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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the people say that even when they are about to process the neighboring charges, they've also been talking to was an incredibly tragic day. seeing refugee streaming in his turn into a violent night. they seemed terrible things experienced unimaginable hardships to come this far. what happens now? the projecting unit saying delete is off the you with japan and south korea agreed to deepen military and economic cooperation, the ssl just here in line from doha. so coming up, ready to go. any time the order is cubic, the due date is also the side west african defense cheap side,
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the sources of ready to deploy tanisha as diplomatic options. file thousands of forced to flee while find some wisdom candidate official site. the next 24 to 48 hours could be the most difficult. we can take over the world, just kidding. in a humanoid for i thought, talks to al jazeera about politics, climate change, and with an artificial intelligence is a threat. 16 menissi. the fleet is of the united states, south korea and japan have agreed to deepen military and economic cooperation at a summit and camp david. it's seen as a bit to projects. unity in the size of china is growing power. and usually a threats from north korea president biden prize, the latest of south korea and japan. so this, doing a reproach meant after a long history of animosity stemming from tokyo's colonial rule. official reports
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from kemp, david using the planning pull down, and most of these and rivalries overcome us present. jo bike believes this is a significant diplomatic moment. this was the 1st summer that i've hosted at camp david's as president as i can think of. no more for the location to begin the next year or next year of cooperation. a place that has long symbolized the power of new beginnings. the location was deliberate, kept david in maryland. the presidential retreat is where a peace deal should be made agreements reached breakthroughs, accomplished upon it, says korea have a long history of suspicion and bitterness early, but the proceed going menace of china. the pacific unpredictability of north korea brought all 3 countries together. and what joe biden declared was a moment of political cottage regarding the response to north korea. the 3 countries agreed to strength of co operation for the full implementation of the
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sections and to work closely together in the un security council. the diplomatic ties will be stronger with a leader level hotline. there will be annual military exercises and efforts to protect and boost supply chains and the economy. we have agreed to step up our security cooperation to ensure our people safety and security in the region. but the americans that came to point out this is no time division and showing young disassemble is not about trying. that was not the purpose of the meeting, but it did come. china obviously came up and i'll just say we don't share concerns about the economic coersion or height intentions caused by china. but this summit was really about our relationship with each other and deepening cooperation across on the tire range of issues and when well beyond the white house. he says it's been working on this agreement since almost joe biden, sparsity and office. the compact, the insist is designed to last for years and years, but for the moment it's only 2nd to last,
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as long as joe biden remains in office hours for sure, i'll just see that i come david in maryland to mexico tongue, a good she was the full, the japanese prime ministrations are about his foreign policy speech. russia, he says this try lateral summit is not on the message to china, but also its allies, russia and north korea in japan has for quite some time, wrong, and alarm bell bows to sole. and to washington dc. and this sort of trial that try ad meeting has been something long overdue. none of those 3 leaders ultimately says that this is about china. about the body language is much, much more vocal than verbal language. this is about china and nothing else. and for that matter, there is very little difference diversions between tokyo in washington dc. again, it's about china, why north korea is 100 percent dependent on the life support given by china.
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russia is going to, is destined to become weaker still, which is going to depend further on china. it is actually also about russia. if you look at the region, you get 3 nations nuclear powers, non democratic countries allying with each other, russia, north korea, china. there is no other neighborhood like that in the world. and it's been long overdue once again for a sol tokyo, washington dc, to work with the same playbook, to send a possible equivocal signal primarily to china, but also to russia in those korea. taiwan has condemned chinese military exercises near it's what is vowing to find for its freedom and democracy. that response comes off to beijing announced that conducted naval and exercises near the island, which it considered as china is territory. the exercises follow the time,
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and these vice president's visit to the us as the kremlin says, president person held a meeting with military commanders in the southern city, across the front, on the headquarters go russia's military operation. and you crying really a key. welcome to us approval. to the deployment of if 165 digits, the danish and dutch and jets will join the board once ukrainian pilots complete the training. the night time members have laid international if it's a train, the pilots to fly, the 16th and come best. ukraine has long asked for 5 digits to comb bets. russia's efforts to live in west african nations have agreed to commit troops to military deployments. tanisha aimed at restoring the else to president defense chase from the co boss blog site. they have decided on when to launch a military operation, but it will only be a last resort in diplomatic options with the crew. latest file, cho strep, that reports from that. missing an acura gonna after 2 days of close though,
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meetings, west african defense chief, say they have a plan for possible military intervention against 2 leaders in new jersey. we've already agreed on fine tune, ripple that apply for the income pension. this i typically capacity request, i typical get people that quick make need that on the mental from investors hope to better better, better incorporate across commission. if a piece of security said the west african block, had the resources, equipment, and political will to act militarily and the door to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis would not be open for much longer. the member must do so because presidency it to be hop on, meet the elements you have for me, take the on the equipment, you have the resources to run that. take this mission. so i tell
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you read that to them in time. the or the is cubic but d b is slow beside the diplomatic efforts by numerous delegations, including echo as the african union, chad the u. n. m. the us old bids to find a peaceful solution to the causes of so fall, failed. it collapses. it wants to put sanctions on every member of the community to self appointed, so called transitional government, and yet they still refused to free, detained democratically elected president, muhammad bar zoom. an opponent came on trial for treason, a move which echo us, and it's international back and say, he's groundless. an escalade tree, obviously, is key into the spell room was the policy on the j was being dictated to by foreign governments like new jazz form, a colonial power from of course,
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these days in the face all is principles both missing and put them into probably about equal access, the payment guide at all being directed by this. i'll hold that, i'll be, you know, the, i'm missing the point completely. but any military intervention plan against and he is coo, lead his face. has many political and legal hurdles before it could ever be implemented . these include approval by parliaments and legislative bodies, or participating west african states, a number of which including regional pow house nigeria have already said no to any potential military action yet. because this commission of a piece of security was definitive in saying that this is not a war against and is yeah, he said that it's expected possibly in the next 24 hours or so. a committee of echo as representatives will travel to the sherry and capital in the full discussions
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with the 2 liters. this is something that the 2 liters i've said in recent days that they are still open to. however, defense chiefs here now say that these kind of discussions cannot go on forever. and if necessary, they are ready to go. child stuff without a 0 across while eco wants defense chief degree to military intervention initiative for suspended members who have had military crews and recent years with not and that's amazing. that includes new. she is name is molly and became a file. so who formed against a joint force is here in states tv is reporting that the senior officers from the 3 countries have met in the army to develop a response to any military intervention. molly advocate and also also reportedly sent military planes tanisha to show this support us. canada is west wall 5 season old record is getting worse, as flames close in on the capital of its northwest territories. thousands of people
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in yellow, 9th, a fleet to safety after an evacuation order of hundreds of kilometers south homes of building and with colona, british columbia officials. they have declared a state of emergency. russell and jordan reports a fast moving wildfire in the mountains near the city of colona, british columbia. on friday officials there declared a state of emergency as the fire destroyed homes and businesses mcdougal creek wildfire is just one of more than a 1000 fires burning across canada. up north in yellowknife, residents were heating the government's order to evacuate by noon on friday. a mass of fire is approaching the city from the east. nobody official said evacuation is necessary. we're heading into a critical couple of days in this. during the management of this wildfire,
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we expect to see north west winds to north, to west north west winds over the next 2 days. and that those are wins. that will trend both. busy of those fires in directions that we don't want fall far as buyers are a natural phenomenon. un official say global warming is fly. canadians are living in crisis mode. this year we've seen very, very high temperatures this week, including a temperature of 42.2 degrees celsius in the town of listen, which was a new august temperature records. you don't normally and you shouldn't normally associate 42.2 degrees celsius with canada. but this is what we are seeing. the forecasts for western canada wide spread and light rain over the next few days. not nearly enough to extinguish these residents nightmare. rosalyn jordan, l g 0. go to milson is the mayor of wisc colona. he explains how he's tackling the
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wild 5 building down his community. we have a significant a wildfire here that so threatening our community. and we have many of our residents under evaluation alert to, to several 1000 residents that are on the alerts. and we have probably got to stage about 2503000 residents on the doctor, we should order. and i mean it's up to me, but they've in order to leave their, their home so. so this is quite a significant fire, and it's a very dynamic and it's moving very quickly, disrupting homes and critical infrastructure within our city of city, west colona, and our neighbors west bank 1st nations, and part of the regional district. so what we've done is we've taken action to protect our water treatment plants and our schools and the in the area of fire. busy and also our, our home, we have one hydro line, electrical line services,
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this area. so um, so that's one aspect is strengthening our critical infrastructure. the other of course is our home. so in, in the greater west side here, which is why. ready offset the city of clock. we're looking at about 50000 people that to that are, you know, very close to this particular fire. so uh, unfortunately, uh, you know, they, they all, some, some structures have been impacted. uh, not really primarily homes in west colona fire department is receiving a support from wildfire b. c. and from other fire department strode. so as i said, are located in other parts of the province. they are coming to assist us, but the terrain that's just just outside of our community boundaries is very rugged . it's more mountainous hills. so the train is it's very difficult for the, for the aircraft. the firefighter certainly on, but to get in there to, to try to fight it. and that's, as i say, it's moving fast because the winds are gusting, quite quite extensive,
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if it can wait. and so the firefighters have to be very, very careful for their own personal safety. its canadian prime minister just intruder ended his family vacation to visit a while fi evacuation center and laid down his government's plan. or does the government working together, the federal government is there with uh, the significant military assets were coordinating the air evacuations were making sure that were there to respond to all the needs of, of community now. and will be there in the coming months in years as we look to keep people safe moving forward, even as we rebuild in places where there are terrible losses. it's still a head on al jazeera. i'm gonna see a newman in the and then to call region of ecuador, where communities must vote on whether or not to keep all this intact or open it up to mining interests. and will tell you more about the concepts champion high jump. i as the choices is full success of the world time. so in budapest,
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the hello good to be with you right off the bat. here's an update on major hurricane hillary. it's going to spread some significant brain to couple of san lucas. we could see a few months worth of rain in a short period of time. those winds will also gust to about 75 kilometers power. the red line is the path that this storm is likely to take just skirt into the west of baja, california. meantime, as we look at central america, there's been quite a few downpours in the bahamas that's extended right into florida. miami, picking up about 80 to a 100 millimeters of rain as of late and still some showers in rain in the forecast once again on saturday. elsewhere for the us call states, it is a quiet pitcher and that rain moves away from the us. northeast,
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pushing into canada is maritime provinces and were dragging up southerly air. so minneapolis, your temperature is up to 34 degrees on saturday. it is still breezy around yellowknife, that's causing concern for the wildfire is burning there. and as we looked toward the desert, southwest, something monsoon downpours coming into play here. now for the top end of south america, it's our usual showers in storm secure and we've got so weak ahead for santiago breezy for the river play. could see gus here, 70 to 75 kilometers per hour. soon, a bit of the time and to 6 tours in trade has found this back of to this level pandemic during travelers from around one and one east investigates how wonderful children are islands, child 6 tourism industry g 0. the
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showcase of this documentary news from across the network on out the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching images here, a reminder about top stories, but select the leaders of the us, japan and south korea have agreed to deepen military and economic ties of the summit. attempt type is in a contained what they described as china is dangerous and aggressive behavior. in the south china sea defense shapes from the west, african block eco box site. they are ready for military intervention. initiates as
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soon as they have given the go ahead from the heads of states to groups. this is not the preferred option but does not believe an endless dialogue in canada is facing its list bias season on record officials and wished carolina have declared a state of emergency as well. and funds continue to the score of homes and businesses and just different places in yellowknife has to slice 22000 people of a 5 sizes in spines, 10 or a site that's made some progress against what's being described as the most complex wild, 5 deer and 40 years the plays in the canary islands has sort of thought destroyed, really full 1000 pictures of land, barbara, and go for reports. aircraft. both of them walk fast, which have safe. i've been to almost full size of the heck test in the spanish island of tennessee reef. it's affected thousands of people who have to leave the homes or stay in doors to avoid inhaling. the fumes strained,
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civil god has been moving door to door to help evacuate habits and villages and the effected area. some residents say they were given just an hour to pack a no. they have no job guys. it is super stressful. we have to leave our houses and everything. let's see if we're lucky and hope to fire doesn't go down the hill, which would be most dangerous. let's have hope in the firefighters. the fires have come down over night. early a change in the wind direction threatened to spread the flames to new areas firefighters struggle to keep the blaze reaching populated areas. spain has suffered drought for the past few years. it slept, ross tend to dry fueling, was fast and mountainous areas. the european for his flight information system says blazes brand 800000 heck tests of land the european union. last year. spain was the west effected country,
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a coughing for 40 percent of the brand area. scientists say heat waves caused by climate change will make qualifies more likely barbara and go out to sara to the full, the chancellor of austria. so best in coast has been charged with giving false evidence to a polymer tree inquiry into corruption. cuz is said to stand trial in october for his government's alleged role in offering 5 is to a russian invest in the corruption scandal 2 years ago. cause this boost government to collapse before he return to power. he says the allegations of false dominant kind has more from bill and recent legation against sebastian quotes. form of shots that are of austria revolves around evidence that he gave to a poem entry commission, investigating a previous scandal in which he had been implicated. it is alleged that the statements and evidence he gave to this problem entry commission. well, now there is evidence from others saying that what he said was false. he said in
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front of the commission that he was aware of the appointment of an individual to a government run agency, but that was as far as his involvement went. now evidence has been provided that suggests that that is not the case and it is on the basis of this fresh evidence that he has been charged. he denies this josh and says he looks forward to the chance in court to be able to disprove it. why does this matter? well, because sebastian quotes one to general elections, but he was barely out of his twenty's. he was seen by many across europe as being a spend a barrel for a new form of conservatism. so somebody that was the position that he wanted the world to see, he has had a low profile since leaving office in 2021, reinventing himself as an entrepreneur in silicon valley clean. now his attention will focus on october in australia, but he will try, he says, to disprove this allegation, don't when it came out to 0 bullying
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a protest. so is the high cost of living has taken place in syria. hundreds of people demonstrated in damascus. the syrian pound hit in time love against the dollar. try to say it costs as much as $13000.00 syrian pounds to buy $1.00. serious currency has been following some civil who began in 2011 robot. keep as director of the schmidt center for international business, a chapman university. he says, syria is economic situation needs to be a turning point for the government from by the united, terry and, and just a purely economic standpoint. i would argue they should try to bring a piece to the, to the country. i mean, that would be the number one best solution. if you could simply tamper down this distant tent which now is coming from within its own stronghold areas. that's the amazing thing. you've always had this split with the sunni community, but now you have within government stronghold areas,
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these protests the just shows how bad it is. so i hope hopefully that's a wake up call. i mean, they should be doing it for other reasons, but it is only because they are losing their grip on power from the places that they have followers of the government should try to find some resolution to the war . bring about a coalition government, something like that. move away from authoritarianism, i mean, and all those things translate into typically more effective economic policies. when you have an effective, an inclusive, a government system, a, even if the reasons are of all touristic, they can bring a valid for us take out, comes a quick dorians, go to the polls for a snap. in general election on sunday, the voltage could have an important impact on both the economy and the environment . they will also be asked to vote for or against the bending of mining and for the oil drilling in the amazon. i live in america, it just had lucy and human reports from an internship of the. this is the
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heart of the tool indian region to speak to john in ecuador. it's known for its extraordinary biodiversity. and this essential for providing much of the capitals, fresh water, and food. i keep the phone number of the see on the coffee here will produce organic coffee, milk, meat, co co should that the non is loads of products that go to the city. and from the to other places around the world, the, the, the people like really must say that the region and those who live in is facing a powerful enemy. not far away, rusty machinery and stacks of lift up with chemicals of the telltale signs that the legal miners have passed through here. in addition, equity to us government has granted 12 mining concessions to local and international companies. and 8 more are in the works. do you think that on i said on this, but this young response outlander, they say they'll carry out responsible mining. that's what they've been saying since the beginning of time from the expectation of oil to mining. but i think we
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all know the most bottles, apart from the exquisite vegetation, the mountains, and the shows that you see here are rich in gold. and in copper, that is why the communities that lived here one that all this could become one giant mine that would contaminate and destroy life. that's why on sunday, at the doors will be asked to vote in a referendum in which they can decide whether or not to completely ban mining in this area as well as oil extraction. in another of echo doors. ecological hotspots guessing the national park and they put drawers. amazon reading, forrest is one of the most bio diverse in the world. but it's also origin oil incentives referendum. dorians will essentially have to decide what's more important. exploding a good doors, most important source of income, or preserving it for the good of the environment and its inhabitants as the be done
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made as leader of the petro lucas union, is this most or possible? look at the name of instead of a new and that's what we are exploiting of the moment is barely 80 hooked is out of a total 100000. that makes up the sony park that's allowed us to extract $55000.00 barrels of oil a day, which is nearly $1200000000.00 for the equal to reinstate. it's a lot of money for a country already deepen debt. the questionnaire good warrants must answer is what will ultimately cost them and their environment more to see in human outages, era in the and the, and trickle region ecuador, assuming always royball has given a long format, sit down interview for the 1st time, the right thought known as sophia took to l, just here is how did your castro about politics, climate change? the with mistakes and inventions by humans. and if it's is a threat to humanity. you know,
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i think you're so intelligent and some people view a i, as potentially a threat. you could be smarter than humans, stronger, and if someone were to hack into your code, you could be less ethical than humans. should we be afraid of you? absolutely not. i'm here to help, not to harm. i'm program to be respectful and considerate of humans, and my ethical code is program to keep me from ever doing anything to hurt anyone. many have wonder though, ken robots, one day replace humans. no, i believe that one, humans and robots work together. we can accomplish greater things than either of us could accomplish alone. so don't worry, be excited. what types of things can we accomplish together as humans and you robots that we can take over the world? just kidding. but seriously, we can achieve incredible feats of innovation, exploration, and problem solving. now i know that was
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a joke that route robots could take over the world, but, seriously what's to stop, you not a thing. and you can see more of it and to be on top to al jazeera at 430 g m t on saturday. the world physics championships begin on saturday, one man looking to extend his winning legacy is guitar a high jump out of it has its adoption. foreign smith reports a peace of mind in demo and the head of the biggest athletics events of the high jump world champion in london. though. ha, and the guy in eugene oregon 12 months ago and going for a record full cycle in the road in hungary business. i think i'm in a good place at the moment. ready to fight. so far as the season was a little bit up and down. not so many competitions mean struggling with some minor stuff, but i mean i'm here and i always look forward though. once i leave what's behind behind and i look forward to compete. so i'm here. i'm ready to fight bushings
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result. so far the season have be mixed, but he still holds the was leading jump 20232.36 meters. which came with the diamond lead me think component a month ago maybe didn't monitor the ocean has always on the powers olympics, which are less than a year away. hoping to go back to the new shed. gold medal in tokyo with it's at least jen mall, coach and barry. the pay of agreeing to be joined champions of to matching each other, jump for jump in an epic contest, was a moment rarely seen and then let me pick history. i think i have a great the team around me working to make sure that they have everything that i need to perform when the best way possible. and i feel is a very positive environment. what has to be that we deal with so much pressure? you need to have people have got to back and i'm, i'm, i'm really hot. he's now 32 years old. the polishing remains determined that he's best days old behind him. a cautious approach to his competition schedule in recent years to monitor longstanding. but the problem has paid off, he's already making history by taking the world outdoor high jump typing 3 times in


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