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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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a finance for the national action assembles in canada focused on l. g 0, the west african leaders or to stand by military force. and for the closures among other measures to ends, the cube initiates the total credit. this is l 20. live from dow. huh. and so coming up, hawaii restricts is space to keep flights away from the islands of valley. as wild fires killed at least 56 people. nighttime in the poland announces plans to move. thousands of troops to its full of fellers, accusing is of complications. and collections in ecuador to go ahead in 10 days,
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despite the assess the nation of the presidential candidates, the for the west african blokey co was, has directed the activation of a stand by force to restore democracy in these year. following the code. the leaders have concluded the emergency meeting in a boucher, they have condemned the detention of presidents mohammed prison inside the regional block coolant forces. strict travel restrictions, tanisha, and fries assets of individuals in the way of a return to a civilian government. the committee of the chief of defense stuff to activate the equity done by force with all its elements immediately order the deployment, one of the cause stunned by force to restore constitutional order in the republic
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of new ship underscore its continued commitment. the distribution of constitutional order through peaceful means. okay, let's get more on this with honda. to address susan boucher nigeria. we have that eco west summit has just finished and i'm a 1st of all. can you just tell us a little bit more about the stand by military force? what does it exactly entail? just how large is this? well, they're not poking specifically in terms of numbers, but this is a force that has been agreed upon by member states. the last time it was to produce to gain it be so to stabilize the political situation that following a cool attempt. so the numbers can range between 30026000 or even more depending on the circumstances. and this comprises mainly of the military, the police, and even civil components of that's assigned by force,
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the armed and also they are also empowered to carry out are the civic duties in areas where they're deployed. so the department of this force probably could signal the start of something big like a military intervention image. okay, it, is this actually going to work? do you think coming? we're looking at strict travel restrictions, tunisia, freeze on assets for individuals in a bit to try and return to civilian government. does any of this actually going to work? or it all depends on the uh will, will power of the leaders of the economic community of west african states. yes, not did. it has the number, i need to expect it to be the largest contribution and with countries like the united states pros and others solidly behind that course. we probably are seeing the possibility of financial help from these organizations. the countries may have,
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uh the nigeria and it's a number of states. of course, they have the numbers, we have the tools, but the financial requirements or the logistics required for these would have to come from external forces as well. because at the moment we're looking at countries that are struggling with their economies right now and also dealing with their own domestic problems. okay, thank you so much for that, that some of the juice for us and appreciate nigeria, we have the eco us summit has just concluded this was i into bins. everybody has more from the she is capital on the curly this action, just ahead of the eco while some is the media, sorry gen has just names and you government directed by means a minus 0. find by $21.00 members, including 15 civil members and 6 direct answer to
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a cost image. and it shows also that the mediators and stuff doesn't care about it going ration and will continue to ignore a international goals. story is safe now says president says presidents, we've and does house iris says that he's leaving and the very hot, vicious without electricity medicine or food leaders have also accused french forces for faster service. this is fabulous. here with us president joe biden has declared wildfires in hawaii as a major disaster. it allows more funds to aid recovery if it's at least $56.00 people had been killed on the islands of malley burn. victims had been lifted off the island to the treatment. victoria guys and the reports. oh my gosh, look at the harbor. from yeah, the scalar,
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the devastation to the town is behind. it is evidence. fast moving world science read through the the, the tourist area on hawaii. now we only live with devastating results. thousands fools to escape any way they could. the dogs u. s. coast guard rescued forcing people who jumped into the ocean to escape the incentive just to fly over ki head and continue see to see the the burning flames. and as the 1st and impass on the high and low high in that town was just so shocking and devastating. it look as if it's just the whole town was devastated. high wind has knocked down to electricity supplies, cellphone services, and grounded flights. and west my way, there's no power of general harris team is going to be doing assessments in the area. but right now the roads are still, some of the roads are still close. so it's hard to get to the hotels to find out
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what their situations are. you brush wise, it's sprung up on the hawaiian islands meteorologist say hurricane dora, blowing across the pacific ocean is partly to blame for the strong winds, fanning the flames. they haven't been able to determine what ignited the flyers. so there's, there's 3 conditions that we got from the national weather service and they call it a red flag alert. so that's the dry conditions, right, so you've got dry steel trees, plants, you got low humidity and high winds. president biden is sending help to the us state. hawaiian say the full extent of the damage may not be known for months. victoria gave some b. l g 0. miguel. i'll know guy. you sent us this report from malware i made that sobering and staggering death toll, which now stands at 36. we know upwards of 4000 people. at one point were evacuated
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from this wildfire. hundreds of people are at the shelter behind me here in now we, it's, i'm clear when anyone will be able to return home. those images of this while fires . there are now 3 separate while fires burning across this area are just dramatic. it shows how quickly the scope of this fire really exploded. officials say entire neighborhoods are decimated, upwards of 300 homes and businesses have been destroyed, and officials say that number will likely climb later on today. at 1st live official stay, they'll also be able to scour the bern zone, hoping to find more of the missing. and of course, they're looking for survivors. but it's quite possible that the death toll which again stands at 36, could continue to rise. officials say these while fires were fanned by incredibly strong winds upwards of 80 miles per hour. the weather is getting better, but the official say they're going to have a long firefight on their hands in the days ahead. ukraine's army says it is making advances and it's offensive near the eastern city of buckboard, this video,
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released by ukrainian troops, allegedly shows them approaching russian positions and urging russian soldiers to surrender the exact location and dates the video was shot, cannot be verified. russian forces took back newton my optimum sufficing as well. nice the poland, descending 10000 soldiers to it, supported with belarus. tensions between both so and which is an ally of russia has been rising recently. poland says to been the russian helicopters, briefly, incidents in space last week. they have also been long run and concerns about migrants crossing into poland. and more recently, the wagner masonry group was deployed, developers is part of a deal to end abuse in a, in russia, in june, washington, i'm not sure that i need to. there are all kinds of hybrid detox right now when i bought is when they left you a new border on the polish border, which we have been seeing for the past 2 years. russia and beller roots are increasing. the pressure on our board is the increasing the number of publications,
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and we have to be aware that a number of these publications will increase will cost you the kremlin, says poland is becoming increasingly hostile to russia. so just to assure you that there are existing risks associated with the militarization of poland to which has become the main instrument of the united states. and 2 russian policy was, are announced its intention to build according to the polls, the most powerful on the, on the continent. in this regard, large scale purchases of weapons have begun from the united states of america. great britain and the republic of korea, including tanks, artillery systems, and defense, a missile defense systems. i'm calling about that across a correspond to into sound a bunch of items. and also with security is a major voice issue in this year's election. the pensions are once again simmering on the polling, but at least for the number of troops from the polish side is going to be significantly from stuff. in the last few days. we've heard from various officials
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a saying that the number is not just going to be a double of what the middle of it, but border god has asked for. but also it is going to be taken to a number of a $10000.00 troops in addition to the board of gods on the better roost for the, according to full issue officials, it is because it faces a number of threats from that folder. not just limited to illegal immigration, and refugee is where there is a board defense and there is regular patrols that it carries out. but also there is a perceived threat from the box and the group which has found refuge, an invalid ruse, and punish officials are afraid that they might try an insult freight, the border. and then there's being talked about these so called, like severe helicopters from bennett who's made incursions into publish tennessee, a came that'd be denied by predators. but just goes to show that how tends, the situation is between these 2 countries. it is worth noting that this is an
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election yet in the next 8 weeks or so. there is going to be collections in poland . so it does have political ramifications of for the ruling government. it's been about on overall. this is something that people have been and pundits have been watching very closely because an attack, according to russia on values, is going to be considered as an attack on itself and vice versa. and attack on the nature ma'am, that would spring the whole nature lines into action. so, so far it's a war of words which is continuing and all lives on this board to the good, the escalating any further if those stripes that have been stated by police officials are actually really some of the job. it all the 0 for so it could it was presidential election is to go ahead and shoot you within 10 days despite the assassination of kansas. fernando vincent see a president ski and my last so to clear the national state of emergency after the shooting on wednesday. the suspected attack is reported to have been killed in the
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confrontation with police and the capital key to the. maybe i missed the meeting. we had finished a meeting here in the anderson coliseum a few meters from here. as soon as he got out, it took him around 30 seconds to get to the door and shooting started. i think it was more than 30 shots. we tried to find where fernando was, and at that point we realized he had been taken to the hospital. he was shot several times. and in the head, the 59 year old journalist was one of a presidential candidates running in the election on august the 20th golden town and is a journalist based in quito. he says, fee of a sincere was outspoken about corruption and equity was politics for another view via the send. so was a candidate running about 3rd or 4th took paid place in the pulse who was an anti corruption candidate. his investigations,
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while he was in the congress and as president of the auditing watchdog committee, led to several arrests in convictions for corruption of former career governments. officials mister, if you have the sense you declared basically a war on the korea candidate. miss louisa gonzales, who is running in 1st place. mr. via the sense use um oh cool. was a witness to the crime to the shooting, cleans that this. this was what was leading his campaign. the number one issue was, was to a try and sort out the, the huge security problem in the country. so he was also an, a, a candidate that was a advocating for
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a very hard hand in terms of the security situation in this country. it was still a head on al jazeera home, swept away in thousands of evacuations, ordered in no way up to a dan bridge and many a cooling. it's a new era, a full look ahead to a new pro league season in the middle east. the frank assessments the parties of the left to started unequivocally with the teenagers who were shopped, the policies of the right who started on the critic keys with the police so that they have smart chrome quote between a real kind of hot place inside story on al jazeera, the
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respect to the street and central concave shows you how to have a state to the effects of russian for me has to be, i can see where 2 of the bullets hit their about. my head highs. name with the documentary military wanted him dead. the still men are believe we were in a property on a road, costing out a 0 ingles proud recipient of the new york festival through cost or of the year award for the $70.00 running the the the,
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you're watching l 20 reminder of our top story is the south, the west african block eco law says activated to stand by military force after an emergency summit to discuss the to initiate. the lead is emphasized that diplomacy was the preferred. why to restore the civilian governments? us president joe biden has succeeded. wildfires in hawaii as a major disaster allows more funds to aid recovery if at least 56 people have been killed on the islands of malware and nighttime, in the poland is sending 10000 soldiers to its border with fellers. poland says to the russian, helicopters, incidents is face last week, fear out, well, so long running concerns about migrants crossing the full day before us citizens are reported to have been moved from an iranian prison to hell. so wrist media report say they include around the longest serving american prison prisoner shall
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next to massey. he was charged in 2015 for having relations with the hostile states . the u. s. government has been negotiating for the release and accuses around, holding them hostage with the president of uganda is denouncing the world bank for refusing new loans because of legislation which outlaws same sex relationships. you wary mas vinny is vowing to find alternative sources of critters. the world bank says the n t l g b t to little past and may, contradicts the banks values. katherine sort has more from nairobi. a presidential wireless 70 has issued a statement, a very heavily wooded statement about this. the suspension of was bank loans and he says that says the country will continue developing. we've always out those loans in part,
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the statement that you've gone to was not the cost is to abandon the our principles and sovereignty using money. and this is, this is to do with this on the good news, the reason he passed as they criminalized homosexuality. and this has been very, very controversial. the president has been talking about it and the president said that the laws do not target specific groups. a rather the low protect you, brandon's from being a re to said or cost in to homosexuality. so this is something that has gained a lot of talk so not just in uganda, but across the world as well. and the impact of the so was done to move is immense because the was gone, a gives this loan and millions of dollars to you've gone down for
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different projects when it comes to education and health of infrastructure and so on. and it's not just the was bank, you know, the, you, you've gone to itself is, you know, is dependent on aids. uh, so a lot of donors and other partners are very uncomfortable, particularly about this nose in the sections of the slows. catherine, sorry, auda 09 will be when more than 4000 people have been ordered to leave their homes in no way is strong winds and heavy rain. best of scandinavia, the rivers have broken, the banks of the swelling to the highest level and decades. most of the evacuations were in an area of 40 kilometers northwest of the capitol. all's life. power lines
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are down, and a hydro electric dam has collapsed, opted fund guides failed to work, and we'll start with ease. one more flooding is expected as the water flows towards the low line. coastal of regions with tropical storm condone has my land full in south korea. more than 10000 people, mostly in southern coastal areas, had been ordered to leave their homes full cost as well. and the storm could bring winds of more than 100 kilometers an hour. the storm is also affecting japan and of koda montgomery isn't took here with more overnight, tyson can you and has continued bringing strong winds and heavy rain across the southern japan in the southern island of 2 shows. several people having reported with injuries from falling objects or these powerful powerful wins around 12000 households have been experiencing blackouts since last evening. and thousands have been told to evacuate certain re areas at risk of flooding. typhoid is making its
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way across south korea and is forecast is planned, certain major urban areas. some southern parts of the country have already begun to see flooding and have seen rain fall up around $600.00 millimeters as well. and if the type of continues to move as predicted, it could mark the 1st time since records began in 1951 that a typo and travels across the entire korean peninsula from south to north, according to the korean metre, electrical administration, as well the government of indian prime minister in the original body has survived the no confidence version parliament. his policy and its allies hold the majority of the states. the opposition broke the motion, accusing body of failing to ends. months of ethnic violence in the north east instead of money. poor thousands of all physician politicians walked down during the prime minister speech. moody has promised to restore peace and multiple and says the entire country stands behind the states. at least 22 people had been
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arrested in sri lanka during the latest anti government protest lid vice university students by condemning the international monetary fund, the bailout deal, and do a stair. he may just impose since as many nelson and his reports from columbia. of this sort as if they can do the streets of a rake of a few weeks. citing a number of concerns they have thought about the is it actual money to refund the agreement with the government, which the government says was so vital to securing a $3000000000.00 bill out package to lift the economy of the doldrums. here outside the open university is where the students that sort of regrouped and ended off the playing sort of kept the most with police with rice squads, with the special ed task force or date esentially. the government generally cracks down on protests. the students don't have much. 5 kind of flexibility to take to the streets of the government has said that there must be disruption of people on
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the road. a traffic movement and things like that. but according to the students, they are being repressed. the voices are not being allowed to be heard. now the student said that the government essentially what they call the brand new raja pumps. agenda is vic taking the dictates of the i. m. s a. and essentially, i'm the minding free education, free health care, essentially, social invest at programs and undermining all of these things in a way that is really detrimental to the field on could people, they said they will raise their voices. they also have concerns about what's happening to the university education system that the government is planning to bring in private education and things like that. for today's protests that you saw, there was like a decoy protest. there was another protest in a different occasion with the government deploying massive amounts of police of military to bring it under control and keep it contained minute fernandez. oh,
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to 0, colombo. well, friday is the start of what many, a cooling a new era and full, the saudi pro league kicks off with clubs in the gulf kingdom. having spent hundreds of millions of dollars. attracting players from some of your ups top teams to and it gives a real sco reports to form a little pool. teammates reunited on new grounds. jordan henderson and study of money are among the top players to have swept your top legs for the saudi pro, leak with henderson. now at out to fuck and man a signing for christiana. rinaldo is el nasa this week. they'll get the 1st taste of saudi football. as the new season begins, excitement is definitely valuable in this triple mad country, right, where football is in the dna for us really, this is a moment when the strategy actually comes together and comes to life. that strategy started with the rinaldo is arrival at l. mess. so late last year. since then,
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the government has back to the saudi pro league investing billions to make comes more professional aimed at making the league one of the best and wealth of the source of the transfer window. bottom door. when a coming benjamin assigned for it to had from rail madrid. and since then there's been an influx of foreign players. the clubs have shelled out close to half a $1000000000.00 and football website transfer mox ranks the saudi league as the 5th biggest spend in the window behind leaks in italy from germany and england. this is definitely a journey. this is not just a one weekend. we've set off to, to achieve this objective to, to be one of the top endings in the world. saudi arabia has made big investments across sports, including gulf boxing. and for we, the one who the critics such as i'm, seems national are choosing the kingdom of sports, washing the human rights records. but that hasn't put
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a full cost of buying up the rights to show sound. the football in more than a $170.00 countries, well, funds in the capital re at also preparing for bigger and better season. a heads means i wasn't in the pulse. we got used to the competition big machine who alan alessa. o l hill, allen o h had but this, the, the presence of international players like benjamin christiano, nevis in the south really will get more excitement in competition between clubs. that'd be now to me, that'd be in the international players one or 2 years back. we're in the biggest clubs and were considered among the greatest players in the world. so i'm extremely happy to see our national league and an arabic leap with these names. this is a beautiful thing. the season kicks off on friday, but the transfer window is open until the 1st week of september. and the feeling is that the saudi pro league may still attract another big name before it closes. joanna goes raska l g 0. well, that's it from the top of the cry finale,
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you can find more information on a website else, is there a don't come with a is coming up next in inside story will examine how the crime will go to think holdings relationships with its neighbors and allies. the so there's something of a heat wave currently through iraq, syria, particularly those and syria and the southeast of took here. we've got temperatures around about $48.00 mox hidden in here somewhere. but typically is where it should be from the north coast of georgia, with that wind coming up the black sea. it's disappointed in cloudy and often sherry temperatures are also a fairly high still around, for example, northern egypt, the live and israel and the occupied territory. but not successively hard, they just a few degrees above, but then again we're talking about middles that he's been fairly humid,
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whether this is dryer, but we still got temperatures in the forties and humid weather, for example, the entire house. and also in due by the breezes lighting, didn't so all about month soon, breeze and all the strong as it was said this guy, the right thing, have you down again? it stopped continually, ever cost and drizzly. otherwise the details i'm changing very much. same is true in the horn of africa, and the big child that we've seen recently growing in the safe and hot has been floating in, for example, as to dom. that still, they're not as big knows frequent as they were. so the science and the temperatures are by where they should be. there's a bit of a cold breeze from you, some rain temporarily into limpopo region in south africa. otherwise the sun shines still cold nights, but relatively warm days. there was a time when the archipelago river flowed were enough to sustain life in the northern kind of highway, deserts all year round,
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without changing waste one or 3 men in different parts of the i'll come and go down to the bay face, drowned wild animals and madame a right in the constant fight for survival risk in it all. books one out just the colors and states to the salaries for the saving size from russia. virus neva also spin central in helping ukraine fight for this intention to at times just as we're taking you, how will the ukraine effect poland future? this is inside story, the .


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