tv News Al Jazeera August 8, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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does seem to be an annual cultural context, honored by unesco, where men move to the beach of women and to arrival, to our communities back from the tell to using song and dance to be the a to our it's best to both ineligible era. the plate is from a time as a nation's meat for the 1st time in full team years to discuss the future of the rain forest. i live in brazil, the on simon's a, them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up, i'm going to is it happened in the bolivian amazon where traditional indigenous medicine is under threat by the depletion of the rain forest that's coming up. also
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ahead, new jazz coolie to is refused to allow that negation of its neighbors. and the u ends went to the country for tools, the wine and compensations. the cape town in south africa off to cool bands. many balls the taxi drivers from protesting the latest from a nation's meeting in brazil to discuss how to save, called the future of the amazon rainforest. it's the 1st time in 14 years they've met. so lots to discuss over the next 2 days, including deforestation, illegal capital, farming, and mining a summons being held in the city of bell. i'm known as the gateway to the amazon. our latin america editor, there's a newman is live for us there. so lucy, it,
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i guess the key question, does it look like these late? is it going to come up with a plan, a joint plan? they will all agree to, to en deforestation by 2030. while i can confirm that they're going to come up with a good, a list of good intentions, which could eventually lead into concrete action. but one thing that is very much missing, at least in the draft documents that i saw a short while ago, is the data of 2013. in fact, bolivia has openly said that the to pauses in any measure to any deforestation, to commit them to that country, to ending deforestation by 2030, which is something that brazilian president knew at that scene as i was hoping to get out of this summit there are some countries is saying it's just too much to ask them developing countries. they're discussing all kinds of ways to end deforestation. they just heard from the 5 members of civil society. the been living
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and curiously representative called for an end to oil exploration, immediately in the amazon region. and of course, also the use of mercury for legal and legal mining. because he says that this causes more damage to the atmosphere to the rain forest than the wealth of the generates. but so far we have countries like brazil, venezuela, ecuador, but nivia, uh that have not signed off on columbia and president pet throws petition floated for them to do just that. so there are areas in which they cannot agree, and that will certainly be reflected at the end of the summit. what about the funds for the policing? they coming out with a plan, so that a well, that's a be a hot potato here as you know, the border and some of the amazon regional absolutely pores they are no police that, that the petroleum at all. and so, criminal organizations more and more are using the amazon to transport evil,
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gold and drugs, new name it, they are now at least agreed to set up a co operation organization that would be based in the brazilian. i'm a zone in city of my house to try to cooperate with between the different police groups so that for example, a criminal can kill somebody in brazil and then run over the border to columbia and then boast about how many indigenous people he just murdered or hacked to death as something which does happen or has happened quite frequently. so that is something, at least that is a positive move. just how much piece it will have is something we have to wait and see. all right, thanks so much. let's see a newman that find the gains. deforestation in latin america has been going on for years. governments of long given oldest and security forces to go off to illegal minus. i love those who cut down trees for the price of columbia says it's time to try something new, to raise
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a bow reports from the southern region of whether the avia, a kind of alexandra, rolando sundays is on the front length of the columbia and fight against deforestation. he's in charge of operations in the region in the amazon rain forest center says he's working with prosecutors and specialize officers to come by environmental crimes with oh, wait, hold on zillow. thing this thing we are looking at money lender is so we can confiscate the prophecy and they repay the damage they are doing to the amazon. know we know he's, you know, also controls all the world that lives the areas as well as rescuing in dangers spacious with with me. after the government signed a piece agreement with the left wing rebel group, the fark in 2016 millions of hector's, of land in this area were destroyed and pristine forest were replaced with katherine and graft. to steve them, the government now is trying a different approach and rather than prosecuting small farmers,
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they're going after those who the finance deforestation. columbia managed to reduce deforestation by 30 percent in the past year. environment administered, sustainable, have much to die to 0 that combating the legal logging industry and working with local communities. our priority is fine for colombia. first left. we president goose that will pay through. we are not going to legalize land that a has been before to state it a so that it's price increases. and this is up to your message that we have send out. the other side is the best ones that communities that have more, a closure of increasing that would go through the frontier, but they are really a low income, not very productive. placing local communities at the forefront of the fight against land grabs is also part of the plan or metro. this is a community leader. it has been working with local and deals to reforest areas close to a national park. as well as the government has good intentions,
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but there are lots of people who wanted to fail who are part of the business. and there were congress because they make the laws. but the inside of the ones who do not expect from the government has also the task of protecting people activity is as columbia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for environmental activities. 100 have been killed in the last decade. columbia as far as have also been a victim of the war and the violence that plague this country's history many hope this time, the political when will be enough to revert the damage that has already been done very so i'll just see to what you had in columbia and the bolivian amazon indigenous women are drawing on sexual knowledge and traditions to harmless. the heating prophecies of variance plants indigenous they to say this knowledge represents an invaluable source of scientific thought to that's manual or apollo report, some grail blanco in central bolivia. this knowledge is at risk of being lost
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forever. a group of women walking through the forest in central bolivia. they're looking for a tree called co pipe. though around here, good bible is better known as the miracle tree given its many medicinal properties . when i say typical file, a complaint for oil is medicinal and good. a treating dramatic pain, the stomach ulcers and for regulating blood pressure in this part of the country many hours away from the nearest hospital go bible oil is an important natural medicine and a main ingredient in many local products. but the for its work apply by gross basis, many threats such as illegal logging and the clearing of reinforce to make room for agriculture. and we think that we had another kid at the little that it so it's very sad for us to see areas without a single tree left in places that have become like deserts. and then there's climate change in 2019 alone, wild flyers in bolivia destroyed more than 4200000 acres of forest for indigenous
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communities of the bolivian amazon depletion of the forest. not only represents a potential loss to their livelihoods, but to in valuable knowledge of medicinal plants that's been passed down from generation to generation. the amazon is home to tens of thousands of classified plants species, making it one of the most bio diverse places on our planet, and a great source for natural remedies. environmental engineers like thomas co, saucy, see that without urgent action, the secret submitted signal plants found in the forest could be lost forever. we'll say that better the end, the more to the left length. i mean, we are losing many of the medicinal plants, which is why we're promoting seed collecting and reforestation. so it'd be come into in these traditions because this is a culture that has been practiced since long ago. and it would be a shame to lose it by partnering with academic institutions and non profit groups.
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these women have found a market for co bible oil in modern medicine. and their harvesting techniques, or even seen by many as a model for sustainable entrepreneurship within the amazon their future success however, will ultimately depend on the guaranteed conservation of the forest itself. mondays it up a little algebra to the an amazon of the co initially, i have refused to receive representatives from the united nations, the african union. i'm the regional organization echo off the june to says the safety count, the guaranteed the latest did meet the depth to us secretary of state. victoria newton described the 2 hours of tulips in the capital. is frank and difficult requests to meet the post president of the bassoon was denied. sandoval bent the body as more from the jazz capsule, naomi with also us official sneezes
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since the cool stokes is members of military leaders where frank and difficult says victoria nolan, who is the us acting deputy secretary of state her efforts to meet us asking for returning to growth additional order and push for the release and the other side of the negation of smiley and ms. also with some military members. this said once again that any intervention military would be of a declaration of war after 2 weeks and the expiring of the line 6 to buy it go us military gentle warranties in your prime minor sir. and is still saying that they refuse any solution based
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on returning bedroom to power relation or any i wondering and asking for an urgent solution that instead of be 0. yeah. child stratford has more from san a golf capital dot com, a jazz cooley. it is saying that the reason why they refused entry by this delegation, including representatives from the african union, the u. n. and eco us today was because what they describe of security concerns. in a statement they released to the news agency, asians falls press the statement read the current context of public anger. revolt following sanctions imposed by the act was does not permit the welcoming of this delegation in the required conditions of serenity and security. the cost is just the latest we bustled by, the jazz cooley, the seemingly to entertain any kind of potential peaceful negotiation to try and find
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a way out of this crisis. they are still refusing to release prison mohammed bar zoom. they are still refusing to reinstating. we've seen delegation, so falls into this quasi solve it. why not, jerry? a bi echo asked by chad. and of course, by the acting deputy 6 you states, victoria knew that nothing has come of any of these tools so far. and this does not bode well as that sweat continues to hang over the chaise coolly. it is a by echo as a threat of ministry intervention. and we know that that kind of intervention is going to be rise at the full front of discussions in a meeting in the 2nd echo a special summit on these crises being held on thursday. so i'll stop it, i'll just do the com. there's been more violence in south africa and striking mini bus taxi drivers. ignore the cold orders. i don't think the protest. please find the rubber bullets and tear gas from the town of stunning boston western cape province. they say lucas, taking advantage of this strike. 5 people have been killed in the unrest. drives of
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protesting against what they say on fellows and pose my cape town. city authorities made a minute has more. on the 7, boston a cape town, top, which is outside of cape town and kyle monday and linked to that strike by the taxi drive as an operators what we're seeing now in an area like this is just further up this road. a community members the trying to make their way down to some of the stores in this area. and that's what we've seen the last couple of hours they've trying to break into the stores and trying to lose them. and so they've been running battles between community members and police here who view stunning grenades, rubber bullets as well as to a gas to try and push them back. it's going on for several hours now and they have lieutenant reinforcements. we know that there were at least 1500 police offices deployed across the cape town, specifically in the hot spots. oh,
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we authorities have been keeping an eye, but this is the kind of thing that we're seeing more regularly when it comes to any sort of unrest in south africa. is that when the is that kind of unrest, we often see looting and other crimes. and today is just another example of that. still a head on al jazeera, 1st, a heat wave. now a tie food, extreme weather in south korea forces thousands of scouts to leave the camp site plus under children in terms of my chart, the drum se and bangladesh. i'll bring you more reports on the data stating landslide and flooding that has taken place in the his truck. the region of this area, the the, it's been usually wet. just recently in borneo processing market,
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i think it will be increasingly unusually, went into monitoring maybe peninsula, but i use it because this for my laser and into these you should be the dry season . the quite a few shells around the central philippines. your lights is. this rather more in the way of dark blue, which is the rain in the pacific away from the philippine sea because their living is in progress. so there was water in the world, tends to move in that direction and generate more big storms out of his ty fees while we got another one on his way line. but we'll talk about briefly, kind of and this is the one who's been around for a while and i was barely a tropical storm. it's a revolving store for the shuffle. moisture therefore is biggest risk is the amount of rain it brings and the warnings are for all this western side, particularly ons of japan for excessive rain and therefore potential landslide. and of course it's on its way to sense career last day and so on. the next day or 2, we'll see the biggest readings from once. it appears to be a dying monsoon season up in the pole. maybe if you have this part of north east
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india or bangladesh, but for the rest of india and for pakistan, this precious little left is moist. another branch on the west and got stiff. unpackaged them pretty much dr. south and the whole. the frank assessments $3000000000.00. is it going to be enough to get our guest on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that? the journey is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out, but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the days. headlines, questions really, who controls what goes on an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big part of corporations and individual super wealthy building. there's inside story on al jazeera, the
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the, and watching out dizzy are minded. now all the headlines. leaders from 8 south american nations are discussing how to say solve the future of the amazon rainforest. the agenda includes the dressing, deforestation, illegal mining and capital farming. the jazz coordinate is refused to allow joint delegation, some ex philosophy african union, n for us went to the country. they say they can't guarantee the safety of minutes, retaliations from money and beginning a fast. so are in the streets with june to the, to south african police of 5 rubber bullets and tear gas in the town of style and boston. striking many bus taxi drive is ignore a quote, something that protests, they say looters are taking advantage of striking to sedan. now,
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many people from in and around the capital have fled their homes off to heavy fighting between the army and the permanent tree rapids support forces. and the move in as the very latest from call to residents in parts of the mind woke up on tuesday morning to the sounds of heavy artillery and gunfire being exchanged between the 2, the news army and the permanent 3 rapids support for the past 3 days. the fighting has been centered around the middle part of the city in an area known as old on demand. the so the news army has been trying to regain control of areas dominated by the power military recess. since the thoughts of the flight flight, the jets were also blank overhead and they went s types of loans to bypass the denise army against positions of the parent, military rapids support forces in the old city of homes in the mines. no civilians have been caught up in the conflict since the south of the fighting in mid april. and over the past 3 days, dozens of families have been leaving residential areas in the central parts of on
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demand. because of the intensification of fighting between the 2 sides, the most families have moved from the central parts of the city towards the northern parts of the city. hoping to escape the fighting between the 2 sides. they say both the recessive and the sort of nice army have urge them to leave their homes to not be caught in the crossfire. many say they don't know the where they will go to, they leave behind their homes, they leave behind their properties. and over the past 3 days, they worst the building casualties in the fighting between the 2 sides. over a dozen civilians have been killed as a result of artillery showing a thing where it isn't residential homes with most of the civilians saying that the artillery have been fired by the parent military rapids support forces indiscriminately. now fighting continues. the sounds of heavy artillery continues and they also civilly and caught up in the areas of fighting, unable to move because of the flightless and being worried and afraid that they will be caught up in the cross bars.
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provisional results of a referendum in the central african republic show 95 percent of those is one to change the constitution that would allow the president to stay in office longer opposition and rights groups have rejected the results. they say the referendum is illegal. malcolm web reports, the provisional referendum result was as predicted by basic government, which says it's to people's, well, i'm the physician. you say that vote was in legal and rig electrical, all sorts. he said, 95 percent of the sites is were in favor of changing the constitution. president fast on option was to a day or has been in office since 2016. the constitutional changes would allow him to stay for another 16 years. of his government says they'll bring stability in development. don't say to me, thought about it was a question of meeting the needs of the people that the people are above the
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president of the republic. so when people ask for something, we have an obligation to respond. it was necessary to propose a new laws. you turn out that polling stations in the capital bank. he was visited the low during last week's vote. opposition and rights groups say they being threatened in a time for campaigning against the changes. told them people, the boys will take and say, turn out was about 10 percent. the electoral thirty's says it was 6 times that says the next you on a reply as a task. why don't these selections could not be transparent in almost all the polling stations? there were no valid papers and those boxes have been stuffed. the only purpose for which the president decided to change constitution is to run again and the elections in 2025. not david's government depends on the russian medicine ways from the wagon to 3. and we went and soldiers to control pankey in some of the towns. the foreign forces benefit from access to the last mineral wealth,
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including golden diamonds. about half the population is in need of humanitarian aid, and about half a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes and groups control much of the countryside. we'll say older people not to vote for many staying safe on finding food is more important than politics. of the decades of twos in conflict and the constitution was adopted in 2016. the government looks set to change it. final results are expected in 3 weeks. in the meantime, the preliminary results can be challenged in cold to deal positions say to a day or is government already controls only institutions. malcolm web alger 0, a heavy rain and land slides across southeast in bangladesh and killed at least 7 people for them. well, ro hang, go in the refugee camp,
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thousands of bangladesh. she's been false from that homes. rescue teams are trying to reach many people while still trust the fund water has to be a chatter and small from joshua graham. it's been raining for the last 5 days and there is no stopping. you can see the flood water in the schools. many of the schools are shut off as declared by the government and the trucks are gone. area, healey or what is known as the hill for x ridge, enough trucks or gun is badly affected, particularly the bunder bunk progress savvy, and running on like the idea, as well as the cost as well as our district. the only thing i'd refugee cat is badly affected, the dozens of cases of land, slight incidents with casualty, and those many of the 10 fairly are flooded. people have lost their self service in bunder buns. 30000 people are marine and in cox's, but are it's live 150000 people are made in this paper on the fresh water and dr. foot, the government ascending relief, things and have quite
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a walk. healthcare walker, sorry. and those area to help them out. now the situation could get worse as a matter office and bang rather say that would be more rain and coming next several days. i believe this could make things worse, that these areas are healey and mountainous and it could cost more land slide and flooding. sunbridge all day. i'll give it a shot there. drum expected arrival of a ty, food in south korea. this whole thing is 36000 scouts to pack the bags. then moving to other parts of the country from the will scout jump, 3 camp site. it's just a few days since many scouts the suffered feet stroke. then organizes have been criticized by lack of climbing is bound to below reports. and it was supposed to be a summer of fun and camaraderie. 36000 scouts, mostly teenagers for more than 150 countries in one camp site. the world scouts chamber, we kicked off in south korea's born county last week. what participants are now
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having to pack and leave. they're being moved to a $128.00 combination sites across the country. head of type, one kind of has projected to rival on thursday. officials insist however they've vent isn't over. some of the members have all the way to the left and they will go on for the remaining 5 days and 4 nights. so rest assured, the participants will still be able to have the temporary experience. the national and local governments will work together to ensure that they remain safe and go home with happy help solve. but a number of scouts had already been unhappy even before there was any threat of a type of participants from the united kingdom and the united states have been sold for days. the 1st is to sound the price and we were concerned that the total of $12.00 being clean frequently enough that wasn't safe in that and it wasn't safe and there was rubbish building up as well. south koreans have also criticized organizers for a lack of foresight. the country has been battling both scorching heat into venture
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rains in the past few months. more than 40 were killed by floods and last lights last month. the not i put on hello in the given the current weather and situation our country. these aspects were in taken into consideration earlier, i saw many is kind of passing by. they came along the way just for things to fall through. officials have assured you, accommodations will be safe, clean and comfortable. but given the challenges of having to move thousands of foreigners attending a global event, people here are also worried about damage if it costs to the countries image was unable to put the cleanings on. since we are trying to secure a major event in tucson and foreigners will be coming, i'm a shame that their perception of our country might change as a korean. i also feel so much sorry for them. south korea is no stranger to holding big events. having hosted both the olympics and footballs, world cup boost on its 2nd. major city is buying for the 2030 world. dec spoke with
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hopes setbacks at this year's world scale. chambery won't hurt its chances. barnaby . lo, i'll do 0. the time is far and industry is urging the philippines to remove a grounded war ship from the disputes shuttle in the south china sea. this comes off in a minute, i told badging it will not abandon the area of re supply boat was heading to the race when china is coast guard, stopped it by using a waltz account and on saturday the incident happened in the 2nd thomas show as the most recent, china says it has industries full sovereignty over the so called 9 dash line mox pages claim over nearly the entire south china sea. that's disputed by other countries in the region. 2016. you and try doing a routing side agents claims will ground less training you small from badging ton is invested into the philippines. was some environmental. let's meet the device for
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administer and it seems that that meeting was a $10.00 to $1.00 and he did not go to the philippines plan because instead of receiving any sort of apology from dating china or administer you released this statement and it reads impart that china had no choice but to make the necessary responses. and the chinese coast guard implemented appropriate measures and according to the law. and the hopes that the philippines and china can meet half way. and that the introduction of any good policy goals is only complicated situation. now these 3rd policies, uh, forces that they do is referring to is the united states, which has since released this statement criticizing time is use of water cannons and supporting the newest planes to this region. however, china itself claims almost the entirety of the results rich south china sea. slight many count of payments by its neighbors and a 2016, an international who's in favor of the philippine saying that it has the right to this territory. outline rejected that ruling state does not saying it does not recognize the jurisdiction of this international court in the state of aging has
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historically claimed to this region. so engaging size. it is manila that is acting on wilfully by refusing to to lay this grounded worship at his knee on the street since 1999. and it says that it is manila that is disturbing the status globe. i know early repairing that shift, but also reinforcing it's katrina you 0 the time i take you through some of the headlines now. latest from 8 south american nations are discussing houses, safe, called the future of the amazon rainforest. engender includes the dressing, deforestation in ego mining and capital funding. these as co leaders have refused to allow a joint delegation from echo awesome the african union. i'm the you and went to the country ministry delegations for molly. i'm vicky no 5 so are in the ship to meet
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