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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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crypto currency all the way to a federal financial system because of open source software. we can create or money without banks or governments award winning filmmaker toast and huffman looked at all sides of the complex crypto crypto to get it going. look, james and the engineer on ocean sierra, the clashes in and around libby is capital tripoli after the detention of a powerful commander, the hello, i'm kimberly healthcare. this is algy 0 live from dell ha. also coming up, west african nations condemned the decision by new shares,
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cool leaders to prosecute the alice to president for teresa hawaii, governor wars the death toll from wild fires and mally to rise from 96, a search team scour burned down neighborhoods. ronnie and officials blamed the armed group i saw for sunday's deadly attack on a providence. she asked trying in the city of serrano the there's been fighting in around. libby is capital tripoli after the detention of a powerful commander whose forces control much of the city arrival forest captured my hood homes at the mid to get international airport in tripoli. according to those loyal to him, all flights in and out of the city has been suspended. warring factions have been fighting for control of libya. his market darcy was toppled and killed in 2011.
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well, malik traina is reporting for tripoli about the capture of my move homes of the specialty turn force, which controls the me to get airport here in tripoli, detains in the mood homes of become manager of the 400 and 44th brigade of forces loyal to homes that then gave a deadline to the special detour and for us to release him, they didn't. and so we saw a security tensions rise, especially in southern tripoli, where both of these groups have a, have headquarters or barracks in those areas of clashes be a rupture between them. and the situation remains extremely tense. and we can hear a sporadic fighting, a sporadic gunshots in the distance, mostly like weapons, but from time to time, we can here what we believe is the artillery or, or,
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or, or medium weapons being used in tripoli feet. it's a fragile piece. uh when, when, when things are going well and situations like this can escalate extremely quickly . i mean, the last time that clashes erupted, you know, we had about 30 people died and over a 100 injured. so people are extremely afraid of who's seen that the schools are, are now calling for, for uh, for them to, to be suspended for tomorrow. just in case. so, i mean people, people are really afraid and the hope is that some kind of agreement can happen. and things can calm down well the west african regional block eco, was, has condemned the decision of new shares, military rulers, to prosecute the deposed president for treason. they're calling it get another provocation, who both of them was ousted and detained after the military's whose power last month. the united nations is called the development worrying. i submitted race
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reports now from capt. sienna, in the neighboring nigeria. the things are getting more complicated for the just the post president, one of my buses, 3 weeks after the cool is for my gods, one to charge him with treason after 2nd here. never mind media. i really assist you the government of needs. you have to date, gather the necessary evidence to prosecute before the competence national and international authorities, the ousted president, and his local and for an accomplices, for high treason and undermining the internal and external security of nisha. following his exchanges with the nationals, a 4 and a heads of state and heads of international organizations. as long as you wanted to put them into just a while, the charges against best weight. they could also be a power struggle play out. they attempt to see how they can silence by you as a president and then possibly, and he's on that because once he's convicted,
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it means he's spend that is that he's going to spend that as of his life in prison . i have no bathroom, that'd be the one who is getting these yet. the problem is that chances are they are for i'm assuming was wrapped in the yeah, the charges come always have time to take on a military base in the to the region. most of the kept doing yeah me, but cute 7. so it just, it's a fault such a tax is administered to power. most of the courtney decide the lack of security is one of the main reasons they over through the democratically elected president. but with these attacks on the rise, people are beginning to question the motives and the cool. on sunday senior really just figures from nigeria. let me just cletus, who stated a willingness to negotiate with the regional book echoes. the enabling julia concerns of mounting about events in this year as refugees to begin to cross its border, shedding and this condition tension is building across the border. why many people
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name is you're concerned about possibly ministry intervention. meaning i did is i worried about the optimize local c. s a centers of costs. board of trade and relationships would be in jeopardy. as long as me is just military, remain defiant. we have started receiving the influx of people from the jo. but in the pocket, some of them have start to secure for which here. and it's not only nigeria that's working with consent. politicians and i noticed on the continent, i worried about the speed at which these cool was happening, especially in west africa. i did research, i just need a couple not nigeria and stay with the story. malcolm web has more from dot car, the west african regional economic blog echo was just put out a statement saying that it learned with stupefaction about the challenges presented by the minute. feel so if he's in his yeah, against recently ousted president, the how much was the statement or sex and then to move instead of contradicted
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assigns recent signs that there was a possibility of deceiving, peaceful means. to echo, i said, would be a ton to constitutional rule. united nations has also commented saying that is worrying statements and then expressed concern about the conditions of president as him and his family who are detained by the military. also it also it sees in the jazz caps, so when you, i'm a, the us government's also commented condemning the move. now this comes at a time when echo us. so macro last member states that preparing a stand by force for a possible ministry intervention coat of law has said that it would put in a battalion of troops, a 150 soldiers send a goal. and the name would also be expected to contribute troops. but to echo us members are currently suspended. molly, i'm the key and if i say both of those countries of have twos in recent years,
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in the military, governments that have said that they object to any military intervention, they would stand by the military or 3rd season. news yeah, in the event that it happened raising concerns of an escalating regional complex. malcolm web out, a 0 call center go. and at least 26 nigerians soldiers have been killed in an ambush and an evacuation mission that followed. an air force helicopter crash near a village in niger delta state. it was on its way to rescue soldiers who were wounded during a military operation against gunman. 4 soldiers were killed in that attack. it will turn into the united states. the death toll in hawaii is devastating wildfire, so has now reached $9.00 to $6.00, with the governor saying that number's going to rise. many are waiting for news on whether their friends and family are safe. officials. they efforts to find and
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identify the dead are still in the early stages of the 0. she have her tons, the has the latest from alley i think what was very striking was it for the last several days we've been outside about exclusions and so i oversee the focus of exercise and is like, i know when we've all seen the pictures of a devastated, destroyed town. well, we haven't really realized before. there is the so much l surrounding it, which is also in the exclusions. and that really helped us understand why when we were outside big solutions and over the last several days people would come up to us and say that i'm not letting us and we have to get back in because so many people, thousands of people by the looks of it are still there, so you have the policy and the future. we have a lot of questions about the pos, meaning why didn't they know, why didn't they full see that this could be a possibility, given all the warnings they've had since 2014 widely emergency siren sounds. when it was clear, it was incredibly when the day and fires were already burning. but now we're also
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looking to the future. i think something that is often forgotten as hawaii is effective in american colony. i know it became the state in 1959, but it's still that, that sort of suspicion and resentment among the big sections of the nature of wine population here about the motives of the federal government in any way. yes, the 21st century link lead capitalism does off the capitalism. the way that the, those who run the results and who have the money have a, have a lack of making a crisis into an opportunity which might mean that many of them will end up losing out. and that's what we had in that report for various people. does that real suspicion and fear? and actually one of the reasons why certainly people have remains on the western part of the habit left. is that real fear about what's going to, what's going to happen next? you know, when you have to remember the reason hawaii is a us state is because a bunch of white sugar plantation owners called the ministry interpreter of the queen. at the end of the 19th century, it's a very recent political history that there's rooms in the numerous about the
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relationship between hawaii and the us. yeah, that's comes out at times like with in, in iran officials there have blamed armed group i saw for sunday's attack on a prominent she has tried in the city of sheriffs, at least 2 people have been killed, a group before nationals has been arrested door. so jabari reports for us from t ron, i believe i had me shot. this was the moment alone gunman storms into the shelter of shrine insurance and open fire. witnesses said it happened quickly. i saw people were running towards the exit who were injured. i didn't know what had happened. i saw everyone around me had run away. the gunman was arrested on the scene and has been identified as a citizen upside you cust. on the head of her onto this year, he says another 8 men have been arrested in connection with sundays attack. all of
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them are for national so you can sounds foreign minister says it has yet to receive the documentation about the suspect from irena and officials to verify his identity . iran until jake has done have had good relations since the former soviet republic declared independence in 1991 and to her on. is it 2nd because for an investor after china? iran is foreign ministry spokesman, provided one possible motive for the attack with us the phone about he unfortunately some world powers have been using these terrorist groups as a means of gaining influence to have a presence in the region and to make political and security changes. yeah, i smart sentiments shared by the spokesperson of the revolutionary guard who accuse us for in spite agencies of being involved and what the government is calling a terrorist attack with the goal of creating division between iran and its neighboring countries. this is not the 1st time saucer of shrine has been attacked
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last october. 3 gunman storms its grounds, killing 13 people. this 12 century shrine is the 3rd most important in the country . and now officials, we look into increases security and find out more about the 9 monday accused of carrying out this attack door safari, algae, 0. tyrone argentina's presidential election race has had an unpredictable candidate. javier malay, a fiery and wild haired libertarian, who wears leather jackets, belts of rock funds to his supporters and causes political opponents, thieves and theresa boas reporting from where it is arsenic. she explains why so many people voted for him to anger and frustration without in tina's political slash runs high in this for neighborhood. and when a site is, what actual paydays i retired say no, says he's $200.00 a month, pension is not enough to live on. it knows it when he read me that we cannot buy,
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we cannot h a key though to tell you. so it was a sweet potato a tomorrow, so is an affordable. how do we live? we cannot live like this and worse of your retired. i know people who line up and bangs too big for a loan. that said, inflation has been over a 120 percent in the past year. and many residents here are quick to express. their deep disappointment with what they say is the constant failure of origin. tina's economy, people in places like this one are the hardest hit by inflation and by financial instability, and many voted for the far right candidate. have you had any laid, never minding that many of the radical proposals that he has for argentina's economy could have a huge impact on argentina? forest lake was himself a libertarian. he not only wants to dollars the economy, but also shut down the central bank,
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which he blames for the sky rocketing station in the country. he also questions argentina's free public health care and education systems. the once the on the side of the board to the most, we can say that we are in abundance of thirds. the undecided voters in general tend to be quite angry. therefore, we have the chance to get the run of if we go into one of remember to speech because we are speaking in front of him next, but of identity nation. of our didn't time bones fell around 12 percent on monday. the us dollar in the parallel market seemed unstoppable, and the government evaluated its currency around 20 percent to cope with a markets pressure. supporters of we lacy, the voted for him because they're tired of what the calls are useless. politicians or the, i mean, i went and bought a $100.00 yesterday so i could seen nobody can save us. so i sold them again. i
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hope there was change. come on really. you, i'm on the day the next few months will be filled with political and so it's empty . but people in argentina fear it was translate into higher prices that nobody for now seems to be able to control the so i just see that went outside his time for a short break. still ahead on algebra, i'm talking to each other in front of the doc of city corporation hospitals. i'll bring to the latest updates on the allow me rise up doing a favor in bangladesh. and we take a look at a historic win for young climate active. assume the united states, what it means for future legal battles, not the environment. the inspirational women. together the largest number of young women and showed the
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entire nearing performers was the 1st 2 male z to play in jordan out to see well celebrates couple emails and taking traditional outage in a new direction. they go on stage, it's motivates other girls to join citizen. so jordan egypt tongue outages. here we are a generation of people. very ambitious, very, very persistent and very good. but to talk soon, you may be comfortable right now, but you will soon feel the sim hicks, we feel every day from home come, then you've gone the 3 women gruff, who would be in fact of the front line active as the future children on a jersey to international, so make has and well clos, john,
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bring programs to see the world from a different perspective on out just in the awesome back. you're watching algebra 0 reminder of our top story. this our there has been fighting and libya's capital tripoli, that's after the detention of a powerful commander who's forced to perform much of the city arrive, of course, captured my homicide. if the, the, to the international airport, a triple a, according to those loyal to him, the west african regional block eco, was, has condemned the decision of new shares, military rulers,
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to prosecute the deposed president for treason calling it. yet another complication, the death toll in hawaii is devastating wildfire as has reached 96 with the governor saying that number is going to rise in say the efforts to find and identify the dead is in the early stages. barkley, this is bottling, is worse than a fever outbreak on record with more than 400 deaths reported and more than 87000 infections. experts say the effects of climate change and poor sanitation are just some of the reasons for the rise in cases. 10 of your child dri reports from dr. as the most in range of intensify across bind with dash along with high humanity and heat that are fears that den get fever outbreak will get worse. nose marked or have to rush or 11 year old son to
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a private hospital because she couldn't find any recommendation in a government around the hospital and medical emergency increasingly becoming come across the country. after he was diagnosed with thinking within a day we rushed him to the hospital after he was going and shot his, the taylor county trip to a critical point. and he had very low blood pressure. he is now recovering very slowly, but many here kind of for to take the children to a private hospital. the government should take most steps to eradicate mosquitoes. it's just not adequate. and so the corporations should take most steps to keep things more hygienic and teen. i had to break my savings bond to be the hospital expense in the world. health organization is calling on bangladesh to control its mosquito population and minimize people's exposure to the mosquito brung diseases. the increase in daniel cases is causing alarm among people. busy in talk in other
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places and doctors or many hospitals are struggling to cope with the rising number of patients. when i was saying is a physician who says this outbreak is on like his saying before. there is an increasing number of children who are getting admitted to hospitals with fluid build up in the vital organs causing refractory shop. and eventually that up to my never uh, didn't lose these times that don't get situation is very critical. and like before, was the doctors and patients are facing much more challenging clinical issues compared to previous years. the world health organization is also warning cases of dangle fever worldwide. good rich record highs this year, partly due to global warming and the half of the world population is now at risk of contracting. den get involved with the shakes, but say, erratic weather condition and poor drainage and sanitation. possibly to blame for the rising dang it. and have ards, of the government for more quoting aided and efficient response to deal with the crisis trying bitch all day i'll just here to dotcom well to
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a rock. now where the united nations is warns that rocks to main rivers could completely dry up in less than 2 decades. it's all being attributed to climate change, dams in neighboring countries and, and usually hot summers. well, my hood abdulla head has this report from amber province in western iraq. the pumping k o is the last of drops to save you ox exclusions rivers. this small amount of water from the bar and above providence is going into the free to use the reverse live. it has been declining drastically, largely because of dams in neighboring to key. yeah, york has also experienced adheres of drought and unprecedented water shortages. some one without the modern wire involved, but we started the project with 15 electronic pumps, through to treat diesel printed pumps. current operating into around 75 cubic meters per 2nd. welcome to feed central and southern regions. both experts. what
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are you, this water with? how you live as a sold could pose a threat to humans and the environment. the sold used to be washed away by a natural occurrence and when that is of water was full. but that may not be the case. now with it is it? well it's lewis to live is the freight is river needs at least 300 cubic meters per 2nd to revive and remote areas for most of them, for the graduate in time. so it's lenae lee the out. i'm at the full capacity of thought of hire is 85000000000 cubic meters. only the upper $45.00 billions are fit for consumption, but the low before the billions are sending the 2 by the nature of the rain and contaminated. in fact, this dangers that's only for humans, but also for animals and plants as well. lakes or thought is the biggest of the official lake in a rock. it is been draining diet activity to the freight is since it was created in 1956. despite in total national concern,
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luke and walter authorities have not prepared for dry seasons. this is how much the freight is has lost in recent years. the top of this is of lar, used to reach up to this height and the river used to have that between 30 and 40000000000 cubic meters of water. now it's levels have significantly declined to only about 6000000000 cubic meters and with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees celsius and some regions. large areas of ones. lavish lance, have to have that average as well to live is dwindled to a dream, kill a new rock, central and southern regions. many areas have become a wasteland, including the win escalade heritage, marshlands. there is a lot of managers, hopefully becoming greedy season will fill up the reserves and replace what they last bought for. they used to come the lack of water here in the crowd. it of
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civilization could mean the end of communities that have lived by the reverse for thousands of years. without brutal, i hate to introduce you at all, you know, bought a province listed in the rock. more than 50 people have died in the northern indian state of michelle per dash after torrential rains hit the region. unusually heavy rains and melting glaciers have caused flash floods. as michael apple reports with pickaxes shovels and even the bay hands risk you work isn't volunteers work to save people trapped in the month in india's himalayan region. heavy rains, broad floods which then figured land slides washing away hugs. so that's what it is . i'm going to get to the reins in the last 24 hours. have we have that on him. a
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child protection in the template. and you know, shimla, we have identified 5 bodies around 20 to 20. 2 people are still missing the trying everything to save the lives of those buried. the climate change is increasingly being blamed for extreme and devastating weather events. worship as well on a pilgrimage to one of the holiest sites, the hindus in the state capital shimla. when does all this struck? he replied, burst occurred during which the railway track and road collapse. it's expected that to meet this. there are 20 to 25 people still tracked. this is basheba temple, which is a 150 years old. there's been a lot of damage to lives in property, record, rain full and the flooding it triggered has damage, roads, buildings and force. the closure of schools with shelters being set up for the displaced. the situation is bad. there were continuous floods and the rivers are
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overflowing, their flash floods, villages are being flooded and people's homes have been effected. india is meet to a logical department is issued a regular for both him a child per dish. and we've had our con states with more rain full cost for the start of the week. michael apple, elders era. in the united states, the court has delivered a landmark judgement in favor of young climate activists. 16 children and young people took montana to court and they said the state violated their cost, additional right to a clean and healthy environment for promoting fossil fuels. now the ruling could set a precedent for other climate related law suits, coal, oil and gas are critical to montana's economy. residents in alberta and the northwest territories and canada has been ordered to evacuate due to wild fires. canadian officials say the 2023 wildfire season is the worst ever recorded with
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millions of kilometers worth of land, all ready, burnt, at least 25 people have died in an explosion at a gas station in russia. it happened in the southern city of michael mac hatch halla. the regional governor says that 50 others are being treated for injuries. and that's all for us here in doha for the moment. weather is next and then inside story, please stay with us. the hello again, while the rain moves away from rout, pending and focused on pushes into punch at providence, it will cross over the other side of the border into punjab state. and india also heavy burst of rain through hemlock straw per dash where we have seen some flooding and same goes for altura con, you know, over the past 24 hours parts of the con state have picked up nearly half
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a meter of rain. now elsewhere in india on tuesday we'll also see the rain pick right back up for westbank all state after a bit of a lot. there are for endo china's some showers and centers thrones in the forecast here. and for the philippines around beside us in northern mid and now island. there are some funny advisors in place here for china, it's pretty much south of the yangtze river valley, where most of the action is happening, where the sun's out don't change is up to 37 degrees. and the 1st type food of the season to make land fall on japan's mainland here around a socket was going to dump probably about $2.00 to $300.00 millimeters of rain and whip up those winds to about a 100 kilometers prior. so you're going to be in the thick of it on tuesday. now if we go back to southeast asia, this part of the region anyway, some verse of rain to go for northern to monitor island on tuesday. i know you're in the know, we'll see you soon. take care the
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heroes from i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it. and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the as russia pulled the plug on the lines? now for additional reports, i must go, might have stopped funding the most scenary group plan. would that leave most goes in for us world wide? what's the future of this private all me this is inside score the .


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