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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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around the world, this has been going on for a number of our figures. how to do the whole story through an international perspective to try to explain to global audience how this could impact the lives. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good the bringing the news to the world from here. the defines from cruise support has an issue. hundreds, gather outside of french military base, continuing foreign interference, the hello until the kind of the ssl just here in line from also coming up the 1st delivery of food a to rise and with style for the conflict. and so don inches it's for last month.
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they can sort town on the one islands of molly is reduced to ashes by catastrophic wildfires. at least 55 people have been killed. new trends, prisons and cracks down on corruption and 6 heads of old regional military recruitment census. the hundreds of supporters of new she is clearly does have gathered outside of french military vice near the capital and the aiming that protesting against foreign interference. and the decision on which the african nations to the point stands by forces. the army chiefs will make some gun to next week to discuss the next steps. russia has warned against the military intervention and meet you saying it's will destabilize the entire region. american width is monitoring developments for us and sent a goals, a capital, the cost, and most the latest on the grounds. and this year, in regards to these protesters,
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it was just in the last couple of hours that hundreds of people gathered outside the french military bases near the apple where we understand there was still some french soldiers left the protest as it came, plank gods. and john, seeing messages down with fronds down with echo west, that's the regional west african economic block. the planning to put together a stand by force, the head of a possible military intervention in the jan upfront, the withdrew and most of it soldiers. and instead of withdrawing a evacuated old of its citizens, that was 8 days ago on this, done this a home for the french soldiers left in the space that the uh, the port in the capital in the army. uh, that's where the protesters uh, outside. uh right now is we could you so that you could was placed its forces on stand by how large is that force and just how quickly if needed,
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could it be put into action a head the states of the stomach, us nations announced that they would prepare a stand by force president us on walk through of code the said that code divide would contribute a battalion of a 150 troops as the any number we've got so far. we're still waiting to hear from other countries. how many troops they might contribute. also, some of the leaders and some of the governments will have to clear this through the parliaments and governments domesticate going to if they were to participate in deploy troops. and in 2017, that there was deployed a force to gumby, a regional force that took about a month to prepare at the time. and that was a relatively simple deployment entering a country. this essentially an enclave of center go a deployment and the jack to the north would be considerably more comfortable to come, complicated, more demanding on logistics. it would take more time to put it together another us
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and friends of expressed support for echo us as decisions as has the african union just a short while ago. meanwhile, russia, as he mentions it's ministry of 4. and it says, has said this regional named in intervention could lead to a protracted conflict in the sharon said that that would be destabilizing for the whole region. thank you for that update that is male can with for us and send a goals. capitals, the com of the world food program. this is the 1st of it's a has arrived and so downs west off for region is the conflict inches. it's for, for months, 5 trucks transporting 125 tons of basic food items traveled from the eastern chad to west stuff for the u. n. says more than 19000000 people and so down are at risk of severe hunger in the coming months. since april, a power struggle between the sudanese and paramilitary records support forces has forced at least 4000000 people from the
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a 180 ro is the sit down country directive for the world food program. he says it's difficult to bring in i, for those indeed. i would um, positive side of costs to go seek people actually leaving in a very desperate situation. we felt phone, we felt medical supplies, we felt basic services and it is getting to a point. oh wow. i pc the integrative face classification of, uh, 4 to 6. you know, it's, it's, it's all kind of just coming from 6300000 people on the prize a not being able to afford a new, a day re, uh for the general us contributions of doing those. we have
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limited food as these funds that we can go by. i want to get some of these, these access. we're hoping that we've this pro high or low voice of 5 jobs as i speak. we are planning for a set called one voice lodge of this pri, scott. and we're hoping that we will be able to have access right to the company that has to do with the e, which is jeanine up. the search continues for hundreds of people who are missing out the devastating fines ripped through the hawaiian island of maui. at least 55 people were killed, and officials say that number could rise. the finest moving place is still pending in 3 places on the island to a raging in the central and southern parts of the island. hundreds of buildings had been turned to ash, including a historic town,
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the finest with fueled by dr. agitation and fanned by winds from hurricane dora states. officials have cooled at the largest natural disaster in hawaii, history. some survivors say they have lost everything. this is gonna go on for a while. this is gonna take years, years to recover and it just breaks my heart. that's all the history from back in the waiting days. the 1800 us ashton does. this is our 1st time coming back and like actually knowing that our house for now. and we haven't really known anything for the last couple of days cuz there's no information coming through. we have since we have no power, no cell service, no why fi? we're getting fits from car radio, but nobody really knows until they have to make it in here, whether their houses are standing or not. i know the question on your mind is when can i get back to my home? just as soon as we can try to provide
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a certainty that we have recovered those that have perished. and that's really our, our goal right now. we're hoping to find people that might just be injured a lot of time as fast as the incident. so we're still in that phase. we check that again, is the director of the online use website. now we now don't com. he says the community and now we've really time to give that to cope with a tragedy. there's people still stranded on these. they haven't concluded the search for, for bodies or of course thoughtful survivors. there's multiple different organizations and government agencies involved. so i don't, i don't feel the sense that i'm from the community that there's not helps, but certainly it's, it's not enough at the same time. in the communities risen up to no surprise recivore small island community in the middle. this specific millions of visitors
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come here, but it's, it's a small island population and um, from boats traveling around the outside of the island. it's been attracted and disclose off by, by access, by roads and boats. you have local fishermen taking provisions and helping bring people back. and i just, the, the list goes on it's, it's, it's, it's quite a, quite an effort right now, but it's far from close to being over, sadly. and then never mind all the rebuilding spend, you know, as you would imagine, just a constant stream of information and bits and pieces throughout the last couple of days. and today i heard a lot of, you know, just the need for food, the need for food and gas for generators. the power is out the waters out. and people again can't, can access, has limited access. so. and then of course, um, you know, the, the stages for there's, there's been a huge effort to help all the visitors. i think it was in the last 2 days over 25000 taurus visitors and hope to get off of the island. so, you know,
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this is one of the initial stages, as you kinds presidential automated, zalinski says he's firing all original military enlistment officers have to and nationwide inspection or sorry. these are things 112 criminal cases, including primary and legal border crossings. those who want to keep the army rank zalinski says, should go and find a russian troops on the front lines. is the name of c homelessness, wayne, gloomy. if we dismissing all regional military commissars, the system should be run by people who know exactly what more is and why cynicism and bribery at a time of war is high. treason. instead, soldiers who've been through the front line or who can't be in the trenches because they've lost their health, lost their limbs, but have retained their dignity and have no cynicism. they can be entrusted with this recruitment system system, which is here a state voss and has more on this from the ne, ukrainian city of high cave this we,
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i've actually been investigating this a case in the last couple of weeks and we found out that's a landscape definitely has a huge problem here. we spoke to a special investigator, and he told us about a real system in the whole line of this military recruitment agencies, including medical doctor, us, drive for us, people all involved in these schemes. and basically what happens is, of course, your brain needs a lot of sole just now a lot of people have died on the front line to come to offensive. it's not going as planned, but what happens is a lot of my don't want to fly. so they bribing these officials. they pay in, according to this investigate up to $3000.00 to a guy, the ticket, the white tickets sold to say, which is sort of a medical certificate, showing that they're unfit to fight. we also spoke to one of the people who don't want to go to the front line and he said, it's not only about bribery, but there's also a lot of other things wrong with these recruitment officials they're using for us.
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but using all kinds of verbal abuse. so there's a whole system. and polanski is not only battling this on the front line against russia, but also internally battling this corruption a nationwide. and they told me in the poland says it is sending 10000 troops to its board with fellers tensions between, russo and men, switches, rushes that lie have been rising. recently. poland says to battle russian helicopters briefly, incidents in space last week. the government is also concerned to balance the border area since hundreds of wagner missing res arrived and galleries as part of a deal that ended in use in a, in russia, in june. low. some of the binge of aid has moved from the poland to bellows border . it just comes through this forest and standing in this field because this is as close as legally we can get to the pulling better loose board or a board defense about a 187 kilometers long and divide the 2 countries, the 5 meter tall fence has been marked with by byers on the top to prevent it,
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people from illegally crossing it, according to border guards. here 19000 people have attempted to cross this border and not is one of the reasons why they oft for a supplement of the, for a police troops. and now we're hearing from the police defense witness of the $10000.00 of them. in the next few weeks and months will be sent to make sure that there is no uh, people coming in from the border and it's border is managed properly. although there are already motion sensors and cameras installed. it is worth noting that this is the election season as well, and the incumbent government wants to show its party and its support is that it is going to be taking steps to secure the border to prevent legally migration in the context of the political campaign in poland, where elections are scheduled for the 15th of october this year. and the core electra group in poland that supports p i. s. actually lives in that region. this
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is the most sensitive group to the subject of potential incursion in the 3rd that are folded into the security question. so p i s, party the incumbents. government party is stepping up their effort over the top. you would say even to demonstrate that they care for this segment of the population and they delivered the order of 2002 and the next few weeks are going to be station between full and, and, and then the roof. and this number is going to go up to 10000. they'd be by the rhetoric from both sides. but analysts are seeing that they do not expect things to get further tense than they are on the actual border itself. but this being an election season, everybody's expecting a more intensified board of words between these 2 neighbors whose installations have been selling since the ukranian war started some of the jobs out of here on the poland, but it was bored. well, still
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a head on al jazeera person removes asylum. seek is from the controversial processing sensor of to bacteria is found in the water system. and so the struggles to cope with the surgeon migraines, making the dangerous to an a, to the island to flat producer. the imprisoned without trying to, i'll just say, richard, unless remain behind bars in egypt. ha. who didn't seem detained since february 2020 the drop yet a chief detained since august 2021. i'll just say, recalls for the immediate release of its gentlest, detained in egypt. journalism is not a crime. since its inception,
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in 1961, the quaint fund has been supporting people's livelihoods, and over 100 countries, by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development. frank assessments for piece of collect just started unequivocally with the teenagers who were shopped, the policies of the writers who started on the critic keys with the police so that they have some micro court between a real kind of hot place. inside story on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching you, i'll just say a reminder of our top story is the salad. hundreds of supposes that the crew leaders anesha had gathered outside of french military vice lived capital, the angry because the west african block eco was placed a regional force on the stand by your friends president followed them is zalinski, his sect. officials responsible for military recruitment. he dismissed regional offices accusing them of accepting bribes. he says, 112 criminal cases, happy nonsense qualifies on the hawaiian islands of smell. we have killed 55 people . and officials, 5th, the disc told, could rise full 30 sites, the largest natural disaster in hawaii is history. the special council has been pointed to investigate the business dealings of the son of us president joe biden. us attorney general merit guidelines on friday and noticed the appointments of type
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advice and the ongoing investigation of hunter bonds and with the decision which gives vice and grace. a palace was made out to plead deal talks between the justice department and the president's son fell upon us. let's go to the heidi joe castro in washington, dc for more than 10. can you 1st of all, give us a bit more detail about this case against hans abided? i'm sure tom, this is a case where 100 by and has been under investigation now for 5 years assessed on suspicions from republicans that he has business dealings in ukraine and in china that somehow benefited his father, which fight and senior adamantly denies. well, all of that was supposed to wrap up in this plan deal that you just mentioned a couple of weeks ago, a 100 by them was supposed to plead guilty to minor tax crimes. and in exchange for wrapping up this investigation, well, it all fell apart spectacularly. when the 2 sides in federal court could not agree
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whether this please deal would also give hunter abiding immunity over future possible charges. so they were supposed to be negotiations to see whether they could salvage this deal, when suddenly today, surprise announcement came that being that dave of weiss, who was the lead prosecutor who has been investigating hunter vide, and all this time requested to be made a special counsel what does that mean? he has now more independent power to continue this investigation. he has jurisdiction now all throughout the united states rather than just delaware, where he is located. i and the special counsel status was just granted to him by the us attorney general, which means of this investigation into a 100 by them seems to be far from over. and this is of course, washington dc. so no doubt it is going to be politicized. if it hasn't already, what if any impact is this going to have on the presidential election next year? instruct biden's, run for re election to write this certainly as another complication,
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because republicans have long used tundra biden as sort of the kelly's hill in attacking his father. and of course none other than donald trump has been using hunters named for that purpose as one of his, his campaign rallies and almost all of his campaign speeches. the appointment of david weiss as a special council would seem to offer credibility to republicans concerns that there still more to dig up here against the president's son. but at the same time, it also makes it so that the special counsel does have more power to carry out this investigation independently. and let me just add one more complicating factor here . and that is that republicans in congress wants us, are talking about possibly starting and impeachment inquiry into by the, over these allegations concerning his son. they had been talks with david wise to uh, to,
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to testify before congress. but now that he's been appointed special council, it may be more difficult for him to speak to congress so that this might actually impede a potential impeachment inquiry and divided many complications here. but what is almost as short, and we've already seen reactions from republicans, is that they are saying this special counsel appointment both as an elevation of their claims against biden. and also something to complain about saying that this is actually going to make it more difficult to hold by then accountable. okay. plenty going on there. that how did you like history for us in washington dc. thank you. will tell you and prosecute as have heard harrowing accounts from full migrants who survived the shipwreck and admitted to rodney. and they said all from tennessee of last week, 41 people on board, the board with them a 5th did hold on about how many reports from the attending islands if lumped into . so it's a busy morning at the port now with better weather conditions. hundreds is not
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sizes of migrants are trying then look at 1st they may need to bring in mothers hoping to give a better life to their children. young man wanting to build the future. this group of friends started the journey in synagogue jekyll. and me now says the island go to the just a few days ago, he witnessed the boat landing on the beach funnel b and i, that'd be a good. i don't know how they do it so many die. it's terrible. a few years ago we caught a body in our net, and often we find phones yesterday a boat arrived on the beach. there was a mother with her child among them, but we gave them some food and water. i feel so sorry. it's ugly to witness. most of the bows get rescued or arrive unaided to sure, but they're also many the cap size migrants do take your gamble when they set off in these overcrowded rickety both. i'm fit to say such
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a long journey. and often they found themselves in distress in the middle of the sea, with no land and sight vessels. leaving tunisia are made of iron, hastily sold it together. the engines too small to power them. and by large, the only safety device the migrants can rely on. in their troops, do you many to risk a group see, watch carries out surveillance, flights in the central media to ring in the intersections in, in this area where we are getting more and more in, in the last 2 years, i would say that people who are now taking this route, which is even more dangerous, if it, if you look into a, just the distance and, and the size of the mediterranean sea here, this is also resides by european policies and, and the, the, the, the tenants and the who opinion wants to put up people of this is the moment they ask immersion vessel to rescue for people,
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including 3 miners who are drifting in an open stop vessel with no engine. they survived for 4 days. they said they were involved in a shipwreck. 41 others remain on accounted for. perhaps the bodies would wash off on the coast of lumpy dues, like those who are laid to rest here, nestled among the residents. but the cemetery is at full capacity. and the latest victims of these desperate journeys still await a place to finally rest for that. how many jersey are lumpy? do the person is removing thousands of asylum seekers from the controversial processing center of to bacteria was discovered in the water system, immigration officials. i samples showed that legionella bacteria, which can cause a severe long disease, the botches mode in southern england and only opened on monday. the government
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plans to house $500.00 people the and what it calls the cost saving measure. the pool races outside the u. k. government's home office in london is highly embarrassing for the u. k. government, but we're still for the 39 asylum seekers who's been moved out of that previous a combination moved onto this page 4 days ago and now been moved office again due to the finding of legionella bacteria and the water supply. that kind of leads to the lung, disease, legionnaires disease. now the home office say that that being moved off as a precaution, that no one has presented with symptoms as yet, but it's more evidence for campaign is who was saying that his biology is totally unsuitable accommodation. and in fact, the fiber guide union said already that the college was a potential desktop and have now said today that it's only a matter of time before someone comes to home. now the home office say that the saw and say, cuz on big move to other combination, we don't know. well that is yet, but another question remains books. these tests were apparently carried out on july
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the 25th. the result was known until august, the 7th. that's the date the asylum seekers moved on. so the question is why they would move done without the results being fully digested. and indeed, how long the government have known about this before moving them to safety. full res, i'll just say era london, us who bosnia and herzegovina state prosecutor has filed an indictments against the leader of the country, semi autonomous. so a bridge and it's the president smith around the refusal to implement decisions by the you appointed hi representative. there's government also says it will refuse to follow the constitutional court rulings the next alleged violations of both needed and has the convenience. 1995 peace plan is rise tensions and the ethnically defined as country in syria. at least 23 soldiers have been killed and another 10 wounded in an attack on the military convoy damascus, blamed on i. so the attack happens near the town of i'll may of the control of that
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region. the split between syrian troops and kurdish fighters, me and my floods have killed 5 people, enforce the evacuation of more than 40000 residents. so if all 5 regions have been impacted, the floods would triggered by he'd be more concerned. brian's which happens around the same time each year. that's on to so you can stream with or events have made the situation with 5 you in stop who were kidnapped and held hostage in gym and for 18 months have been released. l kind of the times the group and the epi on provence, be you in says the 5 was safety and security officers. among them was a banquet issue citizen who has returned home and with the prime minister. the you in has things to the government of human and others for negotiating the release as a potential environmental disaster has been diverted off the coast of human. the you in says it has successfully removed more than a 1000000 barrels of oil from
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a rusting super tank at the vessel has been stranded off humans rid sea coast since 2015. the operation has avoided a potential disaster that would have cost $20000000000.00 to clean up. well, that's it. to me tell me cry. so now you can find out more information on the website own to 0, adult calm. were the result? nixon inside story will examine the issue of it, quit. it was unprecedented. rise and gain violence. the the a hello. there is still a story of excessive heat across the middle east. an event we're going to see temperatures pick up as we go into the new week. places like baghdad seen temperatures pick up into the high 14, so be edging up even higher as we go into sunday. not just here,
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but also across the eventful places like israel and the occupied palestinian territory. if we have a look at the 3 day for jerusalem, so i do 9 degrees celsius that on sunday, 10 degrees above the average, it is slightly clued up. it's still very hot on monday and it's very quiet story across the region across the gulf will see temp just pick up though, how coming in at 47 degrees celsius that on sunday. so what's the weather to be found as well for the south west of saudi arabia. we have got warnings out here of possible flash flooding from the heavy rain floating on the mountains. it wasn't most of africa, things all set to cool down for the north, west for morocco, as well as the canary islands. go read warnings that on saturday for the south of this, some very heavy rain effecting southern parts of molly. the storms rumbling across the central parts of africa, but much quieted down in the south, cooler for cape town,
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but lots of heat coming into books one by sunday. the legacy of southern africa's colonial history from a, a blend of traditional music with western instrument, the super to now it goes in apartheid to disused mines where a new illegal gold rush has taken hold as organized, crime, guns, battle for control of this lucrative industry feuds that started in some too often and then bloodshed, the accordion morris on a jersey to is equitable or so coming to gun violence and organized crime. the assassination of a presidential candidates his shots, the lesson in our country, the government planes, the drug cartels for the increase in violence, but what's being done to stop it. this is inside story, the


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