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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  September 1, 2023 3:30am-4:01am AST

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between the 18 hundreds and as recently as the 1990s in canada, over a 150000 children were taken from their homes and forced into schools that stripped them of their identity and to offer their lives. as the search for unmarked graves continues and higher, we revelations emerge. people in power examines the long term consequences of the government funded system. residential schools, canada shame on a jersey to a military coup in galvan celebrations on the street, but a very different reaction globally. the takeovers being condemned by the un, what china, russia, the us and e, you all voice concerns? so why has there been yet another qu, in africa? and what's the response of african states? this is inside sort the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoying the president of galvan alley long ago didn't have long to celebrate his election victory this week. within minutes of the declaration that he'd want a 3rd term army officers announced they were taking over the election was controversial without international observers, or journalists with the countries border sealed. bomb goes been president since 2009 succeeding his father, who was in power since 1967 general bruce or leave. when grandma takes over his transitional leader, the army saying at once to bring stability. because the dog did not process you, the president of the transition assist on the need to maintain college and serenity in our beautiful country. he purchased to preserve the economic tools that guarantees social prosperity. at the dawn of a new era, we will go on to the peace, stability and dignity of our beloved govern. the president, ali bongo is under house arrest in an online message. he pleaded for support. i
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don't know what's, what's going on. so i'm calling you to make the noise to make noise. to make noise re, i'm, i'm thinking you will explore more with, i guess in a moment. but 1st, our correspondent nicholas hawk has more from senegal is capital the car. there's proper support for this crew because people have been expecting and waiting for the downfall of the bongo family dentist who have been at the helm of this country for over 55 years. what comes as a surprise is a man behind this group. he's 40 in grandma, who is the head of the presidential guard, meant to protect the interest of the bungalow family. he was in fact, a close a to omar bond. go with the father of all the bone go and then in 2009, when all the bungle came to power, he was sideline sent as a defense, tashay to the car, sent a goal and also to morocco. during that time, the young colonel, a mass quite a lot of wealth,
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building multi $1000000.00 homes in the united states and in good bone. now he's been distancing himself from the bungle family, arresting his son, accusing them of treason, of, of abusing a power of corruption, and of stealing from state coffers from this oil rich nation, in which most people live on less than $2.00 a day. so distancing himself, but also appeasing for an interest the french and the chinese. we have a interest vested interest in the oil business and also in the mineral business. we haven't heard from the opposition who are jumping, but also about and also who's been the political opponent valley bone. go during saturday's presidential election. also muted reaction from the regional countries from my patrol, guinea, but also from cameroon. not a surprise because they probably fear contagion of cruise b as in the past has been in power since 1982. and president obama has been in
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power since 1979. but this cool is a break from the past. and i hope that this can rebuild trust in the democratic institutions in gabon. nicholas hawk for inside story, as africa is no stranger to military coups. out of at least 242 successful take overs world wide since 195106 of them have been on the continent. the latest and gone is the 8th coup in africa in just 3 years. most of the others have been further north in the south region. government is on the west coast of central africa. half the population of nearly 2 and a half 1000000 are under 20. it's rich and natural resources, particularly oil and cocoa. and as a member of the oil producers, organization opec, despite its abundant natural wealth, more than a 3rd of its population live in poverty. around 90 percent of the bond is covered in forest and most of its population around 4 and 5 people live in cities. all right, let's go and bring in our guests and libra
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o capital of galvan is antoine lawson. he's a veteran journalist who's reported on africa. m gabon for more than 3 decades in a rush and pennsylvania is still a guard. she's an analyst on african government affairs. and, and nigeria, as capital a buddha, is less on withdrawal, go research fellow at the center for democracy and development. there is work focuses on governance in west africa, a warm welcome to you all. and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story, antoine, let me start with you today. there was jubilation across, gone after news of the cool. you are there in neighborville, where do things stand now? a? yes, this suggests that he is already too late before on the you go monday is cheap, but uh how does it go uh, goes there or he emma is now isn't really that was a tongue dish on says yes. okay. is able to clean. ready expecting to be very quiet today on the epic ink the using this as pop into the morning of those ad. busy
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ready once you, you knew what to say after you read it. so what is known today is access uh from the mean. is there the read the name on the don't see my slide to speak to the robust media to have a piece or 2. they asked them that it was what i need to interrupt. ready look for that process and they ask them how long as they're going to stay in before they save you a missed the purpose. uh when's the election the day before? so the suggestion of these people choose or getting out there needs to call because you notice both of the military says that the court is going to say it was a physician of 42 quizzes that know the need to have. he does not know alex,
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we need the more input, the suggestion, the less on after the crew. we heard expressions of concern and condemnation from the wind from france, the west african leaders, russia, china, and the you. what does it, what does it mean that there is such rare international consensus on this issue within today's very polarized world? absolutely. um, i feel like the international community is caught in these cool way by in possible they have to condemn to cool. but at the same time it's kind of like, okay, we understand what is going on here. is us all most positive who is coming to relieve people from a situation whereby on the bundle was to win the election in a very, very controversial manner? and we don't know what to come out of the election either in terms of
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a force election violence, better go step into actually to set things back to, to, to, to 0. basically, still a general in the grandma who was named as the transitional leader. he was head of the presidential guard that had pledged to protect president bondo. he's also related as i understand it, to the deposed leader. the fact that such a close a to president bongo has now been appointed to lead the transition. what message does that in part, to those inside and outside the country? thank you very much and i think there are a number of things we need to close the, the book that appointment. one is the possibility, the mulkins change, the more they will remain the same. and this is truly dependent on what done, what am i himself, is loyal to deposed president or it is truly equipment to, to change. sometimes you can find family members who are intimately supplementary tile or white people that are familiar. investors are competing, but you between the alignment, it then means this would be a cool, you know,
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in v to business. so to say and, and the other thing that it says is that there's a possibility that the negotiations that are happening may impact what or the does that change in different ways. for example, for the local is one of the things that they might do now is to manage the expectations to stop celebrating and to find a way to communicate that interest and communicate with the months that the had to for these change. if this is what they does, that the special needs what it is to buy this electricians we have seen amongst them. but for for a nation each, each males are present in the community for, for some of that differential subbing interfered anymore. it has influencing politics in the bottom to continue working with this jim per month to advance that did that, that they have been advancing in that region. unfortunately, some of that agenda is not good for, for the country. and so they need to check to ensure that that becomes deficient because the mode find its way into the other side of this conversation. once they're able to, to return to constitutional order,
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which we kind of hope that they're going to do very soon. antwan's picking up on some of what stella just said. the fact that general the gramma is part of the elite in trouble. and are there those and gone who are worried that this will mean that is just more of the same going forward? yes, i think he said mister, i'm getting my is a. ready cause in of the i the belittle from the printer. net and uh the does it mobile uh he's continued because he's. ready the same time, me the inside of the runs the haven't gone into a country since most and it's 60 years already. but i think e for a brief glendale where you can get my estate in power again. it means that this is the era of the continue to need to do to the country. is this all lines the, i didn't know what was most queued include that mean that the kid up soon. so cool that i think today is, is that some, some arrangement on. ready the team
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a play to, to do, to a part of the co in the, in the, in capital. okay, what is really important is what is going up to the school. if you don't, seems that. ready media to if he says, able to do to leave the country as may be doing. so you to the front of the team used to, to do that because there is no means the able to was a, there is no meaning missed there at the. ready and that's able to think. ready as a concert in, in gamble and the community, the sense that the printer's on to. ready is that in is there any that's on the. ready you have seen your significant other piece on a. i was able to send a video on the internet. i think that's it. that made some arrangement. so i saw you reacting to some of what antoine was saying there and it looked like you wanted to jump in, so please go ahead to. so there is no they have to to wants. uh he's deal was saying is because we definitely know that for example,
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different than good assistance to send out that information if he was and or how's the rest of the police by, by the military. but more importantly is the fact that she was calling on individuals outside of the country to, to come out and support team who's calling on individuals within the country to make noise. when you start calling on people outside your country to, to me, cuz it basically means you know, trust in times that you have that kind of legitimacy on the ground. and the question is, what content shows do these people have against the team? we already know about the, the, the number of v, as he has been in power the need for, for, for change regarding the country, the interest of the country and trying to then that, that, that data on the interest that taken care of. but speaking of, of the equipment people inside the country, they have very many uh for internal needs that have spoken of this month to the many for invoices that have come in. and when they seem to afford it, i mean book international and african noon equal. i suppose is that have spoken of
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this month and they all have very specific interest. we have about governments around this country that desperately in need of ensuring that these thing that is happening in, in double previously happened. india doesn't options brought up in a, in the countries we do. i chose this injecting some in commission just before the more because about the changes that have to be making uncomfortable to ensure that then the defense was a different kind of leadership kind of thing. and then a platform kind of came these also the sense that the decent change of government thing is going to become opinions. and then you have a lot of dictates as well. but then there's another group of people who are coming into this conversation like the government from a friends who then protecting the interest in something that most of this countries are fighting against the president. i'm sorry to interrupt you, but i do want to pick up on that point you're making about france and francis relationship with gamble on but, but i also want to go to less on and pick up on another thing you mentioned um less on the sell it was talking also about the coup that happened just about 5 weeks ago
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in the chair. and i want to ask you how different it is what transpired in this year versus what happened in the gap on to see the government. cool. there's a lot of, obviously there's a lot that we don't know yet about the government quote. but what we can also see in terms of a comparison with the quote in, in new jersey, is that this is more likely a very say them one year old who did top of who did the way by, you know, that has not been any internal position and contrary to the court in the chair, we have not seen people come out in protest, folding for and flags. russians loud and like what you've seen is a help. so basically the, the reaction of the government, these people was uh, in terms of, okay, now we're getting read of, uh, this dynasty that has been in power for so long. but there's no discourse, at least for the moment. i haven't seen any response from the govern these people
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in terms of us. ok, we're defending our interests. we uh, we have way to do anything to defend out and try. and if you listen to the appeal that boom were issued on a video call to deed on english, not in french, i understand that the government is now part of the commonwealth, which is also something to consider here. why is govern a form of friends calling me a member of the commonwealth? what has been going on in terms of the uh, franco companies, the relationship to the point where government will seek to join the commonwealth? so i think if we go back a few years ago and maybe not a few as a few months ago when the macro and visited got going to talk about the climate change and everything, the government is people reaction to the arrival of the president of ross was
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also storing, finds that these a disconnection between or at least is a departure from what we have always known as front. so free friends in africa. but on let me, let me also ask you sorry to interrupt, but let me also ask you further about the reaction that we've heard thus far from my african leaders and institutions. you know, on wednesday and jerry and president bullet's new book. he's the current chair of the west african blog echo as he said, he was working closely with other african leaders to contain what he called a contagion of a talk proceed spreading across africa up time after time when these crews happen to there been a lot of tools, as we mentioned earlier, recently we see condemnation from asking leaders and we hear talk of proposals to try to, to settle these disputes and in these crises, but not much seems to happen. why have these institutions and leaders not been more effective? i think that these days edition have failed fundamentally to address the symptoms.
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the reason the root cause is of course the task. they rather come late to address the symptoms when the disease is already in. and today it's up to said, but it's no longer a matter of what these next it's, we can't even say it's a matter of what is next, because we see a number of african countries where the situation is not good at all. the situation, the government situation is very bad and original organizations, i know. yep. think that they are not pre reacting and saying no, the election is not going well, even to nubile himself. it has not been uh, you know, he has been recently elected by the election house issues. fortunately, the not june people to the case to the court. and that is being decided while the president has a sworn in to be a president as induct itself is a very problematic issue that our regional organizes african union needed to
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address. but since we failed to address doors, and what comes next, when the minutes we see on over to the power at which you can forget that those are also citizens and they have family members of our communities. and under this then the bent in which those kind of poor poor leadership is taking them into a antwan's. i'm often when news of these cruise emerged, there is a lot of talk about democratic backsliding in a volatile region. i want to ask you, if it's fair to mention that in the context of what happened in gap on because there had been a lot of allegations. the fraud had taken place in the elections over the weekend. the bundle family has it, has ruled a gap on for 56 years. so is it actually accurate to say that the crew is evidence of erosion of democracy in galvan?
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but i don't, i don't think i don't think so. let me pull the executive guy as the patient is a good team pool and cool is production of guidelines and put the addition of this on to me on the 10th, on the other. the quick addition is moving into the side of the building in the there is nothing original in get long, but you're visited the top there is about a month on around one means and that gets on indian put onto people leaving very, very difficult for the evidence that evening, so the climate is on the vault on this done. why is it is a group of people didn't follow. they use the money and says principal on that. and to that they don't have any food to eat, for example, because in the, in gamble, there is some funding to say don't have more than $2.00 a day. and photos is able to leaving, you know, due to contribution which we have on. we have a world and 2 as it's on the whole my to the next monday and as that's a,
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it was pushy. but as far as the one you have, you can get wants to be able to. and it was going to be like in need that, for example, is the government was one of the roost at the country in africa. and now you see that is going to again the, there is some more development potential. it's more than enough money. but is it more than it can get but is not distributed very good. he was the 61 of the purpose of this report. then people have not. i'm glad for the but this is that this quote maybe can bring something better that i have not sure because the people. ready the media to onto the other now. maybe they don't know how to run the country. still i had interrupted you earlier when you were starting to make a point about commodity relationship with france. galvan like new share was also a french, a former french colony. yvonne is one of france's closest allies in the region. how
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much influence is france losing across the region at this point? i'm glad you asked this question and i'm glad to interrupt, to be so that this conversation can go down because i want to pick up from my to and has left. the bone has been led by this part of the dentist, the goal, the 5 years. and so it is not that you've been mean to figure out now for them to, to get you to the president. the environment is arrived for a cool because of the others, the consequences that leading to this coming out of a funding. we have kind of seen the other central, the global economic recession, and this people have to figure out how to survive. the relationship with firms is such that one is going to be an issue, but doesn't think well the tax to, to, to the governmental front up to the tune of $500000000000.00 usd. that is not small money cuz we didn't. but people looked at from 14 of the porters nations getting the region couple and happens to be a to be a big deal to come to you. and i think that one has mentioned a book there that wilton month that needs to buy an oil, etc. and so that definitely paying
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a lot out and get the people that's being hungry at some point. can you please send individual and push us citizen to the war? eventually they're going to be need to create shows. and part of the reason why the front is losing influencing the reason is because all of those countries are beginning to ask, why do we have? well, why do we have resources? and we have to pay so much outside that of course, explain why that military clues, but apart from having really kind of push this resistance closer to the voice of, of friends, asking them about anything. when i picked picking up a little, i got them to situation and, and you have seen those kinds of situations repeating themselves even to the point of wanting to just front of losing info in class. because this thing that they continue to do is, i mean just is for those countries, even if you were collecting compensation for what you're searching a country during the time when you pull that hasn't been, shouldn't you come up to collect a compensation in perpetuity? number 2 is that the influence that has been held over that premium has not changed the region in any way. in any case,
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it has continued to put these people on the uptake. probity would typically living on lives on a below to the beach. and of course, that's kind of the indignity, cannot be access pinged or accepted by humans for a very long time. at some point, it has to stop. unfortunately, the people who suffer are the women and the children and the set to be cause cause generally do not recognize the interest of women and children, and many of them to know tries to the top. even after cool. less on a we spoke a little bit earlier about the international condemnation that we've heard thus far from the several international actors. i want to ask you, where do you see this going forward when it comes to the reaction and in the days, weeks and months they had from the international players. and is there an international actor that wouldn't be able to step in from your vantage point and actually try to resolve any of this? i think the international community involvement in government will be purely based on specific interests that each one of those countries have been in and double when
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the chinese issue a statement of the condemned to cool. but it did not address the question of the election wherever the election was fred and transparent. nobody's talking about that. and in that matter, the position and the union, the governor, these people are the losers in this, in this story, when the french condemned the cool, they do not condemn me, the same energy which they have used to condemn the closing age and elsewhere. it, when the rest of the, of the west condemned to cool, including the african union and you know, it just a basic way of saying, look in press support. we do not agree. we go to task, but i'm quite sure that all of these international auditors will need to find ways to maintain the system. uh, you know, there will not be a lot of pressure on this minutes. we are going to transition quickly toward the to
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getting power to civilians. and if they do that, um they will also work toward maintaining the same study. cool, that allowed the international partners which i believe equally liable to the some of the guinea and a bit of uh, the government use people in as much as they have been in full for many years. and what can we, bundle, father, and bundle it's, it's so unfair to the companies, people when you think that this nation is extremely rich in natural resources and only has 4000000 people that is full godsig. less than the size of a, the population of a who's on lagos. welcome to do before that. so it doesn't make sense that we've talked a small number of people who we are on a the basic needs. and at the same time, your collaborating with nations that seem to be a democrat doesn't make any sense. it's just ridiculous and,
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and the less on the left side, i'm sorry to cut you off, but, but we are very much running out of time when we have about a minute and a half left. and i just wanna get the last word to antwan's because he is there in libra ville on the ground. antwan's, please keep in mind we only have about a minute and a half left. i just want to ask you about the fact that the military is promising stability from your vantage point and from what you're hearing from others in gap on. do you think that's possible? i think i think this is, this is possible. yes. you have to be up to. ready what can be done to the country but i think that the. ready find friends, the president michael as the change the way the needs are pretty thinking that the for african the printer speaking country did a bit and put that because it was, it is not doing he's not because of maybe people. ready to take able to control african me that the onset don't even is no thinking or talk. this is an input them to develop the conflict. very function is the french people or the program at to do
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and the noise. now it seems to changing as of what happened in that in nature. yeah, in the book and if i say rethink move now in this content, i think i think about maybe in a to a mall to ensure is essentially mixed up. and it was not getting it when you go to the me. this is a tough thing because this is a very good federal good position for us to come to me today. ready to a politic fund, this isn't good for, for the democratic review of the epic, i'm going to use the same to see if i know people kind of leave on the not the of the risk. the country is a rush and people come okay, but there's no student on the tank at the best of the street. it's true that you can get more learning in europe in the, in the one that's i just wanna invest. you didn't get all antoine. i am sorry to cut you off, but we have run out of time. thanks so much to you and all of our other guests
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entwined lawson, stella aguilar and less on we're drago and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website obviously, or dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ag inside story. you can also join the conversation on x, formerly known as twitter. handle is at a inside story. i mean, i mentioned to him and a whole team here. bye for now the, the the
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basically entities does the un fits the purpose of like many critics sites just pump solution doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that is put into a hard hitting into abuse. do you think that to their lines or shapes enough for money to go on its own and built it's on the thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to how does era away from home these ukrainians and bodies celebrate division, mountain and national holiday designed to uphold the traditions of ukraine's national clothing with looks lot like a russians we have separate land, which we have national close. nearly 60000 russians arrived in body last year,
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making them the 2nd largest group of tourists. the number of ukrainians arriving is also increased for the number of tens of russian arrivals. the 2 countries are to the thousands of the citizens living on the side each other on this intrusion. i alena too is had a bakery and keep. for now she says she'll remain here the dreams of the day when she can return home. the a. i'm several venue in doha with their top stories on alpha 0. voters and singapore are picking their next president's polls open just a short while ago. 3 candidates are in the running to replace incumbent lima. yeah, called the role is mainly ceremonial and supposed to be non political. this election is the 1st to be contested in more than a decade. tony chang is outside of pulling center and singapore with the latest. it's rather interesting this time i think the fact that.


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