tv News Al Jazeera August 7, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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or 2 of the bullets hits thereabouts, my head highs, name with dimensions. military wanted him dead, the stealing man open if we were in a property on the road, costing out his ear, english proud recipient in your festivals, through the cost or of the year award for the 7th year running the regional west africa block echo on says it will meet on thursday to discuss the qu, anesha begun to close its asked base the i'm sammy's a, then this is i'll just say are live from so how so coming up. thousands, missing it. see off the 2 boats packed with my grandson coast via talley and coast
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of the u. k. stones housing, the 1st batch of my friends in a box. and the slaves is controversial. immigration policy. plus i understand human and been in brazil where and amazon nations, somebody just about to begin present to do that. that scene was posting the piece, deforestation by half. what are those statistics this evening the we start with the latest on the cooling these? yeah, the west african blog echo was saying it will hold the summit to discuss the crisis on 1st day sunday deadline for coo latest to step down and restore anesha announced that president has expired. and co authors warning it could take what it calls necessary measures. if president mohammed presume is not released from detention and reinstated the jasmine, it really does remain defiant though they've closed the space and put both the fullest is on highlights. they say new shave is ready to defend itself,
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the warning against phone aggression. then for me, i show a phone call, then at the gym. i also processed you according to the information we have forces of a foreign power. i'm preparing an act of aggression against media and it's people in coordination with echo us and i'm to terrace groups deities 1st. i like the last visit of us you faced with the threat of intervention that is becoming clearer through preparation from a neighboring country. new jazz as space is closed as of today for oil apples until further notice. any attempts to violate national aspects will be met with an energetic and instantaneous response from suspended slides to and from the capitals of the key. no false. so and molly, the military government say they will support and these as cooley does in the event of an armed intervention. is annabelle been to every is the, is in the jazz capital naomi on the road here in the may. nothing shows up in
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military attack is going to take place soon after the end of the deadline. 6, people are vacant. there are patients rest open and we can see that live is going normally muscle for people one day. they leave the such situation in the 1st sign maybe of their life. so they did not get any answers about the solution. and some have decided to leave the capital and look for safety place because they believe that the minnesota effect is going to take place. now, or later, people who are going straight to here in. yeah. and they are supporting yesterday we're seeing one of we'll just ration and we're seeing members of the cool that they don't care about the deadline, 6 by it costs. and they will go ahead with the video instead of it as
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a child strikes it is looking at the reaction from west african regional body across your thoughts from the sign, a lease council dot com, the echo s as announced that it will be holding a meeting on thursday, we understand to continue to try and find some sort of peaceful way out of this crisis. in addition to discussing the challenges they face in potentially as a last resort, having to launch what they describe would be some form of military intervention insights, new share. now they are facing serious problems already. we understand most notably nigeria, the president nigeria who is also the chairman of echo as his proposal to the senate for offering troops in any military intervention being refused. we understand that there were close meetings today held by presidents in new boot and at least 5 sentences from the northern regions of nigeria. those regions,
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bordering news. yeah. i'm trying to convince those politicians that it would be potentially necessary for some sort of military operation as a last result. now at least we'll tell you that if not, jerry struggling to get the kind of legal, green light that it needs so much respect, save the parliament, then it poses all sorts of problems for all the echo as countries on. so because nike research pivotal in any potential ministry operation with the largest military and obviously with the present divide, you area being the chairman of echo us. so you're looking at problems in countries like the ivory coast here, really a and liberia. meanwhile, the ministry leaderships in molly and the key, the facts, i say, that's a joint delegation heavy to me today to show support of the qu lead is in miss. yeah, i was gonna say was still quite a long while. so any potential military operation happening in nature as
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this crisis continues to scrap it out to 0. the call a us, but it's miss from paris, explains new jazz strategic significance for the us and from the ministry base is used by american forces and french forces in these, uh, a central to the fight against all kind of an eyesore linked fight is within this a hail region, the french alone have about $1500.00 troops. that has been no coal from your opinions. all the americans, though, for any military intervention to restore the democratically elected government to restore presents. but how much of the pallet so far the tale ends of set? the echo also should in fact extend the deadline for him to be restored to half of the presence of your sorts of how they say they tell me in 4 minutes to i'm telling you to johnny says the only way is a diplomatic one. french previously supported equities, stands in
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a meeting on the saturday with the jazz prime minister. they haven't made any, any comments subsequently, although they say that they support firmly and resolutely what echo was once to do, i will now be on a meeting in the future on thursday. when echo also will decide what steps it will take next. bernard smith, alger 0 pounds, the, the philippines is demanding china stops what it describes is on low flying services. in the south china sea. manila has summoned by james and basset, are also a confrontation between 2 vessels in dispute. it was as well for the pain says china as coast got 5 volts in canada, one of the supply boats on sunday. the vessel was on a routine troop rotation mission. and the philippine says it will continue to
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assert his sovereignty and territorial rights in the south. china sea state incident happened in the 2nd thomas show a submerged reef. the china says it has indisputable sovereignty over by june, claims everything within the so called 9 dash line. nearly the entire south china see other countries in the region reject those claims. so the western powers, including the united states, a 2016 you and try beautiful routing flight cold veins claims ground less money below is a minute with more on this. definitely this is something that the philippine government is making a big deal out of in the many years that i've covered the south china sea here issue here in manila and never have i seen an inter agency press conference in different government agencies holding english, showing press conference to jointly come dance and with that time as actions in the
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south china sea. so that in itself is an indication that they see this latest act of progression by china as an escalation of tensions in the south china sea. also, they rarely used the word buckhead, but they have described this latest incident as a blockade by china saying that there was 6 chinese coast guard vessels. and 2 suspected chinese fishing militia vessels that cut through 4 philippine vessels to which were um, chartered civilian vessels, chartered by the philippine navy, to provide supplies to troops that are stationed in the 2nd palm, a show, and then to which were really being coast guard vessels that worse courting these 2 civilian vessels, now all 4 vessels for water cannon, all 4 vessels were there were dangerous maneuvers against all these poor philippine vessels. and in the end, one of the supply bulls was not able to reach the 2nd time was sold to provide
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provisions for troops that are stationed there. so definitely this is something that could have been the government officials are c as an escalation to say that these chinese vessels acted in concert. it's a katrina you has the update from badging, which claims almost all the south china sea trying to claim for much of the south tennessee as its own territory. dislike counter claims, many of its neighbors including the philippines. now it refers to the sprightly islands as non shot in the reef where this incident took place. as the rain i re, china is close. god has released a statement about this incident defending the actions of its chips, saying that it was the philippine boats that illegally intrude into its territory. and it says that it would just now bathing us, hold a minute. let's remove a round warship on that re and this is not the 1st time it's called a minute ago to do so it says teams has home is 2 tours that's for waste since it was founded in 1999. but it says,
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not only has manila failed to do so over the past 24 years, it has continued to rotate personnel living on that ship resupply them and also what to repair and strengthen that ship as a permanent philippine base. and this has your age of the chinese government. this is not the 1st time chinese coast guard vessels have used for the counting against the philippine birds. a similar incident took place in 2021. and recently in june we had a very near missed incident where there was almost a collusion between chinese ships and philippine coast contests. katrina, you all to 0 staging at least as if people are missing it. see also to over crowded my friends about sign coffee, italian coast. it happened near the island of land producer. the 2 vessels deposited from the 2 dizzy impulse to deal sikes on thursday. the tiny and coast guard says it's recovered to bodies and rescue. thousands of fateful. if ladies experiencing a surgeon migration was close to double the number of arrivals this year compared
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to last year put on the how many it has more from them to do so? georgette maloney wren on appealing to a large number of voters literally because of this that this continues wave of illegal migration that keeps on arriving on the shores of southern italy. now is it working? looking at the numbers is not really, i'm just going to move out of the camera. so you can see all these votes that you see behind me. these are all, these have been all sick with straight it. when my, with my group on board, that all of these boats have basically stated since april, only most of them leaving from tunisia and also libya now prime minister maloney has been trying to also use the political route the diplomatic route. just 2 weeks ago, she had the migration conference in rome, the president of geneva, attended, and italy pledged about a $100000000.00 a little bit more than that to,
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to me just to help stop that flow of illegal migration leaving from north africa. so she just tried to sort of as out source, the problem to, to news a, giving money to do need. just so it will stop the flow of people on its beaches and on his shores and also returned the sub saharan. that i do need at the moment back to the country up, but it's not working at the moment. at least the numbers. the u. k has begun the housing asylum seekers on a bulge fund of the government's plan to reduce the cost of housing migrants they wait for the claims to be processed. the plan has a trying to control the thinking with some calling it in humane high false. it reports as the 1st few of a planned $500.00 asylum seekers arriving on monday at the new accommodation. a ball jolting when south coast. the plan is attracted controversy and delay of
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a safety suitability in scale. 500 men represent a tiny fraction of the people, a waiting and assigning decision that the government says it's a necessary 1st step in stemming the numbers of people coming to the u. k. in small boats because of the crisis we have of the channel, we have to provide a combination and we have to start spending 6000000 pounds a night of touch has money on hotels, which to some extent on that curious what we need is most basic accommodation to stop the full factor of the prime minister has made it clear he wants to reduce that looks and we're doing that around $50000.00 asylum seekers. a car at the inn hotels at a cost to nearly $8000000.00 a day. when the budge arrived in mid july, it was met with protests by those who see it as in humane and those who don't want them and the asylum seekers of a human beings. they need to be trace of decency, costs and respect. but human beings, the best card for in communities about is not the way to trace human beings. there
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are so many problems with housing, people in these conditions. so that's it just, it just doesn't pass thinking about on the whole have you so far failed to put migraines, to run, to receive. so next government is on the mission to cut the number of small boats arriving in the u. k. be full 1000 people across the channel in june. the fact that the baby stockholm has 222 cabins, but the set, the house 500 men, could also be seen as a tyrant without present ships. but you're not locked up on board. you are free to come and go what the prime minister is saying is that he needs to find a way of stopping the boats. and new law has just been passed, which will enable him to stop people claiming assault limits that coming from the sites. the country and so it's on the move quickly thing. there's a real message here up to, uh, would be, mike mentioned this obviously cuz not to fall into the hands of the smuggling games . the main opposition labeled policy says it to would use barges in the short term
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while criticizing the government for creating the problem by not processing asylum claims more quickly. the baby still could set to operate initially for 18 months, which would take it past the next general election in which migration policy is set to be front and center. how are we suppose it? i'll just hear a policy and teenager obviously how much has died in hospital one week off to being shot, binds riley soldiers. a funeral was held for the 17 year old and the village of fin wide in the occupied the west bank. he'd been shot me, the eagle staff and then from a from also he's ready. me says he threw a 5 them 212 palestinians, and 2083. these have been killed so far the most violent given decades at least 12 people have been injured in an explosion of the grain storage facility . and so the key to a, so to be in serious condition rescue crews rushed to the side. the bloss east of
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a stumble still had an i'll just hear a protest by many balls, taxi drivers, time violence in cape town. they say police are using heavy handed tactics the the brought to you by visit capital. that was piece of i to the season rate of a heavy nature and born year in chicago recently. mostly it's fairly dry units just circulation is trying to take price new. yep. now, given me new is trying to set that, which means the schwartz is me slightly away from the philippines. we tend to develop tropical storms further into the ocean as well. having said that, we still got put down with this, which was a typhoid and still a tropical storm, wandering around the recruit shane environment,
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which means it's fairly dry feet calendar to bit away from it around south korea and a good part of charlotte, where it might be exposed the way to the heavy rains that had already fallen and hit by providence of through beijing in the northeast on there, longer heavy. but the legacy is still with us. the heaviest rain snow, monsoons environment are in the northeast of india or bangladesh stuff into what's in the pole. they are fairly heavy with any prompting orange warnings, northridge warnings. and of course, that means for the rest of india in particular, it's a much dry looking picture, still a moist, running over the west in depth. and occasionally, some heavy shelves have to be seen up in pakistan as finals the whole or is kind of a bad. but generally speaking, if you're not in this line here, this is surprise me. dry time is the in the quote to you by visit cuts on comfortable costs taking the trip up enough to try those export file to mind a mental fix. it does. yeah, face essentials over
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a ministry to millions of its citizens to pay the price plus agent blue dollars back from the market. if this financial system transferring the cost on al jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so now i'm going to have the tank, it will bring you the news and current to fast that matter. to you, the the, on the bank you're watching out to 0. a time to recap the headlines, the west african block, a law says it will hold a summit to discuss the to the chat on thursday. echo us is warning it could take what it calls,
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necessary action is the president isn't reinstated. at least i think people are missing it. see off to to of a crowded my were both sign calls to be italian coast in happened near the island of love to do so. 2 vessels deposit from this we knew the impulse of dfcs on thursday. the okay. is the gun housing asylum seekers on a vouch? part of a plan to reduce the cost of housing, my friends, since they wait for the claims to be process. first group is being moved to the bb stone home, which is dobson, southern england present is about those to, to day summit tackling the enormous challenge which ultimately affects old life on the planet. how to protect the amazon rain forest on the lights of scientific down . so it shows a major reduction in the amount of trees being failed. so that's all latin america editor to see. newman reports from the amazon in state and federal president loaded the silver faces, a huge challenge to meet his goal of 0 deforestation by 2030 environmental
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protection agency inspectors helicopter into a remote national park in the amazon state. of florida, with thousands of heads of cattle have been raised illegally there now being confiscated. but it's too late for the rain forest, which has already been cleared. or in the general mind me, indigenous reserve, joyce government task force sweeps in to destroy the gold mining assets. while in the city has been in inspectors, check out a lumber yards timber to ensure it comes from an equal source. before being shipped to england next week. alex and i say that the sofa hits the environmental agency bama in the state of florida, which is the size of angola pieces that under former president aid bolts, donato illegal capital farmers, and longer is operated freely. this formation is which was quite the ones that were available for a lot of in the previous 4 years, we faced the opposition of the president himself. he joins social networks that
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criminals to part in to say that the bama couldn't police them. our agents were attacked and received death threats, but the tide has shifted. environmental protection to cease are receiving more financial and political support from the new government. and it's making a difference. satellite data shows a decrease of nearly 60 percent in deforestation compared to the same period last year. it's the lowest drop in 6 years, but still much higher than between 20082017. and i think it's kind of look, this is where they've been starting to mock the area they will play. this was in may and a month later in june, all the treat you seem to pick area have been removed, but that's equivalent to 750 myra kind of football stadiums. brazil's new left wing government says it's committed to combat in climate change and reversing deforestation in the amazon. but it's easier said than done results. congress is
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controlled by the conservative opposition. in fact, the lower house has already passed a bill that would open up protected areas to commercial interest, such as oil mining and logging. should the senate pass that bill as well, then president, who, like i said, was promised to reach 0 deforestation by the end of this decade, would be a move point of the there's the as pressure from powerful sectors in the economy as well as some local communities to fast track investment and development in the amazon, the issue is finding ways to do so without destroying it. to see and human al jazeera berlin, to raise a bow, joins us now live from the side of jose del, go a lot, a in colombia, and to raise it. we know colombia is one of the important countries when it comes to amazon in rainforest. the issues is this conference shaping up to be the turning point, the colombian officials headed out for as well
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. that's what many of the colombian officials we have spoken to are telling us. but let me tell you where i am right now because it's quite extraordinary. i'm at the river. they love. yeah, the river, this is in the amazons in columbia, and i was just seeing pink adults and said we're just swimming around this as this is just an example of how precious this part of the world this river and it's all the way to venezuela. and that's what the amazon is all about. this is a nickel system, an area filled with jungle, some streams, and river, and biodiversity that people are saying that needs to be protective. must have destruction, has been ongoing. and that's why or lies around this summit that is happening in the city of midland precedent spell bit. there was the 1st left his precedent to take office in columbia. he came to power with an emissions agend dining environmental agenda. he wants to ban oil dream drilling, indiana zone, waiting for us. he wants to support local communities here,
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indigenous groups. she's also saying the trillions of dollars are needed to protect this part of the world. he also wants to change the debt system. he wants to swap that for climate action, and that's something that is being discussed and that could but many or hoping that could be an alternative best part of colombia, even though the country signed a piece of women with left wing rebels back in 2016, they're still in security, they're still rebel groups. there's still drug trafficking organizations operating in this part of the country. but aside from all the difficulties that couldn't, columbia continues to face right now when this part of the country continues to face. there's some positive moves in the 2022. this country hasn't managed to reduce deforestation, but a wrong 30 percent. and one of the reasons why is in our report, this is the vast what the added region, columbia store to the amazon rain forest. it was relatively safe from deforestation until 2016. but when the peace process with the left is going to be less known as
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the fire was signed, the fire example, those are starting to multiply everywhere. it does that. so when we get the majority, but environmental, you sort of deal with data. so things started to change last year. i'm comfortable here, there was a change in government and they say the environment is in main priority. the possibility of changes in land laws and land distribution has generated expectations and are the routes of conflict. we travel to talk to those affected by war and we're trying to help find deforestation which in the past year was reduced by nearly 30 percent. 50000 hector's of land was spared for the 1st time in years. the government of the double faith was trying to implement what is known as a total peace plan with several of the armed groups to continue to operate areas like this one in for you'll notice right now, negotiating a peace agreement with a national liberation army. a gorilla organization were for the 1st time the
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environment is part of the agreement in an attempt to put an end to the destruction of calling on this forest. even though a peace agreement was signed with bark rebels, dissident groups continue to control this area. and in the town of the they ordered people to gather, to discuss their contribution to the rebel group. people here tell us that guerrillas have banned all sorts of deforestation says, precedent goals that will pay through to the office in an attempt to secure a peace dialogue with the government. seeing if they come and tell us to not destroy and that we need to care for the environment. of course we are afraid. there's also this mentality that if we don't stop destroying the forest at the 1st will destroy us for several years. different administrations have implemented productive we conversion programs. a lot of thing i know in spite of a group that makes pastries only other products, with foods from the amazon given to casing it. and we do not have the resources to a forest, but we are going to preserve many of those who cut down cheese do it because it's
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part of the livelihood. and that is what has thought to, to change a. everyone here knows that piece and the small trans and reducing deforestation in the past year are fragile. they say the government and the international support our crew show right now to make them left very so we'll just see that we had in columbia well and precedent, gustavo people came to power with a very ambitious agenda. he's facing difficulties he's coalition in congress has been having some trouble. he's also facing any investigation over his sons, his involvement in money laundering. so there's lots of issues that could effect the agenda, the plans that he has for this part of the country. but still, many are hoping that once he heads to berlin, he's heading there is going to be discussing many of the proposals that he has post for this part of the world. among many of the issues that are also going to be
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discussed is secuity. what is happening here in the amazon image longing deforestation, drug trafficking, many of the drugs that are produced here in cologne, the imperial are making it all the way to brazil and from there they're exported to other parts of the world. so there's a big discussion ongoing here, because when you're in places such as this one, where you have pink stalls, things going around indigenous communities or trying to protect the environment you realize how important it is right now. but this summit, that precedents are able to agree on a common agenda on a common document, so that this part of the world can be protected. today is the last out we had money order apollo with monkeys in the believing amazon. i think you just out did him with the pill, dolphins. the thanks so much for that live in the south africa now. and the increasingly violent transportation strike in cape town. at least one person has been killed and others injured during the week long will count by drivers of many bus taxi's that one of the main ways to get to work and get around some vehicles
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being set on fire and drive of say, they face heavy handed tactics by police and city authorities towards the weekend aimed at getting the city moving again have failed. india is parliament has reinstated leading opposition to take over a whole gun. the as member of parliament that's off to the supreme court suspended is defamation conviction. gundy was sentenced to 2 years in prison of the saying why to all the fees have this the name, moody, and the pound reference to the prime minister. now random, moody, the supreme court said the sentence was too severe. routing allows him to run the next is general election. the . and let's take you through some of the headlines now. the west african block eco law says it will hold a summit to discuss the code in the share on 1st day a deadline for qu latest the step down and restore. and he says,
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