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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter why you called out his ear will bring you the news and current affairs. the i'll put in the head of a group as nigerian scholars tells us there was a coolie, the in the shit as a group to direct talks with visual block at co us the okay, it's on some, this is out to say lots and so, so coming up desk told in hawaii as was five's cons to 93 and is expected to rise
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funded still missing pose closing option seen as a primary elections? i suppose is the side the preferred candidates type is generally the shot of economic tumble. permanent. sean comes under attack and around the central city. i'm sure that's the beginning with the reports that the news that minutes related, james says it will prosecute presence of mohammad. but assume that the high treason that's according to a statement released by the ministry council at the head of a group of nigerian scholars has told else, is there a coolie the image has agreed to direct talks with visual of look at co us super religious leaders from nigeria, i met them extra units in the capital in the army. it just that again as cool for donald in the process. the visits is positive efforts to ease tensions off the
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military to power by calling somebody say down spoke to the other. he might not allow the leader of the delegation who's returned. he said those talks could happen in the coming days of and we want to create an evan web. i delete the soft uh, you know, doing to cool in need to have a dialogue. what does it cost lead us to understand each other? so that piece will continue to read. you know, i think you mentioned that he has accepted. i you, are you saying that the monkey on a, the leader of the cute, has accepted to have direct talks with that cause yes, he has to have for you. that is no discussions with the lead of off, like, you know, of course. so we want them to select a place where to meet the intent to meet the needs or in the data, or what is this thing is better for them. then we want
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a lost in solution where peas will continue to then, you know, they didn't, but that was why we were there. when do you expect these talks to take place between comanche on a and that costs need is yes. how soon are to lead me to with the the idea? you know, 5, we met him on the we want that intervention to take the list. we're wanting to grant as audience. i think that it's all done for us. and he said he agreed you can go ahead put into that. so we put him in his effort and. 3 as soon actually we, we, we are back now we're back in, i will. yeah. maybe tomorrow we started the whole new to. so i don't want to play empty what we discuss. what do i need to offer? i need that on to we have or the president know when i did a letter, it shall. i know that it takes time to discuss that. it just joins us
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lies. not from a cut scene in northern nigeria on the phone. no, i mean, what more do we know about this situation regarding a statement released by the ministry counsel? i want the statement. if an indication that the ministry isn't about to like preston mohammed buzz will go, you know, the international community, especially echoes and the african union. the 1st denied was he believed and along with members of his properties and other cabinet members would be interested in the days of the cool. so the statement put out in the evening, late evening on sunday, by the military shows that the one to put him on trial. and with the charge is a kind of a, i'm a, do i put the money put out on television. this could be a serious charges that could, of course, result in very, very serious repercussions. whole bunch of and mom and bustle. and i said,
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how much this play into the read the 10th situation regarding the regional block at co, us and any possibility glitch intervention. it's literally going to increase the tension between the, the government in new jersey, administrative government in new jersey and the international community, especially they cannot be community of west african state. some knowledge could see this as possibly as an attempt by the ministry to pod, the strength of their hands and future negotiations. but again, i remember that been some rumors about the possibility of uh, taking serious steps against bothered by them earlier in the days of the cool. so for bad, it's hard to say exactly what they're playing at, but many people would read meaning into it, but they want the strength of the hand and possibly not let go buy them off easily . despite the international pressure to the fault for them to do that and this,
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this very much up in the n c. then when it looked like talks could be on the table . or yeah, exactly, the, the, the, the visit to recent visit by the counsel of the mouse that went to see the uh, g. i know general chad, this could be the 1st major break. so we know of days before last week, i think another delegation would stand by like, by for my check. yeah. kind of the central bank uh government bought the governor of nigeria. so should i me the service and that was uh, chevy and some members of his cabinet that was seen as a very big development because 3 machines and by eckworth and other international bodies to the ministry was turned back by the military and the check. so, but this particular one is a major indication, but the leadership in jerry may be willing to call that the previous mission body.
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so that should not be the solution we understand was after 4. what would the men to trade, the chair asking for shutting steps to be taken process before any dialogue. but this one, we're not sure where that goes, do you mind? so i repeat it, but from the, from indication from the interview was a lie. but i know it's almost sucking, but it's a major development, a bigger development with the previous one. so basically, i think it's unimportant development that cannot be known, couldn't be to push it difficult. but again, the recent development was separately for the screen to that to tend to go see ations because the international community, especially the equis, was still in the sense that mohammed by them what should be able to use to along with members of his family and members, of his government. okay, so now i did just thank you for that update. meanwhile,
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suspected boca around fights as of killed 13 people, including 3 soldiers in ne nigerian gunmen, the ones to suffer the taxing bona states on saturday. the 1st was that a military base with fighters engaged and a gun baffled with the army. under the village in a 10 farmers were rounded up somewhere, shot dead un says it speeding off its withdrawal. the peace keepers from the town of very northern money. that's because of an increase in fighting in the area and revenue. it's called the coordination of as to what movements has a choose molly and governance forces and russian wagner. this is a validating a safe spot in shaving models. genta told us peacekeepers to leave the country at least 93 people have now died in the west while far as the us and more than a century. more than 1000 people still missing on the island of bali in hawaii. the
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5th, the death toll could rise significantly. teams are using cover and rescue dogs as they assess the damage in the high in the town. the teams have been on the scene since wednesday and the more a flying into the islands from places like los angeles and washington states, adults are trying to split through level for human remains. what people are searching for families in emergency shelters. thousands of last the homes and live it's the historic town of behind is over destroyed, present, say they're struggling with their loss. so there are never i think in my, in my life what i have imagined that we would have something like this catastrophe of an equal assessor. well, here's a snap,
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sort of just how much damage the while 5 on least uses some images showing areas before the place and oft with my ways once scenic waterfront in ruins, the surrounding sea water is polluted with. every houses have been reduced to rubble and does co, james is the natural spokesman for the american red cross. he says the organization is providing shelters and emotional support for those affected by defiance. you know, we've been sheltering the folks affected by this fire since the fires began. now the red cross volunteers on malley immediately spring into action and open the 1st shelter. we've opened several more sense than and in red cross shelters that open to anybody and everybody who needs a safe space. and we make sure folks know that if they want to come in, if they need a place to stay, they're welcome. if they just want to come in during the day and maybe get a meal on charge, their cell phone have a place to rest out, eat, and we seen thousands of people come through the shelters and,
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and had over 3300 guys. overnighted stay. so we know that a lot of people are taking advantage of that and, and we want to make sure that everybody knows shelters and there. and if anyone needs us was there to make sure they've got the safe place. they've got a hot meal. we're there to provide information, but most importantly, i think promotional support for it could go on for a long while. you know, a lot of people are looking for alternatives, or really stayed with family or friends, or they evacuated to another one of the islands. maybe they checked into a hotel, you know, they already had a place where they could go, they may have had it there for those. the didn't the lead shelter, we're there for them and we will continue to shelter as long as it's needed. we will work with both our, our partners, our governmental partners, are nonprofit partners, and most importantly with the families themselves to help them find, you know, what the next step from the shelter, the oppose of clothes and argentina is primary elections as inflation. so it's
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around 100 percent leaving for and 10 people living in poverty or voters now waiting for results. i'll say cost audits to the side, the preferred presidential candidates felt type is general election. so an inflation rising poverty and crime. i mean, the main issues that dominates the elections authorized by joins as live not from but as i was curious of what some of these like where you are. you know, well this is a primary election but it seems like confronted and show one. there's lots of tension, lots of caution. lots of anxiety about what these primaries are going to show. i mean, people here tell us that the results are going to be a snapshot of people's feelings across the country. and the country that is struggling with over a 120 percent inflation rate in the past year with around a 7 percent inflation rate each months with over 14 different types of exchange
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rate for people who are trying to do business. among so many of the things i'm here at the headquarters of the opposition party, which is known as whom before and can be or to gather for change. there's 2 presidential candidates for fighting to become the candidate to know overs presidential elections in argentina. but let me tell you what we're here in here from a high source within the party. there's lots of concerns about what the results could show when, what apparently those results are showing. and this of course, i'm know that there's no official results to us yet, but we're being told this by high sources. we've been this party is that the far right? can you hear me late is getting lots of both much more than initially expected that those holes are coming from argentina. forest areas from the floods with people. those were struggling with high inflation with already with this in chance meant in
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general, with a politic kind of lost in argentina with a country that's been struggling for years with a constant take on, on the prices, whether it's flying with what many cities and i'm payable debt with the international monetary fund with around 40000000000 debt, but again, we're waiting for the official results are expected in the next hour, at least the initial ones, because the government defends the counting process is going to be very slow. this results are coming from different parts of argentina, a lot, what we are hearing here from very high source. those of this correlation that together for change coalition is the far right time to come. here to me is getting lots of boats much more than additionally thoughts on to raise at one of the candidates been saying in terms of the economy, what kind of promises have they been making when in a country like cartoons, you know, there's been lots of promising pricing information, putting
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a man to what many say on winning this, this up different types of exchange rates that exist in the con, supporting and then to poverty around 60 percent of the children in argentina are poor. but what have you had? i mean, the, the far right time grade has been promising is something that is why they come in our country like cartoons, united dollar rising, the economy is shutting down the central back. and of course, what we're hearing right now is confirmed. it shows how tired people are on the economic situation in the country. the candidates from the coalition where i am right now that together for change coordination of the point in time bill i know to as of right kind of course are promising change the promising and a way to, to solve many of the troubles that are affecting argentinians today, but the far rights can be they have, you had any leg, he's been promising radical changes in our country. like cartoon to this, we saw the par,
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confirm this is something that has not been seen in this country in decades. this is something that could generate an enormous surprise among the population. and of course, there's a lot of tension about what could happen in a county that garden see not with the economy, lots of expectations about and what impact this results will have a big change rate on monday, for example. so when you update it on the next thursday, solve will be following those results from here i've been very expected in the next in the next hour. the raise of i live for us and one is our is the thank you to most of the come on else, is there a report from the gun that but cannot fuss so bored with this concern that military intervention could lead to think of the amount of terror in crisis. so how the the julian deserts festival, the dates back thousands of years. urgency room goes behind the scenes that could
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be an annual cultural context. honored by unesco, where men move to the beach of women and to arrival, to our communities back to the tell to using song and dance to be the a to our it's best to both ineligible era. across the us, millions of americans rely on conservative talk radio shows for the use of the detainment. these are all issues for real people. the listening post tunes in us is talk radio divided in america. there is no room and that's not how democracy works is really just acknowledging differences that, that are already there. if anything, conservative talk radio created the republican party out one of the 2 parts, especially on the jersey to international. so make, has, and world class john ring programs to see the world
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from a different perspective on out. is there the the fair amount of main stores that are quotes from in the shadow of the ministry regime. so he will prosecute. since we're having to assume a high treason that's according to a states released by the ministry council. recovery teams in hawaii scouring the ton of the hind as they look for bodies of victims. at least 93 people have now died west while fox us more than a century. that has been an attack on
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a prominent she has tried in iran. you haven't and she rise in the south of the country. but this one person has been killed and 7 injured state made a side of the attack was carried out by 2 people. one is interested while the other escaped. those that jabari has more from the radiant capital of the ringing president. abraham bracy has been making some calls, reaching out to the interior, administer as well as the governor of farce province at urging them to quickly investigate this incidents and also a put together a report about exactly how this could have happened. and what transpired, ad shaw cheryl shrine in the city of charlotte is now the attack happens around 7 p. m. local time. and according to reports, to gunman storm the grounds of this shrine and open fire. now, one of the gum was apprehended and he is being questioned and to use and believe to be a for national, at the officials having disclosed where he has come from
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a there's a number of victims that are being treated in hospital one according to the governor of course, covering the area around sha shut off has been secured, and they continue to search for the 2nd government. now this is the 2nd time this trial has come under attack in less than a year. last october, 3 gunman, storm the grounds of this facility. and open fire on visitors. they are killing 13 people and injuring at least 30 people. at that time, the 3 gunmen were apprehended. one of them was killed on sides by officials. and the other 3 were later on arrested as part of a, a group who coordinated the attack and the to a sale, and so were arrested at shot your off were tried and sentenced to death. their execution was carried out in public and cheryl's in july. the other 3 who took part in planning the attack or serving present terms in or on anywhere between 5 to 25 years. i still claim responsibility for data attack last year,
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but there has been no claim of responsibility yet for this attack, which took place at shot your off. on sunday. officials are urging, as the authorities to carry out investigation as quickly as possible. so they can look into a, preventing these kinds of attacks from happening again a door such a bar it out to 0 to her on thousands of people living that one of the front lines and ukraine of in order to leave the head of a russian advance all ukraine has reported some progress in the south is forces of come under intense attacks and the northeastern city of cookie ends. that boston reports from the crew, the district to use just the eyes full of fear and fatigue. their belongings hurriedly packed in the back. taking the precious companions on an unknown journey, people from nearly 40 villages near the front line in the north east of ukraine,
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had been florida to leave for safe for areas. associates of nicholas, there is no one in the neighborhood. everyone has already left was the last one. there is a strong in common fire, a man and a woman that the day before yesterday. the messiah fell directly in their yard. the rush of a 7 kilometer, sorry, you ukrainian also, if you say more than 100000 russian soldiers and 900 tanks are increasingly attacking, trying to re take copious and it surrounding areas. ukraine. we capture the city from russian forces last september from which fits and it was pretty small. it's we dangerous. so because the other side has accumulated a lot of the nation to attack a lot of artillery in a few months. that's why people leave a note here, but it's full interior. so going from village to village. persuading people to leave. not much convincing is needed. this village about 30 kilometers from the
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front line is mostly empty. escaping nearly daily selling and a possible set contraction, occupation, people leave behind everything. once again, the joy when you create in forces recapture this area has no been replaced by fear to you more. yeah. while the trauma of the russian occupation is still being filed, some residents are confidence, ukrainian forces can hold off the russians this fine. yes, yes, sweetheart. you fella, exactly way will like, oh, i contest, leave my home. yes, my children grew up here and i have an old father and i can drag him with him and we sing and support how brothers from the armed forces as much as we can. others couldn't take the stress of call since shelling any longer. at a shelter in south keith, ludmilla hopes to find some relief. she has disabilities to muse good works. if you do it is getting stronger and stronger every day. and there are no breaks at all. the 2nd youtube constant incoming fire con somebody to, for
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a small plant. the withdrew with the martin. there is no time to bring to present interested, you know, to, but we didn't sleep at all and do it one year. but my patience has run out. i cannot take it anymore who picked up from the comfort of their homes, their lives now uprooted, once more, hoping to find some sense of safety and leaving the darkest moments behind them. for now. that's fine. so l to sierra in coupons districts, eastern ukraine says mounting concerning the west african states that submitted to intervention against a community designed to share with west nun already difficult to mount a tearing and security situation. and this, the help was the reason that struggles against the on the who started isolated, i'll tell you to, with thousands, killed and millions forced to free the homes for all stratford reports comes to be that that'd be gone. it became a fast so border these women and children are
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a tiny fraction of the more than 5000000 people. the un says a flight attacks. but all groups across the hill region of west africa. maybe some views they show through in these refugee receptions can near the border between government and looking at sponsor to look me see you escaped from the village and became a fencer with a 7 children. she describes that day in my laptop to know we were on the farm when the shooting starts us about we tried to run to the village, but the shooting was too intense. as we ran we so many people. we were very afraid . look, my says the children haven't seen the dad since the day they fled a lamb cut me a ballot. we will with my husband when they started shooting. but we lost him as we ran. i don't know where he is now. we hope he's still alive. so we can come here to the, come the gun and rip your g agency plans to build account for 6000 more refugees
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close by. but there is growing concerns. fine may be running out of to the west african regional block echo us questions. new jersey to lead is with military intervention as a last resort, if they don't free the detained president and returned to civilian rule neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly, have said that any military intervention initiated by echo us, would be a declaration of war on those countries too. so there are increasing phase that in a situation like that. all i'm groups like i so i know try it. i could take advantage of the situation which could potentially mean files and small refugees flooding into countries like going to and others. right. the way across the ssl region don't and look forward to say they all preparing for the worst. they were working this reason working to see what's going to happen. we, we,
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we hope god doesn't get where. so i was buying a style. some people predict but we are, we're on the lookouts and we're talking to all the necessary dentistry people in ministry agencies. the old groups of cubes, thousands of people across the civil region in recent years, echoing says, the security situation to be king of paso. and molly deteriorated in the 1st 6 months of this year. and that was before to going to a neighboring countries already struggling to cope a brace to potentially thousands more people fleeing across borders for their lives . jo, stafford, elders, 0, need a gun at the teen offensive. border temperatures in morocco have for the 1st time on reco hit 50.4 degrees celsius. north african countries experiencing a soon as a scorching heat waves. the hot weather has caused wild fires in northern america
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by the full costs predicts a slight drop in temperatures in the coming days across the northern parts of north africa. or we can find more information using features on our website. i'll just say what the cold weather is next, the inside story we look at the latest code with 19 veterans that spreading across many countries announced the and we're off and running with your weather report across asia for monday. great to have the along. so read off the bat, we've got to talk about this batch of rain in northern india over with her a con state, the highest level alert has been issued for rainfall here. so that gives you an idea of just how in pennsylvania is. now. if we peel out give you a wider look at india and say, okay, not a whole lot going on,
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a few showers fall in here and there, but most of the energy is up around northern india, in with, or a con states. so our usual showers in storms through endo, china, is the same, goes for the philippines as well. but up and down the philippines, there are no flight advisors to speak of. so the rain is falling at not as intense as it has over the last few days. basically south of the yangtze river valley, that's where most of the action is going on here. and then we've got an incoming type food for japan, not too far away from tokyo. actually, this will probably drop about to 300 and maybe even 400 millimeters of rain. it's also going to throw some rain into tokyo that's on mondays. so this red line shows us where the storm will head over the next little bit. okay, well in this weather report and focused on things are quite, are here a bit of what weather though in the north and with this breeze of the arabian sea. $32.00 in karachi is feeling closer to 40 hudson monday c. like the,
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when the news breaks, the story of this village is the same as many of us spread across the eastern front line. no electricity, no running water when people need to be heard. and the story needs to be told this children are unable to go outside. inside is extreme. you hook with exclusive interviews, an in depth reports, lowest people expect to be worked out all together by now i would just say around has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning document trees and like nice to like just kind of 19 barriers is spreading fast across many countries, world health organization, he says it poses serious trust with a pun. demick still freshman on mines is that cause the worries and will this virus have a go away? this is inside the
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