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tv   Digital Dissidents Episode 2  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:55pm AST

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cus is always of inside 50 full right the world people pay attention to this one here and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here . the . ready i'm serial venue in the hall with your top stories on alice's 0. donald trump has been charged in georgia with a racketeering and conspiring to overturn his 2020 election defeats. the former us president says his 4th indictment is a which ones 18 others are facing similar charges including his former lawyer, rudy giuliani. as you guys make way, every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one account of violating georgia's record to your influence and corrupt organizations. act from participation in a criminal enterprise in fulton, county, georgia,
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and elsewhere to accomplish the legal goal of allowing donald j. trump, to fees the presidential term of office beginning on january 20th, 21. specifically, the participants and association took various actions in georgia and elsewhere to block the county of the both of the presidential electors who were certified as the winners of george's 2020 general election. at least 20 people have been injured during fighting in and around the libyan capital. tripoli, the latest violence began after a prominent commander was captured by rival forces at the mit ticket airport. when homes us forces control much of tripoli, highly trained, it has more from the libyan capital. last night we were hearing, you know,
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a light gun fire, sporadic light gun fire today this morning. we're starting to here out and heavy artillery being used, we can hear the echoes from the fighting that's happening in these residential areas in southern triple it. also clashes are ongoing and people people here are want to see an end to the violence. uh, but uh for now, uh, these classes are ongoing, the situation is extremely tense and southern triple if the west african original block eco was condemned. the decision of these years military rulers, to prosecute the deposed president for treason mohammed, those whom was ousted and detained after the military seas power. last month investigators and southern russia, or trying to establish the cause of an explosion of the petrol station. at least 35 people were killed and the dogs found a region and children are among the 80 injured build. your shop of oliver has more for moscow. the number of danger that is gre. 1 during the mom and the such for
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missing 15 year old boys ongoing, who works as a, as a car wash. i reported that his father was also participated in the search on his when did right now, the explosion happened on the outskirts of doug a stance. capital massage kalat as a car repair shop. according to preliminary reports, one of the cause exploded that and the bloss tools, the 5 were sent spread to the nearby fuel station. whitfield, the 8th fuel tanks that exploded is caused a mazda 5. the chinese economy grew at a slower rate than expected in july, according to the government's niggers. the latest data shows miss targets in industrial production and the retail sector houses here is katrina, you reports from badging. we've had a raft of disappointing economic figures out on tuesday suggesting that china's economic growth is filtering. and just some year on the figures that we've had out, industrial output grew by 3.7 percent missing and expectation of 4.4 percent retail
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sales grew by 2.5 percent missing a full cost of 4.5 percent. and china is real estate sales sell by 8.5 percent compared to the previous year. and another key economic indicator. unemployment was not released at all as it has been in previous months. and we're not going to see that think of going forward and the government says that this is because of some social changes and changes to way to the way this number is measured. the search and rescue efforts are underway in india is northern state of image shall per dash off to its original rains hit the region. the den ford triggered floods in land slides that have washed away vehicles, demolished buildings, and destroyed bridges. at least 51 people have died and dozens of trapped under the mud up next on elsa 0 digital dissidence statute. the
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i know who was the one person in the can is a who did what he absolutely should have done being a patriot doesn't you know, beating it to a for holding a side your obligations to your people, to your country for the benefit of your government. is the office of patriotism so pushing rates for meals for it concretely, are extremely accurate documentation having us own records shows that it was involved in one way or another. and it is more than a 120000 people in iraq and afghanistan between 20042010. and the us government's responses maybe hypothetically as a result of this release of this material. so mass can family one us soldier could
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face risk we will likely of face is the cost in human lives, on tomorrow's battlefield, or in, in some, in some, some place where, where we will put our, our military forces. now the end result is that the force with me, blasio, i'm the, are the single person had been home as a result of football. if you like all the rights for a moment, you lost them for a lifetime. and that's why this matters is because it happened and we didn't know that we were told for some people they are super heroes. for others, simply traitors. whistle blowers like daniel ellsberg, thomas drake, william benny and edward snowden. ready ready ready hackers and activists like the wikileaks found a julian a song. ready on the former printers, secret service agent knew, marshall. they want us about the complete surveillance of our society. they oppose
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intelligence agencies, governments and corporate nations. and for this, they are threatened, pounded, and imprisoned. why are they so committed? what drives them? the intelligence services are not the only ones monitoring communications and processing mess of data. also, private corporations like google, amazon, facebook and apple collecting millions of pieces of information about how to analyze and monetize the
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tasks i think is a self. so that's not a sac that oil, a pennsylvania, she's not cynthia. most of the scientists wants to be on this assessed. bit annoying, viewed shift for the civic, not to see the horror stuff tango seemed with us ask boy to do this. we don't really know what exactly happens with our own digital trans. my dad is transferred invisibly to huge data centers, supplementing into a complex new identity. creating our digital itself, the utility of h to smith fish does is kind of guy, even if thing david doesn't make it, it's an interesting event continental to see this off the board male. this boss starts in that with the lender to get the on the appointments of these,
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the house for the adults don't with one for the commission, emma diesel much money that is consumed, asked about the least expensive place and so not finding the sol. so see everyone gets smarter because of this technology because it's free or very inexpensive. and the empowerment of people is the secrets of technological progress. the we are all participating in this norm is transition where billions of people are joining our party. right? joining our fun and joining our anxiety to miss 9 to miss the ballade. sudden, indeed, we do. item dots and shirts. are you most afraid heights? most dodson, no, you put looked at some of them, given new developments of the machine, intelligence will make us far, far smarter as a result. and this means everyone on the planet genetics revolution has a huge and positive impact. on the way we'll treat disease progression of disease and so on and so on. it's all basically because the smartphones are really super
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computers, the assign a gun, something different. you just telephone, not us. you just as soon as we got included and i'm going to need some advice on the smartphone into who isn't tasha how it's so in the door then it would gps by some of them of will v as in just actually have mine keeps on saying the whole isn't touch it in my middle ones. with the advent of the smartphone, we have become even more visible the so that it's not just, i say instead of websites, i mean they slow things up these days,
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smartphones capture communication behavior. how long when, where with whom we talk apps collect data about our user behavior, even our health data. in addition, many people use digital data storage like clouds carelessly handing over their information. all of our communities are being intercepted, alexis analyzed and stored automatically. and that means that all of our views or thoughts of our expressions are associations who talked to who me, who last we hate is the old internet saying goes bits for free. and you are the product. because the use of all those convenient digital online services are only seemingly for free because we pay with our desk the we've
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neither inside nor overview about her digital self and absolutely no possibility to actively control it the been each bits understand the online doesn't mean then the top has to be a teacher, most pits are pushed in from vintage good. i would just put the name is best. this new student is the dot com. you've heard us picks up a student who knows. i'm increasing vit. shuffling vehicle cannot be said. which of the, he'd be at the assistance of course and capital a lot soon. bite in internet, click on the name is fume and give to do some of the shift some more data. so we're not the data brokerage from this highest concrete fancy address to stand on here on fields and a few minutes by speech visor, but people says highest and then the ultimate expression to put tests and hit the contents browser, submit the tests and focused in z a for on last on for was on off in big some coals
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of the size ones. that's so spirited and obviously i took this money as well as spanish and so on to me by surprise of youth alphabetizing, the view of the by mouse, food and fun online. put it on putting the lush tests, the boots and $250.00 lush tests. the been what some come on the house which doesn't seem to see for life insurance on this computer that's in the semester. and i go, it's most unprofessional so far on via empties. it looks to us a good phone, get an altima. jazz is he kind of drifted, formed us, the data we create, assembling our digital cells is also of interest as a juicy source of information for the intelligence community. the so equipment is now being put placed on u. s. networks. infrastructure like tronic infrastructure. tapping straight in enabled by critical partnerships. the
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fort center which have still not been revealed to this day. not even for the snow disclosures. 8 and t. verizon and a number of others. but that's where it started with the phone company. ok. good. it was. it was rapidly expanded to include e mails and all related information, internet usage, and all related formation and financial transactions. the revelations by edward snowden provide detailed insight into the relationship between intelligence services and private companies. telephone method, data, and web browsing histories are of great interest to the intelligence community. the see that's really industrial relations. they were tapping the 5 lines between the google servers, yet they didn't even notice what's going on, google, they dot. okay, so i mean,
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that's the point. they can tap lines anywhere in the world. and when they do that, they can get it between the servers of any, any company or from my perspective, i think there's the message collusion between the big insect corporations and the government. you know, with the, the big spies and see some military security complex. they have agreements between them where they will pay money for data if they produce data for an s a or they will also pay for access. and like, for example, the, the room in the at and t facility in san francisco that has this n s a. and that's the n s a room that has, that happened on how we feed data. and it's really a t and t that has the maintain that room. facebook is evil and live you can same as he is. it's the spies went dream. it does, we'll for all information and is to stay on the plates despised access and we know they do to backdoors and things. and yet that's what information is taken. weeks or
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months together, when an individual, the extent would google of information that google has has nothing near what n s a does. for example, they do not have. they have the access to the emails. if it's, they're using g now, for example, but not all the other service providers and they don't. so they don't have that data to do a composite do of what people are doing. nor do they have access to all the fiber optic lines around the world, nor do they see the banking transactions or the financial transactions or the phone calls. they don't see that. so the vast amount of information that google does not have the so that sort of thing that is leading to increasing concentrations and trying to get some spot people uncomfortable. and then these commit to the national security
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sector as contractors. so the, the creative viber, see market capitalism is for. i'm concerned about many of the companies concerned reacted immediately to the snowden revelations. they proclaim and advertise seemingly tap proof of mobile phones and texting services followed by public announcements, pleading that they would no longer put up with the pressure of the intelligent services the, the way in which the technology companies have reacted in the way to the snowden leaks means that the level of cooperation between technology companies and, and intelligence agencies has gone down. and that's, that's,
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that's added to the scratch in some ways. the b would be slightly bizarre if all the advances in technology, in the use of both data analysis which are improving our, the performance of business and proving the health care delivery and so on. some notion of security was allowed to use the it's not as if the most secure, so you get the next purpose. so you have all the whole purpose. you have to less secure us and you have these, you know, in a free society like we, we enjoyed in the west and you'll freedoms, a guarantee by security. and so the, the job of the western governments is to find the maximum levels of privacy and security. suppose the maxima, as a consequence of the september 11th attacks,
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the technical capabilities of the intelligence services were massively expanded. international collaboration of national spy organizations was also intensified. not always, without friction and problems. they have similar rings, like combating international terrorism. but yet they listen in on one another. after when $911.00 had, there was this perspective that germany had had screwed up, that the security service screwed up, that they had harbored terrace. right now you have the cells and hum borg you have a number of the hijackers, the court transited through live their plan there it was a significant cell. there's no question about that and there's a whole history behind it. and i think, i think, you know, as i said, the, i said this even publicly, i've said this in terms of the testimony for the bundle start,
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the germany within europe was declared target number one. and i believe, i believe a significant pressure a but clearly out of the, the secret partnership and cooperation that the india and others was expanded. and we know that now that the get more evidence has come out, there was a special agreement, the secret and an expanded sherry agreement basically gave the united states car blogs. but also it was, it was a b and a, you know, not all you gotta cooperate. you're going to help facilitate the spring 2015, a scantily rep, some germany regarding the close and secret collaboration between the german intelligence service b, n d and d n. a say the,
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the bnb cooperation with the n a say to spy on european politicians. and assisted the united states and the attempts of industrial espionage. when the press reported that the chancellor had known about the scandals since 2000 date, its peak with a german opposition threatening to sue its own government over the b n. d and say affair, the go with the students because the investments has become this needs to be spa lettings, microsoft sign this, the deutsch and go findings to and the zip codes and opinions catch it in on an answer wouldn't mind. so you can but beautiful from the id is an inducement. induce activity to this is just give us a mazda and i knew who should to get up is it's when i'm in the buddhist. confusing
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bad of i don't have to move your supervisor to you. i'm gonna be conscious that someone else could take invasion home from deutsche him grinding stuff and meet these and fucking in a foothold since 2014, an inquiry into the snowden revelations made some of the stuff for the 1st time, a whistle blower from the usa reports to the parliamentary committee about the n s a, and it's inter relations with the german b, n d. the leading very confirmed a very close relationship between the b and d and the in a say to the commission. the relationship that already existed during his time in
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the us intelligence service, the infinity right dependency. and this one's not optics with the feelings on the left and then was office. you had this conversation so you can get this into a feeling for base. so, but he talks on the 9th of this, you get all the all hopkins, this is domains to pelham and patterson, control it and all which contains to and including movies, catch all the intent for me to buy that. and also these contains to fit and follow to see the dell for some student that sits at a screening for follow it. and i'm getting ready to be heading to see sure. just off putting in any more of these contains diagnosed in the midst onto it from the categories. and so it's on this stuff. it's which tend to get put them in touch it
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control the premiums have been from what i can see. they have the same problem, getting information from the b, n d that the congress has from getting of getting information from the and i say it is, they either won't tell them or they lie to them as one of the other. i mean, that's what's been going on in the, in the us government. the point is that in the, in our, in our case we've been this node material has made it obvious that they've been lying to the government. that's why intelligence agencies off that they have costs to do things in secret that are unlawful or politically embarrassing. the intelligence agencies aren't, aren't controllable unless they're really heavily monitored. and there's a verification, an unquestionable verification process. they don't have that now. that's the problem in our country to we do not have a, an on unequivocal verification process that takes agencies can, can, can corrupt, young man who does his team him until they know he's convinced that this point is
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depend, patterson, control and leaving this can thoughts. so, and i can this claim, you still gonna have to put them in pad, it should control premium team in this case on when this talks opportunity on good . i mean, all government seem to be in a position of having to trust their intelligence agencies, telling them the truth. and that is questionable. nothing will happen in terms of any self regulation as organizations or to the security of 2 complex and a to well connected to the powers that i meant to regulate. the german trans 3 in the bonus tag, parliamentary control committee are officially responsible for the control of the be in the the only with a more comprehensive and effective control of the intelligence agencies. can civil rights and privacy be properly protected. what other options are there to prevent abuse are possible illegal activities by the spice?
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the often only intelligence insiders are left to go public, reveal institutional violations and become whistle blowers get. there is disparity between these individuals on the one side and the governments and intelligent surfaces. on the other. and so the whistle blowers inactive as soon find out what happens when they challenge these organizations. because it will consider them to be stopping via give them the 2 digit ones will have to go on. so me as an angle of this being bound to be ex, you'll want to miss nothing. you will team this will blow us note as their histories. it's on your king in scots and the unrestricted must see on stuff. so the answer is it some the, the i am forced to follow me the,
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they actually own very a gives us node and somebody goes through to try and that's how the kindest the has taught. good. so you should to, to get taught by excel, by the system must even think to one and probably give you some value of it. after his revelations, in 2013 edward snowden tried to flee from hong kong to south america by a moscow. but the us revoked his passport, he couldn't continue his journey from moscow and had to apply for asylum in russia . start and had been criticized about ending up in russia. he ended up in russia because the state department canceled his passport. and so he couldn't fly the russian, i mean, as an incredible and go, why would they do that? that allows them to make the argument these working for russia. and they can apply the 1917 like, why would they want to apply the 1970? because the 1917 act carries with it the death penalty. and they were like in the
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desktop the, in a say condition in the bonus tag, actually wanted to call snowden as a witness. many voices in the german public support the idea to grant edward snowden asylum in germany. the a big calling block chang, encrypted coming to disruptive technology to join with me and introducing a bill to outlaw crypto currency all the way to a federal financial system. because open source software, we think trade or money without banks or government award winning filmmaker toast and huffman looked at all sides of the complex crypto crypto. the queen looked
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james, an engineer on ocean sarah. since its inception, in 1961, the quaint fund has been supporting people's livelihoods, and over 100 countries, by funding projects, and an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately helped eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development. the story we speak when all this done because the old site no matter where it takes a police, we have cnn and power and passion. we tell your story.
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we are your voice news, your net out is here. the a. i'm 0 venue in the hall with your top stories on elza 0. donald trump has been charged in georgia with a racketeering and conspiring to overturn his 2020 election defeat. the former us president says his 4th indictment is a witch hunt 18 others are facing similar charges, including his former lawyer, rudy giuliani guys make way. specifically. the indictment brings felony charges against donald john trump. rudolf william lewis juliani. every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one
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account of violating george's record to your influenced and corrupt organizations act from participation in a criminal enterprise in fulton, county, georgia, and elsewhere. at least 20 people had been injured during fighting in and around the libyan capital. tripoli, the latest violence began after a prominent commander was captured by rival forces at them and to get airports. my hood homes, us forces control, much of the capital really trained that has more now from tripling last night we were hearing, you know, a light gun fire, sporadic lights on fire today this morning. we're starting to here out and heavy artillery being used. we can hear the echoes from the fighting that's happening in these residential areas in southern triple it. also clashes are ongoing and people people here are want to see an end to the violence. but for now these classes are
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ongoing. the situation is extremely tense and southern triple if the west african original block eco was, has condemned the decision of new years military rulers, to prosecute the deposed president for treason mohammed, the zoom was ousted and detained after the military seized power. last month, the investigators and 7 rush hour trying to establish the cause of an explosion that a petrol station. at least 35 people were killed in the darkest down region. children are among the injured search and rescue efforts. are underway in india is northern state of hey michelle pradesh. off the to original range, hit the region the down for triggered floods and land slides that have demolished buildings and destroyed bridges. at least 51 people have died up next on houses 0 digital dissidence the
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to meet. and he said, that's item the, so it's a kind of defeats from give to the mental it snowden bed. i think assuming the stuff that come in content i'm was putting this for 511 was unlike will even be the whole time. so i'm a self contained that any joint of, of food on the thing a full time on august. the 1st of it was snowed, meet 2 of them was my seeing different names here, an attorney to open circuit, a speaking for police to him, escaped and obviously photos. so if somebody kind of gave me with a strong does include inside this, it puts nose and not touched on came in mr. yet. so we mixed model. could say picking hoffman no means we have them. so for this little pair of cut off this obviously for them to have something. so if somebody kind of on these hits we pushed in is a my name feline edward snowden. hook you mind to meet the sun to come in the
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front of us on the shipment. the queue leak see its my intake ones named buzz on this door. todd steve with the guys gun sales 1st in collision going and had also followed up confused by the exempt this guy items his team. and finally, just it's, uh, it's, each of the lowest gift is getting but from this kind of the guns and diplomats from depression, the of monopolies by phone and internet, which makes it now and organization that is in conflict with the f b i the ca, the national security agency for 2 c h to accept an organization that is well 9 to face agencies and then an organization that they i want a wrong foot style with that is kind of fargo does,
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does. so i tossed and seems to be business and it's about to, since, you know, see different medications falls. com. but i'm gonna kind of funds this stuff all the time i list execute devices within cape is comes from ending in seventies west when up to piece to steve push on the route to human on how to get into the room. does that sound just to stop the us plot against julian, his son came to light in 2011. this part of the so called stretch for hex, the stretch for as a texas space consulting company, developing g o. strategical strategies for the us government. jeremy hammond, the hacker, copied a total of $5000000.00 emails from the stride for survey with sense to 10 years in prison at the end of 2013 time instead of 50 included controversial messages by the vice president of
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stratford to the us government. they contained a multi stage strategy proposal of how to deal with assange. 2 weeks after the hacker attack, the accusations of rapes surfaced and sweden to this mazda sexual young city, going on to distribute to your 2015 in between this 9 to hire the diesel, that he needs to approve enough to take him because he'd have given julian sincerely finished oceans, that's why we considered one of the new shows. if i told him to set to take it to me and i'm going to take, i'm sticking hudson and other things will be to them and trying to hide. but he does it because she keeps reading positive december 2nd was just as i just cuz i must go off and it's about some new medium. dunstan, the son, she traveled to sweden in 2010 for a series of lectures as their investigation proceedings into sexual misdemeanors.
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against 2 swedish women were opened. a son said he was being subjected to a smear campaign and refuted the allegations when interpol issued the interest warrant for him. he went under ground within 2024 hours isn't being dropped and being assessed by them. i've seen the prosecutor in stock. i mean, and i had dropped and she said that there was no crime at all that had been created . so later on it came out in the supreme court here. and both women are concerned. i had not filed a complaint. and one of them had said that the police headlight is up after a brief game of hide and seek, a son handed himself into the london police in december, 2010, and was remanded in custody. released on bail with an electronic ankle monitor, assange fucking court against his extradition to sweden on a number of occasions. the walls,
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the closing and above us side us is getting ready. and from the swedish side and from the u. k. at the time in june 2012, i had a lot of surveillance and also chasing h to as a light came out, was fine on the national security agency on the 1st. so there was a risk plane coming to the embassy to apply for asylum that that action would be seen and that i would be integrated by fire was extremely well disguised. well i, i didn't look anything like 9 is a 200 something a week. and stuart understood, that's who the stein industry was correct. as the weight of the clothing,
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everything was different. the reason for this learning, you're sure, is to change ok, because the guy can be quite frankly nice. that's not an issue. it's almost a thing in the newspaper that it is an issue for a surveillance thing. the at the time i said, well i'd be happy to go to sweden, provide it as a guarantee of no succession. so i'd states because the london independent had already revealed that the us and sweden were informal, talks about expediting me from the screen can be rendered. yeah, we call that rendering you know,
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that's what the one of the dark side activities that we've been doing, taking people out the street anywhere in the world and sending them to different places for torture or present the escape these insurances. i didn't give you the info, not the kind of leaped info data. it's got the site to even induce the snowdon because she's been on the side of and julian would up is on us. and julian comes, comes dorothy on deed i'm on from budget. the guys to bring, so we can do some julian and go up this course as a young a to a $115.00. so i'm going to use that to buy toys and going for the can explain. this was no longer before it is clear to remote to be do as she knows, i'm just going to go to some type of the largest of you. i'm in spite 1000 seen
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a line. i'm just trying to type me on. i will spend some good physical design to know it's kind of hard, does our need to send to some kind of 20000 them. you know, you know, once the story is over, the general escape of some great new stories they've made that career and the what's the better is that time try, haven't broken with no hope of proper employment. again, you know, having left behind your whole way of life skills, social circle, everything. and in the case of intelligence with the lowest cost you face of mastic prosecution conviction to so it's a very high price to pay. well, i mean the realtor it came when the fbi i came into my house and when i was getting out of the shower and pointed to a pistol at me. and so i was getting out of the shower, getting drat dried off. and they came in to pointing a pistol and also my family. so it was a threatening that was how the threatened people. and then after that the department of justice attempted to fabricate evidence and, and then died us. i was very publicly indicted with a 10 family is
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a 10 felony count, indictment under the contract facing 35 years in prison. that was, that was the final price. you got to remember that inside the intelligence community there, trumpet these things are holding these guys of it as examples to say, look, if you say what's going on, if you stuff online, even if, even if you're doing it for the right reasons, even if you're doing it the right there, you run the customers, know they, they talked about internal channels and whatnot that these guys used in terms of chance and they, they, people liked on districts, they ended up getting and died. and this is something that i pay very close attention to them. i learned a great deal from it was very rare in american history to get charged at su. nice for non spy activities. in fact, i was actually only the 2nd whistleblower charged in like manner. the 1st was daniel ellsberg when he went to the baltimore sure. he did not reveal the pressure
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fight information. now they charged him with classified, but that was a hoax. so there was a fraud, they read classified material that they found in his computer, which was not classified. and he had every reason to believe that he would not be prosecuted for what he gave to baltimore. so he would lose his job. steve would lose his clearance like this is very serious, is jobs depended on clearance. in fact, most of the jobs he should have now would require through. so who was taking a very serious risk. but i doubt if you risk, if you saw him, he would be prosecuted. i thought i was blacklisted, i was present and i brought it. i was radioactive. no government agency would take me nor, nor any contract or with a government. it was off limits. and at the same made it crystal clear, even though there were attempts by even prior to my environment to find work, they would all, they would all come to not. so i ended up as
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a wage rate employee at apple, one of the retail stores in the greater d. c area where i still work. but i'm unable to find any other work at all of any kind. that was the price. you have no job. you have no career, you have no. you have no tension all those years. i served in the government. i'm now a traitor, an enemy of the state. the price thomas drake and other whistle blowers pay for warning, against the danger of a surveillance state as high. lots of friends and family flight in the exile or long prison sentences under more stringent conditions. professional isolation and personal financial collapse. the the
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years of mirrors, the very efficient, everything is organized. everything is just the
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how far we go in our efficiency or race, the sovereignty of individuals. i see how far an institution we go to race, freedom for a person's life. and the only way we can do that is to control them every single 2nd of the day and measure it at the same time. i chose to buy myself in the system. never imagine that i be charged with us for having defended the constitution protecting the constitution became a state crime in the,
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in the end all they had left to do was at the counter level. that's all they had left assassin. which was the offer form of control. it doesn't matter what even the crimes against a state where you are unacceptable. you're not fit to work in the government or or be a citizen. yeah. you do deserve prison. treasures are wrong. where we have that in history. the
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goals you just described, how the, the i team interrogated me. i had a similar room and they place a good cop bad cop with themselves. and they brought the chief prosecutor and he threatened me with spending the rest of my life in prison unless i cooperated. with their investigation, he said you'd better start talking. and i simply said, i'm not going to keep arguing the truth. he says, we have more than enough evidence of what you away for a long, long time. i was declared in the state. i committed crimes against state but i'm standing here free and i, i can't tell you what it means. because okay, i, so i'm thanking you for pull the of the mirror to my own car. okay. as right,
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cuz i'm free. i did not end up in the dark hole. alright. the, i'm glad the west one in that regard. and yet how, how paradoxical it is that the technology of the west is now being used to mass surveillance on a scale of this size. he never could have imagine i don't need one ancient, 280 quote unquote use term instead of the computer takes care of it. for me. that's the real machine that makes a lot easier to publish the call for the dissolution of as you can read. the reason over the last, the last which is true is to funding the
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. the problem is they weren't smart enough to understand what they were creating. but they, in fact were creating as a master styles, the network. i mean, this is like this does the super steroids of the size. he had all these data, all this data on a lot of people, but it was all hand written in paper on files that someone very difficult to manipulate. also, hard to keep up to date and hard to keep complete. none of that as a problem, any more or less, especially with this electronic acquisition and information that makes it really simple. so i refer to this as the styles, the on state super steroids, you know, and this is an n s a i now referred to as the new styles, the agency time after time, after time, mass surveillance has come off wanting. it has been unable to prevent, so the most significant terrorist,
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all these terrorist terrorists incidents of our day, it never prevented the boston marathon bombing. it certainly didn't prevent them. the latest that the charlie had the massacre in paris. why is that? i call these things a data bulk failures simply because when you have a ex key score and you send your people in to look at all this bulk data there, there's just a non data with information they can't get through it. see, i see this, but i get that easy to see of folks for data for that stuff is by. so i don't think we list them on this probably isn't. so is there any 15 in the day they send off the type of photo stuff is by how long it's bought on a. so be missing the slick thinking, the honestly getting putty so thought of for me. but what i mean isn't this missed of the elf cleared on the battery switched off, putting the elf can on this and obviously here on line. so tape the 100 to or the
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increase that is next week is the 2 most recent thing here. 15 for shanella on the electrical estimation with automatically for one of the for being stipends. ok? the next big evolutionary step, we will face the expansion of the so called internet thing. watches, fridges, but also our clothing will be equipped with internet connections to produce, ever increasing and ever more precise data about us. throughout the nation, artificial intelligence and ever perfected algorithms, machines will soon be able to predict our behavior. but what happens to a society that is consciously aware of being permanently observed? for every step, every action leaves a train. our lives in the surveillance society will be reduced to simmering and inconvenience him. confir misbehavior self censorship,
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and mir consumerism labeled as freedom of choice. it's content that so if you're doing this, i'm in this demonstration that most of this money, cuz i'm to pose on. these are mazda from peachville. some of the inning designates, typically we can call them less than those as well. and then the either the 201 is as many situated content as, as yeah, got it in the back. and then the c dot the wish and money for the above. yeah. and by the vietnam, then the cost for safekeeping, negative, or tied to those $2.00, that's not the existing symbol, the any r t. we can have a rating for c, r in security is to take it into a right hand. we call it trust the corporation. we cannot trust the government and we sent certain kind of trust this by agencies to, to respect or purposely respect a little. so that's the reason to be hurtful. small organization very committed
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people. when even faced by a giant's intelligence bureaucracy like the national security agency, like to say in early a case of authentic on the, the i, j state department, etc, can survive and even thrive. it's okay to get a bloody nose doing it. but that still stand. oh, i'm not tell me what to do. i'm not telling you what to believe. you know, and it's ok if you think it's okay if you disagree with me. it's okay for everybody . you know, to look at this because we have to decide how we feel right. we got to stop thinking that what's all the news is the gospel truth. what am i? so she says behind the, the podium is exactly the right answer. what i say is something that should be reliable. i could be totally. so you gotta figure out what you believe in stands for. you have to stand for it, you know, and whether on a good guy, whether on the bad guy, whether i'm a hero, whether on the tray, this,
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none of that message criticize me. hey, let's think about what matters. any issues, right? think about the world you want to live and then be part of the glad you could join us. here's your weather update for the america is. it's been a scores for, for western canada, the pacific northwest, portland, oregon having its hottest august state on record 42.2.


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