tv News Al Jazeera August 8, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST
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the similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what i'll do to bring you the news. i'm current fast. the matter to you. how does era the top us diplomat homes difficult towards screw date is, is to june, to announce is a new prime minister. the hi, this is old to 0 line from top. and so coming up, we live in south africa where a court has put the brakes on the weeks long strike. find many bus taxi drivers in my town. tensions in the south china sea by shingles on the philippines to remove
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it. the commission worship from a disputes of griggs and morocco looks we continue the incredible run at the women's 12 top. they're off against firms. in the last 16, the, the us to view the secretary of state has held toast with new. she is new military late as victoria and united states the, to our discussion and the capital in the army was frank and difficult for this. it comes as the latest of last month's co appointed, what's described as a transitional prime minister, meanwhile, military delegations from molly and became a fast. i also met with the crew leaders in the army, both countries on the military governments and have promised to defend tanisha if needed. she help are tons a has more from washington dc. so sorry, i knew the brief report is over the phone and just before she left for the apple,
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she said that conversations had been a times difficult, but she wanted to make clear what was at stake if democracy was not restored. she lost the dress just of the health and welfare of the deposed president bud zoom. and she hopes that the people responsible will come back to various requests. she took his report as well. she kept emphasizing, but the door was open for further negotiations. she said, i have their own ideas talking about the qu, lead has their own ideas about how this goes forward. they don't have ideas of comport with the constitutional or that will be difficult in terms of our us as relationships. if that's the past they take new them said, but we gave them a number of options to take up on it. the us continuing to emphasize the need for dialogue, even as they have yet to officially designate this a cube in related news. the state department did confirm that already hundreds of millions of dollars of what it called a had already been suspended even before that official code designation. she
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advertising which is here as russell and jordan spoke to us secretary of state and he blinking who stopped short of cooling developments, initiate the situation in the share. will the us say this is now cool. so whatever you call it, what we seen is the disruption of the constitutional order in the share. and we like many countries throughout africa and notably equal loss, which brings together many countries. and in west africa is determined that um, the constitutional order, the re established. that's what everyone's focused on right now. so from our perspective for the united states, um i've been in close contact with president bassoon, with many leaders throughout africa. and everyone is working towards the same objective, the restoration of the constitutional order,
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which held strength of joins us now from sending goals, capital current. despite all of this pressure chose the community does have defined demands from the code was friends. and now that you with what can we expect from students, dies eco, was amazing as well. we understand that all diplomatic efforts i'll still being made to, to find some sort of peaceful solution to this crisis. there are reports that in the next few days between now and that expect see that go i summit on thursday that they will be representatives of the you in the a you the african union. and echo as in the i am a trying to hold discussions with those qu, leaders. now we can't confirm those reports but have chosen indication that all efforts are still being made to try and basically persuade those cooley to is to release president, muhammad bahr zoom. but of course there are huge problems in that class as well.
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the questions being asked about the unity of echo, as we know that for example, nigeria, that is so pivotal to any potential military operation in the shares face problems and getting the necessary support it needs from its senate. the senate refusing a proposal by the president of nigeria who is also the chairman of echo as to put forward troops and analysts to saying, well, if not you're having problems then other countries are going to have problems too. there's also this issue as well that analysts point to that some, i feel as countries are going to be reluctant to get involved in any plan that is being so heavily endorsed by it from chicago, which is the form of colonial power. because so many of these countries have very risky of face and times of position to anything to do with fraud. so that seems to potentially to be causing problems. but the main phase of these countries still remote, and that is of course, that there is still
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a lot of support seemingly in these yet for this there were concerns about regional sprayed a wide, a regional war. obviously molly, in between of 5. so said that any military intervention would be a declaration of war on themselves, and then those, all them groups that have cause such destruction and, and sarah killed so many thousands of people across the region as well. so this is very much at the forefront of these regional countries that go us countries mines. but it seems at least that still left to being made to find some sort of people of antic solution. it's going to be very interesting in the days between now and the next echo as summit as to what kind of fruit to these discussions there. okay, thank you so much for that update that is child strength and for us in synagogue capital dot com or the quote in south africa has blocked a protest by many bus taxi drivers in cape town. the pin on the strength of 5 dies and accused, the city is passing on the field laws. at least 3 people were killed when the
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protest turned violent. the strike has disrupt the transport and the face of schools and health services. i made another joins us live from cape town, and so can you just tell me bit more about this court decision to block the drivers from protesting the well, i just want to point so quickly that we're at a bus depot in cape town and this is the company that is linked to that a call to or the they, they approach the quotes do have a, the strike interdicted, and that's the application that the city of taped on joined to bring an end to that strike. now some would argue that it wouldn't necessarily be effective on its own, but essentially by criminalizing the strike you would give the city, i think, more power in terms of arresting people responsible for alleged violence to be seen in recent days. and to explain just why the strike has had
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a significant impact on the operations in cape town is because at least 70 to 80 percent of americans rely on public mini bus taxi's to get everywhere from school to work and to get around for their daily activities. and once the strikes started, compute commute is essentially what we're limited in their movements. now this is a depot that ordinarily would be very busy on a weekday like today, but because of being violent attacks and buses, at least 12 of them have been set to light, they are no limited operations. a to these bus services as well as the trained services. and so commute to have that very little options in terms of transportation because it rely so heavily on the mini bus taxis for now. that thing to take a does allow or least prevents taxi drive as operators from stopping buses like this from operating or blocking roads or harming commuters around the city. the
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people have been killed so far and so that has been concerned around the levels of violence. okay, just liable that with the thing stands in regards to negotiations a hold of may of cape tony had said that this that you would is not prepared to continue negotiations with us and tackle the text you overnight. zation should the violence continue. they said those talks will only continue once the violent stopped. it has been a fairly quiet morning in cape town compared to the last few days and we spoke of doesn't talk a was said that they will be speaking to the city during the course of the day. and they're likely to make an announcement at some time during the course of the day, we are expecting that that has been progress made in those negotiations. we do know that there are a number of sticking points. again, the violence, but also the concessions that the taxi organizations wanted from the city. they've been complaining that they've vehicles that we don't really impounded weight.
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instead, they should really be fine. but the city is saying that because we lawless the issues around simple things like stopping a traffic lights um, a remaining driving in the emergency lanes and logic issues like road where the vehicles and essentially keeping commutes a safe. and they say the tax haven't been abiding by these laws. okay, thank you so much. that is for me to mila for us. in cape town, for provisional results of a referendum in central african republic show 95 percent of us just want to change the constitution that would allow the president to stay in office longer. opposition and write scripts have rejected the results. i say the referendum is a legal bill. can we have reports that provisional referendum result was as predicted by basic government, which says it's to people's, well i'm the position you say that vote was and legal and rick your actual thoughts? he said 9 to 5 percent of the sites his were in favor of changing the constitution
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. president, fast on our shoes today was being in office since 2016. the constitutional changes would allow him to stay for another 16 years. of his government says they'll bring stability in development. don't say to me, thought about it was a question of meeting the needs of the people that the people are above the president of the republic. so when people ask or something, we have an obligation to respond. it was necessary to propose a new laws. you turn out that polling stations in the capital bank. he was visited the low during last week's photo opposition and rights group say they being threatened and attacks for campaigning against the changes. told them people to boil face and say to now it was about 10 percent. the electoral thirty's says it was 6 times that says the next you on a reply as a task. why don't these elections could not be transparent in almost all the
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polling stations? there were no valid papers and all the boxes have been stuffed. the only purpose for which the president decided to change constitution is to run again and the elections in 2025. not david's government depends on brush and madison reese from the wagon. the 3 and we went and soldiers to control the banking and some of the towns. the foreign forces benefit from access to the last mineral wealth, including gold, diamonds. about half the population is in need of humanitarian aid. and about half a 1000000 people have been forced from the homes of the groups control much of the country side. they will say older people not to vote for many staying safe on finding food is more important than politics. of to decades of twos in conflicts. a new constitution was adopted in 2016. the government looks set to change it. final results are expected in 3 weeks. in the meantime,
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the preliminary results can be challenged in cold, to deal positions, say to what day was government, or would the controls only institutions? malcolm web alger 0 us, which on this foreign ministry, hazards the philippines to remove the ground of voy, shipped from a dispute and showed them the south. china say this comes up, the manila told, finishing that it will not have bands in the area re supply board was hitting to the reef when china is close. cod stopped it by using a water cannon on saturday. the incident happened in the sick and thomas shoulder submerged, rakes. the china says it has indisputable sovereignty. over the so called 9 dash line, my experience climbed by the nearly the entire south china sea. but this disputed by other countries in the region. the 2016 you in tribe you know, rolling said patients claims were groundless. katrina, you has more from patients who time is invested into the philippines. was some environmental. let's meet the device for administer and it seems that that missing
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was a tense one. and you did not go to the philippines plan because instead of receiving any sort of apology from the aging, china's foreign ministry released the statement and it reads in part that china had no choice, but to make the necessary responses. and the chinese coast guard implemented appropriate measures and according to the law, and the hopes that the philippines and china can be tough way. and that the introduction of any good policies forces only complicates the situation. now the so to say the forces that aging is referring to is the united states, which has since released a statement criticizing. ton is use of water cannons and supporting the newest planes of this region. however, china itself claims almost the entirety of the results rich south china sea. slight many count payments by its neighbors. and in 2016, the international rules in favor of the philippine saying that it has the right to this territory. but they didn't outline rejected that ruling state is not saying it does not recognize the jurisdiction of this international court insisting that
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agent has historical claim to this region. so engaging size, it is manila that is acting on wilfully by refusing to to a wave is granted worship at his knee on this brief since 1999. and it says that it is manila that is disturbing the status quo. oh, by not early repairing that shift, but also reinforcing it's katrina you 0 the and you cry and a russian missiles have struck the east and donate screeching killing at least 7 people and injuring 67. the nets. governance is in this house that residential buildings in the city, if across a hotel used by foreign journalists was also has basically, what prices would temporarily suspended due to the risk of fear. the shelling at boston has moved from the trust cubits and ukraine, or what's happened was
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a so called double stop attack. a last night to miss house, hit the city center of the pool called forth with an interval of around 10 to 15 minutes. so rescue workers and police went to the scene and became a victim of this 2nd attack around a 3rd to rescue workers and police are among the engine. and also i'm the dad and also residents have been killed. their apartment blocks was hits, but also a restaurant in the hotel restaurant was often frequently visited by a, by a folding chairs and a journalist, a lot of damage there on the scene and not on the exam, but also in have different test on there were overnight attacks and also they have been victims fear and this all comes off the last weekend's talks about peace in the grade of that warehouse. and jetta saudi arabia, more than $42.00 countries supplied. and these talks and you trades the president's office us now the lights report that you played has made some concessions there. this was referred to earlier. that's regarding the withdrawal and russian troops as
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a condition for peace talks you, for, i would have made some concessions, but the president's office set these reports on not to step 5, some else into your post because that's ukraine. it was still a hit on al jazeera. we live in southeast and bangladesh with days of torrential ryans have. and then as i said, low line areas plus the premiums festival, the, there's still a red warning at in stuff in norway red warning for extreme grateful. and then slide likelihood or wrapped around this very on seasonal area of low pressure. the
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winds are quite strong to sticky down the don't see. so strong winds across denmark, no germany southern pots of scandinavia, typically and through the baltic, and that is actually been forcing cooler weather down to central europe sold. a volts is still pushed to the surf. copenhagen's full costs are examples of fairly when the $1.00 with temperatures $15.00 to $17.00, the average is times the low surprisingly summer. it should be $22.00. so this is to say the least disappointing. the picture for wednesday takes rain down through southern parts of the check for the public and to australia, and eventually dental slippy, did not as heavy as the last time, but it is a cold front all the same. i said this was the route and it squashed down to particularly portugal and spain. but this time in italy too cold. the breath i showed yesterday is pretty bold direct was $47.00, but the after $37.00 sort of at 8 above average cost as heat. right. does it of
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north africa, the cutting thing recently? it's been the heavy rain rockets in the north, for example of sudan, the spacing liliana, teens. does the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites just obsolete and doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is poured into its hard hitting in to be you think about to the minus on washington enough for money to go on its own and built its on a thought provoking on for centuries, people have been taking care of our so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to houses in the
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villages here, a reminder about top stores personnel military delegations from molly and booking if possible. and she had submitted qu, leaders in the us different cheese secretary of state victoria and isn't, has had what she described as a frank and difficult meeting in the capital in the army corps in south africa has block. so many bus taxi drivers and type town from striking at least 3 people had been killed and bonded to protest during the 6th day striking. the drive is accused, the city is passing on fields. in china is there is the philippines to remove at the commission for ship from a dispute had shown in the south china sea. but the philippines is it worth depends on the area, the chinese coast card to use water cannon and a supply box on saturday. we'll put cosigns from a prime minister and run con has launched a high court challenge to his conviction for corruption. com was sentenced to 3. d
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is selling state gifts, while prime minister he denies the charges and is being held in the highest security prison. while his lawyer appeals starts out doing my deposit in our petition to be able to pin things on the fonts punishment to be suspended so that he can be released from prison. he's being held in the prototype of conditions, not for any human, but he's in good spirits. the sight lead of wisdom, australia has scrapped laws that protect the cultural heritage of indigenous people . they will put in place in 2021 off to mining company for your 10 total legally destroyed sites and the state which had a $46000.00 yes, a stream state premier roger coke said the laws caused confusion and boot and property owners critics side of the changes we can protections for cultural thoughts, ensure that the state government doesn't prioritize indigenous communities. well, heavy, ryans and land slides across southeastern bangladesh have killed at least 7 people,
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4 of them wherever hang a in a refugee camp. thousands of banquet issues have been forced from the homes rescue teams of trying to reach many people who are still trapped by the fund was well attended. chandry joins us live from much, had a crime and banquet taishan. can you just explain exactly where you are and just how bad the flooding is, where you are? a k, i'm instructor government subdivision. that's one of the biggest, the vision in bangladesh. i'm about 30 kilometers from the bunder button area, which is the hill tracts region which comprise afraid, this stakes, the wrong got my teeth, cargo, 30 and bunder bun, which of the most badly affected and about, you know, for an hour drive from cox's bizarre area. now, cox, those by that and the hill tracts region are the ones that most badly affected theirs in bunder bodies. one of the worst effected area with 30000 people are maryland. the electricity, the mobile communication internet network, all gone,
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there's no fresh water. and then the approx about that they've been at least 100 incidents of land slide. you just mentioned about the growing a refugee camp where i spoke to our contacts. that situation is really bad. at least 200 people have been a back way to take them to shelter. many of the shelters in the flow be small hills, have been damaged, which is very burnett. both the terrain showed rain and this is what is been happening. now. the government have just a little bit while ago we understand the government has deployed the army and the hill tracts, vision to help the salvage operation demo, also send me to go to the same relief team to get them dry floods and fresh water. we tried to access the bundle on highway to get in there, but we couldn't. those are killing me the long traffic a lot. because as more than the high water in the high with because of this torrential rain, which has been going on. and it will likely continue according to mad department
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for next several days. which could make things worse, particularly in the healey district. because it could cause a land slide due to the torrential rain and because up continue, it's rain in custom. rain this uh flood situation getting worse in this area. so we'll have to see how separation they brought in the next few days. unless the rent stops as well, obviously there's a very low line areas. even if the ryan was itself, it doesn't mean that the uh, the water level, the flooding withdrawal for mediately, what it and what sort of risks does that bring for people living there? you are right, a particularly the most up by mother. she has a flat plane and it's been raining all across bangladesh, even on the not the plug danger, because all the rivers are swelling. even when the rain stops us, the flood water takes quite a some time to go and usually damages the pressure is uh, from lines and everything and it takes months and im sometimes years for the farm.
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as the rig recover from the flooded in the hill tracks a little different, the flood what i will go, but the clear danger, not much slide, which affects the whole region. still stay as they've been and continued, but that's just southeastern part of bangladesh. so we still have the danger to a flood in coming months because it's still the pick up months on season and there's lot of rain coming in coming days and months. okay, thank you so much for that. that is attempted challenging for us and things of dish i'm a real co uh, looking to continue the incredible round that the women's world complex are on choose day that are up against one all of the favorites from the round of 16 america. the 1st north african an error upside to make it this far in the competition. well, alex thomas is live for us and sydney covering this will come for us and alex more okay. as we mentioned to the under dogs,
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but they will be pretty confident of to how they played in the group stage one day a. oh yeah, they certainly will be way here outside, so it needs fee to assign the special again, in dialing hub a way you can probably hear it behind me. columbia bus is jamaica, be put notes around a 16 game at this women's world cup quantities and crowd signing up. what are you wanting to, how many trying to get in place? early head of that bronze. but you more all code game which is going to be extra special for all sorts of reasons. strong historic links between the 2 countries, of course. and so those are the men's well copying castle. last year, when fronds notes neural co, i also sent me final stage. would you believe unable, my real co men's coach of right now? i am in charge of the strong women's team against the country that he says he has amazing memories. all amazing friends that are in morocco, but now it's time to focus on the football. that's a mouth watering prospect. the wind is it that one will face australia and brisbin on saturday is the speaking of
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a stride you. they made it through yesterday was the reaction fee re you are in sydney. i mention everyone's riding behind the matilda is right now. one thing. oh, yeah, a massive reaction here in a country that is obsessed with this en route rugby league follows the rules football for finally, this way means well top getting on the front page is as much as the back page is a growing sense of momentum and a sense of destiny about the prospect double straight is women's football team, when they will come in their own backyard. a once in a lifetime, opportunity to goals and a went over denmark on monday night plus the return to see for saw sam come from a cough injury, getting a few minutes on the pitch towards the end for the 1st time. and this woke up is joe very well done. the lights expands, i'd say the most straight out on monday nights, or cooling on the chillies, not just limited as i have to say. channels happen here in australia had reco viewing numbers,
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the most watch programs. but any show on any channel in australia this year for you . okay, thank you so much. that is alex thomas for us and sydney. well the it in preference festival is back in full swing opposite the pen, demik shut down. the annual events in scotland detracts thousands of offices from around the world. john hall caught up with south african song stage. there for the 1st time i show is about to some of the people about our culture, how we speak and how we connect to so that 10 young south africans on the stage for the 1st time, the 1st time. in fact, on any state. yes. yeah. yeah, well it's a song and dance show featuring, i'm trained, performers brought together by a charity called the butler trust. many of them just school children doing what comes naturally. always like i'm dreaming because it's time was like,
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i'm painting myself like, oh this was getting real, this is getting real and i was praying because i was so excited to be so it's like painting a lot for making my to so comfortable. and for all of them performing that the world's largest fringe festival is also the 1st time abroad their 1st ever journey on a plane was a novice and i have some goose bombs was like, oh, okay, okay. okay. when we um, performing in new in with the people inside to dance with them. i was like okay, yeah, that's a beautiful people are great. so how was the show for us? beautiful. it's like an hour joy to see this. i couldn't start moving in my seat all of the show at the streets of the scottish capital, it being no less welcoming than the stage to edinburgh
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experience. here you'd be able to be here every day, like this fine even retired. some people who come to our show, they've been amazed about the confidence of to teams and stuff like that. and for us that home was us because this is what we do on daily basis in terms of our streets, inside of the freeform. i just home audio, it says can linda, regardless of us to come, students is in life. you can find joy, you can find p.
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