tv News Al Jazeera July 29, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST
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medicines and michael chips, 3 specific areas that as president of the united states, i would focus the intellectual ability and the work force to make sure that we create $10000000.00 new american jobs and start creating the essentials at home, creating great jobs for americans. and finally, for any of this to happen, we have to win the cultural war here at home. the radical life in joe biden has us, as they continue to sell this drug of a victim hood and the narcotic of despair leading to a culture of grievance. america we have survived the most challenging time, is from a civil war to world war one more award to the korean conflict, the vietnam era. but we must win this battle against the
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culture of grievance and its president of the united states. i will make sure that the terms of my life continues to disapprove, belies of the radical left this this is the greatest country on gods green, or i am living things, but all things are possible in god's country. and that as we hold on to raise their hand, we can remember. but he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagined. we can remember that all things are truly possible, but we must choose greatness over grievance victory over a victim hood. and we must protect this land of opportunity. so it doesn't become
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with a radical left the land of oppression. god bless america. thank god bless you. the fed from team is going to have a south carolina carolina, sent it to a republican show down as well under way in iowa. republican hopefuls for the nomination of the presidential candidates for the election next year. speaking one after another setting up as sold, setting out the policy visions for the future of the united states before tim scott, we had former on desantis who's currently running 2nd place. well, behind donald trump, though his family in the leads with about $52.00 and a half percent of supports amongst the republicans. i am very john donald trump, though yet to speak. what many of the hopefuls of not doing that it was mentioning
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donald trump, who is being family of the news recently because of all the accusations that are being surrounding him. so fall apache call hain is standing by in des moines, iowa. i'm patsy. do you think that's a defense has missed a trick? here he didn't seem to be in any way willing able to criticize a donald trump, who's clearly well ahead in the polls when it comes to republican support for the nomination of the presidential candidate. exactly, i can't think of anything in modern political history that we've seen quite like this. and the reason is very clear. donald trump still has a firm grasp on the base of the republican party. you can't win the republican nomination if the base is against you. so if these candidates were to come out and there is one who's not here, who has been doing that for many jersey governor, chris christy. but in general, i think the calculus for these candidates are,
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you can't come out and say, donald trump did, did this bad, that this bad is a getting charged with all sorts of crimes and attack him because these people will, might see that as a personal attack on their identity, trump is unlike any modern politician and where people feel his supporters feel incredibly passionate about him and his causes. and so what you're seeing is i'm sort of walk the one that we saw, one of really long shot candidate, former governor at easter hutchinson. he talked about law and order, but really they're not going to come out and attack trump because they don't think a that that would help them with his supporters and be the entire hit story of the republican party since donald term 1st came down that gold and escalator of so many years ago has been to not get on his radar because they live in fear of him. go into the news media going on, social media targeting those people who criticize it because he shone, he had,
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will absolutely do that. one of the things that's been pretty striking is the governor who did speak here. the arrow governor came reynolds. she's incredibly popular here. i mean, she won in a landslide and the people who were in this room are the people who know the governor there. these are the people who make the caucus is work. these are the party leadership from all over the state. donald trump went on social media and went after the governor because she has said, like all republican governors during this process, i'm not going to make an endorsement. but he saw her as being too close to florida governor rhonda sanchez. and he really what after on social media is said she only one because of him. we have seen some people in the media. so. busy that was a bridge too far, that he should have been attacking such a popular governor. but again, this is a man president, former president donald trump, who has been charged with 3 very serious cases now, and he's possibly being charged very soon with a 4th. and the 5th, but if you talk to the supporters here and they don't care, they don't think it, it's in,
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it's real and they don't think that it's going to affect their vote. i'm probably aware um we're looking at pictures of the donald trump race, some pictures actually before the lincoln did it with the from speaking to his support is mostly keen. i'm sure to make sure that he is the front and center of the news around best events. i mean, let's talk about the spread of popularity amongst these candidates, because trump, it's so far ahead of the others. and that will appear to be incredibly reluctant to criticize the donald trump. it goes back the question of a setting out last to note for next year's presidential election, but for further elections down the line, knowing full well that they kind of beat this guy as well. i don't know if they, if they would be willing to mit to they cannot be donald trump because truthfully, we don't know what scored to come out of the january 6th pro. is it especially potentially damaging to donald trump? because unlike every other charge, donald trump could be found guilty on all of these different assorted things to be
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sentenced to prison. nothing in the constitution says you can't still be president . but if he is charged in january 6th, was the dishes conspiracy. the constitution, if he's found guilty very much, says he could not run for office. so the bigger question, i think for these, this republican field and the donors are, some doctors are starting to get worried. because the question is, can donald trump, when in a general election, those who are against and say, look, we've had 3 elections now with donald trump deleted, we've lost all of them. he already lost joe biden once, and i think that's part partially why you hear. so much focus here in the republican party on vice president. com or harris, because they're trying to say because of bite and age of vote for biden is actually a vote for comma la harris. and her pulling figures are actually lower than the current president, as the at trump is an issue for this republican party. they don't want to attack them, but at the same time,
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if they don't attack of how are they ever going to beat him? that is the question that i don't think what we've seen these speeches today that they've quite figured out an answer to. and patsy, there's a lot of reputation, a lot of conversions, and what we thought of so far, multiple speakers have talked about returning to the idea of building this wall on america. southern boat is this war. i'm work this cultural that is under way against the democratic party. i mean, a lot of them are clearly stinking from the same him sheet on the well, they are, but i think we're starting to see different tabs if you well, so you have the isa hutchinson's former arkansas governor. he said, let's go back to the republican party that we were, and that is tough on crime, a cut taxes deficit reduction. let's not forget the deficit. under donald trump went up by billions and billions of dollars and under joe biden. so you're seeing more traditional d before donald trump, republican party candidates said, let's go back to that and it's important. remember,
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the voters have completely swapped. democrats used to have a lock on working class voters. republicans have a lock on welfare educated voters that's now completely flipped. and so we see that a so hutchinson's, of this, of this for all the governor of north dakota who hasn't spoken yet. and that sort of those sort of lower tier candidates. they're trying to go say, okay, we had donald trump, now let's go back to the problem, the republican party we, we were, then you have the full, uh, florida governor ron de santis, who's trying to out trump, trump. i mean, if you think about what he has done in florida, he says he, you know what, really against covered restrictions with the records. a little bit mixed on that in state did have a fair, really, really badly under cove it. but he is really going after the social issues, and i keep saying in the forward as we're woke, goes to die. and you might be saying, wait a minute, what's woke? you would wish you wouldn't be alone. it's basically any of the far left policy. you so would run the chances that in florida is he's gone after trip transgender
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kids could you see themselves as the different genders and they were assigned it birth. he's bad medications for children like that. his slavery in, in florida are taught that there was some benefit to slaves because they learned valuable skills that they could use for the benefit of and that has been incredibly controversial. disease, headquartered, and florida. biggest one of the biggest, if not the biggest employer in the state of disney, they said, you know, cuz just trying to sort of build, don't say gauge basically couldn't talk about sexuality in any classroom. busy however, that's that it was actually happening. disney came out and said, we're against this. and so piece really go on after disney, which is like the ad type, republican position that used to be really friendly for corporate. okay. so you're seeing these different fields. there's trump and then there's the compassionate. that's the senator scott. and then you're seeing the more trumps than trump. i mean
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you're seeing the i'm a normal republish it. so the field is, uh, is definitely breaking into past, but really all at the front of it, the head of it, it's all about donald trump as it has been for years. right? so i similar him sheet, but to 2 distinct comes that policy, many things for that when they come back to you. well, as the policy mentioned to around desantis and nikki haley spoke a short while ago, this is what they told delegates. i like all of our country is in the klein and joe biden is the custodian of that the klein i'm running for president because we is, republicans cannot be content with simply managing decline of our country a little bit better than the democrats. we must reverse american decline. we must restore this country to greatness and we must provide our country with a new birth of freedom. i don't need to tell you how bad things are. you don't have to turn on the news to see it. we are $32.00 trillion dollars in debt or having to
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borrow money just to make our interest payments. i would love to say, siding did that to us, but i've always spoken hard truth and i'm gonna do that with you today. are republicans did that to us to are okay. collect spring in adult for frank, our, he's a lawyer, the republican strategist, he joins us from waterloo. iowa will welcome to you, so we're slowly moving our way through this, the long list of the republican candidates what you make of what you've heard so far. given the all of the ma training significantly behind donald trump himself. well, 1st i'm joining you from washington dc. but i grew up in waterloo, iowa. apologies the no, no, no, no, no, no, no is partner because i know our politics quite well. so i started my career. well, i think what you're seeing tonight is, is predictable in your earlier. i've guessed, i'd greatly agree with most of what judge she had said in the analysis is she have
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a situation here where the republican candidates obviously are focused on. all of them should be focused on dividing agenda. but before you get your present invite and you have to be selected as the nominate who is best suited to the present. and by and the trick here is that you really have an incumbent president for all practical purposes you. she's not the president currently, but donald trump, we really haven't seen this before in modern american history, where a former president is running after being defeated, we have to go back to the 19th century. so in essence, he is the incumbent of a republican standpoint. so it's very difficult to attack president trump because you were attacking a record, a record of 4 years of president trucks. that most republicans, the vast majority embrace not just jump to supporters that record. and what he stands for is what most republicans support it. the question is,
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are the course your next questions are going to be ours legal difficulty drive and personnel is going to be yeah, the i factor. exactly. i wondered how, what whether or not we will see an erosion of that reticence to criticize donald trump, if things legally don't go his way as well. i don't think so. and of course, the latest bowling in iowa, for example, over the weekend president trump increased his support to 59 percent on the morning. consul paul, which is what was done, right. what are constantly, what's going on it's, it's a remarkable number that fits you in a crowd and speak of that 59 percent. it was had been at $5456.00 and was kept up to $56.00 after the announcements of the indictment. so last week, so every time one of these things happened, it increases. now you might ask, why that is. there's a political reason which is the, the sense of 81 percent of all republicans,
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not just trump supporters who feel the by now ministration is weaponized. the justice department and the process is ranked and this the teachers justice system. so you have the majority of the people have a sympathy for tract, uh, president trump position in the 1st instance because they believed that. secondly, the select ability question a different little bit with the previous gaston disregard. you know, i was among the republicans in 2016, and i'll say this throughout the primary that's set up. uh, president trump couldn't be elected that we would never select him as our as our nominee, and one by one. all these predictions that i made among others were wrong. and almost every really thought the president trump would never be the nominee and certainly wouldn't lose the election to hillary clinton and quoting on the day of the auction, the new york times predicted it was an 85 percent probability that literally clinton, when on the day of the election. what does that mean? that means that most republicans are convinced this electability issue is nonsense
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because he was able to do that in and 20162020 the last election and 20 you. whether you agree with this or not, a very, very large number of republicans, right. do believe president find defeated president by or the election which abroad and that again, those are the voters that are just siding. who is our party's nominee? i'm, it is pretty clear, isn't it? that the donald trump continues to cost a very, very long shadow of the whole of politics the united states, and not to mention just the republican party. let me remind you of something that nikki haley said that regarding donald trump, she said he's like voldemort in the harry potter books. he who shall not be named. i mean, he is very much the elephant in the room and a person that some people don't think you're wrong. desantis a willing to borrow from to as my last speaker particle hey, you know, corresponded with saying somebody who's he's willing to out trump, trump. yes. that's it, this is, this is what's going to be very,
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very difficult for republicans, for public and candidates. here on the one hand, i think governor desantis, why am i very much, is trying to trump president trump. i'd be more conservative. president trump. uh, somehow that doesn't seem to resonate and i'll tell you why in my opinion, there's still a belief and everybody on that stage with maybe one other exception. it is not an outside or, and other just to believe even though i like present at the governor, governor does and doesn't others do too. i think he has to have some support. there's a feeling that donald trump is in a coward class all by himself that he's not a politician and a governor to santa's or whatever terms god being your report was excellent by the way, earlier saying one was a compassion i had one was distressing. her foreign policy, credentials of governor sentence, of course, the work agenda and so forth. but many republican voters, and i know i, well, well,
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are in other states as well are coming to the conclusion that these are things that these candidates are trying to find an issue or a naij, something that they can distinguish themselves. they see donald trump as genuine, and i mean, i mean, you talk about donald trump being in a box by himself. how many could well be in a cell on his own? if things don't go his way, he's made it clear he will run for the presidency as to why the republican movement willing to see that party fault by somebody with a conviction like that. well, let me, let me put on. if i may, for a 2nd my lawyer had and i'll make up for addiction in here, they will not be in all likelihood, any trial concluded before the election. the only way that will happen would be of donald trump were to, for some reason, leave the presidential race. uh would. they no longer be in the position he's in as soon as the front runner, an error parent, or
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a parent meeting to to the nomination. that, that he is currently so come in may, which is one of the 1st ones that i cited may 22nd of the, the documents case. let's just use as an example of donald trump has amassed by that time would you rate well, could all the delegates necessary to win the nomination these the defacto nominate? there will be no trial, and i think your report, or alluded to that there will be no trial in may. so the idea that they can, we can talk about this in the abstract of donald trump, that we're running from, from jail actually with donald trump, that would be a catastrophic thing for america. no judge interest was inherited his or her right mind looking at the reality of the political landscape, but the moment where he stands would move forward on the trial and how the nominee of a party incarcerated that we didn't cross the line and show banana republic were already close, depending on your point of view to that right now with rep ization, that would then just be beyond the pale and it would be
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a disaster for the democrats of the country. i'm listening, thanks for your analysis. so many things, depending on your laura's hats and walking us through the gulf of frank speaking to us from washington dc correction, i think you have both of them both so many thanks of the nobody's african nations of quote, for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and ukraine of the closing of the russia, africa summit, roche as president vladimir putin said. russia never opposed to a peaceful saying the only thing keeps quote. lead is from the constant cough uprooting to de escalate into resumed lexi greenville prompting the president to defend russia's position on the conflict. and ukraine was your email because you said that you are against cruise, and i fully agree. so we, but one of the reasons for today's crisis was a coo and ukraine in 2014 on unconstitutional armed,
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bloody to which the west supported actively in violation of international law. you mean, we still advocate for peace and in a way we feel that we have it right to call for peace because the ongoing conflict as you had during the course of the day also negatively affects us as african countries apart from one to, to support a peace process all over the world. this conflict is now. busy directly affecting us as well. well, and now from audi hash, i'm reporting at last summit from st. petersburg. the 2nd russia, africa summit in st. petersburg has come to an end but the
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bloody mit booting is hoping it wouldn't mark the beginning go for us as a new plan for now pick up fish seeking a bigger role similar to that of the soviet union in the past century. so you just get say, it was so nice here. many people here know that the soviet union and russia never assume that we should only by rule materials from africa. yeah. how many enterprises powerful and steel factories did the soviet union bold in africa? we must return to this practice. as my colleague is just said, we will do this both by laterally and on international platform. of the summit, the washington president pledge to maintain green supplies to africa, laying the blame on the west for sold in global food prices. you also now striking golf $23000000000.00 or profit conducts this stablish. all right, let's take you back to the republicans show down this underway in iowa. mike pens the full, the vice president who split with trump over the events of january. the 6th 2021 is
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now speaking less listening. i like democrats, i. i might not say it exactly right mr. tier. but i like democrats, so i know the road to the white house starts right in the great state of iowa. and it's a special joy to be in the hawkeye state this weekend with a marine poor mom, a lifelong school teacher. and the best 2nd lady to the united states of america has ever had. would you join me in thanking my wife, karen pans for her life long service to america? you know, this is our 15th trip to i was since leaving the white house, which is what the chairman kaufman calls a good start. a darren. and i want to say thank you all for the very warm welcome, especially the warm welcome we received in urban dale on the 4th of july where it was only 95 degrees for the 2 mile parade. and the best part was the last half mile
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was all up hill. but thank you all. it's a joy to be with you. i stand before you today. extraordinary. bless. had the opportunity to live my dream of representing my home town in the congress of the united states, where i was a leader for some 12 years. i was governor of my home state where we balanced budgets, cut taxes, and created record employment. and while they take this opportunity to thank you for the privilege of serving as your vice president, it was the greatest honor of my life. i stand before you today as a candidate for president because i think this countries and a lot of trouble americans are facing one man made crisis after another. and that man's name is joe by jo, buying this weekend, america at home and abroad, and 2 and a half short years. runaway spending and least the worse inflation. and 40 years
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there were on energy, has burdened american families and businesses. they're open borders. policies created the worst board of crisis in the history of our country, and that disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan as in boat and the enemies of freedom around the world. and were still biting in the radical less assault on life and religious liberty. and traditional values threatens the well being of our children born and unborn. now you're hearing for many candidates, this podium tonight, and we don't agree on every issue, but they'll be time for that. so let's agree here. and now that starting here in i well, we're all going to do our part to make sure the joe biden is never re elected as president of the united states. joe barton's been a disaster for america us and i understand the temptation to cling to what is familiar over leadership fitted to the times. but i believe we must resist the
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politics of personality and the siren song of populism on morgue to conservative values. because different times calls for different leadership to defeat joe biden . i believe we must give the american people, new republican leadership leadership with a proven commitment to the conservative agenda. you know, ever since i left my last job, i'm traveling around this state. karen and i figured out that we're well known, but we're not known. well, people don't necessarily know. there were the parents of 3 law grad, a best selling author, married to a navy lieutenant, where the proud parents of the captain and the united states marine corps. they may not know obama years of leadership in the congress or is governor. i'm gonna say, is i stand before you today? i know we can bring this country back to brings me to this moment because i know
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how we can and the inflation inflicted by the buying administration on americans. families by ending runaway spending confronting our debt prices and leasing american energy and making the trunk pants. tax cuts permanent we can embrace our role as leader of the free world, confront russian aggression and chinese provocations with a new military fitted to the challenges in the 21st century. and we can in the political correctness at the pentagon, including reinstituting, a ban on transgender personnel in the united states military. and we can in buttons, radical abortion agenda. doing just what you all did recently here in iowa. and that is promoting pro life laws in states across the country. and i believe the
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time has come for a minimum national standard of a 15 week ban at the federal level. finally, we can restore confidence in the rule of law by cleaning house at the department of justice and appointing men and women of integrity will uphold the law without fear or favor. you know, i truly do believe the american people longed to restore a threshold of civility in public life. you know, here in iowa and back home in indiana, we know how to disagree with that being disagreeable. and i want to promise each and every one of you. if i have the privilege of being your president, we will restore honesty, integrity, and civility to american public life. you know, in all my travels, is your vice president and all my other times of service. 2 things have been true
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during all that time, my opinion of the federal government has gone down. my opinion, the american people has gone up each and every year. i've seen the american people in good times and in bad i've seen when the winds blowing and beat against the house. and i've seen the way americans come alongside neighbors and friends and people, they never meant to help people rebuild their lives and their darkest hours. i say to you with deep conviction, the american people are the most faith failed freedom loving, innovative, generous people, the world has ever known. we just gotta have government as good as our people again . so this, that is your task, iowa. so i always plays an outside role in shaping our nation's leadership. tonight is one more instalment of that. and i know the people of our rice and the challenge
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. you'll shape that leadership to meet this moment in the life of our nation. so i believe in the people of this country, and i have faith i truly do believe through the long and storied history of america again and again. we see evidence of providence hand. from the moment the pilgrims 1st stepped off on to plymouth rock. this one nation under god is gone to the well spring of support that is always seen as through challenging times and will see us yet through these times. i believe with all my heart, god has not done with america yet. and if all of us do, all that we need to do to turn our hearts back to him and work to give americans a new future grounded in freedom and in our highest ideals.
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