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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2023 7:30am-8:01am AST

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active as political tardy being suspended is unclear. the suspension is unlikely to affect his swearing in due in january, but it could weaken his rule before it began. he gets this one, i think this is extremely alarming because every day they are trying to confuse us with news with this information by generating fee and psychological. yes sir. yeah, that's honestly, i'm fed up with the system. i fed up that they are playing with the will of the people in this way are as follows: the election opponent, former 1st lady, sondra torres a, chooses him, a voter from something. the look toral registry the band. his party is investigating outgoing president. alejandro geometry has so far not publicly comment. arvalo, the son of a former diplomat is an unlikely winter. his valid thought success as an empty corruption campaigner represents a threat to the countries of wheat. and the status quote. are as follows. progressive campaign resonated with water mullins, who were tired of corruption, and hungry for change is in bus route of the o g,
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a 0. the . this is all just a, these are the top stories, news agencies, a fee, and royce has a reporting that senior members of the bones, ministry of appeared on television, claiming they're not in control of the country. they've also announced the cancellation of elections and all institutions made comes as governments electoral commission and items that the president of the bundle has won a 3rd time. and the ballots held a few days ago and got nearly 65 percent of the vote. millions of people in the us state of florida, a pricing for how to can evaluate the residents and some parts of the coast have been ordered to evacuate. if you do choose to stay in one of the evacuation zones, 1st responders will not be able to get you until after the storm has passed. that's right. they're not going to be able to get there until after the storm is past. so please make decisions that are best for you and for your family. and remember,
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you don't need to travel hundreds of miles away. you don't need to out run the storm. simply getting to higher ground in a shelter with friends house, hotels, uh, any of that will work. a lot of times you can do that within your own county, but you certainly are thinking more about traveling tens of miles rather than needing to do hundreds of miles logged on most of your group safe. if can you precaution has been buried in a private set of money, ive side st. petersburg, so goshen and $9.00 were killed in a plane crash last week. advice shows as being targeted by ukraine's largest drone operation in 18 months. 5 different areas, a set of being hit, most close as for transport planes have been damaged at a military base near its estonian border. russia's defense ministry since it was able to come to the attack in the northwest in the city or schools. those are the headlines. the news continues here on audra 0 officers history. stay with us. of
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the hi, i'm 70. ok. welcome to the string. this episode he's all worried about black cowboys and black cow goals of america. if you will, during the double take right now, i don't blame you. the history of african american cowboys and cowgirls. you have to take a really deep test, find it. and why is that? that's one question. what the, asking on today show, but there is
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a new movie out right now. looks at the up and city how boys of philadelphia, african american cowboys and cowgirls. that film is cool, concrete, cowboy, you can take a look at it. right now. evelyn, the sooner even the lower in the like wow, where's the i know you the po daddy got rooms that you that abide by the oh no, we don't do about the street was the welcome back. welcome back to what
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i the whole no, that's your choice. and i'm gonna get a body here. so major mental the night for me to a father because everyone else. a mean. hello ricky. hello, greg. hello, aaron o connected to concrete, cowboy in one way or another? the what that connection is. ricky, introduce yourself to our international audience gift abbey. yes, i'm ricky star, writer, and director country cowboy. i go ahead and get to see introduce yourself. what's your connection? my name is greg mary. i am the author of the young adult novel, general cowboy, on which the film was based. nice to have. i run a welcome to the stream. i think this may be a 1st, aaron. tell everybody seeing you all what you do and you connection to the movie. i
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am aaron brown. i am the director of philadelphia harangue academy and also one of the original fletcher sheet writers. so nice to have you. that is our whole conversation, but this movie has started about that cowboys and black towel goes, i feel is an issue that if you know, you know. but if you don't, and you want to talk to aaron and greg, i'm re key. the best thing to do is jump into youtube comment section. and youtube can be part of that a shot. so i would, if you know, you know, if you don't how do you stop that conversation or stand conversation about black cowboys and black cow girls is something that hasn't been not mainstreamed. so i guess you have to see it in the conversation begins there. so i'm just looking at here, you really have to see it,
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leave it with i think a lot of people have that same reaction. you know, even little kids. i see in those neighborhoods. i'm, i see a towel, i can't go right and buy a horse. they just have this look on the base like, you know, and, you know, the common thing i heard even people i know who lived in philadelphia the whole lives. maybe even 2 miles away from this neighborhood. never knew about this whole world because there's a certain perception about strawberry mansion. yeah, it's not this, this story about them is an area in philly. and that's where this film takes place . the graph before i move on to ricky, who tells the story in a movie, you also told the story and the young adult booklet was incredibly popular. and this picture, this is a picture that aspired to me to show it to everybody. tell everybody what east or what, but yes, so it's, yeah, i mean i, i came across this photo as
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a life magazine and, and, you know, one of the 1st images inside was a young black boy standing on top of a horse. and clearly what was the inner city and, you know, you have that same reaction that those kids have which is like, what is this, you know? and you start flipping through these photos. you see, you know, black hat boys in philadelphia, what is going on. and to me, that's where story lies, because you know why they're black cowboys invoices in north philly. you know that why is the story? i mean, things talk has happened i accident. there's a reason and i wanted to know what it was. and so i just started digging in at the time, you know, put it into google, and like nothing came up, nobody had written about it. there were no articles, no documentary, nothing, no books. and so to me that is something and you know, as i started to slowly find out, make my way into that world. like this is something people need to know about.
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because not only was surprising, but i thought it was, you know, beautiful and her role in you know, these are voices that needed to be heard. ricky, go ahead. tell us about your journey. you'll discovery of how boys and black towel goes. a maya is very similar, i mean there's actually a scene in the movie, it's in the trailer as well that i feel like really articulate my own experience is what greg is talking about. where there's this young little boy and his mom on a bus, and they see the riders coming by. and i really wanted to pay even particularly where it is in the movie, the beauty, but also this locksmith that they're facing, of like what if this community wasn't here? and what if there weren't these little boys? i could see these cowboys riding. but for me is i had a very similar experience where my 1st introduction to the cowboys in north philly was a gentleman riding in
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a trip down buggy outside my office. yeah. which is less than a mile from uh, fletcher street. and yeah, it had speakers and these huge tires, a brand new, fascinating, let alone that a horse was blowing it. yeah. and he was the one they told me about fletcher 3 and then a google search. yeah. like uh, what brakes that i didn't find much, but i did find at that time greg book which correct me if i'm wrong, greg. i think it was published in 2011 cuz i remember and 2012 when i read the book . yeah. and i aramark came back man one day, that would be amazing movie when i'm ready to make movies. and so, yeah, it wasn't then until 2017 actually when i met eric miller was the 1st cowboy i met in court, actually my company, my production company, hires adults returning home from incarceration. eric had been home a week and told the judge that he had already purchased a horse, which i found quite fascinating. you don't hear that every day in court. and aaron is, was one of eric's best friends. and i met her shortly after,
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and we talked about, you know, what can we do even then in 2017, knowing the perils that fletcher street were facing. you know, what can we do to create a permanent um, for these cowboys and cowgirls all over philadelphia who have been displaced. i know that when we showed that that little boy with a horse and an arrow, and i could see yes, that's vocal admiration when you saw that picture that, that nice magazine page i want to play. you take that picture now. sorry, i get that picture. see that is a, a young guy named red. he was one of my 1st original kids. he was, he followed me around the stable and he took care of my horses. he and i watched him grow up fees 2425 now. and i called him my son and its 1st oh hi of the, sorry i want to play to you an and we sort of tap dancing around the edges. they just but why do we not know, why do you have to work so hard to find out about
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a piece of american history? don't say contemporary american life that we should know about. his jennifer, his, her thoughts have a nice and really enjoy the concrete. how boys i grew up in houston, texas, so black cowboys, embryos and seen by folks, right? courses on city streets that also hold cars is nothing new to me. but this was my 1st introduction to that research tradition in philadelphia is black. see what i've been saying with some via style assume yesterday is the cruelty that has to be involved to take what little bit of that tradition is left there in philadelphia. and i think it's another example of how our place and that rich history continues to be whitewash where i was a aaron len greg as well. everyone's gonna jump in on this when i, when you start,
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like then you finish once upon a time. i mean, she's absolutely right there where maybe about 3540 backyard stables where the urban, black, cowboy kept their horses and we never owned these facilities. and they are, you know, with re development gentrification we have no control but to migrate to different stables. and it's a piece of our history being washed away. every time happens and i've experienced it myself on fletcher street. and you know, these are a lot of these, fletcher street horsemen riders, our family, you know, want to stay with closes down. we open up the doors and they've all migrated there, and these voices are horsemen. they are wouldn't make up our community, they aren't, you know, there's, there's nothing to bring them together like a, a club or anything there. we're just, you know, holding on in,
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we need something that's really ours to keep. you know, they can't be taken away from us because it is important history and philadelphia we would ride to different stables just to read up. and that's not happening anymore. like i, there's barely any less. yeah, i mean, i think for people of color is just like a history of hidden figures that have never been recognized across the board. and what i tell, you know, i work with the young people and what i tell them, you can't blame people for not knowing what they don't know, because they're only given a certain narrative. so it's up to us to you, to change that narrative, to use your voice, to tell your own stories, to get your, those voices out there and represented. so, you know, it's just like there's so many cultures like this one, all these people who live within a couple of my house and never know about it. and the reason is like, you know,
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there's a perception on the news like, oh, this is the most dangerous neighborhood in north philly. you're not going to go there. you can avoid it, and structurally it's built. so you never have to interact with it. you can, if you live, you know, within a couple of miles of it, it's easy to avoid. and so therefore, you know, there's no ways to interact this culture unless you find out about it. unless those stories start to get told and start to penetrate deeper and people want to actually go there because it's like, oh, what is this? you know how it was? check that out. i feel ricky off because of if people going to be hanging out, they just kind of busy the way it is how the was and how yeah, i feel like to read almost like a, a movie place where everyone goes just to check out the location. so i was going to be testing people away. i, i loved physically on my laptop, concrete, cowboy hit number one on netflix, on a. so just this past weekend. number one,
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sam ricky, what did you set out to do in the telling of this field? what many people are watching the show right now is rainy is what do you miss on youtube? she says, i have never heard of black cowboys in cow goals. that going to be a lot of people who you're going to be blowing then millions right now. and so the mounting trends, right, so what did you set out to a no. 7 man, this is a to be honest, what we thought was to do is what we have accomplished. which was, you know, when i met eric, one of the things he told me was that when he was growing up, he loved westerns and he loved it. he found, but there were no black cowboys represented in those stories. and so what he wanted to be able to leave for the youth that you know, he was teaching and his own kids was to have a movie that showed black cowboy and to give kids something to look for. and so to be able to see that representation happened and the film is a huge source of joy for me, you know, also he was well aware,
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4 years ago that fletcher street was facing general education issues. i mean, even to hear you say that, like currently right now the crowd of beautiful field where all the horses grades and the film is completely fenced off and dug up. the city is currently building affordable housing units. and so, you know, something that we've done with the aaron is to actually originally we established a nonprofit with eric called the philadelphia urban riding academy. eric, unfortunately, was killed a week before we went into prep on the film wow. tragically and you know, his legacy of now living on through and, and through all the cowboys and cowgirls in that films to help find a home for, you know, all the cowboys and cowgirls across philadelphia that no longer have to be displaced permanently like it's important that they own the land, they own the barn because every time the city getting them something it's taken away. it's only a matter of time. and so, you know, i'm proud of them for seeing this through with us has been, you know,
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a 4 year journey at this point and it's going to continue. and thankfully around this beautiful side of it. i was thrilled to wake up on sunday morning to see that it was number one, floating digital. what do you understand? what a really great routine, what did you face the when you, when you saw? yes, i did it as i can do the show what i was actually . i mean everyone was texting me. i didn't even have to take that rule. i don't find it. oh my god, lou. oh, all right, so, so the agent exploded uh its on netflix right. now, so you can watch on netflix a little bit of the story line. so it's a fictional story. its based on greg's book bought. yeah. it is based on real life up and cowboys, not just one's in philadelphia, but one thing brooklyn were around the united states where people realize that this still that so that's a question here is really uh yeah, yeah, go ahead with the re ricky, the why are you i'm because best. yeah, yeah,
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i'm not really slow to see like, i was just trying to like respond to people on instagram and there's the cowboy in burbank, the black, cowboy of the community of black houses and they actually all gathered at their barn to watch the film on opening night and he was sending me pictures and it pulled up the, you know, other uh cowboys and cowgirls around philly, but yeah, these communities do exist across the country and do face the same perils that fletcher street. ready a thing and so, so yeah, you know, when they, when they came out. yeah. you know, and i traveled around the country, what i thought was this little subculture that exist really, you know, black riders came out to see me everywhere from new york to l. a. to seattle camp uh chicago st. louis like every corner of the united states, they would come out to see me on the horses. no teenagers, goats. and it was a really beautiful thing of like, oh this is like a real thing. yeah. menu started to find out about, you know,
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this incredibly rich history of like how boys in the old west, you know, and where, you know, one and 4 tab boys are black and, and batteries. they've been the basis for the lone ranger and all the stories is pretty remarkable. we were given a lot of people and a slave and greg aaron and ricky, and did they show because they going to be going okay for that cowboys and black towel goes, this is k to she is a school teacher, greg. and she has a question precisely see you have a listen and then also of what of the back of a video or comment. so little bit of a back story. my students and i are the past few years, have read ghetto cowboy handbook clubs, and my students are actually scheduled to have an office visit with mr. neary last year by the the office, the circumstances he was unable to attend. so this exciting, i still get to pose one of their questions. so i'm assuming i sense would like to
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know what was the hardest part about changing your book into a film. a lot of size offers a very close to their work. and now when you have a found that you're going to make you have other people who give their input. so what was the most challenging part during that whole process? well, luckily for ricky, i started off. is it to make your so i knew the difference between a book and a movie and that anyone who literally translates book is not gonna end up with a good movie. probably. so to me, the most important thing is to if you say yes to, to make sure that you let them do their job and try not to bug them too much. and so for me was mostly like he is production company was in the area. he knew the community. yeah. understood the issues. you know, the most important thing that, you know, you want to us the represent. this community is people. and the issues they deal
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with. and you know, you have an interest in assess the trust and all these things that i was interested in. and so to me, like i could see you have the same instincts and the same drive and research to tell this story. so, you know, once i heard back and it's like, yes, go ahead. you know, of course i will say some things, but you know, i didn't ever expect him to actually do any of those suggestions as long as i just add ons. okay. so all right, sounds good. yeah, it is obvious when we, when we low cost or free, if you, if you, the, your coach in your background is going to be to some graphics going to be different, some errands, agnew, $8.00, also on youtube. people should be telling their own history didn't have to wait for someone to tell the world your history. the ways that you, what rick a was really interesting, the way that you got into the community. there was a phrase in the states about is, is this past and going to be invited to the cookouts. you went to manage the house
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. and i see on the account card is good for the rest of the are basically it was, it is i'm going to explain for the rest of what is like you will have a family gabrielle, would you invite someone from outside of your family outside of your culture to come to that family gathering. that is the sole say, how did you get your lifetime invitation to the cook out wiki? what did you do? it really was, you know, as eric it was aaron. it was mailed in place parents and the family member said it was all these folks about one by one you know, to give eric credit. you know, he was the 1st one that said, if you're going to come around, you gotta stay around, you know, and so i remember the 1st time i went down to fletcher street, he made me get up on a horse and said, that's the 1st theatre you gotta prove that they upon a r c which that was my 1st time on a horse ever him washed and not worth the arts car. terrifying by the way. but i
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definitely did it. and then he, you know, he didn't buy me to the barbecue. we would just hang out, but i was well aware of what it meant to be entrusted to be telling that story and why, you know, when i approached greg, i said collectively we love your book. i loved a lot of things about the black one. i loved the characters the way that there was an in to the story, but i think it was going to be most helpful for the community that it was a fictionalized tail. that, that way we can incorporate a fuller body like the legacy of fletcher street, all the cowboys and cowgirls. it was helpful for them to have this framework where we weren't trying to do like a documentary about current day. and so the process became really beautiful because all these voices became additive and, and the more that may influence the adaptation, the more i felt like it was going to be true and authentic in my delivery of it. because i said that the eric and mill were my closest collaborators, that you know, i know i can direct, i know i can write, i know i have the pounds,
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but i have not lived your stories. so you need to need to be a condo. it for those, for all those pals, you know, so it's from sitting around a barbecue to, you know, aaron took me to the auction to, i mean, literally introducing me to anyone and everyone who could sit and lend the near to . and that part of it was i was like 2 or 3 years of that was so beautiful. i'll see. you did a lot of luck getting into the or sell going to yeah. yeah. before the but i was like, oh no it's when did you like what it was like, are you having other people come in trying to tell these stories? um, we're pretty, pretty much used to what you see people come through all of the time and then they get there a little a product or tell there's little short story and you know,
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they give you a check. they don't really, you know, care. so you know, when i met ricky, i'm like, okay, here we go again. so, but it wasn't like, you know, getting to know him and, and what they were about and you could tell him they were really genuine with everything they were doing. and they really care to even try to come take the next that because you these, you know, writers and everything that the community fees, you know, we don't have a voice. so him telling our story and putting us out there means the world to us. um cuz it isn't and forgotten and culture that's in the process of being wiped away as we speak. so ricky, dan, the whole neighborhood family, they always have a cook out card. and always i'm hoping that their personal doors to ask you their, their offices, their home. so or is there an amazing group of guys do i?
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he's go to town with his nazi and mary is watching the show right now. i am guessing is a relative such a great movie, especially right now. so it congrats, ricky, and of course my bro, brother, is that right now or an errand? can you talk about how many kids are involved in writing a talk about the funding needed? i would, i'm just going to put out this year, raising money for a permanent stable. if you watch the movie, you'll see the cowboys in the categories. they lose that tongue, but i say we never lose our assembly like we all fine a. but if you look, see, i'm web posted as well on i a j students to the page, raising money for a permanent stable so that you can support the real life cowboys and cowgirls of philadelphia. ricky, greg error, and it's been fun writing with you today. thank you so much. you 2 of us. thank you for the questions. the number one hit film on netflix right here on my laptop,
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concrete, cowboy, thanks for watching everybody. i see you next time the the stories of hope and inspiration. show a document to ease from around the world that celebrates colleen and resilience in
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the times of the out on the,
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the reports of gunfire in government, senior military officers say the army seized control officer, controversial vote, gives the president a 3rd term. the i'm about to send and this is obviously a life from don't have also coming up a 1000000 in salt it up grace for impact. how it can evaluate as a hit as a category forced on in the next few hours.


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