tv News Al Jazeera August 27, 2023 10:00am-10:30am AST
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including food and water are running low. i mean here, see if that could lead to violence between those who are being shelter and that was it, as a refugee is continued across the board, many fee attentions of the people here or rise even further. the president of the god was supposed to celebrate the election victory in zimbabwe, but the opposition rejects the results. the challenges overlook my headquarters here in the also coming up 3 black people are killed in florida and what police say was originally moved to they did shooting
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60 as own from the martin luther king. save a speech. i have a 3000 spots in washington dc. to continue the call to make sure the quality also i'm going to send that i'm 50 at the panama canal, where a severe drought this for the canals administration to reduce the number of vessels going through the canals every single day, the book into the program, the edison building douglas is set for a 2nd time. as the president of zimbabwe, the electronic commission said he won the 52.6 percent of the vote. while his main challenge and nelson jimmy's at 144 percent, the opposition is rejecting the result saying it was rushed without proper verification. the general election on wednesday was extended by 24 hours of the
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ballot papers failed to arrive on time in some areas. while m as in mother and god, what is it bob boys? the 2nd democratically elected president since independence from the white, a white minority rule in 1980 the he became those types of power following to wish to pose the long time, need a robot to move all the in 2017. i think our goal is nick named the crocodile, announced that his reputation during fighting between zone to find another party dominated by the minority. and the valet community, up to 20000 of them were killed during the conflict in the 1980s. at the time of the gun, what was national security minister in charge of the intelligent swing of the army? he denies, i proceed. domestic kind of with us, if possible, from the capital, had i present a name as a minute. that was main challenge. that was announcements, and these are the leader of the meeting opposition, pauses here in the lobby, and his party agent did not sign the declaration form before the results of the
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about the size that the triple c parts and citizens. what is the change is not happy with this move out and then we get the results according to nature. permission without god. well, one by 52.6 percent from nissan gave 40 full the same of this all just need to know . i know i'm assuming the guys, what is now presidents, you need it. all eyes are not going to be or nelson to me is to add his chip with the policy. what are they going to do next? they could go to court. the challenge, so resolved an excellent service if the submission was forced with many challenges . for example, at some point station, some valid papers which maybe late. and they say that in some areas some people voted in a climate of fear. so bob is i will wait and see to hear when the migration date is going to be. i mean, of course, the main office would be the notion, janisa is going to go on with us. i'll just putting a dressing, going to is a political evidence joining us now from her already good to have you with us. all i'll just say are those that result does give by the god what his 2nd to. but with
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controversy in your opinion, all those that you've been speaking to was this election free upside or to come and go, the felt of the, the feet goes to point out to the very you can fight to waiting for something i've got well, but it was to not free in favor. busy made so this is basically for me and what zip us do point because pointed you got to splitting the environment is seems to be a bad not to fulfill the costs shop operations. and the kept me kinda gotten strictly where, you know, the, the con, feet all fit. so you got but it just said between be happy to have on the ground. and the one that was presented by sic, it'll cost a different much, cutty, a, the southern regional born. he has condemned the election. so and then is it mounted, proclaimed via to prove that the national spirit, but the position of calls will have points of electro procedure to raise. we expect that in the coming hours. i mean,
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what do you think those points will be and what sort of evidence will they have to produce to beckett's up to the public at large to say, look, we have a case here. we need to take it elsewhere. or what of the day? she pretty much it'd be dense of electro, one could say a misdemeanor is what according to the living full. now this is the initial form that he's back on for you to read all of it. so you've got the point inspection level and signed for by all the parties. so i know some time use us to you about it and they stuck the all the necessary information about a source. not discipline, embody budgeted evidence is available for any litigation to prove out to. the fig does not for you mentioned by the way, you know, precisely folded. so that's the basis of the agreed that all would be a complete show. so we're looking at evidence being presented to zack,
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which is these above the election commission, but all we looking at the possible trip to the colts now as well. well, that's it. so, you know, table or, or do we, we've got to be a, a, the o as in pot. you as a very little operate tied for a 4 digit guessing bind or it'd be good. if you look at the 2 parties, it'd be dense. it'd be open to, to environment if you don't get the different site uh, the other parts from the outside my machines. and of course i have a b 11 forms that been punched it to basically to inside. they took it about so ball rolling and looked like going to be leaving for the testing. and i believe that to be, is it possible a case all fed because it could be the deal. so just need to get you on disabled pay the old position. how long do you think this process is going to take? because the longer it takes for old sites to agree on the finality of the election, the more novice the public gets, it will come in the the,
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the bureau is very clear that will be the next come in yet and $5.00 to $7.00 days . and you can even start to any, by the end of day, this ad should be presented to the court. so i believe that to it might not go with government easy now to, to legitimize the ideal we'd. so i wouldn't be surprised a where it's the looks, of course and of course not point. it's less take this process, but not to say it is it finalized as soon as possible, rejoicing and go. thank so much for joining us from her already for your analysis. thank you. the actions as warning, but the conflict didn't sit on, could cause a humanitarian catastrophe in the entire region. so denise strikes, talk that the power of that tree, rapid support forces in call to on site today or well, the old pulse is indeed a tough being put on. the highlands has military leaders will often increase the rest of the tuck. i mean, it's just a pulls from the capital in. the west support is on the boss to celebrate the one the front of the street of the incident. it was meant to be the biggest solid data
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to demonstration seems because the stadium may not be full. but me just cool. leaders sees the moment hoping to capitalize on onto farm sentiments. here. our liberal ration is never complaints until the last french soldier leaves or the we bring you the message of the head of state that will defeat traitors, will defeat and destroy them. you should never let down your guard on july 26, dozens of presidential gods. so just entrusted with protecting the president over through mohammed by so they've been holding gives us the domain of the most lucky days, riley is to get the french out. but then also an echo of sentiments. lots of our way across has lost credibility to block, know is we on skate or if it's the rates,
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it doesn't support no help. it's name mistakes. they've blockaded us and cut off electricity to images. almost like stand up almost opposite side one in raising avenue just seemed to be waiting the because the warranty for the cool aid us here is a part of the most of its kind of a i'm just like become the pressing. know the border closures. a type of supplies, but the ministry high command was also quick to on support is not to attack the french embassy. because that could be a project to attack these yet. the category was built as a medium med demonstration of loyalty. despite misgivings, misuse, military june, to as last and remains defiant, the cooling to say they're open to dialogue, but the sticking points remain, their proposed 3 year transition back to democracy and the faith of the post president mohammed buzzle. how many degrees? i'll just see that. yeah, me, i got little,
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has killed 3 black people in the us. police in jacksonville, florida are investigating the shooting by the one to silent as a racially motivated, hate crime. he barricaded himself inside the store with a high powered rifle and pistol was done, defend it when he shot himself to clay county sheriff's office, who has been assisting our agency with the investigation, received information after the shooting that the shooter has authored. several manifesto rolls one to his parents, one to the media, and one of the federal agents. portions of these manifesto detail this who is a disgusting i id, ology of hate. by me, put, the shooting was racially motivated. any hidden black people. douglas site is the 1st vice president of the civil rights organization and to play c p. d. cc says the us government must be more proactive and fighting white supremacists, as the federal government is going to have to become more involved with. i, i heard that there were swastikas pointed, excuse me, painted on the gun. you know,
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swastikas in naziism, in germany is the legal. they are well aware of what it can lead to, and they are very much a shade of their past. and what happened in the past america has yet to find that shame america doesn't seem to have a comprehensive understanding of exactly where this can go. even though it's the most damaging and the most live lives. loss of any military conflict in this country wasn't one or 2. it wasn't afghanistan, it wasn't vietnam, it was the civil war which was about racing was about slavery. so we should be well aware of just how damaging those white supremacist ideologies ideologies can be. and we should be doing everything within our power to fight back against that idea . ology and to put down the government in the citizens,
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we need to be more pro active in fighting back against. i hate speech, i get a loudly neo nazis in the k k. k to exist to gather to, to, to hold rallies is really, those are historically violent groups. the target, innocent american citizens. it just doesn't make any sense. we have to come to terms with that. we have to understand that these groups represent hate, that these groups are all about violence that these groups are about destroying our union. and that we need to put those type of groups down to thousands of people descended on washington d. c. lincoln memorial. and so today to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the march on washington, the protest in 1963 was the setting foot martin luther king judy is famous. i have a dream speech. it was also a major movement in the country, civil rights movement as high digit castro to pull stuff from the american capital . they came to remind the world that in the united states,
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the fight for racial equality is still far from over retracing the footsteps of those who marched in 196360 years ago. 250000 people, led by the young reverend at martin luther king junior linked arms raised their voices and heard a king speech about his dream for a quality on saturday, the thousands who march say king's dream is still unfulfilled. prognosis, phil graham, and there are some things that have changed, but today's march and collaboration just emphasize how much still needs to be done . i've noticed that even when i was, maybe somebody of another color would get paid more money than i do. and even though i might even have more education in the us,
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the african american poverty rate is more than double that of white americans. police brutality targeting blacks remains an ongoing problem. and some conservative states have moved to ban the teaching of african american studies in school. there will be other tasks. martin luther king junior's eldest son delivered an updated rallying cry dab proudly say now is the time. we must reserve protest and expand democracy. we must ensure that voting rights is protected pro people. we must ensure that our women and children are treated fairly. we must in no violence. this march spelled for a greater variety of groups with protesters calling for protecting l g b, t q, and asian. american rights, and while in 1963, only one woman spoke to the crowd. today, many took the podium the
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explanation. we are to be generation markers say, each step is another toward progress, but the target of true quality remains distant. heidi jo, castro, alger 0, washington, the us military aircraft as crushed in northern australia, enjoying 3 marines, one of them, critically colleagues with rescue joining will games on melville island, north of dog, would love us training and probably minister said it was regressive will. and a tragic incident is the latest of the series of crushes, involving the all spray tilts rotate to aircraft. see, initial reports suggests that the incident involves just us defense force personnel. that there are no members of the sky and defense force involved in this
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incident. now focus as a government and as to the department of defense is very much on incident response and on making sure that every support and assistance is given at this deal time. well, still a head here all just in a new and insight is ready to use protests for a search. the full consecutive week against propose judicial changes and thousands take parts of the campaign to raise some sole swimming lessons for palestinian children. the september, which is india hose, the g 20 summit, where leading economies will discuss global challenges, the broad costs premier of a new series, exploring the implications of us and to afford controls for 1st amendment rights. will lead to gather in new york for the un general assembly with the ukraine and
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climate change expected to dominate talks. generation sport meets the icons who are challenging preconceptions and using the platforms to change society. the candidates for mexico's presidential election will be announced. will this be the 1st time in the country's history to women? go head to head for the top, jump september on al jazeera, the documentary, the informer, present, and illuminate our ultimate cds these for themselves, and make up their own minds. witness on 20 news
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. the book about the what you all just it will be. so rahman here in the hall remind to of on told stories. the electoral commission in zimbabwe has declared the m as in mother got to the window of the presidential election for a 2nd to fill positions, rejecting the results. i think it was rushed without proper verification. also got minutes go 3 blank people in the united states. police in jacksonville, florida say the shooting, find the want to silence was racially motivated. the barricaded himself inside the store with a high powered rifle. at this church goes in haiti have been shot dead during a march to condemn gun violence. witnesses, a 9 boxes were killed as gang members. they've been fine with machine guns on the
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outskirts of the capital. poultry prints some protest as beat to a suspected gang member to day. the march was lights by a judge passed a competing against the great games house on communities. is there any soldiers of re did a refugee come to the occupied westbank, bullets done grenades and to get us we used in the city of to come one person was shot in the face and 2 others run over by a military vehicle is ready for us to say the increasing the rates on to find palestinians think to what they call terrorist attacks. that leads to 100 palestinians have been killed, say father, she a tens of thousands writing is also being protested in tel aviv for the 34th week today. it's probably minister benjamin, that's in the all his judicial eva whole his father right coalition is trying to limit the power of the supreme court to review government decisions. the people that had been the cities around the world have taken parts of a swimming campaign to show solidarity with garza, the money raised full funds,
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swimming lessons full pallets to the and children given to us how you propose that from golf. so what many begin is took that 1st step in the see. the sun rises over the call, more trees. if the goals, if each excitement feels the air as hundreds of children gather near the shore line, then there's the treat gods, the swimming carnival, flutter in the gentle breeze. how do you sorry, i bought it, i have to sell it. so this initiative is a message of peace and love to the whole world. comfortable garza, with over $25.00 other countries worldwide, will be going into the sea at the same time and solidarity with gaza. so the world knows that gaza wants peace and freedom away from the destruction and see that i'm not around to 1000 children who have recently learned to swim. take the 1st steps into the symbol of their new sound confidence.
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life guards, dad watch fully by ensure you the safety of the young swimmers. said alicia, my la 10 years old, safe, he's participating to tell the world that the children of goes to deserve to live freely, like other children we are under. let's see. it's all, it's really so many children can do things like non all citizens would do. so i'm here to send a message there to say that the seen the children to have their freedom in the face of israel, located these children have gone to embrace the c as a symbol of resilience through their parish. the re defined boundaries proving through the world documents determination. they can overcome any restriction they say. but this is not just as local event in over 2000 locations worldwide. people are swimming in harmony with god. so standing in
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solidarity with its people in their shared goal to provide opportunities for palestinian children to learn a skill that can save lives on joining swimming. because uh, to give these children an opportunity to learn to swim is to keep them safe all, and give them some sense of childhood in the policy fives that living in the fonts raised will go towards providing swimming lessons for pals to new children. empowering them with a vital life skills and a sense of achievement. backing godsa, the children gather, industry, lie on the beach, they hold hands, it raised them high for him and the chain of unity and help. and the waters of does the end be on a ripple of solidarity has been created, sending the message, the compassion knows no borders. you miss c, u l g 0,
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causes stress. though traffic job of all of the wells most important shipping rates is expected to last into next year. i could do like deliveries of christmas merchandise worldwide. bowls or the 100 ships on stuck on either side of the panama canal because of level to levels of to months of troops. an average of 40 vessels, usually transit have 3 to a of that's being reduced to $32.00 a day. the volkswagen is a vital shipping rate to avoid vessels having to settle all the way around south america. the canal connecting the atlantic and pacific ations covers on the 6th sense of old call world wide. on a sunday on p, a. t is monitoring the situation in the panama canal. moving as ship like the one you're looking at through the panama canal requires around a 100000000 gallons of water that's for each ship going through. so we're talking about 30 to ship in a day now that the restrictions are in place at,
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but not much at that number goes up to 38 or even 40 ships at day when the canal is operating normally. given the current throughout these restrictions will remain in place for at least another 10 months, according to the canals, the out towards the end. that's because the canal is worried of what will happen in the near future. they are worried that this drought will continue in the coming months and that they will not have enough water to continue operating that canal. and that even have to restrict the limited level at which it is operating. now there's also an issue of what will happen in the future in this they've given the fact that these droughts are becoming more frequent and more severe in their effects of to bleed the solution. there will be diverting some of the other rivers in panama, trying to increase the capacity of the artificial lakes that allow for the canal to
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function. most of the water that is used here and that all of it then ends up into it, flush the into the oceans of the canal is the canal is also considering ways to store that water and try to reuse that the. but if you talk to experts here at this telling you, that is the time to act is now because the situation is becoming more dramatic every year as of the climate, this changing the government and double uh, shut down, access to the internet to that, out of the night time, kind of you also have to poles close, full presidential unparliamentary elections. it says the move was necessary to prevent violence. the opposition says sundays election was deliberately disorganized catherine. so is that these voters, inca bones, copy to a liberal, a choosing a president, members of parliament, and the municipal council. the country is reached with oil, minerals, and other natural resources,
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but many people see the wolf hasn't reached them. 30 percent of companies need less than $2.00 a day. no jobs, and struggle to meet that basic needs. corruption is rife, and the gap between the reach and pull chips whitening. we're in the moment, we're given these know what they want. we're in a country governed by the rule of school. we're waiting for the votes to be counted transparently. we weren't the best person to win the president ali, bundle on the bus is seeking a said tom in office. his family has dominated the bones, politics for nearly 6 decades. he's least, father amar forgo, was president for 42? yes. he died in 2009, and he's son took over the phone, go, suffered a stroke in 2018 when he was recovering. a group of soldiers attempted to of us through the government. some of these critics,
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a key that he's not to not to who effectively he's main, rivals all but on the also was endorsed by an opposition position called alternate between 23. the grouping of 6 presidential candidates. reason, sions, united one is going on is not the really expression of a free and fair election when the pointing stations are not the opening time. whereas the absence of pointing stations in several localities in gap on and outside of government. in 2016, the presidential problem was esp ted balance broke out several people. what carol and many aged then all positions do you? does. john payne, who came 2nd claimed the results. why re some companies are also concerned about last minute changes to electro news and the decision to look how international observers and foreign john, at least they say, the not confident that the election would be free. all say,
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kathy saw you all to 0. so that's it for me. so rob me, you could find out more information by looking onto the website's balances, ever dumped comments? i'd like to trump of that. now the weather is next. and then inside story, we'll discuss times release of treating the radio to water from the super stream of time funds into the pacific ocean to take the as a major change taking place where the wise across europe awesome seems to be coming in with something of a bang, literally is thunder storms and quite major ones along this line here. behind it all, the weather looks old terminal which are spread it over to are coming in september just have reached it yet. and for some places, some of that existed. british owls, for example, go down to bad low, 20 somebody places that rate and again,
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fairly heavy. it's cause warnings and some doorway. it's probably call some flash, something you want to place it even in the house. think is a possibility, but more likely it's got to be the line that takes you through jeremy, down towards the out some and the western side of the med training. these are lots contained shoes you might as of right, or at least possibly hale. so active code from the behind to attempt to really have dropped, but head of it still wouldn't say for example, the contrast 7 above average in bucharest, 10 below in europe as a major change. so i still to come to north africa with going along as we expect this time, the huge arrows, a shelves that brothers comes from east to west is the latest one that's going cross through guinea and sierra leone at sea, or the air. and that's the one take, the east is that the mountains who wins are still blowing, but the strongly as they were. so it's pretty dry here. the
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new generation of young people are making demands to re balance society. welcome to generational change, a global series to attempt to understand content. and the idea is that mobilize youth around the world in london to activate tackling the root causes of youth violence. many young people die perpetuating violence against other young people themselves. have also been victim multiple times. my generation can try and lead design and reshape this generation. change on our which is era depending begins releasing treated. radioactive was that from the focus of a pop up, new engineer, hit watch dog and says it's safe. but china disagrees regional states and public opinion divide. so all the fans justified. a lot of the scientists say this is inside story.
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