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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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must be heard. how many other channels can you say? we'll take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man, has regions and so many others. we go to them, he makes the effort. we care straight. the of the hello i'm serial then yay, it's great to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program today. news, here's cool. leaders say they have enough evidence to prosecute deposed presidents mohammed wazoo for high treason. gun is dealing with a humanitarian crisis, as it sees an influx of refugees displaced from the region. the community rallies
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to take care of its own in the wake of wildfires that have so far killed 96 people in hawaii. and argentine as for right, takes the lead in the presidential primary. soaring inflation and crime has been the top issue and support. chelsea look start to break the which is transfer record again. the stars, the economic filled up moist card side are, they've agreed a fee with this covert club barton reported $145000000.00 is just tough, 10 gmc and we're going to start with the full out from last month's cool in the share, the military now says it has enough evidence to prosecute detained. president mohammed bassoon for high treason, bears whom was deposed, interested after the military to power by force. the judge, a statement which was broadcast on national television,
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detailed multiple charges against presume, and never mind. you get it. i really us, as you lose the government of needs, you have to date, gather the necessary evidence to prosecute before the confident national and international authorities to the ousted president and his local and for an accomplice as a high treason and undermining the internal and external security of nisha following his exchanges with the national is a 4 and a heads of state and heads of international organizations. well, also here is ahmed addressed joins us and you've been reporting on the situation since the coo and these year. you're now in could seen a northern nigeria that's near the new 0 border. i know you have a guest with you and we'll be interested to hear his perspective on this, the potential for prosecution of the post president because the jump in this year. definitely not backing down at this stage. exactly. despite the signs, initial signs that things may walk out in terms of finding
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a diplomatic solution. following the visit, the body, nigerian muslims corners on saturday and sunday. now, bustle is being charged for talking to forwarding presidents and forwarding nationals that the military in me just says, and then just the security and then just the country as well as it's relationships within and outside the country. now if you remember in the early days, the 1st part, so to speak with by them and that with the call cent of the ministry or thought of just image here was the president of todd. how much interest debbie was sent in by the coming community of west african states to find a diplomatic solution out of the crisis. now we also understand that the secretary general of the united nations, i'm doing here gutierrez, and the secretary of state for the united states. until the blinking and of course the president, the phone is also spoke with mr. buzzle, and a lot of people think that those close was sanctioned by the military. so i,
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because right now the biggest problem is the prosecution. what are they looking at? and what would be, why the implications of these cases? i guess mohammed by them now to discuss farther on base is dr. but sure. mohammed but sure. uh. anyway, good. yeah. of the cartoonist cuts in the state politically. what are the implications of this latest development phone is you have itself and the white a region. you see, if you look at the continental fluffy go, you're going to stop reading, picking up on the west african countries under specifically new jersey. currently you have the issues of, uh, professional fox averly. secondly, that a visual of poverty at the property able to live in almost almost countries with this is this kind of the situation name is you, i mean, the prosecution of bedroom, subtly what is fucked as people i would really like me fucked it tense. the intention then project know you can add the track you comes from lucky is uh the products separately, chances are they are supported from the i just want drive somebody from the general
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idea of what the populace suddenly mid rise against the drive. so chances are there for a simple what do you happen to that country, which is my, for you with the kind of situation now that there is a gleam of hope that this crisis can be resolved following the visit by the didn't muslims corners. do you think it complicates the process? now, what between the ministry june, tight image and of course for me i have been speaking one. this is actually begin to is between the realistic on cd or the diploma tops that have that will be the issue of charging by going to court for treason. so you think it's going to complicate the whole thing saturday to do because you have tough going on now and which is not printing perfect. you meet the, the, the, the experts. but what, what, what is what, what is the idea behind this boost charges? we, we know the schools have been going on. my crone, us, us a country general us secretary of states the old we broke into by zoom. and even the president of todd was the and the military that grunted him old years. why are
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these becoming a problem? not for me, this is something normal with our fiction, like this says i that for the top of what it meant to be able to talk to some other presidents outside of the country to see how the car was only fitness equipment and ideally detached, will help also waited, this is the outcome of this discussions, but for them not to come over this issue such any some that will be needed. the actual discussions that are going on. but as i said, i do think that this, this, this latest development do think the military and is your, is, have something up there, sleep. i mean, they have other ideas for doing this before they do for me. i believe i tried to see if there's more, but there was silence bathroom because once he's convicted of treatment, it's me too expensive. and let's look at life in prison. which means, you know, then that'd be relevant. you know, that would be not to be found in the country. so suddenly they tend to either individual, completely or sadness. i'm going to be in the country. i'm back to me. it would be something that the sees on supple test is on follow us in the countries naturally take like you the sure one good yet. thank you for your time. and there is also
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this feeling that the military june time in new jersey is trying to strengthen the times in case of any future negotiations with international, by just like they could not be coming to your west african state, the african union. which by the way, it's trying to meet us. it's that line tunisia military need as is fast approaching . now basically this is happening at the time when we are witnessing more tags, incitement year and mileage. so for example, india on sunday, that was an attack on a military base 7 military person. why killed this is a full attack image here. says that cool. and one of the reasons that the military need is that game was that they are, they have to protect lots and pro life and property. i'm dealing with this against the coach in that country. we also heard about an attack in my lead on the site and broke out between tour to get out of a fight just as well, i guess a governess. and then it became more complicated, but the united is just, it's speeding up. it's withdrawn from that area,
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so it's becoming more and more complicated. and besides, i could see i looked up the tablet periods. i had 0 address reporting from capt siena and northern nigeria. thank you very much to you and to your guess, we're going to continue that conversation with our next guest 1st. so a very brief recent history of military coups in the region. there have been several of them in west africa in recent years, and they've created political instability. last september, burkina faso is military leader, abraham troyer, troyer 8 removed his predecessor, accusing him of not doing enough to tackle arm groups. it was the nation 2nd cool. in a year, members of molly's army, led by vice president a see me going to carried out a crew in april 2021. that was the 3rd military take over there in a decade and in duty. the armed forces led by my money doing boy, carried out the crew that removed press and also con, day from office. that was in september 2020. we had joined now by alexis. i course
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year i met you were the managing editor of semen for africa. you are joining us from london. so following up on what we just heard that conversation in northern nigeria and also that timeline that we laid out. this begs the question, do cool readers ever hand back power? it's a real rarity. i've been thinking about this on the wall press them in the box springs to mind for me. those, but much further if you come back to 2015, indicated by so there was an instance when clearly decided by power. so very specific set of circumstances. in that case there was an interim government and uh, the presidential card details are very similar to this and they contain them and they took power. but not last of about a week. it's failed because of 2 key issues. there was a popular and another most towards the who's behind the crew to the petroff pricing . and then there's one is that there was a schism within the army. so ultimately that never took hold of
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a sudden what could do good. and so what happened was those behind the cube eventually sit down because they became encircled by the rest of the army. you told them you code to have to back down. so typically, no, we don't see what's happening on that situation because the bus, so was really that was considered right. and that was something you don't see happen often. and if i understand you right, those circumstances are not present in the share with this group. you know, i mean, this is a completely different situation. i mean, in that situation there was poking to feed my kids to come here. we've seen valleys where tens of thousands of people seem to be supporting. there's somebody, there is at least some support. we've seen that, and then there's one is that there's clearly anti french sentiment, which um the latest image that we pushed on the return label to the bottom. one is that we haven't seen the same signs of
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a student who's in the army because it's all like anything pertaining to my son. there was a split where she and what we've seen is the presidential call in the army, have been working together. so it's a very different situation. so i wonder, since equal wants, once mediation, and france, the us, every country that's involved in this, outside of malia and burkina, the countries where they have been cruise, everybody, every country that's involved in this, once mediation, to quote unquote resolve this. what is there to resolve then, since you've just explained that there are facts on the ground and these facts never change as well. so ultimately, both the likes of a class, the western nations that you mentioned a, the, a you, well they want is they want to see because you restored. now realistically, the president show cause um, after run johnny, i'm those behind the june to the junction term. what they do not want to see that happening. so they're talking across purposes because if someone or something that
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wants to say we want this to be resolved, they want that person to go back. that's not going to happen. as far as the june tech is concerned today, as the boss don't this so, and that's where the real discord comes here. because that there's no way that the jump to want that to happen. hardly because, i mean, this is a situation that came about because of a change. i mean, i understand it. johnny was about to be fact. so you know, this was not to stop preservation. he wanted to keep his position and wanted power . so he's acting on that, so it's not always best interest to keep costs what they want, which is to restore the democratically elected president. sure. and i suppose you would agree with our previous guessed that this, that this, this possible, this looming prosecution against those who is really the nail in the coffin for any hope of restoring resume. so what is less then to talk about it's
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i think there's still a lot to, to talk about me 1st of all, the great issues here is the stretch of the tree intervention. because ultimately, of course, is in a position where i find they pushed very hard for me to be restored. if he's not going to be restored, they have the credit balance on the line. so they need to find a way in which they can at least get what they call constitutional order for. that is still part of what they want to know if that can be constitution order without having the president. and then in which case, next question is, what does that look like? that would involve, for example, some form of transition, some form of transitional government so that you were still constitutional order. so then somebody to a well who dictates the terms of that? how does that happen? i don't period of time. so there were still lots to our account because ultimately i cost of was a situation in which big miniature intervention that's the last resort. so they
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know that that would be stabilize the region which has already been beset by instructions for several years and quickly. i'm sure the meant to jump to doesn't want to have to deal with some form in its reaction. so there's lots to result ultimately spot that democratic transition. right, that's really interesting. thanks for laying all of that out. so clearly alexi equis, you're a managing editor of semen for africa will speak to you again. thank you. lexie. thank you. and i, jerry and delegation, returning from the share says the qu, leaders are open to direct talks with equal was the group met the military rulers in the capital, in the army on sunday, to facilitate dialogue with the regional block, which is not ruled out as you just for military action or my colleagues send me say dan spoke to abdullah, he belongs to the leader of this delegation. he said the talks couldn't take place in the coming days. so we want to create an eval web. i delete the soft uh, you know, doing to cool in need to have
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a dialogue. what does it cost lead us to understand each other? so that piece will continue to read. you know, i mean, you mentioned that he has accepted. i you, are you saying the monkey are they the leader of the cute, has accepted to have direct talks with that cause yes, he has accepted to have for you that is no discussion with the lead of off like, you know, it of course. so we want them to select a place where to meet the intent to meet the needs or in the data, or what as the think it's better for them. then we want a last 10 solution where peace will continue to then, you know, they didn't, but that was why we were there. when do you expect these talks to take place between comanche on a and that costs need is yes. how soon are to lead me to with the, the idea?
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you know, 5, we met him on the, we want that interventions ridiculous. were wanting to grant as audience. once you get into the audience, what else? and he said he agreed you can go ahead to intervene. so we coordinate his effort and. 3 as soon actually we, we, we are back now we're back in, i will. yeah. maybe tomorrow starting a whole new to. so i don't want to play empty what we discussed. what do i need to offer? i need that on till we have all the data. and letter it shall, i know that it takes time to discuss as it is mounting concerned among west african states that a possible military intervention against qu, leaders in new jersey. or if it were to happen couldn't worse than that already. difficult humanitarian, a security situation. this a hell, a region that struggles against arm groups like iso and al qaeda. charles stratford reports from the be a near the gunner burkina faso border. these women and children, or
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a tiny fraction of the more than 5000000 people, the un says a flight attacks. but all groups across the hill region of west africa, emotion is they show through in this refugee receptions can near the border between gone and looking at the best of luck me say escaped from the village and became a fessor with a 7 children. she describes that day in my last up to know we were on the farm when the shooting starts us about we tried to run to the village, but the shooting was too intense. as we ran we so many people. we were very afraid . look, my says the children haven't seen their dad since the day they fled, allowed me about it. we will with my husband when they started shooting, but we lost him as we ran. i don't know where he is now. we hope he's still alive. so he can come here to the, come the gone and rip your g agency plans to build account for 6000 more refugees
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close by. but there is growing concerns. fine may be running out of to the west african regional blog. echo us strengthens new jersey to leaders with military intervention. as a last result, they don't turn to civilian rule neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly have said that any military intervention initiated by echo us, would be a declaration of war on those countries to. so they're increasing phase that in a situation like that, all i'm groups like i so i know try it. i could take advantage of the situation which could potentially mean files and small refugees flooding into countries like going to and others. right. the way across the cell region, the forward to say they all preparing for the worst that we're working, this reason working to see what's going to happen. we, we, we hope god, that doesn't get where someone has bought us. so some people predict. but we are,
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we're on the lookouts and we're talking to all the necessary dentistry people in ministry agencies and groups of kills thousands of people across the whole region in recent years. echoing says, the security situation of a keynote paso and molly deteriorated in the 1st 6 months of this year. and that was before to india. a neighboring countries already struggling to code a brace to potentially thousands more people fleeing across borders for their lives . charles trumpet elders 0. the gone at the keen, offensive border and there's plenty more head on this news, our fucking tough on crime. a presidential debate is held in ecuador of to one of the candidates was assassinated. nearly one year off of the area was recaptured by you crazy and for us these people have to leave their homes. once again. i'm stuck fast reinforcing from where the frontier ways from hopefully on arriving in sports,
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the waiting is nearly over. manchester united kick off their season later on monday we'll be hearing from your manager later this over the to the us now where the official death toll has reached 96 and the wildfires that had devastated parts of the island of molly in hawaii. there are warnings that it could rise further. residents concerned about the speed and the extent of federal aid and also taking matters into their own hands and their organizing health. she have a ton c, joined a convoy of medical practitioners in kind of probably gonna have sarah raise your hand, sarah, dr. sarah, your allow me a here has gather the group of doctors, nurses, and mental health counselors in a cobb park just outside the official exclusions there and it's been set up around behind there. this is going to be a mind. the plan is to drive
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a convoy through the military check points, guarding the area to help those you've not evacuated west maui, and to supplement the federal aid efforts. they're starting to realize that they don't have the resources, the capacity or their relationships in the community. so really effectively meet so as means and it's the people coming together, taking care of each other as we've always done here in hawaii. because we drives through the bones how the devastation of lying there. this area remains closed off as the search continues for human remains. what becomes clear is how will the court of the high end that has been destroyed, life goes on in close proximity all around it. even the water, electricity, and communications have been cut off for many of the medics humble ended up here in the central area where relief is being cold. and they said, for those in the area is why the calls we all don't want to meet the whole neighborhood. and obviously the way i understand it is
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a certain point. if they were to leave, they wouldn't it's something that we've heard from so many who flooded the area. the suspicion but rebuilding behind may not be as benign a process as the governor and other officials that will be we've been removed constantly over and over and over by the plantations. now, by the over development, by the tourist industry that we have this disaster. and there's all this open land, it's like people are seeing dollar signs. somebody said yesterday, lime is going to be the new way. uh, which is a, you know, a very sort of fancy money area on the south side. and i have to say it, i'll be over my dead body, my standing the ground here. i'm to prove mutual aid. the community is pumping a mocker in the ground. she ever time see out, is there a come a pony? mallory in a speech marking or me de sedans, chief is about
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a wavering support for the people today is army and paramilitary rapids support forces have now been fighting for 5 months. millions of people have been affected. the general of the fact that over hon reaffirmed the armies dedication to law, democracy and institutions book the know what type of v a show you and the who and what are the um forces will remain the same as it has been throughout. it's nearly 100 years old history. okay, we will remain a professional forest of science with a choice of the people, the district, the domain that i deal with, the state of law democracy i need to do. so now what i've done is going to have been morgan in cartoon for more on this, um, have a, i'm the front door behind talking about dialog elections in his speech. does that mean that there is a political process under way to end the conflict as well? there's been numerous initiatives and processes launched by various 5, whether they are national bodies and political parties here incident or by external
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law, active and regional bodies trying to end this conflict and relaunch a political process that would end the conflict. but the army is not a part of any of those political processes that are currently employed. him going including one that is under way right now. and i just above. but if you, if you and capital, which includes the forces of freedom and change coalition and other political parties that signed and agreements, diploma civilian governments in december last year. so yes, they are talks up by the military to handle the power to an elected government. until that to bring to power uh, or defendable power to a government that is representative of all the political parties and the groups here incident. but so far, the army is yet to officially engage in any kind of software initiative that's with and the conflict politically with the political parties here in the country. so here, but if we want to put this in the proper context as we talk about elections and dialogue,
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what's actually happening on the ground. a well sizing continues between the parent military rapids. the board for says and the sudanese army, we were able to hear heavy artillery being fired by the sudanese army in the early hours of monday morning from the city of undermine towards central parts of the city. there has been as tracts as well in the southern parts of the city targeting positions of the permanent, through rapid support forces. but so far there is no major achievement. on the grounds, nobody has the upper hand, despite the conflict right now, going into its 5th month. and there is no political, there is no talks going on between department, through rapid support forces. i'm the signees army to even reach some kind of temporaries these fires. now there were talks that were being mediated by the united states and saudi arabia and the part of the city of the army, withdrew from beth. but for the time being, pricing continues. people continue to be displaced here in, on demand and elsewhere. and so far, no side seems to be winning over the other. have been morgan the reporting from car
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to him. we appreciate your reporting. thank you very much. have a of the at least 3 people have been injured in a russian attack on the black sea port of a desk in ukraine. fire is broke out of the hyper markets and a dormitory from debris of miscellaneous and drones that ukraine said had shot down the desk that has come under regular attack since rush of pulled out of the black sea green deal. the rushes rouble is losing its value against major currencies hitting a $101.00 to the us dollar. central bank blames lower oil and gas revenues, but it says that there is no risk to the country stability. the ruble has seen a roller coaster ride since must go invaded ukraine. in the 1st 2 weeks of the war, the currency loss, nearly half of its value seeing highs of a $135.00 to the dollar. then the central bank introduced tight controls as foreign companies left the country in ports into russia. sale sharply is created
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a situation where firms were only selling foreign currency in the rouble strength and to $52.00 to a dollar that was last year. since then, with new sanctions targeting russian oil and gas revenues, the exchange rate has been weakening again, hitting above a 100 on monday. course we far as the chief executive officer of macro advisory, a strategic consultancy, which focuses on russia in eurasia. chris, you're joining us from london today. thanks for being with us, the, the co and slump of the rubel. what does that tell you? what does that teach us about the russian economy? it was the 1st thing to you, as you mentioned that to be borne in mind is that the currency is now entirely managed by the central bank, canyon corporations, the finance industry and other government agencies. so it's not a reflection of underlying economic strains are or the pressures emerging economy as, as wouldn't be the case if the, the currency was free floating. so you're right. this is a consequence of the sanctions affecting oil flows to, to europe,
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which started last december. and we can track the start of ruby weekdays, almost from that point to 1st week of december. essentially what the central bank is doing with the finance ministry is that they are weakening the currency. so to the revenue coming into the federal budget, in rouble terms, compensates for the drop in the dollar value of those exports. so, so we had to have had a 40 percent drop of the ruble since december. and that roughly matches to drop that we've seen in the 1st half of this year in dollar oil exports receipts. so of course, now the central bank are missing that the move is too much, that we're worried about inflation. we pressure see if i have to raise the interest rate. and of course the concern is that if the adult kind of gain control of this process very soon, then it could lead to other economic problems emerging in the next couple of months
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. but russia still forecasting economic growth of around 2 and a half percent for next year. how does that sound to you? because again, and we said this earlier, they've lost half their oil revenue. sure. um yeah, it, the headline growth should be around 2 percent this year. and 2 and a half next year, but again, it's not an accurate picture of the, of the economy as a whole. the growth is being driven by very strong state spending. so the military industrial complex for, for example, of course, as you can imagine, it is showing huge growth this year, and that feeds into the economy. the state sector, which is over 60 percent. and the 2 sorts of gdp is also growing and supported by state spending and that feeds the deadline numbers. but of course, outside of backs and then more private sector areas. like, for example, the manufacturing sector or those sectors that are, are getting the needs access to phone components like technology. there you are
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seeing continued construction. so it's very much of a disconnect as economy the state side is going strongly and delivering the headline numbers. the private sector is struggling badly and, and this is under straight west, some countries of place financial sanctions on russia. they've also tried to cap the price at which russia can sell its oil with limited success, but still some success. can russia sustain those pressures on its economy a well, if we look at the picture today, then the answer is yes, it can avoid any economic crisis. it can avoid a financial crisis. but as i said, it's kind of as kind of low stable level. you're not talking about any prospect for recovery or for growth or grow. i think it's really just the case of botanic stability. but the picture today, it has improved over the last few months because the price of oil is now about $84.00 and the price of which russia is now selling it's oh, it is $73.00 this because pairs with $60.00 price cap that was imposed last
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december, so for the 1st 6 months of this year has been a very expensive and painful adjustment process for us it was selling is boiler discounts is up to $35.00 to customers in places like india and in china. but now the recent evidence of the last couple of months, and probably because of opec, plus corp, effective saudi arabian, they'll just cut the production so much of in july. and again, notice that's help the price of the rise. it's help pressure, which is discounts. so now we're actually starting to see the monthly value of all it was rates recovering and rising. and if that is sustained for the next month or so, then the central bank should feed that into a stronger ruby in the next couple of months. when chris, we for ceo of macro advisory, thanks for your explanations today. good. a thousands of people living near the eastern front line and ukraine are being ordered to leave their homes, the head of
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a russian advance. while ukraine has reported some progress in the south, its forces have come under intense attacks near the northern northeastern city of columbia. and from worst of boston, sent this report to use just the edge of the, from the eyes, full of fear and foot deep their belongings, hurriedly packed in a back taking their precious companions on an unknown journey. people from nearly 40 villages near the front line in the north, east of ukraine, had been florida to lee for safer areas. associates of nicholas, there is no one in the neighborhood. everyone has already left. i was the last one . there is a strong in common choir, a man and a woman that the day before yesterday. the messiah fell directly in their yard. the rush of a 7 kilometer, sorry. did you ukrainian author or would you say more than 100000 russian soldiers and 900 tanks are increasingly attacking,
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trying to retake coupons and it surrounding areas. ukraine, recapture the city from russian forces last september from which it's an order that was pushed. now, it's we dangerous to because the other side has accumulated a lot of a munition to attack a lot of artillery in a few months. that's why people leave the novelty of it is full and tears are going from village to village persuading people to leave. not much convincing as needed. this village about 30 kilometers from the front line is mostly empty. escaping nearly daily shouting and a possible seconds rushing, occupation, people leave behind every thing. once again, the joy when ukrainian forces recaptured this area has no been replaced by fear to you more. yeah. while the trauma of the russian occupation is still being felt, some residents, confidence, ukrainian forces can hold off the russians this time. yes, yes, we caught, you fella, exactly way would like, oh, i contest, leave my home. yes,
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my children grew up here and i have an old father and i can drag him with him and we sing and support hell, brothers from the armed forces as much as we can. others couldn't take the stress of call. it's in shelling any longer. at a shelter in south keith, ludmilla hopes to find some relief. she has disabilities to muse, go to work, stipulated who it is, getting stronger and stronger every day. and there are no breaks at all. the 2nd youtube constant, incoming fire con somebody to, for a smoke pass to withdrawal with the martin. there is no time to pay 50 percent interested, you know, to but we didn't sleep at all and do it one year. but my patience has run out. i cannot take it anymore, picked up from the comfort of their homes, their lives now uprooted, once more, hoping to find some sense of safety and leaving the darkest moments behind them for now. that placid l to sierra in coupons districts eastern ukraine. ok. so
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we'll take a very quick break on alpha 0 and we come back later this hour and sports will be looking at to the 1st semi final of the women's world cup. got that coming up later, [000:00:00;00] the whole i with the saw just some more, more of the pushing it to north west. and there was a few of us to go on into the next couple of days. but for the time being, it is still rather cool is still pretty wet. another area of blood pressure just sliding for half. we got to have you right? warning, seen false positive wells. i bowled in england through the remainder of monday. that'll garage you purchased by further move, which at least was dr. ross of whether eventually coming back and be hard to remember the dry and bright, whether he's
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a which was that is the side of here it bilingual. so if you get a little getting up into this, that is at present and it stays that way as we go through. i choose the on into wednesday, but notice by wednesday starting to warm up there in london getting up into the mid twenties at long last that it gets full of a still see make a waste of all. it's a week i could see 26 in london pass the touch high as we go once, recess the into some the for the time being that there's not heavier rain coming in across the i received all the merits of england thinks and picked out both. could call some disruption. this went to whether they are in to jeremy that some very heavy showers into west broad central past the front added down across the alpine regions. that's thinking a little further south, which as we go through, i choose dates heavier, re making his way back into scandinavia. what a to shout out. what was the focus? but for the med smart people on sunday, the
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we are a generation of people. but very i'm, this is very, very persistent. and very good to talk soon. you may be comfortable right now, but you will soon feel the sim hicks we feel every day from key to home. come, then you've gone the 3 women gruff, who would be in fact of the front line active as the future children on a jersey to have been pricing in that we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the consequence of war. the human suffering that we have a full time, we brave bullets and bonds and some of the world's most troubled regions, the army floods in the face of idols, advance. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the headlines on elza 0 in these years, coordinators have announced that they will prosecute, ousted president mohammed, but assumed for high treason. meanwhile, the head of a group of nigerian scholars told alison's 0 the cool leader has agreed to direct costs with equal wise people in the hawaiian island of mile we are searching for relatives and insurgency shelters after the devastating wind fires so far, 96 people are confirmed dead, the more than a 1000 are missing. precious car and see the rouble has hips 17 month flows. it is
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now trading at a $101.00 rubles to the dollar. central bank, blaine's bowling oil and gas revenue. at least 3 people have been killed in an explosion in the f ken province of cost 7 others have been injured in the southeastern region. the explosion happens in a hotel near a mosque. security forces have launched the investigation argentina's phone right presidential candidates appears to have upset the odds and the primary elections. economies have your malay has defined expectations by taking the lead with more than 30 percent of the votes. teresa boat reports from going to side is no surprise. we solve heavy enemy late the far right candidate, who calls himself a lie on one. the most votes in the primary elections on sunday with promises to revolutionize argentina's economy. it's almost a frame. yes, we are facing the end of a model of the cost of models based on the atrocity that says where there is
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a need. there's a right of an aberration that is called social justice because it implies an unfair treatment before the law. a model that translates into an enormous deficit malays compared to donald trump and once $2.00 rise the economy and shut down the central bank. argentina has been struggling with an economic crisis for many years and people are disenchanted with politicians who i failed to address. the problem that they faced every day i'm only done very high inflation. there's frustration varies . and that's why people are in desperate need of change. the send the right candidate by the sound we would reach a former security minister and political activities during the 1970s. just many votes took heavier, mulay. bullied says she also wants to help transform argentina. it's almost in this urgency now we are upset without being able to feel to project. but we also have
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a reason to celebrate and this is the possibility to lead a profound change in argentina. the ruling coalition was punished by voters president that at the front of them is and vice president, christina fernandez. the coach now won't be running again. their coalition held responsible for the country's economic terminal made worse by the endemic and the drought. we are going to fight until the last minute because we all show that an argentine at work. our rights and public education needs to be defended and that cannot be changed. presidential elections are 2 months away, but the primary show people's feelings across the country. many i tired and are willing to vote for anyone that will promise radical change daily. so i will just see that when a site is the ecuadorian presidential candidates talk to us about battling crime
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during a televised debate on sunday and empty podium mark the spot where assassinated candidates for non d. o. v of a sense you would have stood are latin america editor, lucy, a newman has more now from key to equip doors. final televised debate began with a minute of silence. the candidate who was assassinated last week. it was explicit . we want to express our condolences to the family for another vague sense of his absence. young fellow journalist. it's jen. so the task has been chosen to replace the sensor on the ballot, but not in time to meet the legal requirements to take part in the debate. fernando, via the sense hills election campaign centered on the fight against corruption and organized crime with his killing. the remaining candidates will now have to use this last presidential debate to try to convince voters that they, too are serious about ending violence in ecuador. john topic,
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a wealthy security entrepreneur is a trained sniper and former member of the french foreign legion. he vowed to crush criminals with an iron fist by the payment that is long fiddled, put it on. i will impose a 0 tolerance policy for crime. we will regain control of up orders and re integrate our intelligence services guide to st doesn't window score of you economist, venue and noble. i was a flak jacket and the old problem is to target organized crime tyler. but the leading candidate, louisa gonzalez, soon became the main target go the, the left wing candidates represent exiled, former president rafael korea, who's tried and found guilty of corruption and up, sent you back. people know for sophie, see, and pillows, music unions. those went to $1500000000.00 to the wasted during your government enough. going ok then the left the the going back to go look at how many accused the quarter they have government and by association gonzales of having persecuted opponents, most liberal c for dependents. anymore,
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we will strengthen the security forces, but not process things, of course, excepting when in the consensus reminded voters of the clear government social programs and use of relative stability. one. but it's a notice on the whole here. lucky the when alters phone and how is that reduce the budget by $3000000000.00? that's spend the balance began. but many voters had been hoping to hear from via the census replacement and were disappointed with the debate, especially the nearly 40 percent who remain undecided to see in human outages, era to ecuador, the father of 2 of the 4 indigenous colombian children who survived a plane crash in may, has been arrested. prosecutors of taking money well run. okay. and have custody of the charging and with sexually abusing his step daughter. a 13 year old was credited with keeping her 3 siblings alive when they were stranded in the amazon
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rain forest for 40 days. they went missing after the crash which killed their mother and 2 others. agencies and pakistan have reported an increase in sexual assaults in the aftermath of last year's floods, especially on children in assessed as a good way to help survivors and prevent future abuse is by investing in rural education. st. astronomy reports from the southern send, a province where the floods came and never left are abandoned villages now dot the landscape in southern pockets done since the products damaged buildings are all that's left of the school. a once thriving community, reduced to a swamp, to help families recover. yulusef is focusing on creating safe spaces for women and children. they have become a place to deliver services and raise awareness about hygiene and social issues. does that sound okay? i'm not, it's not affected by 2 in terms of child protection, there were
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a number of cases among our floods affect the children such as rape cases where kids would run away from home, looking for food. but they wouldn't know if a person was going to give them food or abuse them. community outreach programs encourage people to come forward. and more incidents are being reported. if any and see didn't go farther than happened in the community. so the 1st thing which is coming is a shame for the week them, they call it that. that must be a reason. that's why it's happened to him. so we are discussing that thing and we have one more thing i read and it's the, it's not an individual issue. so we need to highlight, and we need to properly give up real effective environment to over to events. so we are open to discussing best things and we are shipping to the people who are doing these kind of x. many of the children here, especially girls, are going to school for the 1st time to change mindset on child marriage and child labor. trust must be earned as a hobby is community itself is people don't want to educate their girls where there is a male teacher. they don't feel comfortable. the advantage of
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a female teacher is parents give permission more easily for their daughters to go to the school. they feel more comfortable with them. nearly half of all children in flood affected areas show signs of trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. these schools are a space for them to develop coping mechanisms and to heal pre floods classrooms. we're not this or to rudimentary structures like this one. these tents are a real upgrade. and the next step is brick and mortar school houses. successful education programs in rural areas, the u. n. says can empower an entire generation. enrollment has increased by an estimated 300 percent compared to before the places that offered young people a better future. but also give children a chance to be children zane bus route of the ultra 0. now there was on since
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province focused on your ups most active volcano, mount aetna is interrupted, spewing. ashland took atanya the largest city in eastern sicily. this has forced cataneo and companies so airports to close. a star gazers have been delighted by strength of light from the per say, meteor shower, most visible in skies across the northern hemisphere. the annual astronomical spectacle puts on a dazzling show as hundreds of meat. yours can be seen with the naked eye. michael apple reports, you're looking at the very 1st meet your from the annual po said meet your shower detected by nasa on the 26th of july. it's one of the biggest showers ended reached its peak this weekend with a waning chris since making it easier to view. last year, the moon was full during the peak. the meteor shower occurs when it's pauses through the debris. trial of a comment accommodates can be thought of as
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a snowball, full of pebbles. as it approaches the sun, the ice melts, leaving a trail of debris, thousands of tiny rocks, no bigger than a few centimeters in size. when the debris field into the it's orbit, the air resistance around the tiny rocks makes them grow as they become extremely hot lighting up the sky. creating what's common, the cold shooting stars. the earth slams into them at about 200000 kilometers an hour. and that causes the pebbles to burst into flame in the atmosphere and make the spectacular light shows. it's amazing that such tiny pieces of rock can cause something so bright watching and meets your show. it doesn't require a telescope. just a comfy spot to gaze up at the heavens. preferably outside of urban areas with the city lights you can, you can see some. but if you get out into the, the boonies into sort of a dark sky,
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then you'll see lots and lots of things. the ones that you might see several a minute, like talk quick, the per se, meets your shaw, happens every year and is best seen in the northern hemisphere. stall, gazes from croatia, save this, your shower was particularly impressive. pretty poor dolly put, i put the dog. this isn't the 1st to meet your shower. i've been careful, but it is the 1st time i've seen so many stalls. so i mean, the disability is really great and literally every couple of minutes, a stall falls big or small long. it's really impressive to see if you haven't seen it yet. you can still get out there and settle in for a free celeste steel show until at least the end of august. mike's level, how does era the still ahead on alpha 0 and sports, the west indies break
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a 7 year wait. that will be here to explain it all after the break,
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the the and that man over there is wrong path back and that means it is time for your support and it was wrong. keep that mind over there. thank you very much. so chelsea all set to smash the butcher's transfer record again to bring echo international morris her side i to stanford bridge as being the posted. they've agreed to pay the price for the $145.00 me in dollars for the 21 year old. well, they will also charge this on cassandra and previously had a great a fee with his club, but the planted himself preferred to move to chelsea. the blues have already spent
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the big there's some of the likes of christopher and cuckoo and alex this i see as they attempt to improve our last season's 12 life finish level hole in chelsea dfcs office and the trailer in the premier league on sunday was the visitors who took a fast hall, please send some break. i'm a ton of half sitting up at my lewis d as to give a full release thought. chelsea, what level by how far? thanks to i've had to go by this. i see. on this $11.00 will talk them to assessment without how retain ended in a dual at one foot. why don't we says that the selected shot for the hardest size to one in front spots the secure to point to the all incest of specific sides. anesthesia are just you don't want to kick off of the season lights on monday it gets wolverhampton, and they've been having some fun with our media. jeez ahead of the current party, one player that we're going to be learning up for that our product is new for rasmus portland united paid an initial $81000000.00 for the dying,
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but the club site, he's not yet fully fit. somebody can step yet a small issue and now he's not on the levels of where our plays are in this moment. so no, we the, we have to train him. so yeah, from most difficult always to say yeah, we are, we are confident and we have positive that we're trying to get the balls florida got the defense of the spanish league title off to a disappointing stopped at a very bad tempted match. i get tough. i faucet with down to 10 men before hardwood are feeling it was showing a straight red for an elbow, so the face of defend a guest on alvarez, the numbers or even just the full the hour wait capacities. hi me, martha was given a 2nd yet. i for a file on the road. old r o. jo. i thought it was, it turned to buffalo just kind of, she's out of a to be just based following. he's our reaction on the top slide with the assistant
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referee. so the guide itself goals the, the limits will cover it seems on tuesday with the 1st of the semi finals as spying take on sweden in oakland. this is the 5th target. sweden have reached this stage, wants to spanish are making that fast at a starting point of the parents out of walk is motor force strains. dramatic for the final, when are with the netherlands, was just the latest chapter. what has been an extra audrey roller coaster ride? one that's included, a pre told him it team new to the, against the coach. high school in victories of which they scored far. it goes twice . and then, and balancing for the older fate to japan. throughout those highs and lows, this material, spanish squad have remained united and now feel that they can cope with any challenge. and so that we have very strong team and very the to them. and we also have a very good record as well. it's not enough just to have that. at the end of the day, the games have to be played to know the strength of each team,
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the rules that we have, and that's what it's going to be important and that's what is going to show the difference. so remember where it was, the player was the match in the quarter finals. thanks to how we didn't go before, which is of daunted lots of attention back home. it's a 19 year old boss to learn to win your has represented our country in bars athletics as a full 100 me to run it and football and her role plays could be a bar to a weapon that gets a sweet inside that. and now the highest rank team left in the tournaments corner was if you got the cleans everything to me, it was the unique moment great to for you to have experienced it. and i am extremely happy here. these readings play is have been happily following. there are june and there on to the semi finals, 3 wins from 3 in the group stages and that law 16 with on penalties are with the 2 time defending champions. the united states as this was believing that this could
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finally be that. yeah. having reached the world cup semi finals full times previously. and the final just once for i think it's time for that. yeah. we had the say good results late in the, in the last tournaments. so he's not by putting sense that we are in the situation as we are. and then i think that these time it's them. yeah, we have a big believing that was so sweet and going to the match with aden park and older knowing they are just to ins away from a 1st major title in set, you know, in years standing in their way a spain, sorry, confident they have the power until they turn the body. but it quick, it for you. now, the west indies has claimed at that 1st bar latrell t 20 series. when are the india since 2016 brandon king. that was the here i for the when these is i think the series rate to be smashed and beaten $85.00 pounds of just $55.00 bowls. shy hard that school the when he runs,
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that is the turn in use of 100. 65. the rest of these winning just mat in florida for us and wisdom be supported and that is always spoken. i'll have more like to say federal cricket already making his way in the north american ro pep back when i noted a lot of red cards in that bar. so then again, thank you so much. oh, i'm back with more news after very short the a just to put out a nother fire that had been
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a rather large across the country for days hours yesterday, another business good. my entire life, fire fighters. they're saying that there's very little they can do with these extremely heavy waiting while the world focusing a lot on the tourist. the local, real desperation here about how much they've lost 35 square kilometer as of last greenforest of woodland has been burned, really does resemble an army get in landscape basically, and the un fits of purpose was like many critics sites just pump solution doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is put into a hard hitting into abuse. do you think go to the lines of washington enough for money to go on its own and built it's on thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well. do you the story on told to how does era
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every thing do is being analyzed, it's being, it's being measured. and it's not just by saying that all my sites, i mean, most of the states at the moment we are in a state of universe with edwards funded something that was throwing back would rather take the risk of democracy to the risks of dictatorship, digital dissidents. on out to 0, the easier as cool leaders say they have enough evidence to prosecute deposed presidents mohammad, but zoom for high treason, the 0 that they have you with this. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up more arrests in iran after sundays attack on a she
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a shrine killed. one person will have


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