tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 14, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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from intimate moments to major social change, the witness award winning films from around on out to 0. the hello. i'm 0 then. yeah, it's great to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. major devastation in libya is east immediate focus, no shift to delivering much needed aid to people who been affected nearly a week after magnitude 6.8. first quake, hip morocco, where some villages remain cut off and in desperate need of help. i'm hashim who
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bought a lot in what a guy and with the recovery operations, thoughts today, a delivery is not trudging in prominent rights activists and bangladesh are sentenced to 2 years in prison after accusing police of extra traditional cubic over fishing, rising water, temperatures, and signification, are report from green piece identifies the major threats, facing our ocean, and is full host fonts are set to kick off the 2nd round of games at the once we woke up after the victory over new zealand. the team are now getting ready to take on you or what the . this is just past 10 gmc, and we start in libya, we're the number of people killed by tsunami. like flooding in the east has no past 6000 heavy rain full on sunday, close to dams, to burst in the city of doing
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a wall of water. then descended on coastal towns washing many people out to sea or burying them in debris and land slides. aid from libya as 2 rival governments has been sent to distribution centers and international search and rescue teams are also now on the ground. got a fucking to live in a 2nd here and we'll show we have a lead. one of the main reasons for the increased number of tests is the collapse of during the valley, which swept all the residential buildings nearby. yet the area of it's a totally destroyed is estimated at 900000 square meters. 5 bridges have also collapsed which isolates the city of these languages. also, some of the area that was heavily damaged is estimated to be around 3000000 square meters. a sudanese factory worker in libya as port city of durn describes the chaos that he woke to when the floods hit and the the got up and they are around 14 or 15 families that was swept away into the sea. anyone who is in the valley was swept
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away 9 other people who live directly on the coastal, gone to the sea, destroyed the car, is full. right? we woke up to a real catastrophe. we woke up and couldn't find any one. may god have mercy on their souls. we woke up at around 3 city in the morning. we heard a large bang. anyone who was awakened dead enough for sure. i must have heard it. the water was unbelievable. every one could hear it. when we went outside, there was no most cities, it had been raised to the ground. satellite images show just how much was lost in the flooding. let's take a look. this was during the on september 2nd. it's a city of about 80000 people. there are 4 bridges across the why the donor river, including the main one that circles on this map that's along the waterfront. and now the city looks like this. the river, which is drive the most of the year, overflowed and destroyed that entire section of the city around the river banks, both the bridges and the buildings. and silt. as you can see,
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a sprint old across there. not a mounted train that joins us from a triple 8. malik. what's the priority right now for the most effected communities 1st among them, of course, during the a well, definitely getting a and uh and, and recovering the bodies. i mean, we passed that critical 72 hour period. uh so the chances of finding survivors are decreasing by the hour of, you know, like you mentioned earlier, for the top tool now is around $6000.00 and ends. it's expected to rise tremendously as the international rescue search and rescue teams help living authorities to recover bodies from the sea and under the rubble. i mean, it's devastating of health official told me yesterday that yesterday alone, more than 2500 people were buried. uh so, you know, right now people are trying to assess their who's, who, who they lost,
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how many people they've lost and, and, but it's going to take days, perhaps weeks to, to understand the number completely. absolutely, and all that a, that is needed is going to have to be delivered in the country that's really been at war with itself for more than 10 years. i'll come back to you in a 2nd on that. my, like a little bit of recent history. libya plunged into violence in 2011 after it's long time need are more, more gadhafi was toppled and since that is have to rival administrations in the west, there is the you way to recognize government led by prime minister abdul hamid vega . that's a triple a controls the areas in blue, a summer home on the prime minister in the east leads a rival administration appointed by the house of representatives which is backed by libyan warlord holly, for half door. the areas in red or under his control. the rival size have failed to unify for years. elections were scheduled for december 2021, but they never happened. but mounted, going back to you. how is this east west divide?
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hampering if at all efforts to deliver and administer the aid in this urgent situation of the well, what we're seeing is just an outpour of support from across the entire country. i mean, the libyans of, you know, 4 years have been a divided people based on their political and, and uh, and political, uh, political, you know, on, on the political spectrum of, we're seeing people come together in a way that we haven't seen a since the revolution in 2011, i mean thousands, thousands of volunteers are heading up to down the from the west from the south, from across the country and to the as to the governments, we saw a ministerial delegation from tripoli arrived in eastern libya. they're currently on their way to the city of deadman. now,
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the government here has located more than half a $1000000000.00 a to rebuild of the impacted area. so we also just just the uh, last night we saw the pressure from the p. m. from the parallel government, he's also located a budget how, what kind of mechanism of these, these rival governments can, can come up with to cooperate and get and help these people that are, have been impacted. we're gonna have to wait and see. alright, molly trina in tripoli, thank you for your reporting as the in morocco now there been more aftershocks after last week's devastating earthquake rescue teams injure and list scrambled to safety on wednesday when they fell, tremor is in the province of ours. aid is starting to reach communities in need with the logistics and making it very difficult villages of the epicenter of the
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quake or an extremely remote and hard to reach areas or correspondence. stephanie deco traveled to the village of 10 or 15 high in the atlas mountains. survivors there are still waiting for critical 8 are currently driving very hard to get to the village has been completely destroyed. so these villages have set up come at the foot of their destroyed village. nobody has any intention of leaving here. um it's so remote that aid isn't getting here in terms of being delivered. so basically what they're doing is walking to villages that are more accessible or using donkeys and bringing it here. what was the hospitality?
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most of them, even in times of tragedy, we are offering out the key and not not. so we're being taken into the village. this is a community that depended on agriculture, telling us everything. everything has gone. this village, buried age people, there are advantage of 70 and the destruction is uh it's a month or they are very synchronized. i know this is where i lived was my patents and my mother was in that room. that's where she died along with my wife. i to think that this is one of countless villages in the middle of nowhere. hard to get to how are they going to rebuild it?
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we just pumped into this gentleman tells us this is the, this is his home up there. okay. the, the to so it's, i'm heard here and i'm heard here. well, obviously we need to rebuild all of this. but that's only possible if help comes from uh, it's hard to remove all of this. stephanie decker, all g 01015 in the atlas mountains of morocco houses. here's how somebody help r. as in we're again south of america ash with one community that was badly affected by the quick caution. tell us what it's like and we're gone almost a week out to the quick well, so the small people move into this makes shift a tons and looking forward to see what happens in the future about 5 hours ago. there was a full, a magnitude $4.00 after shot, which was bounce here. and,
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and further further south of the city of bye, that guess just exhausted, beating the same minds item feet of people jose would like to spend more time staying. i'll do it for as long as it takes and till we get guarantees of the off, the shots are losing intensity. now they, over the recovery operations, thoughts today, an indication that house for fighting people live off fading away. we move into the recovery option, which is going to be one of the most extremely difficult operations in the upcoming days with talking about the need to handle the spouses of families. that last the loved ones to think about what to do about schools. at some point we shelters for those in the desolate areas, and also starting to think about the face page, which is basically compensation reconstruction. so when you say a recovery operation and you, you started to explain this,
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but what's it going to involve the we talking about rebuilding, are we talking about finding a medium term solution for these people to get through the winter or what, what's it going to look like it means that basically a rescue operation will have to come to an end unfortunately, because 6 days later they know that it's going to be a matter of color. you cannot receive anyone alive, then they would have to start clearing the robin from the vast areas that were destroyed at the same time. you have paddle teams which would continue the delivery of aid, the ticket a to the remote areas in the plus nonsense. and then the need full time, perry shelters and temporary schools. i was talking to a senior government official. i have the minutes to into you said this is now the top priority, particularly schools for children in the i plus mountains. and then they would have
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to think about moving people to a temporary shelters because he's going to get cold in the upcoming days. the writing seasons, thoughts soon, and those are these uh, parts of the same pricing where you have to have all the keep play as the cool pricing, the ministry, the minister of interior, civility, non defense and of the government. absolutely. and that just highlights how much of a prolonged effort this is going to be, how can i help our reporting from where gone. thank you so much. i and there's plenty more coming up on this news hour, including a security situation that's slowly getting worse. we'll be reporting from the ask in pakistan border and in support. a record breaking score for this player. as england count down to the defense of the cricket world cup title, the,
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let's turn to bangladesh. a court has found the 2 prominent rights activists or guilty after they published a report a decade ago that accused police of extrajudicial killings. they've been sentenced to 2 years in prison and a $100.00 fine offices, 0 is target. schroeder, he is coming this for us. he joins us from dhaka attempt here. this is less than the 10 years in face in prison that they were potentially facing. tell us a little bit more. i mean about the case on the one hand, but the verdict and what it means of the well yeah, i mean the, the expectation was that they defend themselves handout. it'd be 7 to 10 years. of course it was much less which is a good news, but also have bad news because this is the 1st verdict on anyone under this i see the information communication next section. 57. no one has been sentenced under this case except this to human rights activists. now the defense live site that not
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happy with the verdict that side, but that was not clear, no evidence. all that did was taken documents from the computer. and uh, based on that, for instance, i have your dentist that came out there with this body project actually on, on the other end is also not happy. they wanted to much stay for a sentence and that's a big we let people. so we'll the defense and once the body papers are handed out to them, they will go to the higher called for. do i say now this comes 10 years after a incident in 2013 when the security forces cracked down on their religious my brought some base religious platform pro part of a slam, which was able to materialize hundreds of thousands of people in the capital background on 5th metlife flags, the security for it says track down on does my bounce up people and july, early morning. now it's or hundreds of people are injured. many was the time and of course many died. the number of people died is a very dispute at a band, but some newspaper he had quoted as between 25 human rights us human rights based
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organization site. it's about 58 and all the kind of those who have been tried to this age. 61, and that's what the government was unhappy with, that it's a fabricated number. and some of the images that posted on the human rights websites. so those are distorted. there are tempered rates, they're meant to spread more hatred and create public disturbance. so that was allegation deborah then arrested laser in the month and i dealer on spending $62.00 days in detention. and mrs. not the only loans already spent $25.00 days in detention in those time. i've done that to way that's 10 years ahead of the election. before this judgment was handed out today, so this was going to also have a chilling effect on the federal society and human rights defenders in bangladesh. i had of the election time here. i'm wondering at the center of all of this is an event, as you were explaining more than 10 years ago and which protesters were brutally repressed, multiple people were killed by bangladesh, the law enforcement. and now you have human rights activists who face 2 years of
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jail time. we'll see what it ends up being. they're going to appeal, as you said, the human rights activist, spelled j face jail time. what about the law enforcement? right. the security forces that actually carried out the repression as well. there's been no allegation or cases brought against the law enforcement agencies, number of law enforcement agencies during those time, during the biling period of 2014, did die were killed during those violence. many were range at all so, but non no kind of cases are allegation, was brought against the law enforcement agencies all the in recent days. we have pressure from the you in the us who have put sanction on the rap reduction fairly and especially on the terrace police unit. and also that they said restrictions on buying or that's particularly before the election that people could face baseline
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road sticks. and if the somehow the kind of barrier to a free fair election now the european union parliament, yes that it came out with a motion saying that the human rights situation is continuously deteriorating and bind with that. and they should have died for international and spend the us, the un human rights permissions office. also came out with a statement about the human rights situation environment that's last week. despite all days. the government's ends quite determined to go ahead with prosecution of people under i city act or the new cyber security desk. hundreds of people a lot still are reading try to many of them are journalist, social, media activists, civil society, people who facebook stick. jo sentence a found guilty. so this is a very con, defending issues in the country because many of the journalists failed to come out right, really adapted to self censorship, setting some kind of the information case against them. and that could end up in jail like this 2 active things are quite
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a negative to say out of this party. a lot of people are, you know, kind of apprehensive what would come next. so absolutely, as you were saying, it does send a strong message 10 of your children. thank you for your reporting and all the context around this, this court decision. thank you. are attempts to end the sporadic violence and a palestinian refugee camp in southern lebanon. have failed, at least 6 people have been killed and renewed fighting between factions and i know how a refugee camp this happened as high ranking officials from the warren groups were meeting in beirut, st. ahold our reports, there's nowhere safe and i know holloway, an overcrowded ghetto, where arrival, palace and infections are at war. the shooting and shilling through its narrow streets have turned lebanon's largest refuge account for palestinians into a battle ground. the fact that movement of palestinian presidents, my mood, i best, has long been in charge of security here. the killing of a senior commander in july by armed groups sparked the recent violence,
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and the movement is calling it an attempted cool. leo. this is a warrant against the top as representatives and i know holloway, i think it's a crew against a political and military force that has support inside the capital. it is similar to what happened in gaza in 2007 for the survival. the powers to the movement, thomas is not involved in the fighting. and i know heavily, but it is being accused of backing the arm to groups known as a muslim use an accusation. it denies how my says it's such a senior leader to be able to try to reach a settlement to end the classes. a high ranking official from the palestinian authority is also here both called for a cease fire. but multiple truce agreements have broken down in recent weeks. many attempts have been made to end divisions and the split between the palestinian territories of gaza and the west bank and achieve national reconciliation. but the
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gap between from us and the palestinian authority is wide and political unity remains out of reach to the regional context is important because it's believe to be behind the events. and i know heavily there is a major issue with the dividing policy has nowadays approach more toward instead whether you know the police, cnn should oppose to some kind of a, a piece path toward the 2 state solution or some kind of i've age means i'm on peaceful negotiations, which is typically the position taken by the mold man. there's a fear the conflict could spread to other camps and pose a threat to the whole country if it is not contained. in the words of a fact, the official, this battle is not over san jose, i was just either, i know how do we southern lebanon at least 5 palestinians have been killed in an explosion near the gallons of water with israel. more than 20 others were injured.
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the cause of the blast not immediately knows how this thing is, had gathered to mark the anniversary of israel's withdrawal from the gaza strip in 2005 reports say that is really forces used to a gas and live ammunition to break up the demonstration before the blast occurred north korea's leader is expected into more cities and rushes for eastern regions. kim john own is due to travel to come some most on a more for a tour of the military jet factory. there. the kremlin says kim will also traveled to russia's far eastern port, a bloody ball stock. here's what some of its residents have to say about kim's visit to russia. which it to us deforming guileless for you after the changes we've had in our interior and foreign policies. i guess we're approaching the standards of north korea. i can't evaluate the situation because i'm not an expert in this area, but it's interesting sleeping. you've been to this place go to of course it's interesting when he came in on the train that's already something good to communicate and learn something new sharing experiences. so i support this,
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was it the mutual cause of to be honest, i don't expect any good to come out of it. well, he was a sailor in 1992, we sailed from a lot of people stop to south korea and the north korea. the things i saw that they really did have somebody, somebody unable officials and pakistan have accused taliban leaders in afghanistan of sheltering spiders who are responsible for cross border raids. the security situation on the border and elsewhere and pakistan has killed hundreds of security forces. come, i'll hide our reports from the f. can pakistan border a this is the off the mad of another, a guy going focused on you should go to the, for the wonder director to hush, but did. they include civilly and it's normal about said the tag their job from the then you get the bon focused on or the t t p and come from across the board and no one is done. i need them as a dollar bond for not living up to a promise, say it made to insure it, did it
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a would not be yours for the charge on other nation focused on has unfortunately seen in recent months is spike in violence and the terrorist attacks so most of these attacks are being perpetrated by a t t p, which it has centuries across the border in a fun, his son bug is gone, has already offensive, didn't die. 2600 kilometer rushed in front to prevent infiltration from abundance done. it just because hundreds of millions of dollars and not that gave good stuff but focused on it facing a new, intensified wave over dag for a mobile and story. getting hundreds of it security for this person and but the dollar on leadership across the 2600 kilometer long borders border appears to be unwilling or incapable of addressing focused on concerns. the attack going to focus on the security portion kit drawn by the ttp has claimed several sides
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and operation against it by the security project underway. as reinforcements i sent in the local people also offered to ahead of that at least try the former to go to do a fisher and blame government policy for the newspaper. violence of the government of fucked. his thoughts negotiated with that he could follow bob to the avalon govern this boy. i get an opportunity that he gets on the bottom focused on a to he grew of you have a good, nice recruit and cross or to buck a spot. you have $1.00 bond today, it's not to blame for the judge in violence. if you got a phone from the tcp has no hide us inside of got us done. but despite that talk, hassan accuses i've gotten so i love being used by the to reconcile about pakistan's enemies are within their own country for which we are not responsible.
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we do not allow them to operate from us. oh, sure. but just on expect the while no daughter did to act against a fight there is operating from across the border. and it warns any failure, drag good works in relations between the 2 countries. come all the data, all in the fiber box that you and says it has credible reports of at least 13 mass graves in sedan. it's human rights offices. the bodies buried in the l. jeanina were reportedly victims of attacks by the rapids support forces which has been fighting the army since april. the un mission says the victims were mostly civilians and belonged to the muscle, each community who live in western sedan in eastern chat. earlier the united nation special envoy to sedan volk, portez resigned. this comes months after the head of sedans, willing council of bill fell behind cold by his removal. he had been accused of in flaming the conflict between the army and the parent military. our assess to suit
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and these people inspired see whole world when they bravery up ended 3 decades. i'll stick to a tory on rules in 2019 they need or supports. and sony diary to more than ever need our support in solidarity and pressure rings. and military leaderships to end the war and holding them to account and empowering civilians for an eventual transition to its democratic governments. the still ahead announces 0 no end to the economic crisis in argentina where the monthly inflation rates has reached a 30 year high. i'm gabriel's onto in new york state where one man is swimming for the 500 kilometers down the entire length of the hudson river. coming up, i'll tell you why. and in sport know, we're spite for the world's number one tennis player as he gets ready to represent
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his country at the dates, the fellow we've had some lively storms rumbling away across the western parts of the mediterranean. of reason that you see this area cloud has still popping up some rather wet weather links up with this weather system now making its way across the baltic. states easing into that western side of russia, more heavy rain coming in as we go on through the next dial, 7 heavy right into pushing into island, western positive wells, england. all the way up to will scott's him in attending area of low pressure to sweating away some rough seas added to the far north as governors at west of whether they are full of southern olives. pushing into what wells still a few shells. cosette, eastern side of spain, west the weather for the widespread showers long spells the frame that just around the, the outs, but whatever. so basically,
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so big and heavy shelves to just into ukraine, right? the way up into that western side of russia continues to tricks a little further research as we go through friday price, a little weather coming back. a height of 25 in london. not too bad. it will make the most of it. what's the weather? coming into east, i'm positive on and stuff and there is a scotland moving parts of england and look at those showers still rumbling away across that eastern side of spain. somebody to watch out for hey, it'll be a few showers to get to the far north of morocco. over the next couple of days, i'm tied to your show has west africa of the did. you need to talk to the teams to a sense of belonging to the success ethan is in my system and the every
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day he wrote, keeping communities together. i can do this for 10 am, for incidentals, or just 0 visits for kenyan town of peter that produces some of the worlds fastest runners. and where a terrible crime has led to a reckoning with gender based finance. a sense of community on the jersey to examine the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers, some world class journalists, bring programs to enforce, and inspired on al jazeera, the, the, the,
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the watching else 0 reminder of our top story is this. our in morocco agencies are struggling to reach people stranded in the high atlas mountains. food and supplies are starting to reach communities, but it remains a challenge. a court has found too prominent rights activists guilty after they published a report a decade ago in bangladesh that accused police of extra judicial killings. they have been sentenced to 2 years in prison and a $100.00 fine. the number of people killed by tsunami like flooding an eastern libya has now passed the 6000 heavy rainfall on sunday, caused to dams to burst in the city of throwing up a wall of water, descended on coastal towns and some also del alone guys. spokespersons to the international federation of red cross into red crescent societies. he joins us from geneva, the ser, the search for survivors seems all that over now, especially in during the so what's the priority as we speak?
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yeah, hi and thanks. what are the needs of data where the, the moment the pizza um the find the shes been in a safe place for the thousands of families that mean lost everything with the heavy . so ive been that you just mentioned a way of talking about the, the moment to make shift the shelter and school instead of being things. the ones that are still the few that are still available that hosting people, the bus, the like this is not enough. and then of course, the need suddenly grades were talking about the head of that with another system that needs to be overcrowded and under the pressure on the water and we arrow. so what does the about the signing taishan buyers have because we know that we need to be working at bonds. so to avoid what we call that these us that inside the disaster. so yeah, i'd say, well, they're born diseases and any other possibilities. sure. but do you mean waterborne diseases? is that link to the fact that there are a great many bodies that are potentially still out there and that haven't yet been recovered? when actually it's being paid off that any,
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any disaster when there is no clean water, there is no access to being what or uh and then with that is that over the cottage space is where the, the head of the i think would be of dunn 0 so it would be 3 t and the concern that instead of the you money that you money that you bought. but then of course the dead body management, these are not the side, the beads. and we know that these one of the needs that have gotten to be in the in depth and about those in the area right about during a, a 3rd to a quarter of the city has just been wiped out in ways. frankly, that we don't usually see with natural disasters when i say wiped out, it means the buildings have gone, it means the roads have gone to bridges, etc. and can talk to us about the specific challenges of the given the scale of this disaster, or what i mean. first of all, that your company, you guys, the vios any made you saw shockey was shocking for me even more or you store at least sitting on the study. so what would it be done that are test and coordinates to what are the and it was sending me with, i mean, actually what does that?
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but it's something is in the middle of the airplane to the bottom and probably the to together. which of course of, for a community's been know exactly what does it mean up the bottom ends, but they're a near boss the, it's pretty these pretty shocking. the st. louis, so the solution, the challenges, i would say the logistics is the 1st one. it's best that i should have loved there . they want to go. shop is not there, it could easily be is not there. so of course also the management to, to sponsor it's really complicated. and again, i also think that they, they can be a, be sure and what is up enough is see to not the so we are we, we like these are causes that the seat unfolding. right, were days into this and we still don't have a very accurate picture of, of really the scale of this. thank you so much to most of the longer spokesperson for the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies. thank you . thank you. turning to the environment, now a report from green piece is highlighting the sewage strain. the our oceans are
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under from over fishing, warming and certification. it says fishing areas designated for protection has increased by more than 20 percent since 2018. much of that fishing use is long lines which can be up to a 100 kilometers long. long lines are known for killing mammals, birds, sea turtles, and sharks. it also emphasize the urgent need for ratification of the global ocean treaty that would provide a legal framework to govern the 2 thirds of oceans that are beyond national borders . the treating calls for the immediate protection of severely threatened to areas both in the pacific ocean and the atlantic ocean. dr. laura miller is the ocean policy advisor for greenpeace norton. can she joins us live from helsinki, finland. let's start with this simple question. what happens if we do nothing but if we do nothing, a region already see about the threats, the many threats to our oceans are growing more pressing by the day,
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and they have already pushed life in the oceans to the brink of collapse. we can talk about an ocean prizes or an ocean emergency, and i would not want to think what happens if we do nothing. okay, what would the ocean treaty change? said earlier this year, governments agreed a global ocean treaty. that was a huge victory for the whole international community. either give us a very powerful tool to create ocean centuries that would be for you farm heart, heart and for human activities. and give marine life a chance to recover and to try and to adapt to the rapid changes that are already happening. you know, as these and what governments now must do is move the, the, the powerful to, from paper to the reality, etc,
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and ratify the treaty. so it can enter into force and the regional work of protecting the oceans can start. okay? so as you see, this is all theoretical and it's just a good idea on paper until it gets ratified. where are we on the ratification? and is there anyone who's holding this back, as excitingly next week and is going to be there's going to be a big day on the wednesday uh at the united nations general assembly when the, the treaty was opened to signature for the 1st time. so this is the 1st possibility for countries to sign which sign it, which means that they, they are willing to rectify it and willing to comply with, with its provisions. so, so we are really encouraged by the fact that the treaty was adopted by consensus. so everybody agreed on it and we're really hoping to see a high number of, of countries sign it on the 1st day and then move to the process of rectifying as
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a next step. so let's talk about another example before we get back to this because i think there's a parallel in the fight against climate change. and i understand this is part of that obviously, but in the fight against climate change, there's this widespread agreement that we need to reduce fossil fuels and everybody agrees. and you know, cop after cop climate change conference after climate change conference. countries say yes, we need to reduce our fuel emissions, but actually the world is still increasing. fuel carbon emissions. do you see that happening perhaps in this arena? that's to say, we all ratify the treaty. a majority of countries in the world ratified their ocean treaty and then maybe the actions don't actually match the words or at least the words on paper. oh, certainly. i think we all need to be very, very alert and very a very strong in holding our government's accountable for their performances. and i
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do see how um in, in the like in the awareness of, of the prices. uh, it's definitely on the rise. and i, i do agree with you that unless was the action in real life and then then the, the words on paper would become meaningless. mm hm. all right, dr. laura miller, ocean policy advisor for green peace north. thank you so much and we'll definitely be keeping an eye out when that window opens for treaty ratification. thank you, laura. thank you so much. a british insurance athlete. an environmental list has finished a historic swing, swim the length of the hudson river in new york. louis few covered more than 500 kilometers to highlight the need to protect the world's rivers. i'm sure 0 is gabriel elizondo reports of the on a recent morning lewis pw readies himself for another long day on the water. the
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endurance athlete an environmental activist, is in the middle of a 500 kilometer long swim down the entire length of the hudson river. in new york to raise awareness of the need to clean up polluted rivers around the world. i've been dreaming about assume like this down of big, big river many, many years. and i would open up a big access now look all over the world rivers in asia, and europe and south america in every way full and every single time it would come back to the hudson. it's a one river in the old world, but i can tell a story about over this. feud shows the hudson to highlight it as a success story. as recently as 30 years ago, parts of the river were so polluted, it would have been too dangerous to swim. but through a decades long effort by advocacy groups and the government,
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most of the hudson river is now relatively clean. the new threat now is less about pollution and more about climate, the increase temperatures and the water are going to affect the fish that can live there already here in the hudson. the rainbows smelt you still use didn't have it the river and no longer does because the temperature has already risen beyond the threshold that it can stand. we'll see other species decline and disappear in a similar fashion. but lois's swim down the hudson river highlights our issues, such as the impacts of climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the human causes of contamination. oh, our issues that are relevant to waterways throughout the world. i hope that this when is assume which gets hope to people around the world that this river, which was of sad, is polluted, was turned around. and i hope that they can look and say, with whatever they all in the world and say to themselves. but if they can clean up
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the hudson, why can't we clean up our river? for a man who is putting into action his call to humanity for cleaner rivers and doing it one stroke at a time. gabriel's on do, i'll just need a newburgh, new york. italy is transferring hundreds of migrants away from land, produced an island because it says it cannot cope with the increasing number of asylum seekers and produces reception center is already taking in 15 times more migraines and its official capacity. so they are being moved to sicily. within a 118000 migrants have arrived in italy by boat this year. most of them from north africa and a 5 month old baby died on wednesday after a boat capsized near land produced a judge in the us election interference case. and the state of georgia will decide on thursday, a former president, donald trump, and 18 other defendants will be tried at the same time. they faced more than 40
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charges on attempts to reverse the 2020 election results in the states. like hannah reports from atlanta, its a busy week for fulton county, superior judge customer, kathy, while hearing an ongoing mode of trial, he's also dealing with procedural issues in the wide ranging election record tearing case. he's received a brief from the prosecution, arguing why old 19 defendants should be tried together and will hit the argument on the matter in court on thursday. just mcafee has already ruled that the trial of 2 of the defendants should begin on october. the 23rd trump blind lawyer is kenneth chest broke, and sidney paul had been granted a speedy trial. under georgia, no demands for a speedy trial must be met within 2 months of entering a plea. all the charges are dropped. it's now up to the judge to decide whether the trial on the 23rd of october will involve old 19 defendants. or just the 2 who boss
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full, a speedy trial that could lead to all the defendants being separated into groups. donald trump's lawyers have already given notice that the former president wishes to be tried alone. the judge would also hear prosecution requests that the identities of jersey in the case be kept secret. this comes in the wake of online attacks on members of the special grand jury which met last year and who identified in accordance with georgia tradition. this resulted in an unprecedented decision to withhold the identities of those who are part of a subsequent grand jury that actually recommended the indictment of the 19 defendants. a protection. the prosecution once supported to those selected to hear the trial itself. mike, hannah, i'll just sarah atlanta, the toilet brazil,
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a so called january 8th insurrection is got underway in the capital on wednesday, 11 justices of the supreme court has begun. hearing testimony, former president j, you are both scenarios. supporters stormed government offices earlier this year, calling for a military over throw after his election defeats. nearly 1500 people were arrested on the day of the riots, but many have since been released. the origins, either the inflation rate has passed 120 percent. the highest has been in 30 years . and ahead of next month's presidential election, the central bank says inflation could reach a 169 percent. by the end of the year, teresa bow reports from argentine is capital when a site is argued, time beef is considered to be among the best in the world. but it's become almost an affordable for many people. in argentina, it has gone up by an average of 35 percent in the past month. and the get owns the shopping. the probably is a when a site is the people coming to us for the cheapest cuts because that's all they can
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afford. and all i can give, nothing is cheap. the situation is very complicated. so everyone, this late to spike in prices came up to the government, evaluated the currency by around 20 percent. i can, tina is already struggling with exchange rate controls depleted for in reserves and a massive for him that a few weeks ago you'll be getting several parts of argentina. no matter most of it was the little police decided to defend his property with a shot gun and rubber bullets research open. some of that are not, you know, i was not thinking to killing the one with my head rubber bullets, but it could also happen that in the middle of the kyle, someone opens fire on the population. the growing threat of violence has forced the government to increased cash handouts and tax exemptions to late in the impact of economic hardship on the population. but few believe such short term measures will solve the problem. the presidential elections are a little over a month and
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a half away and the government has no plan and no politicos power to carry out the policies needed despite inflation. and that's why many of the people who talk to in places like this one, are hoping that whomever wins the presidency would be able to control the situation . argentina's inflation rate has been over a 120 percent in the past year. the figure could continue to rise in the weeks ahead when you have a major political reform that will back up the value of a car and see uh, so for that to happen, we need a new government. we need a very credible plan. we need to have reserves in the central bank, and we need to bring down the budget deficit. i mean, everybody knows this from an economic point of view. now you need the political side and the political credibility to do that. often times are now looking to the elections for relief. their choices range from the establishment candidates to radical libertarian economies to have yet to be late. now the surprise frontrunner,
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he's proposing radical meshes to fix economy. ideas that are increasingly resonating among those for tired of the uncertainty they face every day. it is, i will, i'll just see that went outside of education will be made a priority of next week's un general assembly secretary general, antonio gutierrez has raised the issue of increasing number of attacks on students, teachers and schools during arm conflicts is also announced a new partnership with the education above all foundation, that's an initiative set up like a ton of shit for most of the nicer or diplomatic editor james base reports from the united nations. new for the show that last year that was on president and 17 percent rise in the number of conflict relate to the tax on schools and education centers around the world. it's this problem trying to protect education. that was the focus of a high level meeting here at un headquarters. university should be creating
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a free opening. it should be a blast of drawing a place where you have people gathered and discovered their purpose. is you get this word, dreams are realized not destroyed. diversity should never be a tool. we cannot always stop conflicts, but we can ensure that the children of young people leaving several of these guys receive the educational support they need. and we can take steps to ensure they have supported by wealth today and workforce of teaches. and we can invest in digital learning tools and universal means i don't have access to ensure that education can continue. even in the midst of a crisis. there is hope and as i shall be raised next week when global leaders gather here for the high level week of the un general assembly education is one of the un sustainable development goals. but those goals are well behind targets into
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un secretary general says he wants to charge them at the meeting here in new york, james pays out a 0 at the united nations. well, still a head on alpha 0. we've got sport after a brief pause and the action, the rugby world cup is set to restart for the 2nd round of matches. so now how much will be here with that story? after a short break, the, [000:00:00;00]
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starting with the rugby world cup here. so now how much time? thank you very much. a lot, let the 68 year old lead. excuse me. sorry. let's start with the rugby warehouse fonts. are getting ready to kick off their 2nd round of games at the rug be woke up after victory over new zealand. the team will not face uruguay as they continue the effort to win the title for the very 1st time and do it. it's an asthma. french rugby funds have been enjoying a rare insight into the national teams will cut push. the score held a public training session ahead of the 2nd pull game against your wife. the host began this tournaments with an impressive victory over 3 time we'll champions new zealand. this official got the, it's a great feeling to see so many people coming out. so what just what of a city we're in? we can feel the passion of the public. europe like game is sent out as well. you know, we can't wait to take on the challenge. the loss against france was new zealand
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thirsting any will cut pul stage, match the team, and that one to lose. i mean, to get the campaign back on track against the may be, jenny told me mates of will caps and, and, and the mini wise of that. they're exciting guidance because of that. so it's when a new city for us, it's human being and reply to you since a 2007 will captain as a whole, all on new things for us, but will capture about making sure that games are this will go to my, you know, of as you go to a job to do in terms of getting, getting the results defending champion south africa, beach scotland, 183, and they wrote printer and what is going to be the event surface poll? the spring books are also groups with the wealth number. one ranked sea island prior to that encounter comes to certain easier task and then not ship with romania . when you put on the jersey, you're representing yourself and your family, and the 60000000 people instead, africa doesn't matter who we play against. it's
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a tennis match and we have to focus on what do we can do and how we can make if i'm proud your teammates, the coaches, the stuff, and the rest of the world. 2019 quotes, a finalist, japan running 6 truly submitted victory against g. like next step for them. it's england. you kicked their way to victory over the origin. seen on the richardson l g 0. well, englander looking good ahead of the cricket woke up, which begins next month. ben stokes started as a beat new zealand in the said one day international. i have the over the, over on the school, the 182 runs of just a 124 balls for the roll champ. yes, it was the highest of a school by an angry and bassa and a 50 over game in a fine using we're bold out for just the 187. and the winning by 181 runs, they now lead the full not to use to just so that everyone's salt more,
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more on them, you know, they, you know, closer to talk about naples and a very good fee new to them. but you still get to try and put them, you know, the quality of all of the legs in line and not let them unsettling server them into another folder. so i'm putting the pressure back on to them. and so making a go away from their plan a quicker than we did in the 1st we get into some that we want to see point and have sat the coach for non desantos to of to just 6 games and taught photos to. now last so i'll be here on sunday trip to dice the chances of qualifying for next he is your pen championships. santos had previously been in charge of his home country for to go. he left that job following the teams that woke up defeat to morocco. from a spanish football federation, president louis will be out is will appear in court on friday. my sled, jenny, her most so filed a legal complaint last week off to ruby. alice kissed her on the lips following the teams will cup final. when it gets england, england's head code says the behavior of ruby alice has taken the focus away from
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spain's sporting achievement. please need to be listen, do they need to, you know, we need to move on, you know, improve too much. still a long way to go back, not only and say, but i think everywhere. and as many, many players stop at least and still have a lot of challenges, which i think we should work all together and stay connected. he and b h taken steps to make sure it stop plays appear and more games teams face being fined millions of dollars. if more the one big name today is rested without good reason. the rules say that if a fit flat isn't selected, they must still attend the game and be visible defense. and this is ultimately about the fans. and there, we've taken this too far. i mean, this is an acknowledgment that it's gotten away from us a bit. and that, particularly, i think when you see young healthy players who are arresting and it becomes maybe even more,
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no notion of stature around the league as opposed to absolute needed rest. or it's just part of being an m b player that you rest on certain days. and that's what we're trying to move away from. you know, why many tennis players who can pay to the, at the recent a us open are taking a break. know about the joke of it is heading straight back into top level competition. well, number one has joined up with his serbian team, it just days off to his historic grandson type of when in new york, a place is up for grabs in the davis cup finals, the fed 6 year old is expected to lead his team in the upcoming times against spain and the tech republic i took over to won't get to face will number to call us out of campus. and the concepts with spain 20 old, it pulls out of the torments who recover following his us open semi final defeats. his absence was felt by the spaniards as they lost their opening, who faced high against the check for public in violence, and also support for me to send you back to 0. all right,
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so how much they're assigned to thank you so much. and i will be back with more of your world news at the top of the hour. that's after a very short break here on out the on the last year of his son experience, one of the worst floods in the country's history. many ruled communities are still waiting for help. hundreds of people on the outskirts of the city of may have had been living under open skies for a year in last year's floods. this road behind me, those fields,
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the entire area that stretches in this direction was completely submerged. many of the homes and buildings that were destroyed are still rubble. and parts of this district had started the flood once again. the a born in palestine under british rule educated in america, controversial professor in new york. he realized that she was the voice of the people on the 20th anniversary of his desk, which is 0 world explores which made him an influential writer and champion of the palestinian cause. in the west. edward studied out of place on noticing about facing the reality is the un fits of purpose was like many critic sites, just obsolete and doesn't get anywhere near enough done to the amount of money that
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is put into its hard hitting interviews. do you think go to the lines of washington enough for money to go on its own and build its on thoughts providing on for centuries, people have been taken care of are. so i have every confidence that future generations will do it as well via the story on told to how does era the major devastation in libya's east. the immediate focus, no shift to delivering much needed aid to people who been affected the 0 venue. and it's great to have you with us. this is elza 0 life and the also coming up nearly a week after magnitude 6.8 1st quake, hip morocco,
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