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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 13, 2023 7:00am-7:30am AST

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and this balance between the tower and zones via shaw is truly important for the volume missing destruction inside stored on al jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter how you take it will bring you the news and current to fast that mouthful to you. the the eastern libyan city devastated by floods. it's a real government says more than 5000 people are dead with thousands more, missing the carrier at johnston. this is sarah whitlock from also coming up. north korea's lead that will hold tulips, is that in the fruits and in russia, ministry corporation on sales report to the on the agenda. massive search and
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rescue operations in milwaukee. as more international aid arrives, last week's massive earthquake. and the us house of representatives is opening a formal impeachment inquiry to present gym by extremities business the the, the desktop and the devastating floods in the eastern libya has risen to more than 5200. and now the 10000 people are still missing. altitude dams collapsed in the port city. have done it. many buildings have been destroyed, the roads and bridges washed away. like trying that begins our coverage with this report from the capital tripoli, as in unprecedented catastrophe, entire communities in the eastern city of dunn now have been swept away by floods or reduced revel. people here are still coming to terms with the aftermath of storm
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. daniel. it brought rector rainfall into dams, holding huge amounts of water burst, sending a joint wave towards the city. this child as know where his mother is, but no one has seen her. a thousands of others remain on, accounted for bodies washed into the sea, can be seen in the distance, but it's too dangerous to recover them for now, this total is huge and so it might teach to thousands really, but we don't have a different number right now. the loss is being felt across the country. here in martyr square and the capital tripoli, flags are flying at half mast. the government has declared 3 days of national morning. many have gathered to pray for those web died in eastern libya. a med felisa is from doesn't know. he received news yesterday. his sister and her entire
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family were killed in the floods. he's come here to pray for their souls. no show you in the side of the officials are responsible for all the lives that were lost. why? because it was clear that the dams had a problem needed renovation, and they were warnings. why didn't they fix it? they knew a storm was coming, make good on each all of the officials from both sides. for this disaster aid from western livia and a few countries is beginning to arrive at airports in eastern libya. prime minister ogden, how many debate the says his government is committed to rebuilding homes that were destroyed? you know, we were behind, can you? today? we are located a budget of more than 500 and $15000000.00 to start rebuilding people's lives and impacted areas. if these funds are not enough to rebuild their now and the other cities, we will allocate more. everyone is doing what they can to help libya has to governments, but people here hopes that through this tragedy, the country and its rival politicians,
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can find that we unite and put its people 1st. mount trainer, elder, 0 tripoli as well. the scale of a disaster is becoming clear through satellite imagery. this was done on september the 2nd there are full bridges that cross the or the down the river, including a main crossing along the waterfront. river itself is drive and most of the yeah. well now the city looks like this. you can see how the river has overflowed and destroyed the bridges and buildings and its puff. so it has spread across the city of 80000 people can on a terry and age from several countries is beginning to arrive to help floods, victims in the be including kind of to offer you a, an old jerry, a to kia has sent 3 cargo planes around a 170 rescue personnel from its disaster management of far too bold. they landed in a gauzy lodges here, as charles traffic has also arrived in been gauzy on board a relief aguilar from cattle while back. he gave us this update. so i'm standing on
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the tarmac god ben, gauzy apple. the back of what we have said to be $1.00 to $3.00. trump the air force c, 17 cargo planes. part of the going international effort to get a into then goes to the situation is seemingly on the surface at least it's very well organized. copeland truck taking the aid of the plains as i speak. another looks to be large. cargo plane has landed one of at least 3 that we've seen since arriving here. the a, the to so the cost is for $2.00 patients, including the field hospitals. i failed also to, sorry, medical equipment medicine, uh hospital they generate his food video searches that we've spoken to save cost. the big challenge is getting this paid as quickly as possible to the
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most heavily effected areas that area around in and around the city of their, in a, in fact they're living with or deciding that all the i that is being uploaded. this top 3 flights will be trading, sit there, and then let me know. so as you say that they have the planes that in the last 24 hours to come to bang dogs. the fall turkey problem out you area from what you need the i'm from the you a, you know, i have ever told that a plane will not you that i remember it says uh, still in the apple in another location, but it was already said expressing such like gratitude to what seems to be going into an extra light. as i say, the situation is somebody, the dia goes, we already know that to you. thousands of people to be killed. thousands more, still missing and maybe maybe for now without a thousands of phones and businesses destroyed. but certainly they say that but
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certainly seems to be going smoothly. and as i speak, i can see the lights on the horizon of what we can only push you is another cause i applied bringing a into thing does a no is career has testified to ballistic missiles, office eastern coast when it comes as leaders in russia for talks with president that it may have putin expected to meet shortly. the whole discussions that a space sent it in motion as far east us suspects came on and is ready to supply weapons to moscow. affordable and ukraine. washington has will not any alms deal with north korea would validate un sanctions. but am i meant to speak to you in a shop of dollars or in most guy, but 1st that subbing importance? maybe he was in the so the say phones more ballistic missile testing from it. know if there is a significance, the timing of that. that's right. now
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north credit is banned from conducting the solid test. but this year it's already conducted a record number of weapons tests. and the timing of these ballistic missile launches coming so close to an expected meeting between kim and pretend. i think we can interpret as perhaps an indication or as a signal by north korea to, to show that it has no intention of complying with un sanctions. now, north korea has north korean state media so far, given lots of coverage to kim's visit to russia. and i think this indicates the value or the importance that north korea places on this visit, as well as perhaps a certain level of confidence that this meeting between kim and put in um will go. well, kim, himself has said, according to north grand state media, that his visit to russia is proof of north korea wanting to prioritize its ties with russia. and we've also seen him getting a very warm welcome in russia. they've rolled up the red carpet treatment for him.
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there was an on a got to welcome in to him as soon as he arrived and at a rush and bought a town on tuesday morning. he has already met with a minister. now, each side has what the other ones russia wants, weapons and no career could do with that advanced technology. it could do with food, energy and also hard currency. so it's very much a transactional relationship. but also these countries are united in the sense that they face increasing isolation, rush up was born ukraine and north korea for it's developing nuclear weapons program. so we're already seeing a head of that meeting and intention to portray an image of close ties and perhaps off to that meeting, even closer cooperation between these 2 countries. and what has the international reaction been then to the upcoming team who to meet and run the spend? they have now both the real life that in that space that's that's right. so the u. s. has one has repeated his warnings about
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a possible arms deal and it said they won't hesitate to impose new sanctions of north korea if at such a do what to go ahead. now regionally, south korea and japan, they've judged both countries not to do anything that would violate un sanctions. and that's why we have also head south korean president, youtube. you'll edge china to do more as a permanent member of the un security council to rein in north korea. and he also said that south korea will have no choice but to draw closer to strength. and it's ties with japan and the us to count up here. yes. don't. we know that china is a strong ally of russia and also of north korea. it's also the biggest trade partner. so it has a lots of leverage. and some analysts believe china would be key in preventing an audio from going ahead. but in type of china so far it's only comments on this visit, has been to say that this is something a, this is a matter between these 2 solving nations. but some chinese analysts say that what
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we're seeing here is a reaction to us as actions in the region and intensifying that tree drills with its partners in stepping up freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea . and making a mistake. china has increasingly viewed these as attempts to instill colette and it's also said that it's also criticized us dominance. india international rena. that's a view that strat, by north korea and russia, and all these 3 countries have made no secret of the fact. but perhaps it's time to challenge the existing international world order. okay. yeah, phones, thanks very much indeed for that. so we're going to cost to you the shop of, of the joining this nice not from must go. so, you know, what might we expect to come out of this meeting, especially from the russian suspect. it's will carry the legs as lines where i guess he is that it came to an end, as well as the legitimate periods and follows have arrived at the book store in a cosmo drum and the move region of russia basically regiment present,
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announced his trip to the cause of a drug while speaking of the planet recession of the a some economic form the day before. so hopefully we'll get more pictures about that very, very soon. we're guessing report was that new or is north korean as well as russian media representatives of that to at the moment. so we can pull, should cautiously presume that the meeting can indeed take place at the will start in a cosmo drum and brush as far as well, but it may sound disappointing, but we still don't have information on the exact time of the meeting of the meeting of the 2 presidents of elizabeth bruce and these are best known for his ability to hide his movements and never do what others are expecting him to do. he loves to confuse everyone about his location, but right now we are all in anticipation of the amazing and of course the whole. 6 world is watching closely because the results of this, uh, uh, falls, cutting me say may affect the balance of power on the plan. is until recently
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russia supported north korea, i believe. but wilson is actually been tons of trade at hearing to the you on sanctions. now, due to rushes, isolation and the west to be relations are becoming close. russian needs out. hillary shells from north korea. well, north korea being one of the most admitted tries countries in the world have accumulated a great number of them. rush also needs know screen work, cuz as when the stand north korea in return wants to receive food, oil and gas plus some satellites, and a new class submarines acknowledge it from russia and all that kind of strength and it in the region and become a new challenge to the car in the world older. so of course, well, watching closely what, what's going on right now at the will socially a cosmo drum and of course will be ready. it's a bring the license to you as soon as we get more information and it's not, you know, we've been seeing these pictures. now all the north crews came to an end russian. that price would buy them at fruits in the, at the space center in russia's fall resubmit,
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what is the significance of this internationally as well? so as i just said, so the. 1 out of course is watching very closely because this is, this is a very significant, amazing which is going to take place because obviously it can change the balance of power in the region. and in the whole world, the north korea is considered as a strong and the very minute tries country and russia is obviously, it possesses a lot of technology and satellite technology in particular which korea needs. uh uh, so basically russia is able to, to shy that technology with north korea and north korea can develop it satellites, a specialized program, as well as it's a new class submarine program as well. so we will some, to start, we will so which we know very little about the, at the i to the re of that both presidents. but we do hope that they are going to,
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um, to exchange a lot of information about the current state of affairs. north korea has been supposing russia and it's so rule in it while i come side what, what? well, and it's basically, and that's conflicts and, and it's conflicts in the ukraine, but um the well, but of course we've had from the united states the united states has strongly condemned to north korea because and, and promised to swap even more sanctions on, on the country because a, it's a guessing so close to, to russia and russia is, of course, on the sanctions as well. okay. uh, we need the from moment to you and it was going to go back, in fact, to florence uh, louis who's in. so we've been seeing these pictures of northwest kingston and letting the hooting out in that space center and rush as far as what do you make of this? well,
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we've known about this meeting for some time now. i think the venue of this meeting is highly significant. it's also a highly secure location and so it's perfect place for these to need is to talk, especially the very secretive north korean leader kim jong. but it's highly symbolic, especially if the 2 countries are going to cooperate in the area of space, arrow, space technology. now we know this is something, but north korea needs it needs something like technology. it's tried very hard and whether it's tried twice this year to launch a spice satellite into orbit those 2 attempts failed. they are going to attempt a 3rd one in october. and this is a sort of technology where it could do with assistance from russia. of course, it remains to be seen whether russia will punch with such sensitive technology. but this is something that we expect north korea will be asking for in return for selling weapons to russia. and of course, this un arms do between russia and north korea is something that us officials and
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south korean intelligence officials have been warning about in recent days and food and energy supplies for north korea. or is that something that you might be looking for as well? particularly when you consider the post tons of interest situation. absolutely . we know that the north korean economy was badly hit. it. the north korea closed its board is because of the because of coated pandemic. so that means even trade with china, its biggest trading partner suffered. and we also know from reports that north korea has been suffering from severe food shortages this year. it was also hit by floods that would have affected food supplies really badly. so this is something that it needs and also un sanctions on north korea exporting labor as a broad this would have impacted the north korean economy. wouldn't have been able to get the remittances from the brought that it's so badly relies on. and we've also seen that kim met with the russian minister of natural trade and natural
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resources and ecology. when he arrived at the board of town to pass on on tuesday morning, i'm present at that meeting with a north korean official who's in charge of the economy. so the speculation but trade is also going to be an important issue at this upcoming meeting between can and put in those specifically, what north korea wants would be to send its neighbors to russia. tens of thousands of north korean laborers had to return home from abroad when the un sanctions were imposed. and that means a supply of hot con sieve was cut off just like that. many of them used to work in rushes, logging industry, and it's very possible that the sort of negotiations will be going on perhaps had taken place already on tuesday. and in fact, lawrence lawrence, while even a tool can we just seen kim and creates in meeting face to face with a very long handshake. this will resonate far and wide went to me. what will south career in the us make of this so
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that's why this is the 2nd meeting between these 2 leaders. and there's not actually, you know, north korea had close ties with the old soviet union. and the relationship between these 2 countries, between russia and north credit has been quite transactional. but clearly now what we're seeing now is an attempt to elevate this relationship to really show that these 2 are allies, that part those. you know, the, i do logically the, the aligned the both will by authoritarian rule, this and they are both facing increasing international isolation. one, for example, on ford's invasion of a sort of a nation the other for its developing nuclear weapons program, which is in contravention of un sanctions. so that clearly is an intention here to project an image of closeness. now, south korea has said, it's what chain visit very closely. it's watching developments in russia very
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closely because the concern here in south korea is what exactly north korea could be getting in return for selling weapons to russia. the fear is that it could be getting technology that will really help and expand and develop its nuclear weapons program. now north career head already has already passed a piece of legislation declaring itself a nuclear weapon states that was last year. but it's still not known whether it has the sort of technology that would really make it a nuclear weapon. states and military experts have said that it needs technological assistance from outside. now, if it gets that sort of technological assistance from russia, then it's nuclear weapons program. could be expanding or could be developing by leaps and bounds. and us officials, a community also very word and that's why we've heard repeated warnings from us. officials threatening to impose new sanctions on north korea. whether or not these sanctions, whether or not these threats will have any impact to any effect to north we're really remains to be seen. i mean, it's already a very heavily sanctioned country,
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and yet it's managed to develop nuclear weapons and is continuing to do so far as to what extent does north korea see the size increasing its standing on the international stage and images is quite a lot as well as i'm sorry, sorry i didn't get that connection is quite poor. could you repeat that? yes, absolutely. to what extent is north korea see that it says increasing it standing on the international stage? and i, i really couldn't hear the question, but i think of maybe a little talk about is i'm just trying to is reaction to this thing. china has surprising. they've been quite silent apart from the comments, bites for administrative to say that kim's visit to russia really is a matter between these 2 nations. and that was the only comment we've had from the chinese government. but we know the south korean president has it. he said during
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a cabinet meeting earlier this week, you also said during the g 20 meeting in india last week, she, she's a china to play a bigger role as a permanent member of the un security council. to do more to cub the nuclear threat from north korea. and some atlas have said, nor has said china is really the only country that can really play a role in preventing unexpected arms do between russia and north korea from going ahead. and this is because china is the biggest trade partner for north korea and russia, but it's also a big political ally of these 2 countries. and it's a permanent number of the un security council. now whether china will do so or not, remains to be seen. but having said that, china, she has some of the same world views as north korea and, and russia. you know, china views be what we're seeing now as a reaction to what the us has been doing in the region. the us in stepping up it's
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military drills with not on the south korea and japan, but also with other allies in southeast asia opened up in australia in stepping up its freedom of navigation operations. in the south china sea, a large part of which china lays claims to it, saying that, well, you know, if the china, if, if the u. s. is going to a set its dominance in this region, which is not even part of its back yet, what does it expect? so this is really a reaction to what the us has been doing in this region 4 years and make no secret . and china has made no secret of the fact, but it thinks it's times that a new international odor imaged. okay, believe it there, if not, florence libby, thanks very much. indeed. the
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other news now more foreign ages, arising in more rock k with a death toll from friday's escalate, cuz visit to 90. 3000 rescue teams are searching for those fed, trapped under the rubble relief efforts have yet to reach some remote areas that have been cut off now to the quite true that and then slides and block roads are okay, is king mohammed the 6 has visited the hospital with as quick survive as a being treated, you know, so it's a native blodgett tomorrow test university hospital. the magnitude 6.8 us craig was the most powerful to hit the country more than a century. i'll just as husband who are joined the american miniature on a rescue mission in the us mountains. a few minutes off to the helicopter, sold into the sky, was thought to get a glimpse of the scale to the devastation. entire villages wiped out desperate villages waving to the craft, asking for help to apply that capitalism and moving but to look through the deep of
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the strong winds, could compromise the entire rescue operation. the crew is looking for the right spot to add drop supplies. a hot breaking the boxes. this box is that you see as the flight over the, at the center of the sacred area. the final cost decided to be for skate to line did this particular area. and he has given all the, the saw as dropping. you bought it, tell you in a supplies like it did the effect to the community. the army had to go up to is hopping around the area of the only chance for those drafts in desolate villages on the peaks of the address mountains we landed in to let them. yeah, cool. as the rest of the teams continued the search. oh, what does the hours go by? what the chances of finding survivors fade away about them?
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that'd be all the teams are operating non stop. you're following all safety measures. you have significant dogs and cameras to detect people trapped on their ability. those who look pulled a live with stopped a long journey of recovery. populate, how much was rescued from the village of oak on. she's been traumatized by what she went to. my attention smiled after what a so and the people who lost their lives. i could not think about tomorrow, said we live in remote area. we are excess. it's difficult a. the ones that are rushed to hospitals. cash code is neither the other we is concerned about someone to keep on this patient has been tried for 3 days and who risk having kidney failure? we need not this. most likely you will need diagnosis. and i just either i was given a read access to the armies operations center with plans. emergency responds to
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ami generals, showing the live footage from jones, detecting areas requiring immediate action. those with lots behind in the devastated bit what we need time to boil the loss of their loved ones and build new lives should be of interest to you from the epi sent out the escalate . thousands of people are reported to being killed and a major fire department in the vietnamese capital hanoi will. state media says that many others have been taken to hospital the blazes set to start to just before midnight on tuesday. we'll jessica washington joins us live on the phone from canto in vietnam. and jessica, what more can you tell us for? sure. well, this is silly, developing situational, just to peach for the information that we have at this stage. as you said,
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a state media says that thousands have been killed. i still know a clarity as to exactly how many, because they're all seen. some pictures showing rescue was is karen young 6 and what we've heard is that the glazed sconces around 17 gnc and was contained within a few hours around 70 individuals were rescued among them. 54 people rushed to hospital according to vietnam, official news agency. this was a serious buyer, and it took place in a residential area itself with only fatalities. as i mentioned, do on you have also heard from some of the health workers assisting in that as it is helping those who were injured in this fire. a doctor from a local hospital nearby said that someone picks, advisors were in a situation to see the dream distress. one patient has to be a spinal injury, 7 bowling out building and his mother and her baby were also suffering from the
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smoke inhalation. and just to give you some context here of building size in vietnam last the fire and carry a few thoughts, he'll move them so that he, people in coaching in city, 17 others were injured into the context here is that the building 5 do take place a rather often here in vietnam, a and in, in this particular instance, local authorities hasn't touched by the central government to deploy oh, resources. police have already begun their investigation as to the cause of the science. some witnesses said that they saw other clients stock in the parking lot. the other context here is that in a densely populated city like cowboy, people are living in very crowded close quarters and safety considerations are often the has put to the side as, as people are living very densely time. and some buildings often don't have the safety standards that have would be, i feel at buildings with a has limited spouse or indeed situations where people have put files on their windows. so that's just sort of the general context of the situation. it's still
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a developing situation, and in terms of fatalities, we do hope to hear some clear information from authorities and coming out. jessica finale, thanks so much indeed for that top dates. let's speak of the us house of representatives as all colleagues, to open a full moving piece with inquiry and to present joe biden. republicans accused by and of helping his son hunter, with his business dealings which are being investigated by tax officials. whitehouse has criticized the impeachment investigation as extreme politics. not a crude or russian airline being hailed as heroes for making an emergency landing in the field in siberia. of deposits reported hydronic problems in alons.


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