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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the 1st is transforming the visits is in mexico city, with vocals, a turning a notorious municipality into an urban utopia. a sense of community on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the, on the clock. this is the news on life coming up the next 60 minutes. widespread protests in libya before libya's foreign minister is reported. the science of the meeting is ready office at number flights and announcing buquet
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delayed or cancel because of traffic control problems. disruptions, airlines scheduled world wide expect us sex trip, commerce visits china to help these tensions of a trade in technology, exports and friends brands muslim students from where i am biased as in state one school and in support. the women's woke up guessing the scandal has taken another bizarre twist. as luis ruby allison waits to learn his fate. his mother has now gone on a hunger strike to protest. she calls the inhumane treatment, of course on the so we begin in libya. well, the 0 has been told that the foreign minister has been dismissed from meeting with is really opposition number last week, the decision comes after a night of protests across the capital, tripoli,
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and several of the libyan cities. that means straight as bend is ready flags in the mountains at the knights, let my goose be dismissed. these ready for a minister, and i couldn't describe towards with her in italy last week as a historic 1st step in establishing ties with off to those protests. the be, as for a ministry attempted to downplay the meeting, describing it as non official, an authorized discussions with this rarely officials all in legal in libya. the countries have had no formal relations since the country gained independence from italy in 1951. well, in a minute, so i will speak to hire faucet and who's in west recently? profess, let's go to by the train. you started by for us in triple yeah. so what is the latest you have for us? a well sources close to prime minister ogden have made today but has told us that there's an goose libby as 1st female foreign minister has been sacked as
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a result of this meeting. they told us that the prime minister wasn't aware of this as my goose. his actions are meeting from what the looking for and ministries that are in formal meeting with the you like owing these really foreign minister and rome last week. but people here, i mean, we're extremely upset and are still extremely upset. last night we saw a protesters closing off main roads across all of western libya. and we also saw a group of protesters reaching the libyan foreign ministers. gates uh for briefly last night. and due to that there was some serious security concerns. government sources have told us that, and that's the admin goose left tripoli last night and has arrived in istanbul, although we haven't seen an official statement yet from the foreign ministry. just about 20 or 30 minutes ago, we saw a statement by the employees of the foreign ministry here in libya,
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a condemning the actions of neglect. and as the goose saying that this isn't an in sync with the libyan foreign policy also, i mean we're still gonna have to wait and see as to as to what the, what this investigation there isn't an ongoing investigation into this meeting. so we're gonna have to wait for more information that comes out. or that's a view in tripoli. thanks to malik training. the village headed over to west reeds, but now hi force is dining by said harry israel saying something quite different about the circumstances of this meeting to tripoli. it's entirely different. yes, we spoke to a foreign ministry official who said that this was entirely a coordinated meeting. it was one. what did it feature direct talks? and if you look at the statement from the foreign ministry, from any code on the sunday, it talks about the kind of content of these discussions about agricultural
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cooperation was a technology, restoring jewish sites. inside libya, he called us a historic meeting of the 1st step, putting it in the context of wider efforts of normalization with other arab nations as well so entirely a different narrative, also different when it comes to the announcements itself. the foreign ministry official said that the idea of announcing this meeting was also coordinated. although how far you could really say it's coordinated is questionable. given the fact that this official also said the timing of that announcement had not been coordinated. and certainly the reaction from libby inside suggested they were very much caught unawares by this sudden announcements on sunday. i'm not itself has got a lot of criticism and backlash from these radio position here. deleted the opposition from a foreign minister himself from a prime minister. yeah, a lot paid say this was amateurish that it puts in question israel's negotiations with other countries who would be pretty dismayed to see this kind of what he
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called a leak. and they also said that this was a morning of national disgrace for the country when someone's life had been endangered. presumably a reference to the libyan foreign minister in reward, just for headlines on the day a to hardy. thanks for that, sir. how are you supposed to been in west jerusalem? well, libby or is divided between 2 rival administrations as a un recognize government and tripoli, which is led by abdul hammond of debate. but with this kind of labor, the context with its rented time. there's also a rival to ministration until broke, that's backed by the united. i remember it's, it's also had contacts with as well. but that has not generated nearly as much control oversee the son of the libyan will not have to have visited tel aviv last year for talks with senior his writings and their aspect without necessarily commodity. he's the founder and director of said that street, the 1st public policy you think tank and libya, he says,
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use of the unofficial meeting is adults with what's been going on behind the scenes . the obviously a major difference between the official interactions or even the discrete inspections that you've mentioned, that under the volume between the public perception of industry, it's kind of made itself clear last night with the protest in front of the for a ministry purchasers entering the home of a lot of time to buy late last night and it says this kind of public defendants, this big gap between what religion, state officials and non say, officials like have to say they do versus what they actually do. and i think that was part of the reason why it was it struck such a none of last month because the way in which the news was revealed. the fact that it was revealed a week later by as well as for a minister and not by the goose, for a minister that's kind of led to this public outcry. and i think it was the frustration that it really caused was what sparked so many different products last night. what is the official position of, of making contact with israel,
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the libya does not recognize as well. and i think the official position has been something that even when we go to leaks that have taken place over me, things between the officials left behind me today. but i'm going them buy instead of c. i to broach this conversation last year and. and in meetings of this, you have other meetings of january, um the, the position from today, the quite new was we can talk about normalization, but i'm worried about the public outcry. and i think he knows the be as official position is one that is very closely attached to the streets, but it's not just for the street as against what it deems to be is really interference. i mean, we've seen this story. you can have come to the surface over the last several years for the, for after has extensive military relationships was backed by as well. and the last war uh, on tripoli, in 2019. his son was in instead of the for 19 minutes, according to hearts on the a private jet where he requested military supports and diplomatic support and
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exchange for being made the president of lydia. and usually he didn't actually throw his hat into presidential election. so how he would have taken powers was one of those curious cut affects that was always left to the final moments and, but i think again, it would be as official position is one thing. but it's that, it's that this and ends with the streets that is allows for people to go out and say, look enough is enough. all right, let's get a view from israel now alan think us is a form is really different matching. the sub does advise it to the form is rarely prime minister shimon peres. drones is not from tele tel aviv uh, mr. pink us 1st. what's your view of this meeting that's cause rods in libya? well, in his room is hailed as a 1st step in establishing relations as well to be honestly, it's hailed and israel is a, is a complete, a full buys a. ready a complete mess up as, as a board manager who ran to tell everyone about his conquests be rather than keep it
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discreetly. and i have to tell you, you know, if you look at the sequence of events, this is just like, you know, a remake of the old movie or the jimmy president will be, the guy didn't shoot straight everything. everything about this was wrong. and, and, you know, it's a, it's really a shame because if, if there is some kind of a, if there are some kind of understanding there's a platform on which anything, some kind of dialogue could be built. it was room one for the foreseeable future with the surely warm minister blabbering about it. and reportedly at least the libyan foreign minister, fling her country to turkey. then i was paying like a good thing, but with that must be some kind of count, some kind of calculation behind this as far as a foreign minister is concerned. uh yeah. what, what would i think in his mind that he would have to gain always really would have
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to gain from talking about the meeting in this way or not. okay. well, you know, it was a totally premature as i mentioned before, but this is this on the scores. i need a larger concept, which i happen to think is deeply flawed. in, in the right wing is really thinking about is that you can ignore you, fade avoid circumvent the palestinian issue while i'm making gains or gaining traction, or even interacting position throughout the air. world, libya, the way he called r jordan and egypt obviously. and conceivably, even saudi arabia about that, but that's all good and fine. but the thing is, um, you know, doing it and then uh, bragging about it prematurely and undermines even even this concept, which again, i think it's flawed and, and the fishing and see the screen in a sense
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a well, yeah, you know, it could be a snow screen the, you know, that these rows making strides and then here we are hypothetically, negotiating indirectly, hypothetically negotiating with the studies and a grand triangular a try hard tides deal with us and parallel to that. so, you know, of doing things with the libyans and ok, let's assume that is true. let's assume forget my forget my reservations about the concept of the conceptual framework here. let's assume this is good. so why go out and talk about this? why the, oh, would you choose the expression? why would you go out and, and brag about this prematurely, and basically on ruin and undermine your own. doing things that have also being visits from the governments into a brook having that say they, these randy officials to be meeting 2 sides of the government in libya and the one to what uh, you know, what actual relationship there is between behind the scenes that we didn't really
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know about always public anyway, between living and and israel. well, okay. i doubt that any are the of our viewers right now. recall. but in the 1990s, in the mid 99, so the aftermath of the oslo accords of september 93 and then the implementation from 949095. there were initial contacts between israel and libby are still under warm are up to the kind of stuff and that's uh, never matured into anything. and then a few years back as the previous. uh, my immediate previous uh i guess told you. mm hm. um, there was some, its early presidents and there's really involved in the mean ongoing political stripe and civil war in, in libby, i doubt there was anything more than my doubt. i very much doubt there's anything more than that at this point. it's all it,
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isn't it because these me things that the rival administration from til broke have had, have you don't generated nearly as much control, missy? well no, because because uh, you know, the mere fact that the war minister miss montgomery said to the again, reported he had to be tripoli and go with a in a private airplane to turkey for fear her for life. she, by the way, according to reports of nature on the last hour, she just said that the meeting she has with a fairly foreign minister, mr. early klein was coordinated that her prime minister knew about this, that his back t v. a. according to the entire thing with the tally and prime minister, ms. maloney and the fact that it was prematurely leak by israel and barrison at lead to the demonstrations and eventually go through to sleep truthfully altogether,
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i don't know how accurate that is. i have no way of objectively judging from okay. uh great. okay. yes. perspective. i don't appreciate that. thanks very much. i don't think us the form is ready to promote spyglass shelby. thank the . let's move on to a developing story in britain, which is having a potential not going to affect for airline passengers right around the world. flights to and from the united kingdom and being disrupted because of technical problems with air traffic control. and violence is restricting the flow of aircraft engineers is searching for solution and it's close to the bulk of the study by for us at london city airport. so navy, just tell us the latest, what's, what's happening? well, this is the national air traffic survey. so just based on that, i'm so i'm sure south west of london are continuing to say that that having major technical issues with the entire system,
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this responsible for monitoring and safeguarding the arrival departure of across a to and from the united kingdom as well as domestic flights as well as you say, they've got technical teams on the ground trying to work out exactly what's happened to them. the hope of restoring all of this probably for a quickly in the but was it boatley, they don't know how it happened to. they don't know how long it's going to take to repair if it takes minutes, or possibly even hours even longer than that. the likelihood is that it will have a massive knock on effect on the smooth flow of traffic to inform the country, but also a much further afield. given the type motions that operate in major rapids like he for, for instance, where a croft arrive of land, something like every 90 seconds. so the traffic service is basically having to slow everything down, reduce the number of aircraft coming in to the country. basically going from a digital system to an analog system. and not, of course, could have massive implications for travel during the here in the u. k. but it internationally as well given how important you capitalize ha,
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all in the whole global transfer infrastructure. yeah, huge amount of traffic coming into and through the u. k, which makes you wonder about safety. is there an issue that yeah, of course, i mean safety is a big concern with gab from that's the national aviation trustful service. but safety isn't a big concern. there all other means in ways of, for instance, spacing aircraft in the, the main issue though is how this will affect the, the pacing of the speed of aircraft arriving in and traveling out of the country here at city airport is being very, very quiet. since we've been hands with a single play and cycles in line, i'm just having a quick look at a departure board, which makes a great reading, particularly if you're hoping to fly out of the country later on today, a flight to answer them. for instance, it's meant to leave about an hour and a half time expect to 11 hour delay for them single story for even a flight to edinburgh. so a flight in,
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within the united kingdom and to leave at 10 to 4 u. k. time. again, we're looking at uh, a 12 hour delay for people just going up the road. so i can imagine what your thoughts of plans are going to be made to find alternative means of transport by road or by train. and i could imagine the flow of the people already started the table e mails to their bosses. they say is, of course a bank, holiday weekend. people are hoping to return to work on choose day, a lot of people and definitely going to be concerned whether that might even be possible. yeah, grab those best time tables quickly. all right, i appreciate that. thanks very much. they know the websites you have come to us is the latest high profile visitor from washington attempted to cool tensions with china, the chinese commerce minutes, the wine when tell, welcome gina raymond, she said it was profoundly important for the 2 biggest economies to have a stable relationship tension has arisen over the stress of china, gained more in taiwan, and us restrictions on computer chip exports. katrina,
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you said this report from pages or for both sides hoping that dina raimondo is visit will stabilize what has been and increasingly tense relationship ever growing list of disagreements. she said for 4 days, and not only has she met with account about one when child she's old, seduce me, the other chinese officials, as well as american business leaders, kit, and aging. now raymundo had said that during her discussions with chinese officials, issues of national security of limits, these are, for example sensitive technology such as semi conduct is, however, message to the aging is that there are many other areas of trade which can be expanded. for example, health inducing, she's also going to want to go home with some wins for the american community. for example, the company flowing which is waiting on, sold deliveries and planes to china. china. so it's cost and said that it wants to post open and will present business environments between the us and china. the us of china is the largest trading partner,
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and this relationship is enormously important. food finest economic growth, especially at the time of the 4th sec, nation k. in china. now on sunday, the government rolls out a targeted measures help bruce investor confidence, recognizing that the company is currently in a slump. it cuts levies on stock trades by 50 percent. and we saw on monday morning with the stock market opened up an immediate boost of 5 percent. however, this game seemed to be short lived because by later in the day this had taped down to about one percent. and that really is because the fundamental problems plaguing china is economy remain the same. i received a bond for chinese export all week. a real estate sector. previously, a pillar of economic growth hair is still in prices. and domestic consumption remains suddenly lower post pandemic. so columbus, so saying that these targeted specific measures a step in the right direction. but in order to pull china's economy out of its
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current rush move may just give me those policies. katrina, you all to 0 agent way. sushi a is the shanghai director of the con, was intelligence corporate network and he says, the chinese government is doing what it can to boost the economy. i missed a call from you at this moment is suffering from the week of august for both investors and husbands. and the, and the, uh, the drivers, the is relying on this thing, the mattress and packages to bring that uh, consumer expense for the, especially in the 2nd half of the year to stabilize the economy. anthony. sure. uh to, to, to, to make sure that there is any coverage because your customer covered is easy, important to get a customer and a better top that your future income and has a market. so just absolutely one of the very important sources. but we also costs us here in china, in addition to the power markets, as well as the property sector,
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is as a very sluggish stage downstairs. and as a result, the government has to be in the slicing the importance to revise the capital markets and to, to stabilize people's income to stabilize the capital market as the source for people's future income. but as i'm talking to see that the overall best system here in china is, is, is a healthy, says, especially that the be a to the markets used last year on the overall commercial vans outstanding debt. and therefore, uh, the health status of $0.20 is, is, has a reasonable a status at this moment. however, we do see that since the central government started to cost a major policy rates in order to stabilize the economists to stimulate the borrowing behaviors of consumers and investors,
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commercial vans probably margin has been squeezed and the future prospects is at the is that not a not looking pretty goods and this will, that pressure of the financial stability assistance the country you know, think of the year. therefore, we do see that so the, the expense of policy cost of the, of the, by the central government having relatively conservative, amazing market expectations. as a time in these building there is entering the race to be the islands next. president terry, who is the founder of a fox con, which supplies some of the world's biggest technology companies. you step down from folks coming 4 years ago to focus on public. you failed twice to become the presidential candidates of the main opposition party. now he says he will be an independent challenger in the election due next january to play. most of the head on the use are including hoping his jail house much shots will and the millions will see how donald trump is trying to profit from the prosecutions. to put him to
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hide behind. boss added support, it was a risk of breaking night for this. us to move will be here. the, the, the president, the front amend will, macklin says the french ambassador in asia won't be bowing to demands to leave. i will address that this report now from now me with supporters of the coup last month rallied outside the french embassy and the military base for french soldiers . there seems to be no let up. and the pressure on the just june to is putting on french diploma and troops to leave the country who supporters turned up the french embassy and army base in the capital in that thousands some draped in the national colors. are those sporting flags of countries and they consider friendly standing between them and the military base by hundreds of french troops,
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i believe to be staying dozens of new just so it isn't please the media doesn't belong to funds. we told the french to be, they said no, what's their plan as citizens? we don't want the french. yeah. they can do what a but they want in france like not. yeah, this military base is attached to the in the army. i mean, the 1st i'm only what behavior and the coming days and weeks i just imagined 1500 resulted. i believed to be here. and because of workers one different sentiments out on the rise, the since the june, to order the french ambassador to leave the forwarding ministry and probably says new jersey military leadership has no authority to expand with that diploma practice. organize. i say the country has been to take for granted for too long, and it's time for that to start. we didn't, we, we like a very good that dealership,
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but the shipping week that we are winning and that are really, that's, do really we do, we, we strategy that's we like our september to deadline for french troops to leave is less than a week from now practice to organize, i say the pressure will continue until the last french personal leave. the hope that you meant to touch supplies with has and the departure of the country school, my colonial power increased. i'll just either. yeah. me the governing. is there any policies in both ways, denying allegations of widespread vote rigging in the general election last week, electro commission declared the re election of president m as in mountain douglas for a 2nd time. but the main office is shanita nelson show me that it says that he won, and his policy is planning to change the results. permit tax reports now from the capital opposition he to nelson tanisha and says he won some bobby's presidential election. that's all to this and ball, but you need to commission declared president emerson. when then god, why had won a 2nd and final term in office?
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70. so citizens college in for change policy pads these talents, those official results saying they differ from the independent tele. he wants african leaders to put pressure on president m, assuming a guideline to address accusations of whites way to both tracking and you accused him of wrong doing this the most. that is the center since 2008 in the bottom 2017. it cool on the 2018 a pool and the bottle is repeated again. 2023. the quote on that bundle, yukon survived this for far too many time. it was a nice allegations of fluids, as, as those will feel, the race was not done properly. should go to court, we are voting
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may be over, but every day struggles remain for millions of some bobbins. high inflation, poverty and unemployment. electro disputes are also worrying some people. it's generally common quiet across the country, but dried police and was cutting trucks had been deployed to specific areas as a precaution in case the problem. the election 5 years ago was also disputed, the constitutional court of housing and douglas election when the bobbins and the international community. now watching what happens this time around? how do i toss out of there? that's enough for me. i promise them quite nancy, who is the spokes person, the opposition citizen coalition for change party engine baldwin. and he says that they're considering several options and challenging the election outcome. we go to both of pro started you to respond to, to, to, to the forwarded in our country. as you know,
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the silver or books is available to us and that includes, but they're not limited to the legal route which we are currently doing. we also have the diploma good when we are not being and putting pressure on the, on the, on the videos and member stays, particularly to the southern african development committee. but also the board that international commission. or by the way, if there was a famed our position that the elections that we were conducted as above would fill us the money short of a free and fair election. so don's military leader has visited a major naval base on the red sea. abdul thought to help a 100 men sailors at the flamingo naval base and that followed his meeting with ministry. latest reports, who done on sunday is making his 1st visit outside the capital in full months of fighting. permanent trees is expected to visit carr. if it talks with the egyptian present, torrential, rain, and high winds
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a batch of the spanish island to be ok. the storm caused floods and failed upon lines entries on the populace where they resort island in the mediterranean. some people need a treatment from mind injuries when a cruise ship in port flight with a tank and a tropical storm in the carpet and is expected to strengthen into a hurricane as it moves as it moves towards florida in the united states. the weather system is currently to the west of cuba, also bringing flooding rain. so you can tell me peninsula, in mexico, it will likely cause us if this storm surge, when it makes land full in florida by mid week. the governor that has already declared the state of emergency and at least are 33 countries. counties, i should say, let's get more of this for the present, the car lego, but most we expect from this one when it's going to be a pretty ferocious storm. and then it is to run sending suspects. it's a swinton for that as it works its way across the gulf of mexico. now these storms are difficult to predict, but all the models show it taking
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a similar path to the north east across the florida panhandle. now they also have their own unique histories. this one, starting as an area of low pressure in the caribbean sea, it brought to wrench will rain to block for the time peninsula and some very powerful winds as well. it's bumped hurricane advisories across the western parts of cuba. it's going to be some very heavy rain subpoena del rio where we are expecting possible lance live and it will send some, even further as it works its way to florida becoming a dangerous major hurricane. and that's because it's going to enter the waters of the gulf of mexico to give you an idea of temperatures here at the high is that they've ever been. so the heat as well as the humidity is going to add fuel to the fire. it's expected to be a category full as it works its way online, somewhat to the north of tampa, city, very strong winds that have a look at the other risks. we're going to see a storm surge of more than 3.5 meters in places. this is the low lying area, so we with lot of coast houses on the coast. so we are expecting some catastrophic damage here,
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potentially as well as flash flooding. it works its way towards the ne, pretty quickly it could, we can overland or gain some, most trends as it works its way along with coastal areas. it's gonna take some very heavy rain to georgia and the carolinas and leave behind a legacy of showers of the areas that have already seen at this stage. widespread flooding. hard to suddenly want to watch and want to pass on it. absolutely. car, thanks very much. thank you. what's the head here? announce vera in hygiene, gangs, open, fire on charge, goes and protest as we find out. we'll see how the video games industry to working the is working to tackle the negative effects of hours of game and saudi arabia unveil. rebecca mentioned the as the new national. we're here from him and spoke with the palm full passages,
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are increasingly affecting our lives. we've terrible consequences. a documentary asks whether we've learned any lessons from the h. i. v epidemic in the fight against coven 19. how we ignore the global sucks to port profits for 4 people the cost time. appendix. oh no, it is the latest news as it breaks, as darkness falls, millions of people throughout this region are we leading age to sleep for the full force of profitable storms. hillary to descend with details coverage defense checks here. now say that these kind of discussions cannot go on forever from around the world just over a decade. also the men's team, one to european championships, is a spanish swimming state. but now rules to football. well, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the other day you want to remind about top stories as our libby, as for administer, next let my goose has been filed for an unannounced meeting with the is ready for a minister in the last week meeting spot whites for demonstrations and libya. we protest is binding these randy slide, the little makes it illegal to have unauthorized discussions with it's really officials computer fadia, a traffic controlling u. k is causing flies to be delayed or cancel that is disrupting airline passages around the world. fly that across in british space is being restricted,
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while engineers work out a solution. the us secretary of commerce is the latest high profile of business or from washington attempts to quote mentions with china, chinese commerce minister language. so welcome gina raymundo. as she said, it was profoundly important to, to because economies to have a stable relationship from this is binding muslim students from wearing the a by in state run schools, education minister said new guidelines will be issued before classes resume next week. the full length rove often won by muslim women has caused much debates on whether it should be allowed in french schools. females have long been banned from wary head. scouts and schools tested butler joins is now from parents. and she's outside the ministry of education site and it doesn't tell us more about the education minister decision boundary by yes,
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gabrielle. it's how the education minister made this announcements ability when he was setting out his vision for the coming school year in the fall. and then he said that the boy has no place in uh, state schools in the country. he said to be a buy, it was a political statement and the tax on fraud says a very strict secular rules now in fraud, since 2004 old religious signs and symbols, including a head scarf, the tip of the cross they who has being bind to now the buyer is tell us of that list now gabrielle. it's how said this is also because he said the french authorities have found that there would be more and more people flouting a say to the rules in schools is the policy. so something has to be done about, and that's been something of a debates around the a, by over the policy months. and schools may need most teachers who didn't know whether will know the if i would, should be considered as, as a religious symbol. whether it was something to be could,
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could be considered more of a cultural fashion statement and how people being reacting to this back. it has been a lot of a reaction to this. um, psalm, the far right. and the political right. political parties have come out and said look on that side of the spectrum that we think this is a good idea. we well committed. we certainly know that many conservatism far i positions have been pushing for the abide to be by not just in schools, but also i out industries and phones as well for some time. so they all please on the left. so we've heard a lot of voices saying that this is just another example of the french government that can have these policies that discriminate against muslims, but particularly against women. we've heard from one opponent of leslie and position who said that this is the french government, once again, policing was women can and kind of where and so often they're all conversations and thoughts about what goals and women can wear. and schools either, whether it's about the length of the t shirts,
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so that's good. so now they say it is about the advisor. will these conversations have been happening? we've also heard from a prominent muslim association and a very much saying new device is known as a religious symbol. it is something that is worn by women, his thoughts that come to light and see it's more reflection purposes by some women as well and should not be included on this list of brand governments. that's the tension butler outside the education ministry in paris thinks intention as president joe biden has reacted to the shoot to give 3 black people in florida by saying that white supremacy has no place in the united states. police say the attack in jacksonville was racially motivated. heidi drug castro reports now from washington dc. the the youngest victim was 19 and other was 29. the eldest was 52. all 3 were at the store just like
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any normal saturday. all 3 were black. they will try to sterilize what happened and blame mental health issues. more racism is not a mental health issue. the community of jacksonville florida read the loss and multiple vigils on sunday. one was held at a historically black university, one kilometer from the shooting scene. policing the shooter 21 year old ryan palmetto or had driven to the university 1st. they say he stopped at a parking lot or he dawned a bullet proof, vest mask, and rubber gloves. campus security guard spotted him and told him to leave. he did, and the guards alerted police 10 minutes later. palmetto was seen in surveillance footage, opening fire on the 1st victim who was inside her car parked outside the dollar general store. then he walks through the door and kills to others before killing
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himself. anyone who enters into a store and does just a perfectly innocent people, one doing his job. a couple of customers is baffling to me. it's very difficult for me to watch and i've seen a lot over 32 years. police, a po matters manifesto, discovered by his father, who quickly alerted the authorities, detailed a hatred for black people. he had no criminal record. the police visited him in 2016 for a fight with his brother, and again in 2017, to conduct a mental health check that did not prove and palmetto from legally purchasing the weapons. he used in saturday, shooting a hand gun and a r 15 rifle bearing hand painted swastikas, florida governor rhonda sanchez, who opposed efforts to tighten state gun laws after the 2018 parkland high school shooting faced jeers at the jacksonville victims memorial. we are not going to let people be targeted based on their race. we are going to stand up and we are going
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to do what we need to do to make sure that evil does not try on pen the state of florida. according to the anti defamation league, white supremacy was behind 80 percent of extremism related murders in the us last year. the f. b, i has open civil rights and hate crime investigations into the jacksonville shooting heidi joe castro. alj a 0 washington. the full, my us president, donald trump is raising millions of dollars for merchandise that features his mug. shots from this campaign manager says the republican front runner has made more than $7000000.00 since a photograph has taken. the mug shot was pasted by style from the georgia courthouse on the 1st day. trump is facing full charges, including the list attempts to attend the results of the 2020 presidential election . jay davis is a former communications director for the republicans and he thinks the marketing of trump merchandise may sound country to itself. but it's actually
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a good strategy of the biggest hall before this monk shot was after the manhattan indictment. and then a week and a half. they raised 13 and a half $1000000.00. the single biggest. oh now is 7100000. and one day after the fulton county, much shot and so is quite effective at rallying base around him and bring again campaign resources as well as legal defense resources. also, you have to remember this is the day after the republican debate of which donald trump was out on the stage. so it quickly shifted the narrative to that. he's playing this as all a political game. and so he probably defied his legal uh, you know, teams advice on this. i don't very much that they ask them to put that out. there is not something we've ever seen a, any politician do. um and certainly this is the 1st time we've seen a former president have had a remote shot. but this is,
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this kind of defies all general legal logic. but he sees this and he's playing this very much, have a political game and playing it out in the media. in fact, most of the conversation is about in the media now is about how much money he's raised about the mug shot about the product ization of it. and very little of it is on the merits of the case whether you know, whether they're for or against trump on that too hate to wake gaining some shows and killed 9 charge goes during a much condemned violence by on groups. what does it say? the person is, were trying to force gang members from the neighborhood on the outskirts of poor to print, at least, but has this report. with miss gcs and basins. hundreds of church goes most through the town of canaan, on the outskirts of haiti's capital, post or print that he wants to read the area of gangs pro to use the search times. and the suspect it gave me the beat him to do
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this much shit to use the car to off the heads of those who are making the people leave the homes. because these games may call knives unbearable and destroy the country. we will stop it. i came to preach to the games to change their lives because this violence is not good but says this group must, through the town, the gang that controls the area, open, fire with machine guns, the kinds of shooting at us. i'm looking for shelter. load the rights group, say many people were killed and dozens wounded and some people would kill. some have accused you organize all the much of being responsible saying permission is with machines with no match for getting members. so with the sol griffin's gang violence, his grow and else have controlled and hate up to 80 percent of both princes. now under the control of the groups this year alone,
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2400 people have been killed and nearly a 1000 kids feed up with the surgeon violence. some people organize the vigilante movements in april, but targets and kills suspected gaming, but it's a spiraling pest into violence. and every day members of the public are increasingly paying the price at like speed l g 0. so the sports industry is on to tackle the negative effects of online gaming is wanting class as the risk to spending too many hours competing on the screen. or con is the story. competition is hating you off with this faith. it is full tournament in doha. play is get a chance to compete socialize and win prize money. but there's a flip side, a study by gaming platform units. he found 7 or 10 players experience harassment hate speech and threat in the professional world at east sports anxiety,
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depression, and found out or well known issues on the world. health organization says this can lead to addiction, but no to agree. and a lot of scholars are criticized the world health organization for that move, including the media, psychology division of the american psychological association is not something that the gains data is not something that the game industry can really fix. as individuals who are struggling with anxiety, depression, 80 ac, from a price thoughtful that had a sports gaming with across it swapped to the pool for the console, bought land and his previous career. that striking a balance helps from the phone on depression tied to be active, to maintain moments of health. i just have both me while i, while i'm but like telling them and send the see and the whole alter officially we have an e spoke to the patient studies with, with an agent. and they developing a specific workshop regarding this and to teach the kids how to maintain a health practice makes perfect. and these plays expense houses screen time every
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day playing, tuning that play. but with organizations raising the red flag around toxic behavior and addiction only getting the help and support they need and also how much game playing is too much games. companies, the setup ecosystems for professional efforts to balance time on screen with exercise the rest vault with competitions run by different organizations. there's no set of standardized mental health guidelines. it needs to fill that gap, was needing a school talk to him, eso, and 15 if its biggest organizations trying to do the speed extended to 2025. we created an agreement that has a whole bunch of regulations and a code of conduct in order to try and create a more standardized expectations for players and teams about how we deal with key issues around physical world being mental well being time off,
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rest of conditions events, standards, games, companies say, supporting wellbeing appliances become a norm. and gave the dcf here say these tournaments are a chance to socialize, competes, and simply have phone. laura calling altura doha. so the head there and out 0 goes pull, coming up. this government's right. like seeing him do his 1st gold model of the world champion the i'm counting the cost of breathing new life into bricks. can the block re shake the world economic court? the alliance wants to reduce dollar dominance, but will it succeed? what's an olive oil crisis as brewing and it could affect almost every household in
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europe, counting the cost on alice's 0, the the products get onto this board his bar. next. thank you so much. spanish prosecutors of up with a preliminary sex abuse investigation and related to the kissing scandal in goals. any of the countries football president louise were be alice springs. a 2nd deputy prime minister has also confirmed the government is doing all it can to punish him . ruby alice has already been suspended by hope. all's well, governing body fee for and is under pressure to resign after kissing spanish player jennifer and most so on the lips the she collected her world cup metal and sydney 46 year old ruby. alice made a defiant speech last week saying he would not some way and claim to be the victim of a witch on his mother has also gone on
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a hunger strike to protest which she calls the inhumane treatment covers time. these noble yet explains the sports administrative court and the football. a federation are holding separate meetings on monday and the spanish 2nd deputy prime minister yolanda diaz says victims in case of like this should be supported and the perpetrators should not be applauded. e last. felix and i always get below if i am to give my opinion, all these people supporting therapy all is do not have the competency to remain in that post. there's a class that's a violation of rights, and the alleged acts of sexual harassment. a 4th case, it's all of us. they must not continue in depositions, it's all very clear women's rights or non negotiable in spain or else why forget and the story has made an impact internationally, including in mexico city. we're bus one is women's team is repairing for a series of friendly matches. the bars, the coach is called for strong action to be taken. maybe you can see another consequence. yes. we need to find
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a solution that needs to be consequences. i'll hope steps will be taken for inclusion and progress to avoid this kind of stain on female footballs. we mis celebrate. the woke up hit to play football, not to talk about other topics fan. yeah. this even though this, how can i live with, with this disgusting situation? everyone wants to support more so everyone has stood with spain and with women. and i think this is positive stuff i thought of for the looking for it's terrible that was power abuse and sexual harassment. you're in an international event that everyone saw the most serious thing that questioning a player when everyone. so it's and that is video evidence. federal roberto mancini has been appointed coach of savvy radio's national team comes just 2 weeks after he left his job in charge of italy. i made a story. your now, he's time to make a story with saudi is that he has a release for the age of the 58 year old being unveiled italian has been been given
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a 4 year contract worth a report. a $27000000.00 a year is 1st match in charge will be against costa rica on september the 8th. and she needs at least one the euros in 2020. and he previously led match what you're saying to their 1st premier league title in 2012 will city have gone on to win 7 premie lead trophies in total and they're back on top of the table after making it 3 wins from 3. the defendant champions are made to work hard at chevy with united early highland, put them ahead midway through the 2nd half, but with 5 minutes left united were level thanks to this stripe from jayden bogo. so time for another twist though and back teen city. roger e, restoring the leading and ultimately securing the 3 points. city are top with the only remaining 100 percent record. i was liverpool pulled off and unlikely went away at new castle. liber pulls finished the 1st half of gold down and a man down after captain virtue van dyke was sent off to lake goals from here, wind, striker darwin, nunez,
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turned the game on its head is 2nd came in 3rd minute of added time. it finished, $21.00 is living full, continue there on the installer. the seats never had a game like this as central know, that'd be never time games with that. but with 10 men and i must feel like this against an opponent like this. no, i don't know why that i can't remember. i'm pretty sure it never happened because these moments around until the special and when captain harry kane has continued with his impressive start at byron munich, scanned tain score twice, and the $31.00 went over oxford. and what was his home debut and the ban does. lisa, he now has 3 goals and his 1st 2 li games for his and club barn are aimed to win the german title for a 12 consecutive season. the and in the spanish lead for my byron striker robert lumen dos. he was the match, wonderful parcel, holy star scoring the decisive goal and
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a 43 victory away at delivery. now, the title holders have 7 points and their 1st 3 la games with the season around the tour at our top, after starting their campaigns. the 3 straight way simone boss has won a record 8 us domestics title a whole decade after winning her 1st. she's the 1st man or woman to achieve this and at $26.00. she's also the oldest woman to ever win the all around title boss for terms of competition in chicago. earlier this month, 2 years after pulling out of several events. tokyo olympics with mental health issues. that's now 2 wins that have to since coming back and next stop is the world championships in antwerp in september and perhaps the olympics in paris next year. i still feel like i'm capable of doing it and i've had to prove to myself that i
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can still go out there in the same level as before. and so as long is it absolutely not right to another athlete hoping to impress in paris next year. as fam cable, the dutch sprinter enjoyed the race of redemption on the final evening of action at the world athletics championships in budapest. well was on the brink of a possible bows when she suffered a fall just before the finishing line during the mixed relate. earlier in the championships, this time out the 23 year old produced a standing finished to win gold for her country and the women's 4 by 400 me to relay this with her 2nd, gold and hungry also won the individual title and the $400.00 the hurdles. best. yes. so i have a much more who checked the left to go for new credit and the women's high jobs. it was her country's only title when in the past 21 year old, improving on the silver metals. she's one at the last 2 world championship, mentally, it was so difficult,
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but this is the 2nd fortune pension plan that i sold about that i should be with the gold i should read and to make my people in ukraine and might make my supporters from to bones have been married more uh, one and 10 years. 3rd golden metal of the championships. this one coming in the women's 800 meters. it's was 1st called a title. brittany, particularly hopkinson claimed the silver defending champion thing. most of the united states was there, the, let's keep a man with a 6000000 followers on instagram may have picked up a few more found after this performance, already the olympic javelin champion india's near raj shop right now has the world title as well. he's the 1st indian to win a gold at the challenge and brains. when fred gabby found the world by winning the women's 3000 meters steeplechase, she held off world record holder,
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beatrice ship hope catch of 10 year. the 3rd 6 years old. the 23 old recording for the fastest time ever of 8 minutes. 54.29 seconds. all the united states finished well clear at the top of the metals table there 12th gold came in the men's 4 by 400 meters. finally, a pga golf season has ended with norway's victor homeland taking the fedex cup title along with an $18000000.00 bonus. he took a 6 shot lead into the final day and managed to hold off a charge from sanders shop lane, closing with a 7 under par around a $63.00 to win for a championship at east lake. it's a 2nd p g toward title and as many weeks and 6 overall, which moves into force and the road rankings hotline will compete for europe and the ryder cup. next, obviously, it's a lot of cash you're buying for. i mean it's in your back of the, in the back your mind, but i live in stillwater, oklahoma. um money goes a long ways there. it's not like i'm,
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i'm spending money out the was due every week. i. uh i, i don't need a lot to be happy. i don't need it. need a lot to live within my means that okay, that is all your support for now. next, next year, for our thanks very much the for that, we'll see you later and that's it. for this news up, i will be back in a couple of minutes. i've got another half hour of use pups with you, then the the basically entities, the un fits the purpose was like many critics sites just obsolete and doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is put into its hard hitting
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interviews. you think about to the lines on washing it's enough for money to go on its own and built it's on a thought provoking on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to how does era the new generation of young people and making demands to re balance society. welcome to generational change, a global series to attempt to understand content. and the idea is that mobilize youth around the world in london to activate a tackling the root causes of youth violence. many young people die perpetuated by next. i guess i'll be young. people themselves have also been victim multiple times . my generation can try redesign and reshape this generation. change on out, is there a just to put out a nother fire that had been
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a rather large across the country for days out yesterday and the business good. my entire life fire fighters are saying that there's very little they can do with these extremely heavy with while the world has been focusing a lot on the tourist, the local real desperation here about how much they've lost 35 square kilometer as of last greenforest and woodland has been burned, really does resemble and don't want to get in landscape the, the widespread protests in libya, libya's for a minister was psyched of the meeting, is raising the,


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