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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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here from some of history's dogs, notable women, unconventional and extraordinary office. i am free that gun, no communist revolution of everyone in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now. subscribe wherever you listen to pub. the. the, [000:00:00;00] the phillips, the whole robin, you're watching the old. is it renews online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the president of the god was supposed to celebrate his election victory in zimbabwe, but the off position rejects the results. 3 black people are killed in florida and
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what police describe as a racially motivated shooting 60 is on for martin luther king status. i have a dream speech thousands box in washington dc to continue the cold for racial equality and taking a tip into the seat to show solidarity with johnson to miss price funding so that palestinian children cannot swimming lessons. i'm far as small with the sports. no eliles make fit. i have trick and bold metals at the girl's athletic championship. and another day. another goal for leno massey, who scores on his major league soccer j. b for inter maya, the hello welcome to the news we begin in zimbabwe way. m. as in mother god, what is set for a 2nd to as president?
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the commission says he won 53 percent of the vote with 44 percent. for his main challenge at nelson jimmy's of the opposition is rejecting the result saying it was rushed and without proper verification. the general election on wednesday was extended by 24 hours of develop papers, failed to arrive on time in some areas. that's all the time to go to address the press. this
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is one of correspond 100 with us that joins us from the and barbara and capital herrera and how the controversy really over the election results. i mean, we all are expecting us, we had to have from the president, and of course he's spoken now, but we are also expecting to hear from the opposition to yes, we are a people a way to, to see what the main office as indeed are now since janisa is going to say right now, it is calm and quiet across the country. i mean, you see your case know what to can and trucks and drive police to plate in specific areas across the country. police just say that just to precaution, in case they are problems later, but foot. now it is quiet when president elect elizabeth and got was spoke to the bobbins. he's talked a lot about unity, he realizes very divided country and he said he's 12 try to unites and bobby, instead of what was turning around the economy, we haven't heard much from the main opposition party. all they said is that they
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are in meetings at the moment and they will update to bobby and on the way forward within the next 24 hours. of course, there are many options for them. one is the legal really type is you well 1st of all, it doesn't seem to be much appetite forestry, protested bobbins. no generally had the police tend to crack down on people who demonstrates that people expect the opposition to go to court. but this is what we're hearing from some officials. apparently they all cases way. they didn't have people that all the putting stations across the country. so they may not have all the evidence. they need to prove that the selection was stolen. as they say, they've all been sold this in 2018 when that election was disputed off the tidings of all being that they had all the evidence to prove that election was done. and when they went to court, they didn't have all the proper papers to show according to them that it was started in the can them, and they lost that case. so the bob has a waiting to see what are they going to go to court and to do that happy able to,
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to show us the victim was stolen as they allege. while we wait and see in the course, we'll come back to you when there is more reaction. hardwood task force in how they know emma submitting gadbois is, and bob waste. the 2nd democratically elected president. since independence from one to minority rule. in 1980, he came to power following the qu, which to pose long term needs. aerobic mcgarvey in 2017. i think on the lot is nicknamed the crocodile. and also his reputation during fighting between the only pa funds and other policy dominated, find them and oversee the community. up to 20000 of them were killed during the conflict in the 1980s. and at the time, i think i was with national security minister in charge of the intelligence we can get the army, she denies overseas the kennings. well, earlier i spoke to rejoice in gwinnett, a political analyst in zimbabwe. he says the opposition will likely challenge the outcome of the cool outcome in cold the seat goes to point out to it very you can fight, you can reinforce some non gaap well,
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but it was to not forget face by all means. this is basically from manual, there must be point because pointed to go to splitting the environment is, seems to be a bit not to fulfill the quick stop regions. and the kept me cutting. it doesn't start to bleed. we know the, the con, feet all fit. so you got the bucket, you said between the applicants on the ground and the one that was created by 6, it'll cost you pretty much cutting the southern region on boarding is condemned the election. so there is a mounted decline via to prove that the lesson was pretty upset, that the opposition of calls will have points of electro procedure to raise. we expect that in the coming hours. i mean, what do you think those points will be? and what sort of evidence will they have to produce to back it up to the public at large to say, look, we have a case here. we need to take it elsewhere as why don't see that she pretty much
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it'd be dense of electro. one could say a misdemeanor is what's called a feed, the living full. now this is the in the cell phone that he's, that completed with all of his, he got to important this level insightful by all the parties. so, mil sometime use us to you, man. and they stuck the all the new side of information about a source that the supreme body once did you, evidence is available for any lead to guessing to prove that to the see goes best way of mission by thing with you to besides the appropriate. so that's the basis of the uh, keep that or the complete show. so we're looking at evidence being presented to zach which is the zip ball, but it like some commission. but all we looking at the possible trip to the colts now as well. well that, you know, people are all ready to not even we, we, we've got to be the opposite party, is a very little of a tight for 40 to guessing. but or it'd be good if you look at the forty's got,
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if you did say the open at the bottom it, if you look at the diploma society reports when the machine's in a full, it's a b 11 forms. the, the punch that event because i've been talking about, so ball rolling, it looked like the bleeding police suggestion, and i believe that to be, is it possible a case? all fact it'd be, could be to also be guessing on disabled pay the old position. a purchase are expected that the friendship busy, indigent, especially guys on phones to withdraw its full, says the guy. this has cooley does alia ended several military cooperation agreements, but the army is on high alert warning of an increased risk of attack from regional bulk echo us with the just a pulls the from the capital a and b were supporters of the co box to celebrate it's one but anniversary it was meant to be the biggest selling data to demonstration. seems to be cool. the stadium may not be for me,
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but me just cool. leaders sees the moment hoping to capitalize on onto farm sentiments here. our liberation is never complaints until the last french soldier leaves on the. 8 bring you the message of the head of state that will defeat traitors, will defeat and destroy them. you should never let down your guard. on july 26, dozens of presidential gods. so just entrusted with protecting the president over through mohammed by so they've been holding gives us the domain or theme of subsidies. riley is to get the french out, but then also an echo sentiments. lots of al, obviously because has lost credibility to block know is we on scale? if it's 3, it doesn't support no help. it's made mistakes. they blockaded us and cut off electricity to initiative. i've done my plant stand off at the project,
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one in raising avenue just seemed to be waiting. the biggest worry for the coordinators here is a part of frontier. and the most of it's kind of a, i'm just like become the president. now the board, the closures of type of supplies, but the ministry high command was also quick to on support is not to attack the french embassy, because that could be a project to attack these. yet the category was built as a media med demonstration of loyalty, dislike, misgivings, misuse, military june to as last and remains defiant, the cruelty to say that opened to donald. but the sticking points remained that proposed 3 year transition back to democracy. and the fate of the post president mohammed buzzle, how many degrees of just either? yeah, me know, the launch of nations is warning that the conflict didn't sit on, could cause a humanitarian catastrophe in the entire region, sudanese and strikes, talking to the power military rapids portfolio thing. talk to him on site today.
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so you asked me to treat across as crushed and no, they'll stray the clean 3 marines. several others were rescued when they went down during a will. games on melville island knowles darwin, it's the latest of the series of crushes, involving real spray tilts, rotate, craft, and australian military helicopter. fast during will games with the us forces in east and australia just last month. the initial reports suggests that the incident involves just us defense force personnel that there are no members of the sky in defense force involved in this incident. now focus as a government and as the department of defense is very much on incident response and on making sure that every support and assistance is given. at this deal, tom, this morning to us moreno sprite aircraft, lift darwin, and fluid to the, to
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a orleans isaac, homeless to the middle of a dollar. and often on, i am a joint communication center for slaves reports when they occur, often crushing on bill all and around 2 kilometers inland. the pick a terminal, this aircraft was confirmed as a us marine, a sprite, a still a head, hey, all the out. is there a news of sailing from ukraine without a russian guarantees, a safe passage? the latest on the 2nd shipments afraid to leave addressing. since the end of the black sea export deal about state in south africa, how the government is protecting the rights of peoples with death audit hearings. uninstalled will tell you about the controversial re re decision that rescued the world. heavyweight boxing champion assault, coming up with father the, the government that has killed the 3 black people in the united states place in
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jacksonville, florida, or investigating the shooting. by the way to silence as a racially motivated hate crime, he barricaded himself inside the store with a high powered rifle and pistol. this done defended when he shot himself. the clay county sheriff's office who has been assisting our agency with an investigation, received information after the shooting that the shooter had offered. several manifesto rolls, one to his parents, one to the media. and one of the federal agents. portions of these manifesto detailed, this is a disgusting i id. honestly have he finally put the shooting was racially motivated and he hated black people. the people in this community, they're hurting. and, and they have every right to, you know, this, this makes no sense. i am very, very angry, right now. i'm emotional. you know, we got kids in this community saying all of this, and this is on necessary. you know,
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it's on just that we can't. we can't even walk on the sat was we're not safe in any stores. douglas sloane is the 1st vice president of the civil rights organization, the and double a c p in washington dc. he says the us government must be more proactive in finding white supremacists. the federal government is going to have to become more involved to i. i heard that there were swastikas pointed, excuse me, painted on the gun. you know, swastikas in naziism in germany is the legal. they are well aware of what it can lead to, and they are very much ashamed of their past and what happened in the past america has yet to find that shame america doesn't seem to have a comprehensive understanding of exactly where this can go. even though it's the most damaging and the most live lives,
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loss of the military conflict in this country was, uh, what more to it wasn't afghanistan. it wasn't vietnam, it was the civil war which was about racing was about slavery. so we should be well aware of just how damaging those white supremacist ideology is, ideology is, can be and we should be doing everything within our power to fight back against that i. yeah. logy. and to put down the government in the citizens, we need to be more pro active in fighting back against. i hate speech, i guess a lounge we neo nazis in the k. k. k to exist to gather to, to, to hold rallies is really, those are historically violent groups. the target in a safe american citizens. it just doesn't make any sense. we have to come to terms with that. we have to understand that these groups represent hate, that these groups are all about violence. these groups are about destroying our union,
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and that we need to put those type of groups down to thousands of people of commemorated the 60. it's out of us 3 of the march on washington dc. i motioned in dcs lincoln memorial. the protest in 1963 was the setting for martin luther king's genius davis . i have a dream speech now. it was also a major movements in the country civil rights movement as high digit cast reports. they came to remind the world that in the united states, the flight for racial equality is still far from over retracing the footsteps of those who marched in 196360 years ago. 250000 people, led by the young reverend at martin luther king junior linked arms raised their voices and heard a king speech about his dream for a quality on saturday,
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the thousands who march say king's dream is still unfulfilled. prognosis, sil, graham. and there are some things that have changed, but today's the march income immigration just decide how much still needs to be done. but i've noticed that even when i was maybe somebody of another color would get paid more money than i do. and even though i might even have more education in the us, the african american poverty rate is more than double that of white americans. police brutality targeting blacks remains an ongoing problem. and some conservative states have moved to ban the teaching of african american studies in school. there will be other tasks. martin luther king junior's eldest son delivered an updated rallying cry. dad would probably say now is the time we must for the protest and its brand democracy. we must ensure that voting rights is protected pro people
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. we must ensure that all women and children are treat, it fairly, was in no violence. this march spell for a greater variety of groups with protesters calling for protecting l g b t q, and asian american rights. and while and 1963, only one woman spoke to the crowd today. many took the podium the. 2 nation, we are to be generation the marker, say each step is another toward progress. but the target of true quality remains distant. heidi jo, castro, alger 0, washington. well, that's a return to one of the top stories and the situation in your chat with that are all demonstrates as outside the french military base of the capital navy, of course,
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when the admin address joins us now from the capital. and then, but obviously i'm to find sentiments, continue the the absolutely. so how the sentiments continue. and right now we're in the military. yeah, yeah, man, it's going to attach to the apple. why the french pop a small in the face? yeah. so basically what these people are doing every day is to come in front of the shopping mode, the price to be because remember the government, the government committed to leave the print quarter ministry size, the military doesn't that the parking lot? so these are for testers, keeping on print sounds a big jump. the gift coming year, every single day to my parents are on the bridge to be on such
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a day when the military hospital address is wrong side of board. do you prefer the projects? but again, you the most on demos for doing that search or to come back. i've been keeping on the pressure was one of the organizers and you said to me that they want to keep this present as long as they're done. i'm not the most french personnel leaves me. yeah. i, there's a lot of people with a lot of noise around you at the end of it. but let's just talk about those sanctions that are the international community hoping that they will bytes. of course they will have the public at large that all supporting the, to full the moment the, the, basically the general public. but these areas are behind because there's people in the coverage and especially behind the to right now. what, what is happening regarding sciences is that because it's going through almost every week, is this because the main supply route,
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the main important fed sports food engine is yet, and our duty and been to the public. and those voters open close by the communities of west africa state. when did you not have renters? sciences i just submitted to you to yeah. and so as a result, the only a few thoughts on those have communication. this new toner is just an important boots into these are these that molly and working across one of these 2 countries. a bit of platinums on the border with news. yeah. because there are times by government association with myself and i'll tell you that. so basically, the amount of goods coming to, to be sure is very, very, very small. and because of the demand misapplied, you can always be charged for goods as so don't get paid in some cases over the past one month as well. indeed, because you'll continue to most of it, sources will come back to the capital nearby as and when, thanks. and the image was that for us now
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a 2nd cargo ship of sales from the point of adjust that in ukraine despite the threat of russian to attack. the problem is the sailing a loading news, but it's heavy in colorado. in the black sea night, it was opened after the rest of withdrew from the black sea grain day last month, which guaranteed safe passage to vessels coming ukrainian expos, ukrainian government, as one of the threats from russian bullshit, protects a mind explosions. robot. pride is started by for us in chief monitoring events for said obviously that had been some attacks in the northeast of the country as well, but the international community really continuing to hold its breath as another grading shipment leaves a ukrainian polt. so that's what this is seen is quite consequential according to ship tracking apps. this vessel its on its way to bond or on the bulgarian coast. and it's still on his way it deposited from the port city of a desk. their own sack today telling you the 2nd ship to depart from that port
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since the lifting, the russia ended this grain deal, the guaranteeing the safe passage of a great and ships across the black sea. now this, colorado has been set up without any agreement from the russians. there is still the threat called c mines of potential attack. also at the ship, us have to contend with very high insurance rates. but this has been set up by ukraine as a way of getting shipped, so they've been stuck in a ukrainian pool since the start of the war to finally get them a going again, put potentially in the future, trying to re establish gray next bullets from the ukranian coast and, and we've seen the in recent weeks and months ukraine looking for alternative routes of land boulders and also the see ports or the river ports on that feed into the danube river as a way of getting a gray next bolts and food expos out of ukraine, but while those have been effective it's still if the week i do see a return to the kind of food expos that we have pre will. and then there is this
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general acceptance that they have to somehow i try to start the mass export of food from these large ports on the ukrainian black sea coast. so if we saw the pivot to sort of the ukranian counter offensive that we're hearing about what more can you tell us about that? yeah, there is still the focus tends to be on the a southern front, especially around the village of robot team day. this is where the ukrainians have in the past couple of weeks i've been making some progress against these of the full miserable russian defences. there's been a lot of frustration i think, from west and pundits military experts about the lack of progress with, with this much volunteer, much longer waited counter offensive has been going on for a couple of months now. and there is some pushback or much resentment here in ukraine that they use were unfair expectations about the pace of this,
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of this counter offensive. given the fact that the russians have had months to dig in and create this defense in depth. that was also the breaching of the car coast cut down which flooded much of the front line where this comprehensive would come up, but also it was ukrainians who will tell you while they've had western training, the nato equipment, what they still lack is, as to peer we are a to the, you know, the idea of, of f sixteens flying over the, the skies of ukraine. it's still months away and they make the point that nature forces would never dream of trying to have a ground counter offensive on this scale with are asked to pay a reality about progress is being made. finally, it seems towards this age, strategically important found of talk back beyond that very felt beyond that is the coast of the see of as of adult. and there is a feeling from blog is here with also military come on this on the ukrainian side, that a, some of the worst of the defenses have been overcome in that area. while it's still a lot of fighting to do that,
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we may see an increase in the pace of the ukraine in advance, but by force, the in key. thank you. as the investigators in russia have retrieve the blank boxes from the wreckage of the plane crash reported to have killed if any projection. 9 of those died when the executive jet county involved the latest spiraled into the ground on wednesday. those legit, bobby reports of most gun how russians are reacting and what the company is telling them the. this is russia's main evening news bulletin on state tv. channel one reaches nearly 40000000 people each night. but while wagner group had any precautions, death in a plane crash, north of most go made headlines around the world. here at home, it isn't mentioned until about 15 minutes into the news guys to get put in front of me. a brief report says only that wednesdays crash killed all 10 people on board and an investigation is ongoing about the contrast, the coverage of precautions,
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death in other parts of the world is striking restaurant as well as a cabinet and being prepared to this case. they don't know how to do that and they have to come by and fax it to build on understand to cope. what's the company, meanwhile, on the streets of the capital, mixed reaction to the news of the plane crash the game or that, or yes, it's good because traits is end up like that. we don't feel sorry for traces. so the question is wrong, of course it's a pity he was a he refresher. it's always a pity to lose such people pretty much the price as well. i think it is a tragedy, a human tragedy and a tragedy for society. he was a coat, 2nd. people knew about as many ordinary russians have paid, spontaneous tribute to per goshen memorials like these have been popping up across russia. this is the church of saint maximum the confessor in the heart of the capitol. it's been turned into a makeshift memorial site for the members of wagner group who died in the plane
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crash. this is both a testament to the popularity of, of gaining promotion and a message to officials that despite efforts to downplay the importance of his death, his legacy will continue to live on as many questions or may not answer. don't worry about his death, but also about the future of one of the most notorious mercenary groups in the world. doors as of y, l g 0 moscow. so it just goes to the hey, t have been shot dead during a box to condemn going violence. witnesses say that's 9 boxes were killed as gang members. they've been fine with machine guns on the outskirts of the capital pulse . it prints some protest as b to a suspect of gain, but to death. a well, still a head here. all the news. uh well hey, why is that use as of gold offline? a couple of the reasons for courtesy and we look into how strongly this tend to limit incentive access to kids is getting pushed back from some parents also installed. we'll show you how the miles completed his head trick of gold levels of
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the world's athletics championships goals coming up with the the hello the let's have a look at the weather across here of an autumn has been blown in by a weather system that cold front bringing some very severe storms to many western and central areas and knocking out a lot of the heat, but to get across the south west of europe. but we'll see that trends continue as rush or severe storm starts to push its way further east on support. hail the pots of fronds, it could even bring a tornado to northern parts of it to the terrestrial rain expected all the way from eastern parts of spain, through the outs, up towards the baltics over the next few days into monday. you can see it some very nice the weather edging as well towards creation. we have read warnings out here
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and read warnings for sheet for places like sardinia, but unsettled weather is set to plague the ble, eric islands. we've got to mr. all when kicking up the room value in front, it's going to produce some very heavy gusts of wind this unsettled weather across most south west in areas thunder storms as well. coming in on monday for britain and the island divided. we have got some yellow warnings out here, but still some sunshine to be enjoyed and the what the weather intensifies for parts of scandinavia, but it is so a story of heat for the se, but have a look what happens in vienna. as the weather comes in by tuesday of the documentary,
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the informer present and illuminate our occupancy these these for themselves and make up their own minds. witness on 202, it seems stupid stuff scaling hi. messing talbot said with success comes the chance to make a difference. i felt that it was in for, and the idea that there was part of what i have to do, i have the opportunity to understand that my journey is bigger than i can actually create meaningful team for my platform. if i choose to do so. generation school, it's
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a new series coming soon on. i'll just the or the book back to the news on remind to of on told stories the actual conditions above way has to collide ibis and by the guns. one of the went out of the presidential election for a 2nd to the opposition is rejecting the results saying it was rushed and without proper verification. i got been that's killed 3 black people in the united states. police in jacksonville, florida. are investigating the shooting by the want to say, look, as a racially mates of a state prime process of expected of the french embassy initial, especially guys on problems to withdrawal. it's sold to is about the past to the to minutes. we need is a warning of the increased expensive insight from regional ball actually and the cookie. and the shut down of the internet has been ordered in double government data, say the restrictions on necessary to prevent violence of the poles case following the presidential and parliamentary elections. the opposition says voting on sunday
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was deliberately disorganized at this demanding the resignation of the president of the bone. go on. the different story reports these voters, inca bones, copy to naperville, a, choosing a president, members of parliament and the municipal council. the country is reached with oil, minerals, and other natural resources, but many people see the wolf hasn't reached them. 30 percent of companies need less than $2.00 a day. yep. new jobs and struggle to meet that basic needs. corruption is rife, and the gap between the rich and poor keeps widening. the. we're in the moment to be given these know what they want. we're in a country governed by the rules, so we're waiting for the votes to be counted transparently. we weren't the best person to win. president ali bundled on the bar, is seeking
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a said tom in office. he's family has dominated the bones politics for nearly 6 decades. he's least father a my phone girl was president for 42. yes. he died in 2009, and he's son took over the phone, go, suffered a stroke in 2018 when he was recovering. a group of soldiers attempted to of us through the government. some of these critics, a keys that he's not eating enough to vote effectively. these main rivals all but on the also was endorsed by an opposition position called alternate between 23 . the grouping of 6 presidential candidates. reason she's united. what is going on is not the really expression of a free and fair election when the pointing stations are not opening time. whereas the absence of pointing stations in several localities in government and outside of government. in 2016,
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the presidential pro was esp. ted bylaws broke out several people. what carol and many injured, then all positions do you does on pain? who came 2nd claimed the results. why re, some companies are also concerned about last minute changes to electro news and the decision to look how international observers and foreign journalist. they say the not confident that the election will be free. all fe. catherine, sorry to hear. that was very soldiers already did a refugee company occupied westbank, bullets, sun grenades, i'm 2 guns we used in the city of telephone one. the person was shot in the face and 2 others run. a volume of the 3 vehicle is very full. is to say the increasing number of rates on to find palestinians linked to what they call terrorist attacks . at least $200.00 post any of the big hills they fall this year. the 10s of thousands of his writings have again been protesting against changes to the judiciary for the 34th week, running
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a mass around the was held in tel aviv. the fall right coalition to prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to limit the power of the supreme court to review government decisions. it's a traffic chunk of walls, most important shipping rates is expected to last into next year and could do like deliveries of christmas merchandise worldwide. both and $100.00 ships of stock on either side of the panama canal because of low water levels of to months of trout. no, not a bridge of 40 vessels, usually transit every day, not to be reduced to $32.00 a day. they walked away as a vital shipping route to avoid vessels having to save all the way around south america. the canal connecting the atlantic on pacific oceans calories around 6 percent of all call go worldwide. reports allison's around pnc is the, or moving a ship like the one you're looking at through the panama canal requires around a 100000000 gallons of water that's for each ship going through. so we're talking
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about 30 to ship in a day now that the restrictions are in place at. but now with that number goes up to 38 or even 40 ships a day when the canal is operating normally, given the current throughout these restrictions will remain in place for a least another 10 months, according to the canals, the out toward the end. that's because the canal is worried of what will happen in the near future. they are worried that this drought will continue in the coming months and that they will not have enough water to continue operating that canal. and that even have to restrict their, the limited level at which it is operating. now there's also an issue of what will happen in the future in this they've given the fact that these droughts are becoming more frequent and more severe in their effects of possibly the solution.
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there will be diverting some of the other rivers in panama, trying to increase the capacity of the artificial lakes that allow for the canal to function. most of the water that is used here, if not all of it, then ends up into it's flushed into the oceans. of the panel is in the canal is also considering ways to store that water and try to reuse that the. but if you talk to experts here at this telling you, that is the time to act is now because the situation is becoming more dramatic every year as the climate. this changing the descendants of the british prime minister with even glands to apologize for the assemblies, history of anything, slaves, and guy all the in the 19th century. logston's father was one of the largest slaveholders in parts of the caribbean, colonized by britain for such as the adult control move in 2000 africans and what is now jamaica. and guy on the slavery was just trying again to madison. and his sanity, in fact,
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continues to be felt about the world today. it is with dca weight knowledge on such as involvement. and this time i'm a tall fellow, sincerity. we apologize for the sentence of insights and god inside sitting, waiting on the site is continuing impact on the daily lives. mid south africa has a new official language sign language and foot mold and full 1000000 people who are deaf and hard of hearing. that will hoops this recognition will make services more accessible, assigned languages for countries, 12 official language, but many believe it will take time before new policies, either quickly benefit the deaf community to meet them at the hospital from john, his book, students at this away to school for the dare say it's a century sign language is commonly used and they say they're easily understood and
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feeling included. now that signing has been recognized as an official language in south africa. it's hope the more than 200 students here as well as the port of this community will benefit. the government says it's to promote inclusivity and protect the rights of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. yeah, so she was here for, for the sense they are so happy because they will tell you that it is the government can enter jewess sign language. and the subject is the, in the mainstream, not 20 or in the depths scores also in the mainstream. the neutral band sign
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language so that they can then sign language. it can become easier for them to communicate to are there more than 4000000 desk people in south africa, but only about 40 schools k to for the deaf. while the new low means that government departments and services will have to make provisions for those wanting to use sign language, there are a number of challenges. one, we have very is gas interpreters. we have very low number of sign language, professional sign language interpreters in this country tool. the education system in the day of school is still needs lot of work. so we, we still have to empower and for the people who can go to university study and back to the say former work is needed to remove social barriers. so that's because recognition of sign language is a milestone support to say it's an acknowledgement to all of the culture and the identity of the day of community, especially on a continental,
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the only 3 other countries i've done the same. so me the ultra 0 explosions into 5 or 10 liquefied petroleum guns station. in romania have killed one person that injured many more fine. lisa, as best quickly spread for some nearby, hey, but as to escape, the dozens of firefighters were injured in a 2nd explosion, which seemed full. i've made a capital bucharest, the american game show, hey, same as all the countries come on though, has died at the age of $99.00. but bach are invited contestants to try when prizes in the price is right the 35 years. he was also a household name for hosting truth or consequences. the wild animal rights activists retired in 2007 and passed away in los angeles. on site today is not something that is thinking to restrict into that to access the children, to kept the addiction to old line content. the critics of the plan and say limiting
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access should be left to parents and not the governmental technology firms. in the 2nd of a series of special reports on video gaming between the u. s. volt amazing is controversial plan u e way in push way in our 9 years old. they both have their own tablets and smartphones and are used to being able to spend as much time as they like on them. but this may soon change in an effort to combat internet addiction. chinese authorities have proposed a plan to limit minus access to the internet through mobile devices. you wish father disagrees with the policy. you highlight the biggest thing i want my son childhood will be happy. we don't stress his spare time. after doing homework, you can do what he wants. it isn't necessary to give him restrictions. it's implemented children under 8 would be a lot at 14 minutes a day. those aged 8 to 151 hour and 2 hours,
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max and then the 16 to 18 year olds. usage between 10 pm and 6 am would be bad. this isn't the 1st time they doing is move to regulate internet can use for children and 2021. video game access was have a 3 hours per week. and last year was under the age of 16. well banned from live streaming. the proposal would also manage the types of content children are allowed to view, limiting so called immoral own negative materials. other governments are also exploring ways to make the internet safe for children. police and deadlock have established an online patrol unit. well purchase, regional police have partnered with a gaming company to detect harmful interactions online children because of the bounder, b, b, 's because of the lack of wisdom and the lack of ability to control the and imposes a most upset table to how the app is designing to capture
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engagement and continuous use age. but eric lim says mall. government control is not the answer. is this a simple that means basically this, this, this usage off of smartphones and this addiction to spot on. these are the symptom of something deeper. you know, society whose re end users have tablet primarily for school. parents worry time limits will reduce opportunities to learn online course and would only make them more rebellious. as parents, we are responsible for teaching children says control and to recognize which is good and what is bad. adult they say is better left to them and not technology companies or the authorities. katrina you. how does 0 teaching specifically for breaking news? can we also have both sco rushes investigate investigative committee has confirmed that the best and the chief is getting for gauge and has been killed in that plane crash. of course, it was reported on wednesday when the plane actually fell out to the skies knowles
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of moscow on its way to saint petersburg with 10 people on board, the 3 crew, and the 7 passengers and the see the hierarchy of the wagner group. what all that is, calls the travelling, denied any involvement and the blank books or quotas that have been recovered from the crush side. and now going under analysis to see what the cause of that incident to us. as soon as we get more information, of course we will give you that as well. still a head here, all the news, our the drive that's through clouds pounds of this call despite the thing 10 times, plus full story coming up with father, straight up to the by the the latest news as it breaks, as darkness falls, millions of people throughout this region are waiting h just late for the full force of tropical storm hillary to descend with details
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coverage. defense chiefs here. now say that please call to discussions cannot go on forever from around the world. just over a decade. also the men's team, one to european championships, it's a spanish swimming state, but now rules football well between the 18 hundreds and as recently as the 19 nineties and canada, over a 150000 children were taken from their homes and forced into schools that stripped them of their identity and to offer their lives. as the search for unmarked graves continues and harrowing revelations emerge. people and power examines the long term consequences of the government funded system. residential schools, canada shame, on
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a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the full service. i'll take you to pin the see to vice phones on show solidarity with calls that the nations will be used to funds swimming lessons, full palestinian children human. i'll say it has more from the gaza strip. the sun rises over the call, more trees. if the gauze, if each excitement feels the air as hundreds of children gather near the shore line, then there's the treat god, the swimming carnival, flutter in the gentle breeze. how do you tell you about how to solve it? so this initiative is the message of peace and love to the whole world. comfortable garza, with over $25.00 other countries world wide will be going into the sea at the same
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time and solidarity with gaza. so the world knows that gaza wants peace and freedom away from the destruction and see a certain amount of funding around to 1000 children who have recently learned to swim. take the 1st steps into the c symbol of their new sounds. confident the life guards stand watchfully by ensure you the safety of the young swimmers side is elisha mallette, 10 years old, safe. he's participating to tell the world that the children of goza deserve to live freely, like other children we are under. let's see. it's all, it's really so many children can do things like none of us citizens would do. so i'm here to send a message there to say that the seeing the children should have their freedom. in the face of israel, located these children have gone to embrace this see as
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a symbol of resilience through their carriers, the re defined boundaries browsing through the world. that's with determination. they can overcome any restriction they say. but this is not just local event in over 2000 locations worldwide. people are swimming in harmony with casa, standing in solidarity with its people, their shared goal to provide opportunities for palestinian children to learn a skill that can save lives on joining swimming because uh, to give these children an opportunity to learn to swim, is to keep them safe all and give them some sense of childhood in the policy, fives that living in the fonts raised will go towards providing swimming lessons for 1000 new children, empowering them with a vital life skills and a sense of achievement. backing godsa, the children gather industry,
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lie on the beach, they hold hands, it raised them high for him and the chain of unity and help and the waters if does the end be on. a ripple of solidarity has been created, sending the message, the compassion knows no borders. you miss c u l g 0 causes stress. ok, if you go to sports, being far as a with the rest of the day sport. thank you so much so hell another day. another goal for legal nasa to enter miami. this time the 7 time belling door opener came on as a sub to score on his debut and nature link soccer. he scored in the 89 submitted in miami's to know when over the new york rentals ending miami's 11 match winless stricken n. a less. a record crowd of more than 26000 turned up to watch in new york with refilled tickets. going for over a $1000.00. nancy has now scored 11 goals and 9 games in all competition. since joining maya, it's present in general, motivates everybody, you know,
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obviously when you're, when you're playing with the best, when you're doing anything with the greatest and in their respective occupation, then you're going to be motivated to be better than you are seeing the smile that he has when he plays, uh, you know, just how humble use for being the greatest ever play the game. he also shows so much respect to everybody in content. that's great for the league. i'm great for all these clubs to kind of have him come play and display his kind of great ability . i think um the leads round tremendously throughout the years. i think i can tell you this over and you know it's, it's good to see him come over here and, and play and then not play well. and i think a testament to his ability how, how he still has it. so the premier league and manchester united manager, eric 10 had praise their spirit. dr. fundy back from the course, started against mounting and forest. for the 1st time in a league game, they were to those down inside 4 minutes at old trafford. and they came back to wind 3 d with bowls from christ generics and castle narrow and very helpful is thousands of united fan state. and there seems afterwards to protest against clubs
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. laser family owners, as talks over a possible sale of the club are driving on despite the interest in science. it is west town who find themselves at the top of the table going into sunday. they ended brighton's perfect start to the season goals. james were proud as jared bowen and tell antonio help silver. 31 win for the hammers above tottenham and arsenal on goose words. arsenal were held. $2.00 to $5.00 full springs women's team coach jorge. as hilda has condemned the behavior of their f, a presidents while celebrating their woke up victory last week. well, that was seen a lot, louise, really atlas, when he said he would not resign after kissing one of the spanish players on the lips. ruby alice has been suspended by faith that the spanish team say they won't play while he's still in charge. and 11 and bill does coaching team of quit in protest. bill that she was backed by ruby alice last year when 15 players quite
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over his behavior is not step down himself, but admits the incident was unacceptable. now to some boxing controversy, controversy heavyweight champion alexander music, hit the floor but still retained his titles. thanks to a call by the referee, ukrainian was clearly in pain after being hit by britain's daniel do want in the 5th round, but it was judged to be a low blow and did not count as a knock down. he was given time to recover and then went on to win the fight, stopping to walk in the 9th round, the wall and his management team feel he was robbed of a famous victory. that was the gist of a blog. and it should have been stopped. you got a free minute, 43 minutes and 46 seconds. recovery time, which was wrong. you got it wrong, the referee, and i still don't understand if it was a month why, why didn't certain points of the belly button is the line. i anything below that is
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a low blow if you're hitting the fence, the blow is not legal. dangerous. now it's the final day in the world athletics championships and bid pass, but still several gold medals to be handed out. already on sunday we seen victor kipling, gas, if you've got a wind, the men's marathon, he's stretched away from path with around 4 kilometers, remaining, taking the gold and the time is 2 hours, 8 minutes and 53 seconds. no eliles has read it. they have tricked them cool metals in data past anchoring new york state of his dream events for by 100 meters final. last points. the sprint devil just 24 hours earlier when he won a man's 200 meters. adding with 100 liter gold from the 2nd week. he's the 1st man to do the double since the same bolt in 2015 and just like bolts around the 4th like this relate to help this team to victory adam elite and jamaica. to be honest
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. whatever the us get this big around and we, when it's always going to be amazing, it's always going to be special. because i remember a lot of years whether you as was not getting this big around. but here we are. do you need done with the usa zone? the nation as it relates to to new dies mccarty, richardson and her team secured gold and the women's 4 by 100 meters and a huge championship record of 41.0. 3 was the 2nd gold medal for richardson. who is the 100 meter champion? jamaica sharika jackson, who had one to 200 meter goals, helped her team take silver. all great britain clinched mando do plans. he's retained his world man's cobalt title. on 3 occasions, swede went close to improving his own world record. but his best fault of 6.10 meters were still good enough to be numerous wible furnace. john, the new american chase easily successfully defended her world shot put title her throat of 20 point. 43 meters was enough to win her 2nd
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gold metal in a row mattress. stopping to start from poor position at his home ground. pre in the netherlands. he was quickest in a crash at qualifying session. it was stopped twice 1st, when logan sergeant ran his williams off the track at turn to. and then when shuttle's for claire damage has vari, just after the session resent claire could only watch from the sidelines. as for staff in battles, mclelland's landed north for top spots. in the end, it was a dutchman who thrilled his home fence. he'll start from the fonts, have norris and mercedes joyce russell right away he makes. i'm finally some pictures of an incredible crash during a nascar race. that does turn out ryan pre somehow can't edit his car. just one flip in more than 10 times happened with 6 laps to go. when his car skidded onto the in field and became airborne, it was taken to hospital for observation to be shaken by the alert. i'll say that
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when he's tweeted since the accident saying if you want to be a race car driver instead of do tax, it looks like a toy car flying through the air. but as you mentioned, just 35 shocking pictures there. that is all your support for now back to you. so how long? sorry, but sorry, and that city is valuable after the break to stay with us here about the a we look at the world's talk business stories from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and including security around the world of history or something that the international community,
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your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on o g, a 0. this is the heart of central call and being regional between china in ecuador, it's known for its extraordinary bio diversity. and this essential for providing much of the capitals, fresh water and food. not far away. april to us government has granted 12 mining concessions to local and international companies. and 8 more are in the works. apart from the exquisite vegetation, the mountains, and the shows that you see here are rich in gold and copper. that is why the communities that lived here one that all of this could become one giant mind that would contaminate and destroy life. yes, national park and they put doors. amazon ring forest is one of the most bio diverse in the world. but it's also vision oil and put orange will essentially have to decide what's more important. exploding ecuador is most important source of income,
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or preserving it for the good of the environment, and its inhabitants with clouds. where freedom is always worth fighting, both unto stories from across asia and the pacific. 101 east. all. now, the russian investigators confirm that the south bus and the chief can any progression of the carrying out genetic tests, some of the victims of last week's plane crash. the


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