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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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then as they were trying to sleep, we seemed uh some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in the suitcases. place it stay, feel safe anymore. what happens on that day is a will quite legion cross the lines and the level of destruction here. proof just how fast the fighting has been in recent weeks, this russian or multiple in a street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. the insurance company does announce a new interim governments as emergency mates. and the reason leads is, gets on the way in nigeria, the military. it's also gonna sell just here a lot from to whole. so coming out of presidential candidates in ecuador is shot
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dead. dr. campaign right, but elections will go ahead in 10 days. why fi suite to a town on the one on and of more we at least $36.00 people looked at china cheeses united states of putting off the joe biden science and the order to restrict us investments. in chinese technology company, the leaders of the west africans, the echo us uh, gathering for an emergency meeting with me that should take over is that something i take efforts from the group or fail since the crew 2 weeks ago. the book says, all options, including the use of military force, remain on the table for hours before the summit to the general was in the i'm a announced an interim government of 21 ministers. they continue to detain deposed prices, but since its national appeals but his release has gone on onset,
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let's get more now on this with document interest who's in a boot or a neighboring nigeria with that to echo a summit is taking place. so what more do we know about this announcement from the community does, and even as this meeting takes place of what basically they appointed ministers. remember 2 days ago, they appointed a prime minister who flew in from jobs to take up his position. he arrived uh yesterday and then suddenly there was an announcement forming a new cabinet. what this signifies is that the military june to in is yeah. solidifying that base and telling the international community that they are not leaving power anytime soon. and this is coming as they of course i'm, it is about to begin here. you know, borgia basically was seeing a number of ministers that they intend to work with. and they're not talking about . i need specific transition timetable yet,
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but they call this i'm instead of government. what that means. it's not clear. uh maybe probably in the next few weeks or months we'll get to hear whether or not they will have a transition time table. but we've seen these acts play out in molly and breaking a fossil and a guinea in molly and booking, if possible, for example, which seemed to close the military course. and this is exactly the script i think the military, your time is there to explain that you mentioned it into the i mean, what about the timing of old saw? the qu, lead is same thing a defined message. it's exactly what they want. um, i think it's a mess which they want to send to echoes the international community pushing for the return of democracy is. yeah. and they'd store the time to that it's happening just as they of course need is a meeting to discuss that next move right now, we understand that the veterans emissaries both successful and i'm successful. the
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ones that went to new jersey to discuss a possible way out of this crisis. i know briefing the heads of states and government in this whole right behind me and then probably will get to yeah, the opening statements from then i did, and president who chest that goes commissions. but what was the last on the minds of the course, meet us? yeah. is that the military leadership is at the moment, telling the world that they are not about to relinquish power anytime soon. what becomes of press their mom? i presume i as well a lot of people think that it's a process of negotiation that could lead to that. and that could they would not use that as a leverage according to one point to come. and at least they will use it to their own advantage. to give them time to buy them time to stay in power. okay. ok, right, just for now. thank you. and 60 journalist says he's very concerned about the reported living conditions of the jazz deposed president resumes. policy has a choose
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a june to keeping him in cruel conditions without water electricity or access to fresh food or medical cap. us state department also expressed consent with respect to present mission. but soon we are greatly worried about his health and his personal safety and the personal safety of his family. in all the conversations secretary blinking his had with present resume inquiring about his safety. his 1st things he's brought up is one of the reasons that acting deputy secretary knew and wanted to see him personally when she was in the country on monday. and it's a matter that remains of concern to us. i could go as presidential election is to go ahead to share deals in 10 days time. the spot this fascination of candidates and under the other sense. yeah. there's less so declared a national state of emergency following the shooting on wednesday. the suspect to the attack who is reported who died in the shootout with police and the capital key
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to the most. and we know meeting we had finished a meeting here in the anderson, coliseum a few meters from here. as soon as he got out, it took him around 30 seconds to get to the door and shooting started. i think it was more than 30 shots. we tried to find where fernando was, and at that point we realized he had been taken to the hospital. he was shot several times and in the head of the 59 year old jan, this was one of eight's presidential candidates running in the election august, the 20th gold and then and as a journalist based in tito. he says you have a sense here. it was outspoken about corruption and politics for none of you via the sense who was a candidate running about 3rd or 4th book paid place in the polls. he was an anti corruption candidate, his investigations, while he was in the congress. as president of the auditing watchdog committee
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led to several arrests and convictions for corruption of former career governments. officials. mister v send c o, a declared basically a war on the korea candidate. miss louisa gonzales, who is running in 1st place. mister, if you have the sense use um, oh cool. was a witness to the crime, to the shooting, cleans that this, this was what was leading his campaign. the number one issue was, was to a try and sort out the, the huge security problem in the country. so he was also an a, a candidate that was a advocating for a very hard hand in terms of the security situation in this country to foster
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moving wildfires in hawaii have killed at least 36 people in the audit of my way burn victims have been lifted off the island for treatments present turbines as the sending help to the us state. victoria gate can be reports. how by guys look at the harbor. from yeah, the scale of the devastation to the town is behind. it is evidence. fast moving world sized read through the, the, the tourist area on hawaii. now we only live with devastating results. thousands fools to escape any way they could. the. 7 or the dog us coast guard rescued, forcing people who jumped into the ocean to escape the incentive just to fly over ki head and continue see to see the, the burning flames. and as the 1st and the impact on the high and low high in that town was just so shocking and devastating. it look as if it's just the whole town was devastated. high winds have knocked down to
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electricity supplies, cellphone services, and grounded flights, and west my way, there's no power of general harris team is going to be doing assessments in the area. but right now the roads are still, some of the roads are still close, so it's hard to get to the hotels to find out what their situations are. you brush wise, it's sprung up on the hawaiian islands meteorologist say hurricane dora, blowing across the pacific ocean is partly to blame for the strong winds, fanning the flames. they haven't been able to determine what ignited the flyers. so there's, there's 3 conditions that we got from the national weather service, and they call it a red flag alert. so that's the dry conditions, right, so you've got dry steel trees, plants, you got low humidity and high winds. president biden is sending help to the us state, hawaii and say the, the extent of the damage may not be known for months. victoria gates and b l. g 0.
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tropical storm economy and has made a land photo on south chris peninsula. within $10000.00 people, mostly in southern coastal areas and evacuated, the homes. full cost is one. this storm could bring winds up more than 100 kilometers per hour. the presence is cool for thirty's, going hire the top to flooding to $47.00 people last month. with a storm is also affecting japan. montgomery is following its movements will take care overnight, tyson can you and has continued bringing strong winds and heavy rain across the southern japan. in the southern island of chu, shoes, several people have been reported with injuries from falling objects or these powerful powerful wins around 12000 households have been experiencing blackouts since last evening, and thousands have been told to evacuate certain re areas at risk of flooding. typhoid is making its way across south korea,
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and it's forecast is plastered in major urban areas. some southern parts of the country have already begun to see flooding and have seen rain fall up around $600.00 millimeters as well. and if the pricing continues to move as predicted, it could mark the 1st time since records began in 1951 that a typo and travels across the entire korean peninsula from south to north. according to the korean meter lifecycle administration, us present terabyte and assigned and executive forwarded that prohibits american companies from investing new capital into china is technology sector. the white house says the band will protect national security interests. investment funds will be required to report that sign transactions with chinese tech companies facing says it's disappointed by the move and describes it as bullying and economic collection. she have retired, see how is more from washington dc own present buttons, decision to the white house as these restrictions are the result of 2 years of
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internal deliberation. so that was something of a tough well underway, where we understand between the commerce department, the treasury department on one side and the attempt to get into the national security council on the all the former one thing less stringent regulations to allow us businesses to invest in china and make lots of money, the pens and get a national security council wondering more stringent regulations on the m, they've decided on these 3 categories. comfortable computing, artificial intelligence related to the military. i'm the advanced study, conduct industry and the white us pointing out there running some restrictions on the export of some of these technologies to try and that. but what that trying to do now is to prevent, in the words the immunizations of trying to escape ability to become masters in these, in these areas. there are several coffee at the new investments. this is, this is only going to affect new investments of china. old investments weren't be effective. plus, that's not going to be
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a months long process where the white house will take advice on the treasury. and the commerce department will take advice from business as to as to the regulation. so these regulations may change. and finally, it should be noted very about us as well. the minimal investment in china, right? that if i just have a 1010 year later on, it's like that, try to itself has plenty of conflict through investments in industry. there. plenty of other countries who want to invest in these countries certainly use right now. it seems reasonable symbolic them having a major impact on the nurturing of chinese chinese industries. shepherd has the ultra 0 washington. this is katrina you now with more on base things we ext time. it says it's gravely concerned with the us or the bending you investment into today's technology. the comments from industry has released a statement saying that this will disrupt the supply chain and it resides the right to take countenances. it also says that it hope cus will respect the market, the quantity instead of all sufficiently hindering trades under the guise of take
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a risk a. now this follows a statement by chinese embassy in washington saying it was disappointed with the action and accusing the us of using the reason of national security to politicize and weaponized. trace of this latest, very full slowly complicate recent efforts to stabilize times between staging and was adding to an already long list of the states over everything, including the warranties, crane, anti was stating, insistent, washington is spent on trying to contain china's rise. now if there is a silver lining here, industry insiders say it says that the us sanctions have only helps of galvanized. china is high tech industries and the aging has certainly for billions of dollars. it's becoming more self reliant in the sexes. however, the fact remains that chinese companies may vary depending on us technology and we have seen recently a slew of twenties, internet joints rushing to buy us. why for chips in that's the patient,
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the restrictions, katrina, you all to 0. so to come without this era, the well defined suspends new funding to you again the for the president and sits to have not found suppression. we report from shanker, where students are professionals. sarah team interest is since the government's perceived, the thing that the frank assessments $3000000000.00, is it going to be enough to get focused on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that? the journey is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out. but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the days. headlines, questions really? who controls that goes on an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big part of the corporations and individual super wealthy building. there's inside story on al jazeera. ok on our lot. gimme
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a boot in won't be attending a summit in south africa with an international warrant out for the rest for suspected war. fine. can you travel anywhere? so i'm told stories from across asia in the pacific $1.00 oh $1.00 east. it's phases the issues affecting the slaves, the most populous region. the rates for the white house keeps up with donald trump take pump in the republican policies, 1st debates or holds its own private riley people empower, investigates, the top click impact on ukraine's franchise environment. and that's the temperature of solar and biodiversity plummets the global environmental facility to coordinate financing for international action. assembled in canada focused on l. g 0. the
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the watching on just a reminder about top storage. this time i could, those presidential election will go ahead as schedules in 10 days. the spot is such a nation of a candidate present game, a left subject at a state of emergency, 59 and under the of the sense here was shot dead on wednesday. fast moving wildfires in hawaii of killed at least 36 people in the audit of my way. 300 year old son of $99.00, which is also a service has not actually been destroyed. anita, as of the west african, the echo us, a housing and emergency meeting on the retreat state. set diplomatic efforts have failed since the 2 weeks ago. knox has all the options, including the use of richard false remain on the table when it has been extra date . as of announced, all taxes will be collected in cash. and also there are 2 businesses to pay
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directly to the treasury. it's method to bypass international sanctions imposed on the country following the cuz i thought there was a cause this report from the end of the loss of the electricity supply to me. um it has been reduced adding to the suffering of new jersey and robbie. i can no longer support her 5 children selling ice cream was her only source of income. the fries isn't working, we only get power for 2 hours. we depend on there's to survive. now with power outages, even the juices we have on drinkable most of these years in ports come from neighboring nigeria and benita. both countries have impose sanctions on new share, which are affected day to day life. if we get the products at the old prices, i don't mind selling them at the regular cost. but if the whole sellers are selling at a higher cost, we will have to increase our prices. the since western countries and international organizations suspended aid,
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the military council has launch several initiatives to reduce the impact of sanctions. yes. when in the past, we used to deposit down money at the bank, but now we don't go to banks anymore. now we pay out taxes directly on these days. if you put your money in the bank, there's no way to get it out. the closure of borders not only affects the livelihoods of ordinary people on a national scale. the sanctions include the suspension of commercial financial transactions, preventing the military council from accessing these years. assets in both domestic and foreign banks. yeah. put in waterloo, and i need my opponents and supporters of the military council agreed that the sanctions are not enough to force the army to open the doors of this parliament restored the constitution and released president mohammed buzzer proper authorized . uh, i guess the, uh, yeah, i mean, university student sense for that incur are leading the latest anti government protest that condemning the international monetary fund bailout deal. and it was 13
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measures impose sense on the montana end to what they call the governments refreshing the students of more than this we're joined now by now, not just in columbus, let me know what all the i'm if conditions that these protests are so concerned about of the so the students say that the i a method has made unreasonable demands on the government. obviously the government had to agree to a key set of conditions before they could obtain a bailout of 2900000000 dollars from the i may have to sort of get back on its feet, but the economy back on track. now some of those conditions include sweeping tax reforms. the tax bill has gone up many for the sort of tax base who pays taxes. because shalonda traditionally has had a very bad record for the collection of income tax of corporate tax and things like that. so that i may have had insisted that the revenue of the government collects
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must be increased taxation was one avenue of been the prices be fewer beat utilities. we sold the price of electricity absolutely skyrocket. i mean, to double to even triple what it was uh, water bills have going up and now there's talk of it increasing some of these are just some of the basics. now inflation, the government says, is under control, but for the men on the streets, when he goes to the shops, the prices don't reflect that. so what the students say is that the governments should not be doing the dictates of the i met. they also say things like student repression, the privatization of the plan, privatization of education, health care, which traditionally and for long to have been free, as well as the social welfare programs. they say all of these are being sort of dictated to, according to i am, if conditions and the government is doing a 2 bed bidding. so the students say that they're going to take a spend,
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that going to raise their voices. but it's been a real game of kept on most through. out of the afternoon, hit and colombo students split into 2 groups. there was one be quite group of protest is trying to draw away some of the, the sort of ride squads of water cannons. while that was have names in central colombo, you had another group that sort of gather down the road from here. they were essentially hit by water cannons and then disposed to a hearing that large numbers of students were taken into buses, arrested, detained. we still don't know, you know, whether they will be charged or whether they will just be laid off with a warning. but the, the kept on the most game continues back, incentive colombo, west, still having the students, it's almost ridiculous, but sort of going around and drawn this mean park with the live police, you know, chasing them around. so if it wasn't so crazy about the repression where people are struggling to make their voice heard in terms of protest,
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it's quite funny to watch this unfold. now fernandez, thanks very much indeed. the presence of your guns are, is denouncing the well bang for refusing. you notice because of the legislation which outlaws same sex relationships, you know, a most of the is vowing to find alternative sources of credit. the well bank says the n t o g d t to no cost in may contradicts the banks values. catherine, so it has more from not really a presidential wireless 70 has issued a statement, a very heavily wooded statement about this. the suspension of was bank loans and he says that says the country will continue developing. we've always out those loans in part the statement that you've gone to was not the cost is to abandon the our principles and sovereignty using money. and this is,
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this is to do with this on the good news. the. 5 reason toothpaste as they criminalize homosexuality and this has been very, very controversial. the president has been talking about it and the president said that the laws do not target specific groups a rather the low protect you, brandon's from being a reputed or cost into homosexuality. so this is something that has gained a lot of talk, so not just in uganda, but across the world as well. and the impact of this a was done to move is immense because the was gone, a gave this loan and millions of dollars to you've gone down for different projects when it comes to education and health
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of infrastructure and so on. and it's not just the was bank, you know, the, you, you've gone to itself is, you know, is dependent on aids. uh, so a lot of donors and other partners are very uncomfortable, particularly about this nose in the sections of the slows, catherine, sorry, auda 0, not ruby said bob was present to us, and god was tulsa thoughts as they will go to heaven. they say both for his parts in this month's elections. it came to pass on a promise to tackle economic problems. and many people struggling with the high cost of living are latasha reports from the rowdy in her right. how about a is an opposition stronghold for the governing is on the pay of potty has its supporters in the capital to 2 weeks before his re election bid president emerson and douglas strategy to take that control. urban councils,
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which i'm mostly run by the opposition, is to remind voters of problems such as no running water from council taps or inadequate refuse collection in town. we then use dandy by the lake. people suffer. it'd be angel. you newness foreclosures. you live to kansas. we might give you an o o they say, well this we must have been because of the we do do do oh yes, this is your what when that was main opponent opposition? neither nelson tyneesa is also on the campaign trail. he leased the citizens coalition for change posse, triple see, he says his support is i've been victimized. there is no freedom of speech in
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symbol me and that is time for change. the human life wanted to say, incidents of political violence and the police on getting several people the the economy is the main concern for voters. and baldwin has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. all the presidential candidates say they have solutions to the countries economic difficulties. voters, what have they say? on august the 23rd hardaman tasa out of their head. i at least 17 or i think the refugees have drowned off to the boat capsized of, you know,
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a tosses were rescued office setting out for me. i seen that states heading for malaysia. west coast, say it more than 50 refugees may have been on board. and many are still on accounted for money, right? i think the risk the lives making power to see johnny's being comes in bunch of this. i'm in law to try to reach muslim majority, malaysia and indonesia. the weather is next to an inside story examines the process in the shop. the students made line, sol in science career. this is it's, there's barely really a tropical storm the winter to buy gas. most of it go full. so having cost, any damage that i'm aware of, that is widespread funding. it's not particularly deep, but all like this as career and certainly west in japan,
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the go back sort of seen widespread, relatively shallow. it will cost some damage initially, but it's not the damage that type of thing would break. and this is the store. and then during friday, still revolving, but i think we can probably stop cold it kind of by that time, keep an eye on land the cuz that's heading up towards mainland japan for about $4.00 to $5.00 days time as a proper type food. and that could cause some significant damage. in the meantime, the rain that's been regenerated and this northeast and the path of china including invasion, is still writing in the sized along the middle here through shanghai. for example. surprising the drive, the moment the monsoon ryans have been up the heaviest in the pool recently. and the center line from northern pakistan on through nicole, which will still see the shower has one or 2 still in, for example, behind maybe a westbank gold on buying the dash. this breeze, of course, he's moist, the mall right into the coast to be in my, on the west and gods. but the majority of india and the majority of pakistan is now dry. one small.
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the. we are a generation of people, but very i'm, this is very, very persistent. and very good to talk soon. you may be comfortable right now, but you will soon feel the same kids we feel every day from keep it home calm, then you've gone the 3 women grap who would be in fact of the front line after this . do you future children on a jersey to is in crisis 2 weeks out from the 3 cool. the generals in control, ignoring international demands to reinstate the president of mohammed buzzle. so what's the future for the vast country and key west and allied? what could follow? often issue as political upheaval, this is inside story the
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