ace on a to for the war and ukraine. but it may also be an opportunity for the us to pressure, at least a pull out of a trade deal with china. auto 0 is the white house correspondent can be how good
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has this report or the she has at times been compared to former us president donald trump. the election of prime minister, georgia maloney last year represented a significant right were shift italian politics. something us president joe biden once publicly expressed concern about but the white house and says there's plenty biden, maloney agree on. certainly on issues of foreign policy, there's been a lot of overlapping and mutually reinforcing approaches that the, that were taken with italy. she is the country's 1st female prime minister, whose brothers of italy party has members who are anti immigrant, as opposed to gay and lesbian rights. they've also been highly critical of italy's participation in the european union. but her trip to the white house this week to meet with biden,
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or presents an ongoing campaign by maloney to soften the perception that her government is run by extreme is an activist. she is a right wing coalition leader, and that is never easy. it's all in politics, but at the same time, she is very opportunistic in the science that she is playing by the trans appliances playbook. and i think that really appeals to the bite and administration support for ukraine is one area of agreement with washington. as a member of nato, italy under maloney's leadership, has been a strong back or of west or health for the premiums as a battle russian forces. italy has sent more than a $1000000000.00 in a to ukraine, but the trip could also have global implications, as biden is likely to pressure on italy's relationship with china. roam is facing pressure from beijing to continue to be part of china is built in road initiative
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to an agreement that aims to strengthen trade ties with european and central asian nations. so far, italy is the only major western economy included washington watts that to and when the agreement expires next year. but i do think per visit to washington is sending the strongest signal of her government that they wanted to the couple from china. italy's prime minister will play a major role in the coming months as the country takes over the presidency of the g 7 next year. a position that will shine a brighter light on her relationship with the world's 2 biggest economies. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house. well, it's now time for the web them. here's edison, the fellows, i hate remains very much in place across the eastern side, all of the met. it's right. and you just around low about clear skies of course.
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but we have got that shadow right, just getting squeezed out to the south, east of here, across the kia shots as of what the weather just around the black sea. i was the caspian sea as we go on through the next style. so i have a south of that hot and dry, pretty much somebody about 50 sales, just a possibility. thank you way. and you can see damascus don't getting up or about 40 degrees over the next day or so. and even by roots, introduce them into this too. so hold, then it should be part of the house because that's it though hard around $44.00 celsius. a brisk went back just around the southern past of oman, tempted into the fault is to so car. right. once again, tripoli, still charging forward he sells, just like for friday to this could still be creeping up into the full which is, but the hate sure these as that will, gets pushed across the into the eastern side of the med still play defaulting off. having said that, plenty of shelves go central parts of africa a little bit haven't missed that they all, they're never less than breakdown. pulls coming in for many pushing right across into the gulf with gimme one or 2 showers to into east and pump sofa times in there
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. and also to can you. but it's that where whether that's pushing across south africa, right? but the next couple of days it gets caused some consent, a hostile, a head here on the houses here as a whistle below. it tells the u. s. congress that the government has covered up its possession of alien ashcroft decades. and we hear from a brush as moses, full drive and looking to make history. and that's coming up next to the extraordinary men and women who are breaking the moon from the taxi drivers investing everything they have been to their mini bus only just face screen danger on the suit seems rough is tracks to the jump key turned power. magic's saving lives, transporting the sick, tends elderly for medical health,
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police due to we skiing its own. oh now which is 0. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can all. i want to hear god by the 28th on purpose, to have the time and it to go live on the go live for another story that may not be made for you. as far as the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. i'm the spouse you take it. and uh huh. that's
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remind you about top stories. you jazz ami has the kid and legions to the need as of wednesdays crew. the chief of staff says he doesn't want to see conflict within the armed forces. president mohammed position has been detained by members of his own presidential, got israel security, administer. it's not been give a it has let and in cash and into the ox and loss compound and occupied easter recess. he was accompanied by nearly 82000 alternation and such as on the is really putting some protection. russia has launched a new wave of strikes across to cranes keeps as its forces intercepted. 36 cruise missiles are the key of khaki. you've anthony per port facilities in odessa. we'll also talk well, let's return to our top story. the crew image a moment. bassoon was hand picked by his previous essence. he also held several ministerial posts, the full becoming president, katya lopez told her, yeah, and takes a look back now at his political career. i wouldn't know how much the zone was
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elected in these years. presidents in april 2021, there was hope. the 1st democratic transfer of power would be the start of a new chapter for the west african nation. i lead in a sit down interview with l to 0, but zoom. acknowledge the deep of loans left by years of political instability. but a new era he said, would follow said i'd be facing the present policy. it will be difficult, but not impossible. i think difficulties are behind us. we succeeded in a democratic change of power. it was our biggest challenge, things became less difficult from that point on was because of this. i believe that yes, we will succeed at that point. so we, the philosophy teacher turned trade unionists, wazoo mentored politics in 1990 co founding these years party for democracy and socialism. he came from a minority ethnic group in the country se and highlighted his election as proof. it
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was possible to overcome decision to assemblies. and this was i symbolize of hope simply i hope the end of the ethnic issues and the relationship to paul. uh, yes. i think we have helped our country and ourselves a lot for we certainly could also serve as a model for the african nation of a lot of these. there is no stranger to military takeovers. analysts point to poverty persisted in security calls by on groups cooperating in this a hell of region and widespread corruption and our ability to fight corruption as being a major challenge. but west africa has had that almost consistently, almost legitimizes. the military's desire 8 a w corruption is the big heavy fund in the room. back in 2021, just days before bassoon was sworn in. the army stopped to cook with tense. this
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time this threat came from within the presidency. now millions of people are left wondering if new share is heading down the same path as neighbors, burkina paso and molly, governed by military rule. katya look this up again. alex is here. well, joining me out in the studio as bob, a weld houma, he's out of the, or out of the west africa correspondence. the is we've been hearing bassoons election in 2021 with he says really fast democratic transfer of power since independence. how is he viewed now, how popular is he? will it's difficult to measure that popularity of our since police department, both of whom we know so to leave that just to face. so my few supporters tied to a to process in the capital. yeah. me in the uh, this using what the, the, please the shuttle got the feeling cute possession by the business of god. yes. they thought they were specified by the, by the up is the shell grads and at healey. izzy that has been no such that's
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a popular uprising of this team a little bit over the last 2. yeah. this was quite up to lie. was close to the legit and is your worst question though the as he from that to that to a original yes. yes to you bolt up. they look the police tape them, but they could secure this photograph. transition from having to do is afford to buy a zone. some things that many count has failed to do over the last goods such as lee put in a fossil, you not cannot create it. and also in that chat, then i think the charges to that is to alpha. uh yeah. so it was somehow popular. yeah. do you see portez, he's a real link pocky. we cannot measure how it is now because that the constitution is not long get into effect in the account. 300 people. i'm not able to the most, i accept this, they all support thing, but them to tell you that could this as a positive the military hostage. and that useful to it is so far, well,
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it's safe. i've been a block less crew. do you have a sense of what triggered this? it will window is that a pistol was detained. it's usually uh monday. and yesterday that i was passing a football. i believe there was such a battle between the zip is the show. what on the rest of the military battalions, especially outside of the capital, knee, and the, the military sex is to, to, to afford this bloodshed, to avoid this confrontation as the military declared few hours ago that they are back in the move taken by the face to show god, so that's where they kind of put to, uh the so they can avoid any military confrontation between that different on to but all the, all of the initial on uh, well we know that the, the, the presidential god initially said this was about economic mismanagement. because of insurgency in this a hell that was also being this managed,
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we know that new the air is obviously in a bit of a tough neighborhood. right? and, and really, since he has been increasing across the region, so this could have some very broad implications for a lot of vested interest. yes. but you have, you have a situation. this current situation is so different from what it has been a little over the last to say, 10 years. memphis, it has been the vision, is that a gen in english as realizing molly, what can a fossil as long as you ideas of under just all of these companies are out of control of the control of the uh, the, the, the, the, the, the capital, all the t a and also for a kind of make a situation on life conditions. so you have never been quite good and there's not a lot of all it's assessments, except if the, if you pull those in 1960 we, it's one over port us coming to you. it's through, it's live viewing. it's going to throw a very difficult time over the last 2 years,
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but there was nothing that say special about that uh that you'd offer $100000.00 would. so that's a definitive up from school. his account to you has lived so a little over over that 8. 05. um um how to do useful uh over the last 10 years. so it's, it's always like that to include that in with i think i, it's always about what's the kind of become a, what's any conditions, difficult to a security situation. it's something that's come to, that's how we accrued that in. that's a very common reason. it's given them yeah, by the weld houma out of here as, as is who are our vix with dr. correspond. thank you so much for joining me here in the studio found use our lab was rushed as president has promised to supply a free grain to several african countries. a lot of that person has welcomed african leaders to an economic floor and some pieces back. the collapse of the black sea deal on ukrainian grey and exports is causing concerns in africa about
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rising food prices as well as shortages. pollution is seeking to reassure africans, but russia is a reliable partner. the see, and the men or women encryption, you source or share of the global weed market is 20 percent. ukraine is less than 5 percent. this means that is russia is making a significant contribution to global food security and is a big and responsible supplier of agricultural goods. those who claim that this is not the case and talk of ensuring the so called green deal or twisting the facts, telling lies. oh, well speak to malcolm web in the canyon capital library and just a moment. but 1st let's go to alley. hash him. he's covering that summit for us, that in some pieces back only feels like this is quite the symbolic gesture that from fusion of the well yeah. does it present to it's in uh is uh right now. well come in, he, he, he writes from the president of the 17 african countries during this summit down the up today i'm mainly, this summit was about susan,
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the african concerns of the these are the fall of the greens these so now with this initiative from the russian president is, is trying to set an example a new way or another in the middle of a struggle for africa. we all know that russia is looking forward to a secured its interest in the continent. and that is a struggle between. busy china and the rest of the content. and so in this and this summit, the russians were trying to provide this initiative. and it seems that there are all the initiatives that also put in was trying to convey you through his speech on the technology payroll side on the energy side, food, the security security side. if you've got on this a form,
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there are many companies showcase things that own the material elements, equipments, agriculture, ministry. so it's kind of. busy an attempt by the russians to reach out to the africans on the 2nd time, the 1st time was around 4 years ago, i bought today. if it seems different, especially with number of african lead us pop disappear. think of the summer around the house, the ones nonparticipating in 2019 interesting turn there. and so the patients begati hash them at that conference for us in russia. thank you. well, that's good. the view from africa now and speak to me out some web who joins us from nairobi, malcolm, kenya, wouldn't be getting any of the free grading that's been announced. but food security is been a huge issue on the continent exacerbate as, as by the war and ukraine. ok, as president william root, so announced just a few days ago. and they wouldn't be attending the russia africa summit, which takes place at a time when russia were in the west. a competing full influence in africa,
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kenya is historically aligned itself with the west ever since independence from british colonial rule say possibly that explains why it wasn't the bung, the beneficiaries but neighboring somalia was among the country's names by teaching . the will receive grain, a somebody is suffering, a hunger prices. people are dying following one of the west droughts in decades. now in previous years, almost all of its grain impulse have come from ukraine and russia are about 2 thirds from ukraine. about a 3rd from russia wrote about grain goes fast to egypt. wherever it's mil forwarded arrives in somalia and the 10s of thousands of tons of great in the future and was talking about would make up a very small portion of the hundreds of thousands of tons of great in the somalia. depends on h. yeah. now can, what are the biggest priorities then the asking leaders have chosen to go to some pieces back. what did they want to get out of this?
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the grain and food security is a priority for some high 3 prizes across the world. in recent years have been devastating for the least wealthy people across the african continent. and while those people, many of them live in countries where they have no meaningful way of holding that governments to account hunger at a high cost of living cancels on rest. the instability and threats in government scripts on power here and not very be in recent weeks. we've seen protests against the high cost of living people being killed when police have broken them up. defense access to rush at all and military support is also a, a priority for some of the governments that the leaders of faith. molly, i'm the central african republic of that. both of those countries and named like putin is recipients of grain and places that governments depend on the button on the web, the mess and the agree to provide security for those governments to,
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to survive. noncom web that in the canyon capital and i read before us. thank you malcolm. north korea's leda king, john has hosted russia's defense in minnesota along side, a high ranking chinese delegation and from young. the kings fast prominent 4 and visited since the beginning of the code 19 pandemic. 3 years ago, north cris defense ministers as his country and russia are united in countering what he calls against the like us to germany. both russian and chinese delegations visiting north career as part of the 70th anniversary of the korean war on the status on during that visit came, showed off north korea's military also including band ballistic missiles to the russian defense minister. so guess, show it to some of the weapons on display were banned by the un security council in 2006 with the support of both russia and china as well. the 70th anniversary of the end of the korean war as being locked in both the north and
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the south of the korean peninsula. korea was parts of the japanese empire until japan's defeats and the 2nd world war. then korea was divided along with that a power into north korea occupied by communist forces from the soviet union and south korea occupied by us troops and their allies. by 1952 new states had formed the democratic people's republic in the north and the republic of korea in the south. on june 25th 1950 north green forces, armed by the soviet union, crossed the fest yates power into south korea. the un recommended nation support the south and the us then entered the. busy in july and 1950, as the u. s. and u. n. force has made progress. china entered the war and late 1950 and sent troops to help north korea. the will became a stalemate engine on this, this was eventually signed in 1953, nearly 5000000 people that were killed in 3 years of fighting. well that spring and
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christine on, she's the executive director of the non profit organization, women cost gmc, and to the co founder of the career policy institute. she joins us now from washington, dc, christine walking. what's essentially the freezing of a war rather than real peace and relations between the 2 careers are incredibly intense. we see increasing mother tries ation. what do you make of the success of the, almost a 7 decades on or i would say that it has been a tremendous failure. and it's tragic that many analysts view the korean peninsula and this armistice as some kind of model for the future of ukraine. the, the, as you noted, the korean war was the most brutal boar in modern history and 10000000 families were divided. and the demilitarized zone, which has 1200000 land lines. and is the most militarized board or in the world, still cleaves the korean peninsula. so that the korean people cannot see each other,
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but i'm here in washington. you know, i am here because hundreds are gathering in washington to also mark the 70th anniversary of the armistice and the dangerous situation that this continued stay to 4 is a holding 80000000 korean people hostage that they are fear in the threat of nuclear war at any time, and we are here in washington, not not on the peninsula because as you know, the armistice was signed by a north korean and an american commander. and actually somebody that was representing the chinese voluntary peoples army. and so we're here to let the president biden and congress know that it's time to end america's oldest war. this is a conflict that is now in a new cold war. and according to dan leif, who is the 3 star retired general, he served 2 tours of duty in south korea for the us forces korea. and he was the
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acting commander of the endo pacific command and pro harbor. and he says, of all the conflicts today, whether it's russia, ukraine, or china, and the us over taiwan, the korean peninsula is the most likely to trigger and nuclear war. christine, you use the phrase, the new cold war. i'm curious, what do you make of the optics of the chinese and russian visits to put you on young is everyone that are finding unity and, and to west and the sentiment as well. i mean, i think what we see happening at the same time are the trilateral licenses right between the us and south korea and japan, which is regularly rehearsing exercises in the region. and so, you know, you see these alliances forming and i think north korea, i think the significant news is that. b there are foreigners that landed into north korea because as we know,
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the country has been shut down to the pen demik. but what we're seeing is more of these cold war alliances forming. and it's a dangerous sign that you know, they are preparing for some kind of future war, you know, as you know, to nuclear submarines the following the washington declaration in the april summit between noon and bite and where they agreed to send us nuclear submarines which hasn't been on the korean peninsula since 9, you know, for 42 years and since early 19 ninety's. and so that triggered a response from north korea to say that is a precedent to for them to launch a nuclear strike against the submarines. and so this is a really dangerous situation. i think most americans have no idea the. the official state narrative is that the korean war has ended,
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but it hasn't. and the tragedy is but millions of families still remain separated, including korean americans today will hear from joy gephardt, who is 90 year old korean american. and you know, as the cream or she was from come young as a young girl. and as the bombs were raining down in north korea, a friend of her family said, let me take your daughter down to to sol and i'll return her after the war ends. and she looked back at her mother and she just knew that she would never see her again. and she wasn't able to. but she did return to north korea to reunite with her sisters. and because of the us travel ban on americans from going to north korea, which trump instituted in 2017 american citizens create american family members, have not been able to return to north korea. due to this trouble then located a, a very significant and emotional day today. so so many people christine, on the executive director of the non profit organization,
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women across the mc. thanks so much for joining us here on to 0, christine. thank you so much. oh, the fire is still burning on board a congress shift caring thousands of cars and stones, at least on tuesday when the vessel was off the dutch coast, in the north sea, at least one crew member whose from india was killed. several others were injured. of the roughly $3000.00 cars on board around $25.00 were electric during ho now joins us from alarms that's near where all of this is happening. sure. what salacious spaces of the free mantle highway the vessel of what a day ago here, a much better weather from these beach on avalon, you could see the putting them in the smoke house on the rise and the rising from the burning fremont pl highway this jet giant freight uh, uh, cargo carrier, uh, in much political weather. now you can see very little a tool, but a situational update from the dutch coast guard tells us the file is still burning
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out of control. the situation broadly described though a stable coal is continues to be unclear, despite speculation that the 5 may have begun at close to or in an electrical vehicle, a electric vehicle on board. they are unable to do much more than the bare minimum to try and bring this blaze under control, the spraying the sides of the vessel with water to try and cool it down to keep it stable. uh, they comp spray onto the vessel itself for feed or filling it with water and causing it to sink that way. it can't be towed. so it has been maneuvered out of international shipping lanes. it's otherwise stationary and the crew on board, the japanese owners confirming that the $21.00 man indian crew abandoned ship on tuesday, as you said, the oil, but $21.00 of them making it to show in relative safety. a number injured as they've jumped off the building decks into the north sea to be rescued by the dutch coast guard, one indian c feder though, lost his life agenda. you mentioned that the hoping that it wouldn't sink,
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presumably it couldn't sink. right. and that would have some serious environmental implications. i imagine to that it might well do no specific information as to the likelihood of that happening. there are a number of salvage experts we know been floating to the island to being out there looking at the stricken vessel, considering a number of scenarios, including its thinking. the hope of course, is that the 5 simply buttons itself out over the coming days and then the ship is safely salvage, but certainly on the island here, there is real concern about what would happen if it's saying that it's nearly $3000.00 vehicles along with fuel and oil, another cargo, it does go into the seat watching a show here on these items. the freezing islands, a sensitive ecological site known for its mud flats and migrates reboots, huge diversity of species. here it is. a un will heritage site during the holiday, keeping an eye on that vessel for us from alons new way that's just out at sea.
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thank you john. as well, it is now time for sport and the laces from the women's wells company as well as dogs. yes, thank you very much. the welcome hopes of kind of hosts australia or hanging by a thread off of that would be can 3 to barnard area. nearly 50000 were packed into the fun co stadium and wristband for this booth b class and things are looking good for them. matilda. but emily varden ashburn gave them the lead just before hall. sorry. but ben, old, nice to meet the cleaner julia equalize, suited to the color that after the break, the see the eagles turned the max on its head. also, not till finally giving them the leads are when soft or so all on capitalize on some decision in a friday of defense to make it 31 to match the food. but oliver, the date of injury time, a terrific header from a lot of kennedy gave will stay your heart, but faces that are jared with how it city, water bags and what
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a victory for. then i gary as well that makes to be very interesting and a but just one around about just a guy named jimmy. i taught the group withdrawal against our the next monday. we'll see the super falcon strew to the law, 16 australia. well, they need to beat the writing elliptic champions, canada, if they ought to progress. well,


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