tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 30, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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please, history to women, go head to head for the top joke. september on al jazeera, discover the difference stories diversity, which is the selection for this news from across the network of gen g 0. the the hello i, my name's site is the new the life coming up in the next 60 minutes. military offices in gamble and have fees control and put the president on the house arrest off the controversial votes, gave him a said to the crew has been followed by celebrations on the streets of the capital . neighborville, with large crowds cheering the ministry. russia admit that minute
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sweet transport at costs have been damaged in one of the largest for an attack, finding trains. and so we began millions in the florida brace for impacts. hurricane valley is expected to strengthen into categories for storm when it lands and a few hours. i'm far as small with this ford as defending champion. carlos al cortes reach us. the 2nd round at the us open the spaniard as the absence after his opponent dominant. confir retired with an ankle injury midway through the match. the hello welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news out of the capital on way . a group of senior military leaders have announced they are in charge of the country and i put the president on the house. the rest that's just days off the
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controversial election in the oil rich african nation. the ministry need is a paid on national television to announce the cancellation of sas, today's election results. the electoral commission had said the president added bulger one a said to him in office. the military say they've also dissolved on institutions. well, as you can see that announcements for it gets celebrations on the streets of the capital liberal bill. hundreds of people turned out that's been criticism off the governments for the way south. today's election was organized as well in a moment will speak to all the correspondence covering the story for us. we have catherine story. here is in kenya's capital, nairobi we have that address, who is in need me in ms. jen. natasha. butler will have a reaction from uh from uh but let's start with the correspond to nicholas hack. who is in that call in
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a moment will speak to him. let's get this report now from stephanie deca. i still says you have enough us, but i thought it was just before 6 am when double and woke up to this big, glad that you often new thing, irresponsible, unpredictable governance which results that it continues. deterioration of social cohesion, the risks leading the country to close. today, the 13th of august, 2023. in the name of the governor and his people we. the committee of the transition and the restoration of institutions have decided to defend the piece, putting an end to the receiving place. so this your senior military officers appearing on national television announcing the seizure of power neg not happen to know if the countries election body announced that president of the bundle had won a 3rd term in office. many people in the capital of naperville are celebrating the news. i'm not in the industry of the bones because people are being very frustrated
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for yes. looking at the way when they are in the kind of focused vision of, well, all of the using the country and also look at the lack of access to business social services. they've got to be trimmed the majority in general for majority in the countries on all the engines, and either things which i have left do to suggest are we seeing now the opposition candidates complained of missing by the papers for the general election on saturday . right, so we're going to stations condemn the bond on foreign media and international observers. government leaders caught internet access and impose the night for a few off to the elections, raising concerned about transparency. both previous wins by bongo, were also challenged as fortune and by opposition. candidates, phone go, has ruled oil rich come on since his father and previous president died in 2009.
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the family has governed the country for 56 years. while ago suffered a stroke in 2018 which incapacitated him for almost a year. increasing calls for him to step aside, failed to attempt followed and 2019 soldiers who mutinied or killed or jailed the bones borders and now closed and all state institutions dissolved stephanie decker, o g 0. well as permits. let's go to nicholas hack 1st. he joins us now from cot. nicholas, you've been covering central west western african countries for a long time. unfortunately, it seems we have lost nicholas hack. let's speak to our correspondent met address, who is in neighbouring naomi, which is the capital of nevada. where last month the ministry also took over power . what is the assessment from where you are in ms yet? how will they be viewing the events of this morning in couple so
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yeah, they are elated that at least one of the applicant countries following in the footsteps of these year after looking at fossil guinea and 1st of all, molly's now a lot of them say that this illusion, and they are disappointed in a french role in africa, especially in front of west africa. and they blame the french, particularly so could new doing with their own, with the leaders sort of to sort of destroy the countries uh, economical, lee and politically. and they want mostly worried about what was happening around them in terms of what types of my, i'm goose in this account. especially now they felt that the presence of french forces in those countries was enough to deal with the problem a time. despite that, these are types continue on countries like major continue to so far or bear the
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brunt of attacks of such organizations. all i do, i got you that and i so now the reaction, so yeah, we haven't heard anything yet from the military or so i'll just see that. but again, this is concerning to west african lead us economic community of west africa states and especially the african union. although government is not a member of the economic community of west africa state. but people and leaders in the region are working closely to see how these impact and whether or not within the last of such schools in west africa, in central africa. and then i just real concerned that was real close on actually in this region in particular that these could be contagious and it could spread very quickly. ok, thank you for that. i'm. it's interest that for us in, naomi while the wealth has begun, reacting to that to in good bone. we've had from the french prime minister elizabeth for not. she said that the bone was a full. my colonial verda fronds was
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a full my clue. colonial rule. oscar bone and they have been watching the situation that very closely. china is cooling for the safety of president phone, go to be guaranteed by the qu, latest, and we've had from the use foreign policy chief, joseph morales, has expressed concern for the stability of the entire region. often yet another minute treat to let's speak now to nicholas hot. uh, we have him again. he joins us from uh, dot com and sent it out. as i was saying earlier, nicholas, you've been covering this region extensively for very long time. what do you make of the events of the morning, especially now that we're hearing that the president of the bone go on thing but is now on the house arrest as well. we know that the presidential guard the, the, the, the military crew paramilitary group that's meant to protect, to all the bone go,
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are securing key strategic locations of the capital. so they're surrounding the presidential palace, the national assembly, and also the neighborhood of that 70 year, which is where all the bone go lives. now, this is certainly something that many people had feared, but it were anticipating there was so much resentment against the bunker review. this regime that has been in power for the, for over 50 years. now, what's interesting is then we solve this announcement made on national television. we saw members of the presidential guards, but also members of the military, the infantry, the police. it seems that the security forces team determined and united to, as they said, bring an end to the bone go regime and that provoke people to go on the streets despite the curfew. this morning, people came out on the streets, chanting get bone is liberated, as it can hear,
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also chanting the name of bruce will mcgee, who is the head of the presidential guard who is the demand that has been speaking on national television. and that has it now instead of the button go, was arrested. certainly a lot of people that have business interest with the country will be watching those events unfolding carefully there. it'll be china and france, moline. yeah, it's interesting, you talked about the reaction of the people to ads, the bunker regime. it's also interesting that i live on the sun has also been arrested. tell us a bit more about the historical situation in the country and why people so was resentful of that leadership well, it, it's really interesting to see how there is a difference in the reaction between the people that on the streets celebrated the end of the bunk bed regime and the mutant reaction from coming from the european
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union, but also from france of former colonial power because of the bung go, has signed a lot of deals with multinational companies that are in france. and so all those, those business deals linked to the mining and the, or it will all be re negotiated put into question if all the bone goes regime has, if it's confirmed that you don't go, has been deposed. there's a lot of celebrations on the streets because a lot of people have not seen that wealth of being trickle down to the people on the streets of good bones, a country where most people live on less than $2.00 a day. and yet that is a country that is one of the biggest ex, border of oil in africa, in that iniquity between the rich and the port has fueled this resentment against the bunker regime. that scene is a routine that served only served the people, the family and, and, and the friends of all the bung go. now i interviewed him in 2017 an address that
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there was a crisis after the election results came out with i mean, certain areas, people who had 199.9 percent of the votes. now a lot of people in the opposition put into question the outcome and the results of the of that then natalie burger had told me at the time he would address the issue of unemployment. but certainly under, during that time between 2017 and now the centers have gone from bad to worse for the people in good point. and that's why you have such a popular uprising of popular support over this cru, moline nicholas' hoc, that for us in a send, a go reporting that from the co. no, it's interesting that nicholas was talking about the new to the french reaction, where we are actually getting a statement now coming through from the french government spokesman saying that france reaffirms the wish that the results of the good boned elections should be respected. so good. they go on to say that they condemn the crew in
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a good bone. let's speak to natasha butler, who is in paris so that we action coming through just in the last few seconds from the french government. clearly making that view and about that too loud and clear. yes, we'll save hearing that reaction just as you read it out. scenario we heard from phones is 5 minutes and is before them saying the faults of watching the situation very closely. i mean, none of those reactions are much of much surprise. i mean, frauds will be watching the situation closely. it has this very long history with a capital and it's colonial policy. and those ties, i'll still very strong and have seen between powers and the leadership in naperville. we're talking about them go and just on the phone, go what we have seen in the past few hours of reactions,
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also from some major french multinational companies in a double and including post all entities and saying very watching the situation carefully to say how prioritizing the safety of uh the people who work for them also be fired from a major french mining company error message. this is in devil. i'm saying that they've suspend days out for ration to see how the situation evolves. no, historically, the relationship between naperville and empowers really has represented in a way this false african relationship, this historical relationship between from, between powers on naperville but was very much capitalized by former french persons, including jacques chirac or nicholas so cozy with the bone go family. it's the was a network of toys on the lines this between phones and capital pulse of a clever new legacy. once that is presented by people in gamble that is given rise
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to anti french sentiments. that is also a mentor for a number of people. the phones of also said it is time to put this false. i freak relationship to page and that's certainly something the person michael has spoken about to natasha. we've talked in the past about this, increasingly anti french sentiments we're seeing in a number of the west african nations more know to be in the chat recently. how is that going down in from so mean, how do they navigate that historical relationship with these countries and how they go forward? well, clearly it's very difficult person my call emanuel. my call is a young leader who says that he was own offset from, says, criminal history if you like. and he says, which is a french staff or her is different from paul's french presence and false french
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leaders. in fact, in naperville, he would say in march, he fits the city, it was for an environmental summit. there's a time for some my calls that is concerned. the page on this all set faces old relationship. it was founded on the pulse of from seas of fools african countries as equal partners, intensive business and politics net from less. of course, it is not always seen like bass and phones is continuing presence in a number of african countries. isis remitted, 3 faces a, with a huge multinational companies that have seen in these countries for many years, making the most of the resources that for faster schools feels a sense of falls when they go some of the privileges that it is had because of its colonial legacy, so it is a difficult situation to navigate uh, full frauds and really see this the situation in gap on now what has happened in these? yeah, it is, no doubt, an extremely uncomfortable situation for powers as ash
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a butler that for us in power as thank you. let's go to now i robi now where we can speak to catherine story. catherine, you are actually supposed to be in double and is in the last week or so for that presidential election, which is pretty much the center of what has been happening. but you didn't end up going because you didn't receive any quotation. tell us what happened. and so we're trying to get this accreditation for about 3 weeks now, but it wasn't happening at all. and it's not just international media houses that was denied to that success. it's also observers international observers like the us and the european union and so on. so they were denied accreditation to go and observe the elections. and because of that, a lot of people that we spoke to the income born say that they felt that the
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election would not be free and fed. and we've been talking to voters throughout the election period. the come pains and uh, the uh, the voting itself. and they said that they do not feel like it will be fair. and we also so of the president in ali both during his last campaign he said that he and some people were trying to over through the government. and we saw that said the ruling party officials while very uncomfortable about what has been happening inga born, especially after of she of position personalities riley behind one of position the candidate of presidential
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candidate. and so a lot of people in the ruling party felt very g 30 about that. and that's how we so this uh, the internet look down the cost fuse and so on. and people became very frustrated. now i was in the born in 2016 and at the time the election was disputed, then then opposition needs. as john p, i say that the election was weeks that was post selection violence. several people were killed many people or was injured as well as from that time we. so people who are very, very distraught, dis this from disgruntled and you know, as we moved on to the yet and up to now people say that they're very frustrated because they don't think that they so the changes that they won't promised.
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okay, catherine, so a that for us in nairobi. thank you. let's get more reaction. we can speak to them a gay who is in africa. i'm let's see, joins us now from dustin dall. thank you for your time. firstly, i just wanted to get your reaction to the events of this morning. this crew that has taken place in the bone, the president of the bunker, we're learning now is on the house. the rest, as is his son that's been announced on the statement read on national television. was this something you were expecting the this was the, the does it the on the way and he just happened not even myself. i or my facebook page that the you are the full used to these over a that was clearly something that any of the stories serious about of the conformity would see it happening in the community. are the blue was normal, the hospital before produces in gone. he was not accepted by people positions that
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was this time we don't really to be on the mid cuz we did a bit on the apple. so then also there was the problem became audible and phones even when, when 2 days ago, the division speaker said that there was attempt to be organized, you must divided between mazda of elk grove and your position. so you're trying to create the conditions to come down or deal with you soon and to probably get another picture. the point is, uh, not a big deal at this time at all. the ministry do realize that this was the of the for the, it was not the any, but you've told we've talked a lot this morning about how this is yes. another west african country that has gone, gone down this road in recent months with military to is it to what extent you think
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is, is, is that a part of the issue here, or is this mostly down to an institutional crisis within the country of the most is not the west african country. google is part of something i'll pick up this for not 6 to the heart. bit of francis presumes is up. we got this how good was known to be the players for this 5 for the free missionaries to internal policies. business is covered by the french government to come to google and benefit from the upcoming breast city with the other global shifting gears and jointly do want to come on was given away from from that also more about the customer issues
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to avoid the discussion on democracy because people who are in self as been the phone book from the is the the person they come to the end of the oh, my bill, it wouldn't go minute. but you would be comfortable in 2009 or for my bill. but either when the night or this under michael, well, what are we screwed from? the way off of up to 2016. did you didn't. when did or to get something before the good union and this time around. good. the we're not going to, we don't want is the difference between what happened in google and what is really happening in west africa countries. nothing. what is happening is the same for the we see that in the countries we don't know are there was into it. and
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that's what creates the prescriptions and the good for me to go into a vision to pick the product and these days in which used to be just to the end of the not, not, not, not is none of the union where run me. we don't do the what submitted, we move. the reason no is in favor of african say they are in favor of me. the typical, according to approve of them is also this is what they have been doing and that is the individual who wants to talk to the country, to sauces, democracy and prevent it from happening. so that is why the population double be sort of crazy because of these, where these i forget who was not there yet. what about from the sub you
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know about and the, the immunization differences as well as the walking into, up to the fucking and interrupt. let's pick up on friends because we have had from the front this morning saying that they condemn the coach, which is underway in components. so they've made that clear their feelings very clear. the. oh, how far do you think france will go to intervene? yeah, but process good. then we move services to begin to money these it, they have been showing them. i've been bringing all the community to mobilize this before making this time at all the about bringing the community to be a business. make it because everybody know that the federal government and the printer should get people to put up with the wrong now. but i
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know most of the former people in the summer time, but this time it is we do go 57 years of money. so no button probably needed to be to risk to other google the or the other city, not on the inside of what is the. because if you want to use some go from it. so this is a do not see the, and that's why somehow into a lot makes it very happy. but this happened, it was to that was waiting to happen, which people accidentally is up in no way as well. but the minutes that when miners organized demographic televisions interactions the materials through google, because this is what we used to go to. but it was on monday, these items all the resources. but you know, it's been on the, on the,
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i have to do a better one. okay. the chromebook and is the computer once every bit of that is the end of this, if you to and people are doing so. yeah, the, the, i, i really appreciate your time a down like a uh, applicant homeless. speaking it to us that from dustin to of now we can speak to gloria because she's a european spokeswoman for the presidential candidates on the ortho. she joins this via skype from athens. so you represent the opposition in cabal on what is your reaction to be the crew that's taking place this morning? well 1st of all, i would like to say that despite the poor voting conditions that everybody weakness ollie's bone go on the buzz rain of 14 years, we're able to see that the people that obviously his own people have decided to hold for change. because the, the results that we manage to gather clearly we,
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we continually witness a meeting that was to have a meeting for him to bear. and that's why we were cut from the internet. that's why there was a refusal to have like an international observers and journalist in government because they wanted to organize fraud as they used to do it in the past. what change today? we have a very historical moment in double right now, is that for once, the arm, the, the, the armed forces have chosen not to pay to blow the repression against the people in the 1st time. but they have chosen to stand up side by side with the people and celebrate these big to reach. so that's why they could not tolerate these proteins results that were proclaimed and they chose to stand by the people. okay, what i can say so, so just say we're just to people as so you as a member of the opposition, which took part in those recent elections. but when i are in support of this
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group that i cannot speak today for the coalition, because i was not able to reach out to them. what i can say is that we can see in the video, the expression of a population that is congratulations in the military forces, who's thinking of them to finally free them from these oppressive regime. so right now, anybody can witness that it's a very positive i'm beyond, there's nothing but it's, there's no violence people are celebrating. i think that this in itself is the expression of this code for change that the government is people have been calling for so long. and if today a to for the military forces, after waiting for 3 days of silence. and after hearing the story done, folding up the results that were proclaimed this morning. it took a lot of patients from all of us to ask them to really measure their
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responsibility in front of the history. and what is the legacy that telephone go? we'd like to leave either we choose to preserve double in a peaceful way, and that's what we are seeing right now. there's no blood, there's no blood, nobody has been killed. everything seems to be very peaceful and we can only see the expression of the happiness of the governor's people. and that's all i would have to say for now. what if i would have? what have, what about what happens next? do you have faith that the military can organize themselves and organize the democratic transition? right now that's always be what we can pray for. right. okay. gloria, i appreciate your time, flora mika, european spikes, who minutes and the presidential candidates, the opposition presidential candidates on the also a okay, we can now speak to michael and now he is a senior visiting fellow at the london school of economics. he joins us now from
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london. i appreciate your time, michael. so firstly, your reaction to the events of this morning, the crew that's taking place in the bone. most people i've been speaking to haven't been very surprised, is that your reaction as well? yes indeed, this is my are actually and i'm, i'm not surprised at all. i would say this is, this is like the francophone spring. i mean, we probably are actually in business. this is the front of which sprint, where by the active strengths that you mentioned the number of countries is not having to something that you fact from money to book. and of course the, to the jet and to go. if you look across the, ask a question, the movement across from you've done that, i looked on the criteria and the the which is, is probably every single country where you find a credit based on that says she or press those down being in that station. bill or
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so, and it would appear that you know, the front of the countries that see result position extensions. and these heads of the different rules for years and for 20 years and counting to go the girl, right, the present is actually maoris for the presidential 10. and i'm getting ready for the 51 in 2025. and it just tires on and on. and on and on, and i think that the clinton is the people are just not happy with the song. this one is ways of presidential expectations and corruption and this money to manage. and the security problem, let me start rolling out to be delivered arrangements. well, as we saw in the arm spring, there was a lot of excitement when it 1st took place. but the, the, the weeks and months and he is off to hops, didn't materialize as many of the people would have wanted to do using that as well . so going to be the case in a good phone. i mean, we've got the ministry now we've carried out this crew. what happens next?
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you think they can organize themselves to have a democratic transition. it has to be definitely something to be key words definitely try seasonally and give themselves just a little bit of time to organize it for the next few went by the electronic commission wouldn't be independent enough to be enough to basically tell me the results of company well, no, to help me, definitely start each story on this one. the next thing in the last you 3 elections, the government well now is about for security reasons with something down a minute, but he's actually looking for security reasons. why is this? the one provides official policy. so now the electrical upset was the independently coordinates, the election results. you know how to go and tell me and tell it as we find, if possible, to why we sort of age made up raise our hope is you should have made some clear to the results. the government comes out to announce version of the results. any posey
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upon the population and that's why the restart that is the investment. tell you with for security reasons, but it's actually not easy because they was ricky ivy with this time around them. but actually i decided not to talk with disabled. and it's quite interesting because dublin is one of the 1st countries mass. how that would be to bass always support to be president all the way from my phone, my phone go from the 90 sixty's and it's part of the trip to bass. the money for this time should come out and, and organize that against the astonishment if you will. okay. but to speak to michael m o s senior visiting fellow at the london school of economics. speaking to us that from london of the
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okay, i want to bring you some of the news because a course in zambia has been i bail to 11 suspects facing smuggling corruption and espionage charges. 5 options were among the men arrested for entering a restricted zone. atlas saca airports happened 2 weeks off to the seizure of a private across the police found guns munition millions of dollars in cash as well as a gold on board with that plane on egypt. a geminus covering the story was detained and questioned by police. let's go to all correspond her matessa who is in her right in neighbouring as in. bob weigh a lot of moving parts to this story. if you could, if you could just sort of recap to us exactly what is going on here. well, the isn't much information, but this is what we know sofa someone at the airports in the socket. got suspicious
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and alerted zagging authorities in these places inside the and they found got with what looks like a good argument broke out. and several people arrested sums ambiance and some egyptian nationals. the gold was taken to a lab off to testing. it turned out that was fake, it was some of the kind of narrow, but that does not explain the gun. so that means a hoping that they'll get more information once the actual court proceedings progressed. they've been denied bail. now people waiting to hear a course of a when the court is actually going to start so the, this is now turning into a benefit, diplomatic incidents. took us through why that's happening of what is happening because the lawyers will, 1st of all we're getting from officials was on the ground, is the lawyer speaking on behalf of the egyptians that'd be in the race. and the lawyers have been saying that they feel that the, that vanessa,
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i was just trying to keep these nationals in the country because they want to, i suppose, try and find out for the more information about what happened. they feel that they nationals should be sent back to egypt and they would need it to be sent back to zambia. then that should be done, samuel thought, to say that these guys may not come back to the country and to see the reason why they would charge with is not just spying, is because they ended up unrestricted zone at the airport. some of that been think this is just deployed by the states to keep these people in the country, but on the whole, the general sense much in the soccer and in databases that people are generally happy about these. a res correction is a big issue and the people want the government to do more about it. so when present teacher data came with the power in 2021. he's a technical corruption is gonna be one of his top priorities. but some people see this as one way of trying to do that. okay, hold on a task. so thank you. thank you
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. crane has launched what appears to be the biggest wave of strikes into rushes since stopped as the war targets included at ports. some ministry plains were reportedly destroyed. no casualties have been reported. russia has hit back with stripes on the cranium, capital keys here, all the 6 regions in motion the ukrainians were able to hit the pass code region near the stony and boldest off of the most damage launch fiber accounts and apples to all the regions. reports of minimal damage with most drones shot down rushes attack on key killed at least 2 people on ukrainian drones targeted these 6 regions in russian territory. as i was saying, pest cold city was hottest hits a launch. fi assaulted as an add ports where several ministry planes were reportedly damaged and will also tax name moscow,
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which led to flights of several airports being suspended for the south. the reports of drones being shot down in briana can you get audio and we as on regions. now the attacks went unusually deep into russian territory. i'm a mock of major escalation and ukraine's use of drone with that. okay, let's go to your shop of another whose life for us in most gay, what is what you're saying about this attack as well, as you mentioned last nights was a turbulent night here in russia as new as during that time. so we reported in many so many regions, and the probate goal is the boldest one, was at an ad based in scope. and of course there was a reaction from russian foreign ministry, sparks women. maria is a hara she cold that talks kids, terrorist activity and that they would not be left some punished. she didn't
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specify the kind of punishment shipment. sure said that the drugs, some of which a strong the base and schools could not have covered such distances without intelligence from western countries, while cremeans poke spots and to meet her. best quote has said that the russian miniature expos and now investigating the launch positional veterans that attacks they pulled and called in order to take the measure as a hillside, that's a rush which continued its special mutual preparation to roger case, terrorist threats from ukraine. he didn't mention that they were absolutely not a drug of tax and russian soil before the operation. and the ministry of defense was announcing all night long. that's all the drug of tax in central russia were pounds, but they did not mention the strike only they've schools at port whatsoever. so we can say that's probably is been the the launch has a bunch of attacks and this is. 1 to be conflicts in ukraine and the most
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significant ones apparently took place at the field in coal for in the, the north west of russia. closer to the eastern in boulder, at least 20 drugs were involved in that attack. and according to information, we have 4 heavy transport, a 76 across has been destroyed and it says a mass of blood, it's a must of last flourish, has been sure ation as it will be really, really hard to restore them. and the current conditions, as there was sanctions against the russia to do you put of love of the for us in most go, let's get reaction from the keys and we can hear from ro mcbride. and as always, the ukraine, you know, authority is not commenting directly on these attacks in russia, describing the merely as accidents taking place on russian soil. but the also what you said do regard these russian advices as being legitimate targets and it does follow it increase on the tax on these spaces over the weekend. there was an attack
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on an ad phase close to the city. of course, that's just over a 100 kilometers north of ukrainian boulder, just inside russia, when, according to ukraine, you know, southeast have 5 russian jets were damaged on the ground to bite drones. just over a week ago again, there was another attack, a deep inside russia, a close to st. petersburg kind of a drone attack on an ad base that reportedly either destroyed or at least badly damaged, a long rain, supersonic, a boma that was on the ground. it does a pose the possibility that these drone strikes deep inside rush. i mean that ukraine is operating much more sophisticated, more powerful drones a bit fly right across the russian territories. all that this is the work of covert groups using again, sophisticated smaller drones inside rushed through itself, but again, getting past rushing, defensive overnight. that was the what's being described as the largest attack by
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drones and missiles since the spring hearing keith. early in the morning, just before don't want a series of loud explosions woke up much of the city. you'll sorry to say that a total of mold and 40 missed 1000 drones were used coming from all different directions that old but one drove a would. this was destroyed, but with the amount of a folding debris there was damage reported in sweet districts inside. keep 6 homes outside key were also reported damaged with reports of casualties with several people, either killed or injured rob mcbride. i'll just say era chief in the buttons investing capital stock of the families of victims of fullest disappearances variety to the amount they were. ton human rights groups blamed security forces for motors, 600 phillips disappearances in the past 14 years. and families accused the government of harassment to try and force them to remain silent about what has happened. 100 calorie has more. the family members of the victims over enforce
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disappearance of gather that the freedom fighters, memorial auditorium. so organized by my doc, essentially mothers cause victims. i had worked as a girl which was farming 2013 by me. 5 others and sisters and family members of the victims family, they're here to suggest is they've been doing that for every uh they want to know the word about the family member and kind of answer to this. that's a parent. many of the political party members, many of them are average people where it picks up on subspace. thousands of belonging to political bodies, one or the other. yeah, there is no answer. the government on is 5 phase. this paper disappeared on their own willing. and either for financial reasons or because of family fields even went on to say that some of them died in the mediterranean sea while trying to migrate to europe. but the answer lies on the witnesses 6
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a day before that and the family members themselves. that said, they have the same people pick them up and uniform sometime in play because sometimes it's caught in the face with e commerce associates a big camera. yeah, the law enforcement agency is denied that even so much so many of the victims families have come under scrutiny, intimidation, and harassment, and recent days to withdraw their case. the author said that they're missing on their own despite all days. there's no just says there's no answer. some cases about is where i found later some cases, some of the victims did return, but not they're not willing to talk because of reprisals yet ahead of the general election. the political situation in times, the opposition and the other party is as well as this group is very intense, that on thinking answer and wanting just a for their missing family members. from each of the i'll just say dot com that we can speak to me. knock, she gonzales. she's the deputy director of asia with human rights watch. she's in
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new delhi. she's alive for us. good to speak to a so bundle dash authorities as we had no report back from town ton farrah repeatedly denied the security forces of commissions these enforced disappearances . what is your take on that? i thank you for having me. yes, the, the bundle dish government has repeatedly is reporters funding just said not only denied these these very serious allegation, but has also at times did right that these, the families claim that, that the people that can disappear the integrity are made from committed cases from debt to some of the level level says it is really an insulting and also re for by the government to respond to something that is so egregious, these off time due to the reading for their loved ones to return. now on most, for decades there's a lot of these families have done a lot to raise awareness of the plight. to the extent that we've had
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a divided administration, for example, in post sanctions and visa bands on some of these top commanders who've allegedly been behind these disappearances. how successful has that been? with the sanctions. the us government issued sanctions in 2021 and got on on the, on the human rights. the december test print printing fine. immediately after we saw a drop, a significant drop in force disappeared and says, no batch. that shows that the government and security forces do have control over these abuses that they can control them. the cancer doctor, since then disappeared is, has been reduced. however, they still find cases of bundle for the tensions as elections come up. the opposition to the position has begun. it's going to be and be finding that a number of members are being picked up taken into custody. again,
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family members are not informed of but they are now being produced and coached or, or not being released, but they're being tortured while they're in custody. so you mentioned the election factor, apologies, and you touched on the election that is coming up. i mean, to what extent is this issue a force disappearance is going to be a sort of a nail in the coffin for the government to fund the dash. a reminder, the citizens have also been demanding for some time that they once seen say elections because of the previous 2 have been considered and not, not up to international standards by, by independent observers. and therefore, this time round, they do want an opportunity for, for, to try to cost a was to choose their leaders in a, in, in an environment without fear. and in that the target these have to ensure that the opposition members are able to campaign and pronounce their, their views and their, and also their choices. unfortunately, we have finding that particular position rallies are often targeted by police and
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by owning party supporters. the judge that i see that it came to several cases of extreme entities that have been suffered. and of course, as i mentioned, there are these uh, these allegations of, of tortured in custody. not prove in the previous elections, particularly near on to 2014 evictions. immediately prior to that, they were splitting different force. disappeared is a number of people who are the organizers of my job. the group that uh your product was talking about are still waiting for the vin number and so will picked up in december of 2013. when they were, when they, when they disappeared, often in front of witnesses and the government has continued denied them due ninety's incidents or has no, it has not given any reason to the family and has not released these people. it's close to the end of the head. been actually going go to the deputy director of asia with human rights watch in new denny. thank you. thank you.
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pertaining to data is expected to strengthen into a more powerful category for store when it hits the us state of florida in a few hours when i expense a warning of what they called in on the precedent and event. later in the day, the storm has intensified over nights where the closing flooding and some coastal areas, and that is already cause widespread damage in cuba, where 2 people were killed. jay gray has moved from gainesville as well. we continue to see the outer bands of vidalia moving through this area, and with that you get some significant rain at times. a bit of a break right now, the wind does pick up. that's all going to change dramatically over the next several hours here. when it will be constant, hurricane force when pushing what is a driving rain into this area? an area that has a lot of free, so we expect to see a lot of down trees and power lines. that's going to be a problem along the coast where this thing makes land fall. expect the 3rd well to
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16 feet, a wall of water moving into that area. that could be catastrophic, obviously, 5500 national guard troops have been deployed there in place and ready to move in. we've also got power crews from across the country. they're stage just outside of the strikes on and they will be coming in to help out and repair what is expected to be a pretty serious problem with the lack of power. and that could extend for several days and some of the low lying areas, if not weeks, the university of florida is located here in gainesville. so obviously a lot of concern with all of the students and faculty here most have been asked to leave those that decided not to they've got to now shelter in place as the storm is expected to move through. clear rough next couple of hours here. we do expect the storm to push through throughout the day and then the work of, of assessing what's happened and trying to get back. we'll begin right now though, everyone waiting and watching a value. the still ahead on the out is there
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the this time is for is for molly and thank you so much. the welcome kathy scandal continues with louise. rebel is still refusing to resign as spanish football federation president, members of the media were allowed into a church in his hometown where his mother is on hunger strike. she says she'll continue until a solution is bound to what she calls the inhumane treatment of her son. she is now
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suspended in under pressure to step down for kissing spanish player jennifer her most so without her consent to chris. all right, all the continues to hit the target and the savvy pro league, he scored the 2 penalties for on us are in there for know when over i'll shut bob. the portuguese also set up a goal for his teammate sadie omani, and he could have gone for a hat trick when they were awarded another penalty for the lead of door montgomery take it instead which proves to be a mistake as he had supposed. so rinaldo is least top score with 5 goals in 2 games decided america where a couple of liberty doors game was delayed when the players were affected by tear gas, which was being used outside of the stadium to deal with a riot. and our valencia scored all the goals for brazilian hub international to send them into the semi finals. the equity were striker score one in the 1st slide and 2 in the 2nd against olivia inside of boulevard international will play either
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brazil's fluency or a pair of wise olympia, defending champion and top seed. carlos alvarez had an easy victory on route to the 2nd round of the us open the spaniards opponent, dement called for rolled his ankle just minutes into the match. the german was forced to retire in the 2nd set with a 20 year old leading 6 to 32 outcries who lost his number one ranking to know back junk of it. earlier this week is bidding to become the 1st man just to defend his us open crown. since roger federer, who won 5 straight crowns from 2004 to 2013, daniel met with dell draw up just 2 games. and it's 1st round when the russian meeting actually at baylash of hungry met with i've won this tournament in 2021. the only grand slam title of his career so far. 2012, a champion and memory was history sites, winter feet. the 3 time grand slam champion, beating frances current in lou tate and 3 set mery hasn't gone beyond round 3 at
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a major since 2017 or was retirement grandson's final is almost a borrower has started her latest effort to win a major title. the 10 is in is 3. so the 2nd round at the us open a last year is run. iraq look to be struggling with her a breathing at times during your match against columbia's camelia of for you. deborah, able to come up with some big winners when it really matters. the 15 taking the match, 7576 triggers. last grandson. my parents saw her reaching the wimbledon final for leasing out some marketing vonda rest. so well, number 2, reno set blank. i eased into around to the bell, a rush and beat new korean born marianne incentive. scott in straight sets 6362. there was no handshake after the match. and is there any skies in place for belgian say she will retire after the us open to major league baseball and what is the season? it's been from lucky that he's now hit a career high,
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36 home run so far for the la dodgers. the latest comedy against the arizona diamondbacks, he smashed the ball a 130 meters into the stands to help the dodgers on their way to a 91 victory. that's now their 4th consecutive when at home that says recorded 2 or more hits and 17 of 26 games a small or check out this impressive catch by austin. hey, what's the baltimore orioles holding onto the ball? despite crashing into the wall, definitely worse than either look at the replace called the white sox. spider lewis rob robert junior, did not look at that. and finally, here are some shots from the biggest a camel racing event in the world. and sadie ravia, this was the 1st ever all women race with 13 writers, taking part from sadie. i'm in jordan cuts are around germany, france and the us. it was american race or tailor these he took 1st place the entire fest or runs for over a month with $589.00 races and
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the a short documentary from around the world. that celebrates coverage and resilience in times of tumbling out on our last year. part of the site experienced one of the worst floods in the country's history. many rural communities are still waiting for help. hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may who has been living under open skies for
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a year in last year's floods. this road behind me, those fields, the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. and parts of this district has started to flood once again. the. the city of the ministry offices in good phone has seized control and put the president on the house. the rest officer, controversial votes, gave him a sub to the crew has been followed by celebrations on the streets of the capital, leaving the bill with launch crowns cheering the ministry the
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