tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 29, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the of the cloud. this isn't news live. it's coming up the next 60 minutes according pockets done suspends the corruption conviction of former prime minister and run con. but he'll stay in jail in another case seeking support in egypt. so don's ministry ruler makes his 1st trip rode off to 4 months of fighting for control and talk to funerals being held in russia for top members of the fog nimbus and regroup
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hitler killed in a plane crush. last week, the cost of cleanup, wine london's cracked, done on top of sick fuse could mean some causing brands, good scrap. and on, far as small with the sports the world cupcakes, the scandal continues in spain. as the countries regional football bosses call on their present, louise, ruby alice to resign immediately the so it pucks dunn's former prime minister and bring con, remains in prison. despite having a corruption kept conviction, suspended, high court judges in his lemme, but ordered his release on pal con, one. his appeal against the 3 a sentence of to be accused of a legally selling gifts given to the state during his time in office. another case was dropped on monday when he was accused of sedition. but con continues to face more than a 100 charges in of a criminal case as he describes the prosecutions as politically motivated to more
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highly that has more now from is love about what happened in the card today was in response to an a b that was filed by amazon con lawyer lawyer, that they have a procedure defect, and that sentence should be suspended. now the court of contacted the it's where day earlier on monday decided to announce it today. asking that saying that the sentence indeed is uh, suspended. and the district really need, however, it immediately after that. another card which was the established under the official secrets act, directed the jailer daughter did not during these uh, the former prime minister. i am ron con. i think that the board warranted in the cipher case. this is a different magic document that went missing while it was in, in, in enron funds for vision. and so, uh,
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our district represented before the dashboard on the 3rd year, which is tomorrow. i so unlikely that is going to be released. there was an anticipation that i have the gord, regardless of grand game relief and other cases which are still ongoing. headboards are filed and the pin and the card the heading and they need to take place tomorrow . but it appeared that im ron cons drop of may not be a while yet. alright, let's look back at the political career of him run con. it is 5 years this month since he became prime minister. served until april 2022, when he was ousted off to losing a parliamentary vote of confidence. he says highest a series of charges including corruption, terrorism in rising in march. these nothing about high cold issues and the rest weren't fully navigation to the sold state gifts, while in office, khan was convicted of corruption and jailed at the start of this month. sentence, a cit since been suspended and his release ordered by high court judges take it all because beat the sites of accomplish. yeah. he's
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a senior leader of the part is done to the gate and stuff and joins is now from london. so welcome to the program. so what is now the next move? fremont con was naturally, it's going to be the supreme court. the suspension of this sentence today, the 3 year prison sentence sentence, and the 5 year band from politics has been suspended. and we know that he will be, it will, he will be acquitted when it goes to the supreme court. and this case would be thrown out not only because on lack of actual facts, but also because the due process of law wasn't followed. he was never allowed to give a defense in this case when he was convicted, it was just the case at last 10 minutes. yet since that conviction, he hasn't been able to get a court hearing for about 20 days. and finally, when he did, it got suspended, and now we know that the supreme court will throw it out. you know that how do you
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know that as well? because the due process has not even been photo, like i said on the day of when he was supposed to provide the defense, he wasn't allowed. so the whole process of it is destroyed, let alone the facts. and when he comes to the facts, obviously we are very confident that nothing illegal whatsoever has been done by a non con. um, but like i said on the day of when he was supposed deposit defense, one of his daughters was, i've done, i've done it. and the others that were in court weren't allowed to speak. there are others because you see it differently. lawyer was saying earlier, this is what i'm about. hi, courtney could say 14 years in prison if convicted. no, not at all. and i mean, once it's like i said, we'll see when it goes to the supreme court and by extra me confident not on this case at least, which of the other cases cooked up against them that time would tell. but for now, it disgrace as, as know, next to stand on, let me try that. and today's high court decision is this, the official secrets act that he's currently being detained. and what,
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what do you make of that? and the fact that he has to appear in court over this alleged leaking of a diplomatic cable as well, it's as frivolous as the case before that he was convicted in, you know, the secret, the official secret act, just like to inform you has not been passed this bill was not passed. i board, i'm the president of focused on dr. harvey last week. we did that. he never assigned and box this bill yet somehow it's still floating around as this as if it's been aust bucks on bucks on people's bar. the p. p. p is a, is us, and based party that has been in power previously with spanish, about though they've also announced that this bill has not been passed. and they've said on many occasions. so how is the amount of han still in prison and is being called and charged for us being called and inquired on
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a bill which isn't even caused by the president or the confident authorities. so it just shows the sort of lawlessness that is taking place in the box on at the moment . we've got them to close it right differently to you. they say that there is no political motivation for his arrest or disqualification for running for public office. and they've repeatedly accused the judges who have suspended the sentence of being politically motivates have i mean amount of funds, the name is not allowed to be taken on public television. his picture is not allowed to be shown, 130-121-3000 office leaders and his workers are in prison at the moment, man, women, and children, people, all his leaders are on and hiding or in prison or, and eggs off. so we're saying that this is not politically motivated, i think now is us become a joke in the country. and mont hahn is part to you is the largest national level party in the country. he's the most popular need of the country is ever seen. it was
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a demand is only one free and fair elections and 90 days. those also not taking place on the constitution. the constitution stays that the caretaker government can only last for 90 days, not even a day above. that is also just about to be violated. very soon, so the worst thing it's not cold or, you know, politically motivated, yet all of this has been being done only to one party and the entire country say is over a cup of care senior leader who's done to the gate and stuff. thank you. thank you . on to sue don, and the military or ruler is in egypt on his 1st floor and trip since the battle for power and call to be gotten back in april. i don't know if that's out but hun health thoughts with the egyptian president of the federal cc and his bid for regional support in the fight against a part of military rep and support forces strikes, artillery, fire, and other types of kill thousands of food needs. the 4th, more than 4000000 people from the homes, remove, and joins is live now from call to him. and he would tell us more about this trip
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1st time. he's left the country since we're broke out in april. yes, it is. his 1st visits and it seems to show that the head of the army who's also the head of the sovereignty council, which is the ruling by the incident and wants to take the issue, the, the, the, the, a more control more more power or more rain over the diplomatic and political issues after we've seen him delegating those diplomatic and political tasks to his minister of foreign affairs and his vice president. now upon arrival in egypt, he was received by the age of some president that i've been put that as c c. and they held me things that lots of 4 hours and some of those issues that were discussed included the issue of the security of the country. now egypt is an ally office of in these army. there are several minutes we cooperation is between the 2 of them and the delegation that went with the head of the southern to council. i've been put, the hon included the intelligence chief and the head of the defense industrial
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system of the body that manufacturers weapons for the sudanese army. so he has been so tufts of military cooperation and was included in those talks between the 2 leaders, but also on how to end the conflict. because egypt is one of the countries that are leading initiatives to try to end the conflict between the wearing sites and to bring together political access in the country. so what do you think behind might get from this visit? well, at least was the hoping to get well, besides the military cooperation that is between the 2 countries and the numerous military we've lost the connection, the with him and morgan at, but we got the just about something that i need the totes, of military cooperation between egypt and the military on the other hand strip to see presidencies as well if any moves and head on the use of including pointing outs with frost denisia and making friends with the russians. we look at the new
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found admiration for most good in west africa. for the amount as president elects, has, has victory rectified on the same day his policy at his votes. i once, when the agent come back to him and see me, lays on his goals up to take care of it. or maybe the friends and his allies are concerned about the increasing influence of russia in western africa in these yeah, supports as of last month to say they would welcome the presence of the russian mastery wagner group to help deal with a detailed rating security in that country open interest reports now from now me but obviously mine is caching in onto frank sentiment and you hear me say we both knew just flag and rushes into it when we get those. one of the flags are the only
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things that's keeping us in business. these days people come to buy 2 or 3 pieces or more other streets, and that drives the 2 flags that prominent goose up. or to say it's a way of telling the world that they want to take the testing. the hands, without interference from froze, the former colonial power. and that has created an opening for russia and full russian mercenaries like the fact that or your dante you stand mother like in molly indicate of saw. so we want to, to, into, to go in the direction we citizens want them to take the country and the lines that will help us fight terrorism. we believe it's only the russians who have the capacity to genuinely help the break down the relationship between phones and it's for mccullough news. after the recent closing, molly gimme burkina faso a known each year for those years of devastating attacks. but i'm groups that we can democratically elected governments across the region may be of the election one democratic,
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got elected president without i thinks with the change. but what we have to know is really think complicity change. uh, what do need us to monitor the phone, prompts to leave on the discussion? nobody in the praise coming president will take any decision on the product which what didn't because she would fish the population until then. many qu, support is here. say they would one come russian medicine a race to help secure their country. serves. according molly froze and other powers in the west are concerned that form of french colonies in west africa. i'm moving away from their influence. yeah. is yeah. why sentiments against pross is very high? many people want to see that you want us to have a nation to the east and align with countries like china and russia. let me suggest frustrated with it's allies and for my color,
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the service i have will continue to go unless they review this strategy. and i forget i do so quickly. how many degrees? oh, do you see that the army funerals are being held in russia for lead? is the bug, the mastery group killed in a plane crash last week. the funeral of the group's chief gaining precaution, is expected on wednesday. kremlin, say president vladimir putin will not attend research to be a jump in here. the president is not planning on attending it. we don't have any specific information on that funeral. this decision that's being made by precautions, family and friends. we can't say anything here without them. just really simple as life for us and must go annually. we understand precautions at top financial advisors being very right now and some pages, but what's happening and it was the yeah, that's right. we're talking about the leverage chick, color of his funeral was taking place at the noon and cemetery of saint petersburg a short while ago. according to reports,
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several 100 people including family and friends, were present at the sound so so, so many and that would not official. so police officers and we know that a mine in plain clothes didn't allow filming the funeral. so she kind of was one of the totes monitor as close as to progression who was responsible for the just stakes or projects in syria f, as in libby as well as weapon supplies into africa, he used to manage all the provisions. so cold civil projects to the in russia and particularly he was in charge of for gardens, cold company which supplied food to moscow schools. and late to, to the russian army. they had access to some oil facilities in syria and received income from the sale of oil and an agreement with the student authorities. so quite a significant figure. and mr. progressions hire ok. he was a, what about provision himself? is an funeral. why is that someone's mystery around it? is there any information about where and when he's going to be buried?
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oh wow. actually, it's still a no where and when they had to be logs in group as well as his principal come on, the retreat each can nicknamed wagner will be buried. and many journalist as well as numerous supporters of progression, electricity go my trying to get that information. it seems like all the dead who been buried in different places to prevent big crowds. it seems like the source who is absolutely don't want to not say that many people, many upset russian people concentrated in one place and earlier today the were pools that's preparations for also underway in the federal payments case symmetry in st. petersburg allegedly for mister per goshen. and a, an invitation in the north of mosca local cemetery for modern war veterans. i also was closed off by the way, as it was mentioned to mr. peyton will not attend mr. progressions funeral that was according to his press secretary,
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demetrius called so we should wait and see what is going to happen next. our unit, thanks. so that's updates a usually reporting that from mostly i think well returning to the trip to reach you by the leader of students on me, his 1st for an trip since the bus with a parent taught to be got an april adult, fell behind hell towards with the gyptian president, dental federal cc, i'm sorry, the car, we can speak to now as a found director of the european north african center for research and joins us from cairo. and sorry, great to have you with us 1st. what's your sense of funds motivation to a thank you for having me. uh well it side. oh that's a behind comes to egypt and declares very important. the calibration is like this but seems like a new plan for so that uh today was witnessing the um, the army of sedan taking responsibility for the safety of the people,
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sudan and their future. and he stated that a, there would be a elections, a held for democratic transition. yes, it comes a little bit late, but he seems to be cutting off the chassis for a rapids. pete forces to seize power. and so that or continue nourishing this 7 war to a dead added in a net black future. so today it seems like so that has a plan under egyptian umbrella, is to time may be behind certainly, but not deal. so what would that, would that position about? will this be as well, their future now or the future of a rapid speed? first, as we all know, the circumstances of that these forces appeared in and, and in my opinion, it's a, a negative consequence of, of this year's reading. and it needs to be integrated in the army somehow or
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a re generated 3 integrated. there seems to be a, the 1st key cost is the future of the people through that and then the future of reference, the forces. now they are in, in a situation that they have been embarrassed in front of the whole international society. their crimes has been a shown to the international societies, so they are now classified as very, very violent forces. so their chances are becoming less and less and less. so the only peaceful means is to have them reintegrated or to have them split up somehow. and i think that's one of the plan for suzanne and egypt of course, of course, is your perspective. we should to emphasize at the fact that behind can leave the country, can travel a bit overseas to say something about his level of confidence about the situation that's based as well. confidence now between the 2 or between different. so denise bodies is very difficult. we're witnessing as a civil war,
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a severe civil war that had an in short time and shown violence and severe crimes. and it needs to be and that a new way and with it. now, egypt in the picture and somehow running this, it seems to be taking a new path to cuts off any more bloodshed. but how, how is not uncommon, just wondering how you think that that's going to happen to stop the blood ship because we've had lots of multiple diplomatic efforts to break credentials of audits and sit down with a series of us and savvy brackets these files being systematically violated, where is it going to come from even with this visit to egypt, and you'll be it? well, i'll tell you something in egypt as the most aware state with the insights of so that because we share borders, we share history and even we, we share blogs. ok. so you estimate the ation in
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a civil war hasn't proven to be successful. so do you really, as it looked a bit far away from the nature of sudan. uh, when cairo has said the summit for the neighbors of sudan, it has shown to the international society that he understands the nature of the conflict. and so that, and how the tribes, some of the tribes of other african states are supporting the rapid speed forces and how other states, like egypt, of course, supporting the institution or what looks an, in it's perspective as an it's being institution which is here, the national army oaks to dot com. okay. so uh today we're talking about a new process that takes us off the track of the civil war. it might be successful because the army today in homes are being liberated. gonna have to wrap it up we, it's just, it's another 10 seconds. if you would that to wrap up. the army has said that or behind has said that they have no interest in the,
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in running the country. so it has cut off any chances for more blood shit. and this is the only thing that looks like a plan now for so that all right, if there are, sorry, here we will have deleted the probably needs to be button. we need to move on. thanks so much for your time. sorry kara, from the north europe in north africa was sent for a subs. thank if us now that'd be prizes in london all through a clean as a scheme was expanded to cover all of the city from tuesday. ivan is most polluting vehicles. we'll have to pay a fee to drive around britain's capital. that just pollution levels far exceed, recommended limits set by the world health organization. the mess as the changes of life. well, let's cross, the need, balk, rejoices now from london. so nave, how have matress being reacting well then you told me on the traffic all in the middle of what hold on. a simple under the storms for from downing street and spain, a very, very noisy price. i saw
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a fall carnival ask uh kind of a less got misbehaved things or so to get a little bit of little bit free bro. the last few minutes to be the pushing and shoving of the case of downing street. so really 2 aspects to this process that we're seeing here. lots of legitimate concerns about the some in position of this 12 pound 50 or $16.00 per day charge for polluting, non compliant vehicles the impact. so that's like that have a multiple road uses on the elderly, on the disabled, on small business for instance, that are operating with firefight type margins, which is a bit concerns to also about the score i paid the screen web i. people can essentially have the vehicle scraps in return for a sum of money. $8000.00 a $100.00 for firms to at hotmail called concerns about doesn't go anywhere near far enough when it comes to allowing people to find replacement to vehicles. but also an awful lot of the confusion here, a lot of conspiracy theories and the degree of racism as well. when people be out protesting against study con, well,
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let me introduce ourselves on the site now. who for people who are interested in all things mentoring, is the mind you may well recognize, ease of a very popular youtube sites. brown call guy, thanks for joining us. oh, sure so, so you will, the owner of a modern classic call utilize, obviously as a tremendous effect to you and other comments. easy. oh yeah, definitely. i mean, mild interest and you know, started because i had just, oh, what does the 1989 the very, it's a modern class that doesn't quite qualify as a historic class. it needs to be a little 40 years old. so are truly started looking into this whole. so for some reason, because it has been impacted me. it hasn't texted me because now i'm thinking about what do i do with this car? one of them that like to me, looking into you less than looking into the implications of it and how it impacted people. like i mentioned that a lot of real, legitimate concerns about the something in position of this what some see is a tax on the usage of that cause and the but also a lot of model messages here as well. people see it as a form of surveillance and then positioned on
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a civil liberties. also there's somebody to come. what is more about human rights? the right to clean it well the right to drive a modern, classical, polluting vehicle? i mean the right to be there. yes, definitely. who dealt with 13, man. what do you have to recognize? where do we live? we live in one of the biggest, most vibrant cities on the planet. we are never going to have completely clean air . it's just not possible. the right to have a classic car. maybe maybe not. it's more of a privilege. honestly. i feel privileged to own that car. the right to drive the freedom of movement. definitely. i think that's definitely part of human rights. if you're not allowed to travel for, for pleasure, for leisure to visit your friends, to visit your family, that isn't in that is or was personal upon you. all right, shes out to strike a k. i a brown colleague. i many thanks for that. well, the other side of the story, of course, comes from the mat sadie khan, who believes that he is very much on the right side of history. he's facing this decision on which so it's fine, period colors, london, the world health organization and other suggest as many as 4000 people. yeah,
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i prematurely. and the counselor are they thanks for that. thanks very much indeed . certainly said the emotions this whole issue. let's take it all, we can speak now to adult, to and a more who is there? a spreadsheet, talk to in london and that so yes, you all are a speech. we don't to tell us just how serious the problem of air pollution in london is on peoples. how thanks very much for having me. but when you said that, so you talked about both as nothing is time criteria. yeah. because evaporation could be breathing big gap. there are hundreds of thousands of people who live with us back at child did us that it's, it's not tiring in terms of caving in that into the other european. um and of course then we talking about all the other kind of uh, body body conditions that at least included diabetes cardiovascular. these, these strikes, cancer drunk, check an appraisal degrades,
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of people that pregnant women, not when we know are exposed to the accusation, bicycles correct, right. that's good sample of babies. it's a, it's expensive, it is expensive. and so what degree do high emission vehicles contribute to the problem? well they, as we know, they all the, the, the west collegian vehicles that are the ones that produce the most, but not just in dioxide. and that's the way polluting gas and at home for gas that the people are exposed to scroll from is always the big because because most of them and that's what you guys is doing, is taking the old aiming to take the baker, go right. just by a fight, if i'm not going to use that a little, a little financial incentive to not drawing things down a bit closer to that to get that feedback. so what do you think when you hear from the lines of the gast, we just had only say it's infringement of rights? you know, you can get the daily mail saying some money, raising exercises protests on the streets. is it bi election lost? it raises hackles. what, what do you think about that name?
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what you do on the medical side of things as well? i yeah, i think it was very interesting comments about the is it oh, is it more of a human right to be able to struggle, plastic or degrees being a and when we know that the most that deprives people inspect the day, it's that none of them do not try and cause you know, i am cause part to for, to keep costs. um, but yeah, to a much more likely to free speech that ad and we know clearly that that, that the human rights to the end of justice. if she does say, i'm definitely the how evidence the how said that to absolute be unequivocal. that the nation that way of reading for brace science, baker place that you should be close in london? is kidding. it's my i'm, i'm not kidding. right? that's the tip of the art, but for this as a whole lot of illness, them and impact. so people's lives that are not measured in age for 4000 that they,
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i'm afraid i don't have any notes in any way in agreement with the concept to be able to drive best the right, 389 right? a briefly and they to a post band aid points of research that they claim. so it suggests that the extension will any reduce the levels by mind, the motor amounts. briefly, if you would, is that true louisa is to stay statistically significant. i think it was something like, i'm 5 b a, b to the out to be in london. you'd have to function as reduced at nation does last it as it is it to cheat about not mind to me that the right kind of tv way down until until we but we know that the basically cardboard. you start coming off the right they, that we might need to initially when we talked about this, it was a task, spend closet, we're going to be, but now it's 9. that's a cost to people who are ready next monday, the average ready, even before today. i talk to the company, or can i just, i mean for the tiffany. alright. so dynamo appreciate your expertise. thanks very
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much. do for joining us here. and i'll just share a thank as a strengthening storm is moving closer to florida in the united states. so by the present of jeff harrington. this tracking is still hello, a lot of ground to cover. so let's go right now. all eyes on tropical storm, a dahlia. it is bringing a torrent of rain to western cupid. this is a forecast today on tuesday. now it is moving closer to the us state of florida. so ahead of it, we're already seen that rain kick in, but i'm to show you on wednesday we're going to make landfall, potentially is a major hurricane, which is a cat 3 around florida state capital tallahassee. storm search here 3 to 4 meters is basically a wall of water that high and in the zone we could see rainfall amounts about 23, maybe 400 millimeters of rain. so this will be a nasty storm songs also flaring up through the great lakes, and it will be a soggy week ahead for the eastern seaboard part of that has to do with hurricane franklin, which is steering just to the west of bermuda to otherwise we go some what weather
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for british columbia, the pacific northwest. and we are tapping into quite a bit of heat for the us southwest. i mean look at ss and l a. temperatures, while the above average here, same goes for south america. in fact, brazil, my house could see your hottest august day on record. the record is $37.00. got you in for 38. and just a few days ago, rio de janeiro is about 40. you're now down to 21 on tuesday, so you're in a bit. all right, just thanks a lot. i still had hearing on the 0, the un will withdrawal more than 12000 industry tamale by the end of the accord in washington, dc. 6, a date for donald trump's trial to try and deliver to him. the results of the 2020 and on part is smile on the sports that's coming off in our bulletin. later this hour we find action for the us open, which is now underway in york. and no issues for no back. john conventions the aims for his 3rd grand slam title one year. he dropped his 5 games on his way.
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the stories of hope and inspiration show a document to ease from around the world that celebrates colleen and resilience in the times. of time on the phone and the latest news as it breaks. as darkness falls, millions of people throughout this region are waiting. h just late for the full force of tropical storm hillary to dissent with detailed coverage defense checks here. now say that these kind of discussions cannot go on forever from around the world. just over a decade. also the men's team,
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one to european championships. it's a spanish swimming state, but now rules football. well, the, the, the other guy you're watching out, john manuel, top stores as a high court judges and pockets done have suspended the conviction for corruption against full, the prime minister and run con, and avoided his release from chat with another code result of his detention in a separate suit don's ministry ruler is in egypt to seek support from the fight against the power of military rapid support forces. it is the 1st trip abroad, federal festival, but since of buffalo for palate,
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and taught to begun back in april. the process of the london offer clean as a scheme is expanded to cover. one of the cities from choose day own is most policing vehicles, will have to pay a fee to drive around for the newly elected president of guatemala has had his victory ratified. on the same day, another government organization suspended his political policy. minarda revenue says the suspension of the seat movement party is illegal, is rival in the runoff election earlier this month has yet to concede, defeat st. best raphi endorsed by one government bodies censured by another on the same day. competing announcements that add to the confusion following the controversial presidential run off election in guatemala 9 days ago, and people that's the job. the supreme electoral tribunal has already officially ratified the results of august 20 day for doctor karen herrera is vice president elect. and i'm president select this isn't a refutable fact. apart from that,
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there is the suspension of the seed movement that has no relation with our rectification. despite the resulting result in the runoff, the impact of his political party being suspended is unclear. the suspension is unlikely to affect his swearing in due in january, but it could weaken his rule before it began good health care system. i think this is extremely allow me because every day they are trying to confuse us with news with this information by generating fee and psychological. yes. that get us honestly, i'm fed up with the system. i felt that they were playing with the will of the people in this way are as follows. election opponents, former 1st lady sondra torres, a choose us, him a voter from something. the look toral registry the band. his party is investigating outgoing president. alejandro geometry has so far not publicly comment. arvalo, the son of a former diplomat is an unlikely winter. his valid thought success as an anti corruption campaigner represents
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a threat to the countries of wheat. and the status quote. are as follows. progressive campaign resonated with water mullins, who were tired of corruption, and hungry for change is in bus route, the o g 0. if i is an analyst, specialize in latin american affairs and he says a revolution difficulties could pose a threat to his agend. she has to be, she will because this, this suspension of the legal, the status of the media may cause some trouble for a while, a bit from seizure them from the outgoing government to the new government. they might be, but they might prevent certain people within the team that will lead the prosecution from doing their work. and that is what could create or appropriate. but also, he's going to create political uncertainty in the country, which would the election we felt able to wants to get out of the sunset that we mustn't forgive me. so they will isn't that corruption candidate. and, and she's really the best for us to such as the extent of being john reed painter
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based on completion of human rights demanded probation for him to prevent of something happening to him. i should happen to nick while the sudden under the same as you don't, the corruption presidential candidate was a fission agent on the 9th of all those. so we're talking about a corrupt it'd be according to old yet another thing in the un international commission. i can't seem to need to what tried to prevent this on corruption, president from taking office in january next year. the united nations mission in molly is speeding out the withdrawal of maybe $12000.00 soldiers in june. the ministry june to the, to month of the troops should leave by the end of the head of admission. told the un security council that pulling the soldiers out, be challenging because the deadline is tight and the situation is dangerous. gabrielle is under as more as the top united nations official in molly told the security council on monday that the un peacekeeping force, known as been new sma is on the schedule to depart the country by the end of the
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year. but it'll gus on wayne also acknowledged that the situation is bo, a tile and dangerous content. it's all the difficulties have emerged in the implementation of the 1st phase of the withdrawal plan. the last convoy of blue helmets, equipment and materials which withdrew from the bare peacekeeping camp to go towards the city of $10.00 to took 51 hours to cover a distance of 57 kilometers. and the convoy was attacked twice by an unidentified extremist elements for blue. how much were injured and 3 vehicles were damaged before the convoys arrival into tim buck to despite the challenges, molly reaffirmed, it does not plan to alter the withdrawal date. you can update it, it could, it was on monday, monday, and obviously i would like to say that the government will marley does not for see an extension of the deadline for un peacekeepers departure beyond the 31st of december this year. there are also other uncertainties. molly's transitional government had welcome to help of fighters from russia's wagner group,
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or with the death of wagner's founder. you're getting the per goes in the groups future. and molly is now in doubt. something western countries welcomed the russian mostly group. wagner is directly linked to human rights atrocities in money, including the system at that use of conflict related to sexual violence. or was it a slice it by recent events in russia? they are part of the problem, not the solution. in molly and beyond, barring any unforeseen circumstances, this likely will be the last time security council members are brief to before the withdrawal deadline. and given that precarious security situation, there is certainly an air of trepidation about what could be to come. but at this point, when it comes to un peacekeepers permanently leaving molly, it appears there is no turning back gabriel santo. how does either at the united
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nations libby is for a minister as being science off to she held a secret meeting with her is randy counts of paul to it's the last week local media say that nigel amongst the split the country use of the meeting has spot wide spread protests and w as well. that training reports now from tripling libya's 1st female foreign minister and top diplomat, that's not meant goose has been sacked. that follows an announcement by the is really foreign ministry of a meeting between one goose and her is really opposite el chico in, in rome. last week, co in described the meeting as historic and the 1st step in the relationship between israel and libya. libby as foreign ministry down played the meeting, calling it incidental and informal. the good news of the talk sparked outrage and protest across several cities in libya. demonstrators closed off rose burn just really flags and called for her immediate dismissal. local media reports and libya
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statement goose has left the country over concerns for her security. people here at this coffee shop support her termination. the protests are expected as a citizen of libya, along with the majority of libyans and against normalization, with israel. but i hope future protests remain peaceful you can call for the dismissal of officials, but there's no need to but ties and close off roads. libyan is real, have no formal diplomatic relations. under libyan law. it's illegal to have an authorized discussions with this really officials. it'd be reflected on the palestinian clothes is a very sensitive issue for libyans. we have a long history of supposing palestine in regards to the government. the prime minister knew of the mazing, that's a catastrophe. if he didn't know that's even worse. if i was in his place, i would resign our a need. as a result, that is a political analyst. he says,
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even if one goose was directed by the prime minister to meet is really officials by law, she should have refused the notice of letting myself. when was that it was an incidental meeting of the ministry says she could have left and refused to talk to the is the way these the foreign minister was wrong to attend this meeting. she is now paying the price. she has been fired and she no longer has a political future here in libya we. she may now also face criminal charges. the government says an investigation has been opened into nets them inclusive meeting with eli cohen. but people here remain extremely angry. whether or not she will face criminal charges remains to be seen bouts right now, i'll just hero tripoli is ready for us as of a tight. it's a group of public opinion work because you've got that the check point in the occupied westbank. one person is being wounded, dozens of others, the suffering from take action, elation degree gather david, what they call the a crank down on vehicles that transport palace to new board work is into israel. thousands of palestinians across through the checkpoint on
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a daily basis. laws for donald trump are expected to appeal against the start date set for his 2020 election succession trial in washington, dc electrician. now as more from washington, a little comes calendar is filling up. the former us president. find out his arrangement on election to feelings. charges in georgia will be september 6th. and this courthouse in washington, it was decided he will go on trial for conspiring to steal the 2020 presidential election on march the for next year. the decision came in a hearing that last the just over 90 minutes. total comes defense. wanted to delay the process by more than 2 years. same with millions of documents to review. they wanted a trial date and april 2026. the prosecution wanted to proceed on january the 2nd next year, the judge tanya, chuck can said both dates were unacceptable. both, i would cite the normal windows for shadowing
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a trial. little thomas team accused the prosecution of pursuing a show trial, but left without making any comment on the outcome of the decision by judge tanya took can queued up and the 2024 republican presidential nomination fight. the trial stops the day before super tuesday, when voters in more than a dozen states cast their ballots in the primary races and comes just 3 weeks before donald trump will be back in court in new york. charged with paying cash money to an adult film star, i think going in to super tuesday. and i think their, their minds will already be made up. and i think these, these court cases are not going to sway primary voters one way the other. they already know who donald trump is, and many of them have already gotten behind them. one has to social media platform, donald trump route. today a biased competing judge. it'd be only a 2 month extension just what a corrupt government wanted. i will appeal from princess the cases,
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the charges against them, an election into a fee, and since he is innocent, know he has a phone date when he gets the chance to prove that island for sure. i'll just either washington, see us state of florida has declared a state of emergency is wind speeds of a 110 kilometers and i'll get place and a tropical storm and diarrhea has now intensified into a hurricane and is already hit the west in cuba. tens of thousands were evacuated as heavy rain for the coastal towns. the hurricane is expected to hit the gulf coast of the united states within next 24 hours. as soon as the ships are still carrying to get through the panama canal, because they come fill up with both a fast enough canal is one of the world's most vitals shipping ribs. and usually hot weather has been drawing up more supplies to the look system. as on amazon to ramp yet to ripples, the longer the ships have to wait to move, the costs go up. more than a 100 ships are still standing by outside the panama canal. even the wait times to
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cross the canal had been slowly improving each day. and then precedent, a drought as reduce water levels, forcing alternatives to cut down on the number of daily crossings and to impose weight restrictions on ships slowing down operations at this key trade artery that unites to oceans. spec depends on fresh water to function. any pick up in the canals operation can quickly ripple through the global economy. shipping prices increase for each day. the special spends out here at sea waiting for a spot to cross. but we have to buy some ship owners of opted for alternative routes, increasing costs of shipping. experts say this is another green sign for a global economy under pressure by many supply chain challenges, mostly related to a changing climate is worry and he said wake up car for, for us. i think maybe the, the project to provide more water to the front of our come out is something that is
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on the table in this moment. yep. that could take years to happen. in the meantime, less business means less revenue for the canal and higher prices for consumers. that can also tory to says the restrictions will cost him at least $200000000.00 in los revenue in the next fiscal year. well, prices have been going up for ships waiting in line each additional day can costs between $20.00 to $45000.00 more depending on the size of the ship. skipping the line, buying a slot in special auctions, organized but daily by the canal can now costs up to $900000.00 from an average of $400000.00. i'm finally the maximum allowed to draft means that larger ships now need to send some of their cargo on land spending hundreds of thousands of dollars more to use trucks and trains. experts say it's too early to estimate how much of these added costs will translate into higher prices,
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but that they definitely will. but lifting curren restrictions will not be possible until sufficient rain returns. if they don't do this, we're not going to be able to attend any more ships. we're going to have to restrict the draft more. and you have to understand that is not only the canal. the water is also for the human consumption in panama city. a difficult balance that will require costly infrastructure, changes to maintain the canal viable in the future with more frequent and extreme weather conditions. allison that i'm get a just the panama, as the farmers ensure line cause a droughts, a threatening the summit, rice harvest me. trilogy departments estimate so it will be no range until october because of the all new weather putting phenomena in which moments water surface temperatures arises. the staple food ins for lanka. and the country's biggest cro.
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how that in the field is 4 acres. i've only planted about one in the quarter acres, even from that. there's no income in there. normally, we would make at least 1500 kilograms per acre. i don't think i will get even 400 this time. it is out of the me of the sign show there will be a trade in the future as well. it's difficult to think of a rain and the environment has changed. people do serious damage to it and living has become a struggle house. and i still had her note 0, the kissing scandal continues the springs, regional football forces, confident, immediate resignation, of the president's use on that,
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the let's get onto this board. as for nick, thank you so much. all strains, regional football bosses have called for federation president luis ruby alice to resign immediately over the world cup, kissing scandal 46 year old ruby alice to spanish player jenny her most so without her consent. following the teams woke up when the veteran ration held an urgent meeting on monday and the verdict was that the president should step down because of the damage. this is doing to spanish football. he's a nice guy who am i think the economically in sports wise, it's gonna be very difficult to beat him. but when you the president, you're responsible for lots and you need to assume your responsibilities. and sometimes you need to step aside or defend yourself if you need to. you never know he might be right. and i'd also be happy for that. but he calling about this kind of thing happened in our society that's advancing more and more. and as far as women and equality issues, and that's above everything else, spanish, prosecutors have opened
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a sexual assault investigation and there been protests in ms right in support of her mouth. so while we're the alice's mother, on the other hand, has gone on hunger strike at a church in his hometown to protest the treatment of her son. the issue has also reached the united nations. how difficult is it not to get somebody on the lips? right? i mean, we, there is a big, critical issue of, of sexism that remain in sports and we hope that the spanish authorities and then the spanish government deal with this in, in a manner that respects the rights of, of all female athletes. we spoke to football, a broadcaster in general to larry who says the scandal could have a negative impact on springs joint bid to host the 2030 world cop. the last few days have been opened. next charlie narbey stress for the spanish to fight. it is smooth,
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especially because there's no clear any inside realities probably generally suspended by few for a spanish boardman was to do what's to suspend human, what to do so yet at every what he's asking for keith resignation, politicians that are raleigh's demonstrations on the street. even his farmer colleagues on the spanish, if they have passed or near, but he hasn't gone so far and there is no indication he will do. of course, 10 days ago, spain getting much better and stronger position. sort of a nice. the 2030 board cap done today a few months ago that were a lot of criticism regarding the incidental racism in the spanish football. and now, this huge change of national, a condo is definitely damaging any, jeopardizing the chances of a spank portugal and morocco to win the 2030 work up
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a bit. after winning the heroes with italy, roberto mancini size, his main goal, is now to win the asian cat with saudi arabia. the italian has been officially presented as their new coach. it's been 27 years and sadie lifted the asian cop. but last year under their previous coach, they pulled off the biggest shock of the world, kept by beating eventual champions. argentina savvy have invested heavily, and their domestically gunmen, jeannie was in the stands on monday to see all hell, i'll be out. it's a fact to now he says he has lots of research don't to do in the last 10 days. so we started to, to watch the reader about the, about the team and mazda play. yes. and also we have a far for end of the match, uh, matches. it'd be before. uh, to start that equity for get you on for the work out by doing that uh we have to work out of that, but uh we need the enough time now that josh has made a winning return to the us open the 23 time grand slam champion east to straight
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sets went over alexandra miller of france. the victory means jock that she missed last year's tournament due to cope at 19 travel restrictions, will replace carlos alvarez as the world's a number one player on september left. you know, it was a, a, a great joy to be stepping out on the court and i think um, the performance explains how i felt tonight, particularly, you know, in the 1st, the 1st is that, you know, it was kind of lights out then it's really of almost flawless, perfect for set. you know i, i've probably had the answer for every shot that he had in, in his book. so overall, i'm very, very pleased with the way i feel with the way i'm playing to manage 2020, to run a, rob casper. rude clenched a hard thought, went over american emilio and not to advance to the 2nd round. because c,
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norwegian was taken to to tie breakfast, went in for the 24 year old, just looking for his 1st grandson's hide. number for seat holder room was a high profile loser on day one. the day was unhappy at having to play on the low profile court number 5 saying organizers quote, always give me the worst courts that made it seem to carry over into his match against roberto. car bay as a van? yeah, the spaniards winning it and forced that, has opened up a form, a real number one, caroline's as the yaki made her 1st grand slam a parents and 3 years she be rushing qualifier. tatiana or president rover the day and had announced her retirement from the support in 2020 the 33 year old return to top level tennis in june of this year. of the current world number one english wines hacked or underlined. her credentials as title, favorite polish player beach, rebecca peterson of sweden for the last week. just one game in under an hour. try and tag is a defending champion in new york. she's also won this year's french open. american
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teenage or cocoa golf was way to work hard to secure a place and the 2nd round the succeed, she was coming off a title when in cincinnati has a fight from the set down to meet jimmy qualifier or sickness. she's a tricky opponent. in general. she does a lot of quirky stuff with the slices and coming to them that and um, you know, all of that and i played her before in the past. obviously a long time ago. i think i lost so i'm just happy that i was able to overcome all that wasn't playing my best tennis, but i think you know, every well most of the time, usually every grand slam you have one bad match and i'm glad i was able to get that all the way in the 1st round and some history for the so sit down, add basketball world cops. the world's youngest nation has won its 1st ever game at the tournaments, meeting china in the philippines subsidy down. next, please, serbia and the team is still and with the chance of reaching the 2nd. okay, that is all your support for now back to you next for. thanks for everything. thank you. i. that's it for me, mccloud switch these up, but i will be back in just
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a couple of minutes for how far use coming up then purchase the the in depth analysis of the day. you say like 1000000000 euros to help to see address migration. is it going to ease the micro crisis to make it worse? informed opinions, we need more investors and more people that make the decisions to embrace human foothold. frank assessments this balance between to tow and sun reassurance is
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truly important for the volume missing destruction inside stored on al jazeera last year, part of the sun experienced one of the worst floods in the country's history. many rule communities are still waiting for help. hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may have had been living under open skies for a year in last year's floods. this road behind me, those fields, the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. and parts of this district have started the flood once again, the a new generation of young people and making demands to be balanced society. welcome to generation change a global series to attempt to understand content. and the idea is that mobilize use around the world in london to activate a,
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tackling the root causes of youth violence. many young people die perpetuate in finance. i guess i'll be young. people themselves have also been victim multiple times. my generation can try me design and reshape this generation. change on out just there. the accord and focused on suspends the corruption conviction of full a prime minister and run con. he'll stay in jail. in another case, the i'm a clock, this is down to your life from the halls to coming up seeking support in egypt, students military route and makes and supposed to be brought up to 4 months of
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