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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2023 12:00am-1:00am AST

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on the ground to bring you more award winning document trees and live nice the . ready the color that i'm styles us, hey, this isn't use our line from our headquarters here in the home. coming up in the next 60 minutes. maybe as foreign minister sucks. half the israel reveals that it's tough to for my mess. i last week. fucking protest. the french president says, isn't boss that will not leave new jersey to spice and automation by the cruelty to leading officials at spain's little federation issue. a demand for its presence clears reveal us to resign with immediate effect,
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reveal his under pressure to set down after kissing spanish by jenny. have my son without her consent following that seems well come and also ahead from spanish girls and the state schools from wearing a buyer's smoking outrage. i have worked strict interpretation of secularism. and warnings of soaring cost itself to transit restrictions on hers. on one of the world's most important shipping rate kind of mountain. now the a holiday is top. diplomats has been sacked officer to match that she held a secret meeting with israel's foreign minister. and it's lee last week. local media reporting that not longer, she has now select the country, news of that amazing spot nationwide protest and libya as malick trainer reports from tripoli, libya's 1st female foreign minister and top diplomat. that's the admin goose has
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been sacked. that follows an announcement by the is really foreign ministry of a meeting between one goose and her is really opposite el chico in, in rome last week colon described the meeting as historic and the 1st step in the relationship between israel and libya. libby as foreign ministry down play the meeting, calling it incidental and informal news of the talk sparked outrage and protest across several cities in libya. demonstrators closed off roles. burns is really flags and calls for her immediate dismissal. local media reports and libya statement goose has left the country over concerns for her security. people here at this coffee shop support her termination. the protests are expected as a citizen of libya alone with the majority of libyans against normalization, with israel. but i hope future protests remain peaceful you can call for the
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dismissal of officials, but there is no need to but times close off roads. libyan is real, have no formal diplomatic relations. under libyan law. it's illegal to have an authorized discussions with this really officials. it'd be reflected on the palestinian clothes is a very sensitive issue for libyans. we have a long history of supposing palestine in regards to the government. the prime minister knew of the mazing, that's a catastrophe. if he didn't know that's even worse. if i was in his place, i would resign. how would it a need? as a result, that is a political analyst. he says, even if one goose was directed by the prime minister to meet is really officials by law. she should have refused the notice of letting myself. when was it? if it was an incidental meeting of the ministry says she could have left and refused to talk to the is the way these the foreign minister was wrong to attend this meeting. she is now paying the price. she has been fired and she no longer has
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a political future here in libya we. she may now also face criminal charges. the government says an investigation has been opened and soon as the admin, this is meeting with eli cohen. but people here remain extremely angry. whether or not you will face criminal charges remains to be seen out. so you know, i'll just 0, triple or israel is opposition. leaders meanwhile, have accused the government of causing a foreign relations disaster by what they call an irresponsible leak high force that has moved from west to reason. as well as entirely contradictory narrative is coming from use ready side as opposed to the lady inside of this equation. a foreign ministry official saying that this was a coordinated meeting featuring direct talks, not that kind of accidentally bumped into you kind of me think that the libyan side has been describing. and that's very much the message that came from the statement from the foreign ministry on sunday in which there was reference to discussions about was a technology, agriculture with cooperation,
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restoring jewish sites inside libya, and the color coding the foreign minister also saying that this was a historic moment, the 1st step putting it in the kind of context of all the efforts towards normalization with other arab states. there was also uh, from this foreign ministry official, a, an indication that this was a coordinated announcement of the meeting by the is really side. but at the same time that was saying that the timing of this announcement was not coordinated. so stretching the definition really a coordination there. and suddenly the lady inside seems to be taken completely unawares by the public nature of all this. and that is attracted a good deal of criticism within is right, as well, especially from the opposition to form a foreign minister from a prime minister. yeah, and i paid now the leader of the opposition saying that this was amateurish, but it would dismay other countries engaged in negotiations with israel. he said that this was a morning of national shame. that best had taken place. this announcement that'd be
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made in this way and endangered human life, presumably the life of the libyan foreign minister in return nearly for a headlight. well that springing, i'm a tabby. here was an advisor to the transitional government. the road, libya have to moment get off. he was over throwing back in 2011. he joins us live now from washington, dc. i'm, i want to start with that language with hearing from my sources that she's now in to k. she's paid a very high price for the call that she made and actually annual mind. was it an accident full judgment, or is this something defect going on here? the 1st of all, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be on as of yet. it's been a while, a little correction, i think ministry, my goal is a former minister, and my gosh is in london, not the director. she went through a turkey because she is a british citizen. she's not a us citizen, but she is a better citizen. so she is in london. i think it's a, it's a, it's
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a sad situation. uh, not only for her because she is the scape goat, but for libyans in general, i think it's about time to call for the day, but to leave. and i believe he hasn't been preparing for his departure from what i know to some very reliable sources in tripoli that has been pack it has been uh, and this move on. his part, i think is fine uh and a gas to prolong his stay in and uh, an hour. so i believe he takes the fall cheese squarely responsible for that. uh and this thing began basically not only in january of this year and his meeting with the director of the ca, mr. william burns, believe it or not. and they had meetings in jordan with the head of the most uh, several months before that and continued to do that on
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a frequency. and then i can stand behind that that he has done that. i believe his meeting with um the uh, the director of the ca early january to the uh, this year. uh, he initiated the uh, the normalization of relationships between the relationship between libya and as well. and i believe um, what number as might have been quite a little bit um, not by surprise, but he knew that meetings and i'm sure he was aware of a busy things with the most side that um, i don't know, and this is ben. i would say a, a, a, a, a, a large specific, concrete policy for, and policy the united states. because the united states should and i have a better sense then try to normalize relationships, the relationship between libya and as well that a company as
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a country that is dysfunctional. does that have institutions that are functioning? so that's really, um, i mean i can say that baby needs to go and he knows that he's been in the process. i was kinda just wanting to unpack a little bit of what you said. that because the government in tripoli has taken a very hard red line on this, you're suggesting that there's not much unity then when it comes to israel, there obviously lots of interest at stake in the government and tripoli is tried to make and model those as the person who initiated this and went and had the meeting, which is actually false, makes no sense. and they best try to pro long his stay in government by blaming her. she's not she get this straight from the blame because she's not a dumb person. she should have seen the writing on the wall. she should have seen the the problem that couldn't bring up. so yes,
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it is squarely the blame on baby. and i think it's about time for me to pack and leave. and before the demonstrations will increase from what i understand am i going to do more and more demonstration show and we have seen a very public demonstrations around this. i want to ask you a little about the to brook administration because we know that half the son he met with you is rarely is it a couple of years back? how different has their approach been to israel? or did you say the bar rock administration broke and information may be of the size of libya. are you talking about the part of it i'm talking about, is it about half done his son, like they've had contact with you as rarely. and i'm wondering how differently they are approaching the whole situation or uh, you know, i don't condone whatsoever when chester has done to their ours are
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said in fact the or a correct. and then there's been some pronouncements been after that he wouldn't normalize and you would do something. i don't really have any specific quote specific days. but that's terrible. and that's actually a not, not right. and unfortunately, the thing among the libyans, whether it be a, has to or be that they thing the cat to stay in, in power or winning the presidency and libya is through the, as randy lobby in washington to please them. and believe it or not, even burns himself, the director of the c i a is probably not. he doesn't have his full heart behind this approach. he's a smart man. he doesn't see any bible institutions and libya that can carry on any normalization as the exemptions of done or the you a has done or behind the scenes that the saudis are doing. but they're all, as you know, they always carry a mess in the lobby in washington as we know where to face didn't don't do that for
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over 40 years. sometimes they take advantage of someone in the office and say, hey, would you please see if you can find a way to bring our beloved as well to be a normal relationships with libya. let's not forget that the let. the libyan jewish community in italy has been very active as well. mm hm. and i've been pushing through every game, their homes and places and nivia, they've had many contacts and visits in libya to try to come back to libya. and there's nothing wrong with that. the libyans, um and you know, as long as your loyalty to the national interest of libya, national security and disability. i think they're welcome. and they, you know, there shouldn't be any problem for them to come back to libya whether to live or do business. but the important thing is that they got more up to, to only one nation, not donation anybody any. there are lots of political calculations being made at the moment. i'm not to be an adviser to the transitional government in libya of to get off. he was, i was right in 2011. thank you for joining us again. allow to 0. is that great to
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get new phones? thank you so much. i really appreciate that. thank you. thank you very much. all to another different as a crisis, and the french president says that isn't boss. so that's a news that will be staying put despite of 48 hour deadline set by the community. does that for him to leave a manual macro and says that front does not recognize the joint of the over 3 of the democratically elected president. last month in protest, 7 held outside the french embassy and the military base in the capital, mail me. the community does, and they have some forces of accused friends of crossing to destabilize the country . paris denies that accusation. not going to put a ticket up, but i think the total policy is correct. it is based on the coverage of president mohammed, the bassoon on the commitment of or diplomatic endo on boss of death will stay despite the pressure. and despite the legal claims of authority, as well as on the efforts of the internal security forces and on me, it's a pretty, pretty simple policy of simple. we do know trickled. nice, cool. he does,
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we support the president has not resigned, and we are committed to standing by his side. we support it causes diplomatic efforts and military action when it will be approved. and all that spring in jamal benomar, he's a form of special adviser to the un secretary general. he joins us now from new york jamal you yourself have dealt with many difficult negotiations in your career . this is clearly a situation where tension is rising. there's no obvious path to resolution as we have that my phone is doubling down. how do you get positive stalemate when one policy simply went recognize the other? so it's a complex situation there are um, so the headlines that i see here one is the demise of finishing for ones in most of africa. this has accelerated dramatically in the last couple of years and even need uh, the tools, the excitement of french make for you corporation, the size that hasn't worked and well knowing these crisis. but the 2nd headline
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that they see also is the minds of democracy, not together as being one to after another democracy is not really taking roots in africa. and many of the sad country is one of the other have experienced the series of little schools and, and, and the prospects here for civilian democratic rule lead a prospect are not clear really. uh, but the other issue that they see here is the, an international community that is divided and not knowing how to handle the situation. because there were some reason organization that is taking the lead, the h divided. you know that those are for the major and let the idea of intervention to others. what against the, even the french and the, the americans, you know, they have different approaches to the uh,
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the situation in the chat. and then so how, so it's an international community that is a b as in disarray, not knowing how to handle. you know, these things this to event tomorrow when we talk about this french and bastard, who now i believe is, is stuck in his embassy in ya. may and, and food and electricity, water i believe, have now been cut off. i'm curious because a lot of this is in find an international role in the vienna convention, right. what rights does the and boss of the, and his diplomatic mission now have a look at the, the vienna convention. it's the main principal here is consent and consent along sovereign states. so the issue is not legally uh the issue a is a political situation that's being mishandled by the french. quite frankly. i don't see that by getting them back for that to have gone in the base of the
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crisis will, will, will disappear. i mean, just to make things worse, what is needed really is a concert to diplomatic efforts by the people over the region of, you know, to see how a peaceful way out can be, can be contemplated. here is confrontation between the french and the major and military. i don't thing will lead to any positive outcome jamal, given that the john to that's and how is officially a pos of the armed forces of the country. is that any kind of legal obligation for them to actually protect both the french and bass of the i'm the embassy, the i absolutely know that have a legal obligation as default to authorities to protect all of the primitive conditions in, in the country. but um, there is a dispute between the 2 countries, it has a history there. um, the reality here is that throughout the us,
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the handling of the popular and tie french sentiments and know that the june uh no um they can use all so uh, what is needed 3 days uh, a diplomatic initiative from within the region to see how um our compromise can be, can be filed sooner or later. so some initiative hopefully will were succeeding in trying to unlock this in past due at one hopes that jamal de la a format special advisor to the one sex your general speaking to us from new york. thanks so much for joining us here on to 0. thank you. hello, speaking of and to french sentiment, new jazz, military, where it is. i found that i live in molly's military genta and have authorized the troops from that in case of an attack. the un mission is speeding up the withdrawal of the nearly 12000 troops of tamales truly that made an unexpected demand of their
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departure in june the head of the mission. and molly has told you on the security council that the withdrawal there will be challenging due to a type calendar, as well as dangerous security conditions server that is on their reports now from you in headquarters. as the top united nations official in molly told the security council on monday that the un peacekeeping force known has been new sma is on the schedule to depart the country by the end of the year. but it'll gus on wayne also acknowledged that the situation is bo, a tile and dangerous content. it's all the difficulties have emerged in the implementation of the 1st phase of the withdrawal plan. the last convoy of blue helmets, equipment and materials which withdrew from the bare peacekeeping camp to go towards the city of $10.00 to took 51 hours to cover a distance of 57 kilometers. and the convoy was attacked twice by an unidentified extremist elements for blue. how much were injured and 3 vehicles were damaged
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before the convoys arrival into tim buck to despite the challenges, molly reaffirmed, it does not plan to alter the withdrawal date. you get a political the monday, monday and obviously i would like to say that the governmental molly does not for see an extension of the deadline for un peacekeepers departure beyond the 31st of december this year. there were also other uncertainties. molly's transitional government had welcome the help of fighters from russia's wagner group. with the death of wagner's founder, you're getting the per goes in the groups future. and molly is now in doubt. something western countries welcomed the russian mostly group. wagner is directly linked to human rights atrocities in money, including the systems that use of conflict related sexual violence. or was it a slice it by recent events in russia? they are part of the problem, not the solution. in molly and beyond, barring any unforeseen circumstances,
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this likely will be the last time security council members are brief before the withdrawal deadline. and given the precarious security situation, there is certainly an air of trepidation about what could be to come. but at this point, when it comes to un peacekeepers permanently leaving molly, it appears there is no turning back gabriel santo. how does either at the united nations gunman have killed at least 14 people in eastern democratic republic of congo. they attacked church goers in a to a province on sunday. local officials blaming on griffith, known as the cooperative for the development of the congress. violence and the region has already displaced hundreds of thousands of people. a 100 regime sentiment is growing and government control tots, a southern syria demonstrate as an sway to rallying against presidents purcell assets and his reading boss. policy. the city is the heartland of serious drew's
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minority community. and how those in many protests, all months, complex during series, 12 years civil war. but now i is growing. i have a poor living conditions on the countries. plunging economy still tend to more have view this new zone, including major delays of thousands of passengers as the u. k. is ad traffic control system is hit by a technical folks and for the wells, number one makes rapid progress of a final grand slam of the yes. and the will be here with all the option for you from the us or the whole spain's football federation has asked it's suspended. president louise would be all as to resign for biotics as under pressure to step down off the kissing spanish pledge. anyhow, most of without consent prosecutions have opened a sexual assault investigation. david stokes reports as
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a church in southern spain and then like the focal point for the kissing scandal that's in gold, spanish football. it's where the mother of louise will be. all is going on hunger strike to protest the treatment of a son who's under pressure to resign, after kissing the spanish play agenda for her most so on the lips. following the world cup, when his cousin spoke outside the church. if that's available, can i'm going to go, that's just of course he's suffering because he doesn't want this mom to be put in this position. but his mom knows what he's like. those who know him know where he is. this type of media reaction is not normal, he's not to harass so what is not normal? is that this go did what she did. she was playing every 11, the what champions. everyone was happy and 3 days later she says it was harassment . all wheel stupid ruby alice has already been suspended by football as well governing body fee for, for the 46 year old by the defiant speech last week, saying he would not quit. and kind to be the victim of
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a witch hunt. but false feminists follow self and municipal spain. second, deputy prime minister yolanda diaz says the behavior of ruby allies and others that the spanish f a has been unacceptable. the nose st. luke's, and i've always kept, if i am to give my opinion, all these people supporting therapy all is do not have the competency to remain in that post. there's a class that's a violation of rights and alleged acts of sexual harassment. a 4th case, it's all of us. they must not continue in depositions. it's all very clear women's rights or non negotiable in spain or elsewhere. the kissing rabbits made an impact internationally, including in mexico city web. poster loading is, womens team is preparing for a series of friendly matches. maybe we'll get the contract wednesday as we need to find a solution or do they need to be consequences. i hope the steps will be taken for inclusion and progress to avoid this kind of staying on female football. yeah. so this, how can i live with, with this disgusting situation?
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everyone wants to support more so everyone has stood with spain and with women. and i think this is positive, stuff like that and for the looking for it's terrible that was power abuse and sexual harassment. you're in an international event that everyone saw the most serious thing, the death questioning a player when everyone. so it's, and that is video evidence. spanish prosecute as of now we're open to sexual assault investigation against ruby alice the scandal and folding at a time when spain should still have been celebrating winning the world cup. david stokes them out. you 0 all joining me here on set to discuss all of this is andrew richardson and the despite all of this control, vesee would be all is a still really powerful 9. now is this call from the federation like you to make any difference to? i mean, he's running out of allies, he's already being suspended from all for relates to activities by fee for this post wells governing body on saturday. but i mean, a full federation time has been mixed messages coming from from this the, the,
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the spanish, from a further action would be an understatement on friday, gave him the platform. and a lot of people thought he was going to resign. instead, he use a meeting of the simple for the ration to defend himself and see what the cues jenny had my so of lice and was roundly applauded within that room. and these regional presidents have made this request, but ultimately, he's still on step down. they don't, they don't find him. and there is this extremely situation that even today just bear with me on this one. if a government is seems to be instigating and full of masses within a country, faith has the power to suspend all teams from that country. from playing and, and your wife for competitions or any sort of international competitions called central compensation. so what's his allies of us? but the full federation did earlier today was to go to the wife. and so i looked, the spanish governments taking a lot of interest in the situation, they're putting pressure on a lot of different bodies within spain. so to get him to step down,
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what about you say we're going to suspend those spanish teams from, for example, the champions league and nice. well, that would be some of the pressure on ruby. all that's now is it was you. i said, i didn't people with the, the spanish little federation on that. but you can see from that the, despite what we've heard from the regional president's today, he's still has a lot of friends within the football federation. and so environment still silence from us despite all of this. yeah, i mean, and he, you way for it is, is europe's a governing body. he's an influential figure that he's, he's on the executive committee, which is the decision making. but anyway, so he's a, he's a, he's a vice president there as well. and also he's part of your wife has been to host the twins. he says he will come, which is involving spain portico, possibly morocco as well. so he's very influential, character, the wife, unlike virtually everyone else involved in the world, a foot board said nothing officially about what is going on here. um, now the 1st day, uh, there is
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a champions league drew to be held by you. i saw the roadside you will nice days to announce the women's pyre, of the in women's coach, the which will involve heavy spanish representation. you would imagine. so that events could involve some pretty interesting speeches and could become pretty much watch tv in the lots of what's happening in the my, as i imagined. so it was throughout, what does this we've had from so many women and sport that this is just really em, vanessa and emblematic of, of a much, much deeper problem. are we seeing the kinds of beginnings of it? so to me, to move that happening again, this is what is being suggested. i mean, that football federation that so this being made seem to have a 140 members on the 6 of them are women. and that, that is a problem that it seems that still be in existence across sports. so there's a organization in the united kingdom, women in football, which is an umbrella organization for all of the people involved in the game. and
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not just in the u. k. been around the world and they said they did a survey recently where 80 percent women said they've been a subject to this. some sort of discrimination either on the picture and what flights ation percent. but i'm only 20 percent felt empowered arrival to repulse it . so this, this is a huge issue within spain, e. so the previous coach had a full, gave l to, there was a lot of complaints about him, which the players at that time said wouldn't listen. so in the phillips, this will come 12 players, 12 leading spanish play did not go to the will come in australia and new zealand because they might complaints about the atmosphere and the culture surrounding spanish football. so within spanish football or problems, but also globally, women in schools still facing huge issues. all this conversation will continue having and you went to us and thanks so much for, for sharing all that always insight. thank is leaving on and a judge in the us has set former president donald trump's trial in washington to march next year. the republican frontrunner is accused of trying to overturn his
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election, the fees and the 2020 presidential election. the federal trial will then be starting a day before the so called super tuesday when major presidential primaries take place across the 14 states from says that he'll be appealing that trial date. well that's bringing all especially he joins us now from washington, dc. and what sort of basis is trumpet peeling on the water? is chances i don't think you kind of feel i've been speaking to a couple of legal experts in the last hour. certainly doing the cases defense made the point that with more than 12000000 pages of documents to go through, they needed a considerable time to carry out their own investigation. the judge wasn't having any of that said there was no way that they were delaying it to the time us for by the defense which was april 2026. that the government that asked for the evening to take place on january. the 2nd that was also ruled out by the judge as fund realistic. and so it's really coming down in, in,
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in march. these seem to have cited more with the government that i'm with donald trump, and really it's up to the judge when the healing will take place. that there's a possibility of some very not old driving, but anyone that i've spoken to can't quite see that donald trump could appeal this, but it's highly unlikely he'd be successful. and so it looks as if his child will start in march next year as expected. clearly he's very angry, he's very upset, but this is, is almost certainly going to go ahead. well, and he's going to have a huge, deep patch schedule, and this must also shortly have an impact on campaigning ahead of super tuesday. he's got a civil cases in new york at the start of the over whether or not he is an adult. children can continue to run business. he's got a civil case against the women who claimed and successfully claimed that donald and i'd rate $3015000000.00 in damages. he then went on to the spot a to our father, and she's taking apart the legal action that still happens before march. then there
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is this case in washington dc and then 3 weeks after that there is the case in new york, which is a state case when you paid money to an adult film star as harsh money before the 2016 election. and that's essentially an accounting case, but certainly talks about donald trump, the politician as well. on top of that, today, donald trump found out that he would be arranging the case in georgia, which we were watching so closely last week that i really will be the 6th of september does just next week. he doesn't actually have to be in georgia for that. his lawyers can plead guilty not guilty rather on his behalf, but clearly he wants to continue campaigning as well. the reality is though, for the moment, even with all the charges have been laid against them, he's still the front runner in the republican race. it seems as if the republicans have decided that they want him to be the presidential no, many, and 2024. and whether or not this one's up against super tuesday or any other election day doesn't seem as if at this stage. if it's going to make that much
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difference island fisher, that force with the license from washington dc. thank you. i'm still ahead for you here on out of their 60 is also the historic march on washington. we look at the progress made and the fight for civil rights and for was that still left to become an insult. organize? those are predicting that next is harland fix and paris for break. texting back the i had low that things are times very unsettled across a much of europe. thanks to a batch of severe storms working their way from west to east of not a lot of heat out of southern areas and cause damage. and some of the very eric islands, such as new york in spain,
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now the wet and windy conditions continue not as heavy that rain, but still the wind blowing down from southern top parts of france. that's going to continue those unsettled conditions across submitted training and the worst of the weather running across into northern parts of it. today. we've got red warnings out here, also for switzerland, austria pots of germany, as well. as we go into the mid week, we will see that went to weather intensify around the a dramatic coast. also, thunder storms rolling that way, further east stretching all the way up to the baltic states some very heavy falls to come here. and some rain coming into neu for scandinavia. laundry, unsettled behind this much will settle the cost of the library and potential of a spain and portugal. the not as hot as it has been instead wasting the. he walked up towards the northeast to places like romania, as well as ukraine, and we'll see temperatures continue to rise in keys through to thursday at your weather the the,
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the, the city and it's here. algae 0 was weeks, the italian photography, exploring the long lasting love story between the city of naples and football. like on a gold mine or less the diego endless unconditional. the motto, donna,
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in the on the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the mac, you're watching out a 0. i misspelled sanjay here and uh huh. that's remind you about top stories. libby is foreign minister and not all of our language has been fired following an unannounced mission with these really foreign minister and it's the last week that meeting spots widespread demonstrations and levia. we've purchased as binding the is really flag libby and google makes it illegal to have an authorized discussions, which is really official. the french president says as and bass of the attendees
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that will stay put despite a full chaise, how deadlines, set 5, the coordinators for them to leave. the trial dates has been set from lots next to the former us president donald trump, in a federal case in washington. he's been accused of trying to overtime. his 2020 election defeats a technical issue out to you. k at traffic control. it has a lead to long flight today's, with thousands of passengers stuck on planes and it efforts, thought confusion fairly. it has now been identified and fixed, but not the full hundreds of flights were grounded across the country. more than $500.00 of them will also canceled airlines across europe, loans passengers to expect long delays. and so we'll start with some of the bank holiday on monday and the u. k. one of the busiest days of the year to travel the fuck it has moved from london. the financial air traffic services say they've identified the glitch. i now remedy the problem that through a spine really works for the case, a violation network and also created
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a domino effect impacting on travel across the continent and further field. the problem temporarily meant that the flight plans had to be inputted manually into that given system rather than all of that being done physically. and of course, it didn't mean that they were restrictions on the she had a number of volume of flights that could arrive a land or departs from british airports, especially from an airport like he for that is a major hub for international travel, particularly for trans atlantic. catch in east of the uh, plains take off of the land every 90 seconds. so you can imagine probably you probably a little much in the vera veteran here at city, apple vo. whoa for travel. is that going forward? no. need to know if this a resolution means that the things are suddenly remedied. full passengers are with the best for the get on their way. every single flight here a city has been cancelled or rescheduled to at least choose say on this a fine call a day, a national holiday,
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one of the busiest travel days of the the bulk i'll just say around london city, apple phones is banning students from wearing the buying and state run schools, the education minister said that new guidelines will be issued before costs is resume next week. the full length, right of often one by more than one then has caused much to base on whether it should be allowed in front of schools. calls have long been banned from wearing head scouts and schools. critics, a policing. what muslim students, what encroaches on their civil liberties, a good lot, public schools must at any cost perhaps more than any other institution be protected from religious indoctrination or from the refusal of i'll most important common rules of never go away as the national president of n f, that's muslim students of france. she says the proposed bond is racist. otherwise known to not be a religious government. it's actually a quote for one. anyone who does an internet research can see it up. uh,
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although the government don't seem to really care about this information and still done it, which is interesting because what we say is the wrong side i've done front of your on france is the only are the only country, the easiest place on the closing that we've been counting what kind of where, so what, which one of a did you feeling on as most a moment as women trim immigration? and this shows how this is liking her empty racist husband wants to set. you don't need to see if it's a to know what that is. just look up the students. are you going to know when it's wondering what it's not? what does that mean? that means that it's just about who is growing it. and actually even sometimes when the student is not even someone where is the huge up this, they've stopped them, it's on the ground when you look at it, because it's, it has been a quite to debate for sometimes no interest late and harassment function of most of the students, well talking about head must,
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is chasing of the students in howard or treat oh teacher waiting every, every morning for the midst of students to control the outfits or even condition to access to the classroom. if they don't have full of fits, for example, for support, if you're tisha is not short enough, it's actually a professor that said that if it's not short enough, i cannot see the dump side. you all know you, i refuse to kind of enter or 60060 years ago. i'm sorry. 250000 americans came to the nation's capital, demanding jobs, and something even more radical, essential and human freedom. the historic mounts on washington was a riley and cool of an end to discrimination based on race color, religion, sex or nationality. just hours ago us presidents are biden and vice president coming to harris have met with the family of martin luther king junior. of the white house, can you recall delivered his famous i have
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a dream speech on that launch to the u. s. capital. in 1963. bottom line is 6 years. and as i've said, we can't live up to those ideals. i think at this moment in time requires moral clarity on behalf of every americans about what does that state from the vast majority of us have so much more than one? yes, there are those who are intentionally trying to design as a nation. and i believe each of us has a duty to not allow fashions to sever our unit. our diversity is our stripe, and our unity is our power as
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a nation. a 60 is since king speech has the vision of racial justice and, and being discrimination. kaylee still resonates according to reports by the pew research center. the loss of work still remains to be done for 60 years since that historic speech just story about hoff of america. and so they say that there has been enough progress made on racial equality, 83 percent of black adult say those efforts don't go far enough. only 44 percent of white adults shed out to you. and it's also divided along political lines. nearly age in 10 democrats agreed compared to just one quarter of republicans alone. jet number of republicans also believe that f it's on racial equality in the us, have actually gone while that too far. all joining us from blacksburg in virginia is brandi folks in that she's a collegiate assistant professor and a professor of black studies at virginia tech. randi, it feels like,
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as in quality's going, so to has that very deep political divide. where does that, what does that leave the conversation on race now in america? well, those conversations haven't stopped and the more of them we have, the more progress that we can make. it seems that as we make progress, however, there is significant backlash against progress. and as we move forward, that backlash takes us backward. and that's the position that we're in right now. branding, when we talk about lots of washington, we obviously remember that very iconic speech from dr. martin luther king junior. but this is also really a union launch about jobs, right, that the launch instead of them, i believe there's obviously been a loss of legislation sims, but how's that actually been matched by material program that it hasn't? and i think that's one of the things that we don't talk enough about as a phillip randolph,
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one of the chief architects of this march really pushed not only for jobs but also for economic freedom, meaning being in a position of self determination when it comes to one's material conditions and we must certainly have not achieved that. and so there is so much more work that we have to do if we're really going to realize what the dream actually was. brandy, i was looking at some numbers from that people that we were referring to and when you compare it with the 83 percent of african americans who think that efforts haven't gone far enough, fewer people, i believe from other ethnic minority groups like hispanic, some asian americans feel that way. do you think african americans have pops for them behind other minority groups? i think that depends on what we consider to be progress. those numbers don't surprise me at all. because the core and fundamental race relationship dynamic has
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always been an anti black. and so it doesn't matter if other races or as most of these are making progress. the fundamental, the anti black nature of the american system means that we will think that some progress has been made even when there hasn't been progress made. so that is why many people converged over the weekend to continue to push for more progress to continue to push for greater understanding of the needs in the black community. and to make sure that we do realize that dream avante i recall when i believe were excluded from leadership and not launch back in 1963, there was into a single female speaker. and you were talking about the gathering this. it was really quite a different scene. how has that, that dynamic change the movement? mm hm. so um, when were looking at those who spoke over the weekend, we certainly saw
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a lot of different interest being represented. there were people who were there most certainly representing women. there were people there who were also representing, for example, um the stopping of violence and public schools. so many different types of interest were represented in this march. and i think that's really interesting to, to compare. there was, in fact, a woman who did speak of the original march on washington in 1963 on 75. there was at least one a while back then to launch is like this ones that will comment and right. and this is really changed the way that people express the feelings, express the grievances, how much of a difference has that made choosing to, to the way that people think about being american. so at that time, the 250000 roughly, people who showed up to the march on washington did make it one of the largest to
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do that point and us history. and i think after that, it really did encourage a lot of people to continue to be active, not just in national marches, but also, and the local marches that were happening right in their communities. in fact, that's one of the things that martin luther king urge during his i have a dream speech, go back to your communities and work, work, work to progress. and i think so many people did, he'd that call after the march on washington. and it has meant that we have made some progress since then, because people are putting in the work at the grassroots level. find the folks that profess a black studies of virginia tech. thank you so much for joining us on how to 0 brandy. it was really great, great to get your thoughts and reflections on this day. absolutely, thank you. us moving on and restrictions on trends that remain in place at the panama canal, one of the world's most important shipping rates. the canals are,
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as he has reduced the number of ships use unprecedented low water levels that correspondence alessandra rumsey results on what is now a rising cost of the problem. more than a 100 ships are still standing by outside the panama canal, even though wait times to cross the canal, had been slowly improving each day. and a precedent, a drought, as reduce water levels, forcing alternatives to cut down on the number of daily crossings. and to impose weight restrictions on ships slowing down operations at this key trade artery that unites to oceans. spec depends on fresh water to function. any pick up in the canals. operation can quickly ripple through the global economy. shipping prices increase for each day. the special spends out here at sea waiting for a spot to cross, but we have to buy some ship owners of opted for alternative routes, increasing costs of shipping. experts say this is another green sign for
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a global economy under pressure by many supply chain challenges, mostly related to a changing climate is worry and he said wake up car for, for us. i think maybe the, the project to provide more water to the front of our come out is something that is on the table in this moment. yep. that could take years to happen. in the meantime, less business means less revenue for the canal and higher prices for consumers. that can also tory to says the restrictions will cost him at least $200000000.00 in las revenue in the next fiscal year. well, prices have been going up for ships waiting in line each additional day can cost between $20.00 to $45000.00 more depending on the size of the ship. skipping the line, buying a slot in special auctions, oregon. i spit daily by the canal can now costs up to $900000.00 from an average of
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$400000.00. i'm finally the maximum allowed to draft means that larger ships now need to send some of their cargo on land spending hundreds of thousands of dollars more to use trucks and trains. experts say it's too early to estimate how much of these added costs will translate into higher prices, but that they definitely will. but lifting curren restrictions will not be possible until sufficient rain returns. if they don't do this, we're not going to be able to attend any more ships. we're going to have to restrict the draft more. and you have to understand that is not only the canal. the water is also for the human consumption in panama city, a difficult balance that will require costly infrastructure, changes to maintain the canal viable in the future with more frequent and extreme weather conditions. allison that i'm get i just the panama us. how's the head here on al jazeera,
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as for the church that's become the focal point in the scandal that's engulfing spanish football. and he will be here with us to
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the welcome back. it's time to support him and he has more drama from spain. thank you . yes indeed, this tells you the head of a spanish football federation loose reveal that's coming under increased pressure. it series on a meeting of the federations regional presence of presidents concluded with a request for him to step down with immediate effect. ruby all is being asked quits after he kissed spanish by jenny,
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have my side without the consent. following that seems well cut when earlier today, spanish prosecute is open to a sexual assault investigation. while his mother began a hunger strike saying, a son is the victim of an in human hunt, that is also seen protest in madrid and suppose on somebody. so an issue is also called as far as the united nations. how difficult is it not to get somebody on the lips? right. i mean we, there is a big, critical issue of, of sexism that remain in sports. and we hope that the spanish authorities and then the spanish government deal with this in, in a manner that respects the rights of, of all female athletes. now the final tennis grand slam of the us open is underway in new york form. a champion, dominic team has made a winning stock deal straight at one that demands thoughts in 2020, but a sense of
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a series of career threatening injuries. a 1.2 drops out of the top 300 in the world rankings these through to around. so after this straight sets, when isaac has extends, extend the pubic. this was, seems 1st, when of the major since the 2021, australia and our number full seed whole great. it was a high profile lose on day one of the things unhappy having to play on the low profile for number 5, saying close synchronizes, excuse me, the worst cools. and that said, 5000000 seems cario events has much against forbid, cycle biased by a spaniard. when he gets in full sense, order has opened up women's world and wanting to see on sec underline hood credentials was title favorites. the published by basing rebecca peterson a sweet and handful of suggest one gaming on the and how it sounds like is the defending champion in new york. she'll say woman, she's french open. how someone balls is one a record, 8 full round us gymnastics,
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tied to the whole decade after winning it the 1st time. she's the 1st man or woman to achieve business. 26 is the oldest woman's ever windy around events. how's that sense of competition in chicago? early this month, to use of to pulling out a several of them for the psycho limited psyche mental health issues. she now has the will championship since it's time for 2 and then stealing picks in parents next to the person who i so i feel like i'm capable of doing it and i've had approves myself that i can still go out there and can be at the same level as before and so as on is that absolutely not right. let me go and see what i was hoping next is pearline fixing power shall break costs and 16 reco exactly to the mock and the one you account down to the events around 2800000 tickets to to go on sale and the head
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of the international part of the committee assign usually hopes it will be a sell out for the 1st on the page i go season has ended with noise. victor, hold on taking the fedex cup titled, along with an $18000000.00 bonus. to get sick shot lead into the final they managed to hold off a challenge from is on the show flight closing with the 7 into power on a 63. so when the tool champ, particularly slight, it is his 2nd paycheck full size when his money weeks and 65 row result the falls in the world, rankings over, and will compete for your in the road. come next. and some history for south sea down to the bus, people will cut the will. youngest nation has won its 1st ever game with the total it may be showing us this game in the philippines. sounds that are next place to be on the team is still in with the chance of reaching the 2nd. okay, but if i was post looking for announcement in story, thanks so much sandy. wel, that's also it for me in astrology. and today for this news on the don't go away, i'll be back in just
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a couple of minutes with much more of today's news to stay with the of the time stop pushing today. she's gone. when we duction entries between former president and illuminate our power,
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our people see these things for themselves and make up their own minds to sweden. this become a thing to turn your back against announcing groundbreaking stories from award winning through making. it's actually in order to win and from conflict, it's a more efficient when someone conflict sweetness on which is there a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to get together. and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is transforming. the visits is develop a new mexico city with vocals, a turning a notorious municipality into an urban utopia. a sense of community on a just either the
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knowledge is here with the, the libby is fine. minnesota sax off the israel reveals that it's tough to find that net to last week function purchase the hello there, i missed all the time. this is out of their life and also coming stains regional fully this call on their president news review. all is to resign of the he kissed


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