tv Inside Story Al Jazeera August 27, 2023 10:30am-11:00am AST
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signs and challenge the ideas of mobilize youth around the world in london to activate, tackling the root causes of youth violence. many young people die perpetuating violence against other young people themselves have also been victim multiple times . my generation can try redesign and reshape this generation. change on our which is their dependent begins releasing tracy, the radioactive was that from the 5th, you see the pop up you end and you get watched. organ says it's safe, but china disagrees low regional states and public opinion divide. so all the fans justified, a lot of the scientists say, this is inside story, the other welcome to the program. i'm the clock, the sonoma in 2011 that swamped the fukushima pop pond to japan. that to the world
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worse and usually accidents since you know about 25 years before the meltdown of its reactors have left a legacy of waste including radioactive water. so much in fact that there's not enough space to store it depends. it's planned to treat and discharge the both it into the sea has been approved as safe by the us nuclear watchdog, the international atomic energy agency o i a e a. if i continue to take all possible to i ensure i'd safety. so we, we also ensure b e u, i a is continue the involve, uh, the, these just, uh, thought that we are fed to my house, full and bottom. it was never often bots, not to all the public convinced you know, as for the treated war time cocoa, electric power company already talks about trinity. but i believe the radio new
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tide step remaining in the water in those tanks. does this mean it still sites in a way that everyone believes it to be? i find that questionable for several of many me and i see only because the release was covered by many media reports. business was normal until about 1 pm drafted, that my impression was that we had fewer customers at the restaurants. in china, a strongly opposes the radioactive board to release and swiftly impose a blanket band on japanese seaford impulse who actually showed you transferred china and other stakeholders have repeatedly pointed out. what's the, just the nuclear contaminated water is safe, then there is no need to discharge it into the see if it is not safe, it should not be discharged. so where is all this happening? well, the problem lies here on the eastern side of japan and facing the pacific ocean nearby and south korea. public opinion is also split for the government has accepted the discharge. but north korea has reacted without res. describe yet as an unforgiving, full crime against humanity is reset,
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trying to replaces the plan while the pacific islands, while the divided 2 according to the 18 nation pacific islands for him. so it was the plan, was it needed around $1300000.00 tons of radioactive water stored at the site in tags. and that's as big as moving 500 and then pick sized swimming pools. but is that room for anymore? they're still large amounts of radioactive material left from the disaster and we want to, it must be used to cool this to prevent another nuclear meltdown. and this cooling process produces yet more radioactive water, but they've run out of space. so the solution is a gradual release of the plants waste water, which is expected to take at least 30 years. one of the main concerns in both try to radioactive form of hydrogen that cannot be removed or filtered out of water. so instead of japanese scientist, a di lucy, it tries him is found in nuclear plants worldwide. it will say because naturally, for example, when hydrogen reacts with sunlight to reduce minute quantities at low amounts,
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it's considered homeless and so on to say it's radiation is too weak to penetrate to human skin. the quantity of try to him in the was it being discharged. fukushima is below the i a safety levels. bod, tape, ingested. above these limits. people are risk developing cancer. critics have developed a discharge. more studies are needed on how it could impact marine life and humans . so let's bring in all 3 guys from tokyo told me he co, tiny. good. see he's professor at the university of google and former advisor to the constitution to from oslo after the lawn. she's director for emergency preparedness at the norwegian radiation. i knew that safety officer already also a nuclear chemist. and from a couple weeks ago is the vice president of the center for china and globalization and the china. unless very well welcome to all of you. victor. i'd like to start with you, so japan says of water is safe. the majority of the scientists say that water is
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safe viewing nuclear watchdog say the water is safe. what's the problem? a thank you very much. i think the japanese government just committed an act of either responsibility. they full the public opinion and not only in japan but in the world because they say i a yeah, has approved for japanese discharge plan. the reality is the director general of i a e a resume, please say no. i yeah. and never has approved it. i you just insisted that whatever the japanese couple is, do we need to be in strict up uh uh, in applied with the strict rules of the i a yeah. whatever i yeah is talking about, this is not the grandkids, but i see on the approval to what the japanese government district now also whatever the japanese government is doing is not a false my sure. the had 11 or 12 years to figure out what to do to kill
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electronics. i made a promise to the residue. ready in that particular region, but they will never dump water into the whole ship because the japanese, people depended on the ocean for thousands of years. and many families actually had depended on the ocean. and the fisher ready for generations after generations. and japan never consulted with other countries, for example. and they claim it is safe spot. mankind has never experience such a large scale, deliberate dumping all waste water. the water is not as clean the water. the water was recycled through the hole and the roll. inside the nuclear reactor and okay, it does not just converge one particular element, it contains the move in several ballads of radioactive elements we're going to get, i'm told of the actor, the response of a digit. okay, let's get the view from tech. you told me he could kind of good cheat,
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so respond to that, if you would, the i a has not fully approved. it is victor's view. the japanese government has renee done a promise. in the early part of july, the international atomic energy agency issued a comprehensive report that was an endorsement of the plan of the japanese government to discharge water into the sea. so what you have just heard from victor go, is scientifically on the proven and actually a false accusation, not to the japanese government, but to the i a. e, a. and the water that's being the star discharged into the sea is not contaminated water. it is true, radiated water, and involving something called advanced liquid processing system. namely,
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outputs has just made the radiation level of so low. the only ingredient you're talking about is actually trade creek in. and if treat him is so much harmful, you can't leave a day because a simple i drop of your eyes contains medians of try to him. so it's absolutely safe. right, astrid, you'll be expert, you bring to physically she met. well, 6 times i think is net 6 the s. that's right. so china and others are they right to be worried? what's your next? but you will not right well its own the trick him, which is the way jack development is less than the spots because they have to, if i don't read and i have. ringback into the and the analysis that has been done from the civil to after it's been treated and it's been on the life. many
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independent support stories across the world to look at is the actual results that they have pets. so in japan says that the war pass is actually true and it is so it has proven that so they do the correct measurements. so tristram is the very low rate the activity and cannot pause very much harm because we have very little energy in it. and i think it's important for people to know that the little natural production of the, of treat him because of possibly creation is 4500 times higher than what is proposed to be released from the profession moneys with power plants k. yeah. and also then many of the existing nuclear power plants as well. they have the discharge of treatment. for instance, in china, they have ones bombs, which gives discharges directly to the taiwan strait and vast release. it's 2 times
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52.5 times higher than what is fine from the machine. and in the south korea, for instance, they have discharges directly to the sea of design from one of their nuclear power plants, which is about 5 times higher than what you start on. and then don't worry about this other thing that's want to keep up. oh, i just wanna jump in sweet way to go to let's get through and what about green piece claims that there's not enough focus on top and 14, which is a radioactive substance that apparently has the potential to damage human. then what about that us for the is not something that needs to be focused on as well. can. we all contain carver 40 all living much area on the bottom in the world have talked before to it, so it means, but i am reactive. you already do active just like me because of the carpeting for 2. so carbon 14 also is the elements which has a better, very low energy just like tricky. and it's not a danger to people. what we should worry about are those fate unified stuff, have
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a very, very high energy, which could cause spending potential for hon if it is an exposure to a very high level. but this is not the concern for treat you so evict, to respond to asked if you would, that is not a problem what we're dealing with it. and in fact, china was discharging at at $2.00 times the limit that they will. they are a few kasheila. and i'll be to emphasize that they are completely confusing apple with all rich according to what is not what we call part of the nuclear reactor. in the waste water, we all talk to you about the discharge of that is the discharge was recycled, us one of the coal vaults of the reactor. therefore it's completely different. the japanese government is confusing. investigatory shouldn't try to mislead the public to be there in the world. that's number one. yes, i agree with the japanese panelist, the that the i the, i do the publish
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a comprehensive report, but you need to read the reset the report, the director general of the i the say for the recall the comprehensive report is not approval or consent to the japanese government's discharge of the waste water. it is actually emphasizing that whatever the japanese government need to do needs are being strict comprise with the i e a rules. this is completely different. now, if anyone believes that the waste water is safe, if you should drink it, use it in the box, top piece of god with his own powers, for example, i the way. so what, what do you say to what you just heard from australia? you know, who's an expert on this has been, so if you see me several times in the front of the w. h o. say that the final level of tricky and will be, is much safer than the level required by regulates is. that is the, to go talk to you about that may be, was story i went by the waste water contains several thousands of other read your i
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q and a bunch, many of which, which will cause tremendous amount of time to human pills. and the end result, you may not be reviewed being many years or decades and sometimes, but that means to human genes, for example, offer to, to follow. the younger generation may be carried out from generation to generation . that on the top of these couple of actors, an extra on the responsibility, the operating was by a weight, the wells b o mankind as a whole. because the water discharges the pacific will be circulating around and eventually all the oceans in the world will be contaminated. are the only thing command without it. that's really victor, i should say right about it, but it is here and it goes completely case. what astrid is is a new parents, but it's just said, but that's you'll hear. that's fine. tell me he code. the thing is and this is
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important, the consumer confidence. is it rock boston at right now? in fact, in 2022 last year rockfish quotes in these wind figures she was was proud to have 5 times japan safety limits of season 137, which is a different thing. but nonetheless, and then shipments of rock fish was suspended in february 2022. and in the fresh living near the drainage job, that's a few cuz she had a 118 times the limit. so many so my point is the real time, every hour, every day, the devil of contamination, whether or not the water is humble, is being tested, measured scientifically and it's been disclosed. whatever concerns you may have, uh that would be solved. and in due course, as time goes by and that's what the situation is like. and the japanese,
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a discharge of the water does not have time for elements, as was mentioned by victo go. who is not a nuclear physicist, nuclear ex pet. but he may be reading something or something, some of the policy lines given to him by the chinese communist party, the chinese communist party, the chinese government, a weapon, ising. every thing including this topic, a bottom line, would you be happy for yourself or for your children say to the fish fresh from these waters? there has been a massive campaign available to conduct to lie palmetto tongue. the tools there has been available lies may see the display of the best. so tools, my big tell lies all these the letter to you and then we'll come to you that names,
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fever tools that even speak the tools. tell me who i speak. i am speaking the truth. i would rather do a bit more to if not the green dots in the, to the wall to your house, go sorry about the big to i can come to you in a 2nd. we can't understand what time he could say. so you just need to keep quiet just for a 2nd, please. right. there was a, a cabinet minister who actually drunk that water as early as november 2011 a month after the new pay a receipt. wherever she is here lies a car in japan. yeah. he's into the street. uh so let me put that cuz make sure i'm gonna come to you in a 2nd, but actually let me just put that question to you because it seems pretty fundamental to the whole thing. would you refresh? would you drink water?
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would you drink this water coming out of that pipe? the water is not very consignment. i said, because it has been to a fight to a very large extent. so even though it's had lots of different radioactive substances, then it, there is almost nothing left of other substances, some of the tricks in which they cannot purify further. so he'd be happy to drink. it says to drink his water, i've been drinking. i've been to proficient him, i've eaten fish taken into this ashima. right. and i'm not worried and the season, but they find in the fish very close to the port. it's not because of the discharge . both of these parts of the accident itself, when it happened, an older release suspect went right into the water and also out in the atmosphere. and later came down on the side events. so its natural welfare is still level so vague, active seems given just outside the forward and there will be for some time. and that's why they don't have any experience going on just outside the question, but you'll have to know a little bit further away like 500 meters the way before you can start your fishing
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and this is normal, right? they get evicted by pilots, happy to drink it, and happy to eat the fish. i doubted. a what is due respect to that distinguish the norwegian lady. allow me to say this. if you really believe the water is safe. so i want 10, a wrench to have the water that weighs the water trust all day to low way and dump it in. the legion spheroid. do thing, but we do. people will be happy. do you really want to try this? do you really want to play with the fate of your own people, your kids grandkids. know this is an act of irresponsibility. and if the japanese guest talked about was the pc carpet, his father will try not why there are so many deputies protest. i see the streets of the companies pop. you members of china. come all the new clear. how do i what do i have a put a do you go after the race you to do it? we need to face science and the sign is false. don't have a closed the book,
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all the nature and extent of contamination and danger to mankind. okay. as to the bank, i asked for it. i'm going to come to you now briefly if you will, because i want to move it on to tell me he cut off to the yes, i won't be in front. so we have a nuclear. we processing font, which they charges a $4.00 to $600.00 times more tricks to every yeah. compared to watches, the problem with these from us because she, they have done so for uh, for decades already. and we know that the, the cover in the ocean covers brings it off along to know which ones host i'm sort of the range of the arctic ocean. and so far we have not seen any harmful effects on the environment. and also, i'm truman. how, because of those releases on the i'm just kind of tired the event so i'll come back to the 2nd. let me just go to tell him a he could i, if it just go to point told me he got his me because this issue of messaging is a real problem. they're all japanese protest is on the street. i think any 53
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percent of people, according to a poll support the plan in japan and not happy in the south career either protest is try to storm the japanese embassy. and so there's, there's a lot of opposition to it is not just, you know, accepted within japan. it's not that in any case is it. so there's a real problem with the messaging from the japanese government, even if the water is safe. i admit that the japanese government and the nuclear reactor operator, kapco have done a much, much better job in messaging. and when it comes to telling the situation to the world, i admit it. but if there is any single country that is organizationally very much opposed to this, that's china. south korea is divided. china is the only country that is orchestrating probably, and so much that today. medians of phone calls
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from the country code, 86, uh, coming to japan, and shop owners and restaurants can't do business because of the influx of the calls coming from china. so it's bob said, i would say to the chinese people that they should calm down and look at the scientific facts and uh, and uh, whatever, mr guy says, uh that he is wrong is going to be proven as time goes by. i, as i would say, because each and every day you will see the results of objective measurement conducted by the japanese government. but also i a e, a and i, i believe i a e a has got a team that includes chinese expert as well. and more to the point, medians of chinese, uh,
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visiting japan at the moment. i don't think none of those chinese tourists will come back to their homeland without eating any seafood. victor over to you. the fact is, as well, you can respond to the fights as well. but the sea food bind that china was implemented will will bounce back against china as well for the, the seafood impulse, isn't everybody involved in that business? right. i personally strongly support the chinese government complete the ban of the sea food from the look from japan. and i think of a japanese fisher enough to we'll go into deep trouble. and the japanese kind of talks about chinese tours. the chinese stores low visiting japan, but i don't think they want to eat fishery from the japanese of shaw all going forward from the oceans from time. and they find that these dodge of the japanese wastewater. this is the mega trend. so the japanese decision, roy and, and we'll,
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roy refrigerate the luxury of japan. now for the allow me to measure 1.4 to distinguish the time of this from the way she is confusing to things clearly walks out for a nuclear rack. so it's completely different from the wastewater way of talking about from, because you might be of different yeah, apple versus outage. they all love the same quality water at all last fall. let's focus on what exactly is the waste water from because she might be lost and that's all to up. i'm not just contain one nuclear re you asked you ella, but it contains several thousands of radioactive. okay, but they sound good. please wait, just gonna run that, which i'm going to one of the people who take one bill, right. let me put those you astrid. you heard very clearly what victor is putting to you if you could respond to that briefly if you would as well. 6 treats him is
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tricks him when the read comes from such a shame or whether it comes from matthew for reprocessing. find where all the water has gone through the use of nuclear power rods. so treat them as switch them any way out of the concentration of all the region is 5 in the water finding complexes she is extremely, extremely small. so, but it is of course it is difficult for the lay person. so understanding differences between different criteria, active substance and many of the people, especially in japan process on the taishan, the changes extremely, extremely dangerous. but radiation can be not dangerous and very, it doesn't charge. so it's always difficult to come across with the good message concerning these issues for the late people to understand that i think that you should look at their releases that are already going on from china, which are greater than what will come from flushing. and he's the same, brought the same uh, trick to that goes out to in the oceans,
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which are well with you very much the victor. i'm just going to go to tell me he could for us. if we have time, i will come back to you at the end, but we are running right up to the end of the program. tell me a code. as i said before, we can appreciate people's misgivings about disposing of radiation into the sea and whatever the site says. so why not keep the water in time until the radiation dissipate? so most storage space is fine. but why was this decision made to, to let it go into the ation? we knew it would be controversial. the tapco has a limit in space and you see hundreds of water tanks being built and they can't build further. and that's the reason and apps, the period 5 period fire pass purified of water and that water is being stored in those tags. probably scientifically, they could this charge those mode to directly to the ocean, but there has been,
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uh there. uh uh, we have had to spend some time to have a consensus because it is also about scientific reason, but also about psychological perception. and it is true that most of the people in japan have come to terms with this scientific reasoning. and it's, it's taken time and in the meantime, tapco has had to store the water in those tags, vic, to finally, to you on you flying in the face of scientific reason. no, no, that's all. i would, i'm a lawyer. i would urge to setup an international tribunal to accept mitigation cases against this wrongful decision by the japanese government. for anyone who eventually will be proven to stop a injury. and for any business which may have lost the revenue of businesses
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because of this wrongful decision. by the japanese government and because of the huge scale of this wrong decision, all mankind, i think eventually you will not see an add to the litigation against the japanese government because of this deliberate decision to discharge waste water into the ocean. wait until tomorrow. all right, we have run out of time now do appreciate all your perspectives on this. thank you to i guess to me he said a good she asked for the land and fit to go and thank you. take 40, you can see the program again. any time just by visiting a website out, is there a dot com and for further discussion, just go to a facebook page. that's facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story. you can also join the conversation on x for me, then switch to a handle. is that a inside story for meeting the clock or the whole team is to bye for now
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world. just over a decade. also the men's team, 12 european championships, is a spanish swimming state, but now rules football well or the president of the god was supposed to celebrate his election victory in zimbabwe, but the opposition rejects the results. the products of a robin you'll want to, i'll just say we're like, but headquarters here in the also coming up 3 black people are killed in florida. it won't police describe as a racially motivated shooting.
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