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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the, the us is always of interest to people, right? the world, people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and then this is the news. our life from joe hard coming off in the next 60 minutes. west african nations condemned a decision by new jazz true leaders to prosecute the us to president for treason. how, why is governor ones the death toll from wild fires? and molly could rise from $96.00,
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a search to discount burned down neighborhoods. iranian officials blandly on revise or for sunday's deadly attack on a farm, and she has shine in the city. and so as an outside of how much for the school to near mont is set to becomes a native big name to move to the saudi. probably, i'll head out of the have report to the agree, the $100000000.00 fee was probably such a month for the person install the, the west african regional block a was condemned. the decision of the shows military rulers, to prosecute for the post president for treason they're calling it. yes, another prob occasion. well, i'm a buzzing was out of state and detained officer. the military took power by force last month, the you and it's called the developments very, what do you mean? malcolm was monitoring development as far as incentive goals. capital dot com echo was the west african regional block. also saying that their shots,
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by the decision to us put out a statement just a short while ago and said that he had learned with stupefaction about the attempts by the managerial authorities in these yet. and the jets are asked to charge. recently ousted president mohammed bog bought a how many bugs in that they also excuse me. they also said that they condemned to the action which they said, contradicted the recent reports that the military facilities were willing to co operate to bring a peaceful ton uh, to constitutional rule. and this comes at a time when people are waiting to find out if it's x o s will indeed proceed with it's the threat to, to launch a military intervention just last week. eckowitz echo off heads of state met in nigeria and ordered the ministry commanders to prepare
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a stand by force with waiting for military chiefs of the region to meet sometime in the coming week to further discuss the deployment. now we've just had in the last few minutes, as you mentioned, that the united nations, it said it was concerned about these attempts to charge presume. and then we will suggest that from the us state department, which is also being critical of and they've, malcolm you just mentioned to us about the they stand by armed forces. that echo was had to put in place and they had activated a sense at the time, of course, the diplomacy was still an option to be no fault. the options offered eco was not as well. that cost has repeatedly said that it would be open to diplomacy. in open to tools to return the jack to what it's called constitutional rule and to, to restore the democratic a, uh, elected president. but it, so sec,
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proceeding appears to be proceeding with the military option. a coat has said it would contribute to a battalion of $850.00 troops to uh, to an intervention force center. go where we uh, and we'll say the name would be expected to contribute troops so that we're still waiting for. the numbers are in 2017 echo us intervenes in columbia. that was a relatively simple military operation compared to the possibility of this one in that case can be, is a, an enclave. pretty much of the, of, of sent a goal. and it took about a month to pass that operation so it's expected to take, at least as long to prepare a minute to force that could. and cindy's, yeah. as monica web talking to us from center goals, capital dot com. awesome. thank you very much indeed. well, while to have been protesting favorite or the democratically elected president who's now in detention, there's also support for the crew leaders. well, today the civic, i feel as if there was high trees and she's the ones who committed the biggest
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trail. you really can't spare aim the military. have seen it all. and there really has to be just as simple. ok. so what we're going to is not a big chunk because when you look at the army, let's face it does not bode holy. but there will blige to work together and should do so for the good of new year and a bright future for the country. it was a lot of uncertainty about president buzzing was phases, regional powers push for his release and it just explains from the new sherry and tunnel cutscene near the border with news. a lot of observers uh, confused as to what is going on in his yeah, uh simply because most of the calls and meetings between preston, mom, advisor and forwarding lead is that the military of june. so he's talking about or sanctioned by the ministry itself. and does it take, for example, the meeting between the president of todds, how much interested in the early days of the quote when he was sent here by the
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when he was sent to me here by the community of west african states that was sanctioned by the military and they met with the military as well as president presently saw the other corners or the other people who called president mohammed by them includes that you're not tradition. second, regional antonio gutierrez, the president of browse, as well as the secretary of state of the united states of america. so a lot of people think that this could be apologize been played by the military in new jersey republic to strengthen their homes so that whatever negotiation that is about to happen will give them an age so that they could also use preston by them as a bargain into what seemed this play out in previous military course in the region in malia and looking a fossil as well as doing it. so people are wondering what is going to happen next . right now we understand that a african union has also met and will decide on what next line of action after the expiration of each deadline to the coordinators is yeah, also with
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a rising cases of a type of image here on sunday, there was an attack on the military base of the, of southern people that are concerns that people is you will be wondering what the military is doing about just because that's just one of the reasons why they said they called intervene to take control of government from advisory committee. bruce, i'll just get us catching up. now, j on the desktop that was always devastating while advisors reached 96 for the governor's saying that number is going to rise. officials say the efforts to find and identify the data in the early stages. residents are concerned about the speed and extent of federal aid. money of taking matters into their own hands and their organizing help should have a chance to joined a convoy of medical practitioners and kind of poly. have sarah, raise your hand sarah, dr. sarah, the allow me a here has gather the group of doctors, nurses, and mental health counselors in a cop off just outside the official exclusions there. and that's been set up around behind. this is going to be a multi plan, is to drive
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a convoy through the military check points, guarding the area to help those who have no evacuated weston valley. and to supplement the federal aid efforts, they're starting to realize that they don't have the resources that capacity or their relationships in the community. so really effectively meet those needs. and as the people coming together taking care of each other, as we've always done here in hawaii, the convoy drive through the bones how the devastation of lying there. this area remains plays off, as the search continues for human remains. well, it becomes clear as how old are the corner of the home. it has been destroyed, life goes on in close proximity all around it. even the water, electricity, and communications have been cut off for many of the medics comfortable ended up here in the central area where relief is being cold. and they said, for those in the area is why the calls we all don't want to meet the whole neighborhood. and obviously the way i understand it is
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a certain point. if they were to leave, they wouldn't it's something that we've heard from so many who flooded the area. the suspicion the rebuilding behind may not be as benign a process as the governor and other officials said we'll be. we've been removed constantly over and over and over by the plantation now by the over development, by the tourist industry. now we have this disaster and there's all this open land. it's like people are seeing dollar signs. somebody said yesterday, lime is going to be the new way. uh, which is a, you know, a very sort of fancy money. it area on the south side. and i have to say it, i'll be over my dead body by standing the ground here. i'm to through mutual aid, the community is pumping a mocker in the ground. she ever time see out, is there a come a pony now we are going to go to she. hi. we're trying to see who's in the effect of the molly in hawaii. i'm sure you have,
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you were on that come by. what than did you in the team see when you were traveling with them? i think what was very striking was going for the last several days we've been outside about exclusions and so obviously the focus of actually shows that it is like i know when we've all seen the pictures of a devastated, destroyed town. well, we haven't really realized before there is the so much l surrounding it, which is also in the exclusions. and that really helped us understand why when we were outside big solutions. and over the last several days, people would come up just and say they're not letting us and we have to get back in because so many people, thousands of people by the looks of it are still there. and they, well, that last week, cut off effectively from the rest of the islands with limited just the was a communications as all, i'm suppose. and that's why that was that i can get, it was bubbling up that we sold us right now. we understood that because it wasn't just stats that downtown the hind core and i'm moving um,
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moving beyond that cool into the hills there. what was the house around it which i completely touched, actually by the fire of people's stadium. a property because that scared about what might happen to it, they want to make sure that you know, they will have a place to go back to eventually development, but really help us understand the, the geography of that exclusions. and then there's more and more national guard being put in place. the and yeah, i mean, i think it's been tightly, contracts has been tightly controlled. i. 8 is obviously getting it as you saw, the butts. you wonder how long they can make it. they can better keep it up in some ways because i say many people are still in that area. and, and your report with where you were, you were telling us about the medical stuff we're taking matters into their own hands because they're not entirely convinced the federal government can, can meet the needs. what are people saying about how the government is responding to all of its? ok? so you have the policy and this, each of the we have a lot of those questions about the pause, meaning why didn't they know, why didn't they full see that this could be
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a possibility given all the warnings they've had since 2014 widely emergency siren sounds when it was clear, it was incredibly when the day and fires were already burning. but now we're also looking to the future. i think something that is often forgotten is hawaii is effective in american colony. i know it became the state in 1959, but it's still up that sort of suspicion and resentment among the big sections of the nature of the line population here about the motives of the federal government in any way. yes, the 21st century mates like capitalism does off the capitalism. the way that the laser run the results and you have the money, have a lack of making a crisis into an opportunity which might mean that many of them will end up losing out. and that's what we had in that report from various people, is that real suspicion and fear, and actually one of the reasons why certainly people have remains on the western part of the habit left. is that real fear about what's going to, what's going to happen next?
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you know, i mean, you have to remember the very reason hawaii is a us state is because a bunch of white sugar plantation owners got the ministry interpreter of the queen at the end of the 19th century. it's a very recent political history that there's loans and the warmness about the relationship between hawaii and the us. yeah, that comes out at times like with me. she had thank you very much and did you advertise you talking to them? molly? radiant officials have blamed on good eyesore for sunday's a jacket. a prominent she is shy and in the city of show rise. at least 2 people were killed. a group of farm nationalists has been arrested also as a body of reports. some talk on, john hammond advised me shout. this was the moment a lone gunman stormed into the shelter of shrine insurance and opened fire. the witnesses said it happened quickly. i saw people were running towards the exit who were injured. i didn't know what had happened. i saw
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everyone around me had run away. the gunman was arrested on the scene and has been identified as a citizen upside you cust. on the head of her onto this jury says another 8 men have been arrested in connection with sunday's attack. all of them are for national so you can sounds foreign minister says it has yet to receive the documentation about the suspect from a radiant officials to verify his identity. iran until jake has done have had good relations since the former soviet republic declared independence in 1991 and to her on its 2nd. because for an investor after china, iran is foreign ministry spokesman provided one possible motive for the attack. what types of on about he? unfortunately, some will always have been using these terrorist groups as a means of gaining influence to have a presence in the region and to make political and security changes here. my sentiments shared by the spokesperson of the revolutionary guard who accuse this
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for in spite agencies of being involved and what the government is calling a terrorist attack with the goal of creating division between iran and its neighboring countries. this is not the 1st time's chaucer of shrine has been attacked last october, 3 gunman storms its grounds, killing 13 people. this 12 century shrine is the 3rd most important in the country . and now officials were looking to increase their security and find out more about the 9 men they choose of carrying out this attack door. so jabari algae 0 term wrong. well, joining me now, why skype from washington dc? is that a face? the direction of that? i'm project at the international international crisis group. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i want to ask you about the showing 1st of all, why would it be a target as well? it sits in the old part of the city a few years. uh, and it is wonderful because it has many entrances, and there are
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a lot of more pious segments of the society in shooting the city of to ross, which is now a city of uh, around 1500000 people who visit the fry. and so if it has bunker abilities for sure, it certainly seems too interesting. we particularly after the fact the gunman attacked it and back in october, they're going to be questions asked about the level of security around the showing on the oh, absolutely, i mean, it clearly shows that the regime either doesn't have as priorities rights because, you know, we've heard news in the past few months, debate around the security forces being focused on how to enforce who job rules on using security cameras to do facial recognition of women who are not wearing their job properly. but they clearly are not making enough attention on uh, you know, terrorist activities inside the country. so that's one, uh, serious vehicle. but also if indeed this was a terrorist attack,
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and i don't think we have enough information to be able to judge at this point. again, it demonstrates that just on the course of the past few months, uh, the system has failed to learn. the lessons of last year is attack and be able to reform its security apparatus in a way to prevent these kind of attack. some of any officials have been fairly quick to point the finger at the on group i saw for this is there any evidence and i knew . busy we were only in the 1st few hours of this, but there is there any evidence evidence to suggest that it definitely was i so or do we have to wait for a bit more of evidence as well. at this moment there is no evidence of the reality is that last year i still actually took credit and claimed this attack this year. so far we haven't, we haven't heard anything. and this is why there's a lot of speculation, especially inside the country that uh the security establishment might have
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organized this attack itself. in order to distract attention from the upcoming anniversary of the mass of protests that dropped the country last year in mass, i'm use the anniversary of her death at the custody of morales. the police is coming up just in the next 4 weeks. and this could allow the system to securitized internal spear, but again, we, at this stage we don't have enough information to be able to corroborate any of the scenarios. and we, this is coming at a time, of course, when a relations between iran and say, saudi arabia have, are beginning to get easier. cotton is playing a key role as a banker. and the reason prisoner deal between the us and iran. what external countries would most likely benefit for some from some sort of disruption within iran at this time as well. this is one of the reasons that i think it makes the,
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the an attack that was supported by send the power in the region. the less likely because iran has engaging vs going to 3 dynamics with it's uh, golf, our neighbors. and in general, i think this, the situation in the region is better, never the less iran and still dominant and a 2 out of capitals and son, a medium and, and syria and 11 on in iraq. and therefore, there is a lot of resentment about iran, regional policy among sundays in the region. so there couldn't be motivation. but again, it's too soon to judge. and i doubt that it runs our adversaries, like israel would be able to resort to these kind of tactics to put pressure on the stomach or politics. really interesting to get your thoughts on this ice. we appreciate your time. so thank you very much indeed. such as any more had in the
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news are including the far right candidates and argentina as presidential primary takes a shock. least once being called on electoral tsunami. and more than 50 people are being killed in the indian state of how much suffering dash officer, torrential rains. the region 2 nations prepare, but only one is going to reach the women's world cup. final sonnets got more on the flash between spain and sweeping the argentine as far right presidential candidate appears to have upset builds in the primary elections. hi malay has taken the lead. was more than 30 percent of the votes. that conservative blockers behind with 28 percent and the routing coalition came in 3rd place with 27 percent. the general election is going to be held in october. i'm going to bring in to the sample who is joining us live from buenos aires. what's been going on with all this was these results of
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the origin times i was still recovering from the shock of finding out that a candidate from the far right. like have you had any late, i've had around 30 percent of the votes on sundays primary elections and especially because of some of the proposals that really has come up like dollar rice in the corner mean argentina and economy that is in trouble is with a very high inflation, that is in a way, tied to a complex web of currency exchange controls among many other things. the other things he's proposing is to shut down the central bank in one of the ways to fight inflation. he's a man who questions, for example, free health care, the public education among many other things. so it's certainly a surprise, but at the same time it is what is happening in the country. that is this intented with traditional politicians in our country. but i've had over a 120 percent inflation in the past year where people are getting used to dealing
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with around 7 or 8 percent inflation each month people struggling to make ends meet 10000000. in fact, one, in many of this countries salons in many of the forest areas where we were just talking to some people where people say they have nothing to lose. and that's why they're voting for someone who's proposing radical chain just until a few weeks ago. many were saying that we mean they could get around 1314 percent of the votes. well that did not happen. it was a big surprise. what he's been doing is having a very strong presence on social media at speaking to the young people in argentine, not many who have lost hope. so he has had a very, very strong campaign, a suite for to complain with many of this proposals to revolutionize argentina's economy. and in a way, it has feedback because this results. so it has completely shaken the residential, completing the head of october as presidential elections. i know that your team has
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been in negotiations with the international monetary funding. you said people in argentina have been struggling to make ends meet, hasn't been any immediate effect on argentina's economy as a result of this as well, it is, there has been a very big impact. so in argentina, as the economy, even though have yet to meet, is seen as a pro market candidate, the markets are not ready for many of the policies of the ready coast policies that have yet really would like to implementing a country such as argentina. we would definitely steer social unrest who would suddenly lead to protest among many other things, what we're seeing these days of our didn't time bones are down that the power exchange rate to the us dollars because they're carrying the exchange rate control phase. almost non stop. we continues to go out and depreciate that piece of currency. the government has announced that 22 percent. the evaluation in the
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country is something that many are feeling that it would translate into even a more high inflation. so suddenly there's lots of instability. it's a big, big challenge for economy minister sexual myself, who is that presidential candidate, but also if it's during the economy in this difficult time, there's 2 months left for the presidential elections. and certainly there's going to be lots of instability, especially after seeing sundays result. and what we can say is that there's going to be a very, very tight presidential race in october. there's going to be the economy minister said she'll mess up another kind that is going to be the former security minister by $37.00 will reach from the center. right. and then far, right. have you had a really who i'm the possibility of him winning the presidency is already having a huge impact on this country's economy today. so thank you very much. things about talking to us and bonuses a former us president donald trump is facing a false possible criminal indictment, adding to his list of legal challenges. trump and his allies under an investigation
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in the state of georgia for efforts to overturn the states presidential election vote 4 years ago. and julie's begun hearing evidence and the case president joe biden became the 1st democrat to win the state in nearly 3 decades. with some key areas of investigation seen in court documents include false statements about election fraud made by trump, lawyers to georgia's state legislator and intimate ation campaign against election workers accused by trump of fraud. a meeting of 16 pro trump republicans accost fake electoral college votes for them. and at the center of allegations, as a phone call made by the former president, the georgias, top electoral official, bad reference biography from austin to find enough votes to reverse biden's when well i want to do is this. i just want to find a 11780 loads, which is one more that we have because we want to say, hey, you guys,
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i'm positive to roger has matched with jailed wall street journal reporter, haven't guessed, coverage for the 3rd time since his arrest and late march. ashes federal security service took the 31 year old american journalist into the custody on espionage charges. they've been reporting from russia since 2017 mazda lyn. tracy says he's in good health. the wall street journal and the us government of called for his immediate release and increasing number of migrants and refugees that are in need of help on the poland bellows border. even with the border, while the crypt with motion sensors and cameras, more people attempted to cross this year also accuses minutes of encouraging illegal border crossings to destabilize the country. some of the things have caught up with aid workers helping people in need on the police side of the board. a cold hungry, often injured on those conditions of person for refugees on the poland. but it was for the aid workers inactive as called dispense poland. first line of torture, seen
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a huge increase in people with serious medical conditions says there was been built when youth from the beginning that as well will not suffer migration. and it doesn't stop anyone from, from crossing the border. and there are many people who loves their lives in this forest, and people who are lost about the compared to for example, met the 3 and see if it's still relatively safe. the police government says defense is important to stop what it considers. indeed, because migration gets to feeling thousands of additional troops on the border. but so far this, the, at $19000.00 people have attempted to cross that's higher than the total number last year. and it was only activists who started bringing help to people in need. and we need to many people from many, many places people, full of sleep countries were difficult, difficult economic situation or countries the war. it's very much related to a difficult situation in the country of origin of people. and i'm of forgiving for
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you as, as you said last 2 months, we see many people from sometimes it's not a legal to help people, but active a so face charges such as helping smugglers when they try to provide a to refugees. and one time when border guards found me and my friend in the far as the kicked her really heart new needs people and the for us tour extremely terrified, exhausted, quite often sick needs. so didn't eat or, or drink water for many, many days. you give them just very basic stuff and then you have to leave them in the forest quite the 9th when we got to the place. um yeah. turns out that nothing we had so it would have been enough because the person this has been that's already, he's been dead for at least similar hours. and well during this one's the settings, the were 6 and stuff. okay. what's your government's do?
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what is the perfect solution? i don't think the answer is to decrease migration. i think we have to start printing of, of this world as you know, some part of the search and people have the right to and other people don't. so why do polish people migrate to u. k or united states? everyone deserves living in a safe place. everyone deserves opportunities, or for education. everyone's deserves to sort of a home and to have their human rights respected. and until that happens, people will likely continue to risk lives to find safety and a better future solving job. without the 0, we have a vague product. the still ahead on i'll just say to have pockets done is addressing the rising cases of sexual violence against women and girls and the west indies cricketers and the 7 year wage sentenced to the actual from their game with india.
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the color, not too much going on across the middle east of the maybe they really is about the when we got a little bit of cloud, which was the southern end of the red sea press, the wind back south west of the wind pushing cloud across the fall south of the region over towards the other side of the array. be and say, hey, we're in contact with the the winds coming in from the golf. so indo hot temperatures around 4041 over the next couple of days, wednesday pick up from the east as we go one through wednesday. quite a brisk when pushing through temperatures now. hot on around 40 celsius ran to the full of phase around that is the side of the mediterranean, damascus. we haven't jordan, a particular temperatures here running around 4567 degrees above the seasonal average into the high forty's. once again for bad that add to weight, but quite touching the 40 degree mach across the northern parts of africa over the
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next dial. so live it shows radical central parts of africa. southern areas, amadi sinks and big and heavy showers all the way across into sound like all that is likely to pull some flooding. and you can see how that extends its way down across the light, be area into see i really i want to through south on the east, the side of the rift, probably not too much to speak of here. southern africa generally try. well, i wanted to show us that the eastern cape, the time, stop pushing today to sun when we talk some entries between former president and illuminate our power. our people see these things for themselves and make up their own minds to sweden. this become a thing to turn your back against and not think groundbreaking stories from award winning for make, etc, in order to one elephant conflict. it's a model for someone who would conflict sweetness on which is 0
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the the you watching. i'll just say to a reminder about told stories. this are the desk sold in hawaii is devastating was
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five's is reach 96. so the governor saying that number is going to lines official, say the efforts to find and identify the dad of in the early stages. it ran and officials of blame beyond group ice office sundays, attacking a prominent seat shine. at least 2 people were killed. a group of farm nationalists has been arrested. the west african regional law echo us has condemned the decision of the jazz military ruler as to prosecute the depose president for treason calling it. yes, another complication wise topic in states says there was a but a military intervention against crew leaders. and these, you could make a difficult, you monetary and, and security situation in this a hell, even worse. the reason is facing slides from on groups like i saw, i'll call you to charles drive. 104 seems to be near the gunner book, you know, fossil border, these women and children, or a tiny fraction of the more than 5000000 people. the u. n. says a flight attacks,
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but all groups across the whole region of west africa nation years. they show through in this refugee reception camp, near the border between the don units 5. so let me say a escaped from the village and became advisor with a 7 children. she describes that day in my laptop to know we were on the farm when the shooting starts us about we tried to run to the village, but the shooting was too intense. as we ran, we so many dead people. we were very afraid luck. my says the children haven't seen their dad since the day they fled a lamb cut me about it, but we will with my husband when they started shooting. but we lost him as we ran. i don't know where he is now. we hope he's still alive. so we can come here to the, come, the gone and rip your g agency plans to build account for 6000 more refugees close by. but there is growing concern time maybe running out of to the west african regional block eco s residence in new jersey to leaders with military intervention
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. as a last result, they don't match phone to civilian rule a neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly, you've said that any military intervention initiated by echo us, would be a declaration of war on those countries too. so there are increasing phase that in a situation like that on groups like i. so i know try it. i could take advantage of the situation which could potentially mean files and small refugees flooding into countries like going to and others. right? the way across the ssl region. the forward to say they all preparing for the worst . we're working this reason working to see what's going to happen. we, we, we hope god doesn't get where someone has bought us. so some people predict, but we are, we're, we're on the lookouts and we're talking to all the necessary dentistry people in
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ministry agencies. and groups of kills thousands of people across the whole region in recent years. eco, a says the security situation to be king of paso and molly deteriorated in the 1st 6 months of this year. and that was before to going to a neighboring countries already struggling to code. a braced potentially thousands more people fleeing across borders for their lives. charles, profit elders 0 is gone at the teen assessor border. and if you have these 26 people have been killed in a drawing and striking the region of i'm hot uh, local media save the time to send notice the alarm was targeted on sunday would have been weeks of fighting between the army and rebels known as the font of the group accuses the federal government are trying to weaken upon his local administration. if you open the human rights commission, says hundreds of people mainly asked income highest would be interested in the capital at the sound of and everything sit down and the military chief has promised unwavering support for his people. during a rare speech,
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the army and part of military rapids support forces have not been fighting since mid april. millions of people have been affected. book the know what time to send out via show you and the whole the, the, um, forces will remain the same as document throughout the scenario. and then you had all the history. okay. even if the minute professional forced of science with the choice of the people, the district that let it do meant that i deal with the state of law democracy i need to do. so now what i've done, i don't have a log in reports from cartoon. there's been numerous initiatives and processes along by various side, whether they are national bodies and political parties here incident or by external law, active and regional of bodies trying to end this conflict and relaunch a political process that would end the conflict. but the army is not a part of any of those political processes that are currently on blow and going, including one that is under way right now. and i just come up with a few of the in capital, which includes the forces of freedom in change,
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coalition and other political parties that signed an agreement to form a civilian government in december last year. so yes, they are talks up by the military to handle the power to an elected government. and to add to bring to power uh, or defendable power to a government that is representative of all the political parties and the groups here incident. but so far, the army is yet to officially engage in any kind of software initiative that would end the conflict politically with the political parties here in the country. supporters of getting his deposed president's alpha hyundai have gathered on the streets of the capital concrete. the crowd of demonstrations gathered outside the presidential palace and called for the release of jail ministers who served in front of the administration and for the military leaders to give them a power. state. agencies in pakistan have reported an increase in sexual assaults, especially on children following last year's floods. unicef says one way to help survivors and prevent future abuse is by investing in rural education. same bus
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driver reports from the southern send province where the floods came and never left of abandoned villages now dot the landscape and southern pocket stones since products damaged buildings are all that's left of the school. a once thriving community, reduced to a swamp, to help families recover. yulusef is focusing on creating safe spaces for women and children. they have become a place to deliver services and raise awareness about hygiene and social issues. does that sound okay? i'm not, it's not affected by 2 in terms of child protection, there were a number of cases among our floods affect the children such as rape cases where kids would run away from home, looking for food. but they wouldn't know if a person was going to give them food or abuse them. community outreach programs encourage people to come forward. and more incidents are being reported. if any and
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see didn't go farther than happened in the community. so the 1st thing which is coming is a shame for the week them, they call it that there must be a reason. that's why it's happened to him. so we are discussing that thing and we have for one thing, a redness, the, it's not an individual issue. so we need to highlight and we need to properly give a protective environment to over citizens. so we are open to discussing best things and we are shipping to the people who are doing these kind of x. many of the children here, especially girls, are going to school for the 1st time to change mindset on child marriage and child labor. trust must be earned as a hobby community itself is people don't want to educate their girls where there is a male teacher. they don't feel comfortable. the advantage of a female teacher is parents give permission more easily for their daughters to go to the school. they feel more comfortable with them. nearly half of all children in flood affected areas show signs of trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. these schools are
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a space for them to develop coping mechanisms and to heal pre floods classrooms. we're not this or to rudimentary structures like this one. these tents are a real upgrade, and the next step is brick and mortar school houses. successful education programs in rural areas, the u. n. says can empower an entire generation. enrollment has increased by an estimated 300 percent compared to before the places that offered young people a better future. but also give children a chance to be children zane bus route of the ultra 0. now there was on since province pocket spelling. nearly 50 people have died in the northern indian state of him. i shall try dash after torrential rains at the legion. dozens of people are still trapped. unusually heavy rings and melting glasses of cold flash floods. as
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michael often with pickaxes shovels and even the bay hands risk you work isn't volunteers work to save people trapped in the month in india's himalayan region. heavy rains, broad floods which then figured land slides washing away hugs. so what to do is i'm going to get to the reins in the last 24 hours. have we have that on him. a child pradesh in the temple and you know, shimla, we have identified 5 bodies around 20 to 22 people are still missing. good trying everything to save the lives of those buried climate change is increasingly being blamed for extreme and devastating weather events. the way shape as well on a pilgrimage to one of the holy is sites the hindus in the state capital shimla. when dissolve, this struck the cloudburst occurred during which the railway track and road
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collapsed. it's expected that the need this there are 20 to 25 people still trapped . this is basheba temple which is a 150 years old. there's been a lot of damage to lives and property, re cold, rain full and the flooding of triggered his damage, roads, buildings, and force the closure of schools with shelters being set up for the displaced. the situation is bad. there are continuous floods and the rivers are overflowing, their flash floods, villages are being flooded and people's homes have been effected. india is me to a logical department to issue to regulate for both him a child per dish. and we've had our con states with more rain full cost for the start of the week. michael, apple, elders era? your boost most active volcano? mount aetna has erupted, spirit national and to continue the largest city in eastern sicily. its forced the airport. so i can time you call me so to close. my data is believed to have the
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longest documented history of it may rupture, sions, among all volcanoes, and it frequently frequently does. it were opposite, but it rarely causes significant damage. robin george andrews is a science journalist on vulcan ologist is joining us now from london. very good to have you with us. and i'll just see you. right. um, how does this adoption compared to other ones or something to of the ordinary sites . i mean, man, and as a, as he said, is this is like a hyperactive volcano, it would be a lot weight, or if it wasn't erupt, saying quite frequently, then that is, i mean, every now and then you have a rock since a produce more asked and some you have few apps and, you know, this is the moves, the apple it's of made to shut down is like a precautionary measures. so it's, you know, it's nothing, nothing terribly concerning a moment. what would happen to change? do you have to change geologically in order to make them by contacting the significance? right? well, i'm, it's kind of an eye on both pain. i mean kind of mountain is so cleaners. in other
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pos that, well there's no way 9 for expressive erections, and you can kind of get lots of aetna, but really it's one of its main threats. and more common threats on humans, on sales in way is excessive law of a slight, as you know, they've been to sheets a lot of applies in the past in the last few decades. uh that have threatened various townsend's insights. one point a few decades ago, the military of bro and so use, explains this to kind of drain out the lava from like a trench it made so it would drain away from a town site. and that's really the kind of thing that i think it's more generally worries broken not just. and the reason like ashby, in spring coat everywhere is, can be inconvenient. but at the moment there's not, there's no assignment anything more how this is going to happen. and given the, the, the changes that we're seeing in the climate around the world. and i'm not suggesting that they would necessarily immediately geologically affect this. i do understand that, but is there a risk? do you think that people are running the mount?
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etna are becoming complacent. because they have seen regular eruptions and they know how to deal with those. that in the event that something changes, they won't be ready for it. how so? i mean, i would say that because these things that happen within living human memory often the, there is always some degree of anyone living around a vulcan around the lot of some sort of comply since they've been taught to tell on, on that kind of level. i would say is uh, the volt about this in the region and the line tv. i'm actually some of them to live on the slides that i'm always doing an excellent job of communicating the rest, some hazards to those who are in dangerous. i would say that even if there is a dangerous situation, that people are being sally complacent about it so that they would almost certainly get the appropriate warning and advice and time front of the countries of oak. and i'll just to some of the best of the world, god must bear valley. so the people who are living close to it at this point anyway, robyn, george andrews,
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and thank you so much for being with us. and i'll just share my company, whether you run has one that are rocks to main rivers could complete the dry up and less than 20 years. it's all being attributed to climate change, dams in neighboring countries, and on usually hot summers my phone, the warhead, as this report for onboard providence, in western iraq, a pumping k o is the last of drops to save. you ox exclusions rivers. this small amount of water from the bar and above providence is going into the free to use the reverse live. it has been declining drastically, largely because of dams in neighboring to keep your work has also experienced adheres of trout and unprecedented water shortages. someone was out there more than my air involved, but we started to project with 15 electronic pumps. $33.00 diesel printed pumps, current operating into around 75 cubic meters per 2nd. welcome to feed central and
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southern regions. both experts watery this water with how you live is sold could pose a threat to humans and the environment. the sold used to be washed away by a natural occurrence and when that is of water was full. but that may not be the case now with it. is it? well it's lowest levels. the freight is river needs at least 300 cubic meters per 2nd to revive and remote areas most of the time. so it's lenae lee the out. i'm at the full capacity of thought of hire is 85000000000 cubic meters. only the upper 45 billions are fit for consumption, but the low before the billions are sending the tube by the nature of the rain and contaminated. in fact, this dangers, that's the only for humans, but also for animals and plants as well. lakes or thought is the biggest of the official lake in a rock. it is been draining diet activity to the freight is since it was created in 1956. despite in total national concern,
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luke and walter authorities have not prepared for dry seasons. this is how much the freight is has lost in recent years. the top of this is of lar, used to reach up to this heights and the river used to have it between 30 and 40000000000 cubic meters of water. now it's levels have significantly declined to only about 6000000000 cubic meters and with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees celsius and some regions. large areas of once lavish lance have to admit average as well to live is dwindled to a dream, kill a new rock, central and southern regions. many areas have become a wasteland, including the win escalade heritage marshlands. there is a lot of managers, hopefully becoming greedy season will fill up the reserves and replace what they last bought for. they used to come the lack of oil to hit in the crowd. it of
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civilization could mean the end of the communities that have lived by the reverse for thousands of years without brutal, i hate to introduce you at all, you know, bought a province was still in the rock. he still had an alger 0. how center became a saint that says onto masters tense son as the story the
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the sport, his son. thank you very much. a rob wong ama is on his way to saudi arabia. so the
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state media reporting the all hell i have agreed to deal with probably sounds y'all mont assigned to present in. they'll pay around $100000000.00 before i don't. so for the session one year old is thought you might, himself could on up to $175000000.00 in wages during the 2 year deal. he follows the anal messy and leaving the front champions in this transfer window. the am i going to push you back in 2017. so what remains a well reco transfer fee of $263000000.00 could immensely amount it was one of the big pre season findings to the saudi pro need to but he drew a blank on his w with all it had on monday. the defending champion would go on to win the match at allied sweet meal. gara coronado score in twice and 6 minutes in the closing stages. to wrap up the points chelsea's summer spending continues after completing
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the signing of moist this guy said go from brighton. they paid an initial fee of a $127000000.00 for the ecuadorian midfielder. it could rise to a $145000000.00 with add on some boat, which would break the british transfer records to any one year old was also a target of live pools, but the guy said the preferred to move to chelsea. and this is what it meant for him and he's a new club, but they posted a video of custody. the chat into his mother wearing his new chelsea. sure to she congratulates her son and says, this is a dream come true for the whole family. the, the e for a semi final at the women's woke up is on tuesday, was being taken all sweden in oakland. it's the 5th time the swedes have reached the stage, but it's a whole new experience for the spanish team. oh,
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but that group of trains, dramatic for to find a when are with the netherlands, was just the latest chapter. and what has been an extra audrey roller coaster ride, one that's included, a pre told him it seen new to the against the coach or scoring victories of which they scored far. it goes twice. and then in bouncing formula, feet to japan. throughout those highs and lows, this material, spanish squad have remained united and now feel that they can cope with any challenge. and so we have very strong team and very the to them. and we also have a very good record as well. it's not enough just to have that. at the end of the day, the games have to be played to know the strength of each team, the rules that we have, and that's what it's going to be important and that's what he's going to show the difference. so a part of where it was the player was the match in the quarter finals, thanks to her winning go performances of daunted. lots of attention back home. the 19 year old boston learned a one year has represented our country in bars athletics as
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a full 100 meters run. and football and had role pays could be a bar to a weapon to against the sweden side that a now the highest rank team left in the tournaments corner was, is and if you got the means everything to me, it was the unique moment. great to for you to have experienced it and i'm extremely happy. and the readings play as has been happily following, there are june and there on to the semi finals. 3 wins from 3 and the group stages and that law 16 went on penalties are with the 2 time defending champions. the united states has this squad believing that this could finally be the yeah. having reached the world cup semi finals full times previously. and the final just once i think it's time for that. yeah, we had a lot of very good results late in the, in the last tournament. so he's not by putting sense that we are in the situation as we are. and then i think that these time it's them. yeah, we have a big believing i was so sweet and going to the match with even parking older
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knowing the i just to into way from a 1st major title instead, you know, and years standing in their way, a spine, sorry, confident i have the power to be to anybody who pass back out to 0 that 70 final guess on the way and i'll send that h t m t on wednesday is the co hosts australia going up against england in sydney with less than a month ago until the rugby woke up post fonts that have suffered the big injury set back. so i have all my come up is out of the tournament after suffering. any injury in such a days warm up game with scotland. his partnership with antoine reform has been a key to the team for us at play new zealand and the wall cups opening match on the 8th of september to the west indies have claim the 1st bilateral t 20 series when over and just as 2016 brandon king was the hero for the wendy's as
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they clinch the saras 3 to smashed and on beaten 85 runs of 55 rolls. it was a shy hope. the school, the winning runs as they overturned india. so. so the $165.00 was cindy's winning. this match in florida by 8 instead is janik center is preparing nicely for the last grand, some of the a. the us open italian veto straight, and alex them are not in straight sets to in the final, at the toronto mazda is, is the biggest title of the plan to you on your roads at korea. he says, uh, good friends who play the doubles events together. us open begins in new york in a full month's time with his title in montreal was won by american jessica tula, russian opponent, the demila, samson nova, has to play her semi and the final on the same day without one easily dropping just one game to claim her 1st title of the and that so spoke for me a 100 back to
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a sign. i thank you very much indeed. and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with me on all these stories. the don't forget the website, of course for news on sport audra 0 dot com on robotics and stay with us some of the, [000:00:00;00] the scars of the war and you run deep, but the devastation of the country's precious ecosystems may take the longest to
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hear the people in power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows ukrainian war prizes investigators as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine. ground 0 on that, just a, just a nother fire that had been a rather large across the country for days, hours yesterday and the business good. my entire life fire fighters, they're saying that there's very little they can do with these extremely heavy wind while the world is focusing a lot on the tourist. the local, real desperation here about how much they've lost 35 square kilometer as of last greenforest and woodland has been burned,
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really does resemble an army getting landscape the truck whole region as part of south america is the toughest. we for the 2 men who seem to thrive on his challenge. a veteran truck drivers on says every clue, whatever the web to provide for his growing time. and the cowboy who enjoys his rough and then the last risk in it, a power outage there. the west african nations condemned the decision by new jersey. truly those to prosecute to be hosted president for treason the i don't know about this and this is obviously life from doha. also coming up how, why is governor one's the death toll from wells fargo?


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